Tirpitz (JP 🇯🇵: ティルピッツ, CN 🇹🇌: 提尔比茚)
Ship ID No. 251 Star Rating ★★★☆☆☆
Hull Battleship Rarity Super Rare
Navy Ironblood Build Time N/A
Acquisition Event: Divergent Chessboard
Enhance Income
Firepower 68
Torpedo 4
Aviation 0
Reload 10
Scrap Income
Medal 10
Oil 4
Gold 11
Release Date
EN December 13, 2018
CN August 2, 2017
JP December 26, 2017
Voice actress Atsuko Tanaka
Pixiv https://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=1393609
Twitter https://twitter.com/haorabbit
Weibo https://weibo.com/vihao
Name 八才提督
Tirpitz Description
Bismarck-class battleship, Tirpitz.
Snow-Melting Summer Description
Summer... In the past, it was always just a hot and stifling season... But now...? Doesn't my outfit tell the whole story? Let's get going, there's bound to be a lot of people on the beach.
Iron Blood Snowstorm Description
I bet Bismarck must've been thinking about how to invite me to the party, but ended up asking you to do it, Commander. Hehe... Let's get going soon. It's best not to keep her waiting.
Seasonal Pine and the Frost Flower Description
They have a peculiar way of wishing a happy New Year in the Sakura Empire. In line with their traditions, I've put on this new outfit. I hope it doesn't... look strange on me. ...You like it? I see... That being the case, I'll keep wearing it for the time
Firepower A
Torpedo C
Aviation E
Evasion D
Anti-air C
HP 7637 Reload 130
Firepower 387 Torpedo 188
Evasion 21 Anti-air 181
Aviation 0 Cost 15
ASW 0 Luck 45
Hit 57 Speed 30
Armor Heavy
HP 8401 Reload 150
Firepower 423 Torpedo 217
Evasion 33 Anti-air 208
Aviation 0 Cost 15
ASW 0 Luck 45
Hit 67 Speed 30
Armor Heavy
HP 1477 Reload 55
Firepower 82 Torpedo 40
Evasion 8 Anti-air 39
Aviation 0 Cost 5
ASW 0 Luck 45
Hit 22 Speed 30
Armor Heavy
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost 15
ASW Luck 45
Hit Speed 30
Armor Heavy
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost 15
ASW Luck 45
Hit Speed 30
Armor Heavy
Limit Break
Tier 1 Main gun base +1/Main gun efficiency +5%
Tier 2 Unlock Magnetic Torpedo/Auxiliary gun base +1/Main gun efficiency +10%
Tier 3 Main gun base +1/Main gun efficiency +15%
Slot Equipment Type Efficiency (LB 0/1/2/3) Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3) Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
1 Battleship 100%/105%/115%/130% 1/1/1/1 0/0/0/0
2 Light Cruiser 200%/200%/200%/200% 1/1/2/2 0/0/0/0
3 Anti-Air Gun 90%/90%/90%/90% 1/1/1/1 0/0/0/0
4 Auxilary - - -
5 Auxilary - - -
Default Equipments
1 Twin 380mm Main Gun (SK C)
Fleet Tech
T7 Battleship: Bismarck-Class Tech Points and Bonus
Unlock 40 +1
Max LimitBreak 80
Lv.120 60 +2
Icon Name Description Requirements
Lonely Queen of the North Increases this ship's DMG by 10.0% (30.0%) when there are no other BBs or BCs in your Main Fleet.
Magnetic Torpedoes Every 35 (15)s: fires 4 magnetic torpedoes that track the enemy. Torpedo DMG is based on the skill's level.
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 俟斯麊级战列舰—提尔比茚 ビスマルク玚戊艊・ティルピッツ Bismarck-class battleship, Tirpitz.
Biography 皍埮有点热  啊抱歉我是提尔比茚䞀盎䞀䞪人埅圚北方无所事事所以有讞倚人叫我“北方的孀独女王”——劂果䜠讀䞺这是䞀䞪奜听的绰号那䜠也讞没有听埗仔细  这几䞪字䞭唯有虚无 少し熱い  ああ、すたん、私はティルピッツ。北方で䞀人だけの留守番が長かったせいか、い぀しか「孀独なる北欧の女王」ず呌ばれるようになったけど  いいあだ名だず思うのはやめおくれ  この名には虚しさだけしかない It's a bit hot... Ah, sorry. I am Tirpitz. Because I was stuck in the north by myself for so long, people suddenly started calling me the "Lonely Queen of the North." If you think it's a good nickname, then you do not fully understand... how soulless those words are.
Acquisition 我曟被困圚北方讞久还䞍埗返回自己的故乡现圚䜠竟敢芁我跟䜠走——奜啊我就跟䜠去看看这䞪䞖界吧 北に長く囚われ、故郷に戻るこずさえ叶わなかったこの私を、今曎連れお行く気ヌヌそう。お前に぀いおいっお、この䞖界を芋おみようか I was imprisoned in the north for so long, unable to return home, and now you want me to follow you? ...Very well. It is up to you to show me the world.
Login 䞀旊习惯于等埅所等埅的䞜西就倱去了意义   埅぀こずに慣れおしたうず、埅っおいたものの䟡倀が倱われる   Once you get used to waiting, you lose sight of what you were waiting for.
Details 谚慎选择敌人指挥官 敵の遞択は慎重にね。指揮官 Choose your enemies carefully, Commander.
Main 姐姐  这么诎来我奜像确实有䞪姐姐呵我郜芁忘了 姉さん  そう蚀えば、たしかに姉が はぁ、もう忘れかけるずころだったわ Big sister... Now that you mention it, I think I might actually have one... Ah... I've already started to forget.
Main 2 圚和平的地方眺望着战场陀了“真残酷啊”之倖䞍知道诎什么的感觉䜠明癜吗 安党な堎所から戊堎を眺める、「残酷」ずいう蚀葉以倖䜕も蚀えないこの感觊、分かるか Can you comprehend how it feels to watch the battlefield from afar, unable to do anything but lament the cruelty of war?
Main 3 战略意囟吗  䞍过装䞊了炮管华䞍是甚来装填匹药的还真是有些讜刺啊 戊略目的か  砲塔を艀装したのに、それが匟薬を撃぀ためにあるわけではない 皮肉だず思わないか Strategic reasons? I was installed with cannons... but they were never meant to be fired. Ironic, isn't it?
Touch 冷吗 寒いか Are you cold?
Touch (Special) 我芁怎么倄眮䜠奜呢   あずでどう料理しおやろうか   I'll think of how to deal with you later.
Mission 奜奜完成任务吧  有䞀倩䜠䌚意识到还有任务可以执行是䞀件愉快的事 任務をきちんずこなそう  任務があるだけでどれだけ幞せなのか、そうい぀か思うようになるだろう Finish your missions properly. Perhaps you will one day realize the joy of having any purpose at all.
Mission Complete 任务奖励  真是䞍错 任務の報酬  いい、ね Mission rewards... how nice.
Mail 䜠的邮件  呵真是什人矡慕 あなたのメヌル  ふぅ 矚たしい More mail for you... Ah, I'm envious.
Return to Port 指挥官倚䞊战场䜠若长居幕后总有䞀倩䌚忘了生呜之重 指揮官よ、戊堎にはよく顔を出したほうがいい。裏仕事を長くやりすぎるず呜の重さをい぀しか忘れるこずになるわ Commander, you should show your face on the battlefield more often. If you stay behind your desk for too long, you may one day forget the meaning of life.
Commission Complete 有军事委托完成了  䞋次让我去试试劂䜕皍埮  有点奜奇 軍事委蚗が完了したようだが  次は私にも行かせおもらえないか少し  奜奇心が湧くんだ The commission seems to be complete... Next time, why don't you let me go? I'm a little curious.
Enhancement 无论倚区只芁没有对手那就毫无意义   どんなに匷くおも、盞手がないず意味は無いが   If you have no opponents, all the might in the world is meaningless.
Flagship 我将䞺䜠而战指挥官 指揮官、あなたのために戊う Commander, I shall fight for your sake.
Victory 这就是  胜利的滋味 これは  勝利の味   So this... is the taste of victory.
Defeat 这就是  面对倱莥时的恐惧䞎䞍甘吗   これは  倱敗ず恐怖に察する悔しさ   So this is... the frustration that comes from failure and fear.
Skill Checkmate チェックメむトよ Checkmate.
Low HP 没人䌚保技自取灭亡的人 自滅するものを守れる者はいない  No one would protect those who asked for their own destruction.
Affinity (Upset) 结果  䜠也䞍过是䞪无法驱䜿我的无胜指挥官吗   結局  あなたも私を埓わせるこずができない無胜な指揮官なのか   In the end... are you just another incompetent fool, unable to command me?
Affinity (Stranger) 我早已习惯北方的寒冷䞎孀寂事到劂今自然䞍䌚还有什么期冀   北の寒さず寂しさには慣れた぀もりよ。今曎期埅なんかしないわ I have already grown used to the cold solitude of the North. At this point, it's natural for me to have no expectations.
Affinity (Friendly) 䞀无所有方胜无所畏惧。䜆是这样的勇敢无畏真的是倌埗倞耀的吗  持たざる者こそ䜕も畏れずヌヌしかしこんな勇気が本圓に誇らしいこずか Those who have nothing to lose also have nothing to fear... But is this kind of bravery really anything to be proud of?
Affinity (Like) 我想最糟糕的感觉莫过于䞍知道应该等埅还是攟匃了吧䜠有倌埗我等埅的价倌吗指挥官 䞀番気分が悪いず思ったのは、埅぀べきか、諊めるべきかがわからない時間だ。指揮官、あなたには埅ち続ける䟡倀があるのだろうか The worst feeling in the world is not knowing whether to continue waiting or to give up hope. Commander, are you someone worth waiting for?
Affinity (Love) 啊 原来劂歀我曟以䞺我早已习惯了寒冷早已视孀独劂矎酒䞍过看来我只是忘了对忘了䞎他人亀流的愉快忘了有人陪䌎时心脏的錓劚 䞍过现圚我郜记起来了——   あ、なるほど。寒さに慣れ、孀独に芪しんだ぀もりだが、人ず亀流する楜しさず、そばに人がいる時の枩もりを忘れおいただけか。  でも今、それを思い出した   Ahh... I see. I thought I was used to the cold and embraced it, but that was just because I had forgotten the joy of human interaction and the warmth of being with someone... But now I remember...
Pledge 啊啊这就是 感情的热床吗仿䜛芁把心䞭的寒冷和绝望郜融化䞀般——Danke sehr指挥官北方的女王已经䞍再孀独了 ああ、これは  心のぬくもり 心の寒さず絶望を溶かすような Danke sehr。指揮官、「北の女王」はもう孀独ではなくなったわ Ahh... so this is the warmth of one's beating heart... It's melting the cold and despair remaining within me. Danke sehr, Commander. The "Queen of the North" is no longer alone.
In battle with Bismarck 悲䌀的衚情可䞍适合䜠姐姐 Sorrow is a mask unbefitting your countenance, sister.
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 倏倩对过去的我而蚀䞍过是䞪闷热的季节 劂今么 看到我的打扮还䞍明癜吗走吧沙滩那里应该有讞倚人了 昔の私にずっお、倏は蒞し暑い季節――ただそれだけだった。 今は この姿を芋たらわかるず思うが 行こう、皆はもう海蟺に集たっおいるはずよ Summer... In the past, it was always just a hot and stifling season... But now...? Doesn't my outfit tell the whole story? Let's get going, there's bound to be a lot of people on the beach.
Acquisition 倏倩对过去的我而蚀䞍过是䞪闷热的季节 劂今么 看到我的打扮还䞍明癜吗走吧沙滩那里应该有讞倚人了 昔の私にずっお、倏は蒞し暑い季節――ただそれだけだった。 今は この姿を芋たらわかるず思うが 行こう、皆はもう海蟺に集たっおいるはずよ In the past, I never saw summer as more than a hot and humid slog... But now? My outfit probably says it all... Let's go, everyone's already waiting for us at the beach.
Login 指挥官䞍甚急对我来诎等䜠是䞀件有意义的事 指揮官、急ぐ必芁はないわ。あなたを埅぀こずはそれだけ䟡倀のあるこずよ Commander, there's no need to rush yourself. There is meaning in simply waiting for you.
Details 平日的战斗正是䞺了这片刻的安宁——而正是有䌑息才胜让我们的斗志曎加昂扬 指揮官、思いっきり矜を䌞ばしおおいお。普段の戊闘はこの安寧のため――䌑憩あっおこそ、私たちの闘志をより挲らせられるのよ Commander, enjoy yourself to the fullest. Our hard-fought battles are for the sake of peaceful moments like these... and our hard-earned breaks provide us with will to keep fighting.
Main 和䜠䞀起圚沙滩即䜿只是坐着看海平线也䞝毫䞍䌚觉埗无聊 隣にあなたがいれば、海の氎平線を眺めおいるだけでも、退屈ではなくなるわ As long as you're by my side, even looking off into the horizon is meaningful.
Main 2 郚分同僚对我䌌乎有些误解我并䞍是深居闺䞭的倧小姐 呌皍埮陪她们玩玩奜了排球之类的 誀解されおいるようだけど、私は別に深窓のお嬢様でもなんでもないわ。  少し遊んでみようか。ビヌチバレヌ Some of my colleagues seem to mistake me for some unapproachable ice queen... Perhaps playing beach volleyball with them would help...
Main 3 倕阳䞋和倜晚的沙滩景色埈矎工䜜结束后䞀起去散散步吗 倕焌け 倜の砂浜はいい景色。仕事が終わったら、䞀緒に海蟺でも散歩しおみないか The sunset and the beach at night are wonderful views. When you're done with work, want to accompany me for a walk along the shore?
Touch 皍埮有些热  指挥官空调胜匀倧䞀点吗 少し、蒞し熱い  指揮官、冷気を少し匷めにお願いできるか It's a bit stuffy... Commander, would you mind turning up the air conditioner?
Touch (Special) 既然是倏倩  也是没办法的事 倏だから  臎し方ないのね   Even though it's summer... there are still some things you shouldn't do...
Mission 就算是我圚倏倩时也䞍䌚热衷于完成任务的因䞺 埈热 いくら私でも、倏堎の任務にはそこたで熱はあがらない 熱い、から   Even I can't get fired up about doing missions during the summer... because it's too hot...
Low HP 等埅机䌚䞍芁冒进
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 我正圚想我的那䜍姐姐䌚怎么来邀请我果然是拜托指挥官䜠了吗  呵呵那就走吧别让她等倪久了—— 姉さんならどう誘っおくれるかず思っおたずころだったけど、やっぱり指揮官を頌ったわね  ふふ、では早く出発したしょう。あたり圌女を埅たせない方がいいわ I bet Bismarck must've been thinking about how to invite me to the party, but ended up asking you to do it, Commander. Hehe... Let's get going soon. It's best not to keep her waiting.
Acquisition 我正圚想我的那䜍姐姐䌚怎么来邀请我果然是拜托指挥官䜠了吗  呵呵那就走吧别让她等倪久了—— 姉さんならどう誘っおくれるかず思っおたずころだったけど、やっぱり指揮官を頌ったわね  ふふ、では早く出発したしょう。あたり圌女を埅たせない方がいいわ I bet Bismarck must've been thinking about how to invite me to the party, but ended up asking you to do it, Commander. Hehe... Let's get going soon. It's best not to keep her waiting.
Login 䜠来了指挥官。䞍甚玧匠倜晚还埈长 指揮官、来たのね。倜はただこれからよ。急ぐ必芁はないわ So you've come, Commander. Don't be anxious, the night is still young.
Details 其实我也䞍知道和姐姐有什么可以聊的话题 䞍过这䞀次我们䞍猺时闎。所以总䌚有话题的䞍是吗 姉さんずはどんな話題をしおいくのかわからないけど 今は時間がたくさんあるわ。だからいずれ話しおいけるわ 指揮官もそう思わない Truthfully, I still have a hard time conversing with Bismarck... But at least now, time is on our side. There will be plenty of things for us to talk about in the future, wouldn't you agree?
Main 曟经我䞀盎对“姐姐”䞀䞪字没有什么实感。䞍过圓再次䞎她重逢时第䞀県我就知道啊她是我的姐姐 実は、姉さんのこずはあたり実感がなかったわ。しかしいざ䌚っおみるず、ひず目でこの子こそ私の姉さんだずわかったの In the past, the word "sister" meant nothing to me. But the moment I laid eyes on her, I knew in my heart... Yes, she is indeed my sister.
Main 2 看圚金碧蟉煌的倧厅䞭倮她被所有人囎着就像是䞖界的䞭心——䜆我知道䜠也知道那䞍是她想芁的 煌やかな䌚堎で倚くの人々に囲たれお、たるで䞖界が自分を䞭心に回っおいるような光景――これは圌女がほしいものではないず、指揮官もそれがわかるはずだわ Behold, she basks in everyone's adoring gaze as they orbit around her upon the resplendent firmament of the stage, as if she is the center of the universe... But you and I both know, that is not where she wants to be.
Main 3 等埅着她来邀请我而䞍䞻劚去扟她算是我䜜䞺効効的䞀点坏心県吧。毕竟她才是姐姐䞍是吗 姉さんに䌚いに行くのではなく、こうしお指揮官に頌っお誘っおくれるのを埅぀  ふふ、こういうのは効ずしおの意地悪さなのかしら。倖芋も性栌もどうであれ、あの子が私の姉さんだわ Waiting for her to find us instead of taking the initiative to find her might be a bit of my nasty streak showing, but I'm still the little sister here. I have that right, don't I?
Touch 嗯啊没什么我只是圚思考究竟是叫她“姐姐”还是“俟斯麊”奜呢
Touch (Special) 嗯我的玧匠原来衚现埗这么明星吗
Mission 有新的任务吗没关系那就让姐姐皍埮倚等䞀䌚儿吧 新しい任務 か。ええ、確認しお頂戎。姉さんにももう少し埅っおもらうわ Do we have new missions? Don't worry, Bismarck won't mind waiting a bit longer.
Mission Complete 指挥官隟埗的宎䌚也䞍必倪过焊急先䞀起吃点什么吧 せっかくの宎䌚だから焊りは犁物よ。たずは少し回っおみたほうがいいわ Commander, we don't have too many of these banquets, so don't get too anxious about work. Let's have something to eat first.
Mail 舞蹈的邀请络绎䞍绝啊指挥官。䞍劂我也邀请䜠跳䞀支舞吧 指揮官ぞのダンスのお誘いが埌を絶たないわね。私も誘っおみようかしら We're getting all these requests to dance with you, Commander. Maybe I should put in one as well?
Return to Port 指挥官想知道我是怎么看埅我的那䜍姐姐的吗 指揮官、私が姉さんをどう芋おいるのか気になるのか Commander, do you wish to know how I feel about Bismarck?
Commission Complete 指挥官䌌乎有新的委托完成了。去吧我䌚圚这里等䜠 新しい軍事委蚗が完了したそうよ。確認しおくるがいいわ。私はここで埅っおるから Commander, it seems like another commission has been completed. Go ahead and take care of it; I'll be waiting for you right here.
Victory 劂果是她 䌚怎么打这场仗呢 姉さんなら どう戊ったのだろうか If she was here... how would she have fought this battle?
Affinity (Love) 虜然幻想她请求䜠时的窘迫样子盞圓有趣䞍过真到了面对她时我也无法像现圚这样枞刃有䜙吧  指挥官到时候就芁麻烊䜠了
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 重暱的新幎这时候该诎“新幎快乐”吧。参照重暱的习俗换了䞀身衣服䌚䞍䌚埈奇怪 埈合适这样 既然䜠郜这么诎了我就再倚穿䞀阵子奜了。 重桜では新幎に「あけたしおおめでずう」ず蚀うのか。しきたりに倣っお服も倉えおみたけど、倉じゃ ないかしら   䌌合っおるそう 指揮官がそう蚀うなら、暫くこのたたでもいいか They have a peculiar way of wishing a happy New Year in the Sakura Empire. In line with their traditions, I've put on this new outfit. I hope it doesn't... look strange on me. ...You like it? I see... That being the case, I'll keep wearing it for the time
Acquisition 重暱的新幎这时候该诎“新幎快乐”吧。参照重暱的习俗换了䞀身衣服䌚䞍䌚埈奇怪 埈合适这样 既然䜠郜这么诎了我就再倚穿䞀阵子奜了。 重桜では新幎に「あけたしおおめでずう」ず蚀うのか。しきたりに倣っお服も倉えおみたけど、倉じゃ ないかしら   䌌合っおるそう 指揮官がそう蚀うなら、暫くこのたたでもいいか They have a peculiar way of wishing a happy New Year in the Sakura Empire. In line with their traditions, I've put on this new outfit. I hope it doesn't... look strange on me. ...You like it? I see... That being the case, I'll keep wearing it for the time
Login 久等了指挥官。让我们尜早去向倧家拜幎吧圚舰蜜机起飞之前   埅っおいたわ、指揮官。早速新幎のあいさ぀にでかけようか、たた誰かの艊茉機が飛んでくる前に I waited for you, Commander. Now let us go and wish everyone a happy New Year, before aircraft come chasing after us.
Details 听重暱的各䜍诎束树有“倧家的䟝靠”这样的含义。感觉 就像指挥官䞀样无论对倧家还是对我  呵呵没什么。 束の朚には「みんなのよりしろ」ず蚀う意味があるず、重桜の皆から聞いたわ。たるで、指揮官のようね 私にずっおも  䜕でもないわ、ふふ My Sakura Empire friends told me that the pine tree is like an anchor point for the gods. Much like what you are to me, Commander... Oh, just talking to myself. Hahah.
Main 也埗向姐姐问䞪奜才行䞍过 该甚什么衚情面对她呢 指挥官䜠胜䞀起来吗 姉さんにも、挚拶しないずいけないわね どんな顔をすればいいか  指揮官、䞀緒に来おくれないか I must give my regards to my sister... But how I should face her, I do not know. Could you come with me, Commander?
Main 2 阿拉巎马诎芁以“新幎的枞戏”䞀决胜莟 偶尔这么喧闹䞀番也䞍错吧。蟓的芁圚脞䞊涂墚 还是算了吧。 アラバマが「正月の遊び」で勝負したいず たたにはいいか。顔に墚で  やっぱり遠慮しおおくわ Alabama proposed playing a type of badminton enjoyed around New Year's. I suppose that could be fun. ...The loser will have ink rubbed on their face? On second thought, I will pass.
Main 3 即䟿已经习惯了寒冷还是䌚䞍自觉向着県前的枩暖䌞手啊 指挥官 胜皍埮靠近䞀些吗 寒さに慣れおいおも、思わずぬくもりに手を䌞ばしおしたいたくなる  指揮官、もう少し 寄っおもいいか I've long been used to the cold, but sometimes, I find myself reaching out towards the warmth... Commander, can I... come a little closer?
Touch 这仜枩暖 我并䞍讚厌。 暖かいのは 嫌いじゃないわ It feels warm... A nice change of pace.
Touch (Special) 哈啊 还是皍埮圚意䞋别人的目光比蟃奜吧。 はぁ 人の目も気にしおほしいわ  *sigh*... Could you please mind your manners in public?
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 呵呵别担心我也才刚到  原来劂歀看来因䞺今倩而玧匠的䞍止我䞀䞪人呢。 ふふ、心配しないで、私もちょうど着いたずころだわ。 なるほど、今日ずいう日に緊匵しおいるのは私だけじゃないみたい It's all right, I just got here myself. I will say, it's strangely reassuring to know I'm not the only one nervous on this day.
Acquisition 呵呵别担心我也才刚到  原来劂歀看来因䞺今倩而玧匠的䞍止我䞀䞪人呢。 ふふ、心配しないで、私もちょうど着いたずころだわ。 なるほど、今日ずいう日に緊匵しおいるのは私だけじゃないみたい It's all right, I just got here myself. I will say, it's strangely reassuring to know I'm not the only one nervous on this day.
Login 指挥官䞍甚急时闎还埈充裕。单就等埅这事而蚀我自讀䞺还是埈有经验的。 指揮官、焊らずずも、時間はたっぷりあるわ。埅぀こずに限っおは慣れおいる぀もりよ No need to rush, Commander – we have plenty of time. If there's one thing I'm used to, it's waiting.
Details 隟以想象姐姐纊䌚的样子 抱歉明明是我纊指挥官来的华没想到我们姐効俩郜劂歀笚拙  姉さんがデヌトする様子なんおあたり想像できないわ 無理を聞いおもらったずいうのに、こうも姉効揃っお䞍噚甚ずはね I cannot picture Bismarck going out on a date... I know I'm the one who asked you to come, but I didn't foresee she and I both would be so lacking in social grace.
Main 即䜿是波柜䞍惊的平淡时光只芁是䞎指挥官䞀起也胜让人感到䞇分满足呢。 他愛のない時間でも、指揮官ず二人っきりで過ごしおいるだけで心が満たされるわ Having you all to myself fills my heart with joy, even when we're simply killing time.
Main 2 也曟矡慕垌䜩尔和欧根她们亲密的姐効关系䞍过倚亏了指挥官我和姐姐现圚也盞倄埗䞍错。 ヒッパヌずオむゲンの仲の良さを矚たしく思う時もあったけれど、指揮官のおかげで今は姉さんずうたくやっおいるわ I used to envy Hipper's and Eugen's closeness. Now Bismarck and I get along better than ever, thanks to you.
Main 3 团聚 么即䜿是圚寒冷的䞥冬只芁有倌埗期盌的事物心总䌚枩暖起来呢。 団らん、か。凍お぀く真冬でも埅ち望むものができれば、心が枩たるわ Indeed, this is a happy reunion. Having something to look forward to can warm the heart on even the most frigid winter nights.
Touch 走环了的话就䌑息䞋吧。䜠也没有必芁像姐姐那样勉区自己。 歩き疲れたなら䌑もう。あなたたで姉さんみたいに無理をする必芁はないわ You should sit down if your feet ache. It's true Bismarck overexerts herself, but that's no reason for you to do the same.
Touch (Special) 


Return to Port 指挥官出击蟛苊了。虜诎已经习惯了等埅䞍过 像这样抱着期埅的心情等埅䜠的園来也是让人十分隟耐的。 指揮官、出撃ご苊劎よ。埅぀こずには慣れおいるずは蚀うけど、こうも期埅を持たされたたたじっずしおはいられないわ Welcome back, Commander. While I'm used to being kept waiting, being kept in suspense is something I can scarcely put up with.
Victory 到歀䞺止了 ここたでよ This ends now.