Shinano (JP 🇯🇵: 信濃, CN 🇹🇼: 鵗)
Ship ID No. 231 Star Rating ★★★☆☆☆
Hull Aircraft Carrier Rarity Ultra Rare
Navy Sakura Empire Build Time 05:15:00
Enhance Income
Scrap Income
Release Date
Voice actress Mamiko Noto
Shinano Description
Yamato-class Aircraft Carrier - Shinano
Dreams of the Hazy Moon Description
The moonlight dims beneath hazy clouds, and the lights of the night sky begin to shine... The moon, and this sake, are both intoxicating... Will you not enjoy this fine evening with me...?
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
Limit Break
Tier 1
Tier 2
Tier 3
Slot Equipment Type Efficiency (LB 0/1/2/3) Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3) Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
4 Auxiliary - - -
5 Auxiliary - - -
Default Equipments
Fleet Tech
T Aircraft Carrier: Yamato Tech Points and Bonus
Unlock +
Max LimitBreak
Lv.120 +
Icon Name Description Requirements
Hope's Tempest 3s after the battle starts: launches a Saiun recon flight. When this ship launches an Airstrike: launches an additional Lv.1 (Lv.10) Shiden Kai 2, Ryuusei, or Saiun airstrike. Saiuns do not attack, but decrease the FP, TRP, and AA of one random enemy (humanoids prioritized) by 3.0% and increase the DMG they take by 3.0% until the battle ends. This debuff can stack up to 3 times.
Dreamwaker's Bow Every 15s: fires a Lv.1 (Lv.10) special barrage. During the 1st and 2nd battles this ship fights in during a sortie: increases this ship's AVI by 5.0% (15.0%). When the fleet this ship is NOT in starts its 3rd, 4th, and 5th battles of a sortie: launches a Lv.1 (Lv.10) airstrike (DMG is based on the skill's level) 15s after the battle starts.
Protector of the New Moon While this ship is afloat: increases the FP, EVA, and ASW of your DDs by 5.0% (15.0%). If the fleet this ship is in contains 3 (or more) Sakura Empire ships: decreases the DMG this ship takes from Main Guns and Aircraft by 8.0% (20.0%) and increases AVI and Accuracy by 5.0% (15.0%) for all your Sakura Empire CVs.
05:15:00 JP CN EN
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 大和级三番舰—信浓 大和型三番艦・信濃 Yamato-class ship number three – Shinano.
Biography 妾身乃是重樱航母、信浓。原本当与大和并肩,为重樱燃尽此身。然而最终却落得那般结局,世事无常,不外如是…而此次,妾身相信,有汝在,定然会有截然不同的结果—— 重桜に属す、空母信濃と申す。かの大戦では大和型の姉妹艦として戦陣にて散ることなく、斯様な結末に――嗚呼、諸行因果、妾には、それを…知ること叶わず――汝に導かれし道が異なる結果を生み出さんことを…… I am called Shinano, aircraft carrier of the Sakura Empire. I was to stand beside Yamato during that war, yet in the end... Alas, there is impermanence in all things, and nothing became of this one's life... May your guidance lead my fate to a different outcome...
Acquisition 这种感觉,并非在梦中…将妾身自沉睡中唤醒的,是汝?此亦命运的必然…大和级三号舰、信浓,让妾身为汝指引前进的正道吧。 この感触…夢ではなく現し世……汝(そなた)が妾(わたし)を呼び覚ましたのか?嗚呼、定めとは斯様にも…大和型3番艦の信濃と申す。正しき道へと導こう… This sensation... is that of reality... Was it you who awoke this one from her long slumber? Such is the inevitability of fate... Please allow Shinano, third ship of the Yamato-class, to guide you forward upon the right path.
Login 欢迎回来,妾身已等候汝多时了。 Zzzz……よく戻られた。長く、永く、ここで待って居た…… Nnnh... You have returned. Long, eternal, has this one's wait been...
Details Zzzzz…真正的强大,足以挣脱命运的束缚…然而真的是那样吗…? Zzzzz……定めを壊すほど真に強きこと……鏡花水月、幻の如く……ふぅ…… Mmh... True strength can shatter the chains of fate... or is this but the moon's reflection within the water... Mm...
Main 美好的事物总是短暂,不过,有过一瞬的盛放,总好过默默无闻的凋零吧… 如何に美しい花も、散りゆくが定め…美しく咲き誇れば、例えそれが一瞬でも尊く―― Even the most beautiful flower is transient, to be scattered into the wind... But, 'tis better to bloom for but a moment than to wither eternally upon the vine.
Main 2 指挥官,累了的话,要在我怀里睡一会吗?就如诸多重樱驱逐舰们都喜欢做的那般—— 嗚呼、お労しや…妾の胸でゆるりと癒やしを……ええ、駆逐艦の子たちと同じく―― Do you wish to rest within this one's bosom? ...Yes, just as the little destroyers do...
Main 3 港区里有许多妾身未曾见识过的新鲜事物,有机会的话真想一一尝试看看… 見聞を広めるのはよろしゅう…此の母港でなら、良ければ、妾が…… I would like to experience all this port has to offer... should it be possible...
Main 4 汝托付于妾身的报告书在此…错误很多?…看来赶工也不是个好事… 汝に任された報告書はここに……誤りが多い、と…?あぅ、期日を繰り上げすぎるのも、善からずか…… I have left the report here... Hmm... There are many errors? ...'twould seem that hasty deadlines are not this one's strong suit...
Main 5 之字…嗯…啊,刚才不小心撞上汝了吗?抱歉… ジグザグ……Zzzzz…あっ…危うくぶつかりそうだった?…妾の不注意に、お詫び申す… Vrooom... Zzzzzz... Oh... Did I hit you by mistake? ...Sincerest apologies...
Touch Zzzzzz…啊…妾身又睡着了吗?…非常抱歉… Zzzzzz……あ…妾がまた眠っていたと……お詫びを…… Mmmm... Hm? ...I dozed off again? ...Sincerest apologies...
Touch (Special) 在这里…不可以… ここでは……汝…うぅ…… You musn't... Not there... Nnh...
Touch (Headpat) 指、指挥官,耳朵有点… 嗚呼……妾、耳は弱く…… Aah... My ears are sensitive...
Mission 任务…能及时完成吗? お勤め…期日までには果たせようか… This task... can it be completed in time...?
Mission Complete 果然有汝在,没有什么是做不到的。 汝がいれば、何事も出来よう… As long as you are here, there is nothing that cannot be accomplished...
Mail 信件承载着来自远方的思念,万不可轻视… 遠き思いを載せる文、軽んずべからず…… Dismiss not the letters bearing distant thoughts...
Return to Port Zzzz…这次…也平安回来了,… Zzzz……無事に帰還したと観た…嗚呼、よきかな…… Nnnh... Your safe return... pleases me...
Commission Complete Zzzzz…万不可…忘记那些默默付出之人,前往…迎接她们吧 Zzzzz…委託組の子の出迎えを…どうか忘るべからず…… Mmmm... The girls on commission are returning now... 'twould behoove you to forget them not...
Enhancement 但愿这一切不会成为无用功… 徒労な終わり、なきこと…… May this not end in futility...
Flagship 胜负,皆为命定。至少…让我等竭尽全力—— 定めなれど、精魂果つるまでお務めを―― Though fate has been written, I shall fight until my soul's duty has been fulfilled...
Victory 这便是,妾身的力量…? 妾の力は、これ程……? Is this... my power...?
Defeat 抱歉,是妾身辜负了诸位…… 嗚呼、妾が皆の期待に背いたばかりに…… Apologies... I have failed to meet your expectations...
Skill 已经看到了,汝等破灭的命运—— 定めが…観える―― Your fate... has been sealed...
Low HP 妾身…不会就此退缩! ……退くことはあるまい… ...I shall not retreat...
Affinity (Upset) 在汝身旁,妾身看不到任何的光芒… 汝の側では、妾とて光観ること叶わず…… From here, this one sees not any light...
Affinity (Stranger) 承载了诸多期待与瞩目,却无法展现出与之相符的实力,这便是命运对妾身的嘲弄吗… 期待と注目を受けても、力を振るうこと叶わず……嘲笑われるのは妾の定めゆえの事…… To carry the burden of great expectations, yet unable to demonstrate the power to meet them... Such is fate's mockery of this one's existence...
Affinity (Friendly) 知晓命运,却无力改变;与一无所知,亦不知改变,究竟何者更加不幸呢… 観える未来を変えられぬ不幸と、未来を知り得ぬ不幸……いずれがより良き不幸であろうか To see destiny, yet to be unable to change it; or to be ignorant to the turning of fate... Which is the greater misfortune?
Affinity (Like) 妾身…一直在做着各种梦,悲伤的令人不忍回忆的梦,幸福的令人不想醒来的梦…甚至现实于妾身,亦如梦幻一般…指挥官,汝…究竟是现实,亦或是梦幻? 妾が観た夢……いと忘れまほしき悲しさ、永遠に溺れまほしきよろこび、嗚呼…現実も夢幻の如く……汝が果たして、まことなりや? Long has this one dreamt... Tragic dreams that one wishes to never recall... Blissful dreams from which one hopes to never wake from... Even reality itself seems like just another dream.. Commander, is this truly reality, or yet another illusion?
Affinity (Love) 妾身曾为缠绕于身的诸多“命中注定的无可奈何”而哀叹不已…而如今,只要在这里,只要与汝在一起,妾身便觉得,无论何种命运,皆不足为惧了—— 定めを変えられぬと嘆いた妾は……今や怖れず、未来も、何もかも……こ、ここで、汝と、ともにいれば―― I once lamented my inability to shift the hand of fate... But now, and forever... as long as you are here...
Pledge 回想在此港区与汝经历之种种,皆是令人不禁微笑的美好回忆…是汝为妾身带来了截然不同的生活。从今往后,妾身会与汝一同,直面各种命运,无论幸或不幸—— この母港で出会った汝との思い出は…初々しくも、嬉しく……嗚呼、これで――定めを、悲しみを、喜びを、全てを…妾を大切にする汝とともに―― The memories forged at this port... have brought me great joy... Alas, from now on... I shall cherish my time with you through fates both joyful and painful... through weal and woe alike...
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 月色朦胧,华灯初上…夜色与美酒,皆令人沉醉不已……汝,愿意与妾身共赴这梦幻般的月下之宴吗? 月は叢雲に隠れ、華は灯火で彩る……月も酒も、いと麗しゅう……妾とともに、楽しんでくれる……? The moonlight dims beneath hazy clouds, and the lights of the night sky begin to shine... The moon, and this sake, are both intoxicating... Will you not enjoy this fine evening with me...?
Acquisition 月色朦胧,华灯初上…夜色与美酒,皆令人沉醉不已……汝,愿意与妾身共赴这梦幻般的月下之宴吗? 月は叢雲に隠れ、華は灯火で彩る……月も酒も、いと麗しゅう……妾とともに、楽しんでくれる……? The moonlight dims beneath hazy clouds, and the lights of the night sky begin to shine... The moon, and this sake, are both intoxicating... Will you not enjoy this fine evening with me...?
Login 星光璀璨,烛焰摇曳。美妙的夜宴,才要开始…Zzzzzz 輝くは数多なる星々、揺れるは宴の燈火…夜は…始まったばかり……Zzzzzz The shimmering of the countless stars, the dancing lights of the banquet... This night... has only just begin... Zzzzz...
Details 亘古不变的星空…兀自圆缺的明月…与之相比,地上的一切,当真宛若梦幻泡影,转瞬即逝…… 星々の運行、月の満ち欠け、定めは変わらぬ…現し世も夢も、ヒトのことは、まぼろし…… Through the sojourn of the stars through the sky, through the waxing and waning of moons, fate remains immutable... In contrast, mortal dreams and realities alike seem like fleeting illusions...
Main 如此美好的夜宴,令人不禁心忧,一切会不会只是庄周梦蝶,黄粱一梦… 宴は、楽しゅう…邯鄲の夢、間違われるほど……杞憂を…… Being able to enjoy tonight's banquet thusly... fills one with apprehension that this... may be yet another dream...
Main 2 命运曾数次捉弄妾身,却又让妾身遇见了汝…所谓天道无常,亦不过如是 幾度翻弄されようと、汝と出会わせた…ヒトの定め、無常と申す…… Though I have long been the plaything of fate, it still allowed me to meet you... How strange and whimsical a thing it must be...
Main 3 这西洋之酒颇为刺激,妾身还未能完全适应的样子呢…稍微品尝了些便感觉有些飘飘然了… 西洋の酒、飲み慣れてはいない……斯様な量で…もう…ほろ酔いに…… Western spirits are a new experience for this one... Even this trifling amount... has already... gone to my head...
Touch 今夜月色真美…汝也这么觉得吗,指挥官大人? 今宵の月は、麗しゅう……汝も、同じ感慨か……? Beauteous is the moon tonight... Are you in agreement...?
Return to Port 呼…方才与驱逐舰们稍微嬉闹了一番,尾巴稍微有些凌乱,让汝见笑了… んっ……乱れたところ、お見せした……駆逐艦の子たちと、遊んだゆえ、しっぽが、お恥ずかしいことに…… *sigh*... Sincerest apologies for this unsightly display... The destroyer children were playing around and made a mess of my tail... How embarrassing...
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 呼…嗯…此般充斥着欢喜的喧嚣…兴行竞技赛事之地妾身所能做到的……啊,既然是汝之所求,妾身怎能回绝呢…… ふぅ…んっ…斯様な歓喜に満ちた喧騒…競技を興じる場で妾(わたし)に出来る事……汝(そなた)に求められれば、如何に断れようか…… Hnnh... Such clamors of merriment... Would this one be welcome amidst these festivities? Alas... If you so desire, how can this one refuse...?
Acquisition 呼…嗯…此般充斥着欢喜的喧嚣…兴行竞技赛事之地妾身所能做到的……啊,既然是汝之所求,妾身怎能回绝呢…… ふぅ…んっ…斯様な歓喜に満ちた喧騒…競技を興じる場で妾(わたし)に出来る事……汝(そなた)に求められれば、如何に断れようか…… Hnnh... Such clamors of merriment... Would this one be welcome amidst these festivities? Alas... If you so desire, how can this one refuse...?
Login 嗯……呼…如此便好吗…?信浓会在此全力应援汝之奋斗的——预祝初战告捷…… んんっ……ふぅ…此の様で良いものか…?汝の奮闘を信濃、此処より精一杯応援す――初戦の快勝を、祈り申す… Mm... Nnh... Will this do...? This one offers wholehearted support in all your struggles... I pray for your first-round triumph...
Details 今天汝所选择的服饰……虽然美丽,不过如此般展现妾身之肤……就算是规定,也还是会害羞呢…… 汝が選んだ、本日の為の装束……美しくも、此のように妾の素肌を見せるは……定めといえど恥ずかし The attire you chose for this one...though beauteous, is rather revealing... This one cannot help but be embarrassed by cruel fate...
Main 银轮闪烁,轰鸣交融…比赛的结果到底如何……啊,妾身虽然想看但无法实现……非常抱歉… 銀輪の煌めき、轟音の交響…試合の行方は如何に……嗚呼、妾とて観ることが叶わず……お詫び申す… Gleaming chrome, roaring reverberations... Who emerged victorious? Alas, this one must apologize...for missing it...
Main 2 众目睽睽之下此般的高温……即使兴致高昂,但实在谈不上安宁……汝是否也和妾身一般辗转难安呢? 衆人環視の中で斯様な熱気………っ…心が高揚すれど、安寧には程遠く……汝も、妾と同じや否や…? Subjected thusly to the eyes of many... The heart is elated, yet its tranquility is disturbed... Do you feel the heat this one feels...?
Main 3 当初还以为汝有所图谋……既然知道了这是为了炒热比赛气氛,接下这份职责自然是乐意的…… もしや、妾の乱れたところをご所望かと………試合を彩る役と分かれば、喜んで引き受けよう… Initially, this one wondered if you had ulterior motives...but knowing that this is to add flair to the race, I joyously accept this duty...
Touch 需要换个姿势吗…?嗯…既然是职责所在,妾身自当尽力…… 体勢を変えてほしい、と…?んん…お勤めなれば、妾も尽力を…… You want this one to change posture? Mm... If that is my destined task, then I will try...
Touch (Special) 如果说这是对汝奋斗的奖赏的话…… 汝の奮闘への褒美と思わば…然らば… As a reward for your valiant efforts...
Touch (Headpat) 啊……耳朵有点…… 嗚呼……妾、耳は弱く…… Alas... This one's ears are sensitive...
Mission 虽说是一直以来的事务,不过汝的职责很重要……快快完成吧…… 月並みなれど、汝の務めは大事……疾くするがよし Trite it may be, but your work is of vital import... See it done anon...
Mission Complete 赐予的奖赏是…啊,这西洋的酒,妾身可能……只需打开就好吗……? 褒賞に奉らるるは…西洋の酒、妾はとても……開けるのみ……? A prize of Western spirits... Alas, I suppose...this one must open it...?
Return to Port 希望这不会不堪妾身躯体之重……汝所希望之责,并不容易…之后向翔鹤和大凤她们请教一二吧… 妾の体に圧されて壊れぬと良いが……汝に願われた務めは難し…翔鶴や大鳳たちから教えを乞おう… Hopefully my form is not so burdensome as to break this... The task you have entrusted this one is difficult to bear, but I may beseech advice from Shoukaku and Taihou...
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 汝昼思夜梦的纯白沙滩,魂牵梦萦中勾勒出的海市蜃楼……即便与汝已在此相约数度,也难免心旌摇曳,再次置身于此… 汝が思い描く白浜、昼想夜夢(ちゅうそうやむ)の理に適う蜃気楼の世界……幾度ここで汝との逢瀬を重ねようとも、また引き寄せられて… This world of pristine sand that you have envisioned, a mirage that fits only within the confines of a dream and a reverie... No matter how many times we meet here, this one finds herself drawn to this place again and again...
Acquisition 汝昼思夜梦的纯白沙滩,魂牵梦萦中勾勒出的海市蜃楼……即便与汝已在此相约数度,也难免心旌摇曳,再次置身于此… 汝が思い描く白浜、昼想夜夢(ちゅうそうやむ)の理に適う蜃気楼の世界……幾度ここで汝との逢瀬を重ねようとも、また引き寄せられて… This world of pristine sand that you have envisioned, a mirage that fits only within the confines of a dream and a reverie... No matter how many times we meet here, this one finds herself drawn to this place again and again...
Login 汝之所盼的海边装扮,于妾身而言却略显褊急……嗯…若与伙伴无异便好… 汝が希望する海辺での装いは妾の体にはいと小さく……んっ…他の子と比べておかしくなければ良いが… The swimsuit you requested is too small for this one... Mm... This one hopes it isn't too strange compared to the others...
Details 嗯…汝所盼之霓裳固然美丽,奈何即便未宽衣解带,稍有动静便会衣履凌乱……甚是令人面红耳热… 汝が望む衣は美しきものなれど……結びを解かずとも、身を動かせば乱れ……甚く、恥ずかしく…… While the swimsuit is beautiful... Even when tied securely, just moving makes a mess of it... It's rather mortifying...
Main 不止现世,梦中也相逢交织…汝之思慕之情,跨越一切使妾身身心火热……情难自持,此般流露,在此致歉… 現のみならず、夢でも逢瀬を交わす…汝の思慕と想い、離れれど信濃を火照らせ……汗がしたたるほど。見苦しい姿をお詫び申す… A lover's tryst, both in reality and in our dreams... Your loving and longing warm this one so much that it makes me sweat. Sorry you have to see this one like this...
Main 2 衣衫凌乱,并非本意……然,纵使急欲打理,却因小家伙作乱难有作为…此等困境,该如何是好… 衣が着崩れるのは本意にあらず……されど早く整えたくとも、小さきものの所為でそれも叶わず…この窮状、如何に脱しようか… It was not this one's intent for my swimsuit to malfunction... Every time this one adjusts it, the next small motion throws it back into disarray... How can one escape this plight?
Main 3 若是期盼凉风…嗯……像这般煽动尾巴的话…嗯…但愿送达于汝的并非热气… 涼風を欲すようなら…ん、んんん……このようにしっぽで扇げば…んっ…汝に届くのが、熱気にならねば良いが… If you desire a cool breeze... M-mm... By fanning this one's tail as such... Mm... Hopefully this does not simply blow hot air at you...
Touch 游术之邀…汝若钟意,妾身自当为伴… 遊泳の誘い…妾でよければ、相手になろう… An invitation to swim... This one will gladly join you...
Touch (Special) 既是汝,妾身便甘之如饴… 汝になら、喜んで触れられよう… This one graciously accepts your touch...
Touch (Headpat) 汝何故要这般执拗地……嗯嗯… 何故妾の弱いところを執拗に……んんっ… You so persistently strike this one's weaknesses... Mmh...
Mission 即使于梦中,也勤于尽忠职守,令人惊叹… 夢の中でも務めを果たそうとする精勤、驚嘆に値す… Even in your dreams, you diligently fulfill your responsibilities... It is astounding.
Mission Complete 获酬众多,硕果累累……愿天道酬勤,汝之所梦皆成真… 積み上がっていく報酬の数々……汝の努力が報われる、正夢であれと祈るばかり…… An ever-growing pile of rewards... May this dream of your efforts being rewarded come true...
Return to Port 若是看做终将消逝的南柯一梦,此等悖于自然法则的海天一色,亦无可厚非…若是汝之所望,直至梦醒刹那,亦可化作永恒— いずれ消えゆく幻と想えば、摂理離れる水天も受け入れることができよう…汝が望めば、目覚めるまでの刹那も永遠(とわ)に引き伸ばせる―― If regarded as illusions that will eventually fade, one can even accept seas and skies that defy the laws of nature... If it is your desire, this one will make the last moments of your dreams eternal.
Commission Complete 委托组的孩子们回来了…之后的迎接,便拜托了… 委託組の子が戻りて…あとで出迎えを、頼み申す… The commission team makes their return... This one asks that you greet them soon...
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 华光乍现,幻梦摇曳……指挥官,欢迎步入妾身为汝编织的梦境。这转瞬即现于汝眼前的魔术,汝可喜欢? 光華閃き、ゆらりと動く幻夢の如く……汝のために作り出した夢に歓迎申す。須臾に姿を顕にする奇術…気になりや? As a flickering, quivering phantasm... Welcome to the dream this one made for you, Commander. Do you like this magic, in which this one appears in an instant?
Acquisition 华光乍现,幻梦摇曳……指挥官,欢迎步入妾身为汝编织的梦境。这转瞬即现于汝眼前的魔术,汝可喜欢? 光華閃き、ゆらりと動く幻夢の如く……汝のために作り出した夢に歓迎申す。須臾に姿を顕にする奇術…気になりや? As a flickering, quivering phantasm... Welcome to the dream this one made for you, Commander. Do you like this magic, in which this one appears in an instant?
Login 汝来了……若汝钟情此梦,不妨在此多停留片刻吧……当然,妾身亦会于此,与汝相伴。 汝の到来に歓迎申す……此の洞天に心行けば、しばし滞在することもできよう……無論、妾はここで、汝と相伴す―― This one welcomes your arrival... If you wish, you may stay in my grotto. This one will accompany you, of course...
Details 汝问妾身为何编织此梦境?……妾身只愿与汝携手沉溺于美梦之中,共寻惊喜与美好…… 此の夢を作りし理由を知りたい…?信濃はただ、汝と良き夢に浸りて、共に驚喜と幸福を興じたく…… You wish to know why this one has woven such a dream? This one only wishes to indulge in sweet dreams with you, to seek surprise and succor together...
Main 时间仓促,妾身未能仔细打理尾巴,稍显凌乱了……望汝莫要在意…… 準備する時間が短く、尻尾の手入れが出来ておらず、少々乱れてしまい……どうか、気にせぬよう There wasn't much time to prepare, so this one's tail is unbrushed and messy... Please forgive me.
Main 2 此密闭玻璃箱的尺寸,与妾身原先所想略有偏差,稍显局促……好在并未影响演出的效果。 硝子のハコ、思いのほか狭し、些か窮屈なれど……見栄えは損なわれておらぬ… This glass box is rather cramped... Fortunately, it did not affect the performance...
Main 3 这般摇曳生姿的灯火,与汝炽热如炬的目光……皆令妾身情难自禁…… 艶しく舞う幻夢の灯火、汝から投げられた熱き視線……汝への情念を、抑えきれぬ…… Phantasmal, dancing lights and your passionate gaze... They make this one's self-control futile...
Main 4 听闻此般手势能够传达欢欣之意?汝能够感受到么?妾身面对汝时,满怀的欣喜。 斯様なる手振りが、歓喜の意を伝達できると……汝にはしかと伝わっている?汝に面した、妾の想いを… Supposedly, this hand gesture conveys joy... Do you see the joy this one feels in your presence?
Touch 汝可是想将此箱子打开? 汝は…このハコを開けたい、と……? Do you... wish to open this box?
Touch (Special) 嗯……汝的温度,妾身感受到了,这是汝的魔术么……? ん……汝の温度を信濃、感じ取れて申す…もしやこれが汝の奇術……? Hmm... Your warmth reaches this one. Is this your own magic...?
Touch (Headpat) 嗯?在这梦境之中,妾身不会再睡去。 ん…?夢の境界では信濃、眠りに落ちぬ…… Hmm...? In this dream realm, this one will not fall asleep...
Return to Port 汝想再度观赏这场魔术么……?若能抚慰汝疲惫身心,妾身自当竭尽全力。 信濃が披露した奇術を、もう一度ご覧に……?汝の疲れを癒せるなら信濃、全力を尽くそう…… Do you wish to see this one's magic again...? Whatever it takes to soothe you...
Victory 魔术演出甚是成功。 嗚呼、奇術の披露が、いと完璧に…… Ah, what a perfect display of magic...
Defeat 虚渺的梦,终将消散么…… 縹緲たる夢は、いつかは消える定め…… All fleeting dreams must come to an end...
Affinity (Love) 华美绚丽的魔术终会消逝于须臾惊叹之中,故而妾身将此古老而神秘的艺术编织于梦中,长久不会消逝……当汝心有渴望时,便可入梦……而在这梦中,妾身亦将长久伴于左右…… 如何に絢爛豪華なれど、奇術も須臾の驚嘆に消えゆく定め……されど一芸を幻夢に封ずれば、その神秘も永遠になろう……汝が望めば、この洞天に入り…妾もまた、幻夢にて汝に相伴す…… Even the most glorious magic must fade, in one last spectacular moment... However, if this one weaves this magic into dream, its wonder will be eternal... If you desire, come into my grotto... and we may be together forever...