King George V (JP 🇯🇵: キング・ジョージ5世, CN 🇹🇼: 英王乔治五世)
Ship ID No. 134 Star Rating ★★★☆☆☆
Hull Battleship Rarity Super Rare
Navy Royal Navy Build Time
Acquisition Event: Scherzo of Iron and Blood
Enhance Income
Firepower 68
Torpedo 0
Aviation 0
Reload 11
Scrap Income
Medal 10
Oil 4
Gold 11
Release Date
Voice actress Ayako Kawasumi
King George V Description
King George V-class battleship – King George V.
Rose's Regalia Description
Sorry to keep you waiting, Commander... I don't get to wear a dress very often, so it took me a bit longer. Let's get going, then. Remember, you'll be the lead tonight. Haha~
Firepower S
Torpedo E
Aviation E
Evasion D
Anti-air D
HP 6897 Reload 136
Firepower 387 Torpedo 0
Evasion 18 Anti-air 230
Aviation 0 Cost 15
ASW 0 Luck 77
Hit 57 Speed 28.3
Armor Heavy
HP 7970 Reload 156
Firepower 423 Torpedo 0
Evasion 35 Anti-air 264
Aviation 0 Cost 15
ASW 0 Luck 77
Hit 70 Speed 28.3
Armor Heavy
HP 1334 Reload 57
Firepower 82 Torpedo 0
Evasion 7 Anti-air 49
Aviation 0 Cost 5
ASW 0 Luck 77
Hit 22 Speed 28.3
Armor Heavy
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost 15
ASW Luck 77
Hit Speed 28.3
Armor Heavy
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost 15
ASW Luck 77
Hit Speed 28.3
Armor Heavy
Limit Break
Tier 1 Main gun base +1/Main gun efficiency +5%
Tier 2 Auxiliary gun base +2/Main gun efficiency +10%
Tier 3 Main gun base +1/Main gun efficiency +15%
Slot Equipment Type Efficiency (LB 0/1/2/3) Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3) Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
1 Battleship 105%/110%/120%/135% 1/1/1/1 0/0/0/0
2 Light Cruiser 200%/200%/200%/200% 1/1/3/3 0/0/0/0
3 Anti-Air Gun 100%/100%/100%/100% 1/1/1/1 0/0/0/0
4 Auxilary - - -
5 Auxilary - - -
Default Equipments
1 Quadruple 356mm Main Gun
2 Twin 134mm AA Gun
Fleet Tech
T6 Battleship: King George V-Class Tech Points and Bonus
Unlock 18 +2
Max LimitBreak 36
Lv.120 27 +1
Icon Name Description Requirements
Armament Optimization Every 24s: 40.0% (70.0%) chance to fire a special barrage. While equipping the Quadruple 356 mm Main Gun: decreases this ship's first Salvo load time by 55.0% (75.0%), increases its Main Gun Crit Rate by 10.0% (20.0%), decreases its Spread Range by 2, and improves the barrage.
The Glory of the Never-Setting Sun Increases this ship's DMG against Sakura Empire, Iron Blood, Sardegna Empire, and Siren ships by 4.0% (10.0%). When your fleet contains 3 or more Royal Navy ships (excluding this ship): increases this ship's FP, RLD, EVA, and AA by 4.0% (20.0%).
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 英王乔治五世级战列舰—英王乔治五世,舷号41 キングジョージⅤ級戦艦・キング・ジョージ5世(HMS King George V) King George V-class battleship – King George V.
Biography 英王乔治五世级命名舰,正是我,担任过本土舰队旗舰,也参与过不少作战,还和俾斯麦交过手,不过那次打得不够尽兴,要是在这边还能再交手就好了……至于其他的,你想知道我的什么呢? キングジョージ5世級のネームシップとは私のことだ。本土艦隊の旗艦を務め、数々の作戦に参加し、かのビスマルクとの対決もやり遂げた。だが、あの時は十分戦えなかったゆえ、願わくばもう一度彼女と手合わせできればよいが……ほかになにか知りたいことがあれば申すが良い The nameship of the King George V-class battleships is none other than me. I served as flagship for my country, leading the fleet into numerous battles including the fateful encounter with Bismarck. After getting a brief taste of that thrill, I have been craving to cross swords with her once again... But I digress - is there anything else you'd like to know about me?
Acquisition 新的战场吗,呵呵,让我好等啊……那么,你就是我的指挥官吗?英王乔治五世,为你效劳 ここが新たな戦場か。ふふ、待たせてくれる……ということは、あなたが我が指揮官か。我が名はキングジョージ5世だ、上手く使いこなすが良い So this is my new battlefield. Ahh, how I've long awaited this... By the way, are you my commander? You are in the presence of King George V – do use me well.
Login 指挥官,吃过了吗? 指揮官、ディナーは済んだか? Commander, did you already partake of supper?
Details 你问我在皇家的地位?嗯……如果一定要类比的话,大概是骑士长吧?呵呵 ロイヤルにおける私の地位が気がかりか?ふむ……そうだな、例えるなら「騎士長」というのが一番相応しかろう。ははは My standing within the Royal Family? Hmm... If I had to draw a comparison, I'd say "Knight Commander" would be the most fitting... Hahaha...
Main 指挥官,这里的一切要有你在才能运转起来,可不要懈怠啊 指揮官、あなたがいてこその艦隊だ。気を抜くなよ Commander, this fleet only functions because of you. Don't get sloppy on us.
Main 2 约克和威尔士?呵呵,虽然她们不会抱着我的手臂喊我姐姐大人有点遗憾,不过有个性是好事 ウェールズたちか。本当は腕に抱きつかれ、「姉さま」「姉さま」と呼んでほしいものだが――そんな我があっても良かろう Wales and Yorkie? It's a bit of a shame that they don't act more like cute little sisters, but I am glad that they have strong personalities.
Main 3 对我来说,世上没有比伊丽莎白女王陛下更值得侍奉的君主了,你能明白吗,指挥官 私にとって、陛下ほど仕え甲斐のある方は存在しない。指揮官、分かってくれるか? In my eyes, there is no leader in this world more worthy of my loyalty than Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth. Does that make sense to you, Commander?
Main 4 皇家的食物都是黑暗料理?哼,这只是以偏概全而已! ロイヤル料理はゲテモノだらけだと?ふん、木を見て森を見ずとは感心しないな The Royals' cuisine is all bland? Hogwash. That's just an unfortunate stereotype.
Touch 为什么这里有山一样多的零食?不吃饱怎么有精力做事呢,对吧 このスナックの山?腹いっぱい食わねば万全に働けまい Why do I have a mountain of snacks before me? Isn't it obvious? One cannot move on an empty stomach.
Touch (Special) 哦?没想到指挥官原来是这么大胆的人啊 ほぉ?指揮官がこうも豪胆だとは思わなかったな Ohh? I wasn't aware that you possessed such audacity, Commander.
Mission 任务啊,要是有些挑战性就再好不过了 任務か。もう少し挑み甲斐があるといいものを New missions, eh? It would be ideal if we got something a bit more challenging.
Mission Complete 完成任务后的饭果然是最美味的,对吧,指挥官 任務をこなした後のディナーが一番美味い。そうだろう?指揮官 Supper tastes best after the day's missions are all complete. Wouldn't you agree, Commander?
Mail 信件……呵,是战书呢,还是情书呢? 手紙……さて、挑戦状か、それともラブレターか? A letter, huh? Now then, is this a challenge, or a love letter?
Return to Port 在战场上纵横愉快吗,指挥官? 指揮官、戦は楽しめたか? Commander, did you thoroughly enjoy the battle?
Commission Complete 港口那边有些动静?哦,是委托组回来了啊 埠頭に動きあり……?おや、委託組が戻ってきてくれたようだな There's some commotion by the port...? Oh, it seems to just be the commission team returning.
Enhancement 嗯……突然有想大吃一顿的冲动呢 うむ……一度どか食いがしたい気分だな Hmm... I suddenly feel like having a lavish feast.
Flagship 在这里也留下我们的威名吧! 我らが威名をここにも轟かせよう! Let us go forth and plant our banners!
Victory 不要大意,胜利和各位的安全,我都要 油断はせん。勝利も諸君らの身の無事もうまく総取りしてくれよう Make no mistakes. I shall ensure both victory and the safety of all my comrades.
Defeat 无需气馁,真正的胜负可不是一场战斗能左右的 落ち込むな。己が勝敗は一戦で決するものではない Do not be demoralized. Neither victory nor defeat are decided by a single battle.
Skill 日不落的辉光永不散去! 沈まぬ太陽の威光は、色褪せはせん! The glory of the sun that never sets shall not fade!
Low HP 有点意思! ふん、面白い…! Hmph, how interesting!
Affinity (Upset) 指挥官,我喜欢有个性或者会做饭的人,而你,不行 我がある、もしくは料理を支度してくれる子を好むが。指揮官、あなたはどちらでもないようだな I favor those of character, and those who can cook. Commander, you are neither.
Affinity (Stranger) 说起来,指挥官,你会做饭吗?别看我这样,为了满足自己的胃,我在厨艺上可是下了许多功夫的 そういえば指揮官、料理はできるか?ふん、こう見えても私は己が胃袋を満足させるがために努力したのだぞ By the way, Commander, are you a good cook? Hmm? Despite my appearances, I've spent many hours honing my skills to sate my own appetite.
Affinity (Friendly) 呵呵,指挥官,怎么样,我的厨艺令你满意吗?尽管吃吧,看到你这么满足,我也很高兴 ふふ、指揮官、どうだ?我が料理の腕に感服したか?さあ、好きなだけ食べるがいい。あなたの食いっぷりを見ると、私も嬉しいのだぞ How's that, commander? Are you impressed by my cooking abilities? Here, have as much you desire. Seeing you enjoy my food pleases me.
Affinity (Like) 指挥官,你也开始学习厨艺了吗?呵呵,那真是太好了,能吃到你为我做的饭是我的荣幸,我很期待 指揮官、あなたも料理の勉強を始めたのか?ふん、それは重畳――私のために作ってくれた料理を食べるのは楽しみだぞ Commander, so you're learning how to cook? Hmm, colour me impressed. I look forward to trying the dish that you're making for me.
Affinity (Love) 美食和战斗是我的两大乐趣,我可以孤军奋战,但美食一个人享用实在是太寂寞了,能遇到跟我一起分享的你,实在是太好了 食事と戦闘は我が楽しみの両輪――まあ、戦いは一人でもできるが、ディナーを一人で楽しむのは寂しくて難儀なものだな。共に楽しんでくれるあなたと出会えたのは、本当に嬉しいことだ My greatest hobbies in life are food and fighting. While I am more than capable of fighting alone, dining by myself is quite difficult and lonesome. To be able to find someone who can share both of these things with me is truly a joyous thing.
Pledge “想要抓住一个人的心,就要先抓住他的胃”,你已经完全获得了我的心呢,指挥官,从今往后,也希望你能一直为我做饭 「心を掴む前に、胃袋を掴むべし」とは言ったものだが、これは胃袋を越えて、一気に私の心まで掴んだな。指揮官、これからもずっと料理を作ってくれないか? They say that "the quickest way to one's heart is through their stomach," but you've managed to win over both at once. Commander, shall we share all our meals together from now on?
In battle with Prince of Wales 威尔士,可别再突然离开我了! ウェールズ、急にいなくなるなよ! Wales, you'd better not suddenly leave me again!
In battle with Duke of York 约克,跟姐姐一起把战场撕碎吧 共に敵陣を引き裂いてくれよう! York, let us shatter our enemies together.
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 久等了,指挥官……我很少穿礼服,所以稍微花了一些时间。那么,让我们出发吧。不过,今夜你才是主角呢,呵呵 指揮官、待たせたな。ドレスを着るのはめったにないゆえ、いささか手間がかかったが……うむ、出発するとしよう。今夜の主役はあなただ。あははは Sorry to keep you waiting, Commander... I don't get to wear a dress very often, so it took me a bit longer. Let's get going, then. Remember, you'll be the lead tonight. Haha~
Acquisition 久等了,指挥官……我很少穿礼服,所以稍微花了一些时间。那么,让我们出发吧。不过,今夜你才是主角呢,呵呵 指揮官、待たせたな。ドレスを着るのはめったにないゆえ、いささか手間がかかったが……うむ、出発するとしよう。今夜の主役はあなただ。あははは Sorry to keep you waiting, Commander... I don't get to wear a dress very often, so it took me a bit longer. Let's get going, then. Remember, you'll be the lead tonight. Haha~
Login 牵起我的手,指挥官,我还不太适应穿着这样的礼服行走 指揮官、手をとってくれたまえ。なにせドレス姿で歩くのは不慣れだからな Take my hand, Commander. I'm still not used to walking around in this dress.
Details 唔…?衣服好像有些太紧了,指挥官,能不能帮我松一下背后的拉链? んっ…いささかキツいな、このドレス……指揮官、背中のファスナーを少し緩めてくれないか? Hmm...? These clothes seem a bit too tight. Commander, mind helping me loosen up the zipper in the back?
Main ……唔,穿上正装后,就要保持形象,不能随意品尝美食,真是麻烦 正装を着たからには気品を保たねばならん。……美味しい料理をたらふく食べられないとは、面倒なことをしてくれたものだな Ugh... I'm expected to act more proper when I'm wearing formal attire. Can't even go around trying all the different delicacies, what a drag...
Main 2 往日的辛劳正是为了换得这样一个欢腾的夜晚,指挥官,尽情享受吧 こんなに素晴らしい夜は普段の努力の賜物だぞ。指揮官、思いっきり楽しんでくれたまえ We are able to enjoy a jubilant night like this because of all the hard work we've put in. Commander, let's make the most of it.
Main 3 哦?约克和威尔士又在那边斗嘴吗……呵呵,指挥官,失陪,难得的庆典,我们姐妹也该团聚一下 なに?ウェールズとヨークがまた口喧嘩を始めたのか……指揮官、少し失礼するぞ。なに、せっかくの宴会だ、妹たちとも団らんせばな Hmm... Yorkie and Wales are going at it again. Commander, excuse me. It's rare that the three of us get to have a sisterly reunion.
Touch 陛下那边……有贝尔法斯特和胡德在,应当没有问题,指挥官,让我们尽情享受宴会吧 陛下は……ベルファストとフッドがいるなら問題なし、か。指揮官、私たちは私たちで宴会を楽しもう It seems... that Belfast and Hood are already attending to Her Majesty. Looks like we'll be free to enjoy ourselves, Commander.
Mission 宴会中发布任务……真是不解风情 宴会のさなかで任務など……わかっていないな Issuing tasks during our banquet...? Those folks sure know how to ruin the mood.
Mission Complete 这些奖励,就用来装点宴会吧 この報酬は宴会の予算の足しにしてくれよう Let's use these rewards to decorate the venue.
Mail 舞会的邀请?呵呵,指挥官,让我也一起去吧? ダンスパーティーのお誘いか?ははは、指揮官、私たちも行かないか? An invitation to the ball? Hehe, want to go together, Commander?
Return to Port 指挥官,再不快点前往宴会的话,佳肴都要凉了 指揮官、早く会場に向かうが良い。せっかくの料理が冷めてしまうぞ Commander, if we don't hurry, all the food is going to get cold.
Commission Complete 指挥官,这个委托结束后先停一下吧,每个人都有享受宴会的资格 指揮官、委託が完了したらしばしあの子達を休憩させよう。宴会を楽しみたいのは、誰もが同じであるゆえにな Commander, let's call it a day after this commission is finished. Everyone has a right to enjoy the banquet.
Flagship 你们未免也太不识趣了! 風情の分からぬ奴らだな!
Victory 在今天挡在我的面前,是你们的不幸—— 私の前に立ちはだかったのは、あなたたちの不幸だ Bad luck, friends. You chose the wrong day to get in my way.
Affinity (Love) 无论我怎样绽放光芒,一切荣光依然归于你,这并不是因为你是我的指挥官,而是因为你是你。所以,挺起胸膛吧,我的爱人,你值得拥有我,你值得拥有眼前的一切 私のカリスマ、私の栄光、全てあなた――指揮官としてではなく、愛するあなたに委ねてくれよう。さあ、胸を張って己に誇るが良い、あなたは私、そして目の前の全てを手にする資格があるのだ