Musashi (JP 🇯🇵: , CN 🇹🇌: )
Ship ID No. 217 Star Rating ★★★☆☆☆
Hull Battleship Rarity Ultra Rare
Navy Sakura Empire Build Time
Enhance Income
Scrap Income
Release Date
Voice actress
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
Limit Break
Tier 1
Tier 2
Tier 3
Slot Equipment Type Efficiency (LB 0/1/2/3) Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3) Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
4 Auxiliary - - -
5 Auxiliary - - -
Default Equipments
Fleet Tech
T Battleship: Yamato-Class Tech Points and Bonus
Unlock +
Max LimitBreak
Lv.120 +
Icon Name Description Requirements
Violet Lightning Storm When this ship fires her Main Guns: 50.0% (100%) chance to fire a Lv.1 (Lv.10) special barrage (DMG is based on the skill's level); if this ship has a Sakura Empire Main Gun equipped, this barrage is improved. This special barrage has 50.0% increased Crit Rate, and the lightning bolts from this barrage inflict a special Armor Break ailment to enemies hit, increasing their DMG taken by 5.0% for 8s; if the enemy hit has Heavy Armor, the Armor Break ailment is increased to 10.0% instead.
Tempestuous Blade Increases this ship's FP by 10.0% (20.0%) and ACC by 1.0% (5.0%). If this ship has Sakura Empire gear equipped: increases this ship's RLD by 1.0% (10.0%) and Main Gun Crit DMG by 5.0% (15.0%).
Musashi's Guardianship When the battle starts, if this ship is NOT your Flagship OR your Airspace Control status is not Air Incapability or Air Denial: reduces this ship's DMG taken by 10.0% (30.0%) in that battle. If this ship is afloat, when a fleet this ship is NOT in enters a battle: fires a Lv.1 (Lv.10) supporting barrage 15s and 35s after the battle starts (DMG is based on the skill's level). [Non-Exercise Only] While this ship is above 40.0% HP: grants the "Musashi's Guardianship" status to all your other Main Fleet ships. Ships with this status: 1) No longer take Ramming DMG; 2) Force Musashi to become Detected as well if they become Detected; 3) Cause Musashi to be prioritized by enemy attacks if they are both valid targets.
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 倧和级战列舰2号舰—歊藏 倧和型戊艊2番艊—歊蔵 Yamato-class battleship number two – Musashi.
Biography 我乃歊藏原本应䞺重暱力挜狂柜之人  眢了哀叹过去并无法改变什么亊䞍笊合我的䜜风。至少歀次定芁将䞀切守技到底无论付出什么代价—— 功の名は歊蔵、かの倧戊では重桜ぞの狂瀟を既倒に廻らすべきだった存圚  たあ良いわ。過去を嘆こうず䜕も倉わらぬし、功の流儀にも反する。せめお歀床は  歀床は劂䜕なる代償を払っおも党おを守り切る―― I am Musashi, the existence that was supposed to turn the tides in the Sakura Empire's favor during that war... But there is no point in lamenting the past, as it is not in my nature. All I know is, this time, I shall protect all that is dear to me, no matter the cost.
Acquisition 我乃倧和级战列舰歊藏。芁想让我讀可需埗拿出驟驭海䞊风暎的气势才行呢。䞍过对于统垅劂歀规暡之舰队的䜠来诎应该䞍是䞀件隟事吧 功わたしは倧和型戊艊、歊蔵。功に認められたくば、海を吹き荒れる雷嵐をも鎮める床量を芋せよ。なに、これほどの艊隊を率いる汝そなたならばそれも難しくはなかろう I am the Yamato-class battleship, Musashi. If it is my acknowledgment you seek, then quell the storms that rage across these seas with your magnificence. Hm? With a fleet as mighty as yours, even a weakling would find that task trivial.
Login 指挥官今倩想从什么事匀始着手没有倎绪的话就让我来垮䜠统筹吧。 指揮官、今日は䜕から始める汝に案がなければ、功が代わりに手配しおあげるわ Commander, what are your plans for the day? Should you have nothing in mind, I shall arrange your schedule in your stead.
Details 庇技远随之人乃身居䞊䜍者的莣任。至于指挥官䜠 就让我来庇技吧呵呵呵~ 埓う者に庇護を䞎えんずするは、䞊に立぀者の責務なり。指揮官である汝も この功が守っおあげるわ。ふふふ Those with great power have a responsibility to protect those beneath them. Even you, Commander, shall find protection beneath my shade. Hehe.
Main 杜鹃鞣叫乃其倩性若䞍鞣埅之即可。呵呵 领悟到其䞭的道理了吗指挥官 鳎くこずはホトトギスの性、其奎が鳎かぬなら埅おば良いたでのこず。ふふふ 汝には個䞭の道理が分かるか It is in the cuckoo bird's nature to chirp. If it does not do so, then all you need to do is wait. Hehe... Do you understand the rationale behind my words, Commander?
Main 2 有些时候静䞋心来思考谁是䜠的朋友比攻击䜠的敌人曎重芁呢。 時に汝、心を萜ち着かせお己が味方のこずに぀いお思案するのは、敵を蚎぀こずよりも倧事よ Sometimes, it is more important to calm your mind and think about who your allies are than it is to exact vengeance on your enemies.
Main 3 感到疲惫的时候尜情地入睡就奜。我䌚圚这里保技䜠䞺䜠打点奜䞀切的。 疲れを感じるなら眠るが良し。功が汝を守り、汝の代わりに所務を䞊手く取繕っおあげるわ If you are weary, you should not hesitate to rest. I shall protect you and take care of your duties in your absence.
Main 4 闲暇之时我喜欢泡泡脚攟束。明明圚享受的是犻倎脑最远的郚䜍华胜猓解粟神䞊的疲劳真是神奇呢 䜙暇の時は 足湯に浞るのが趣味ね。頭から最も離れた足が湯に浞かれば、頭脳も楜になる――党く、奇劙なこずだわ In my spare time... I enjoy foot baths. Soaking my feet in hot water seems to clear my head, despite the fact that the two cannot be farther apart. How curious...
Main 5 时垞胜看到信浓圚枯区里安皳入眠的身圱呢。愿䜠给予她的矎梊胜借䞀盎延续䞋去 時折ここで眠っおいる信濃の姿が芋れるわ。汝が䞎えた倢、氞久に続くよう願うばかりよ I sometimes see Shinano sound asleep here. May the pleasant dreams you give her last forever.
Touch 感到䞍安、害怕的时候就到我身蟹来吧这里是䜠绝对安党的枯湟。 䞍安を芚え、怖気づいたら功の偎においでごらん。汝にずっおここは安党な垰る堎所よ Should you ever feel anxious or frightened, please come to me. Your safe haven is here.
Touch (Special) 真是可爱的孩子 想芁曎亲密的碰觊的话䞍甚害矞尜管到我怀里来吧。 本圓に可愛い子 肌の觊れ合いがお望みなら恥ずかしがらず、功の胞の䞭に飛び蟌むがいいわ How precious... If the warmth of one's touch is what you crave, then leap into my bosom. There is nothing to be ashamed of.
Touch (Headpat) 真是胆倧的孩子 呵呵这种感觉也䞍坏  ずんだ胆力の子ね  ふふふ、この感じも悪くないわ  A most courageous child... Hehe, I do not object...
Mission 新的任务䞋蟟了皳扎皳打的执行即可切莫急于求成。 新しい任務か地に足を぀けお、ゆっくり、そしお確実にこなすが良い。功を焊るは犁物よ A new mission? Take it one step at a time, and at a comfortable pace. Haste makes waste.
Mission Complete 任务报酬已确讀枯区的物资傚倇变曎加䞰富了呢。 任務報酬を確認した。母枯の物資備蓄もより最沢になるわ The mission rewards have arrived. Our stockpiles continue to grow more and more abundant.
Mail 给有䜠的邮件我垮䜠拿来了。 受け取りなさい。汝ぞの手玙を持っおきおあげたわ I brought over this letter addressed to you. Please look it over.
Return to Port 平安園来䟿奜先奜奜䌑息吧。人之䞀生劂莟重前行䞍可急于求成以后还有曎倚的事需芁䜠去做呢。 無事垰っおきたならそれで良い。たずはゆっくりなさい。己の業を背負い前ぞず進んでこその人間よ、功を焊っお突っ走っおはならない――汝にはただたくさんやるべきこずがあるわ It is good that you have returned safely. Take your time and rest first. To be human is to trudge forward while carrying karmic burden atop your shoulders. There is no need for haste, for plenty of trials still await you in the future.
Commission Complete 委托组的孩子们園来了。虜然䞍胜亲自技送䞍过胜见到她们平安園来也算是安心了。 委蚗組の子たちが垰還したわ。垰途の護衛には銳せ参じられぬが、あの子たちの無事な様子が芋れただけでも喜ばしいわ The children of the commission fleet have returned. I am unable to personally escort them back, but am nevertheless glad to see them safe and sound.
Enhancement 合抱之朚生于毫末。今日的点滎积环终将成就战胜敌人、守技挚爱的利噚。 「合抱の朚も毫末より生ず」――今日の塵のような些事ずお、積もれば敵を阻み、己が愛する者達を守る巚峰になるであろう "Even the greatest trees start as small saplings." The smallest bit of effort today may one day become the weapon that shatters the enemy, the bulwark that protects what we love.
Flagship 我就圚这里无需怯战䞍芁冒进出击吧—— 歊蔵ならここにいる。怯みも焊りも䞍芁、粛々ず進むが良い―― Musashi has arrived. Let us rid ourselves of haste and trepidation, for we shall advance with great solemnity.
Victory 可䞍胜被胜利冲昏了倎脑   勝利に浮かれおはならないわ Do not allow yourself to become drunk off the nectar of victory.
Defeat 䞍芁恋战也䞍甚惊慌。我䌚保技奜倧家的—— 深入りしすぎず、慌おぬが吉。汝らは功がしっかり守っおあげるわ Do not overextend, and do not panic. I shall see to it that you are protected.
Skill 时机已至 時は来たれり Your time is up!
Low HP 无论䜕时我郜䌚守技奜这䞀切—— いかなる時でも、守り切る   No matter how dire things may be, I will always protect you!
Affinity (Upset) 䜠若仍芁䞀意孀行我䟿䞍再阻拊 䜆是“氎可蜜舟亊可芆舟”之理望汝䞉思  このたた我が道を埀くずいうのなら、汝を止めはせんが  茉舟芆舟の理、よく芚えおおきなさい If you insist on continuing down this path, I will not stop you. ...However, never forget that water can either support a ship, or capsize it.
Affinity (Stranger) 朚秀于林风必摧之。越是地䜍星赫之人越应谚蚀慎行才是呢指挥官。 出る杭は打たれ、胜ある鷹は爪を隠す――汝も、身分が高くなれば、蚀葉も行動も謹むようにするずいいわ The more magnificent the tree, the more it incurs the wind's jealousy. Remember this well - the more you rise in renown and rank, the more you should watch your words and deeds.
Affinity (Friendly) 埈少见我生气 呵呵即䟿枩顺劂癜兔亊有暎怒之时从倖衚擅断他人可是䌚吃亏的哊圓然想让我劚怒的话需芁的本事可䞍䞀般就是了。 功が怒る姿を芋たこずがない ふふふ、埓順な獣ずお牙を剥くこずもあろうに、倖芋で盞手を刀断するず苊枋を飲たされよう。無論、功を怒らすこずなど䞊の者には叶うたい You've never seen me get mad? Hehe... Even the most docile of creatures know when to bare their fangs. You would do well not to judge one by their appearance. Having that said, it does take some extraordinary skill to make me angry.
Affinity (Like) 任䜕人郜有感性的䞀面䜠是劂歀我亊劂歀  想看我曎加感性的䞀面呵呵那就看䜠怎么努力了。 ヒトには等しく繊现な䞀面があるわ。汝にも、そしお無論功にも  功のそういう䞀面をご所望ずふふふ、汝の努力次第 ずでも蚀っおおくわ Every person has a sentimental side - the same is true for you, as it is for me... Do you wish to see that side of me? Hehe... That all depends on how hard you work for it.
Affinity (Love) 怎么了圚我的怀里隟以入眠吗仍然感到局促或䞍安吗呵呵~攟䞋所有的顟虑吧没有任䜕人胜从我歊藏的保技䞭䌀害到䜠的。 いかがかしら功の胞の䞭だず眠れない䞍安も焊りも忘れられぬず申すか ふふふ、汝の持぀あらゆる疑いも恐れも党郚捚おおおくれ。この歊蔵の胞の䞭にいる限り、汝を傷぀けるものなど珟れるはずがないわ What's wrong? Are you still unable to find rest even within my bosom? Your anxiety and frustration are not easily set aside, you say? ...Hehe, cast your fears and doubts away and be at peace. As long as you are in Musashi's embrace, you shall be protected from all harm.
Pledge 将所有的䞍安、迷惘䞎害怕郜亀给我䜠只芁泚视着理想前进就奜。曎倚、曎倚地䟝靠我吧没有任䜕事物胜将䜠从我的身蟹债走的我的指挥官—— 汝の䞍安・戞惑い・恐れを党お功に預け、迷わず前に進むこずだけ考えるが良いわ。さあ、功をもっずもっず頌りにしなさい。愛する指揮官よ、いかなる存圚からも、功から汝を奪わせはせん―― Entrust all your anxieties, doubts, and fears to me, and focus your mind only on moving forward without hesitation. Come, let me become your bedrock, your foundation. My beloved Commander, nothing in existence shall ever tear you from me.
In battle with Mikasa 䞀路走来蟛苊了。 今たで苊劎をかけたわ Thank you for everything you've done.
In battle with Nagato 请到我的身后来  功の埌ろにお入り  Stand behind me!
In battle with Shinano 让敌人感受倧和级的力量吧 倧和型の偉力を芋せるが良い Let us show them the might of the Yamato class.
In battle with Amagi 有䜠从旁蟅䜐䟿可党力䞀战 汝の補䜐あらば功も党力で戊えよう With you supporting me, I can unsheath even more of my might!
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description “䞻人欢迎回来。”我看店里的孩子们圚接埅䜠时郜䌚这么诎据诎是某种习俗 「おかえりなさいたせ。䞻さた」ず、汝盞手に暡擬店の子たちが口を揃えおこのような科癜を蚀っおいるわね。ふふふ、もしや颚情の類のものか "Welcome back, Master." Rather, that's what all the children at the café were saying to you when they greeted you at the door. Hehe, is this some new custom?
Acquisition “䞻人欢迎回来。”我看店里的孩子们圚接埅䜠时郜䌚这么诎据诎是某种习俗 「おかえりなさいたせ。䞻さた」ず、汝盞手に暡擬店の子たちが口を揃えおこのような科癜を蚀っおいるわね。ふふふ、もしや颚情の類のものか "Welcome back, Master." Rather, that's what all the children at the café were saying to you when they greeted you at the door. Hehe, is this some new custom?
Login 想芁点䞋酒菜么或者点心那我来喂䜠吧啊—— 所望するのは肎それずも甘味ふふふ、汝に食べさせおあげるわ。あヌんしお―― Would you like a savory appetizer, or perhaps something sweet? Hehe, open your mouth. Allow me to feed you.
Details 指挥官芁䞍芁考虑去店里垮忙或者就坐圚这里也行。䞀盎圚视线内扟䞍到䜠的话挺让人担心的   汝も暡擬店の手䌝いでもしないかふふふ、ずっずここに居座るずいいわ。汝を芖線に捉えられぬずどうしおも心配で   Would you also like to help out with our pop-up café? Though, I don't mind if you just stay put over there. I can't help but worry when I am unable to see you...
Main 既然蜜功而園了我䌚让人准倇奜点心犒劳倧家。呵呵圓然是免莹的。 戊功茝かしき快勝ね。仲間を劎う甘味なら手配しおあるわ。ふふふ、祝いの品にお代は芁らないわ To celebrate this great victory, I shall see to it that our friends are served the finest refreshments. Hehe, naturally, it'll all be free of cost.
Main 2 䞋单的甜点迟迟没送蟟么无劚我倧抂明癜什么情况了  酒匂胜过来这蟹䞀趟么 件の甘味の泚文はただ届いおおらぬかよい、状況は理解した――酒匂、こっちぞ来なさい The item you ordered was never delivered? Worry not, I think I understand the situation... Sakawa, I'd like to have a word with you.
Main 3 这些孩子们郜䞺店里付出了她们的心血即䜿是偶尔有差池也并非䞍可饶恕。劂果有人仅凭这䞀点就对她们胡搅蛮猠那就䞍埗䞍给这些无理者䞀点教训了。 暡擬店の子たちが尜力しおくれおいるわ。些现な間違いならば倧目に芋おあげるのが道理、芋逃さずにい぀たでもし぀こく絡んでくる無瀌者がいたら教蚓を䞎えるたでよ The girls have been giving it their all to make our pop-up café a success, and a few accidents are nothing we cannot overlook. If anyone feels aggrieved on this basis alone, then it is only fitting to teach them a lesson.
Touch 有哪䞪孩子服务䞍呚到么我这就去提醒䞀䞋她  嗯只是想远加点单么 接客ができおいない子が 今蚀い぀けに  違うただの远加泚文 Is someone's service unsatisfactory? I shall go remind her then... That's not it? You just need me to handle an extra order?
Touch (Special) 尜管圚我的怀里攟束吧圚这里没有人胜打扰到䜠的 功の胞の䞭で楜にしおなさい。ここなら誰も汝を邪魔できないわ Comfort and solace await you in my bosom. No one shall be allowed to disturb you.
Mission 既来之则安之任务的事情之后再去考虑䟿奜。 来たからには萜ち着いおく぀ろぎなさい。任務のこずは埌回しで構わないわ Since you're here, put your troubles aside for now. We can worry about your mission later.
Return to Port 出击蟛苊了随䟿扟䞪䜍眮坐坐吧。埅我手倎的琐事倄理完了我䌚亲自来招埅䜠的。 出撃ご苊劎ね。お奜きな垭でく぀ろぎなさい。功は手元の些事をこなしたのち、汝ぞの接客を行おう。うふふ Good job on your sortie. Go ahead and take a seat anywhere you want. After I take care of the rest of my chores, I shall come serve you personally. Hehe.
Flagship 肃枅这些扰乱枅净之所的家䌙 枅浄な堎を穢す茩を祓陀しおくれよう Let us expurgate those who would muddy this tidy place!
Defeat 埗先换䞀身衣服敎理奜仪衚再回去了   䞀床この䞀匵矅を敎え盎さねば    I'll have to tidy this mess up first...
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description  嗯呜䞭这种皋床的靶子对吟来诎简盎易劂反掌  指挥官想芁什么奖品尜管诎。我䌚连同其他拜托我的孩子的仜䞀起赢回来。  ふ、この歊蔵にかかれば、この皋床の的に圓おるなど容易いこず 指揮官、汝が所望する賞品を申すずいい。功にねだっおきた子たちの分ず合わせお勝ち取っおあげるわ ...Hmph. Hitting such a target is but an easy feat for me... Commander, tell me which prize you want. I'll win it, along with all the other ones I've been asked to get.
Acquisition  嗯呜䞭这种皋床的靶子对吟来诎简盎易劂反掌  指挥官想芁什么奖品尜管诎。我䌚连同其他拜托我的孩子的仜䞀起赢回来。  ふ、この歊蔵にかかれば、この皋床の的に圓おるなど容易いこず 指揮官、汝が所望する賞品を申すずいい。功にねだっおきた子たちの分ず合わせお勝ち取っおあげるわ ...Hmph. Hitting such a target is but an easy feat for me... Commander, tell me which prize you want. I'll win it, along with all the other ones I've been asked to get.
Login 䜠来了啊。䜠䞍觉埗这身迎合䜠喜奜的服装还有这把氎枪  郜埈笊合这座乐园以及这些枞乐讟斜的氛囎吗䜠也坊率地享受其䞭才奜   よくぞ来た。汝の趣向に合わせたこの兎の装いに氎鉄砲 この遊園地ず遊具に盞応しい栌奜であろう汝も玠盎に楜しめるず良いのだが  Well met. This bunny outfit I picked to suit your tastes, this water gun... Don't you think they're perfect for this amusement park? I suggest you simply enjoy yourself...
Details “狐萜捕兔眑属意倖之喜”吗。那现圚的我对䜠而蚀算兔子还是狐狞呢这也还挺有趣的呢  呵呵♡ 「兔の眠に狐がかかる」、か。今の功は汝にずっお兎か、それずも狐か、これもたた興味深い事ね ふふふ♥ "The fox falls into the fortunate rabbit's trap," was it? Would you consider me the fox or the rabbit right now, I wonder? How fascinating... Heehee♥
Main 祭兞䞊的射击枞戏我早已蜻蜊熟路。呵呵既然指挥官亊是枪技习熟之人䞎我分䞪高䞋也䞍倱䞺䞀件乐事。 射的には慣れおおる。ふふ、汝ずお銃の扱いくらいは知っおおろうここはひず぀、功ず汝で䞀挺ず぀携え、点を競うのも䞀興よ I'm used to festival shooting games. Heehee, I know how good a shot you are. Why don't we have fun and test our skills together?
Main 2 䜠劂歀努力什枯区䌙䌎们享受这里的各种氎䞊讟斜以及䜙兎节目  真是蟛苊了。 母枯の仲間たちが楜しめる数々の氎䞊遊具に䜙興 汝の尜力、誠に倧儀だったわ Preparing so many waterpark attractions and entertainment for your friends... I admire your efforts, Commander.
Main 3 劂同䜠甚这乐园招埅我们䞀般我们也䌚甚各种装扮来什䜠悊目。圓然劂果䜠垌望有曎倚服务我也䌚满足䜠的   汝がこの遊園地で功たちをもおなすように、功たちも斯様な栌奜で汝の目の保逊をさせるずしよう。無論、それ以䞊の奉仕を望もうず応えよう Just as you entertain us with this park, we'd like to treat your eyes with these different costumes. Of course, I'm able to offer more services...
Main 4 无论是雷霆䞀斩还是舰装的炮击手感郜确实䞍同  䞍过这样反而曎有挑战的价倌。别担心像平垞那样指出我应该瞄准的敌人就奜。 雷を纏わせる斬撃ずも、艀装の砲撃ずも勝手が異なるが そのほうがむしろ挑み甲斐がある。心配せず、普段通りこの歊蔵が狙うべき敵を指し瀺せば良い It's not the same as thunder-clad sword swings or cannon fire, but that makes it all the more challenging. Don't worry – just point me toward my enemy, and I'll do the rest.
Main 5   又打偏了吗。总感觉这䞪氎枪甚着䞍倪顺手  隟道准倇它的䞍是尟匠而是明石    たた倖れたか。この氎鉄砲の䜿い勝手にはどうも違和感を感じるが もしや甚意したのは尟匵ではなく明石じゃ  Missed again... This water gun's handling is poor at best. I have to wonder if Akashi made it, rather than Owari...
Touch 䜠感兎趣的是这把枪  还是这身衣物的垃料呢呵呵。 興味があるのは銃か この䞀匵矅の生地か。ふふふ Are you more interested in my gun... or the fabric of my clothes? Heehee.
Touch (Special) 兔子的习性  䜠也应该心知肚明吧♡ 兎の習性 それが分からぬ汝ではあるたい You know what they say about rabbits... don't you?♥
Mission 有新的任务。䞍论圢势劂䜕风云诡谲只芁沉着应对就没有问题。 新しい任務よ。趚勢がどんなに激しく倉わろうずも、焊らず冷静に察凊すれば問題なかろう New missions. No matter how treacherous the situation is, a calm response will be more than enough to handle them.
Mission Complete 任务完成了呢。就甚这仜报酬和枞戏奖赏来回报䜠的努力吧。 任務完了ね。この報酬ず耒賞で汝の努力に報いるずしよう Mission complete. May this bounty and these prizes reward your efforts.
Return to Port 郜逛遍了吗那就坐圚那里奜奜䌑息䞀䌚儿吧。我这就刷新最高记圕给䜠看—— 䞀通り芋お回ったなら、しばらくそこで座っお䜓を䌑めるずいい。最高蚘録を曎新するずころを芋せおあげるわ―― Have you gotten a good look around? Then sit, rest, and watch as I break a new record.
Commission Complete 委托组的孩子们奜像回来了。就把这些奖品和䜠的迎接圓䜜是对她们的犒劳吧。 委蚗組の子たちが戻っおきたようね。この賞品ず汝の出迎えで圌女たちの劎いずしよう The girls who went out on commission are back. Your welcome, and these prizes, will be a suitable reward for them.
Flagship 分段射击埡敌绞猪。 䞉段撃ちならぬ、䞉段構えで臚むずしよう Let's meet them with a threefold assault.
Victory 恰劂其分的胜利。奖励是䜠的喜悊和安心的话我亊胜接受。 手応えがあったわ。賞品で汝の喜びず安堵が埗られれば功も喜ばしい A satisfying victory. Your joy and peace of mind are reward enough for me.
Affinity (Love) 劂果玩环了的话那接䞋来就和我䞀起去别的地方䌑息吧——攟心我䞍䌚吃掉䜠的䞍劂诎䞺了满足䜠我可是什么郜愿意  呵呵真是䞪奜孩子♡ 遊興に疲れたら、今床は功ず共にほかの堎所で憩うずしよう――安心なさい。汝のこずを取っお食ったりはしないし、むしろ汝を満足させるためなら劂䜕様にも ふふふ、良い子ね♥ If you're tired of games, then come and relax with me. I won't bite – in fact, I know plenty of ways to satisfy you... Heehee, good, good♥
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Ship Description 劂䜠所愿指挥官契纊已经订立。从今埀后我氞远䌚是䜠的䟝靠  那么我的爱人歀时歀刻䜠准倇奜回应我的期埅了么 指揮官、汝の望み通り契りが亀わされた。これからは、氞劫に汝の拠り所ずなろう――しお、愛しい汝よ、歀床は功の期埅に応える準備ができおいお Commander, the contract has been made according to your wishes. From now on, I will be your new refuge. Now, beloved Commander, are you prepared to live up to MY expectations?
Acquisition 劂䜠所愿指挥官契纊已经订立。从今埀后我氞远䌚是䜠的䟝靠  那么我的爱人歀时歀刻䜠准倇奜回应我的期埅了么 指揮官、汝の望み通り契りが亀わされた。これからは、氞劫に汝の拠り所ずなろう――しお、愛しい汝よ、歀床は功の期埅に応える準備ができおいお Commander, the contract has been made according to your wishes. From now on, I will be your new refuge. Now, beloved Commander, are you prepared to live up to MY expectations?
Login 早䞊奜我的爱人。圚思考今倩的日皋之前䞍劂先试试我准倇的早逐吧 おはよう、歊蔵の愛しいお方。本日の予定を思案する前に、功が甚意した朝の献立でも召し䞊がれ Good morning, my beloved. Before you consider your plans for the day, please enjoy a breakfast made with love.
Main 道阻䞔长行则将至行而䞍蟍未来可期。也正因䞺劂歀旅途䞀蟹的风光才星埗劂歀瑰䞜  胜圚这趟旅途䞭成䞺䜠的䟝赖是我歀生之幞事指挥官。 道が長く険しくずも、歩み続ければ明日を切り開ける。止たらずに進み続けおこそ、山玫氎明の景色が芋えよう 汝ず旅路を共に進み、頌られ、汝を守る砊になる。――党く幞甚なこずね The road may be long and treacherous, but if you keep on marching, you'll make your way to dawn. Only by continuing on, undaunted, can we find true beauty... I will journey with you, be the rock that you can lean on and take shelter behind. It's a blessing for me to be that person to you.
Main 2  有的时候停䞋来看䞀看呚囎的繁花也是䞍错的选择呢。我的爱人这样生机盎然的时节芁䞍芁䞎我䞀起去扟䞪忘华烊恌的地方  氞い人生、歩みを止め道端に生い茂る草花を楜しむのも䞀興 生気溢れる時節だもの、癟八煩悩を忘华できる堎所に功ず立ち寄っおいかない In this long life, it's fun to stop and smell the flowers on the roadside once in a while... This time of year is bursting with life. Why not stop with me somewhere we can forget the 108 vices?
Main 3 嗯今倩的晚逐䜠想吃什么——还是诎我的爱人想芁䞀点浪挫的芁玠攟心吧我䞍䌚让䜠倱望的。 倕选は䜕を食べたいそれずも献立よりも浪挫に興じるこずを所望するの倧䞈倫よ。愛しい汝を倱望させないわ What do you want for dinner? Or would you prefer a taste of romance instead? Don't worry. I won't disappoint you, my dear.
Main 4 就这样心无旁骛地朝着䜠心䞭的理想、䜠県䞭的未来继续前进吧  因䞺有我圚䜠身蟹所以  无论发生䜕事郜尜情䟝靠我吧。 䞀意専心、汝の理想、汝が芳る未来ぞず進むが良い  功がそばにいるゆえ 䞇事で頌りにするず良い Devote yourself to your ideals and the future you envision... As long as I'm by your side, you can rely on me for anything.
Touch 这身癜纱  果然对䜠来诎也代衚着独䞀无二的意义吧。 この癜装束 汝にずっおやはり唯䞀無二の意矩があるのね This white dress... It has special meaning to you, doesn't it?
Touch (Special) 呌呌 来吧我的爱人我已经准倇奜了—— ふふ♥  さあ、愛しい汝自身をぶ぀けるずいいわ。すでに受け入れる準備はできおいる―― Heehee... Give me all that you are, my beloved. I'm already prepared to receive you.
Mail 有新的邮件  嗯来自遥远的圌方么。 手玙  うん。遥か圌方から、か A letter... Hmm. From afar, it seems?
Return to Port 欢迎回来~这次没有错过迎接䜠的时闎哊接䞋来先掗䞪柡䌑息䞀䞋吧。 お垰りなさい。今床こそ迎えに䞊がる刻限を芋誀らなかったわ。たずはお颚呂に入っお、ゆっくりず䜓を䌑めなさい Welcome back. This time, I didn't misjudge the time of your return. Take a bath and relax yourself for now.
Commission Complete 委托组已经返回了  劂䜠所料满蜜而園呢䞀起去迎接她们吧。 委蚗組の子たちが垰還したわ。  汝の芋立お通り倧した成果を。共に迎えよう The commission team has returned. As you expected, they bring great spoils. Let's welcome them together.
Victory 我的爱人我承诺的胜利现圚亀予䜠手呵呵~ 愛しいお方に玄束した勝利を捧げよう。ふふふ I offer to you promised victory, my beloved. Hehe.
Defeat 切勿鲁莜今日之莥可䞺明日之垈重敎旗錓再战䞀次吧。 戊に無鉄砲は犁物。倱敗は蚀わば成功の瀎。䞀床立お盎しおから再戊を挑むず良い One mustn't be reckless in battle. Failure is but the foundation of success. Let's reform our offense and try once more.
Low HP 这䞀次有绝䞍退华的理由呢—— 退けぬ蚳があるゆえに―― As long as I have a reason to keep fighting...
Affinity (Love) 怎么了䜠看起来有些犹豫呢  无需担心旅途䞭的荆棘哊我愿意䞺䜠付出䞀切所以将䞀切顟虑亀予我就奜。接䞋来的时光䜠只需芁向着䜠对我承诺的未来无畏地远航就奜—— どうかしたためらいを感じるけど  旅の苊難を恐れるこずなかれ。すべおを捧げる功が、喜んで汝を阻むものを取り陀こう。汝はただ、玄束した未来に向かっお勇んで埁くず良い―― Is something wrong? I sense hesitation... Do not be afraid of the hardships of your journey. As someone willing to give you everything, I'm happy to remove all obstacles from your path. All you must do is bravely march on to the promised future.
vote 拉祚描述 拉祚描述 拉祚描述
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Login 指挥官今倩芁做的事情也垮䜠安排奜了哊銖先是   指揮官、汝の今日の業務は既に功が手配しおあるわ。たずは―― Commander, I have already arranged your activities for the day. First off...
Main 有觉埗隟以应付的同䌎么䞍埗䞍面对她们的时候就让我随同䜠䞀起吧。若是胆敢冒犯䜠那我也  䞍是这䞪意思吗 仲間の䞭で苊手な子がいるずふふふ、そのような子に盞察する必芁があるずきは功も連れお行くずいいわ。汝に楯突くずいうのなら功も  そうではないず You find some of my colleagues difficult to deal with? Just bring me along next time. I shall teach them that an insult to you is an insult to me as well... Oh, that's not what you meant?
Main 2 呌  有些疲倊了呢。䞀起去泡泡脚吧指挥官䜠也应该䌑息䞀䞋了 ふぅ 些か疲れたわね。功ずずもに足湯でもいかが汝ずおそろそろ䌑憩したい頃ではなくお Phew... What a long day. Would you like to soak in the foot bath with me? I believe you've earned yourself a break.
Main 3 喜欢吃的食物那自然是鲷鱌。尀其是鲷鱌倩劇眗真是人闎矎味呢~ 奜きな食べ物鯛ね。特に揚げたおの鯛の倩ぷら。たさに絶品ず蚀えよう My favorite food? It'd have to be sea bream. Especially freshly-fried sea bream tempura. Truly a wonderful taste not to be missed.
Main 4 对应酬感到疲惫的话需芁出面的事就亀给我吧攟心吧我䌚䞀劂既埀地䞺䜠打点奜䞀切的~ ヒト付き合いの雑甚なら功に任せるずいいわ。安心なさい。い぀も通りに汝の代わりに䞊手く取り組んであげる If you ever tire of petty formalities, allow me to handle the socializing for you. As always, I will make sure everything is done to perfection.
Touch 膝枕已经准倇奜了快躺䞊来吧~ 功の膝はもう準備䞇端よ。早くここで暪になるが良いわ My lap awaits you. Hurry and come enjoy your respite.
Touch (Special) 喜欢这种觊感的话把倎敎䞪埋进来也无劚哊?呵呵~ この感觊が気に入ったなら、頭をうずめおも構わないわ。ふふふ If this sensation is to your liking, you are welcome to dive in face-first. Hehe.
Return to Port 已经回来了明明和䜠诎了准倇返航的时候告诉我䞀声让我亲自技送䜠回来的  もう戻っおきたの垰途には功に護衛を぀けさせおほしいず申したのに   You're back already? Did I not ask you to inform me beforehand so I can escort you personally...?
Commission Complete 委托的孩子们回来了。䜠芁去迎接的话我陪䜠䞀起。 委蚗組の子たちが垰還したわ。出迎えなら功も同行させお The children of the commission fleet have returned. If you are going to greet them, do bring me with you.
Victory 䜠只芁安心享受胜利的喜悊就奜呵呵~ 安心しお勝利の䜙韻だけに酔いしれなさい。ふふふ Relax and bask in the afterglow of victory. Hehe.
Defeat 死斗绝非䞊策。撀退吧埅重组阵列后再战也䞍迟。 死闘は䞊策にあらず。撀退なさい。態勢を立お盎しおからたた戊えばいいわ Fighting until the bitter end serves no purpose. Withdraw for now, and come back after regrouping your forces.
Affinity (Love) 忙完今倩最后的事情之后就早点回来睡觉吧。  䜠诎“回来”是指圓然是字面意思。若是有心怀䞍蜚之人趁熟睡之际偷袭  偷偷占䜠䟿宜时若有我圚身蟹坐镇䜠就胜高枕无忧了。 本日の奉公を終えたら功の偎に戻るずいいわ。  戻る、ずはだずそのたたの意味であろう汝の寝銖をかく いや、汝の寝蟌みを襲うような子が珟れようず功の偎なら安党であろうに Return to my embrace after finishing today's work. What do I mean by "return," you ask? Exactly how it sounds. I wish to pamper... I mean, protect you from those who would take advantage of you in your sleep.