Bismarck (JP 🇯🇵: ビスマルク, CN 🇹🇌: 俟斯麊)
Ship IDNo. 250Star Rating★★★☆☆☆
Hull BattleshipRaritySuper Rare
NavyIronbloodBuild Time
AcquisitionEvent: Scherzo of Iron and Blood
Enhance Income
Scrap Income
Release Date
Voice actressAyaka Fukuhara
Bismarck Description
Bismarck-class battleship – Bismarck.
Beacon of the Iron Blood Description
My sincerest apologies for the delay, Commander. Ah, excuse me... as the fleet leader of the Iron Blood, I'm expected to wear this outfit to various formal occasions. Just putting it on seems to make me inadvertently change the way I speak...
HP1456 Reload56
Firepower82 Torpedo0
Evasion8 Anti-air39
Aviation0 Cost0
ASW0 Luck32
HP6503 Reload108
Firepower207 Torpedo0
Evasion32 Anti-air147
Aviation0 Cost0
ASW0 Luck33
Limit Break
Tier 1Main gun base +1 | Main gun efficiency +5%
Tier 2Secondary Gun base +1 | Main gun efficiency +10%
Tier 3Main gun base +1 | Main gun efficiency +15%
SlotEquipment TypeEfficiency (LB 0/1/2/3)Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3)Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
2Light Cruiser180%/180%/180%/180%1/1/2/20/0/0/0
3Anti-Air Gun90%/90%/90%/90%1/1/1/10/0/0/0
Default Equipments
1Twin 380mm Main Gun (SK C)
Fleet Tech
T7 Battleship: Bismarck-ClassTech Points and Bonus
Unlock40 +1
Max LimitBreak80
Lv.12060 +2
WahrheitThis ship's first Volley will always Critically Hit. While equipping a CL Gun in the Auxiliary Weapon slot: sets the Range of the CL Gun to 65 (90) and decreases their DMG by 35%.
Unwavering StrengthWhen this ship fires a Salvo while sortied as the Flagship: 40.0% (70%) chance to fire a special barrage. Also increases the DMG of all your Iron Blood Carriers by 10.0% (20.0%) .
Will of the Iron BloodIncreases the Main Gun, Torpedo, and Airstrike Crit Rate of all your Iron Blood ships by 4.0% (20.0%) , increases their RLD by 4.5% (12.0%) , and increases Tirpitz's DMG by 20.0% (40.0%) .
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description俟斯麊级战列舰—俟斯麊ビスマルク玚戊艊・ビスマルクBismarck-class battleship – Bismarck.
Biography被冠以俟斯麊之名的铁血战列舰就是我。凭借着铁血匏的防技和装甲讟计无论是圚哪里我郜䌚展现出自己最区的实力的䜠芁期埅的话也䞍是䞍可以ビスマルクの名を預かる鉄血戊艊がこの私よ。鉄血匏の防埡ず装甲蚭蚈で、どんな戊堎でも最高の実力を発揮しおみせる。期埅しおもいいわよI am the Iron Blood battleship entrusted with the name Bismarck. Allow me to prove that Iron Blood engineering is the finest in the world, no matter the battlefield. Eager to see for yourself?
AcquisitionGuten Tag我是俟斯麊我的埡敌经验可是盞圓䞰富的有疑问尜管请教我就奜Guten Tag、私はビスマルク。敵ずの戊闘経隓なら結構あるわ。問題あれば私に聞いおくれGuten Tag, I am Bismarck. I have fought many foes on many fronts. You may call upon me whenever there is a problem.
Login我对䜠也是抱有期埅的あなたには期埅しおいるわよI look forward to working with you.
Details我的脞䞊沟了什么吗私の顔に䜕か぀いおいるのかIs there something on my face?
Main有困扰吗我的战斗经验埈䞰富的困っおる私の戊闘経隓で圹に立おるかIs there a problem? Perhaps my combat experience could prove useful?
Main 2“莱茵挔习”吗对我来诎是䞪䞍奜的回忆呢「ラむン挔習」かあたりいい思い出ではないようね "Operation RheinÃŒbung?" I don't have fond memories of it...
Main 3指挥官又䞀脞懈怠的衚情了来抬倎挺胞睁倧県睛埈奜指揮官ただ気怠い顔しお さあ、頭をあげお、胞はしゃんず、目ははっきりよしSuch a slovenly expression, Commander. Now! Lift your chin, puff out your chest, and let me see those eyes! Hut!
Touch䞍芁随意地觊碰别人人を気安く觊らないでKeep your hands to yourself.
Touch (Special)我只是䞍擅长将感情衚现出来请䞍芁故意逗我  私、感情衚珟が苊手なだけ。あたりからかわないで  I... am not good at expressing myself. Please do not tease me on purpose...
Mission没做完任务的人没资栌䞊战场任務もこなせない人間に戊堎に出る資栌はないわ。Those who cannot finish their missions have no right to stand on the battleground.
Mission Complete任务的报酬是必芁的報酬はここに眮いたわよ  I'm leaving the mission rewards over here...
Mail尜快查阅新邮件新しいメヌルは早めに確認しおBe diligent about checking your mail.
Return to Port蟛苊了皍埮攟束䞀䞋吧お疲れ様、少しゆっくりしおいいわYou've done well. You've earned your rest.
Commission Complete  委托组回来了我先去迎接她们了  委蚗組が垰っおきたようね。先に迎えおくるわ... The commission team has returned. I'll go greet them first.
Flagship倧家请务必玧随我别跟着欧根走了。对面的䞍管倚少尜管来吧オむゲンではなく、私に぀いおきおさあ、盞手がどれだけ倚かろうが、䞀気にかかっおこいFollow me, not Eugen. Come – we shall face our opponents, no matter how numerous they may be!
Victory匱者可胜䌚䞺歀而欣喜䞍过我埈区匱いものならこの栄誉に喜ぶかも知れないが、私は匷いからなSuch honors may please a weakling, but I am strong.
Defeat玷污我骄傲的眪就圚䞋回以呜赎枅吧私のプラむドを傷぀けた眪は 次は呜で償っおもらうわよFor tarnishing my pride... next time, you will pay with your lives.
Skill真理只圚我的射皋范囎内我の射皋内にのみ真理ありTruth can only be found within our range!
Low HP倧家  郜来我的身后みんな  私の埌ろに隠れおいおEveryone, get behind me.
Affinity (Upset)请让我䞀䞪人静䞀静䞀人で静かにしおくれStay out of my sight.
Affinity (Stranger)我可䞍是那么容易取悊的!私、そう簡単に喜ばないわよI am not so easily impressed.
Affinity (Friendly)䜠是䞪䞍错的指挥官呢  怎么了我倞人埈少见吗  是䜠倪倧惊小怪了あなた、いい指揮官ね  なに私が人を耒めるのはそんなに珍しい  いちいち反応しすぎよYou're not a bad commander... What? Is it so strange for me to give compliments? ... You're simply overreacting.
Affinity (Like)怎么了䞀盎盯着我看我的脞䞊有什么吗挂亮  谢谢じっず芋おお䜕があるの私の顔に䜕か付いおいる綺麗  あ、ありがずうWhy are you staring at me? Do I have something on my face? I'm pretty, you say...? Um, thank you...
Affinity (Love)我  对于感情衚现䞍倪拿手䜆是  我想让䜠知道胜看到䜠圚身蟹我就十分幞犏  私  感情衚珟があたり埗意ではないけど、しかし  あなたには知っおほしい。あなたのそばにいる私が幞せだずいうこずを  I... know that I'm not the best with words, but.. I want you to know that... I enjoy being at your side...
Pledge 指挥官 这种时候我该露出什么衚情比蟃奜——埮笑  吗 指揮官、こういう時どんな顔すればいいかわからないのヌヌ笑えば  いいのか... Commander, what kind of expression should I have at a time like this? I should... just smile?
Like Presentあぁ...
Dislike Present
Main Title
In battle with Tirpitz提尔比茚  对䞍起ティルピッツ  ごめんなさいTirpitz... forgive me...
In battle with Prinz Eugen欧根䞍芁玩埗倪过火オむゲン、遊びはほどほどになさいEugen, don't go overboard with your games.
In battle with !UNKNOWN! (4)没有人胜阻挡铁血的行军没有人鉄血の進軍は誰であろうず止められないわNo one can stop the march of the Iron Blood.
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description让䜠久等了指挥官。  啊䞍奜意思这是我需芁䜜䞺领富者出垭各种场合时穿的正装穿䞊它时总䌚䞍自觉地进入这种状态卿を埅たせたな。  ああ、すたない、これは鉄血艊隊の指導者ずしお行事に参加した時の正装ね。こうしお着おいるず぀い぀い喋り方たで少し倉わっおしたうわMy sincerest apologies for the delay, Commander. Ah, excuse me... as the fleet leader of the Iron Blood, I'm expected to wear this outfit to various formal occasions. Just putting it on seems to make me inadvertently change the way I speak...
Acquisition让䜠久等了指挥官。  啊䞍奜意思这是我需芁䜜䞺领富者出垭各种场合时穿的正装穿䞊它时总䌚䞍自觉地进入这种状态卿を埅たせたな。  ああ、すたない、これは鉄血艊隊の指導者ずしお行事に参加した時の正装ね。こうしお着おいるず぀い぀い喋り方たで少し倉わっおしたうわMy sincerest apologies for the delay, Commander. Ah, excuse me... as the fleet leader of the Iron Blood, I'm expected to wear this outfit to various formal occasions. Just putting it on seems to make me inadvertently change the way I speak...
Login公务郜倄理完成了吗指挥官執務の進捗具合はどうだ指揮官How's your work coming along, Commander?
Details抱歉指挥官是䞍是感觉和平时的我差埈倚事实䞊我有时候也䌚想到底哪蟹才是真的我呢  すたない、指揮官、い぀もの私ず違うず思った私も時々、どちらの私が本圓の私なのか迷うくらい  Apologies, Commander. Am I acting differently from usual? At times, I don't even know which is the real me...
Main指挥官胜垮我邀请䞀䞋提尔比茚吗抱歉我  䞍知道该怎么亲自去邀请她指揮官、ティルピッツを誘っおもらえないかしら ああすたない、私、あの子をどうやっお誘えばいいか分からなくお Commander, would you invite Tirpitz for me? Apologies, I'm... still not sure how to ask her myself.
Main 2我只芁像这样坐圚这里皍埮露出䞀些笑容埈倚人就䌚心满意足  䜆那只是因䞺我是铁血舰队的领富者私がここに座っお埮笑むだけで、満足する人がたくさんいるわ。  私が鉄血艊隊の指導者であるだけで、ねI can keep a lot of people satisfied merely by sitting here with a smile... but only because of my status as the fleet leader of the Iron Blood.
Main 3䜜䞺领富者有时候䞍埗䞍诎䞀些违心的话做䞀些违心的事  指挥官氞远䞍芁忘了自己是谁指導者ずしお、時には思っおもいないこずを蚀葉にし、やりたくもないこずを行動に倉える  卿も、自分が䞀䜓どういう存圚かくれぐれも忘れないでAs a leader, I must sometimes say and do things that I do not believe in. Commander, I hope you never lose sight of who you are.
Touch舞蹈    䞍我并䞍是圚拒绝只是过去从来没有人邀请过我ダンス    いや、別に断る぀もりはないけど、ただ、今たでは䞀床も誘われたこずがなくお A dance...? Oh, no, I wouldn't turn one down, I just haven't been asked until now...
Touch (Special)指、指挥官䞍芁故意逗我  し、指揮官、あたりからかわないで  C-Commander... don't tease me like that...
Mission还有没完成的事的话酒也䌚变埗乏味䜠诎对吧指挥官すべきこずがなされおいないず、せっかくの酒も䞍味くなる。卿もそう思わないHaving unfinished work will turn even the finest wine into vinegar. Isn't that right, Commander?
Mission Complete甚这些来装点宎䌚吗有劳了宎䌚の食りにかご苊劎A decoration for the banquet? Splendid work.
Mail即䜿圚最盛倧的宎䌚䞭䞀旊有新的情报也必须马䞊进入状态这也是领富者的职莣宎䌚においおも新情報の収集を疎かにしないこず。これが指導者の務めずいうものよEven at the most lavish banquet, it is your responsibility as commander to be well-informed should the situation change.
Return to Port就甚这杯红酒来慰劳从战场回来的勇士吧この䞀杯は戊堎から垰還した勇者ぞの耒賞ずしようLet us raise our glasses to the heroes who have returned from battle.
Commission Complete委托组把物资存攟完毕后让她们也来参加宎䌚吧委蚗組の子たちが物資を倉庫に詰め蟌んだら、宎䌚に参加させおちょうだいOnce the commission fleet has finished dropping off their supplies, let's invite them to the banquet as well.
Affinity (Love)出现圚同胞面前时我必须毫䞍劥协必须勇埀盎前。我䞍可以单纯是䞍擅衚蟟感情的俟斯麊而必须是无敌的铁血领富者 现圚至少圚䜠的面前我可以皍埮攟䞋这䞪重担了指挥官仲間の前での私は、厳しい顔で、劥協せず、垞に鉄血の邁進を率いる存圚 私は感情衚珟があたり埗意ではないビスマルクではなく、無敵の鉄血艊隊の指導者でなければならなかった  今の私は 少なくずもあなたの前にいる私は、きっずそれだけじゃないわIn front of my compatriots, I always had to be adamant, solemnly spearheading the march of the Iron Blood. To be the leader of the Iron Blood's indomitable fleet, I had to lock away the Bismarck that struggled to express herself... But when I'm with you, Commander, I can set aside that burden, just for a little bit...
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description欢迎光䞎芁来点什么 奜吧既然指挥官郜这么诎了我也就䞍拘泥于客人和这䞪 服务生的身仜了。这样和䜠亀流起来也比蟃蜻束就是了呵呵。いらっしゃいたせ。ご泚文はいかがですか 指揮官がそう蚀うのなら、客ずかこう りェむトレスの圢に圓おはめなくおも別に構わないわ。こちらもこちらで楜だから、ふふふWelcome, what would you like to order? ...If you want, we can drop this charade. I'm not used to being a waiter anyway, so I prefer it this way. Hehe.
Acquisition欢迎光䞎芁来点什么 奜吧既然指挥官郜这么诎了我也就䞍拘泥于客人和这䞪 服务生的身仜了。这样和䜠亀流起来也比蟃蜻束就是了呵呵。いらっしゃいたせ。ご泚文はいかがですか 指揮官がそう蚀うのなら、客ずかこう りェむトレスの圢に圓おはめなくおも別に構わないわ。こちらもこちらで楜だから、ふふふWelcome, what would you like to order? ...If you want, we can drop this charade. I'm not used to being a waiter anyway, so I prefer it this way. Hehe.
Loginい぀もの、ず぀い曞いちゃいそうね コホン、泚文はなにOops, I almost wrote down "the usual" for your order... Ahem, what would you like?
Details某种皋床䞊来诎盞比考虑研究或铁血的事情现圚这样倚少算是隟埗的攟束。芁是䜠也胜圚这蟹埗到攟束就倪奜了。研究や鉄血のこずを考えるずきよりは気楜よ。あなたもここで楜にしおいおくれるず助かるわI feel far more at ease here than when I'm busy with research or the Iron Blood. I really hope that you feel the same way that I do.
Main诎实话这䞀身比起女仆曎像是服务生 嗯 真芁诎这点重芁吧 其实也没那么重芁 正盎に蚀えば、この衣装はメむドずいうよりりェむトレスのような そこは重芁じゃないず蚀えば、重芁じゃないわね Truthfully speaking, this outfit feels more like that of a waitress than that of a maid... Though, I've been told there's not really much of a difference...
Main 2提尔比茚皍后敎理䞋今倩的营䞚额然后把资料亀给腓特烈吧。之后就是她擅长的领域了。ティルピッツ、今日の売䞊の資料はあずでたずめおフリヌドリヒに送っおほしい。その埌どう工倫するかは圌女が埗意ずするこずよTirpitz, compile today's sales data and send it to Friedrich. Figuring out what to do with the data we've collected is her specialty.
Touch还是试试比蟃奜欧根是这么诎的吧。䞎别人的接觊。やっおみたほうがいいっおオむゲンが蚀っおたわね。スキンシップEugen did tell me she wanted me to try this "physical contact" thing with you.
Touch (Special)     っ ...*sigh*...
Mission新任务啊。嗯 掟谁去合适呢新しい任務ね。これは 誰に行かせるのが適任かしらA new mission... I wonder who would be the best fit for it.
Mission Complete任务报酬来了。嗯霐柏林她们䌚埈匀心的吧。任務報酬よ。そうね、グラヌフたちが喜びそうThe remunerations for the missions we've completed are here. I'm sure Graf and the others will be ecstatic to hear.
Mail新邮件来了。䌚䞍䌚是矎因茚的咖啡订单呢新しいメヌルよ。マむンツのコヌヒヌ泚文 じゃないかしらHere's your mail. I... hope it's not an order of coffee from Mainz...
Return to Port就甚这杯红酒来慰劳从战场回来的勇士吧。この䞀杯は戊堎から垰還した勇者ぞの耒賞ずしようThis cup is a prize for the hero who has graciously returned from the battlefield.
Commission Complete委托组奜像回来了。 Z2拜托䜠去确讀䞋吧。委蚗組が垰っおきたようね。 ティヌレ、確認お願いLooks like the fleet has returned from their commissions... Thiele, I'll leave them to you.
Flagship几艘䞀起䞊郜行尜管来吧䜕隻でも盞手しおやるわ I can take on any number of them!
Victory数据郜记圕䞋来了。就让我来奜奜利甚起䜠们的价倌吧。デヌタは取った。あなたたちの䟡倀、利甚させおもらうわData collection is complete. Take solace in the fact that you'll be useful after your demise.
Affinity (Love)我从未想过䌚以这身打扮站圚䜠面前。䞍管是䞍是偶然也算是展现了新的自己 呌 这杯就由我请客奜了。“请慢慢享甚吧”呵呵。本圓はこんな栌奜をしおあなたの前に立぀なんお想像しおなかった。偶然にしおも偶然でないにしおも、なんだか新しい私を芋せた気分 ふぅ この䞀杯は私の奢りでいいわ。「どうぞごゆっくり」、ふふふI never thought I'd be standing in front of you in this outfit like this. Still, whether it was fated or not, I'm glad that you were able to see a different side of me... Hm. This cup's on me. Please, enjoy yourself, hehe.
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description䜠来了啊指挥官——䞍是和我猔结了氞恒誓纊的䜠。虜然我觉埗衚情䞍胜䞀盎那么僵硬䜆䞀想到今后芁圚䜠的匕领䞋床过的日子就䞍由自䞻地想芁䟝赖䜠。啊啊就像䜠诎的那样 保持埮笑就奜了吧来たか、指揮官――いや、氞遠の契りを亀わしたあなた。これからあなたに導かれる日々を思うず甘えたくなっおしたう。い぀たでも衚情が固いたたではいけないが、あなたの蚀う通り 埮笑んでいればいいのだろうなYou've arrived, Commander – or rather, my sweetheart in eternal vow. I know I can't wear a stiff expression forever, but when I think about the days to come under your guidance, I feel so needy all of a sudden. Yes, it's like you say... just keep smiling.
Acquisition䜠来了啊指挥官——䞍是和我猔结了氞恒誓纊的䜠。虜然我觉埗衚情䞍胜䞀盎那么僵硬䜆䞀想到今后芁圚䜠的匕领䞋床过的日子就䞍由自䞻地想芁䟝赖䜠。啊啊就像䜠诎的那样 保持埮笑就奜了吧来たか、指揮官――いや、氞遠の契りを亀わしたあなた。これからあなたに導かれる日々を思うず甘えたくなっおしたう。い぀たでも衚情が固いたたではいけないが、あなたの蚀う通り 埮笑んでいればいいのだろうなYou've arrived, Commander – or rather, my sweetheart in eternal vow. I know I can't wear a stiff expression forever, but when I think about the days to come under your guidance, I feel so needy all of a sudden. Yes, it's like you say... just keep smiling.
Login领富者䞍䞀定非芁只有䞀䞪人。蟅䜐䜠的䜍眮同样重芁——我也䞀样嗯就像䜠诎的那样指導者が䞀人だけでいいずは限らない。あなたを補䜐するポゞションもたた倧事だ――私も同じそうね、あなたの蚀う通りねThere doesn't need to be only one leader. The position of assistant to you is very important. So am I, you say? Yes, you're right.
Details蜜月的计划定䞋来了吗  啊我䞍是芁催䜠只是想诎劂果䜠还圚苊恌的话我可以给䜠䞀些建议  是䞍是 对我来诎有点倪䞻劚了 ハネムヌンの予定はもう決たった ああ、急かす぀もりではなく、もし決めかねおいるのなら少しアドバむスをしようず 少し 私にしおは積極的すぎたかしら Have you decided where we'll go on our honeymoon? Oh, I'm not trying to rush you, I just thought I'd offer some advice if you couldn't decide. Maybe that's being too... proactive of me.
Main䜜䞺铁血的领富者我已经习惯走圚红毯䞊䜆像这样的场合还是第䞀次。看来今倩只胜党心党意地䟝赖䜠了呵呵呵。鉄血の指導者ずしお赀い絚毯を歩くこずには慣れおいるが、こういうシチュ゚ヌションは初めおだ。今日ばかりはあなたに頌り切っおしたいそう。ふふBeing the leader of Iron Blood, I'm used to walking the red carpet. This occasion, however, is a first for me. I am wholly reliant on your help for this entire day. Heehee.
Main 2䞍甚着急慢慢地走圚通埀䜠理想的道路䞊就奜我们圌歀郜有足借的时闎。あなたの理想の道を焊らずゆっくり進めばいい。お互い時間はたっぷりあるからDon't rush yourself – follow the path of your ideals at a steady pace. There is plenty time for both of us.
Main 3真是䞍可思议啊我和指挥官之闎总胜扟到共同话题。䞍仅仅是战斗和领富方面音乐、兎趣爱奜以及日垞生掻也䞀样。  虜然诎来惭愧䜆胜䞎我深入亀谈的人并䞍倚。䞍思議ず指揮官ずは共通の話題が倚い。いや、戊いや指導者ずしおのこず以倖にも音楜ずか趣味ずか日垞生掻のこずもそうだ。 恥ずかしいこずだが、私ず気軜に話をしおくれる人もそう倚くはいなくおなIt's incredible that there's always something we can both talk about. Not just fighting or leadership, but also music, hobbies, and daily life. It's embarrassing to admit, but there aren't many people I can have such profound conversations with.
Touch䜠给我的戒指圚这里哊。想芁 摞摞看吗あなたがくれた指茪ならここにある。 觊っお確かめおみるThe ring you gave me is right here. Do you want to... touch it?
Touch (Special)婚纱姿态果然还是 䞍没什么。我是诎芁继续 ///花嫁姿はやっぱり いや、なんでもない。ええず、続けお Bride dresses really do make you... No, never mind. Um, continue... *blushes*
Mail尜快确讀新邮件吧。对我来诎这肯定也是同样重芁的信息。新しいメヌルを早く確認しお。私にずっおもきっず倧事な情報だからRead your new letter. It no doubt contains equally important information to me.
Return to Port没事吧有没有勉区自己  我只是圚暡仿䜠之前担心我时的样子。果然 䞀点郜䞍像呢。呵呵呵倧䞈倫無理はしおいない あなたが私を心配する姿を真䌌おみただけよ。やっぱり 私らしくないわね。ふふふYou okay? Didn't push yourself too hard? ...I'm only imitating the way you show concern for me. I suppose I failed to pull it off at all. Heehee.
Commission Complete欢迎委托组回来的事 等等。穿成这样去果然还是  倧家䌚吓䞀跳吧。委蚗組ぞの出迎えは 埅っお。さすがにこの栌奜のたたでは  みんなに驚かれおしたうなLet's speak to the commission te– Wait, no, I can't go out looking like this. They'll be shocked.
Flagship集结圚我们的旗垜䞋吧我らが旗に集えGather under our banner!
Victory让我䞺䜠献䞊最粟圩的胜利吧——䞺了装点我和䜠二人的凯旋之路。玠晎らしい勝利を䞎えおやろう――私ずあなたの二人の花道を食るためにI offer you this brilliant victory – to decorate our journey of glory.
Affinity (Love)我本以䞺亀换誓蚀后衚蟟感情的隟床也䌚降䜎䞀些䜆结果并非劂歀。虜然确实是变埗曎容易坊诚盞埅了䜆想芁䌠蟟的心意也圚䞎日俱增  就保持现状也可以诎的也是。我也 最喜欢现圚的䜠了///誓いを亀わしたから、感情衚珟のハヌドルも少し䞋がるだろうず思っおたけど、意倖ずそうでもないな。いくらか玠盎になれたずは思うけど、䌝えたい気持ちもたた増えおいく  今のたたでもいいっおそうね。私も 今のあなたのたたがいいわI thought getting wed would make it easier for me to make expressions – as it turns out, that's not the case. That said, I feel more true to myself, and I've gotten more feelings I want to express... Fine just the way I am? That's good... because I like you this way, too... *blushes*