Bismarck Zwei (JP 🇯🇵: , CN 🇹🇌: )
Ship ID No. 593 Star Rating ★★★☆☆☆
Hull Battleship Rarity Ultra Rare
Navy Ironblood Build Time
Enhance Income
Scrap Income
Release Date
Voice actress
Bismarck Zwei Description
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
Limit Break
Tier 1
Tier 2
Tier 3
Slot Equipment Type Efficiency (LB 0/1/2/3) Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3) Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
4 Auxiliary - - -
5 Auxiliary - - -
Default Equipments
Fleet Tech
T Battleship: Bismarck-Class Tech Points and Bonus
Unlock +
Max LimitBreak
Lv.120 +
Icon Name Description Requirements
Calamitous Voidflame Increases this ship's FP by 1.0% (10.0%) and RLD by 5.0% (15.0%). When this ship fires her Main Guns: 1) The first volley of the salvo is guaranteed to critically hit, and 2) fires a Lv.1 (Lv.10) special barrage (DMG is based on the skill's level) that creates zones on the battlefield that enemies are drawn to.
Geryon, the Ruin-Eater During battle, the autonomous rigging Geryon will switch between two modes to provide support. The support mode toggles each time Bismarck Zwei fires her Main Guns: 1) Synchron-Link: Reduces DMG received by Bismarck Zwei by 10.0% (20.0%), and increases the power of the next "Calamitous Voidflame" special barrage. Geryon starts battle in Synchron-Link mode. 2) Synchron-Release: Geryon will separate from Bismarck Zwei, move to a different location, and begin attacking with special weapons (Geryon's stats are based on the skill's level as well as Bismarck Zwei's stats). After Geryon completes deployment as a result of this skill, it will perform another special attack Lv.1 (Lv.10).
Reborn Temple of Iron Increases the FP, TRP, and AA of Iron Blood ships in the same fleet as this ship by 5.0% (15.0%). When a fleet this ship is NOT in starts a battle, and while this ship is still afloat: fires a Lv.1 (Lv.10) supporting barrage 18s after the battle starts (DMG is based on the skill's level); if the Flagship of that fleet is an Iron Blood ship: also increases the AVI of that fleet's Iron Blood CVs and CVLs by 5.0% (15.0%).
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 俟斯麊级战列舰—俟斯麊 ビスマルク型戊艊-ビスマルク Bismarck-class battleship – Bismarck.
Biography 我曟因莪恋力量而堕入地狱。即䜿最后幡然醒悟䞀切也䞺时已晚  我从未想过自己还胜以这样的姿态重生。圚沉睡之时我错过了埈倚事劂今我做奜了承担䞀切的准倇。劂果同䞺领富者的䜠胜䞺我指明道路我感激䞍尜。 力を求めお地獄たで堕ちお、最埌に己の愚行を悔やんでも時すでに遅し  こうしお生たれ倉わるこずなんお考えたこずもなかった。眠っおいる間に色々逃したようだけど、今の私は党おを背負う芚悟でいる。同じ指導者であるあなたが道を瀺しおくれるのなら、この䞊ないこずだわ My lust for power once dragged me down to the depths of hell. No matter how much I regretted it, it was already too late... I never dreamed that I would be given new life in this manner. Much seems to have changed during my slumber, but I am now ready to take on everything. Having you, a fellow leader, show me the way forward is the best thing I could ask for.
Acquisition Guten Tag我是铁血战舰俟斯麊。虜然我们䞍是第䞀次见面䞍知这幅党新的姿态有没有让䜠感到惊讶总之圌歀郜䞺身怀理想之人我埈高兎胜再次䞎䜠携手。 Guten Tag。鉄血戊艊ビスマルクよ。私たちは別に初めたしおではないけれど、この新しい栌奜に驚きでもしたのかしらお互い理想を背負う存圚ずしおこうしお再び手を取り合えるこず、嬉しく思うわ Guten Tag. I am Iron Blood battleship Bismarck. While this may not be our first meeting, perhaps you find my new attire surprising? As a fellow idealist, I'm happy to once more fight by your side.
Login 匀始今倩的工䜜吧指挥官。庞倧的枯区需芁领富者的统筹安排。 指揮官、今日の仕事を始めよう。これだけ倧きな母枯には、指導者のマネヌゞメントが必芁よ Let's get to work, Commander. A port this vast requires a leader's management.
Details 单独的办公区域啊䞍必了。先䞍论特殊对埅的事我也埈享受䞎䜠共事的时光就是了。 専甚のワヌクスペヌスああ、別になくお平気よ。特別扱いのこずはずもかく、あなたず䞀緒に働けるだけで楜しいわ A private workspace? No, that's alright. I don't need preferential treatment– simply being able to work with you is enough.
Main 同䞺被寄予䌗望的领富者我们的心境应该非垞盞䌌吧。有什么圚他人面前的隟蚀之隐䞍劚同我商量 仲間に期埅されおいる指導者同士、心境が通じおいるずころも倚いはず。なにか人前で蚀えないこずでもあったら私に盞談しお The two of us have much in common, as leaders who bear the expectations of their peers. If there's anything you have difficulty confiding to others, feel free to turn to me.
Main 2 革埋翁(Geryon)奜像有些䞍听话  雷根斯堡䞊次䜠是怎么做到让它安静䞋来的胜再垮我䞀䞋么。 ゲリュオンが倧人しくしおくれおいないみたいね。 レヌゲンスブルク、この間はどうやっお萜ち着かせたもう䞀回やっおみせおくれないかしら Geryon is being rather rowdy... Regensburg, how'd you manage to calm him down the last time? Mind showing me again?
Main 3 欧根虜然是我的埗力干将䜆她总是让人隟以捉摞偶尔还䌚让我倎疌  䜠也这么觉埗圚这方面我们蟟成了䞀臎呢。 オむゲンは私の右腕ずも蚀える子だけど、時々䜕を考えおいるか䞭々掎めないこずがあるし、悩たしいわ  あなたもそう思うふふ、あの子に関しおお互い同意芋みたいね While you could call Eugen my right-hand woman, she can often be frustratingly difficult to read... You think so, too? Heh, I'm glad we're on the same page.
Main 4 曟经留䞋的诞倚遗憟劂今终于有机䌚甚这仜新的力量去匥补了。等等䜠诎扟提尔比茚䞀起喝杯咖啡这  容我再想想   か぀おのやるせなさも、この力があればやり盎せるわね。埅っお、今ティルピッツず䞀緒にコヌヒヌを飲みに行くっおええず  ちょっず気持ちを敎理させお   With this new power, I finally have the opportunity to leave my regrets behind in the past. Wait, we're going to a café with Tirpitz? Right now? Umm... give me a moment to sort out my emotions...
Main 5 我喜欢节奏舒猓的叀兞音乐这胜让我感到宁静。至于战争  䞀定䌚有划䞊䌑止笊的那䞀倩。 気持ちを萜ち着かせおくれる、ゆったりずした旋埋のクラシックが奜きよ。戊争のこずも ええ、い぀かきっず終止笊が打たれるわね I like slow classical music– it helps me relax. As for the war... Yes, there will come a day when that, too, is history.
Touch 对我的䜩剑感兎趣么䜠芁䞍挥几䞋试试 シュノェヌアトが気になるの良ければあなたも振っおみる Has my sword caught your eye? You may hold it if you want.
Touch (Special) 䜠是圚刻意䞺隟我么。 わざず困らせおる぀もり Are you purposely trying to get under my skin?
Touch (Headpat) 芁䞍䜠戎䞊这顶垜子试试  嗯奜像还挺合适的。 この軍垜を被っおみお  ふふ、よく䌌合っおいるわね Want to try my cap on? ...Hehe, it suits you well.
Mission 有新的任务么䞍介意的话让我看看吧我应该胜垮䞊䜠䞀些忙。 新しい任務よければ私にも芋せお。あなたの助けになれるはず A new mission? Let me have a look. I can lend you a hand.
Mission Complete 任务完成了。别忘了领取报酬那是䜠应埗的。 任務が完了したわ。報酬の受け取りを忘れないで。それはあなたが手にすべきものよ Mission complete. Remember to claim your rewards. They belong in your hands.
Mail 奜像有新的信件。尜快过目吧错过了重芁信息可就䞍奜了。 新しいメヌルがあるみたい。早く確認しお。倧事な情報を芋逃したらたずいわ A letter for you, it seems. Give it a read, promptly. You wouldn't want to miss potentially vital information.
Return to Port 回来了么。有空的话做䞀䞋战斗总结䞍劂这次我从对手的角床想想有没有曎奜的战术吧。 垰っおきたわね。時間があったら戊闘の振り返りでもたずめおもらえるそうね こっちは敵の立堎に立っおより良い戊術はないか怜蚎しおみるわ You're back. If you have the time, could you compile an after-action report? In the meantime... I'll put myself in our foes' shoes and see if I can't develop a better strategy.
Commission Complete 后勀物资送到了。䞍芁吝惜自己的时闎䞀起去迎接吧。䜠的出现是对她们最倧的激励。 兵站物資が届いたわ。時間を惜したないで私ず䞀緒に出迎えに行こう。あなたが出迎えるこずがあの子たちぞの最倧の励みになるわ Munitions have arrived. Come, let's not waste any time. Those girls would like nothing more than a warm welcome from you.
Enhancement 到定期绎技的时闎了么。革埋翁安静䞋来。 定期メンテナンスの時間ね。ゲリュオン、静かに It's time for routine maintenance. Geryon, be quiet now.
Flagship 这仜敢于盎面我的勇气倌埗赞赏。 立ちはだかっおくる勇気、称賛に倀する That sheer courage to stand in my way is worthy of applause.
Victory 埈奜道路已经被肃枅了继续前进 よし、道は開かれた。前進せよ Excellent, the path before us has been cleared. Forward!
Defeat 我无意䞀人担䞋党郚职莣䜆现圚请允讞我留圚撀犻队䌍的最末尟。 すべおの責任を身䞀぀で背負う぀もりはない が、撀退の殿は努めさせおもらう I do not intend to shoulder all the responsibility myself... but I will ensure our safe retreat!
Skill 真理只圚我的射皋范囎内 我の射皋内に真理あり Truth can only be found within my range!
Low HP 铁血的骄傲䞍容任䜕人玷污 鉄血のプラむドは誰にも傷぀けさせないっ None shall tarnish Iron Blood's honor!
Affinity (Upset) 我曟讀定䜠是䞀䜍英明的领富者并垌望以䜠䞺抜样。现圚想来是我看错人了吧   英明な指導者だず思っお手本にしおいたわ。今にしお思えば、どうやら芋誀っおいたみたいね I thought you a brilliant leader and followed your example. I now see that I was misguided.
Affinity (Stranger) 像和其他同䌎们那样䞎我盞倄就行我䞍䌚以任䜕方匏谋求特殊埅遇。指挥官期埅接䞋来䞎䜠的合䜜我们胜成䞺䞍错的朋友。 特別扱いなど望たないわ。このたた他の仲間ず同じように接しおくれればいい。指揮官、これからのあなたずの協力を楜しみにしおいるわ――お互いいい友人になれるはずよ I do not want any preferential treatment. All I ask is that you treat me as you would any of our other colleagues. That's right, Commander. I look forward to working with you in the days ahead. I'm sure we'll become the best of friends.
Affinity (Friendly) 有时候我䌚想劂果䜠是我的对手我该怎么办。这倧抂算是䞀种“假想敌训练”吧。思前想后我埗出的结论就是——还奜我们是站圚同䞀蟹的人。 時々、あなたが敵に回った堎合どうするべきか考えるこずがある。たあ、ある皮の「仮想敵」の蚓緎の぀もりだけど 考えれば考えるほど、同じ偎に立っおいお良かったっお気持ちになるわ There are times I wonder what I would do if you were ever to become my enemy. Of course, it's just a thought experiment, but it helped me realize– I'm glad we're on the same side.
Affinity (Like) 䞊午的公文也奜䞋午的咖啡也奜我们无话䞍诎。这真诚而毫无保留的亀心是我担圓领富者时䞍敢奢望的。䞎䜠圚䞀起的时光总是什人愉悊。 午前䞭の公務でも午埌のコヌヒヌタむムでも、お互いなんでも話せるわね。ええ、これほど包み隠さず本音を語り合えるなんお、指導者ずしお振る舞う時には望めないものよ。ふふふ、あなたずいる時間はい぀も楜しく感じるわ I'm comfortable discussing anything with you, from office matters to coffee break gossip. Being this sincere, this forthright, is something a leader conscious about appearances strives for. Heehee. I always enjoy my time with you.
Affinity (Love) 劂果可以的话我垌望䜠胜借留圚我的身蟹。䞍仅是䜜䞺战友、挚友而是  呌没什么䞍甚圚意只芁䜠胜明癜我的意思就借了。我还是䞍擅长诎这种话呢   できればあなたがこのたた私のそばにいお、背䞭を預ける戊友や、語り合う友人ずしおではなく  ふぅ、なんでもないわ。蚀いたいこずに気づいおくれればそれでいい。私は――ただこういうのに慣れおいないみたい   I hope you will remain by my side, as more than an ally and close friend you can talk to about... *sigh*, never mind. It's all good as long as you know what I'm trying to say. See, I'm... I'm still not used to speaking my heart...
Pledge 我明癜䜠的决心也深知这仜情感的重量只是  我䞍知道自己该圚这重芁的仪匏䞊做什么才算是回应了䜠的期埅。这可胜是我䞺数䞍倚的请求  胜请䜠圚这重芁的仪匏䞊匕富我吗 あなたの決心も感情もわかっおいる぀もりよ。ただ  私はこの倧事な匏兞においお、どうすればあなたの期埅に応えられるかがわからないわ。ええ、こうしおお願いするのは珍しいかもしれないけど  ふふ、゚スコヌトを頌たれおはくれないかしら I know about your resolve, your feelings. What I don't know... is how to meet your expectations for this unforgettable ceremony. Let this be a rare case where I ask for a favor and say... could you take the lead? Heehee.
In battle with Prinz Eugen 欧根䜠还是老样子啊。 オむゲン、盞倉わらずね That's the Eugen I've always known.
In battle with Tirpitz 提尔比茚䞎我并肩䜜战吧。 ティルピッツ、䞀緒に戊っお Join me in battle, Tirpitz.
In battle with Gneisenau META, Scharnhorst META 也讞我并非䜠们的“俟斯麊”䜆垌望䜠们胜助我䞀臂之力。 あなたたちのビスマルクではないが、それでも力を貞しおほしい I'm not the Bismarck you know, but I seek your aid all the same.
In battle with U-556 䜠的承诺我可是䞀盎记着的哊呵呵。 階士の玄束、ずっず芚えおいるわ I haven't forgotten your knightly promise.
In battle with U-556 META 无论发生了什么我郜䌚保技䜠的。 䜕が起きおも、私が守っおあげるから Whatever happens, I will always protect you.
In battle with Friedrich der Große 䞊次并肩䜜战是倚久之前的事了呢 ずもに戊うのはい぀ぶりかしら How long has it been since we last fought together?
In battle with Ulrich von Hutten 铁血将圚我的垊领䞋走向蟉煌䞺歀需芁䜠的力量。 鉄血は私の元で茝かしき未来ぞず進む――あなたの力も必芁よ I shall lead Iron Blood towards a glorious future. To do that, I need your help.
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 啊指挥官䜠已经换奜泳装了吗我这蟹  抱歉。刚䞋去枞了䞀圈感觉这倎发需芁做点什么才行   あ、指揮官。もう準備できたか。こっちは  ええず、すたない。䞀床は入ったけど、少し髪の毛をどうにかしないず―― Ah, you've already gotten changed, Commander? I'm just... Well, I need to do something about my hair before I go back in the water.
Acquisition 啊指挥官䜠已经换奜泳装了吗我这蟹  抱歉。刚䞋去枞了䞀圈感觉这倎发需芁做点什么才行   あ、指揮官。もう準備できたか。こっちは  ええず、すたない。䞀床は入ったけど、少し髪の毛をどうにかしないず―― Ah, you've already gotten changed, Commander? I'm just... Well, I need to do something about my hair before I go back in the water.
Login 氎枩正奜。指挥官做完热身运劚之后就攟匀享受这来之䞍易的䌑息时光吧。 氎枩もちょうどいいわ。指揮官、りォヌミングアップを枈たせたら、思いっきり楜しんで The water feels perfect. Commander, come join me after you finish your warmup exercises.
Details 今倩的泳池已经被我包场了。我偶尔也有䞍想被人打扰的时候尀其是现圚  䜠胜明癜我的意思吧   プヌルは貞し切りにしおもらっおるわ。ええ、私だっお邪魔されたくない時もあるし、特に今は  蚀っおるこず、分かるでしょ  I reserved this whole swimming pool. We all want to be left undisturbed sometimes. Especially now, when... You know what I mean, don't you?
Main U-556给我讲过朜艇们圚泳池里打闹的故事。有趣是挺有趣的䜆怎样才胜让她明癜我䞍适合参䞎她们的枞戏   朜氎艊たちがよくプヌルで楜しく遊んでいるこずはU-556から聞いおいるわ。楜しいのは認めるけど、私がその䞭に混ざるのは難しいっお、どうしたらあの子に分かっおもらえるのかしら  U-556 told me that submarines love playing in the pool. While I agree it is a fun time, I wish she'd understand why I can't exactly mingle with submarines...
Main 2 泳装吗圓然是我自己选的。之前还想着欧根胜给些䞍错的建议结果她给我掚荐的郜是些  呃隟以启霿的穿起来绝对䌚埈奇怪的那种   氎着ええ、もちろん私自身が遞んだわ。実はオむゲンにアドバむスしおもらったのだけど、あの子が薊めおきたのは党郚 なんず蚀うか際どくお、着たら倉な目で芋られそうなものばかりで   My swimsuit? Why yes, I chose it myself. In truth, I did ask Eugen for suggestions, but all the swimsuits she picked out were... the kinds that draw undesirable attention. Let's just say that..
Main 3 诎起来我们现圚做的事就是“纊䌚”对吧  䞀旊埀这䞪方面想了隟免就让人䞍自圚起来   そういえば、今あなたずしおいるこずは「デヌト」でいいかしら  そう思うず、少し身構えおしたうわね  Incidentally, would you consider what we're doing here a date? ...Thinking of it like that makes me feel a bit tense...
Touch 暂时䞍想枞的话就这么坐䞀䌚吧。 泳ぎたくなかったら、しばらくはこうしお䞀緒に座るずいいわ If you want a break from swimming, we can always sit on the deck like this.
Touch (Special) 这种时候坊率点䌚比蟃奜么   こういう時は、玠盎になったほうがいいのだろうか   To follow my heart in this scenario or not, that's the question...
Touch (Headpat) 等䞀䞋倎发还是湿的   埅っお、髪の毛がただびしょびしょよ   Hold on. My hair is still soaked.
Mail 邮件而䞔特地送到这里来  等手晟干了之后拆匀来看看吧。 メヌルわざわざここたで  手を拭いたら開けるわ A letter? Why in here, of all places... Dry your hands before you open it.
Return to Port 指挥官泳池的地板有些滑别摔跀——呌我刚诎什么来着让䜠小心点了   指揮官、プヌルの床が滑りやすいから、転ばないように――はぁ、蚀わんこっちゃないわ。ふふ、気を぀けおっお蚀ったのに The swimming pool floor is slippery, so watch your step, Comma– *sigh*... I told you so. Be more careful.
Flagship 是玧急行劚。革埋翁跟䞊我。 緊急出動よ。ゲリュオン、぀いおきお Emergency sortie, Geryon. Come with me.
Victory 敌人已经党郚解决。垌望短时闎内䞍䌚有人打扰了吧。 敵は党お片付けた。しばらく邪魔が来ないこずを願うわ All enemies have been dealt with. I hope this will go swimmingly for at least a while.
Defeat 虜然尜力调敎过来了䞍过䞍是䞇党状态迎战还是有些勉区啊   調子を敎えおきた぀もりだけど、䞇党じゃない状態での戊闘はやっぱり無理があるわね   I wanted to tune up today, but unsurprisingly, you can't fight when you're not fully prepared...
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Login 今倩想喝些什么茶还是咖啡鲜少有人胜让我端茶送氎这算是䞀点“特别服务”嗯䞍是这䞪意思么。 今日は䜕が飲みたい玅茶、それずもコヌヒヌふふ、ビスマルクに小間䜿いをやらせるのはあなたぐらいだから、すこしサヌビスしお  んそういう意味じゃなかったのか What will it be today – tea or coffee? Heehee. Only you could have me as a handmaid, so allow me to serve you for... Hm? This isn't what you had in mind?
Details 工䜜告䞀段萜后有什么想去的地方吗就圓是蜬换䞋心情  䜜䞺纊䌚的邀请䌚䌚被理解成这样吗那那就圓是这样吧   仕事が䞀段萜぀いたら、どこか行きたい堎所にでも行かないか気分転換も兌ねお  デヌトのお誘いそ、そう思われるのかあ、ああ そう思っおくれおも構わないわ  Once we wrap up here, why don't we go someplace nice? As a refresher, you know... Asking for a date? D-does it come across like that? I see... If you want, you're free to think of it like one...
Main 偶尔我也䌚矡慕垃吕歇尔她无论䜕时郜胜倧胆地诎出心声。我的话  嗯䜠应该䞍䌚想让我这样做的对吧   時々ブリュッヒャヌを矚たしく思う。あの子はどんなずきでも玠盎に胞䞭を打ち明けられるのに、私は  ふふふ、さすがにあなたも私にそんな颚になっおほしくない  かしら Sometimes, I envy BlÃŒcher. If only I could be as open and honest about my feelings as her... But maybe you don't want me to be like her?
Main 2 䞋次还是抜点时闎陪䞋U-556  嗯䜠诎U艇们明倩芁䞟办倧型捉迷藏比赛  这䞪我还是  算了吧 今床はU-556のために時間でも䜜っお  ん明日はUボヌトたちのかくれんが倧䌚が これは、ええず  やっぱり日を改めようか I'm planning to set some time aside just for U-556... Hm? The U-boats are all playing hide-and-seek tomorrow? That's, well... I'll find time for her some other day.
Main 3 圓人们听着同䞀銖音乐时心境䌚䞍䌚向着同䞀䞪方向趋近呢  指挥官芁试试吗 同じ音楜を聞いおいるず、気持ちも同じ方向に向かったりしお  指揮官、やっおみないか I've read that listening to the same music can put two people in the same mood... Why don't we give that a try, Commander?
Touch 这是  什么意思 これは  どういうこず What do you mean by this?
Touch (Special) 这种时候我该怎么办才奜   こういう時は、どうすれば   How am I supposed to respond to this...?
Touch (Headpat) 身䞺铁血的领富者华圚被指挥官摞倎这样子芁是被谁看见的话   鉄血の指導者が指揮官に頭を觊れられおいる。こんな姿を誰かに芋られたら   The leader of Iron Blood, allowing the Commander to pet her... I mustn't be seen like this.
Mail 新的信件么。䌚䞍䌚是远方牵挂䜠的人寄来的 新しいメヌルか。遠くにいおも、あなたを想う人からのものかもしれないわ New mail, hmm? Do you think someone's thinking of you from afar?
Return to Port 指挥官蟛苊了。虜然还有䞍少倌埗总结的地方䞍过现圚就先享受䞋来之䞍易的䌑息吧。 指揮官、ご苊劎さた。振り返る必芁のある所は倚々あるけれど、今は䌑息時間を楜しもう Welcome back, Commander. There's much to reflect on, but for now, enjoy a well-earned break.
Commission Complete 委托队䌍平安回園了䞀起去慰问䞋她们吧。倧家郜等着䜠呢。 委蚗組が無事に垰還したわ。䞀緒に出迎えに行こう。皆があなたのこずを埅っおいるわ The commission team has returned in one piece. Let's go welcome them back. They're waiting to see you.
Flagship 战场啊我俟斯麊回来了 我はビスマルク、この戊堎に再び舞い戻った At long last, I, Bismarck, have returned to the battlefield!!
Victory 挡圚我们前面的敌人已经尜数被消灭了。指挥官继续䞋什吧。 立ちはだかる敵はすべお殲滅した。指揮官、次の指瀺を発什しお All who oppose us have been eliminated. Awaiting your next order, Commander.
Defeat 指挥官垊领倧家撀退吧再区撑䞋去也没有胜算。 指揮官、皆を率いお早く撀退しよう。このたた無理しおも勝おないわ Commander, take everyone and retreat, now. We cannot eke out a victory here.
Skill 战舰俟斯麊匀蟟未来 戊艊ビスマルク、未来を切り拓く I, battleship Bismarck, shall forge a brighter future!