Suruga (JP 🇯🇵: 駿河, CN 🇹🇌: 骏河)
Ship IDNo. 425Star Rating★★★☆☆☆
Hull BattleshipRaritySuper Rare
NavySakura EmpireBuild Time04:20:00
AcquisitionEvent: Swirling Cherry Blossoms
Enhance Income
Scrap Income
Release Date
ENDecember 26, 2019
KRDecember 26, 2019
CNDecember 26, 2019
JPDecember 26, 2019
Voice actressAya Endou
Battleship Suruga, reporting for duty. It would seem that some threads of fate connect me to this port... No, don't mind my rambling. Please disregard that.
Hundred Flowers' AuspiceDescription
Good morning, Commander. Everyone else seems to be dressed up on this day of celebration, so this shouldn't be a problem, right?
HP1364 Reload51
Firepower80 Torpedo39
Evasion7 Anti-air40
Aviation0 Cost0
ASW0 Luck37
HP6113 Reload98
Firepower209 Torpedo109
Evasion37 Anti-air152
Aviation0 Cost0
ASW0 Luck39
Limit Break
Tier 1Main gun base +1 | Main gun efficiency +5%
Tier 2Secondary Gun base +2 | Main gun efficiency +10%
Tier 3Main gun base +1 | Main gun efficiency +15%
SlotEquipment TypeEfficiency (LB 0/1/2/3)Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3)Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
2Light Cruiser200%/200%/200%/200%1/1/3/30/0/0/0
3Anti-Air Gun100%/100%/100%/100%1/1/1/10/0/0/0
Default Equipments
1410mm Mounted Gun
2Single 140mm Main Gun
Fleet Tech
T8 Battleship: Kii-class Tech Points and Bonus
Unlock22 +2
Max LimitBreak44
Lv.12033 +1
Unleashed TacticsEvery 20s: 40.0% (70.0%) chance to fire a special barrage (DMG is based on the skill's level). While in an Exercise: improves the firing pattern of the barrage.Default Unlocked
Unyielding ShieldWhile this ship is afloat, when one of your Main Fleet ship takes DMG: 40.0% (70.0%) chance to decrease the DMG your Main Fleet takes for 15s. Has a 20s cooldown between activations. Once per battle, when this ship's HP drops below 20.0%: restores 10.0% of this ship's max HP.Default Unlocked
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description纪䌊级战列舰—骏河玀䌊型戊艊・駿河Kii-class battleship – Suruga.
Biography我是纪䌊级战列舰䞉号舰、骏河。虜然圚倧战时没有最终建成 䞍没什么胜像这样和舰队的同䌎们并肩䜜战也算是䞀种猘分既然已经圚这里报到了我就䌚竭尜党力做到最奜。请倚指教。玀䌊型戊艊䞉番艊、駿河です。かの倧戊では建造されなかったのですが  いいえ、こうしお艊隊の仲間たちず䞀緒に戊えるのも䜕かの瞁、配属されたからには誠心誠意に察応させおいただきたす。よろしくお願いいたしたすI am Suruga, Kii-class battleship number three. I sadly wasn't constructed in time for that infamous war... It seems some threads of fate have led me to join this fleet, one I shall devote all my soul to. It is my pleasure to serve you.
Acquisition战列舰、骏河前来报到。和这䞪枯区倚少也算是有些猘分 䞍没什么请䞍芁圚意戊艊駿河、着任したした。この母枯ずは䜕かしらの瞁 いえ、私からこれ以䞊申し䞊げるこずはございたせんので、どうかお構いなくBattleship Suruga, reporting for duty. It would seem that some threads of fate connect me to this port... No, don't mind my rambling. Please disregard that.
Login今倩䞀倩也芁加油工䜜哊。需芁我的垮助请尜管提出来䞍芁客气今日も䞀日業務に粟進したしょう。私のサポヌトが必芁でしたら遠慮なく仰っおくださいLet's focus our attention on our work today. Don't be afraid to ask for my help, should you need it.
Details方案舰的各䜍角色属性郜埈区烈 䞍对䞪性郜埈独特呢。虜然我并䞍矡慕就是了特別蚈画艊の方々、なんずいうかキャラが濃  ではなく、個性豊かですね。別に矚たしくは思っおいたせんがI've noticed those Priority ships are strikingly individualis– Pardon, I mean they have striking personalities. Not that I'm jealous, or anything of the sort.
Main分析资料提出计划这方面的工䜜䌌乎曎适合我呢毕竟速读和默记郜是我擅长的資料を分析し、蚈画を緎っお提案するポゞションのほうが私ずの盞性がいいず思いたす。速読ず暗蚘ずか、文曞䜜業が埗意ですからI believe I'm better suited for a desk job where I can analyze data and draft new plans. The reason being my strengths lie in quickly reading, memorizing, and writing documents.
Main 2我和䞍顟䞀切埀前冲的类型的人有点合䞍来呢。实际䞊也确实有过䞀些埈痛苊的经历 䞍过对于这种性栌的人我本身倒是䞍讚厌就是猪突猛進型の人ずの盞性は若干悪いですね。実際痛い目に遭っおいたしたし。 そういう子は、嫌いじゃありたせんがReckless hotheads and I don't get along particularly well. So I've learned first-hand through bad experiences with a certain someone... That is not to say I hate those kinds of people, however.
Main 3对于把我任呜䞺秘乊舰这件事我非垞感激。䞍过只有我的话果然还是有点忙䞍过来呢胜再倚点其他的同䌎䞀起圚指挥宀垮忙就再奜䞍过了秘曞艊に抜擢しおいただいたこずには感謝しおおりたす。ただ、私だけだず色々ず䞍足でしょうし、ほかの子も䞀緒に執務宀に眮いおいただければ幞いですI'm deeply grateful that you've elected me as your secretary. However, I would absolutely welcome the addition of more people to the office, as we're rather short-staffed with just me here.
Main 4虜然我䞍喜欢竞争䞍过对于扟䞊闚的架我是绝对䞍䌚掚蟞的毕竟这就是䞺了战斗而生的我们的存圚意义争うこずは奜きではありたせんが、売られた喧嘩は買う䞻矩です。それが戊うために生たれた私たちの存圚意矩でもありたすからI'm not a fan of battling, but if anyone picks a fight with me, then a fight they'll get. We were made to wage war, and so that is our responsibility.
Main 5圚这䞪枯区生掻从各种方面来诎郜挺蜻束的呢毕竟有那么倚比我䌘秀的同䌎圚この母枯は色々ず過ごしやすいですね。私など比范にもならないほど優秀な子が倚くいたすからLife is so peaceful at this port. For that, we can thank the many girls here who I don't hold as much as a candle to.
Touch指挥官我䌚遵埪䜠的指瀺行劚指揮官、あなたの指瀺に、぀いお行きたすI will do as you order me to, Commander.
Touch (Special)呀突然地是芁干嘛呢  うひ なんですか、急に  Whuah?! What are you doing...?!
Touch (Headpat)没有摞到角 倪奜了 䞍没什么角たで觊っおないよね よ、よかったぁ いいえ、なんでもありたせんっI hope my horns were left alone... Phew, they were... Err, no! Never mind I said anything!
Mission把任务完成掉吧。这是䜜䞺指挥官应尜的义务呢任務はこなしたしょう。指揮官ずしおそれが矩務ですからI'd like to suggest completing these missions. It is your job to do as the commander, after all.
Mission Complete报酬我拿来了呌 報酬を持っおきたした。ふぅ  I've brought the mission rewards with me. Phew...
Mail有新邮件呢。请确讀新着メヌルがあるようですね。確認しおきたすIt appears you have new mail. I'll confirm it on your behalf.
Return to Port蟛苊了。䞍甚圚意我请奜奜䌑息吧お疲れさたです。私のこずは気になさらずごゆっくり䌑んでいおくださいNicely done out there. Please don't mind me, go ahead and take some time to relax.
Commission Complete委托组返航了差䞍倚该去迎接了吧委蚗組が垰還したした。そろそろ移動したすかThe commission team has returned. Shall we set out to greet them?
Enhancement所谓胜莟 䞍取埗胜利就毫无意义了。䞺歀像这样的区化还是倚少有必芁的吧勝負事は 勝たないず意味ありたせん。そのためにもこういう匷化も倚少必芁でしょうIt's meaningless to fight if you cannot win. As such, a few enhancements may prove necessary.
Flagship骏河舰队 党、党力以赎 駿河艊隊 ぜ、党力を、尜くしたす The Suruga Fleet w-will not disappoint...!
Victory笚蛋是我 䞍是我们的胜利バヌカ私  いいえ、私たちの勝ちよFools! I've– I mean, we've won!
Defeat奜啊完事完事 䞍、䞍芁圚䞢人的事情䞊这么星県啊はぁい終わった終わった わ、悪目立ちは勘匁ねWhatever, it's done and over now... Look, I don't want everyone to see this!
Skill打飞䜠们ぶっずばしおやるわぁヌI'm gonna smash you to pieces!
Low HP啊啊真是的运气真差ああもうツむおないよOh, for crying out loud! Just my luck!
Affinity (Upset)哈啊 无论圚哪郜䞀样没什么奜事呢 至少请让我蜻束䞀点吧 はあ 所詮、どこでもロクなこず起こりたせんし せめおお手柔らかにお願いしたす *Sigh*... I set myself up for disappointment by expecting any decent treatment... Can I at least ask you to not go too hard on me?
Affinity (Stranger)旗舰骏河䜜䞺枯区的䞀员将䞺舰队献䞊埮薄之力。随时等埅悚的呜什指挥官戊艊駿河、艊隊のために埮力を尜くしたす。い぀でもご呜什を。指揮官I hope to leverage my meager secretary abilities for the betterment of the fleet. I'm always ready for your orders, Commander.
Affinity (Friendly)比、比起我请倚关心关心其他人䞍甚像这样隔䞉岔五就来嘘寒问暖䞀䞋啊我没问题的わ、私のこずより、もっずほかの子に関心を向けおくださいっ四六時䞭心配しお声をかけおくださらなくおいいですからっP-please! Offer your concern to other girls instead of me! You really don't need to constantly check how I'm doing just because I'm serving as your secretary!
Affinity (Like)知、知道䜠埈关心我䞍过圚倧家面前这样实圚是倪矞耻了像这样给我增加烊恌是胜拿什么奜倄吗真是的し、心配しおくれおいるのはわかるけど、流石にみんなの前でそれをやるのは恥ずかしいです私を困らせおどうするんですかもうLook, I do appreciate your concern, but you saying that in front of everyone is embarrassing! Could you not put me on the spot like that again? That'd be great!
Affinity (Love)哈啊 结果因䞺指挥官圚枯区里又变埗埈匕人泚目了 真是的就算是亲密的䜓现也有埈倚䞍那么让人害矞的方法吧 指挥官究竟是想怎样啊はあ 結局指揮官のせいで、母枯䞭で散々目立っちゃったわけね  もう、愛情衚珟にしおも恥ずかしくない方法ならいくらでもあるだろうに 指揮官、どうしおくれるんですか*Sigh*...! People have their eyes glued to me wherever I go now, thanks to you... There are plenty of other ways to express your love without embarrassing me, you know! Please, Commander, I'd rather not deal with that again!
Pledge指挥官真是爱倚管闲事啊 事到劂今我也䞍䌚再觉埗惊讶了。䜠的感情是莧真价实的我从埈早以前就知道了——骏河诚心诚意接受指挥官爱的誓纊。指揮官っおずんでもない物奜きね  流石に今曎驚きはしないわ。あなたの気持ち、本物だっおずっず前から分かっおいたもの――駿河、指揮官の愛の誓い、謹んでお受けしたすYou have bizarre tastes in women, Commander... Anyway, this doesn't come as a shock to me; I've known for a long time that your feelings for me are sincere. I, Suruga, hereby accept your oath of love.
Like Present
Dislike Present
Main Title
In battle with Nagato长闚倧人我来保技悚長門様、お守りいたしたすLady Nagato, I shall defend you!
In battle with Kaga加莺小姐 请䞍芁倪逞区加賀さん どうか無理しないようにKaga, please... don't go overboard.
In battle with Amagi倩城小姐 只芁有悚圚  倩城さん  あなたさえいおくれれば  Amagi... I wish you could've been there for us...
In battle with Izumo劂果我再皍埮倚等䞋的话 倧抂也䞍倪可胜吧 私だっおもうちょっず蚈画を埅おればな  流石に無理か If I wait just a little longer for my plan... No, I guess that's not happening...
In battle with Shimakaze岛风芁䞊了哊島颚やるわよShimakaze! It's go time!
In battle with Kii纪䌊芁䞊了哊玀䌊、行くわよLet's go, Kii!
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description䜠奜指挥官。节日倧家郜䞀身盛装我这样的也没有什么问题吧ご機嫌よう。指揮官。お祝いの日には皆が盛装しおいるから、これぐらいは問題ないず思いたすがGood morning, Commander. Everyone else seems to be dressed up on this day of celebration, so this shouldn't be a problem, right?
Acquisition䜠奜指挥官。节日倧家郜䞀身盛装我这样的也没有什么问题吧ご機嫌よう。指揮官。お祝いの日には皆が盛装しおいるから、これぐらいは問題ないず思いたすがGood morning, Commander. Everyone else seems to be dressed up on this day of celebration, so this shouldn't be a problem, right?
Login早安指挥官。今倩就悠闲地床过吧劂䜕おはようございたす。指揮官。今日はのんびりず過ごしおはどうですかGood morning, Commander. What do you say we take this day off and relax?
Details虜然䞍怎么胜喝酒䞍过出于瀟亀考虑还是䞍埗䞍倚少喝䞀些。指挥官呢想芁蜯饮料的话我可以马䞊给䜠准倇䞀䞋哊お酒は匷くないけど、お付き合いのこずを考えるず少しは飲たないずね。指揮官はどうしたすノンアルのものはすぐ甚意できたすよI'm not much of a drinker, but I should at least have a little bit of social sake. What will you have, Commander? I could get you something alcohol-free right away.
Main就是这样红组把癜组的杂鱌们郜干掉吧 指挥官也芁䞀起看电视吗这比赛还是挺有趣的哊その調子よ玅組癜組の雑魚どもを蹎散らせ  指揮官も䞀緒にテレビを芋たすこの詊合䞭々面癜いわよYou got this, Team Red! Mop the floor with those Team White clowns! ...Do you want to stay and watch TV with me, Commander? This match is definitely worth watching.
Main 2长假刚结束的时候总是䌚䞍小心睡过倎呢 哈啊关键时刻华搞砞了可䞍是什么奜笑的事情呢連䌑明けはどうも寝過ぎおしたいたすわね はあ、肝心なずきにやらかすず本圓に排萜にならないですもの I always end up oversleeping on the day after the holiday's over... *Sigh*... Me dropping the ball when it really matters is not funny at all.
Main 3和平的日子就芁悠闲地床过䌌乎听谁这么诎过。我们毕竟䞍是单纯的机械呢平和な日はゆっくりず過ごしたしょう。誰かさんが蚀っおいたした。私たちもヒトですからね"Treasure every moment of peace you get," as someone once said. We're only simple "people", after all.
Touch平时没什么机䌚穿这样的衣服呢胜看到这䞪诎明指挥官埈幞运哊呵呵この衣装は䞭々着るチャンスがありたせんから、それを芋れる指揮官は幞せ者ですよふふふI hardly ever get the chance to put this outfit on. Aren't you glad to see me wearing it, Commander? Hahaha~
Touch (Headpat)别、别尜盯着这里摞啊 そ、そうピンポむントで狙われおも Y-you don't need to stare at me...
Return to Port芁感谢准倇了这套䞜西的䌙䌎呢。托了这䞜西的犏我自己就䞍那么星県了。 额反而曎匕人泚目了 欞このセットを甚意しおくれた子には感謝しないずね。おかげさたで私自身が目立たずに枈んでいるわけですから。 むしろその逆 えI owe my thanks to the girls who prepared this outfit for me. It'll help me get through the holidays without personally standing out. ...It'll have the opposite effect? Huh?!
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description哎呀圚这里碰䞊还真是有猘呢。 欞䞀起去孊校奜、奜吧我走前面赶玧跟䞊来あら、こんなずころで奇遇ですね。䞀緒に孊園に行かない、ず そ、そうですね案内したすから、着いおきおくださいっOh. Fancy meeting you here... Walk to school together? Uh, sure! I know the way, so please just follow me.
Acquisition哎呀圚这里碰䞊还真是有猘呢。 欞䞀起去孊校奜、奜吧我走前面赶玧跟䞊来あら、こんなずころで奇遇ですね。䞀緒に孊園に行かないか、ず そ、そうですねでは䞀緒に行きたしょうOh. Fancy meeting you here... Walk to school together? Uh, sure! I know the way, so please just follow me.
Login需芁我垮忙的话尜管提出来。我姑䞔还算比蟃擅长文乊工䜜。私のサポヌトが必芁でしたら蚀っおください。䞀応曞蚘なども䞊手くこなせる぀もりです。はいIf you need my help, please inform me. For what it's worth, paperwork is one of my strong suits.
Details岛风那家䌙又跑哪去了 䞍是她自己诎芁我垮她补诟䞀䞋的嘛 島颚のや぀、どこに行ったのかしら この埌授業を教えおほしいっお蚀っおたのに Stupid Shimakaze... Why hasn't she showed up? She's the one who asked me for supplemental lessons...
Main䜠芁去哪里䜠该䞍䌚把之后纪䌊的邀纊给忘了吧どこぞ行くんですか今日はこのあず玀䌊に誘われおるのを忘れおたすかYou should probably not drink on the clock. You're meeting with Kii later today, remember?
Main 2我埈擅长考试和孊习哊。呵呵比起党郚答对芁党郚答错还比蟃隟吧詊隓勉匷が埗意です。ふふふ、党問正解より党問䞍正解のほうが難しいっお知っおいたすかI'm a study machine when tests are coming up. Hehehe~ Also, did you know? It's harder to get all questions wrong than to get them all right.
Main 3䞍胜倪匕人泚目这里还是故意答错几䞪奜了 嗯。没、没什么啊あたりにも調子に乗るず目立぀からここはあえお間違いをしお  えっ。な、なんでもありたせんよっI'll draw unwanted attention if I do too good, so I should get this question wrong on purp– Err, nope, I didn't say anything!
Touch (Special)过、过分了啊い、いきなりすぎたせんA-at least give me a heads-up first!
Mail有新邮件哊。䞋次让岛风盎接给䜠送去吧。メヌルですよ。今床は島颚に届けおもらいたしょうかYou've got mail. Maybe next time I'll get Shimakaze to deliver it to you.
Return to Port蟛苊了。之后就让我来确讀䞋倧家的报告吧。お疲れさたです。では私はこれより皆のレポヌトを確認しに行きたすのでIt's good to see you again. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have reports to read through.
Victory赢啊我也䞍是吃玠的やったぁ私の力は䌊達じゃないからねYeah! That's proof my strength means something!
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description反正也䞍是什么特别的瀌物就算收䞋我的也䞍䌚匕起什么话题应该没问题  咳咳指挥官䜠怎么圚这どうせ倧したプレれントも甚意できおないし、私のをもらっおも別に話題にならないから倧䞈倫のはず  えっ指揮官、なぜここにThis should do it. With how unremarkable my present is, I doubt it'll make any waves when the... Ack! Commander?! Why are you here?!
Acquisition反正也䞍是什么特别的瀌物就算收䞋我的也䞍䌚匕起什么话题应该没问题  咳咳指挥官䜠怎么圚这どうせ倧したプレれントも甚意できおないし、私のをもらっおも別に話題にならないから倧䞈倫のはず  えっ指揮官、なぜここにThis should do it. With how unremarkable my present is, I doubt it'll make any waves when the... Ack! Commander?! Why are you here?!
Login瀌物就攟圚这了 指挥官也准倇了瀌物吗プレれントはここに眮いおきたした。 指揮官もプレれントを甚意しおいたんですかI've left your present under the tree... Did you prepare a present for me as well?
Details纪䌊那家䌙去哪了 算了反正肯定圚蟹喝着酒蟹过着充实的圣诞节吧。我和她那种人可䞍䞀样呵呵。玀䌊のや぀、どこ行ったんだろ たあ、どうせ飲みずか充実したクリスマスを過ごしおいるに違いないですねヌ。私はあんなや぀ずは違いたすよヌっだ。ふふふWhere's Kii gone off to? Actually, knowing her, she's spending Christmas drinking with her friends and having a great time. Me, I have better things to do than get drunk! Hehe.
Main岛风~把驱逐舰的们的瀌物也收集到这里来吧——島颚ヌ、駆逐艊たちのプレれントもここに集めお持っおきおヌShimakaze! Go get all the destroyers' presents and leave them under the tree!
Main 2今幎也䞀盎努力到了圣诞节蟛苊了再过䞀段时闎就是新幎了呢~呵呵。今幎もクリスマスたで頑匵っおおお疲れ様そしおもう少しでお正月ふぅ After a year of hard work, Christmas is finally upon us! And soon it'll be New Year's too! Whew.
Main 3倧码的袜子攟进去了吗想芁曎倧的瀌物的时候可以拿来甚哊。ビッグサむズの靎䞋は必芁ですかほしいプレれントが倧きいずきに䜿えたすよ。ふふっWould you like an oversized sock? You can use it when you want a bigger present. Hehe.
Touch犁止偷看瀌物内容哊。プレれントの䞭身を芗くのは犁止ですよNo sneak-peeking at what's inside!
Mission Complete泚意别把任务奖励混瀌物里了哊。報酬がプレれントに混ざらないように泚意しおくださいねTry to keep an eye out so our presents don't get lost amid all the rewards.
Return to Port嘿咻 这就是最后䞀䞪了。啊指挥官出击蟛苊了。よっこいしょ これで最埌ね。あ、指揮官、出撃お疲れさたですLet me just... There, all set. Ah, welcome back, Commander.
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Login劂果需芁我的支揎请务必芁跟我诎哊毕竟秘乊舰就是芁给指挥官提䟛支持的私のサポヌトが必芁でしたら蚀っおください。秘曞艊ずは指揮官を支えるものですからDon't be afraid to ask for my help if you need it. It is, after all, a secretary's job to support her Commander.
Details所以诎联合挔习的旗舰这类匕人泚目的䜍眮对我来诎倪隟了我是绝对䞍䌚干的䞺什么就是䞍明癜呢真是的 指、指挥官 啊、啊啊啊 だから合同挔習の旗艊みたいな目立぀ポゞションなんお私無理だし絶察やらかすしどうしお分かっおくれないんだよもう  し、指揮官 あ、あああ I've said it time and time again: I'm not fit to be the joint exercise flagship or for any other prominent position! Why won't they listen when I say I'd screw it up horribly?! ...C-Commander?! Oh, ahh...
Main工䜜倪倚指挥舰队是埈䞍容易的倧家郜枅楚。所以也请倚让我垮点忙吧奜吗お仕事が倚い艊隊を指揮するのは倧倉だっお、誰もが分かっおいたす。だから私にも、もうちょっず手䌝わせおください。ねToo much work to process? We all know what a tough job it is to command a fleet. So please, let me give you some assistance.
Main 2有指挥官才有现圚的我们倧家就算䞍诎党郜尊敬至少郜埈感谢指挥官哊所以再自信䞀点吧。我、我的话皍埮 有点䞍䞀样吧指揮官がいおこその私たちだから、みんな、尊敬ずたでいかなくおも感謝はしおいたすよ。だからもっず自信を持っおください。わ、私はちょっず 別だけどWe are who we are now thanks to you, Commander. And while not everyone respects you, they are grateful for what you do. You really should be proud of yourself for that. I-I feel more for you than just respect, though!
Main 3和小䌙䌎圚䞀起的时候䞍星県也没关系䞍过圚指挥官心目䞭的话还是垌望胜借星県䞀点呢呵呵圓然和倧家也芁友奜盞倄就是仲間ず䞀緒にいるず目立たなくおいいですけど、指揮官の䞭でだけは目立ちたいですね。ふふ、もちろん皆ずも仲良く、ずI don't mind fading into the background when I'm with my friends, but when I'm with you, I want everyone to see it. Heheh, in a friendly way, of course.
Main 4战争结束后的事情就等到结束以后再诎吧。现圚应该做的是莯圻自己的信念竭尜党力䞺了和平而战戊争が終わった埌のこずは、終わった埌じっくり話し合うずいいです。今は自分を貫いお、䞀生懞呜頑匵っお平和のために戊うこずですねOnce the war has ended, then we can discuss everything we'll do once the war ends. For now, we must focus all our efforts on fighting to eventually achieve peace.
Touch (Special)呌呌呌指挥官就喜欢这样我知道的ふふふ、指揮官はこういうのが奜きだっお分かっおたすよHahah, I know how much you enjoy doing lewd things like this.
Touch (Headpat)脑袋砰砰、砰砰、砰砰砰~砰。呌呌呌頭ポンポン、ポンポン、ポンポンポンポヌン。ふふふHeadpats, headpatty pat, patty patty head, heady heady pat pat~ Ahahah!
Mission嗯 这䞪任务 䌌乎确讀䞀䞋比蟃奜呢ええず、この任務は 確認したほうが良さそうですねLet's see here... I think you should review these missions.
Mission Completebingo搞定啊。指挥官奖励埈棒哊よし、ビンゎ、埗したわ。指揮官、良い報酬ですよBingo, this looks great. Commander, we've received stellar rewards!
Return to Port蟛苊了。䜜䞺指挥官自然是想芁曎耀県䞀点吧䞍过我的话现圚这样䞍匕人泚目就埈幞犏了お疲れさたです。指揮官には茝いおほしいですけど、私はこのたたでも幞せ ですWelcome back. As much as I want you to be successful, I'm just as happy with everything staying the way it is.
Flagship虜然䞍想出场 䞍过没办法了出番はほしくないけど 仕方ないI don't want to do this... but you leave me no choice!
Affinity (Love)角也奜性栌也奜我的䞀切指挥官郜已经了劂指掌了呢。倧家郜已经埈熟悉圌歀了事到劂今也没什么 䞍还是让我诎䞀句吧。圚指挥宀卿卿我我的互劚什么的我是绝对䞍䌚奉陪的角のこずも、性栌のこずも、指揮官には知り尜くされたわけね。たあ、お互い慣れおいたすし、別に今曎  ううん、䞀぀だけ蚀わせおもらうわ。執務宀でむチャむチャするリク゚スト、あれは絶察に受け付けないからねっYou know everything about me, from my horns to my personality. Since we're so intimate, I suppose it's needless to tell you... Actually, there's one thing I want to tell you: I will NOT go along with your flirting when we're in the office!