Gangut (JP 🇯🇵: ガングート, CN 🇹🇼: 甘古特)
Ship ID No. 437 Star Rating ★★☆☆☆
Hull Battleship Rarity Elite
Navy Northern Parliament Build Time N/A
Acquisition Event: Northern Overture
Enhance Income
Firepower 51
Torpedo 0
Aviation 0
Reload 10
Scrap Income
Medal 4
Oil 4
Gold 11
Release Date
EN February 27, 2020
KR February 27, 2020
CN February 27, 2020
JP February 27, 2020
Voice actress Fuyuka Ono
Gangut Description
Gangut-class battleship – Gangut.
Imposing Warden Description
You have my thanks for this exercise, comrade! I shall gladly carry out the important duty of judge, jury, and rehabilitator!
HP 1082 Reload 55
Firepower 62 Torpedo 0
Evasion 6 Anti-air 32
Aviation 0 Cost 5
ASW 0 Luck 85
Hit 20 Speed 24.1
Armor Heavy
HP 5595 Reload 130
Firepower 292 Torpedo 0
Evasion 15 Anti-air 151
Aviation 0 Cost 14
ASW 0 Luck 85
Hit 52 Speed 24.1
Armor Heavy
HP 6491 Reload 149
Firepower 324 Torpedo 0
Evasion 33 Anti-air 174
Aviation 0 Cost 14
ASW 0 Luck 85
Hit 61 Speed 24.1
Armor Heavy
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost 14
ASW Luck 85
Hit Speed 24.1
Armor Heavy
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost 14
ASW Luck 85
Hit Speed 24.1
Armor Heavy
Limit Break
Tier 1 Main gun base +1/Main gun efficiency +5%
Tier 2 Auxiliary gun base +2/Main gun efficiency +10%
Tier 3 Main gun base +1/Main gun efficiency +15%
Slot Equipment Type Efficiency (LB 0/1/2/3) Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3) Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
1 Battleship 80%/85%/95%/110% 1/1/1/1 0/0/0/0
2 Light Cruiser 200%/200%/200%/200% 1/1/3/3 0/0/0/0
3 Anti-Air Gun 100%/100%/100%/100% 1/1/1/1 0/0/0/0
4 Auxilary - - -
5 Auxilary - - -
Default Equipments
1 Triple 305mm Main Gun (M1907)
Fleet Tech
T5 Battleship: Gangut-class Tech Points and Bonus
Unlock 28 +1
Max LimitBreak 56
Lv.120 42 +1
Icon Name Description Requirements
Long Live the Revolution! When this ship fires a Salvo: increases the FP, TRP, AA, and RLD of all your Northern Parliament ships by 8.0% (18.0%) for 10s. While this ship has the Triple 305mm Main Gun (M1907) equipped: increases this ship's Main Gun Efficiency by 50.0% (80.0%) and decreases its reload time by 20.0% (35.0%) for the first 4 reloads.
Icebreaker Once per battle, when this ship's HP falls below 30.0%: decreases this ship's DMG taken by 5.0% (15.0%) and decreases your DDs' DMG taken by 5.0% (10.0%) until the end of the battle.
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 甘古特级战列舰—甘古特 ガングート級戦艦――ガングート Gangut-class battleship – Gangut.
Biography 我是北方联合的弩级战列舰,甘古特!哼,别以为我是旧型就小看我。无论人还是舰船,都只有在力量不足的时候才会渴望强大,在窘境之时才更加追求революция。从波罗的海,到列宁格勒,只有忍辱负重,拼尽全力战斗至最后一刻,方能闪现出最耀眼的光辉! 北方連合の弩級戦艦、ガングートだ!なぁに、旧式だと侮ることなかれ。人間も艦船も非力だからこそ強く願い、窮地だからこそреволюция(レヴァリューツィヤ)を目指す。バルト海もレニングラードも、屈辱を耐えしのぎ、己の精魂を燃やし尽くしたからこそ輝けたのだ! I am Gangut, a dreadnought from the Northern Parliament. My equipment may be outdated, but don't underestimate me. Both humans and ships are alike in their quest for greater power, to protect what they otherwise would not be able to. That is революция, the revolution I strive for! From the Bering Sea to Leningrad, only by rising up in the face of humiliation was I able to become a beacon for the light of glory!
Acquisition 呼哈哈哈!干得不错,同志!让我们团结起来,为了守护这条碧蓝的航线而奋斗吧!竭尽全力,至死方休! はははは!同志よ!よくぞ頑張ってきたな!さあ、共にこの青き航路を守るために奮闘せよ!己の力が尽きるまでだ! Hahaha! Not bad, comrade! Come, let us fight for the safety of these azure lanes! Fight until your last breath!
Login 同志啊,今日准备挑战什么强敌?我甘古特会与你一起战斗的! 同志よ、今日はどんな強敵に挑むのか?この私が、ガングートが応援してやろう! Comrade, what sort of strong enemy will we face today? I, Gangut, shall stand with you!
Details 就算失败、跌倒,满身泥泞,也能一次一次重新振作起来的人性光辉——这才是我所追求的революция(革命),才是我所钟爱的небо(天国)! 同志にはぜひ知っていただきたい。躓き、倒れ、泥をなめようが何度でも立ち上がるヒトの輝き――それこそが私たちが目指すреволюция(レヴァリューツィヤ)、私の愛するнебо(ニェーボ)だ! Know this, comrade. Even if I am battered and bruised, muddied by defeat, I will rise each time to reclaim the glory of mankind! Yes, that is the революция I desire, the only heaven that exists for me!
Main 同志啊,陪我喝几杯吧?…什么?你不会一杯伏特加下肚就不行了吧? 同志よ、少し飲みに付き合ってくれるか?…なに?まさかウォッカ一本程度で参ったとは言うまいな Comrade, how about a few drinks? ...What? Don't tell me you can't even handle a swig of vodka!
Main 2 同志啊!听完那些水兵们的故事,是不是很心潮澎湃!那正是革命者的,人性的光辉啊! どうだ同志よ!あの勇敢な水兵たちの話はさぞ心を打ったものだろう!あれこそが革命者のヒトの輝きというのだ! O comrade, aren't those stories about the exploits of sailors absolutely riveting? You see, that is the very spirit of revolution, humanity in all its glory!
Main 3 轻松获胜?说什么傻话呢,同志。不是苦战的话根本无法使出去全力!下次派我到更危险的战场去吧! 楽勝だと?同志よ何を抜かしている。苦戦でなければ全力を出せないではないか!次はもっと危険な戦場に出撃だ! An easy victory? What a stupid thing to say, comrade! How are you supposed to draw out your full power if you have nothing worthwhile to fight? Send me to a more dangerous battle next time!
Touch 舰装?只要能使我们变强的,都应该利用起来,再美妙不过的合理主义了不是吗。我是不会甘心忍受自己弱小的 この艤装のことか?なに、良いものなら何でも利用する、素晴らしい合理主義ではないか。弱いままで満足できるほどヤワじゃあるまいよ What about my rigging? Isn't fully utilizing everything at your disposal a wonderful and pragmatic ideal? Why would I consign myself to weakness for the sake of showmanship?
Touch (Special) 同志啊,这是做什么?你总不会不知道北方联合的处罚有多严苛吧? 同志よ、何をしているんだ?まさか北方連合の処罰を知らないわけではあるまいな What are you doing, comrade? Are you not aware of how we handle lawbreakers in the Northern Parliament?
Mission 命令是为了保证秩序而存在的,为了大局,还是尽快完成吧 秩序を守るための命令だ。従ったほうが大局のためになろう Missions exist for the sake of preserving the order. We should complete them as soon as possible.
Mission Complete 干得漂亮!这份奖励正是对于我等革命的最佳赞赏! うむ、天晴だ!この報酬は私たちの革命への良き一手となろう! Excellently done! This reward will help pave the next step of our revolution!
Mail 信来了。同志啊,尽快拆了看看吧 手紙だ。同志よ、早く開封しようじゃないか You have a letter, comrade. It would be best to open it soon.
Return to Port 哦哦,同志啊,这次是胜利的凯旋吗?无论胜负如何,只要竭尽全力战斗过,就足够了! おお同志よ。さては勝利の凱旋かな?ああ、戦闘の結果などどうでもいい!君が精一杯頑張ったという結果さえあれば十分だ! O comrade, do you return bearing news of glorious victory? Ah, but it matters not, for the thing that matters most is that you fought with all your strength!
Commission Complete 和“冰上航行”那般苦涩的返航不同,这次同伴们带回来的,是满满的希望。让我们去迎接她们吧! 氷結巡航のようなものではない、あの子たちが希望を持ち帰ってきているんだ。さあ、早く出迎えを! Hopefully our comrades will return bearing good news, unlike that bitter Ice Cruise. Come on, let's go welcome them back.
Enhancement 同志啊,你也要变得更强!然后与我一同在战场发挥光热才行!啊哈哈哈哈! 同志よ!君も強くなれ!そして共に輝こう!あははははは! Comrades! You are also strong! Let our souls shine out brilliantly!
Flagship 让我看看你们的勇气吧!! おまえたちの勇気を私に見せろォ!! Show me your mettle!!
Victory 庆贺吧!我们有此等资格!就将这份欢喜,作为下次胜利的食粮吃下吧! さあ祝え!私たちには資格がある!この喜び、次の勝利への糧としてよく噛み締めてやろうではないか! Rejoice, for we have earned this privilege! May this celebration become the bread that sustains us until our next victory!
Defeat 同志啊,这不是败北,而是警醒!警醒我们不要忘却了革命的初心 同志よ、これは敗北ではなく警めだ。私たちが革命の初心を忘れかけているということへのな Comrade, consider this not a defeat, but rather a warning. A sign that we are losing sight of our revolutionary spirit.
Skill 为革命献上祝福! 革命に祝福よッ! The revolution blesses you!
Low HP 呼哈哈哈哈哈!这才像是我该在的战场啊! あははははは!これこそが私の戦場だ! Ahahahaha! At last, this is a battlefield that I am meant for!
Affinity (Upset) 将莽撞当作勇气的人是没有未来的,同志啊 無謀を勇気と履き違える者に未来はないぞ。同志よ There is no future for those who mistake recklessness with courage, comrade.
Affinity (Stranger) 我是战舰甘古特,或许你也可以用另一个名字称呼我。不过,比起名字,更重要的还是战果。不用太过拘泥,用你喜欢的方式喊我就行了 戦艦ガングートだ。もしくは「オクチャブリスカヤ・レヴォリューツィヤ」でもいい。なに、名前より重要なのは実績だ。窮屈でない好きな呼び方で構わないぞ I am Battleship Gangut, also known as Oktyabrskaya Revolyutsiya. However, my name is less important the what I've achieved. Don't dwell too much on it and just call me what you want.
Affinity (Friendly) 同志啊,希望你不要误会,这不仅仅是我们的战斗,更是你的战斗。不要仅满足于现状,我们要一起不断精进才行 同志よ、勘違いしないでほしい。この戦いは私たちだけの戦いではなく、あなたの戦いでもあるぞ。現状に満足せず、ともに励んでいこうではないか I hope you don't take this the wrong way, comrade, but this fight is not just for all of us. It's also yours. Never settle with the status quo, and always seek to keep improving.
Affinity (Like) 啊哈哈哈哈哈!干得好!同志!我们即将赌上彼此的生命、勇气,一切,去挑战无数的困难和强大的敌人!没有比这更加革命的事了不是吗! あははははは!よくやったぞ同志よ!無数の困難や巨大な敵――今や私たちは共に己の命を、勇気を、全てを懸けて挑もうとしている!実に革命的ではないか! Ahahahaha! Well done, comrade! No matter how strong the enemies we may face, we now join each other courageously, prepared to give everything in pursuit of greater challenges! What could be more revolutionary than that?
Affinity (Love) 单刀直入地说吧!同志的光芒令我感到心神一振——没错,我喜欢上你了!现在我摆在眼前的,是名为“向同志表达爱意”的挑战!来吧,收下我这爱的拥抱! 単刀直入に言おう!私は同志の輝きにはひどく心打たれ、――つまり惚れ込んでいるのだ!そして愛を伝えるための戦いに挑もうとしている!さあ同志よ、この愛の抱擁を受け入れろ! Let's get to the point! Comrade, I was struck by your brilliance, and thus I fell for you! And now, I face the challenge of how to express my feelings for you! Here, comrade, accept my embrace!
Pledge 誓约…吗。虽然事到如今其实已经没什么太大的意义,不过作为与同志关系进步的证明,也算是一大收获吧。好!来干杯吧!同志啊!以后也多多指教了! ケッコン…か。大した意味はないが、同志との仲が更に進歩したのは収穫だな。よし!祝杯だ!同志よ、これからもよろしく頼むぞ! A pledge, huh? While this act is symbolic in nature, it is also undeniable proof of the bonds we've formed. A toast, comrade. Please continue to guide me in the future.
In battle with Mikasa 呼哈哈哈哈!没想到会有与你共同战斗的一天啊! あはははは!三笠とともに戦えるとは! Ahahaha! Finally, I have the privilege of fighting by your side, Mikasa!
In battle with Avrora 挥洒革命的曙光吧! 革命の輝きを! For the light of revolution!
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 同志啊,我要感谢这次安排的演习!这份制裁罪恶,给予惩罚,助人再造重生的重责大任,我很乐意接下! 同志よ、この演習には感謝する!罪を断じ、罰を与え、ヒトを更生せしむるこの大役、喜んでこなしてみせるぞ! You have my thanks for this exercise, comrade! I shall gladly carry out the important duty of judge, jury, and rehabilitator!
Acquisition 同志啊,我要感谢这次安排的演习!这份制裁罪恶,给予惩罚,助人再造重生的重责大任,我很乐意接下! 同志よ、この演習には感謝する!罪を断じ、罰を与え、ヒトを更生せしむるこの大役、喜んでこなしてみせるぞ! You have my thanks for this exercise, comrade! I shall gladly carry out the important duty of judge, jury, and rehabilitator!
Login 同志啊,你是来视察演习的吗?哈哈哈,想知道什么尽管问,我会知无不答的! 同志よ、演習の視察か?ははは、知りたいことがあれば何でも聞くがいい! Commander, did you come to inspect the exercise? Hahaha! Feel free to ask away!
Details 同志啊,现在认罪还太早了!得全力抵抗,拼命逃跑直到最后一刻才行!这样你才能获得真正的成长! 同志よ、罪を告白するならまだ早い!ギリギリまで抗え、逃げおおせよ!そのとき貴方は真の成長を遂げるのだ! Comrade, it is too soon to confess to your sins! Struggle for your freedom, and resist until you are about to break! That is the true path to growth!
Main 这身打扮多少有点铁血或白鹰的味道呢,哼哼,如果真打扮得太可怕,会吓到一些小朋友的吧 この格好は北方連合というより、鉄血かユニオン寄りだ。なに、これ以上怖い格好をしていたら一部の子が怖がるだろ? This outfit resembles something that you'd wear in the Eagle Union or Iron Blood, right? If I chose something more imposing, I'd scare off the kids!
Main 2 “我是甘古特。…监管区域一切正常,继续巡逻吧” 「こちらガングートだ。…管区は大丈夫か。引き続き巡回を頼むぞ」 "This is Gangut... Everything's fine over here, so stay on patrol."
Main 3 同志啊,想要搞点酒吗?好!就趁着这段空档的时间陪你喝喝吧! 同志よ、さては酒を少し注いでほしいのか?いいだろう!ここでじっとしている間に付き合ってやろう! Care for a drink, comrade? Come on, it's good stuff. I just happen to have a little bit of free time.
Touch 墙上这些徽章?只是用来装饰的复制品罢了,想要的话做几个都没问题 勲章の飾りが気になるか?レプリカだからいくらでも作れるぞ Are you curious about this medal? You can make as many replicas as you'd like!
Mission 任务有困难吗?有什么需要调查的可以让我帮忙 任務に困っているか?調べものならこいつらにも手伝ってもらおう Having trouble with your missions? If you need to conduct an investigation, I'll help you out.
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 尝过了那么多,果然还是自家的最好喝啊。来,同志,为了庆祝休息日的到来,干了这杯伏特加! ……ぷはー!いろんな酒を飲んでみたが、やっぱり我が家の酒が最高だ!同志よ、非番の日の到来を祝ってこのヴォッカで乾杯だ! ...Bwahaah! I've had all kinds of liquor, but nothing beats the stuff back home! Comrade, let's have a toast to the coming off-duty days!
Acquisition 尝过了那么多,果然还是自家的最好喝啊。来,同志,为了庆祝休息日的到来,干了这杯伏特加! ……ぷはー!いろんな酒を飲んでみたが、やっぱり我が家の酒が最高だ!同志よ、非番の日の到来を祝ってこのヴォッカで乾杯だ! ...Bwahaah! I've had all kinds of liquor, but nothing beats the stuff back home! Comrade, let's have a toast to the coming off-duty days!
Login 同志啊,你是来陪我喝一杯的吗?你来得正好,这是阿芙乐尔带回来的伏特加,我这就给你倒上! 同志よ、もしや酒の付き合いに来てくれたのか?あははは!なら丁度いい、アヴローラが差し入れにくれたヴォッカがあるぞ――どれ、一杯注いでやる! I take it you've come to share a drink with me, comrade? Ahahaha! What a coincidence, I just received this bottle of vodka from Avrora. Two shots, coming right up!
Details 同志啊,看了这些杂志上记载的故事吗?就是有这些努力的人们在,我们的时代才能变得越来越好啊! この雑誌に載っている物語をもう読んだか?頑張ってきた者たちがいてこそ、我々がいる時代がどんどん良くなっていけるのだ Have you read the article in this magazine, comrade? It's a great piece on how the working class is the reason for our ever-improving quality of life.
Main 同志啊,即使是和平年代,也需要有不断奋斗的精神才行。若是人人都安逸于现状,谁能在危险来临时有勇气挺身而出?对吧! 同志よ、平和な時代でも、奮闘の精神を忘れてはならん。現状に甘んじていては災いが訪れたときに一体誰が立ち向かう! Comrade, you must always be ready to fight, even in times of peace. If you get complacent with the status quo, then who else will stand up in the event of a crisis?
Main 2 重樱那边也有几个喜欢喝的,我记得是叫……伊势和日向来着?下次一起喝几杯的时候也叫上她们吧! 重桜にも酒好きがいるそうだな?…確か、伊勢と日向…だったか?今度飲む時は声をかけておこう! The Sakura Empire is home to a few drinkers too, I've learned. Ise and Hyuuga, I think their names were? I'll invite them over the next time I'm enjoying some liquor!
Main 3 不行啊,我怎么能在这里这么安逸地躺着…同志,扶我起来,叫上其它人一起来一场演习吧! ……むっ、いつまでもこうしてはおれん!同志よ、身を起こせ!他の同志を呼んで演習をしよう! Ugh! I've had enough of this! Get up, comrade! We'll round up some more comrades and go for some target practice!
Touch 来,同志,再陪我干几杯!…什么,你不会觉得这点就能让我醉了吧! 同志よ、さあもっと乾杯しろ!…まさかこの程度で私が酔ったなんて思ってないだろうな! Drink, comrade! Have another shot! You'll have to do much better than that to get me plastered!
Touch (Special) 同志啊,你这就醉了么。不过也没关系,沙发换给你躺,好好休息吧! 同志よ、もう酔いつぶれたのか?心配はいらん、このソファを君に使わせてやる!さあ、横になって休んでろ! You're drunk out of your mind, aren't you, comrade? No worries, you may use the couch! Go on, lie down!
Return to Port 房间有些杂乱?同志,你说的有道理,让我们这就开始收拾!不过,要从哪里开始呢?这些杂志还是这些瓶子? 部屋が散らかっている、だと?うむ、たしかに!…だが、どこから片付けたものか…ボトル?それとも雑誌からか? My room is a total mess, you say? I suppose it is, yes. If I am to clean it, the question becomes, where do I start? The bottles? The magazines?
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Main 同志~再喝点啊~马拉那家伙都不陪我喝~让我们喝到天亮嘛~ 同志~もうちょっと飲めよ~マラートのやつ一緒に飲んでくれないの~一緒に朝まで飲もぉよぉ~ Comrade~ have a bit more to drink~ That Marat can't keep up with me~ C'mon, keep me company until dawn.
Main 3 没有强敌?原来如此,同志这是欲求不满了吗…放心吧,我来当你的对手。来吧!把生命燃烧起来! 強敵がいないだと?なるほど同志は欲求不満になっているのか…なに、相手してやろう。さあ、命を燃やすときだ! No strong enemies around? I feel your frustration, comrade... Well then, come at me. Let's make life worth living!
Touch 原来如此,同志你是想要更深入地了解这身舰装吗!没问题!这亦是充满勇气的行动! そうか、同志はこの艤装ともっと触れ合いたいのか!構わない!それは勇気のある行動だからな! I see, I see, so you want to fully grasp the extent of my rigging. Very well! I have no objections, for your courage is commendable as well!
Touch (Special) 既然是同志就不计较了!对于勇敢的行为自然要给予赞赏!来,尽情地触碰吧! 同志なら許す!勇気ある行動へのご褒美だ!さあ、存分に触るがいい! You are forgiven, comrade! Such courage deserves to be rewarded! Come, put your hands all over me until you've had your fill!