Maryland (JP 🇯🇵: メリーランド, CN 🇹🇼: 马里兰)
Ship IDNo. 61Star Rating★★☆☆☆
Hull BattleshipRarityElite
NavyEagle UnionBuild Time
AcquisitionEvent: Fallen Wings
Enhance Income
Scrap Income
Release Date
Voice actressAya Saitou
Maryland Description
Colorado class battleship— Maryland, hull number BB-46
HP1251 Reload54
Firepower77 Torpedo0
Evasion4 Anti-air40
Aviation0 Cost0
ASW0 Luck70
HP5573 Reload103
Firepower202 Torpedo0
Evasion29 Anti-air153
Aviation0 Cost0
ASW0 Luck74
Limit Break
Tier 1Main gun base +1 | Main gun efficiency +5%
Tier 2Secondary Gun base +2 | Main gun efficiency +10%
Tier 3Main gun base +1 | Main gun efficiency +15%
SlotEquipment TypeEfficiency (LB 0/1/2/3)Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3)Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
2Destroyer Gun200%/200%/200%/200%1/1/3/30/0/0/0
3Anti-Air Gun100%/100%/100%/100%1/1/1/10/0/0/0
Default Equipments
1Twin 406mm MK5 Main Gun
376mm AA Gun
Fleet Tech
T6 Battleship: Colorado-ClassTech Points and Bonus
Unlock16 +2
Max LimitBreak32
Lv.12024 +1
Big SevenWhen this ship fires a Salvo: 20.0% (40.0%) chance to fire a special barrage. Barrage DMG is based on the skill's level.
Fighting MaryWhen this ship's HP falls below 30.0% (70.0%) : increases its DMG based on how low its HP, is up to 15.0% (35.0%) .
Final BoundIncreases this ship's FP by 10.0% (20.0%) . When the shells of a BB or BC in your fleet hits an enemy: increases this ship's ACC by 4.5% (12.0%) for 6s and fires a Lv.1 (Lv.10) special barrage (DMG is based on the skill's level; 20s cooldown between activations; enemies hit have their EVA decreased by 10.0% for 6s).???
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description科罗拉多级战列舰—马里兰,舷号BB-46コロラド級戦艦・メリーランド(BB-46)Colorado class battleship— Maryland, hull number BB-46
Biography白鹰科罗拉多级战列舰二号舰“马里兰”号,作为BIG·SEVEN之一,经常参加各种庆典典礼。战绩?七枚战役之星还算说得过去吧。虽然是有着big seven之称的战列舰,但是果然速度还是太慢了啊!要是我能跟上那些航母的话,中途岛……ユニオンコロラド級戦艦、二番艦のメリーランドだ。かつてはビッグセブンとして式典によく駆り出されたな。戦績?バトルスターは7つだから、まあまあってやつかい?それより、ビッグセブンだから仕方がなかったけど、速力がないのはよく悔やまれた!あの時空母たちに追いつけていたら、あんなことには……Eagle Union Colorado class battleship, ship no. 2 “Maryland”. As one of the BIG SEVEN, I often attended various celebrations. I escaped the attack on Pearl Harbor from behind Oklahoma. After undergoing retrofit, I successfully completed counter strike attacks on the Sakura Empire Navy. I participated in Operation Magic Carpet and received a total of seven battle stars. Commander, I just saw gunfire over there...oh, nevermind it was the sunset.
Acquisition我是马里兰,BIG·SEVEN之一,“好斗的玛丽”说的就是我!听说今后会有很多的战斗,我很期待哦!あたしはメリーランド、ビッグセブンのひとりにして、かつては「ファイティングメリー」と呼ばれていた。これからはもっと戦えそうかい?それは楽しみだ!I am Maryland, a member of the BIG SEVEN. “Fighting Mary”, yes, that's what they call me! I heard there are many battles ahead. I look forward to them all!
Login我闻到硝烟的味道了,是战斗开始了吗?啊……原来是女灶神在做饭。硝煙の匂いだな。戦いが始まったのかい?あっ……ヴェスタルがメシを作ってるだけかI think I smell gunpowder, has the battle started already? Pfft... turns out it was only Vestal cooking.
Details庆典?荣誉?除了战斗本身,什么也吸引不了我式典?栄誉?あたしは戦闘以外の事なんてどうでもいいんだよCelebration? Honor? Nothing else except for battles will draw my attention.
Main和姐妹们一同战斗是天底下最愉快的事!ダチと一緒に戦うのは一番楽しいよな!Fighting beside my sisters is the happiest thing in the world!
Main 2我最讨厌偷袭的家伙了,堂堂正正的对决才能称之为战斗!奇襲ってもんは嫌いだ。正々堂々殴り合うことこそ戦闘ってもんだろ!I hate foul play, only fair duels are real battles!
Main 3工作?……我也不是很懂,你说做什么就做什么吧。仕事かい?……よくわからん。お前の言う通りにさせてもらうWorking? ...I don’t know much about that, I’ll just do whatever you tell me to do.
Touch指挥官,是要战斗了吗?指揮官、そろそろ戦闘かい?Commander, are we going into battle?
Touch (Special)指挥官,我们的战斗力可不在于那里指揮官、あたしらの戦闘力はこんなところにないぜCommander, our fighting power is not in that area of expertise.
Mission不完成任务,可没法获得战役之星任務をこなせなきゃ、バトルスターなど手に入るはずがねぇIf I don’t complete the mission, then I can’t get a battle star.
Mission Complete任务奖励……嘁,真麻烦。報酬だ。……ちっ、つまんねぇなMission rewards... Darn, what a waste of time.
Mail写回信的话,身边要不要摆个高射机枪呢……返信は対空機銃を設置してからにするか……When writing a reply back, should I carry an anti-aircraft gun with me...
Return to Port啧,待在这里好闷啊……ちっ、つまんねぇな。じっとしてんのはSigh, staying in port is so boring...
Commission Complete委托虽然也是战争的重要内容,但我就是对此提不起精神軍事委託も戦争に関係あるっちゃあるが、どうもやる気が湧いてこねぇな……Even though commissions are an important part of the war, but I'm just not interested in them.
Enhancement好想马上齐射一轮主炮试试……主砲一斉射…すぐにでも一回やりてぇな!I really wanna try to shoot a volley from my main gun right now…
Flagship对面的,可别让我失望了!おい、向こうの!あたしを失望させんなよ!Dear opponents, do NOT disappoint me!
Victory哈哈!这种程度不过是餐前热身!ハハッ!肩慣らしにもならん!Haha! This is just the appetizer before the main course!
Defeat如果俄克拉荷马在的话……オクラホマのやつがいれば……If only Oklahoma was here...
Skill无论多少次,我都会将你们再度击沉!何度でも沈めてやる!オラァ!No matter how many times it takes, I will sink you again!
Low HP这样的战斗才有趣!戦いはこうでなくちゃ!Now, this is a fun battle!
Affinity (Upset)唯懦弱者不可以效忠,我曾经听姐姐说过这句话呢弱き者は従うに値せん――聞いたな、そんな話をA saying that I recently heard from my sister, “Never protest your loyalty to the weak”.
Affinity (Stranger)我不知道这个“big seven”是谁定的。不过既然她们两个每天都挂在嘴边,应该是包含着特殊的意义吧。ビッグセブンってのを誰が決めたかはしらん。まああの二人が毎日言ってるぐらいだから、特別な意味があるんだろうなI don't know who granted us the title of BIG SEVEN. But if those two keep mentioning it non-stop, then the title should have some special meaning to it.
Affinity (Friendly)战争终究不是一个人的战斗,如果没有生死相依的同袍与终始支持的后方,战力再强也逃不过败亡的命运戦争は一人でなんとかできるもんじゃねぇ。生死をともにする仲間、最後まで支えてくれる国の力がなきゃ、いくら強くても負けるのさThe war cannot be won by a single person. Without true sisters fighting alongside you and a reliable backline supporting you, no matter how strong you are, your defeat is inevitable!
Affinity (Like)不是所有问题都只能用战斗解决的吗?哼,虽然不太相信…不过,是你的话总会有办法的吧。毕竟你可是我看上的指挥官呢!戦って解決できない問題もあるって?ふん、にわかに信じられねぇが……お前ならなんとかしてくれるだろ?あたしが惚れんこんだ指揮官だからな!Not all problems can be solved by fighting? Well, I don't really believe that... but you always seem to find a way to solve things. After all, you are my favorite Commander.
Affinity (Love)看着我的眼睛,作为我最信赖的战友,事到如今难道还必须通过言语才能知晓我的内心吗?あたしの目でも見てな。ここまで至ったらもはや言語もいらねぇ。なあ、あたしが一番信頼する戦友よ――Look into my eyes, as my most trusted companions, is it even necessary to use words to express the feelings I have for you in my heart?
Pledge你就这么看重这个奇怪的戒指吗?……不过,既然是你的决定,那我就奉陪到底吧!从今以后,你就由我来保护了!贈り物ってこの変な指輪のことかい?……お前が決めたことだ、最後まで付き合ってやる!これからはあたしがあんたを守るさ!!You really treasure these strange rings, do you? ...But since it's your decision, I'll go with it! From now on, I will protect you!
In battle with Oklahoma这次由我来保护你!今度はあたしが守ってやるよ!I will protect you this time!
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description马里兰,改造完成!哈,哪些地方有变化大概看都能看出来,具体的细节就在战斗的时候再确认就行!你也这么认为对吧?メリーランド、改造完了だぁ!はっ、どこが変わったかは大まかに分かったし、細かいのは戦って確かめるとする!お前もそれでいいよな?My retrofit is capital-D done! Hah, I generally know what's changed – the details, I'll discover in live battles! That alright with you?
Acquisition马里兰,改造完成!哈,哪些地方有变化大概看都能看出来,具体的细节就在战斗的时候再确认就行!你也这么认为对吧?メリーランド、改造完了だぁ!はっ、どこが変わったかは大まかに分かったし、細かいのは戦って確かめるとする!お前もそれでいいよな?My retrofit is capital-D done! Hah, I generally know what's changed – the details, I'll discover in live battles! That alright with you?
Login好斗的玛丽来啦!…想着上战场前先跟你打个招呼啦!ファイティングメリーの到着だ!…戦場に行く前にまずはお前に挨拶でもしようと思ってなFighting Mary has arrived! Just thought I'd say hello before I went off to the battlefield.
Details指挥官也是伙伴,会和我一起战斗吧?不过当然也不用勉强……嗯?啊哈哈哈!你也变强了呢!指揮官もダチだから、一緒に戦ってくれるよな?別に無理はしなくても……ん?はははは!お前もやるようになったな!Since we're buds, will you fight with me? 'Course, you don't have to force yourself... Hm? Hahahaha! You've become a real fighter!
Main西弗吉尼亚的吉他我听3分钟就会睡着…什么,你说科罗拉多的小提琴的话我撑不过30秒?你,你怎么知道的!?ウェストバージニアのギターを聞いていると3分あれば寝られるな…コロラドのヴァイオリンのときは30秒で寝てるって?ど、どうしてそれを!?West Virginia can lull me to sleep in three minutes with her guitar... Huh? Colorado's violin does it in 30 seconds? H-how'd you know?!
Main 2战斗狂也有很多类型。不管不顾就是喜欢横冲直撞的家伙,规规矩矩地单挑的家伙,还有什么都不想只顾着挥舞拳头的家伙…问我是哪种?我也不清楚!戦闘狂って言っても色々あるぞ。とにかく猪突猛進が好きなやつ、律儀にタイマンするやつ、何も考えずにただ拳を振り回すやつ…あたし?自分でもわからないな!There's all kinds of battle freaks. There're those who charge in headfirst, those who fight one-on-one fair and square, and those who just blindly swing their fists around. Me? I dunno what kind I am!
Main 3工作啊…你自己负责好你自己的事情。我要专注于我的领域……也就是说,战斗!仕事か…お前の領分はお前自身できっちり面倒を見ろよ。あたしはあたしの領分に集中する……つまり、戦闘だ!Ugh, work... You stick to what you know best, and I'll stick to what I do best – which means fighting!
Touch差不多要战斗了吗?当然和你一起的话聊天也不错!哈哈哈!そろそろ戦闘かい?お前とならおしゃべりでもいいさ!ははは!We going into battle yet? Not that I'd mind shooting the breeze with you! Hahaha!
Touch (Special)啊,原来你的战斗力是在这里吗?啊哈哈哈!そうか。お前の戦闘力はここにあるのか?ははは!Ahh, this where your fighting strength is? Hahaha!
Mission任务啊…希望你也能获得战役之星。哈哈哈!任務か…お前にもバトルスターがもらえるといいな。ははは!New missions... I hope you get a battle star of your own. Hahaha!
Mission Complete报酬来了。拿去吧!報酬だ。持ってけ!Rewards are here. Take 'em!
Mail邮件么。好,趁我给高射机枪换弹的时候你先把回信写了吧。メールか。よし、あたしが高射機銃の弾倉を交換している間に返信を書いとけよOh, a letter. Alright, you write a reply while I replace the magazines on my AA guns.
Return to Port只在脑子里影子练习度过一天…呃,不大行啊。你要是不运动运动的话也会变迟钝吧?イメージトレーニングするだけで一日は…いや、無理だな。お前も体を動かなさなきゃ鈍っちまうだろ?Just imagining scenarios all day... Nah, that's not gonna work. You need to get your exercise in or you'll turn weak.
Commission Complete把委托的物资用在下一场战斗上,吗。其实用在下下场战斗上也没问题哦?委託の物資を次の戦闘に回す、か。別に次の次の戦闘でもいいんだぜ?Gonna use those commission resources in the next battle, eh. Could use 'em in the NEXT next battle, y'know.
Flagship先给敌人来一下吧!炮弹也好拳头也罢!まずは一発だ!砲弾も拳もな!Strike first! Both with your shells AND fists!
Victory你们根本不值一提!お前たちじゃ話にならないってんだ!You piles of junk aren't even worth mentioning!
Defeat啧,被干掉了…くっ、やられちまったな…Gah, they got me good...
Affinity (Love)即使被其他人看做是战斗狂也没办法,不过我只想让你看到我不为人知的一面……但,这也太不像我的风格了。你怎么想呢?根据你的回答,我会以我的方式加油的!啊哈哈哈!ほかのやつに戦闘馬鹿だと思われてもしょうがないが、お前にだけは違う顔を見せたかった…のだが、あたしらしくないにもほどがある。お前はどう思ってるんだ?返答次第ではあたしなりに頑張ってやるぞ!ははは!I don't care if other people see me as a battle maniac, but I wanted to show you a different side of me... Although, I'll only go so far to not be myself. What do you think of me? I'll work hard in my own way depending on how you answer! Hahah!