Nagato META (JP 🇯🇵: , CN 🇹🇼: )
Ship IDNo. M037Star Rating★★★☆☆☆
Hull BattleshipRaritySuper Rare
NavyMETABuild Time
Enhance Income
Scrap Income
Release Date
Voice actress
HP1345 Reload54
Firepower82 Torpedo0
Evasion6 Anti-air34
Aviation0 Cost0
ASW0 Luck71
HP4638 Reload103
Firepower214 Torpedo0
Evasion31 Anti-air94
Aviation0 Cost0
ASW0 Luck75
Limit Break
Tier 1Unlock Smoldering Core - Nagato | Main gun base +1 | Main gun efficiency +5%
Tier 2Secondary Gun base +2 | Main gun efficiency +10%
Tier 3Improve Smoldering Core - Nagato | Main gun base +1 | Main gun efficiency +15%
SlotEquipment TypeEfficiency (LB 0/1/2/3)Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3)Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
Default Equipments
Fleet Tech
T Battleship: Nagato-classTech Points and Bonus
Unlock +
Max LimitBreak
Lv.120 +
The Flowers Bloom and FallIncreases this ship's FP and ACC by 5.0% (15.0%) and further increases this ship's FP and ACC by 1.5% (5.0%) for each Sakura Empire ship in your fleet (can be stacked up to 2 times), and applies the following buff to these Sakura Empire ships: Once per battle, when this ship has lost a total of 25.0% of her HP in one battle: deploys a barrier (lasts 6s; can negate DMG equal to 1.5% (5.0%) of the recipient's max HP).???
The Moon Waxes and WanesWhen the battle starts, grants the Waxing Moon buff to a random ship in your Vanguard, increasing that ship's FP and TRP by 1.0% (10.0%) and, when that ship's HP is restored, restores an additional 1.0% of that ship's max HP. When the HP restoration effect of this buff activates, the buff is removed and, if Nagato META is afloat, is reapplied to a random ship in your Vanguard.???
The Rain Weaves and DispersesWhen this ship fires her Main Guns: fires a Lv.1 (Lv.10) special barrage (DMG is based on the skill's level). This barrage has 2 variants; the one fired is chosen at random. When the battle starts, if there are no other Sakura Empire ships in your fleet: improves this barrage.???
Smoldering Core - Nagato II[Operation Siren] When fighting humanoid Siren fleets or Boss fleets: decreases this ship's DMG taken by 8.0%.???
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description长门号战列舰 (若已获得相应的META角色,奖励将会转化为对应的角色结晶,可在「META研究室」-「能量激活」中使用)長門型戰艦一番艦·長門(1隻しか所持できません。2隻目を入手した場合、限界突破素材に変換されます)I am Nagato, Guardian Fox of the "Sakura Empire". Tell me, why have you summoned me? For power? Or for a wish you would like to have granted?
Biography余乃长门,「重樱」的长门。花开花败,人去人归……知道这些对汝来说便足够了。好了,不要在此发呆了,快去处理正事吧,指挥官。余は長門。「重桜」の長門である。花は咲いては散り、ヒトは去来する……お主はそれを知ってさえいればよい。ええい、ボーっとするでない。早く為すべきことを為せI am Nagato. Nagato of the "Sakura Empire". As flowers bloom and wither, so too do people come and go... That is all you need to know. Now, enough sitting around. Go and do what you need to do.
Acquisition余乃长门,「重樱」的神子。指挥官,汝召余来此,所为何事?是需要力量吗?还是,要对余许下愿望呢?余は長門、「重桜」の御狐である。そなたはなにゆえ余をここに呼び出した?力を欲するか?それとも余に願い事でもしたいのか?I am Nagato, Guardian Fox of the "Sakura Empire". Tell me, why have you summoned me? For power? Or for a wish you would like to have granted?
Login汝准时来了,很好。時間通りに来たか。大儀であるYou have arrived in a timely manner. Most commendable.
Details指挥官,汝所追求的未来亦是余之目标。余会帮助汝安全前往「彼岸」的,因为余有足够的力量,安心吧。お主が求める未来は、余の進む先と同じと見ておる。余には力があり、必ずやお主を無事に「彼方」まで送り届けるから、安心するがよいThe future you pursue is one and the same with my destination. I shall deliver you to the "other side". Fear not – I possess the requisite power.
Main指挥官,港区的樱花……真美啊。指揮官、母港の桜が……本当に美しいCommander, the cherry blossoms at the port are... truly beautiful.
Main 2大家敬畏余也无妨,只要她们还平安,便好。余を敬い、余を畏れ、皆が無事であればそれで良いWhether everyone worships me or fears me matters not, as long as they are safe.
Main 3余可是很强的哦,有什么感到为难的事,尽管来依赖余吧~余の力は強大である。困ったことでもあれば余に頼るといいI possess a vast power. Feel free to turn to me should you ever be in need.
Touch有什么愿望么,不妨说来让余听听?願い事か?あるなら余に聞かせても良いぞ?Do you have a wish? If so, come forth and speak your mind.
Touch (Special)汝在行僭越之事哦?おこがましいことをしておる自覚はあるか?Are you aware of the presumptuousness of your conduct?
Touch (Headpat)此种触感……甚好。この感触……良いぞThis sensation... is most sublime.
Mission指挥官,余整理好了任务文书,其它的便需要汝自己来做了哦。指揮官、任務の文書は片付いた。残りはお主がこなせCommander, the mission documentation is complete. The rest is up to you.
Mission Complete任务完成了……甚好,随余一同去清点任务奖励吧。任務が完了した。……うむ、余と共に報酬の検分に出かけようぞMission complete... Yes, please come with me to inspect the rewards.
Mail指挥官,余整理好了汝的邮件,记得看。辜负同伴的事,可是万万不能做的哦。指揮官、お主宛のメールはまとめておいた。確認を忘れぬように。仲間の期待に背くのは許されぬぞCommander, I have collected the mail addressed to you. Please do not neglect to read them over. You are not permitted to betray your companions' expectations.
Return to Port指挥官,汝做得很好。要什么样的奖励?面对余,无需客套,直言便好。お主はよくやっておる。褒美は何を望む?かしこまらずに余に願い出ると良いYou have done well. For that, is there some reward you would like? Do not be shy and speak your mind.
Commission Complete委托完成了……甚好,随余一同去迎接归来的同伴吧。委託が完了した。……うむ、余と共に帰還した仲間たちを出迎えようぞCommission complete... Indeed, let us go together and greet our friends.
Enhancement力量对余而言是必需品,自然是多多益善。力こそ余が欲するもの、強きに越したことはないPower is what I desire – the greater, the better.
Flagship挡吾之路者,杀无赦。余の道を阻む者は死あるのみOnly death awaits those who stand in my path.
Victory花开,花败。汝等之凋零,乃命定之理。咲いては散るは花の定め。果てゆくはお主らの定めぞAs flowers bloom, so too must they wither. You are no exception.
Defeat……月亏终有盈,否极泰自来。一切还没有结束!……月は満ち欠け、塞翁が馬。まだ終わってはおらぬぞ!As moon waxes and wanes, so too do the tides of fortune ebb and flow. This is not the end!
Skill御狐哮天,起舞于天原!嘯く御狐、天原に舞い祀ろう!O thundering fox, prance betwixt the spirit realms!
Low HP余不会倒下……绝对不会倒下!余は倒れぬ……倒れぬぞ!I shall not fall... I shall not fall!
Affinity (Upset)……罢了,汝随意吧。……もう良い。好きにするがいい...So be it. Do as you please.
Affinity (Stranger)余不认同牺牲少数拯救多数的理念。余追求力量,就是为了从今往后不再做这种选择——余要救下所有人,余也有能力救下所有人。小を犠牲に大を生かすのは認めぬ。力を求めたのもこういった選択を二度とせぬため――余は全てを救う。それを成し遂げる力は既に得たのだNever again shall I sacrifice one for the many. I wield this power so that I will never be confronted with such a choice ever again. Through this power, I shall bring salvation to all.
Affinity (Friendly)余不能总是冲在战场最前线?……为何不可?没有余的保护,舰队出现伤亡怎么办?要余相信汝么……也罢。下次,看汝表现。いつまでも前線で戦ってはいかぬ、と?…なぜ駄目と申すか?余の守りがなく、仲間に傷付くことがあったらどうするつもりだ?お主を信じてほしい、と…?うむ…ならばお主の采配、見させてもらうぞI cannot grind my existence away on the front lines for perpetuity? And why do you say this? What would you do if your friends were hurt in the absence of my protection? You want me to trust you? Hmm... Well, let's see. It all depends on how you lead.
Affinity (Like)不知不觉,已经习惯了在汝身边的时间了。汝既不敬畏吾、也不惧怕吾,甚是有趣。不过,汝当真是一点欲求都没有吗?汝想要什么,余都同意——要试着许许愿么?いつの間にかお主が側にいることに慣れてしまっておる。余を恐れず、余に畏まることもないお主を面白く思うが……お主に欲というものはないのか?お主さえよければ、何だって賜ってやれるのに――願い事でもしてみるか?Before I realized it, I had already grown accustomed to having you at my side. I find it amusing that you neither fear nor worship me... But, do you truly have no desires? Should you be so inclined, I can make any wish of yours come true. Why not give it a try?
Affinity (Love)先是许愿让余陪汝去赏花,接着是陪汝去赏月……汝在耍花招呢。借为自己许愿之名,行让余放松之实。既然如此,余也有对策。听好了,汝还有最后一次许愿的机会,谨慎斟酌哟?最初は花見、その次は月見に来るよう願い出るとは……お主は謀っておるな?自らの願いと偽って、余に気を抜かせるなどと…ならその行いで手を打とう。いいか?お主の願い事を聞き届けるのはこれで最後――よく考えて申し出るのだぞ?First you ask me to go flower-viewing with you, then you invite me to gaze at the moon... You're plotting something, aren't you? You're trying to use your own "wishes" as a pretense to get me to open up. Listen well – I am aware of your tricks. You have one last wish to make, so think carefully about what you want.
Pledge欸。该说不出所料呢,亦或是顺其自然呢,汝终究还是许下了这个愿望。汝真的理解这件事所代表的含义么?自然,说不理解也太晚了,因为余已经同意了。花期易逝,春宵苦短,汝为何在此时发呆?请吧,指挥官~うむ…お主のこの願い事は余の予想内であり、まさに自然な成り行きぞ。だがその願いの意味を本当に分かっておるのか?……もっとも、今更分からぬとは言わせぬぞ。余はすでに受け入れたし、花は短し、乙女の春宵も一瞬の如く…ここまで来てぼーっとすることはなかろう?余を…受け入れるのだぞ?Indeed... Your wish was well within my expectations, as the natural progression of the cosmos. But, I wonder if you truly understand the meaning of this wish... Though, I will not allow you to retract your words even if you say you don't understand. I have already accepted you; and just as flowers are short-lived, so too is the brevity of a maiden's spring. You've already come this far, so why space out now? Come, and make me yours.
Present Like
Present Dislike
In battle with Fubuki, Shirayuki, Miyuki, Ayanami, Akatsuki, Hibiki, Ikazuchi, Inazuma, Shiratsuyu, Yuudachi, Shigure, Yukikaze, Kagerou, Shiranui, Nowaki, Hatsuharu, Wakaba, Hatsushimo, Ariake, Yuugure, Kuroshio, Oyashio, Shimakaze, Kamikaze, Matsukaze, Mutsuki, Kisaragi, Uzuki, Minazuki, Fumizuki, Nagatsuki, Mikazuki, !UNKNOWN! (30142), Umikaze, Yamakaze, Kawakaze, Kiyonami, Niizuki, Harutsuki, Yoizuki, Urakaze, Isokaze, Hamakaze, Tanikaze, Asashio, Ooshio, Michishio, Arashio, Uranami, Hatakaze, Makinami, Kasumi, Hanazuki, Naganami, Suzutsuki, Oite, Kazagumo, Wakatsuki, Hatsuzuki, Asanagi, Yuubari, Nagara, Isuzu, Natori, Yura, Kinu, Abukuma, Mogami, Mikuma, Sendai, Jintsuu, Naka, Agano, Noshiro, Sakawa, Noshiro μ, Furutaka, Kako, Aoba, Kinugasa, Chikuma, Myoukou, Nachi, Ashigara, Haguro, Takao, Atago, Maya, Choukai, Suzuya, Kumano, Unzen, Kongou, Hiei, Haruna, Kirishima, Amagi, Hiei-chan, Amagi-chan, Kongou μ, Fusou, Yamashiro, Ise, Hyuuga, Nagato, Mutsu, Kaga, Tosa, Musashi, Mikasa, Kii, Owari, Suruga, Hiyou, Jun'you, Houshou, Zuihou, Shouhou, Ryuujou, Ryuuhou, Chitose, Chiyoda, Akagi, Kaga, Souryuu, Hiryuu, Shoukaku, Zuikaku, Taihou, Shinano, Akagi-chan, Akagi, Taihou µ, Katsuragi, Taihou-chan, Shinano-chan, I19, I26, I58, I25, I56, I168, Akashi, I13, Kashino, !UNKNOWN! (9701060), !UNKNOWN! (9702050), !UNKNOWN! (9705010), !UNKNOWN! (9705020), !UNKNOWN! (9706010), !UNKNOWN! (9706020), !UNKNOWN! (9707010), !UNKNOWN! (9707030)樱花啊,守护吾之舰队吧。重桜よ、余の艦隊を守り給えO Venerable Sakura, protect my fleet.