Prince of Wales (JP 🇯🇵: プリンス・オブ・りェヌルズ, CN 🇹🇌: 嚁尔士亲王)
Ship IDNo. 135Star Rating★★★☆☆☆
Hull BattleshipRaritySuper Rare
NavyRoyal NavyBuild Time
AcquisitionEvent: Z Force
Enhance Income
Scrap Income
Release Date
Voice actressChinami Hashimoto
Prince of WalesDescription
King George V-class battleship – Prince of Wales, Hull Number 53!
Sun Shining Upon WindsorDescription
I'm not a big fan of beach volleyball, but Hood begged me... I swear, that girl! She just can't get enough of the sun! You've got to cheer for me!
Sakura Elegance Description
I've been wearing Royal attire my whole life, so a change in pace doesn't seem bad. Oh, Commander, good timing. Can you explain to me how to celebrate the New Year here?
The Laureate's Victory LapDescription
Oh, Commander. Worry not. Since I've been given this job, I will see through it until the end. Besides, it's been a while since I've gotten this fired up. Haha!
HP1334 Reload57
Firepower82 Torpedo0
Evasion7 Anti-air43
Aviation0 Cost0
ASW0 Luck19
HP5897 Reload110
Firepower207 Torpedo0
Evasion34 Anti-air163
Aviation0 Cost0
ASW0 Luck20
Limit Break
Tier 1Main gun base +1 | Main gun efficiency +5%
Tier 2Secondary Gun base +2 | Main gun efficiency +10%
Tier 3Main gun base +1 | Main gun efficiency +15%
SlotEquipment TypeEfficiency (LB 0/1/2/3)Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3)Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
2Light Cruiser200%/200%/200%/200%1/1/3/30/0/0/0
3Anti-Air Gun100%/100%/100%/100%1/1/1/10/0/0/0
Default Equipments
1Quadruple 356mm Main Gun
2Twin 134mm AA Gun
Fleet Tech
T6 Battleship: King George V-ClassTech Points and Bonus
Unlock18 +2
Max LimitBreak36
Lv.12027 +1
Royal AllianceFor each Eagle Union ship in the same fleet as this ship: increases this ship's FP, AA, RLD, and EVA by 2.0% (10.0%) , up to a maximum of 3 stacks. When there are 3 or more Eagle Union ships in the same fleet as this ship: reduces the loading time of this ship's first salvo by 85.0%, increases the FP and AA of Eagle Union ships in your Vanguard Fleet by 5.0% (15.0%) , and increases the AVI and AA of Eagle Union ships in your Main Fleet by 5.0% (15.0%) . Default Unlocked
Royal Alliance+When the battle starts, for each Eagle Union or Royal Navy ship in your fleet other than this ship: increases this ship's FP, AA, RLD, and EVA by 4.5% (12.0%) (can be stacked up to 3 times). If there are 3 or more Eagle Union or Royal Navy ships in your fleet: also decreases the loading time of this ship's first Main Gun volley by 85.0%, increases your Eagle Union and Royal Navy Vanguard ships' FP and AA by 4.5% (12.0%) , and increases your Eagle Union and Royal Navy Main Fleet ships' AVI and AA by 4.5% (12.0%) .???
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description英王乔治五䞖级战列舰—嚁尔士亲王舷号53キングゞョヌゞ⅀玚戊艊・プリンスオブりェヌルズ (HMS Prince of Wales) King George V-class battleship – Prince of Wales, Hull Number 53!
Biography我是英王乔治五䞖级二号舰嚁尔士亲王号曟经技送銖盞完成了《倧西掋宪章》的筟订——翻匀了歊噚史的新䞀页哌真敢圚我面前诎啊ゞョヌゞ五䞖玚二番艊プリンス・オブ・りェヌルズ。か぀お銖盞に付き添い、かの憲章の調印に参加したヌヌ兵噚の歎史に新たなペヌゞを刻んだふん、この私を前によく蚀えたわねI'm the second ship of the King George V-class battleships, the Prince of Wales. I once escorted the Prime Minister to sign the Atlantic Charter. Making my mark in the history books of weaponry? Hmph, how dare you mention that in front of me.
Acquisition指挥官吗奜吧我嚁尔士亲王的实力就让䜠见识䞀䞋吧指揮官かよし、このプリンス・オブ・りェヌルズの力、ずくず芋るがいいYou're the Commander? Very well. I, Prince of Wales, shall let you witness my true strength.
Login回来了先喝䞀杯红茶再匀始工䜜吧垰ったか玅茶でも䞀杯飲んで仕事に取り掛かろうWelcome back. Shall we have tea before getting back to work?
Details呜运是埈容易脱犻蜚迹的指挥官運呜はよくレヌルから倖れるものだ。指揮官Fate can be easily derailed, Commander.
Main并䞍是莵的就䞀定是奜的。䞍过劂䜕让有限的战斗力发挥出最倧的效果就是䜠的诟题了指挥官高䟡なものだけがいいものではない。有限の戊力で、いかに最高の戊果を手にするのかを考えるのが君の責務だExpensive isn't always better, but it's your job to maximize our combat capability, Commander.
Main 2圚県前倱去同䌎的痛我䞍想再品味第二次了仲間を目の前に倱う痛み、二床ず味わいたくないI don't want to suffer the pain of losing my comrades again...
Main 3芁喝茶吗䞉明治也准倇奜了顺䟿䞀提我是黄瓜掟的ティヌタむムでもどうサンドむッチを甚意したわ。぀いでに蚀うけど、私はきゅうり掟よWould you like to have some tea? I have also prepared some sandwiches. By the way, I am a fan of pickles.
Touch来聊聊倩吧指挥官少し雑談をしよう、指揮官Let's have chat, Commander.
Touch (Special)䜠应该知道这么做的含义吧埮笑どういう意味なのかわかっおるよね You know what doing this means right? *Smiles*
Mission指挥官考验䜠的时候到了指揮官、詊される時が来たようだCommander, it's time to put you to the test.
Mission Complete奖励䞋蟟了干埗挂亮報酬が来たようね。よくやったわRewards received! You performed beautifully.
Mail有新的联络来了連絡があるわよYou have a new message, Commander.
Return to Port胜莟有时候只䞍过是运气而已可䞍芁自倧指挥官勝負も時の運だから、あたり自惚れないでね、指揮官Sometimes victories come down to nothing but luck. Don't get too full of yourself, Commander.
Commission Complete军事委托完成了去迎接她们是䜠的义务吧軍事委蚗が完了したようだ。圌女たちの出迎えは君の矩務だろThe commissions are complete, it is your duty to welcome them back.
Enhancement䞺了䞍重蹈芆蟙  二床ず繰り返さないために  Let's not repeat failure again...
Flagship成功是勇敢之子  党舰匀火勇気による成功のため  党艊、撃おCourage is necessary for success
 All ships, fire!
Victory胜利的感觉果然无论䜕时郜什人愉快勝利の感觊はやはりい぀だっお嬉しいものねThe taste of victory is always sweet.
DefeatA horse may stumble though he has four legs䞋次再䞀雪前耻吧四本足の銬も時には転ぶ。次は挜回しようA horse may stumble even though he has four legs. Let's try again next time.
Skill䞀决胜莟吧私ず勝負よIt's a showdown!
Low HP站起来我们芁自扟麻烊去了立おぶ぀けおいくのだGet up! We're going to go look for a fight!
Affinity (Upset)请犻我远点䜠没有资栌驱䜿我  離れお。あなたには私を埓える資栌がないわKeep your distance. You are not qualified to command me...
Affinity (Stranger)我据诎因䞺原本的名字可胜呜运倚舛而选甚了现圚的名字䞍过从结果来看奜像䟝然没有逃过呜运  元の名前だず䞍吉ず蚀われたから今の名前にしたけど、結果的には運呜から逃れられなかったようね  I heard that my current name was chosen because my original one could bring misfortune, but... judging by how things turned out... it seems I'm unable to escape my fate...
Affinity (Friendly)䜠氞远䞍知道有倚少计划、垌望和努力䌚随着䜠的逝去而沉入倧海所以可别随䟿死了指挥官あなたの死が、どれだけの蚈画、努力、そしお垌望も海に沈めるこずを意味するか、それを知っおほしい。だから指揮官、簡単には死なないでYou never know how many plans, hopes, and efforts would sink into the sea with you, Commander. So try not to die too easily.
Affinity (Like)堂堂正正地战斗是我的信条对感情我也垌望劂歀。所以  就是  胜  陪我䞀䌚儿吗有些重芁的话想跟䜠诎指挥官。正々堂々ず戊うのが私の信条、恋愛も同じだ。だから  その  あの  少し付き合っおくれるか 指揮官Fighting fair and square is my motto. I wish it could be the same when it comes to my own feelings. So... can you stay with me a bit longer? I have something important to tell you, Commander...
Affinity (Love)我做了䞪梊  是那䞪时候的梊是即䜿现圚䟝然觉埗绝望无助的梊䜆是睁匀県看到䜠圚我的身蟹时有䞀点真的只有䞀点觉埗这样也䞍坏  倢を芋た  あの時の、今思い返しおも絶望するほどの無力さに苊しむ倢だった。でも目が芚めお、あなたが隣にいるのを芋るず、少しだけ、ほんの少しだけ、それでもいい気がする  I had a dream, a dream of that time which makes me feel hopeless even now... But when I open my eyes and see you by my side, it feels like life... like life isn't so bad after all...
Pledge对我来诎仪匏并䞍重芁重芁的是䜠已经是我讀可的人  䞍过胜收到还是埈匀心谢谢䜠  我䌚氞远垊圚身蟹的匏は重芁ではない。倧事なのは、あなたが私が認めた人になったこず。  でも、これは嬉しい。ありがずう。  ずっず身に぀けおいくわTo me, the ritual isn't as important as the fact that you're the person that I've accepted... However, receiving something like this still makes me happy. Thank you, Commander... I'll keep this with me forever!
In battle with Prinz Eugen诎实话䜠的心思我䞀盎揣摩䞍透呢正盎、貎方の考えおいるこずだけはどうしおもわからない気がするわTo be honest, I never know what you're thinking.
In battle with Queen Elizabeth胜䞺悚服务是我的荣幞陛䞋お仕えできお光栄です。陛䞋It is my honor to serve you, Your Majesty.
In battle with Hood呵呵偶尔也像皇家䞀样䌘雅的战斗吧ふふ、たたにはロむダルらしく優雅ず行こうかHehe, shall we display the elegance of the Royal Navy?
In battle with Duke of York关于指挥官或讞  我们可以奜奜谈䞀䞋指揮官に぀いおだが、もしや  䞀回話し合わないかIf it's about the Commander, perhaps... we can talk about it.
In battle with Vampire请尜管吩咐吞血鬌“小姐”ノァンパむアさん、どうぞなんなりずLittle Miss Vampire, what can I do for you?
In battle with Repulse反击虜然我来诎这话可胜䞍倧劥圓  䞓心点哊レパルス、私から蚀わせおみればなんだけど  あなたはもう少し集䞭したほうがいいわRepulse, though this might sound quaint coming from me, you should try to concentrate a little more.
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description虜然䞍倪想参加沙滩排球比赛䞍过既然被胡執拜托了  那䜍照耀倪阳的淑女可别忘了䞺我加油ビヌチバレヌはあたり気が乗らないけど、たあせっかくのフッドの頌みだし  えっず、なんだあっちの「倪陜よりも茝かしいレディ」さん応揎は頌んだわよI'm not a big fan of beach volleyball, but Hood begged me... I swear, that girl! She just can't get enough of the sun! You've got to cheer for me!
Acquisition虜然䞍倪想参加沙滩排球比赛䞍过既然被胡執拜托了  那䜍照耀倪阳的淑女可别忘了䞺我加油ビヌチバレヌはあたり気が乗らないけど、たあせっかくのフッドの頌みだし  えっず、なんだあっちの「倪陜よりも茝かしいレディ」さん応揎は頌んだわよAlthough I don't really want in on the beachball game, but it was a request from Hood....That sun-loving girl. Don't forget to cheer for me!
Login劂果想芁感受䞇事䞇物真正的魅力銖先䟿芁诚挚地爱䞊它们指挥官这点对于女孩子也䞍䟋倖哟物事の魅力を知るには、たずはそれを愛するこずヌヌ女のコに察しおも、䟋倖ではないわ、指揮官To truly experience the charm of all things, first one must sincerely love them. Commander, the same goes for girls too.
Details无论䜕时对矎䞜的少女视而䞍见郜䞍是绅士的䜜䞺い぀だっお、矎しいレディを無芖するのは玳士の所業ではないわよRegardless of the time and situation, to ignore a fair maiden is most ungentlemanly.
Main指挥官我的泳装劂䜕哈哈我来教䜠这种时候应该怎样赞矎吧指揮官、私の氎着はどうかしらうふふ、こういう時の耒め方を教えおあげようかHow's my swimsuit, Commander? Haha, let me teach you how to compliment a girl in this kind of situation.
Main 2指挥官公务就亀给我䜠去䌑息䞀䌚吧沙滩䞊倧家郜等着䜠呢指揮官、公務は私に任せお、少し䌑憩しお。みんなが砂浜で埅っおるわCommander, leave all the admin stuff to me. Everyone else is waiting for you on the beach!
Main 3胡執偶尔也被阳光照耀䞀䞋劂䜕フッド、たたには倪陜に圓たっおも枛るもんじゃないわよHood, you should get some sun once in a while too, you know.
Touch蟓球后的山城看起来埈沮䞧呢  指挥官去安慰安慰她吧ビヌチバレヌで負けたあのダマシロずいう子は、少し萜ち蟌んでるわね  指揮官、こういう時はちゃんず慰めおあげたほうがいいわYamashiro looked pretty depressed after she lost the ball game... Commander, why don't you go and comfort her?
Touch (Special)枩柔地对埅女孩子的方法需芁我教给䜠吗女のコの優しい接し方、教えおあげようかDo you need me to teach you how to properly treat girls?
Mission䞍畏险阻跚越艰隟勇埀盎前劂歀必胜完成前人未竟之䌟䞚困難を恐れずに、乗り越え、前に進み続ける。こうすればきっず先人たちの偉業を完遂出来るず信じるわFear not for dangers and obstacles, leap over challenges, and charge towards your goals. This is how unprecedented accomplishments are achieved!
Mission Complete蟛苊了我来给䜠揉揉肩膀吧我的按摩手法可是广受奜评的~ご苊劎。肩をちょっず揉んであげようか私のマッサヌゞは意倖ず奜評よGood work, Commander! How about a massage? People tell me I've got the best technique.
Mail新的信件唔  胡執别盯着我看啊这次䞍是写给我的新しいメヌルふむ  フッド、そんなにこっちを芋ないでよ、今のは私宛じゃないわよNew mail? Hood, stop staring at me. They aren't for me!
Return to Port指挥官倏日的冰激凌虜是无法抗拒的诱惑䜆刚从倖面回来就吃这么倚的话肠胃䌚受䞍了的指揮官、猛暑のアむスは耐え難い誘惑だけど、垰ったばかりでそんなに倚く食べたらお腹壊すわよI know it's tempting to eat ice cream during the summer, Commander, but don't eat too much otherwise you'll get a stomachache!
Commission Complete实圚疲惫就䌑息䞀䌚儿我去替䜠迎接園航的孩子们疲れたら少し䌑んだほうがいいわ。出迎えは私が代わっおあげようI'll welcome the girls home from commission. Take a rest if you're really tired.
Enhancement至少圚欧根露出真心的笑容前我还䞍胜随䟿地死掉オむゲンが心から笑えるようになるたで、沈むわけにはいかないわI can't die happy until I see Prinz Eugen with a true and honest smile on her face.
Affinity (Love)䞎䜠的爱恋是我无垠的莢富即䜿以敎䞪王囜的权势䞎我亀换我亊䌚䞍屑䞀顟あなたずの恋は私にずっお最高の宝よ。王囜のすべおをもっおしおも、匕き換えるなんおできるはずがないわLove with you is like priceless treasure. I wouldn't trade even an entire kingdom for it!
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description穿惯了皇家的那䞀身偶尔变化䞀䞋风栌倒也䞍错。指挥官正奜来给我讲解䞀䞋这蟹的新幎该怎么过吧たたにはロむダルではなく、異郷の颚流ずいうのもいいわね。指揮官、ちょうどいい、こちらの「お正月」ずはいかに過ごすものなのか説明しおもらおうI've been wearing Royal attire my whole life, so a change in pace doesn't seem bad. Oh, Commander, good timing. Can you explain to me how to celebrate the New Year here?
Acquisition穿惯了皇家的那䞀身偶尔变化䞀䞋风栌倒也䞍错。指挥官正奜来给我讲解䞀䞋这蟹的新幎该怎么过吧たたにはロむダルではなく、異郷の颚流ずいうのもいいわね。指揮官、ちょうどいい、こちらの「お正月」ずはいかに過ごすものなのか説明しおもらおうI've been wearing Royal attire my whole life, so a change in pace doesn't seem bad. Oh, Commander, good timing. Can you explain to me how to celebrate the New Year here?
Main指挥官冷吗来披䞊我的倖套吧  呵䞍甚担心我䞍怕冷的指揮官、寒いこのコヌトを矜織っおいいわ。  あ、私は倧䞈倫よ。心配しないでCommander, are you cold? You can borrow my coat if you'd like. Ah, don't worry about me, I'm fine.
Main 2了解其他阵营的习俗确实是件有意思的事感觉和重暱的各䜍距犻也近了䞀些ほかの陣営の颚習を知るのは面癜いわね。重桜の子たちずの距離も近くなっおいる気がするLearning about the customs of the other nations is quite interesting. I feel like I get along better with the Sakura girls now.
Main 3虜然想诎喝杯红茶䞍过还是入乡随俗尝䞀尝重暱的矎食吧少し玅茶が恋しくなっおいるけど、たあ「郷に入っおは郷に埓え」ずいうこずもあるし、ここは重桜の文化を堪胜させおもらおうかしらI miss my black tea a bit, but I suppose "when in Rome, do as the Romans do." I guess I should fully enjoy the culture of the Sakura Empire.
Touch盯着我发呆做什么 垅气 呵呵我姑䞔䜜䞺倞奖接受了吧なぜ私をじっず芋぀めおいる かっこいい ふふ、耒め蚀葉ずしお受け取っおおこうかWhy are you staring at me? I'm... suave? Hehe, I suppose I should take that as a compliment.
Mission Complete新幎也圚完成任务吗埈努力啊指挥官正月でも任務に勀しんでいるか。頑匵っおるわね。指揮官You're still hammering away at those missions even during the New Year? You sure are hard-working, Commander.
Commission Complete新幎出委托华没有人迎接也倪可怜了指挥官䜠诎对吧正月に委蚗に出かけた人にずっお、迎えおくれる人がいないこずほど気のどくなこずはない。指揮官もそう思わないSince it's the New Year, it would be sad if there was nobody to greet the girls returning from commissions. Don't you think so, Commander?
Affinity (Love)尝试新的习俗床过安皳的新幎 曟几䜕时郜是䞍敢奢望的事情 指挥官这郜是䜠的功劳䞍愧是我看䞭的人新しい文化に觊れ、平穏な新幎を過ごす か぀お倢芋るこずすらできなかったこず 指揮官、これは党おあなたのおかげだ。ふふ、さすがは私の意䞭の人ねTo be able to experience a new culture like this, and spend the New Year peacefully... is like a dream come true. Commander, it's all thanks to you. As expected of the one I chose.
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Ship Description指挥官吗。䞍甚担心既然我接受了这仜工䜜自然䌚干到最后——而䞔奜久没有这种想和人竞争的感觉了呢。哈哈指揮官か。なに、心配する必芁はないわ。仕事を匕き受けた以䞊、最埌たできっちりこなす――それに、久しぶりに匵り合いたい気分になった。ふふふOh, Commander. Worry not. Since I've been given this job, I will see through it until the end. Besides, it's been a while since I've gotten this fired up. Haha!
Acquisition指挥官吗。䞍甚担心既然我接受了这仜工䜜自然䌚干到最后——而䞔奜久没有这种想和人竞争的感觉了呢。哈哈指揮官か。なに、心配する必芁はないわ。仕事を匕き受けた以䞊、最埌たできっちりこなす――それに、久しぶりに匵り合いたい気分になった。ふふふOh, Commander. Worry not. Since I've been given this job, I will see through it until the end. Besides, it's been a while since I've gotten this fired up. Haha!
Login回来了吗圚来的路䞊没有碰到其他姐効吧戻っおきたか。ここたで来る途䞭に姉効艊ず出䌚っおないだろうなOh, you're back. Did you run into any of my sisters on the way here?
Details呜运是埈容易脱犻蜚迹的——圚比赛里驶出赛道有时也䌚埈危险呢。指挥官观战的时候泚意䞀些運呜はよくレヌルから倖れるものだが――レヌスでコヌスから倖れたら倧惚事になるこずもあるわ。指揮官、芳戊時には気を぀けおWhile destiny tends to fly off the rails pretty often, flying off the course during a match would be a major accident. Commander, be careful while you watch the match.
Main那些孩子们也圚匀蜊 方向盘姑䞔䞍诎油闚是怎么胜螩䞋去的 饅頭たちが運転しおいる  ハンドルはずもかく、アクセルをどうやっお螏むんだ The Manjuus drive these things... Sure, it's a mystery how they're able to turn the steering wheel, but I'm more curious about how they're able to step on the accelerator...
Main 2䞍管比赛还是战斗决定胜莥的并䞍只有性胜选手的技术指挥官的指挥郜可以成䞺逆蜬圢势的关键——所以赌起胜莟来才有意思啊レヌスも戊いもマシンや艊の性胜だけではない。遞手の腕、指揮官の采配次第で倧逆転もありえる。ふふ、それでこそ熱狂できるっおものよWhether in a match or in a battle, a machine's or ship's capability isn't everything. Depending on the driver's skill or the commander's directions, the course of the match or battle can be completely reversed. Hehe, that's exactly what makes betting fun.
Main 3这身打扮的话䞍倧方䟿吃饭啊 指挥官我那仜䞉明治䜠吃了就奜この栌奜のたただず食事を取るこずもなかなか難しそうね ああ指揮官、私の分――サンドむッチだが、代わりに食べおもいいわよThese clothes make eating quite difficult... Oh, I give up. Commander, you can have the rest of my sandwich.
Touch有什么圚意的地方吗気になるずころでもあるかDoes something about this outfit bother you?
Touch (Special)呵呵再进䞀步可䞍行哊ふふ、それ以䞊はやらせないわよHeh, I won't let you go any further.
Return to Port䞺了指挥官的胜利——来䞀场䞎歀盞笊的衚挔吧あなたの勝利――それを食るのにふさわしいパフォヌマンスをしおあげようLet's put on a performance to be remembered – for the sake of your victory.
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Ship Description来晚了呢指挥官。没想到胜有䞀段独倄的时闎忍䞍䜏试了䞋乐噚  呵呵可䞍胜让女士久等哊。总之芁䞍芁先听我挔奏䞀曲再出发遅かったじゃない、指揮官。たたたた䞀人の時間ができたから、楜噚に手を䌞ばしおみたけど  ふふふ、レディを埅たせるものではないわ。ずもあれ、䞀曲聞いおから出発するのも悪くはないでしょI expected you sooner, Commander. I decided to practice the saxophone while I had some time alone... You shouldn't keep a lady waiting in the future. Heehee. Anyway, I suppose we could listen to a song before we set off, no?
Acquisition来晚了呢指挥官。没想到胜有䞀段独倄的时闎忍䞍䜏试了䞋乐噚  呵呵可䞍胜让女士久等哊。总之芁䞍芁先听我挔奏䞀曲再出发遅かったじゃない、指揮官。たたたた䞀人の時間ができたから、楜噚に手を䌞ばしおみたけど  ふふふ、レディを埅たせるものではないわ。ずもあれ、䞀曲聞いおから出発するのも悪くはないでしょI expected you sooner, Commander. I decided to practice the saxophone while I had some time alone... You shouldn't keep a lady waiting in the future. Heehee. Anyway, I suppose we could listen to a song before we set off, no?
Login指挥官终于醒了吗骑士队挔奏的䞭音旋埋安皳祥和 呵呵可以诎是劂梊䞀般哊あら指揮官、やっずお目芚めかしら階士隊が奏でる穏やかなアルトの調べ ふふ、倢のよう ず蚀っおもいいわよOh, Commander, are you finally awake? Listen to the knights' gentle alto tune... Heehee, it's dreamy, isn't it?
Details这黑色瀌服宛劂身着镶嵌着闪烁银河的暗倜——以纊克的方匏来诎就是这样吧。指挥官倞赞瀌服也䞍错䜆芁适床哊䞍然我郜芁䞍奜意思了この挆黒のドレスは、たるで瞬く銀河を鏀めた闇倜みたい――ペヌクらしく蚀えばそんなずころかしら。指揮官、衣装を耒めるのはいいけど、ほどほどにしないずこっちたで恥ずかしくなるわThis black dress is like a dark night dotted with twinkling stars... to put it how York might describe it. Commander, it's okay to compliment people's outfits, but it just gets embarrassing if you go too far.
Main骑士队也并非只䌚战斗。倚才倚艺才是皇家骑士的修养——虜然想这么诎䜆也有䟋倖的孩子呢。呵呵。階士隊ずいえど別に戊うだけじゃない。倚芞こそがロむダルナむトの嗜み――ず蚀いたいずころだが、そうでない子もいるわ。ふふふWe may be knights, but that doesn't mean we're all about fighting. Versatility is the true mark of a Royal Knight... is what I'd like to say, but that isn't true for some of us. Heheh.
Main 2正装出垭的音乐䌚埈䞍错䜆是和亲密䌙䌎们的即兎衚挔也埈有趣。䜠也试试什么吗正装でのコンサヌトもステキだけど、気の蚱せる仲間ずのセッションも楜しいものよ。あなたも䜕か、始めおみないConcerts in formal clothes are great and all, but jam sessions with friends you can relax with are such fun. You should give it a try, Commander.
Main 3欧根䜠想给指挥官灌倚少陀了自己还打算让指挥官也喝醉然后猠着同䌎们吗呵呵~オむゲン指揮官に䜕杯飲たせる぀もりたさかあなた䞀人だけじゃなく、指揮官たで酔わせお仲間に絡たせたいのふふふEugen? How much do you intend to make the Commander drink? You don't mean to get the Commander drunk enough to help you pester your friends, do you? Hahaha!
Touch挔奏时基本是犁止觊碰乐者的 䜆这枩柔舒适的觊摞让人无法拒绝呢。挔奏䞭のタッチは基本厳犁なのだけれど 優しく觊れられたずきの心地よさは吊定できないわNormally, touching the performers is strictly against the rules... But I can't deny the comfort of your gentle touch.
Touch (Special)指挥官劂果衣服穿皱了胜垮我调敎奜吗总䞍䌚让我穿着厩了圢的衣服继续挔奏吧指揮官もし着厩れたらちゃんず盎しおくれるたさか着厩れたたた、それを攟眮しおたで挔奏させる぀もりかしらCommander? If I have a wardrobe malfunction, you'll help me, won't you? I certainly hope you wouldn't let me perform like that.
Return to Port蟛苊了指挥官。对了芁䞍芁听我吹奏䞀曲䞺䜠献䞊䞓属的独奏音乐䌚来治愈䜠的疲劳吧。お疲れのようね、指揮官。そうだ、少し私の挔奏を聎いおいかないあなただけのための゜ロコンサヌトで疲れを癒やしおあげようYou look tired, Commander. Say, you should come and listen to my playing for a while. Let me soothe your ears with a solo concert just for one.
Flagship胜利之际的瀌炮真什人期埅。勝利した暁の祝砲が楜しみだI look forward to the 21-gun salute celebrating our victory.
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Login舰队的管理工䜜还是挺繁杂的呢。有什么芁我做的尜管来扟我商量吧艊隊の管理は耇雑で倧倉だ。私にできるこずなら䜕でも盞談しおくれManaging the fleet is complicated and difficult. If there's anything I can help out with, let me know.
Details芁给䜠准倇些点心吗虜然没到乔治五䞖那样的氎平䞍过还是勉区胜拿埗出手的。軜食でも甚意しおあげようかゞョヌゞのように人に自慢できるほどの腕はないが、がっかりさせるようなものにはならないさShould I prepare a snack for you? I'm not skilled enough to be able to boast to others like George does, but my cooking won't disappoint, either.
Main 2反击、吞血鬌、胡執、还有欧根、俟斯麊 圚䜠身蟹还真是氞远没有无聊的机䌚呢レパルス、ノァンパむア、フッド、そしおオむゲン、ビスマルク  あなたの偎にいるず退屈する機䌚なんお来なさそうだわRepulse, Vampire, and Hood, and Eugen and Bismarck... It seems there'll be no risk of boredom while I'm by your side.
Main 3我已经习惯满足陛䞋了所以䜠偶尔也提出些隟办点的需求也没关系哊我䌚完成它们然后让䜠又䞀次迷恋䞊我的——呵呵怎么样陛䞋のお䞖話には慣れおいるから、貎方も時々は無茶な芁望を出しおくれおいいのよそれに䞊手く応えおみせ、惚れ盎させる――ふふ、どうかしらI'm used to taking care of Her Highness' needs, so it's perfectly fine for you to make absurd requests from time to time. On top of that, I'll flawlessly complete your request and make you fall in love with me all over again... Hehe, how does that sound?
Touch差䞍倚到茶䌚的时闎了吧そろそろお茶䌚の時間かIs it already time for the tea party?
Touch (Special)䜠知道这䞟劚的意义吧呵呵呵どういう意味なのかわかっおるよねふふふYou know exactly what this means, right? Hehe.
Return to Port䞺胜利干杯。倚亏有䜠倧家才胜埗到这样和平的喘息䞍芁忘了这点。勝利に也杯。あなたのおかげで、みんながたた䞀日平和に過ごせおいるこずを忘れないでA toast to our victory. Never forget that you are the reason that everyone can enjoy this peace for yet another day.
Commission Complete军事委托完成了。䞀起去迎接她们吧。軍事委蚗が完了した。ずもに圌女たちを出迎えに行こうCommissions have been completed. Let's go greet the girls together.
Flagship䞺了陛䞋、以及指挥官的荣耀陛䞋に、そしお指揮官に栄光をFor the glory of Her Majesty and the Commander!
DefeatA light heart lives long䞍芁倪倱萜了。ゆずりある心は長生きの秘蚣さ。あたり萜ち蟌たないでA light heart lives long. Don't be too hard on yourself.
Affinity (Love)需芁算计的恋情是最卑埮的。我䌚向䜠呈现最真实的我并䞔接受最真实的䜠——别担心被幞犏的热泪湿涊的我的県睛里䞍䌚看到䜠的䞀点点小小倱误的。这就是所谓的恋人啊。蚈算された恋は卑しいものだ。私はありのたたの自分をあなたに捧げ、ありのたたのあなたを受け入れる――なに、幞せの涙で最った私の目は、あなたの小さなミスなんかいくらでも芋逃しおあげられる。それが恋人ずいうものよLove based on pretense is a vile thing. I give myself to you as I am, and I accept you for who you are. No matter how many mistakes you make, I can overlook them all, because my eyes are cloudy with tears of happiness. That's what lovers do, after all.