Oklahoma (JP 🇯🇵: オクラホマ, CN 🇹🇼: 俄克拉荷马)
Ship ID No. 53 Star Rating ★☆☆☆
Hull Battleship Rarity Common
Navy Eagle Union Build Time
Acquisition Honor medal exchange, Explore Stage2-2, Heavy Ship Construction
Enhance Income
Firepower 59
Torpedo 0
Aviation 0
Reload 9
Scrap Income
Medal 0
Oil 4
Gold 11
Release Date
Voice actress Yumi Uchiyama
Oklahoma Description
Nevada-class battleship – Oklahoma, Hull Number BB-37!
Oklahoma (Retrofit) Description
Thanks a ton, Commander. With my new strength, do you think I've managed to catch up to my sister a little? Ehehe, for your sake, I'll work even harder!
Firepower A
Torpedo E
Aviation E
Evasion D
Anti-air D
HP 5960 Reload 115
Firepower 338 Torpedo 0
Evasion 11 Anti-air 175
Aviation 0 Cost 12
ASW 0 Luck 38
Hit 52 Speed 20.5
Armor Heavy
HP 6956 Reload 132
Firepower 378 Torpedo 0
Evasion 26 Anti-air 202
Aviation 0 Cost 12
ASW 0 Luck 38
Hit 68 Speed 20.5
Armor Heavy
HP 1153 Reload 49
Firepower 72 Torpedo 0
Evasion 4 Anti-air 38
Aviation 0 Cost 4
ASW 0 Luck 38
Hit 20 Speed 20.5
Armor Heavy
HP 6200 Reload 135
Firepower 348 Torpedo 0
Evasion 11 Anti-air 220
Aviation 0 Cost 12
ASW 0 Luck 38
Hit 62 Speed 20.5
Armor Heavy
HP 7196 Reload 152
Firepower 388 Torpedo 0
Evasion 26 Anti-air 247
Aviation 0 Cost 12
ASW 0 Luck 38
Hit 78 Speed 20.5
Armor Heavy
Limit Break
Tier 1 Main gun base +1/Main gun efficiency +5%
Tier 2 Auxiliary gun base +2/Main gun efficiency +10%
Tier 3 Main gun base +1/Main gun efficiency +15%
Slot Equipment Type Efficiency (LB 0/1/2/3) Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3) Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
1 Battleship 100%/105%/115%/130% 1/1/1/1 0/0/0/0
2 Destroyer Gun 200%/200%/200%/200% 1/1/3/3 0/0/0/0
3 Anti-Air Gun 100%/100%/100%/100% 1/1/1/1 0/0/0/0
4 Auxiliary - - -
5 Auxiliary - - -
Default Equipments
1 Triple 356mm Main Gun
Fleet Tech
T3 Battleship: Nevada-Class Tech Points and Bonus
Unlock 8 +2
Max LimitBreak 16
Lv.120 12 +1
Icon Name Description Requirements
Vice Defense When this ship is attacked: 3.5% (8.0%) chance to decrease the DMG of the incoming attack by 50.0%.
Focused Assault When this ship fires its Main Guns: 15.0% (30.0%) chance to deal double DMG with its Main Guns.
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 内华达级战列舰—俄克拉荷马,舷号BB-37 ネバダ級戦艦・オクラホマ(BB-37) Nevada-class battleship – Oklahoma, Hull Number BB-37!
Biography 我是内华达级的俄克拉荷马,曾经在大西洋和太平洋舰队服役过…我可是肩负着“友好”外交的使命呢! ネバダ級のオクラホマよ。大西洋、太平洋艦隊の両方に参加したの……かの国の「友好」外交の使命を背負ったこともあるのよ! I'm Oklahoma of the Nevada class. I served in both the Atlantic and Pacific fleets... I even bore the duty of engaging in 'friendly' diplomacy!
Acquisition 指挥官……欸,啊,不好意思!我看指挥官看入迷……啊不对不对,初次见面,我是俄克拉荷马! 指揮官さん……え、あっ、ごめんなさい!私つい見惚れちゃってて……ああ違う違う、はじめまして、オクラホマと言います! Commander... eh, ah... I'm sorry! I was stunned just by looking at you... Ah, no, no... Nice to meet you! I'm Oklahoma!
Login 指挥官~今天也和俄克拉荷马一起努力吧~ 指揮官さん~今日もオクラホマと一緒に頑張ろー! Commander~ Please work hard with me today as well~
Details 咦?在看什么呢?我的脸上有什么吗? うん?何見てるの?私の顔に何かついてるの? Huh? What are you looking at? Is there something on my face?
Main 再不做点什么,人家又要被笑“班特里湾中队”了! 早く何かしないと、また「バントリー・ベイ中隊」って笑われちゃう! If I don't do something soon, everyone will laugh about the 'Bantry Bay Squadron' again!
Main 2 再过两年…不,一年,我一定会超越姐姐的! あと二年…いいえ、あと一年、かならず姉さんを越えてみせる! In two years... no, one year, I will surpass my sister for sure!
Main 3 指挥官,如果有什么烦恼的话,我都会倾听的哦~ 指揮官さん、困ったことがあったら、いつでも聞いてね? Commander, I will always listen to your troubles if you have any, you hear?
Touch 指挥官的手,让人觉得很安心呢…… 指揮官さんの手、なんだか安心する…… Commander, your hand feels comforting to me...
Touch (Special) 呀!真是的……都没做好心理准备呢~ きゃっ!もう……心の準備がまだなのに~ Whaa?! Geez... My heart wasn't ready for this...
Mission 快点麻利的把任务完成吧! てきぱきとやっちゃいましょ! Let's finish the missions like a speedy swifty!
Mission Complete 别忘了领取奖励哦 ボーナスのことを忘れないでね Don't forget to claim your rewards!
Mail 你的信我放在桌上咯~ 指揮官さんのメールなら机の上に置いたよ~ I've put your mail on the table, Commander~
Return to Port 麻烦指挥官帮忙转达给姐姐,让她请放心 指揮官さん、姉さんに私のことは安心していいよって伝えてね Commander, please tell big sis not to worry about me.
Commission Complete 有委托完成啦~要是这能带来和平就好了 委託が完了したよ。これで平和になればいいなぁ The commissions have been completed. It would be nice if this brings peace.
Enhancement 指挥官,这样我能多帮你一点了吗? 指揮官さん、これでもっとお役に立てるかな? Commander, is there any way i can help you with this?
Flagship 大家听我指挥,摆好阵型 私の指揮に従って、ちゃんと陣形を組んでね Everyone, listen to my orders and get into formation!
Victory 这样姐姐也不会担心我了吧 これで姉さんも私の心配をしなくなるよね? With this, big sis won't have to worry about me! I think.
Defeat 呜……我要更加努力才行! うう……もっと頑張らないと! *Cries*... I need to work even harder!
Skill 射击~! 撃てぇ~! Fire~!
Affinity (Upset) 我看走眼了呢…… 私、見間違えたのかしら…… I wonder if my eyes are lying...
Affinity (Stranger) 指挥官在看我吗?欸嘿嘿,我好开心呀 指揮官さん、私のこと見てたの?えへへ、嬉しい♪ Is the Commander looking at me? Ehehe, I'm so happy!
Affinity (Friendly) 指挥官指挥官,要和我去约会吗~我有收藏不少好店哦! 指揮官さん、私とデートしない?いい店いっぱい知ってるよ? Commander, want to go on a date with me? I know a lot of good shops around~
Affinity (Like) 我对指挥官可是一见钟情哦~嘿嘿,没什么特别的理由啦,喜欢上了就是喜欢上了啊 指揮官さんには一目惚れだったのよ~えへへ、特に理由なんてないの。好きなものは好きだからね Commander, I was smitten at first sight~ Ehehe. There's no particular reason for love. I just like what I like.
Affinity (Love) 嗯?啊,指挥官,不用管我也没关系哦,我只要看着指挥官就很开心啦~ うん?あ、指揮官さん、私のことは気にしないで。だってこうして指揮官さんを見ているだけでも楽しいよ♪ Hmm? Ah, Commander. No need to worry about me. I'll be happy as long as I can keep looking at you like this~
Pledge 嘿嘿,指挥官,和我一起跟姐姐报告我们的事情吧~ えへへ、指揮官さん、今度は一緒に姉さんに報告しに行こうね~ Ehehe~ Commander, let's go and report to big sis about us right now~
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 哈啰指挥官!你说这身打扮吗?最近挺沉迷这个的呢~为了营造氛围把南瓜也加工了下,另外把这些孩子们也打扮了下。怎么样?是不是挺有感觉的? ハロー指揮官さん!あ、この格好?最近のマイブームだよ~。雰囲気を出すためにかぼちゃを加工したり、饅頭たちにも一役買ってもらったの。どう?様になってる? Howdy, Commander! Oh, this outfit? I've been super into this kind of stuff lately! I even added some jack-o-lanterns for extra ambiance and had some Manjuus help out. So what's the verdict? Pretty cool, isn't it?
Acquisition 哈啰指挥官!你说这身打扮吗?最近挺沉迷这个的呢~为了营造氛围把南瓜也加工了下,另外把这些孩子们也打扮了下。怎么样?是不是挺有感觉的? ハロー指揮官さん!あ、この格好?最近のマイブームだよ~。雰囲気を出すためにかぼちゃを加工したり、饅頭たちにも一役買ってもらったの。どう?様になってる? Howdy, Commander! Oh, this outfit? I've been super into this kind of stuff lately! I even added some jack-o-lanterns for extra ambiance and had some Manjuus help out. So what's the verdict? Pretty cool, isn't it?
Login 啊…今天指挥官也挺帅…没,没什么! はぁ…今日の指揮官さんもかっこいい…な、なんでもない! Haah... Commander looks so dreamy today as well... Oh, uh, forget you heard anything!
Details 虽然整个布景弄起来挺辛苦的,但是也很开心哦。下次想邀请姐姐一起穿穿看配套的衣服呢~ こうやってセットを作るのは大変だけど、楽しいよ。今度は姉さんも誘って、お揃いの衣装を試してみたいね~ It was real hard work putting together this whole ensemble, but well worth the effort. Maybe I can convince my sis to change into matching costumes next time~
Main 在指挥官面前捣蛋的坏孩子,作为替代关禁闭的惩罚,就到炮口里反省三分钟吧! 指揮官さんの前で悪さをしようとする饅頭はこうだ!えい、反省室代わりに砲門で3分間じっとしてて! Naughty Manjuus who try to pull hijinks in front of the Commander will be punished by three minutes inside the cannon barrel instead of the time-out room!
Main 2 无论是帽子上的羽毛装饰,还是衣服上的流苏等等,我都抠了很多细节哦~要是指挥官能看出来,我就再高兴不过了! 帽子の羽根飾りや服についてるタッセルとか、いろいろこだわったよ~。指揮官さんに分かってもらえると嬉しいな! I paid extra attention to all sorts of details, from the feathers in my hat to the tassels on my clothes! I'm really glad you noticed them!
Main 3 这孩子的眼带其实是我亲手做的哟。指挥官要是有什么想要的小东西,我也可以给你做的! 饅頭の眼帯は私の手作りだよ。指揮官さんも必要な小物があれば作ってあげるね! I actually made this little Manjuu eyepatch myself. If there are any doodads you want me to make for you, just hit me up!
Touch 好的,今天也鼓足干劲加油吧! よーし、今日も張り切っちゃおう! Alrighty, let's put our best foot forward today as well!
Touch (Special) 呀?!真,真是的! きゃっ!?も、もう! Eep?! Wh-what's gotten into you?!
Return to Port 今天也和指挥官一起加油了。真期待姐姐会怎么夸我呢,诶嘿嘿。 今日も指揮官さんと頑張ったから、姉さんがどんな風に褒めてくれるか楽しみだね、えへへ The two of us did some real good work today, so I'm looking forward to all the praise I'll be getting from my sis! Ehehe~
Victory 指挥官,赢了哦!嘿嘿~ 指揮官さん、勝ったよ!へへ Commander, I won! Hehe~!
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 多亏指挥官,我变得更强了呢!不知道有没有稍微接近姐姐了呢…诶嘿嘿,为了指挥官,我会加油的! 指揮官さんありがとう!私とっても強くなった!これで姉さんにちょっと近づけたのかな?えへへ、指揮官さんのために、もっと頑張るよ! Thanks a ton, Commander. With my new strength, do you think I've managed to catch up to my sister a little? Ehehe, for your sake, I'll work even harder!
Acquisition 多亏指挥官,我变得更强了呢!不知道有没有稍微接近姐姐了呢…诶嘿嘿,为了指挥官,我会加油的! 指揮官さんありがとう!私とっても強くなった!これで姉さんにちょっと近づけたのかな?えへへ、指揮官さんのために、もっと頑張るよ! Thanks a ton, Commander. With my new strength, do you think I've managed to catch up to my sister a little? Ehehe, for your sake, I'll work even harder!
Login howdy~指挥官,精神还好吗? howdy~指揮官さん、元気? Howdy, Commander~ Are you doin' well?
Main 指挥官,我们来搞“舰队问题”演习吧,我很拿手的~ 指揮官さん、「フリートプロブレム」でもやってみない?私、すごく得意なんだから! Commander, how about we hold a Fleet Problem? I'm pretty good at those~
Main 2 指挥官,和我一起去骑马吗?我们同骑一匹,嘿嘿~ 指揮官さん、ライディングでもどう?このお馬さん二人乗りできるよ、えへへ~ Commander, wanna go riding with me? We can both ride the same horse, hehe~
Main 3 指挥官你听我说,我刚才赢了姐姐一回合耶,嘿嘿,yeah~ 指揮官さん聞いて!今姉さんに勝ってたの!えへへ~イエー☆ Hey Commander, you gotta hear this! I just scored a win against my sister! Yaaay~!
Touch 嗯?指挥官,怎么啦,要我帮忙吗,好呀好呀,交给我吧~ うん?指揮官さんどうしたの?助けてほしい?いいよ、私に任せてー Hmm? What's up, Commander? Do you need my help? Sure~ just leave it to me!
Return to Port 姐姐说我已经可以独当一面照顾指挥官了,嘿嘿~ 私が一人前になったから、指揮官さんのお世話もちゃんと出来るよって姉さんが褒めてくれた!えへへ~ I've already become more independent, so my sister told me that I'll be able to take care of you now! Ehehe~
Victory 指挥官,是我们赢了,V~ 指揮官さん、私たちの勝ちだね!V~ Commander, it's our victory! V~!