Kersaint (JP 🇯🇵: , CN 🇹🇌: )
Ship ID No. 601 Star Rating ★★☆☆☆
Hull Destroyer Rarity Elite
Navy Vichya Dominion Build Time
Enhance Income
Scrap Income
Release Date
Voice actress
Kersaint Description
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
Limit Break
Tier 1
Tier 2
Tier 3
Slot Equipment Type Efficiency (LB 0/1/2/3) Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3) Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
4 Auxiliary - - -
5 Auxiliary - - -
Default Equipments
Fleet Tech
T Destroyer: Vauquelin-class Tech Points and Bonus
Unlock +
Max LimitBreak
Lv.120 +
Icon Name Description Requirements
Liturgia Horarum Increases this ship's AA and ASW by 1.0% (10.0%). Every 20s, activates one of the following effects, chosen at random: 1) Increases this ship's FP and TRP by 10.0% (20.0%) for 10s; 2) Increases this ship's Crit Rate and Crit DMG by 10.0% (20.0%) for 10s; 3) Restores 1.0% (5.0%) max HP to the Iris Libre or Vichya Dominion ship in your fleet with the lowest max HP remaining.
All Out Assault I Activates All Out Assault Ⅰ: Vauquelin-class once every 15 times the Main Guns are fired.
Limited ✓ ✓ ✓
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 沃克兰级驱逐舰—凯尔圣 ノォヌクラン型駆逐艊-ケルサン Vauquelin-class destroyer – Kersaint.
Biography 我是绎垌教廷所属的沃克兰级倧型驱逐舰凯尔圣。圚那次倧战䞭我和塔尔囟等人圚土䌊 呜呜果然是我祈祷埗䞍借吗   ノィシア聖座所属、ノォヌクラン玚倧型駆逐艊のケルサンです。かの倧戊ではタルテュたちず䞀緒にトゥヌロンで あぅ、やっぱり祈りが足りなかったのでしょうか  I am Kersaint, Vauquelin-class large destroyer of the Vichya Dominion. In Toulon during the war, I was forced alongside Tartu and others to... Oh, maybe my prayers weren't fervent enough...
Acquisition 我是沃克兰级倧型驱逐舰凯尔圣。愿鞢尟庇䜑指挥官 讞倚䞍足之倄还请悚倚倚指富  ノォヌクラン玚倧型駆逐艊のケルサンです。指揮官さたにアむリスのご加護があらんこずを  至らぬ私をどうかご指導くださいたせ  I'm Kersaint, a Vauquelin-class large destroyer. May the Iris bless you, Commander... And may you patiently lead me despite my shortcomings...
Login 枅厇尊莵的鞢尟我向悚祈祷。请赐予我们平安的䞀倩并䞔愿神圣的庇䜑䞎指挥官同圚—— 枅く尊きアむリスに祈りを捧げたす。どうか私たちに平穏なる䞀日を賜っおくださいたせ。そしお指揮官さたに神聖なるご加護があらんこずを―― I devote this prayer to the pure, divine Iris. Please let this day be a peaceful one, and please give the Commander your sacred blessing...
Details 祈祷的话黎明前、日出时、从早䞊到䞋午每隔几小时、最后是傍晚和睡前  倧抂䌚进行8次吧  祈りはええず、倜明け前、日の出、朝から昌に数時間毎、倕方に就寝前  8回ぐらいでしょうか  How many times do I pray per day? Well, once at dawn, once at sunrise, every few hours, in the evening before I go to bed... Eight, maybe?
Main 资料攟圚这里就奜吗嘿咻 愿指挥官工䜜顺利—— 資料はええず、ここに眮いおいいでしょうかんっしょ どうか指揮官さたのお仕事が捗るように―― Hmm, can I put the documents... over here? Hup... I hope this makes your work easier, Commander.
Main 2 劂果凯尔圣打扰到悚的话请随时告诉我 那䞪我是指劂果是指挥官䞍知道把视线攟哪奜而困扰这件事  もしケルサンが邪魔でしたらその、い぀でも仰っおください ええず、目のやり堎に困ったら、ずいう意味です  If I'm a distraction, um, don't hesitate to say so... With regards to, erm, certain parts of me...
Main 3 被指挥官看着就䌚手足无措 抱歉郜怪我还没习惯   指揮官さたに芋぀められるずうずうずしちゃうんです すみたせん、私が慣れおいないばかりに   I get so antsy when you stare at me... Sorry, it's my fault for not being used to this.
Touch 劂果可以的话胜让我听听指挥官的烊恌吗 虜然䞍胜保证解决䜆至少祈祷的话   わ、私で良ければ、指揮官さたの悩みをお聞きしたすよ 解決できるかどうかは保蚌できなくおも、祈りぐらいは  I-if you'd have me, Commander, I'm happy to listen to your worries... While I can't guarantee that I'll solve anything, I can at least pray...
Touch (Special) 果果然因䞺这样的身䜓扰乱了指挥官的心吗  や、やっぱりこの䜓が指揮官さたの心を乱しちゃっおいるのでしょうか  A-are my proportions distracting you, Commander...?
Mission 任务枅单圚这里——对对䞍起我䞍是故意碰到悚的手的  /// 任務のリストはこちらに――す、すみたせん、わざず手を觊ったわけじゃないです /// Your mission list is here—S-sorry. I didn't touch your hand on purpose, I promise...
Mission Complete 祝莺悚完成了任务指挥官 报酬芁怎么倄理呢 聖務の完遂、お祝い申し䞊げたす。 報酬はいかがしたしょうか指揮官さた Congratulations on your successful holy mission. What should I do with the rewards, Commander?
Mail 奜像有来信。指挥官胜请悚确讀吗  お手玙が届いたようです。指揮官さた、確認しおいただけたすでしょうか  You've received some letters. Commander, may I ask you to read them...?
Return to Port 感谢䞊倩匕领指挥官平安返回枯区  指挥官也和我䞀起祈祷  怎、怎么样 指揮官さたを無事母枯に導いおくださったアむリスに、祈りず感謝を申し䞊げたす。  指揮官さたも䞀緒に ど、どうですか Thanks and prayers to the Holy Iris for returning our Commander safely to port. Commander, would you like to... j-join me?
Commission Complete 委托的䌙䌎们回来了。 委蚗の仲間たちが戻っおきたした。 The commission team has returned to us.
Enhancement 感谢指挥官 愿鞢尟的庇䜑䞎䜠同圚。 指揮官さたに感謝申し䞊げたす。 アむリスのご加護があらんこずを My thanks to you, Commander. May the Holy Iris's blessing be upon you.
Flagship 愿鞢尟指匕我们   アむリスの導きがあらんこずを  May the Holy Iris guide us!
Victory 是鞢尟垊领我们取埗了胜利谚以歀呈䞊谢意   アむリスが勝利ぞず導いおくださいたした。謹んで感謝を申し䞊げたす The Holy Iris has led us to victory. I'd like to express my sincere gratitude.
Defeat 果果然这样的身䜓是   や、やっぱりこの䜓じゃあ   M-maybe my proportions aren't built for battle...
Skill 圣光于歀星现  聖なる茝きをここに  O holy light, come to me!
Low HP 只芁继续祈祷   祈り続ければ  If I keep on praying...!
Affinity (Upset) 郜是凯尔圣的猘故指挥官才变埗劂歀肆意而䞺 呜呜郜怪我祈祷埗䞍借   ケルサンのせいで指揮官さたがこんなに荒れお うぅ、私の祈りが足りなかったばかりに  It's all my fault that you've become so unruly... Urk, all because my prayer wasn't enough...
Affinity (Stranger) 和䌙䌎们盞比我奜像没什么胜垮到指挥官的 芁是胜通过祈祷赐予祝犏就奜了   仲間たちず比べれば私、あたり指揮官さたの圹に立おそうにないですね せめお祈りで祝犏を賜るこずができれば  Compared to the others, I don't know if I have much help to offer you... If I could just pray enough to send you blessings, then maybe...
Affinity (Friendly) 塔尔囟偶尔䌚问我劂䜕才胜成䞺充满魅力又枩柔的女性。指挥官有什么建议吗我䞍倪明癜   タルテュから時々、どうすれば魅力的でおずなしい女性になれるかっお聞かれおいるんです。指揮官さた、なにかアドバむスがありたすか私には良く分からなくお  Sometimes, Tartu asks me how she can be a more gentle, charming woman. Do you have any advice, Commander? It's honestly beyond me...
Affinity (Like) 圚指挥官看来我已经埈有魅力了吗 我圓然埈匀心䜆劂果因歀劚碍到指挥官工䜜的话那就  䞍䞍芁玧吗 指揮官さたにずっお私は十分魅力的ですか 嬉しいですが、指揮官さたのお仕事の邪魔になるのでしたら別にそんなの だ、倧䞈倫ですか You think I'm plenty charming already...? I appreciate that, but if that means distracting you from your work, I... Y-you say it's fine?
Affinity (Love) 我的魅力胜让指挥官工䜜埗曎顺利 我我明癜了。只芁指挥官想的话随时郜可以叫我。无论是祈祷还是垮忙我郜乐意而䞺。 私の魅力で、指揮官さたが捗るこずもあるかもしれたせんよね わ、わかりたした。指揮官さたのお奜きな時にお呌び立おください。指揮官さたのためなら私、祈りも手䌝いもなんでもしたすからっ There may be times when my charms can help you, right, Commander? Okay, th-then please feel free to call on me whenever you please. I'll do anything for you, be it prayers, help, or anything else!
Pledge 将祈祷献给荣光照耀的鞢尟。愿凯尔圣和指挥官胜获赐氞恒的幞犏  亲爱的指挥官从今埀后也请倚倚指教了。 栄光あるアむリスに祈りを捧げたす。どうかケルサンず指揮官さたに氞久の幞せを賜りたすように  愛しき指揮官さた、どうかこれからもケルサンのこずをよろしくお願いしたす I offer a prayer to the glorious Iris. Please, give me and my Commander eternal happiness... Beloved Commander, please continue to look after me forevermore.
In battle with Vauquelin 并䞍是我自己想长埗这么倧的  奜きで倧きくなったんじゃ  I didn't grow like this because I wanted to...
In battle with Tartu 变成熟的方法这么问我我也  倧人っぜくなる方法私に聞かれおも  How to be more mature? I don't know why you're asking me...
In battle with Honolulu 比起惹県䞍方䟿行劚让我曎讚厌  目立぀より、動きづらくなるこずが嫌ですね  I hate the limited mobility more than standing out...
In battle with Implacable 怚仇小姐怎么才胜劂歀自信呢   むンプラカブルさん、どうしおそんなに堂々ずしおいけるのでしょうか  Implacable, how can you be so confident...?
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 呌 指挥官胜圚这里遇见也是䞊倩的旚意吧  突、突然搭话实圚䞍奜意思。悚打算继续吗劂果愿意的话芁䞍芁和我䞀起跑呢  ふぅ 指揮官さたここで䌚うのもアむリスの思し召しですね ず、突然ですみたせんっ。続きはいかがでしょうか よければ私ず䞀緒に走りたせんか Phew... Commander? So the Iris brings us together once again... I-I'm sorry for being so sudden, but... Would you like to join me on my run?
Acquisition 呌 指挥官胜圚这里遇见也是䞊倩的旚意吧  突、突然搭话实圚䞍奜意思。悚打算继续吗劂果愿意的话芁䞍芁和我䞀起跑呢  ふぅ 指揮官さたここで䌚うのもアむリスの思し召しですね ず、突然ですみたせんっ。続きはいかがでしょうか よければ私ず䞀緒に走りたせんか Phew... Commander? So the Iris brings us together once again... I-I'm sorry for being so sudden, but... Would you like to join me on my run?
Login 呌 哈 向鞢尟祈祷请赐予我们安宁的䞀倩并赐予指挥官源源䞍绝的掻力—— ふぅ はぁ アむリスに祈りを捧げたす。どうか 私たちに安寧の䞀日を賜っおくださいたせ。そしお指揮官さたに、尜きぬ掻力があらんこずを―― *gasp*... *gasp*... A prayer to the Holy Iris. Please... let this day be a peaceful one... and give the Commander... boundless energy...
Details 跑步后是日垞的祈祷 指挥官是芁——回回办公宀吗这这样啊 指挥官䞀早䞊就这么忙的话我还是 我我可以䞀起吗 ランニングの次は日課の祈りですね 指揮官さたは――え、執務宀に戻るのですかそ、そうですね 指揮官さたは朝色々忙しいですから䞀緒には わ、わたしもご䞀緒しおいいのですか After a run, my daily prayers... Commander—Oh, you're going back to your office? I-I see... Your mornings are busy, after all, so we can't... A-actually, may I come with you?
Main 跑步是因䞺嗯减肥 是的因䞺身子挺沉的 指挥官呢 ランニングするのはええず、ダむ゚ットのためです はい、色々ず䜓が重くお 指揮官さたはどうですか I'm running, um, for the sake of losing weight... Yes, I feel a little too heavy in some places... What about you, Commander?
Main 2 听音乐工䜜就䌚曎顺利吗那么 啊刚奜马赛曲小姐掚荐了我赞矎歌。可以请悚 听听看吗  音楜を聞くず捗るのですかでは あ、マルセむ゚ヌズさんが薊めおくださった賛矎歌がありたすね。聞いおみたすか  Does listening to music make running easier? Hmm... Marseillaise did recommend a hymn to me. Would you like to listen?
Main 3 敊刻尔克小姐的点心 确实是隟以抵挡的诱惑 䞀旊匀始吃就停䞍䞋来最后䌚坠萜到糖分超标的地狱 啊呜  ダンケルクさんのお菓子 確かに耐え難い誘惑です 䞀床食べおしたえば手が止たらなくなり、果おには糖分の地獄に堕萜しお あぅ . Dunkerque's sweets... They do tempt me. As soon as I eat one, I'm hopeless to stop, and I end up falling into sugary hell... Eep...
Touch 有什么想顺路逛逛的地方吗  寄りたいずころでもあるのでしょうか  Is there anywhere you'd like to stop on the way...?
Touch (Special) 因䞺出汗变埗比平垞曎沉了  啊呜   汗でい぀もより重くお  あぅ   They feel even heavier from all this sweat... Urgh...
Return to Port 指挥官芁 继续䞋去吗啊我是诎跑步䞍是祈祷真是抱歉悚才刚回来就  指揮官さた、続き したしょうかあ、祈りではなくランニングのこずですっすみたせん、垰還したばかりだずいうのに  Commander, would you like... to keep going? Oh, I mean running, not praying! Sorry. I know you only just got back...
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 指指挥官请请快拊䜏这孩子再这样䞋去䌚撞到悚让悚受䌀的而䞔  哇啊啊奜奜险 啊 感谢鞢尟 呜呜   し、指揮官さた、は、早くこの子を止めおくださいこのたたでは指揮官さたに怪我をさせお うわあああ、危なかった ああ アむリスに感謝を うぅ   C-Commander, p-please hurry and stop this creature! Otherwise! You might! Get hurt! ...WoooooOOOOAH! Phew... That was a close one... Haah... Praised be the Holy Iris... Urgh...
Acquisition 指指挥官请请快拊䜏这孩子再这样䞋去䌚撞到悚让悚受䌀的而䞔  哇啊啊奜奜险 啊 感谢鞢尟 呜呜   し、指揮官さた、は、早くこの子を止めおくださいこのたたでは指揮官さたに怪我をさせお うわあああ、危なかった ああ アむリスに感謝を うぅ   C-Commander, p-please hurry and stop this creature! Otherwise! You might! Get hurt! ...WoooooOOOOAH! Phew... That was a close one... Haah... Praised be the Holy Iris... Urgh...
Login 指挥官快躲匀——哇䞀、䞀看看到悚就停䞋来了  谢、谢谢悚   指揮官さた、避けお――ひゃぅ指揮官さたを芋るなり倧人しくなりたした あ、ありがずうございたす  Commander, watch out – Hyah?! Why did it calm down as soon as it saw you...? Either way, thank you...
Details 指挥官悚有没有什么诀窍可以驯服劚物呢 爱技之心埈重芁䜆是骑乘的决心也埈重芁 诎、诎的也是呢  指揮官さた、動物の手なづけ方にコツずかはありたすでしょうか 慈しむ心は倧事だけど、乗りこなす決心も倧事 そ、そうですよねっ  Commander, do you have any tips and tricks on how to tame animals? ...Loving them is important, but so is having the determination to master them? I-I see...
Main 这身打扮听诎是癜鹰的斗牛士服装 和欧眗巎的完党䞍䞀样呢 真的没搞错吗  この栌奜、ナニオンのマタドヌル衣装だず聞いおたすが ゚りロパのず党然違いたすね 本圓なんでしょうか  I hear this is an Eagle Union matador's costume... But it's so unlike Europa's. Have we verified that claim...?
Main 2 换䞊这身衣服后奜像让指挥官比平时曎担心了 真是倪眪过了  この衣装に着替えおから、い぀にも増しお指揮官さたから心配されおいるみたいです 私っおなんお眪なこずを  You seem even more worried about me since I changed into this outfit. What a sin I've committed...
Main 3 应该先向克莱蒙梭倧人咚询的 没想到照顟劚物这么困隟 䞍对这䞀定是鞢尟的试炌 对对吧  クレマン゜ヌさたに盞談すべきでした 動物の面倒を芋るのはこんなに倧倉だったなんお いいえ、これはきっずアむリスの詊緎 で、ですよね っ I should have discussed this with Lady Clemenceau first. If only I knew caring for animals was such a difficult task... No. This must be a trial given to me by the Iris... Right? Right?!
Touch 芁忏悔吗奜奜的劂果这身打扮也没关系的话  告解ですかは、はいこんな栌奜でもよければ  Do you have a confession? O-okay! If you don't mind that I'm dressed like this!
Touch (Special) 我、我已经䞍胜再劚了  /// も、もうこれ以䞊動けないです  /// I-I can't move another inch...
Mission 曎换牧草和打扫还有今倩仜的挀奶 对党郜是必须完成的任务 牧草の亀換ず枅掃、あずは今日の乳しがりも はい党郚こなすべき聖務です Changing the hay, cleaning the stable, the daily milking... There! A complete list of today's holy duties!
Mission Complete 呌 任务埈蟛苊呢 指挥官也蟛苊了  ふぅ 倧倉な聖務でしたね 指揮官さたもお疲れ様でした   Phew... That holy duty was a tough one. Thank you for your efforts, Commander.
Return to Port 欢迎回来指挥官目前䞀切安奜劂果等䌚儿又暎走的话 届时还胜拜托指挥官吗 呜  おかえりなさいたせ指揮官さた。い、今のずころ無事ですけど、今床暎れ出したら その時はたた指揮官さたにお願いしおもいいでしょうか あぅ  Welcome back, Commander. Th-things seem to be fine right now, but if it gets out of hand later... I hope you'll be willing to help again... Oh, me...
Commission Complete 埗让这孩子圚委托组的䌙䌎回来前安分点才行 哇哇 委蚗の仲間たちが戻っおくるたでに倧人しくさせないず はわわ I'd better keep this creature in check until the commission team returns... Whoa whoa?!
Victory 呜呜呜 总算勉区赢了 䜆是倎奜晕 芁掉䞋去了  う、うぅ なんずか勝おたしたけど 頭がくらくらしお 気が飛んじゃいそうです   Oooh... We managed to win, but I'm so dizzy... I think I'm about to faint...
Defeat 哈哈 总算喘过气来了 呜呜 没想到䌚变成这样   はぁ、はぁ  ようやく萜ち着きたした うぅ こんなこずになるなんお   *pant*... It finally calmed down... Ugh, I can't believe this happened...
Affinity (Love) 虜然埈蟛苊䜆照料劚物也是任务之䞀呢  劂果胜垮助到指挥官的话凯尔圣无论䜕时郜乐乐意党心党意地䞺指挥官奉献  倧倉ですけど、こうやっお動物のお䞖話をするこずも聖務のうち 指揮官さたの助けになるなら、ケルサンは別にい぀たでも よ、喜んで指揮官さたのために党身党霊を捧げたす  It may be hard work, but caring for animals is another holy duty. Besides, if it means helping you... I-I'm always happy to put my heart and soul into any task!
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Login 将祈祷献给荣光照耀的鞢尟请赐予我们平和幞犏的䞀倩。并请赐予我所爱的指挥官神圣的祝犏—— 茝くアむリスに祈りを捧げたす。どうか私たちに平和で幞せな䞀日を賜っおくださいたせ。そしお愛する指揮官さたに、神聖なる祝犏があらんこずを―― Let us pray to the shining Iris. Please give us another peaceful, blissful day, and give your sacred blessings to the Commander...
Details 虜然悚胜和我䞀起祈祷我埈匀心䜆是䞍䞍芁勉区哊  芁是指挥官因䞺我而感到困扰就本末倒眮了 啊呜还请悚原谅   䞀緒に祈っおくださるのは嬉しいですが、む、無理はしないでくださいね 私のせいで指揮官さたが困るのは本末転倒ですから あぅ、どうかお蚱しください  I appreciate your praying with me, b-but don't feel too obligated, okay? It would defeat the point if it caused trouble for you, so... Umm, please forgive me...
Main 圚歀祈祷垌望指挥官胜被赐予集䞭力和灵感—— 指揮官さたに、集䞭力ず閃きを賜りたすようお祈り申し䞊げたす。どうか―― (Let this prayer imbue the Commander with focus and inspiration. Please...)
Main 2 从刚才匀始指挥官的手就停䞋来了呢 隟道是因䞺我——我我我圚想什么䞍纯掁的事啊 /// さっきから指揮官さたの手が止たっおいたすね もしかしお私のこずが――わ、私ずしたこずがなんお䞍玔なこずを っ/// Commander, I noticed you stopped working... Are you distracted by my—Goodness, how can I say such impure things?!
Main 3 䞺什么我䌚坐立䞍安 明明已经习惯了秘乊舰的工䜜 啊呜  どうしお䜓がうずうずしおいるんでしょう もう秘曞艊のこずは慣れおいるはずなのに あぅ  Why do I feel so fidgety? I should be used to being a secretary ship by now...
Touch 芁忏悔吗 明癜了请指挥官诎出所有眪行吧。 告解 ですかはい、指揮官さたの眪、党郚吐き出しおくださいたせ Confession? Of course. Go ahead and tell me all of your sins, Commander.
Touch (Special) 指指挥官  请振䜜点 //// し、指揮官さた  気をしっかりお持ちください //// C-Commander, get a hold of yourself...
Return to Port 想和凯尔圣䞀起祈祷吗奜奜的那么  感谢圚航行䞭保技我们免受风暎的䟵袭匕富我们安党回到枯区还有让凯尔圣的愿望埗以实现给予指挥官信仰  最最后那䞪是我诎错了  /// ケルサンず䞀緒に祈るのですかは、はいでは 航行䞭に嵐から守っおくださったこず、無事に母枯たで導いおくださったこず、そしおケルサンの願いを叶えお指揮官さたに信心を䞎えおくださったこず  い、今のは違うんです /// You'd like to pray with me? O-of course you may! Umm... Thank you for protecting us from storms during our voyages, for leading us safely home to port, and for granting my wish to give the Commander faith... U-umm... Forget you heard that last one...
Victory 诎到匕富我们走向胜利指挥官也䞀样呢 也就是诎也芁感谢指挥官才是 呜  勝利を導いおくださったのは指揮官さたも同じですね ぀たり指揮官さたにも感謝を あぅ  The Commander also helped lead us to victory, so I should thank the Commander, too... Ah, um...