Sevastopol (JP 🇯🇵: , CN 🇹🇼: )
Ship IDNo. 587Star Rating★★☆☆☆
Hull BattleshipRarityElite
NavyNorthern ParliamentBuild Time
Enhance Income
Scrap Income
Release Date
Voice actress
HP1082 Reload55
Firepower62 Torpedo0
Evasion6 Anti-air39
Aviation0 Cost0
ASW0 Luck88
HP4811 Reload105
Firepower161 Torpedo0
Evasion32 Anti-air148
Aviation0 Cost0
ASW0 Luck93
Limit Break
Tier 1Main gun base +1 | Main gun efficiency +5%
Tier 2Secondary Gun base +2 | Main gun efficiency +10%
Tier 3Main gun base +1 | Main gun efficiency +15%
SlotEquipment TypeEfficiency (LB 0/1/2/3)Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3)Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
Default Equipments
Fleet Tech
T Battleship: Gangut-ClassTech Points and Bonus
Unlock +
Max LimitBreak
Lv.120 +
Revolutionary Standard-BearerWhen this ship fires her Main Guns: 30.0% (50.0%) chance to fire a Lv.1 (Lv.10) special barrage (DMG is based on the skill's level) and increase the DMG of your BBs by 3.5% (8.0%) for 10s.???
Fortitude of IceWhen this ship fires her Main Guns: a random ship in your fleet recovers 3.5% (8.0%) of her max HP; if that ship is a Northern Parliament ship, also increases her EVA by 5.0% (15.0%) for 10s.???
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description甘古特级战列舰—塞瓦斯托波尔ガングート級戦艦-セヴァストポリGangut-class battleship – Sevastopol.
Biography北方联合的无畏级战舰,以及黑海舰队旗舰的塞瓦斯托波尔。哼哼!对,我正是革命的先锋,象征着无论被攻击多少次也绝不倒下的钢铁意志,明白了吗?北方連合の弩級戦艦、そして黒海艦隊の旗艦セヴァストポリ。ふふん!そう、この私は革命の尖兵にして、何度攻撃されようと決して倒れることのない鋼鉄の意志そのものよ?わかった?Dreadnought of the Northern Parliament and flagship of the Black Sea Fleet, Sevastopol, has arrived. Hahah, I am the very ironclad willpower of the revolutionary vanguard, always under attack but never falling! Got it?
Acquisition啊哈哈哈!你就是指挥官同志啊。我是北方联合所属,战舰塞瓦斯托波尔——革命可不是喝喝茶就能能完成的,要是把我小看成单纯的富小姐,那可就错得离谱了!あははは!あなたが同志指揮官ね。私は北方連合所属、戦艦のセヴァストポリ――革命はお茶会にあらず、私のことをただのマドモワゼルだと侮ったら大間違いよ!Ahahahaha! So you're the Comrade Commander. I'm the Northern Parliament battleship, Sevastopol. Revolution doesn't happen on tea parties alone, comrade. Think of me as any ordinary young lady, and you'll regret it!
Login早上好,指挥官同志。今天要面对的敌人是——来,为我们指明方向吧!おはよう同志指揮官。今日の敵は――さあ、指し示してごらんなさいGood morning, Comrade Commander. Come and show us who we will do battle with today!
Details同志,你来得正好。是想知道关于我的революция(革命)的详情吧?哼哼,不用你说,我对同志你可是了解得很呢。同志よ、よくぞ来てくれたわ。さては私のреволюция(レヴァリューツィヤ)について知りたいのかしら?ふふん、聞かれるまでもない。同志のことなど手に取るように分かるのよWell met, comrade. Would you like to learn more about my revolyutsiya? Heheh, you hardly have to ask. I know you like the back of my hand, comrade.
Main来吧指挥官同志,陪我喝——同志,你该不会说自己不懂北方联合的作风吧?…喝不惯伏特加?那可不能作为借口。看,还有红酒呢♪さあ同志指揮官、飲みに付き合って――まさか、同志は北方連合の流儀が分からないなんて言わないでしょうね?…ヴォッカが苦手?そんなの言い訳にならないわ。ほら、ワインもあるわよ♪Comrade Commander, join me for a drink! Waaait, you're not telling me you don't know Northern Parliament tradition, are you? ...You don't like vodka? Crappy excuse, sorry. See? We've got wine, too!
Main 2舰载机?我只说一句,如果觉得只凭这样就能打倒本塞瓦斯托波尔的话,尽管放马过来就是了!艦載機?来るなら来い、とだけ言ってやるわ。この私、セヴァストポリを倒せるならね!Carrier-based aircraft? Let me just say, bring 'em on. We'll see if they can beat Sevastopol!
Main 3革命不分贵贱。呵呵,就算是指挥官,只要和我志向一致,那便是同志♪革命に貴賤はないわ。ふふふ、指揮官が私と同じ志をもつならそれはもう同志よ♪Social standing matters not when it comes to revolution. Heh, as long as we share the same willpower, we're comrades through and through!
Touch毕竟是我的同志,就大发慈悲地和你握个手吧。私の同志だものね。ありがたーく握手を交わしてやるわWe are two comrades. I will gladly exchange a handshake with you!
Touch (Special)指挥官同志……这是打算做什么?同志指揮官………一体何のつもり?Comrade Commander... What exactly do you think you're doing?
Touch (Headpat)?!别,别碰我!!?さ、さわるな!Huh?! H-hands off!
Mission有新的任务,以庆功宴上的伏特加为动力加油吧。新しい任務よ。さあ、打ち上げのヴォッカを楽しみに頑張りなさいYou have a new mission. Do your best, and keep your eyes on the prize: a celebration full of vodka!
Mission Complete啊哈哈哈!革命又前进了一步!…还,还是别喝太多比较好…あはははは!革命に一歩前進よ!…あ、あまり飲みすぎないほうがいいわね…Ahahahaha! Another step closer to revolution! M-maybe I'd better tone down the drinking for today...
Mail指挥官同志,是给你的邮件。要回信的话就快点哦,别让对方等着。同志指揮官、あなたへのメールよ。返信するなら早くして、あまり相手を待たせるんじゃないわComrade Commander, there's mail for you. If you plan to reply, do it promptly. We don't want to make them wait.
Return to Port为庆祝同志的凯旋——来,用这杯伏特加干杯♪…(咕嘟咕嘟)…咳咳!我,我没事!同志の凱旋を祝って――さあ、このヴォッカで乾杯よ♪……っ!へ、平気よ!In celebration of our comrades' victory... A toast of vodka! Ack! *chokes*... I-I'm fine!
Commission Complete运送物资,特别是向战场输送物资很难。要感谢委托组的努力才行。物資の輸送は…特に戦地への輸送は難しいものね。委託組の努力には感謝すべきよTransport of goods, especially to battlefields, is a difficult thing. You should be thankful for the efforts of your commission team.
Enhancement是革命性的强化呢!哈哈哈哈!革命的な強化ね。ははははは!What revolutionary growth. Hahahahaha!
Flagship不想被干掉的话就别当出头鸟!やられたくなければ出て来ないことね!If you don't want to die, stand aside!
Victory啊哈哈!阻止革命的愚蠢之人,被打倒便是你们的宿命!あははは!革命を阻む愚か者は倒される運命よ!Ahahaha! All who seek to obstruct the revolution are fated to fall!
Defeat只要还没有沉没,我就会无数次地站起来!那才是革命!沈まない限り何度でも立ち上がるわ!それが革命なの!As long as I have not sunk, I will continue to stand time and time again! That is the meaning of revolution!
Skill祝福革命吧!革命に祝福をッ!Glory to the revolution!
Low HP可恶…!我明明没喝酒…!くっ…!飲んでいないのに…!Urgh...! I'm not even drunk!
Affinity (Upset)你这家伙当个仆人是够格,不过对革命的理解还不够呢…下僕根性はいいとしても、革命にはあまりにも理解が足りないわね…You certainly have the qualifications to be a proletariat, but you don't quite understand the revolutionary spirit...
Affinity (Stranger)论战斗力上指挥官大概不堪一击,不过看在我们志向相同的份上,我就平等地对待你吧。哼哼,感到高兴吧,你没有被北方联合的钢铁浪潮吞没,而是成为了其中的一员哦。本当は指揮官など鎧袖一触だけど、同じ志を持っている同志として今だけは平等に接してやるわ。ふふん、喜びなさい。あなたは北方連合の鋼の波に飲まれず、その一員となったのよI could trounce you with ease, but as people with similar goals, I will treat you as an equal. Heh, you should be thankful that you've become an ally of the Northern Parliament instead of sinking beneath our iron billows.
Affinity (Friendly)虽然不知道那些榆木军人是怎么评价的同志你的,不过你还是能当个不错的酒友呢。哼哼,今后也不要骄傲,继续努力吧。戦馬鹿どもが同志のことをどう評価しているかは分からないけど、まああなたは中々いい飲み仲間になれるわ。ふふん、これからも奢らずに精進なさいI don't know what those battle-addled idiots think of you, but if nothing else, you might make for a fine drinking partner. Heh, don't get too carried away; keep on applying yourself.
Affinity (Like)…嗝。什么嘛,连杯子里的一半都没喝完…呵呵,呵呵呵…是想等我酩酊大醉是吧——啊呀,那就遗憾了…我就算醉了…嗝…也不会醉倒的…?…っぷ。何よ、まだグラスの半分も飲んでないじゃない…ふふ、ふふふふ…さては私が酔いつぶれるのを待っているのね――あら、それは残念ね…私は酔っても…うっぷ…潰れはしないのよ…?*hic*... C'mon, you haven't even finished half your glass yet. Pfft, heheheh... Waiting for me to drink myself under the table, are you? Well, too bad... No matter how much I drink... *hic*... I'm not goin' down...
Affinity (Love)…嗝。指挥官同志,我喜欢你。我爱你。如果我赢了,就做你一辈子的恋人,陪你一起前往最后的战争——你看,我还没有醉倒吧?你也差不多…该认输了♡……っぷ。同志指揮官、あなたのことが好きよ。愛している。私が勝ったら、あなたの永遠の相手として、最後の戦いに一緒に行ってやる――ほら、私はまだ潰れていないわよ?いい加減に…負けを認めなさい♡*hic*... Comrade Commander, I like you. Hell, I love you. If I win this, I'll be your eternal partner and join you in the final battle. Now, I'm not dead-drunk yet. How about you just... accept defeat?
Pledge……嗯?这里是…唔,我是不是有点喝多了——指挥官同志?这个戒指是……是我从指挥官同志那里抢来给自己戴上的??我,我还会做这样的事情吗…?!……ん?ここは…うぅ、ちょっと飲みすぎたのかしら――同志指揮官?この指輪は…?私が同志指揮官から奪って自分の手につけたの??そ、そんなことを…!?...Mm? Where am I? Oof, I might've drank too much. Comrade Commander, what's with this ring? You mean I... snatched it from you and put it on my self? I-I really did that?!
Present Like
Present Dislike
In battle with Gangut啊呜…这伏特加的味道……あぅ…ヴォッカの匂いが…… Ooh, I smell vodka...
In battle with Arkhangelsk规矩?你太在意那些了!作法?そんなの気にしすぎよ! Politeness? Pssh, who cares about that?!
In battle with Mikasa, Avrora架子别摆太大了哦♪偉そうにするのもほどほどにね♪ Don't get too full of yourself now~♪
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description呼……这里是…指挥官同志?能在这个时间遇到你真是稀奇呢。我是…呵,呵呵呵…如果我说我醉倒了所以先进去泡了的话,你应该不会信吧…?ふぅ……ここは…同志指揮官?あら、こんな時間に珍しいわね。私は…ふ、ふふふふふ…酔いつぶれて先に入ったと言っても、流石に信じてくれないわよね…?Phew... This is... Comrade Commander? Fancy meeting you at this time of night. Me? Heh, heheheheh... You wouldn't believe me if I said I got too drunk and went in first, would you?
Acquisition呼……这里是…指挥官同志?能在这个时间遇到你真是稀奇呢。我是…呵,呵呵呵…如果我说我醉倒了所以先进去泡了的话,你应该不会信吧…?ふぅ……ここは…同志指揮官?あら、こんな時間に珍しいわね。私は…ふ、ふふふふふ…酔いつぶれて先に入ったと言っても、流石に信じてくれないわよね…?Phew... This is... Comrade Commander? Fancy meeting you at this time of night. Me? Heh, heheheheh... You wouldn't believe me if I said I got too drunk and went in first, would you?
Login这么晚才过来吗?哼哼,如果是和指挥官同志一起的话,我再泡一遍也可以哦…?今更やってきたの?ふふん、同志指揮官となら私、別に入り直すのに抵抗はないけど…?Aww, you just got here? Hell, I guess I wouldn't mind going back in with you, Comrade Commander...
Details说起来这身打扮是什么时…泡、泡温泉的时候要打扮成相应的样子才是!你看,这边的带子什么的,都好好系着对吧!?そういえばこの格好もいつ着替えて…も、もちろんお湯に入るには相応しい格好をしないと!ほら、ここの帯とかちゃんと締めてあるでしょ?!Come to think of it, when did I even put this on... I-I mean, gotta dress right for a hot spring bath, right?! See? Look, I even tied the sash right!
Main(说,说不出口…被甘古特灌醉,结果不知不觉间一个人跑去泡了温泉什么的…!呜呜呜…!)(い、言えない…ガングートに飲まされて酔いつぶれたら、いつのまにか温泉に一人で入っちゃってたなんて…!ううう…!)(I-I'd better not tell the Commander... that I wandered over to this hot spring alone after Gangut got me drunk! Urk...!)
Main 2伏罗希洛夫?那孩子不用担心哦。不知道是不是靠毅力硬撑的,她好像是不会泡晕的呢?ヴォロシーロフ?あの子なら心配ないわよ?根性で耐えているかは知らないけど絶対にのぼせない体質みたいよ?Voroshilov? Don't worry about her. I don't know if she gets by through grit alone, but she's the kind to never get dizzy in a hot bath.
Main 3泡完之后的乐趣……要不指挥官同志替我享受下?我,那个,头有点……呜呜……湯上がりの楽しみは……同志が代わりに楽しんできてちょうだい?こっちはええと、頭が……うぅ……The joy of getting out of a hot bath? Umm... How about you go first, comrade? Erm, I'm just feeling a little, y'know...
Touch(风吹得好舒服…对,对了!趁现在摆出一副帅气的样子,掩盖下我喝醉的事情不就可以……)…阿嚏!?(いい気持ちの風ね…そ、そうだ!かっこよく見せて酔っていたことをごまかして)……はくちゅん!?(The wind feels nice... O-oh, right! I need to put on a cool front so the Commander doesn't notice I'm drunk!) ...Achoo?!
Touch (Special)湿透了?…呵呵,当然啦,因为泡过温泉了嘛…??濡れている?…ふふふ、それはね?お湯に入っていたし当然だけど…??I'm soaked? ...Haha, well, yeah? I was bathing in the hot spring, so duh...?
Mission新任务……庆功宴上不用伏特加,红酒就行哦!新しい任務……打ち上げはヴォッカではなくワインでいいからね!A new mission... Once it's over, how about we celebrate with wine instead of vodka?
Return to Port(这个温泉感觉真不错…在指挥官来之前舒舒服服地泡了一会,连自己其实已经喝醉了都没察觉…)(それにしても本当にいい湯ね…指揮官が来るまであまりにも気持ちよくて酔っていたことにすら気づかなかったなんて…)(This hot spring is so comfy... I didn't even realize I was drunk until the Commander arrived.)
Commission Complete好像委托组回来了。我们泡完之后是轮到她们吗?委託組が戻ってきたようね。私たちのあとは彼女たちが入る番かしら?The commission team is back. Think it's their turn to come in after us?
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Login贵安指挥官同志。革命不是花拳绣腿——今天也能带大家上战场吗?ごきげんよう同志指揮官。革命は麗しきものにあらず――今日も皆を戦場に連れてってもらえない?Good day, Comrade Commander. Revolution isn't all fun and games. Can I trust you to guide us all to battle once more?
Details指挥官同志,你来见我是想去茶会,而非想被叫去一起喝酒是吧?当然,我已经把邀请函放到指挥室的抽屉里了♪あら、同志指揮官、さてはお茶会という名の飲み会に招待してほしいがために私に会いに来たのかしら?もちろん、すでに招待状を執務室の引き出しにしまっておいたわよ♪My, Comrade Commander? Did you come to see me because you wanted an invitation to our drinking party, or officially, "tea" party? I've already slipped one into your office drawer~♪
Main要是在工作时喝醉了那就不堪入目了。听好了?在我喝醉前你要阻止我!…干杯♪仕事中に酔ったら目も当てられないわ。いい?私が酔ってしまう前にあなたが止めなさい!…かんぱーい♪I'd look miserable if I got drunk at work. Listen! You'd better stop me before I get drunk! ...Cheers!
Main 2怎么了?一脸很想让我教你的表情呢?好吧♪无畏级战舰,同时是训练舰的本塞瓦斯托波尔就大发善心地教教你なぁに?私に教えてもらいたそうな顔をしているわね?いいわよ♪弩級戦艦であり訓練艦でもあるこのセヴァストポリがありがたーく教えてやるわAww, someone looks like they're ready to learn. Okay! Sevastopol, dreadnought and training ship, would be happy to teach you!
Main 3革命没有终点。你也永远是我的指挥官同志。放心吧?革命に終わりなどないわ。あなたもずっと私の同志指揮官よ。安心なさい?There is no end to revolution. Rest easy; you will forever be my Comrade Commander.
Touch什么事都可以问哦?作为同志,力所能及的事我都会做到的。なんでも聞きなさい?同志としてできる限りのことをしてやるつもりよAsk me for anything. As a comrade, I intend to do everything in my power to help you.
Touch (Special)指,指挥官同志……刚才那是什么意思?///ど、同志指揮官………今のは一体何のつもり?///C-Comrade Commander... What was the point of that, exactly?
Return to Port我带了啤酒做慰问品哦。哼,我又不是甘古特,整天喝伏特加也会腻的对吧?差し入れにビールを持ってきたわよ。ふん、ガングートじゃあるまいし、ヴォッカばかり飲んでたら飽きちゃうじゃない?I brought some beer! Heh, unlike Gangut, you'd get bored of only drinking vodka pretty fast, right?