Lung Wu (JP 🇯🇵: , CN 🇹🇌: )
Ship ID No. 623 Star Rating ★★☆☆☆
Hull Destroyer Rarity Elite
Navy Dragon Empery Build Time
Enhance Income
Scrap Income
Release Date
Voice actress
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
Limit Break
Tier 1
Tier 2
Tier 3
Slot Equipment Type Efficiency (LB 0/1/2/3) Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3) Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
4 Auxiliary - - -
5 Auxiliary - - -
Default Equipments
Fleet Tech
T Destroyer: Fei Yuen-class Tech Points and Bonus
Unlock +
Max LimitBreak
Lv.120 +
Icon Name Description Requirements
Dragon's Dance Every 3s: performs a Lv.1 (Lv.10) special attack (DMG is based on the skill's level and this ship's TRP stat). Every 5 times this attack hits an enemy: restores 3.0% HP for the ship in your fleet with the lowest percentage HP remaining (can activate up to 3 times per battle).
Delectable Delicacies 1s after this ship fires her torpedoes: fires another wave of torpedoes (the torpedoes fired are the same as this ship's equipped torpedoes). Increases this ship's TRP and EVA by 5.0% (15.0%) and decreases her DMG taken by 15.0% (30.0%).
All Out Assault I Activates All Out Assault I: Lung Wu once every 15 times the Main Guns are fired.
Limited ✓ ✓ ✓
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 北尔铿船厂1000吚级鱌雷猎舰—韙歊 フルカン・シュテッティン1000トン玚雷装駆逐艊--韍歊 Vulcan Stettin 1,000-ton torpedo destroyer – Lung Wu.
Biography 我是䞜煌的驱逐舰  韙歊对于战斗和工䜜  兎趣䞍是埈倧  䜆劂果是和烹饪有关的事就党郚亀给我吧䜠喜欢什么做法煎炒烹炞炖煮蒞什么郜可以哊 東煌の駆逐艊――韍歊は、戊闘もお仕事もあたり興味がなくお  でも料理に぀いおのこずでしたら䜕でも教えおくださいどんな調理法の料理が奜きですか焌き炊き揚げ炒め炙り蒞し煮る、どれでも䜜りたすよ♪ Dragon Empery destroyer, Lung Wu. I'll pass on the fighting and paperwork stuff, but if you need anything food-related, just leave it to me! So, what's your favorite type of cooking? Grilling, frying, stir-frying, broiling, steaming? You name it, I'll cook it!
Acquisition 䞜煌驱逐舰  韙歊报到。那䞪  有看到虎莲吗还有 厚房怎么走   東煌の駆逐艊  韍歊です。あの その 虎賁を芋たせんでしたかそれず 台所はどうやっお行けばいいでしょうか  The name's Lung Wu... Dragon Empery destroyer. Um... uhh... have you seen Hu Pen around? Also... which way is it to the kitchen?
Login   欢迎今日菜单想吃什么随䟿点掚荐菜拿手的倪倚了我埗奜奜想想     いらっしゃい今日のメニュヌはい食べたいものがあればなヌんでもお申し付けをオススメ埗意なものが倚すぎおちょっず考えないず   ...Uhh, welcome? You wanna see today's menu? Here you go! Just lemme know if anything catches your eye! Recommendations? Uhh, I have so many specialties, I'll have to think about that one...
Details 炒菜的诀窍倧火、宜油猺䞀䞍可这样爆炒出来的食物才有镬气 炒めものをするコツ 匷火に油ドバヌっずするこずです爆ぜお炒めおこそ銙りが出せるのですっ Tips for stir-frying? You need high heat, and oil! That's how you get that rich, wok hei flavor!
Main   䌑息日芁䞍芁出闚  啊  可以䞍去么  我没什么兎趣  嗯问我对什么感兎趣圓然是研究菜谱前几倩我发现了胜让红烧肉变埗曎奜吃的做法指挥官芁试试吗   䌑日のお出かけ ええず わたし、断っおも 正盎興味が んじゃあどういうのに興味があるっおもちろんレシピ研究です最近ホンシャオロりをもっず矎味しくできる方法を芋぀けたんですが、指揮官さんも詊食しおみたす ...Me, go on a vacation outdoors? Ehh... I think I'll pass. Not really interested in that... What AM I interested in, you ask? Researching recipes, of course! Recently, I've come across a method of making red-braised pork belly even more delicious! Wanna give it a try, Commander?
Main 2   小笌包加巧克力銅儿麻婆豆腐里调草莓酱  啊啊啊借了看来之后芁犁止闲杂人等进入厚房了 チョコが具のシャオロンパオ麻婆豆腐のいちごゞャム和え  あああもういいですもうこれ以䞊は関係者以倖はキッチンに立ち入り犁止ですヌっ Xiaolongbao with chocolate filling? Mapo tofu with strawberry jam?! ...Gaaaaah, I've had it! From now on, only people with business here are allowed inside the kitchen!
Main 3   想芁看我䞋厚倒䞍是䞍行䞍过芁是像抚顺䞀样捣乱的话  倪䞥肃是䜠倪束懈了指挥官厚房 就是战场 韍歊が台所に立っおいるずころを芋たい、ですかダメじゃないですけど、撫順みたいに倉なこずしたら 厳しすぎ指揮官さんがゆるすぎるだけですよキッチンはずばり、戊堎です ...You want to observe me while I cook? That's fine and all, but if you pull any funny business like Fu Shun... I'm being too strict? Nonsense! You're being too lax, Commander! The kitchen is a battlefield!
Touch 饿了我这里有春卷  䜠可以先垫垫肚子。 お腹ぞった春巻がありたすよ。 これで小腹を満たしおください Feeling peckish? I have spring rolls right here. That ought to fill you up a little bit.
Touch (Special)   枅蒞、爆炒、油炞和进高压锅自己选䞀䞪。   蒞しか炒めか揚げか圧力釜か、自分で遞んでください ...Steamed, stir-fried, deep-fried, or pressure cooked. Take your pick.
Touch (Headpat) 这样䌚没法奜奜看菜谱的   れ、レシピが読めなくなりたすよ   H-how am I supposed to read the recipe like this...
Mission 有新任务  攟着䞍管没问题吗快去倄理完再来吃点我做的点心吧。 新しい任務がありたすよ。 攟っずいお倧䞈倫ですか早く片付けおきおください。わたしが䜜った点心を食べるのはそれからです We've got new work. Are you sure you want to leave it for later? Can you just take care of it now? I'll have dim sum waiting for you when you're done.
Mission Complete 任务的报酬送到了。  记埗去拿。报酬的数目  应该胜买埈倚高级食材 任務報酬が届きたした。 受け取りを忘れないでくださいね。䞭身は  倚分高玚食材がいっぱい買えるくらい♪ Mission rewards are in. Don't forget to pick 'em up. As for what's inside... we'll probably be able to buy all sorts of fancy, high-end ingredients~♪
Mail 有䜠的信记埗看。  䞍知道䌚䞍䌚有人把菜谱攟圚里面寄过来   指揮官さんぞのメヌルがありたすよ。読むのを忘れないで――レシピが入っおいる手玙もあるのかな   There's mail addressed to you, Commander. Don't forget to read it–– Hm, I wonder if we got any letters with recipes inside...
Return to Port 欢迎回来  指挥官饿了  饿了䜆是䞍知道吃什么那八倧菜系的招牌各来䞀道怎么样 指揮官さん、おかえり  お腹ぞった お腹ぞったけど䜕を食べおいいかわからないじゃあ八倧菜系から䞀品ず぀いかが Welcome back, Commander... Umm, are you hungry? ...You are, but you don't know what to eat? Then, how about a full course of the Eight Great Cuisines?!
Commission Complete 委托组  回来了啊  我准倇了接风宎  嗯管饱。 委蚗のみんな、戻っおきたんですね  ねぎらいの宎䌚を準備したした。お腹いっぱい食べれたすよ The commission team is back, huh... I'll go prep a banquet. Everyone's gonna be able to eat to their heart's content.
Enhancement 成功    嗯  哊对火候的把握变区了 匷化成功  うヌん  あ火加枛が曎に䞊手くなったっおこずですね Did it work...? Mm, good... Oh! I've gotten even better at controlling the heat now!
Flagship 战斗  就像炒热菜火力芁旺 戊闘  炒めものをするが劂く倧火力で Combat... calls for great firepower, just like cooking!
Victory 赢了  呌  总算可以回去研究菜谱了。 勝ちたした  ふ、ふぅ  これでレシピの研究ができたすね  We won...? Phew... Now, I'll be able to head back and research new recipes...
Defeat 啊  蟓了  隟道是火候没掌握奜 あっ  負けちゃいたした  火加枛をうたくできたせんでしたか  Ugh... That was a bust... Was it because I wasn't able to adjust the heat properly?
Skill 八珍玉食其味无穷~ 玉食八珍、味は無窮なり The quest for supreme flavor never ceases~
Low HP 哇芁糊啊 はわわわ焊げちゃうよヌ Bweeeehhh! It's going to burn!!
Affinity (Upset)   䜠  䞍是懂我厚艺的那䞪人   指揮官さん  韍歊の料理をわかっおくれないんだ   Commander... You have no appreciation for my cooking...
Affinity (Stranger)   饿了我准倇了桂花糕、烀鞭、小韙號、生煎包还有  欞哪来的吃的就  埈普通地拿出来而已     お腹ぞった桂花糕に䞞焌きアヒルにザリガニにシャオロンパオ、あずは  えこんな数の料理をどこからっおええず  普通に取り出したしたけど Hungry? I've prepared osmanthus cake, roast duck, crawfish, pan-fried bao, and... Hmm? Where'd I get all this food? Uhh... just business as usual for me, you know?
Affinity (Friendly)   我的厚艺埈奜谢、谢谢倞奖。那  指挥官芁试试其它的菜吗䜛跳墙、匀氎癜菜  还有  䜠诎倪莹功倫了可是甚来招埅䜠的话  我觉埗这些才合适啊   料理がうたいあ、ありがずうございたす じゃあ もっずもっず食べおみたすかフォヌティャオチァン、柄たしスヌプ癜菜、それず――手間がかかりすぎるっお指揮官さんに振る舞うならこれぐらいでちょうどいいず思いたすよ  ...You really enjoyed my cooking? Oh, uh, thank you very much... Well then, um, would you like to try some other stuff? I have Buddha's Temptation, cabbage in supreme soup, and–– Huh? It's too much effort? For the important task of serving you, is this not completely appropriate?
Affinity (Like) 䞍论指挥官喜欢什么口味想吃什么我郜可以给䜠做郜诎料理是给人垊来幞犏的我也䌚尜最倧努力让指挥官感受到这种幞犏的 どんな味付けでも、奜きな料理はなんでも䜜っおあげたす料理はヒトを幞せにできるっお聞くし、わたしも粟䞀杯頑匵っお、指揮官さんを幞せにしおあげたいですっ I can prepare any dish for you, seasoned any way you want it! I've always heard that cooking exists to bring joy to others, and I want to do my very best to make you happy!
Affinity (Love) 盒饭拿去里面有䞀道党新的菜品。是我䞀盎观察䜠的口味和偏奜去特别研制的  䜠埈喜欢倪奜了  以后我倩倩做给䜠吃奜䞍奜 お匁圓をどうぞ。えぞぞ、新しい䞀品が入っおいたすよ。指揮官さんの奜みの味ず玠材に基づいお特別に創䜜した――すごくいいよかった えぞぞ、じゃあ毎日䜜っおあげおもいいですか I've packed your lunch. Ehehe, you'll find a new surprise waiting for you. I made it just for you, based on your favorite ingredients and flavors–– It's super delicious? Phew, glad to hear that! Then, umm... would you mind if I made it for you every day~?
Pledge 这、这是  让、让我消化䞀䞋  做菜之倖的事  我䞀盎郜䞍倪  呌  劂、劂果指挥官觉埗可以的话  我、我䌚让䜠今后人生䞭的每䞀逐郜矎味又健康的 こ、これは  す、すこし気持ちを敎理させお  料理以倖のこずはわたし、本圓に  すヌはヌすヌはヌ し、指揮官さんさえよければ  こ、これからも指揮官さんのすべおのご飯を矎味しくヘルシヌにしおさしあげたすっ Th-this is... Really?! G-give me a moment to get my thoughts straight... I mean, I can't do anything other than cook... *huff* *huff*... Alright, Commander... If you don't mind, I'll be in charge of all your meals from now on, and make sure everything is healthy and delicious!
In battle with Hu Pen 䞍芁总是拉着我出闚啊   出かけるのに付き合わせないでよ  Would it kill ya to stop trying to drag me outside...
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 新幎快乐指挥官倧家诎着芁给我䞪惊喜然后就犁止我进厚房了  奜担心啊她们䞍䌚又乱来吧  芁䞍还是去厚房看看  啊啊奜纠结。可以替我去看看那、那就拜托指挥官了 指揮官さん、新幎おめでずうございたす 韍歊にサプラむズがあるっお聞いた埌、なぜか台所に行くのを犁止されちゃった 心配だなヌ、倉なこずされおないかなヌやっぱり台所に行きたいヌ。うぅヌ  代わりに様子を芋に行っおくれるんですかお、お願いしたす指揮官さん Happy New Year, Commander... Having that said, the others said they had a surprise for me, but then ended up banning me from the kitchen... I didn't do anything bad, did I? I'm real worried... Can't I at least take a look at what's going on there? Ugh... How about you go check it out in my stead? P-pretty please, Commander!
Acquisition 新幎快乐指挥官倧家诎着芁给我䞪惊喜然后就犁止我进厚房了  奜担心啊她们䞍䌚又乱来吧  芁䞍还是去厚房看看  啊啊奜纠结。可以替我去看看那、那就拜托指挥官了 指揮官さん、新幎おめでずうございたす 韍歊にサプラむズがあるっお聞いた埌、なぜか台所に行くのを犁止されちゃった 心配だなヌ、倉なこずされおないかなヌやっぱり台所に行きたいヌ。うぅヌ  代わりに様子を芋に行っおくれるんですかお、お願いしたす指揮官さん Happy New Year, Commander... Having that said, the others said they had a surprise for me, but then ended up banning me from the kitchen... I didn't do anything bad, did I? I'm real worried... Can't I at least take a look at what's going on there? Ugh... How about you go check it out in my stead? P-pretty please, Commander!
Login 指挥官新幎奜~  这是给我的红包奜匀心  谢谢 指揮官さん、あけたしおおめでずうヌ。 韍歊ぞのお幎玉嬉しい ありがずうごさいたす♪ Happy New Year, Commander. Hmm? Lucky money present for me? Thank you very much... That makes me very happy~♪
Main 这包子这面粉的口感这内銅的调味虜然有点䞍甘心䜆是这包子确实比我做的奜吃之后䞀定芁奜奜钻研䞀䞋 このバオズ生地の舌觊り、逡の味付け悔しいですけど韍歊のより矎味しいあ、あずで研究しないず  What in the world is this baozi?! The texture of the dough, the exquisite flavor of the filling! I hate to admit this, but it's better than what I can make! I, I need to research this later...!
Main 2 祝指挥官圚新的䞀幎䞇事劂意嘿嘿  新的䞀幎里就让我来包揜指挥官的每日䞉逐吧保证矎味又健康~ 指揮官さん、新しい䞀幎もすべおうたく行きたすように。えぞぞ 今幎の指揮官さんの毎日の食事は党郚韍歊に任せおください矎味しくおヘルシヌですよ♪ Commander, I hope everything goes well this coming year~ Ehehe. Please let me handle all of your daily meals as well. I'll make sure everything is delicious and healthy~♪
Main 3 嘿嘿~桌䞊的春卷是韙歊溜进厚房做的  奜蟣蟣就对了新幎  圓然芁红红火火  倎奜晕是谁把厚房的料酒换成了花雕   えぞぞ、机の春巻は韍歊がさっき台所に朜り蟌んで䜜ったんですよ。 蟛い蟛いのがいいんです新しい䞀幎は炎のように熱く盛り䞊がっお  あ、あたたがフラフラ 誰ですか料理酒を花圫に倉えたのは  Heehee~ I snuck into the kitchen earlier to make those spring rolls I put on your desk. ..Too spicy? Spicy is good! You're supposed to welcome the new year with a bang! Ugh, my head is spinning... Who swapped out all the cooking wine in the kitchen with Hua Tiao wine?
Touch 嗯  指挥官芁来䞪包子吗 ん  指揮官さん、バオズはいかがですか Hmm? Commander, want some baozi?
Touch (Special) 指挥官  虎、虎莲还圚呢   指揮官さん ふ、虎賁がただいるよ   Commander... H-Hu Pen can still see us...
Touch (Headpat) 唔  发型芁是乱了的话䜠芁莟莣重新垮我梳奜哊   んん  髪の毛ががさがさになったら責任取っお梳いおくださいねっ  Nngh... If my hair gets all messy, you'll be responsible for combing it back...
Mission 有新任务啊  让我们䞀起快速解决掉吧再拖拉䞋去饭菜郜芁冷掉了。 新しい任務がありたすね。䞀緒にサクサクず片付けおきたしょう。これ以䞊のんびりしたら料理が冷めちゃいたすから New missions, huh? Let's work together to get things taken care of. The food's gonna go cold if we take too long.
Mission Complete 任务完成了䞀起去枅点报酬然后䞀起回来吃新幎倧逐吧~ 任務完了です報酬をチェックしお新幎のごちそうを楜しみたしょヌ Mission complete! Let's count up the rewards, then head back to enjoy a nice New Year feast!
Mail 奜倚新邮件  是寄给指挥官的新幎莺卡吗 メヌルがこんなに  指揮官さんぞの幎賀状ですか So many messages... Are they all cards wishing you a happy new year?
Return to Port 回来啊  芁吃冰糖葫芊吗是宁海和平海给我的埈奜吃呢 おかえり  タンフヌルヌを食べたいんですか寧海ず平海からもらったんですよ。矎味しいですよ Welcome back! Want some tanghulu? Ning Hai and Ping Hai brought some over. They're really tasty~
Affinity (Love) 指挥官圚这种阖家团圆的节日里  䜠胜陪圚我身蟹然后䞀起享甚矎味的新幎倧逐再看着窗倖的烟花  这让我感到无比幞犏哊。 䞀家団らんの日に指揮官さんがいおくれお、䞀緒に矎味しい新幎のごちそうを食べお、窓の倖の花火を眺めお――韍歊、ずっおも幞せです ♪ Commander, on this special day of coming together as a family... You kept us company, and we enjoyed a delicious feast together and watched the fireworks... You have no idea how happy that makes me~♪
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 珊瑚圚海氎里埮埮摇曳的样子奜挂亮  没想到氎䞋的景色竟然可以劂歀猀纷绚烂  “喜欢的话以后可以垞来这里朜氎看珊瑚”  啊谢谢指挥官 ゆらゆらしおいるサンゎがきれい 海の䞭の景色がこんなに色鮮やかなんお 気に入ったならい぀でも来おいい、ですか 指揮官さん、ありがずうございたす Woah, the corals look so pretty as they swish and sway... There's a whole world of color underneath the sea... I can come visit again any time I'd like? Thank you so much, Commander!
Acquisition 珊瑚圚海氎里埮埮摇曳的样子奜挂亮  没想到氎䞋的景色竟然可以劂歀猀纷绚烂  “喜欢的话以后可以垞来这里朜氎看珊瑚”  啊谢谢指挥官 ゆらゆらしおいるサンゎがきれい 海の䞭の景色がこんなに色鮮やかなんお 気に入ったならい぀でも来おいい、ですか 指揮官さん、ありがずうございたす Woah, the corals look so pretty as they swish and sway... There's a whole world of color underneath the sea... I can come visit again any time I'd like? Thank you so much, Commander!
Login 指挥官䜠来了我垮䜠调敎䞀䞋朜氎面眩的䜍眮吧~ 指揮官さん、いらっしゃったんですねダむビングマスクの調敎をお手䌝いしたすよ Commander, you're finally here! Let me help you adjust your diving mask!
Details 没想到指挥官䌚垊我来朜氎  䞍过厚房以倖的䞖界意倖的埈有趣呢   指揮官さんがダむビングに誘っおくださるなんお  た、たあ 台所以倖の䞖界も意倖ず楜しいですね /// I didn't think you'd invite me to go diving with you... Well, umm... the world beyond the kitchen is surprisingly fun... *blushes*
Main 䞍管是珊瑚还是其它的海掋生物我们郜䞍胜蜻易䌞手去觊碰哊这是䞺了保技它们。嗯  这些是以前和朜氎艇的同䌎们聊倩时孊到的哊。 サンゎも他の海掋生物も倧事な生態系を守るため、迂闊に手で觊っおはいけたせんっ。 ん今の話は朜氎艊の子たちずのおしゃべりで教わったんです Please be considerate of the delicate ecosystem of the corals and all the other marine life, and don't go around touching things carelessly... Huh? Oh, um, it's something I learned while talking to the submarine girls.
Main 2 因䞺是指挥官纊我出闚所以我也奜奜打扮了䞀䞋  这样埈可爱  啊、谢、谢谢  /// 指揮官さんからのお誘いだから、頑匵っおおしゃれをしお  えか、かわいい あ、ああ、ありがずうございたす /// Since you're the one who invited me, I had to do my part and dress up a bit... Huh? I look c-cute? ...Oh, um... th-thank you... *blushes*
Main 3 䞺了让県前这种矎景胜持续䞋去我芁和指挥官䞀起枅理这附近的垃土唔这样做的话应该就胜让海掋的环境变奜䞀点了吧   矎しい景色がい぀たでも矎しいたたでいられるように、指揮官さんず䞀緒に呚りのゎミを片付けたすこうすればい぀かは海の環境を改善できたすね  To keep this ocean scenery as beautiful as always, let's do our best to clean up all the garbage! If we work at it enough, we might even be able to improve the environment one day!
Touch 啊  指挥官是芁垮我捡垜子吗 わ 指揮官さん、垜子を぀かたえおくれるのですか Eek... Commander, could you go grab my hat?
Touch (Special) 劚䜜蜻点哊别碰到珊瑚啊   そろヌり、そろヌり さ、サンゎに圓たらないように ね/// S-slowly, please... T-try not to bump into the corals, okay? *blushes*
Touch (Headpat) 指挥官我的垜子就芁飘走了哊   指揮官さん、麊わら垜子がどこかに流されちゃいたすよぉ  Commander, my hat's going to get washed away...
Return to Port 嗯䞺了保技珊瑚所以去枅理附近的垃土了蟛苊啊回去以后给䜠做奜吃的哊 うんサンゎを守るために近くでゎミ拟いをされおきたんですかお疲れ様です垰ったらおいしいのを䜜っおあげたすね♪ Hmm? You've been picking up the trash around here to help protect the coral reefs? Thanks for doing that! I'll treat you to some delicious food when we're back~♪
Commission Complete 委托组奜像回来了。䞍过现圚没办法䞺她们准倇䞀桌奜菜呢   委蚗組のみんなが戻っおきたみたいです。んヌ今はおいしい料理を甚意できたせんね  Looks like the commission team is coming back. Hrmm... I can't cook anything for them right now...
Victory 赢了呌  这样就胜继续和指挥官䞀起朜氎了   勝ちたしたふぅ これで指揮官さんずもっず海の䞭を楜しめたすね   We won! Phew... I hope I'll get to enjoy the ocean with Commander now...
Affinity (Love) 䞍论是绚烂的珊瑚、还是这片海氎对之前总是埅圚厚房里的我来诎郜是党然陌生的䞜西。是倚亏了䜠——对我来诎最最最最重芁的指挥官我才胜看到这样矎䞜的瞬闎   台所にこもりがちの韍歊にずっお、綺麗なサンゎもその呚りの環境も、あたり芋られないものばかり 指揮官さん――韍歊のいっっっちばん倧事な指揮官さんのおかげで、韍歊、こんなに玠敵な颚景が芋れた   For someone like me who spends all day in the kitchen, getting to see this beautiful aquatic landscape and these magnificent corals is such a rare experience... Thanks to you, my most, most, most beloved Commander... I, I was able to see something so wonderful...
vote 拉祚描述 拉祚描述 拉祚描述
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Login 等䜠奜久了  这些菜郜是䞺䜠做的  倪倚了怕浪莹没关系我有办法~ 埅っおたした これらはすべお指揮官さんのために䜜った――倚すぎる食べきれなかったら無駄になるだいじょヌぶっ韍歊に考えがありたすから You've kept me waiting! Even after I cooked all these dishes for you–– It's way too much? It's just going to go to waste since you can't finish it? Don't worry about that! I already have an idea in mind~
Main   醉了韙歊没醉  就是  尝了尝醉蟹  指挥官  饿了吗韙歊做了  麻婆豆腐、氎煮肉片还有蟣子鞡  䞍借的话还有火锅     酔ったっお韍歊は酔ったりしおたせんよぉ ええず 酔っぱらい蟹を食べお それより指揮官さんはお腹ぞっおる韍歊が麻婆豆腐 氎煮肉片、蟣子鶏䜜ったから 鍋もあるよぉヌ  ...I'm tipsy? Nonsense... Uhh... I just ate some drunken crab, that's all... Also, Commander... aren't you hungry? I made... some mapo tofu, spicy boiled beef, and mala chicken... If that's not enough, I can also whip up a hotpot...
Main 2 饭蒞少了啊  郜是因䞺做的菜倪䞋饭了䞍知䞍觉就吃了八碗  欞指挥官䜠、䜠郜听到了  我、我只是䞍想浪莹食物而已 むぅ、ご飯が足りなくなった 指揮官さんの䜜った料理は箞が進むのが悪いの 知らない間に8杯も――え指揮官さん今の聞いおたの ろ、韍歊は食べ物を無駄にしたくないだけですよっ Ugh, didn't make enough rice... It's all because the food pairs too well with rice, and I inadvertently ended up wolfing down eight bowls... Huh? Commander?! Did you hear what I just said? ...Uhh, it's just because I didn't want to waste food, that's all!
Main 3 感觉我做菜有偏奜啊确实呢。因䞺川菜比蟃蟣所以平时我几乎䞍倪䞻劚做  可我做的氎煮肉片埈奜吃奇怪我最近明明没做过啊   䜜る料理に偏りがあるっお蚀われおみれば、確かにシセン料理は普段あたり䜜りたせんけど んヌでも氎煮肉片が矎味いのあれ最近䜜った蚘憶なんおないはずなのに   You think I've been leaning too much into one type of cuisine? I suppose that's true... I don't usually take the initiative to cook Sichuan food since it's on the spicy side... Hm? The boiled beef I made earlier was really good? Huh, I don't seem to recall making that recently...
Touch   喜欢尟巎埈可爱有吗甩尟巎   韍歊のシッポが奜き、ですか可愛いそう ブンブン Do you like my tail? You think it's cute? Really? (*wags vigorously*)
Touch (Special) 这里  䞍方䟿啊   ここは  ちょっずたずいですよ   I'm not sure... this is the best place for that...
Touch (Headpat) 指挥官我已经䞍是小孩子了哊  就这么奜摞吗 指揮官さん、韍歊はもう子䟛じゃないですよ  そんなになでなでするのが奜きなの Commander, I'm not some little kid... Do you really like patting my head that much?
Mission 是新任务哊~完成后我䌚给䜠准倇甜品圓奖励的。问我准倇什么  唔就煮汀圆吧怎么样 新しい任務ですよ。終わったらご耒矎に甘いものを甚意しおあげたす。どんなものっお 湯円でもいいですよね You've got new missions. After you finish up, I'll whip you up something sweet as a reward. As for what specifically... You're fine with tangyuan, right?
Mission Complete 任务完成了䞍愧是指挥官~这是诎奜的汀圆  还是有点烫啊我吹凉了喂䜠吧~ 任務が完了したんですかさすが指揮官さんですね。玄束の湯円ですよ。  むぅ、ただちょっず熱い ちょっずふヌふヌしお食べさせおあげたす♪ Done with your missions? Well done, Commander~ As promised, here's a bowl of fresh tangyuan~ ...Hmm, it's still piping hot, so let me cool it down for you first~♪
Mail 指挥官䜠有新的信。啊  粗略看了䞀県奜倚字哊。我去给䜠准倇些茶点吧~ 指揮官さん、新しいメヌルがありたすよ。ええず  パッず芋、字がすごく倚くお うん、点心を甚意しおきたすね Commander, you've got new mail. Hmm... I took a quick glance, and yeah, it's a total wall of text... Yeah, I think I'll go make some dim sum instead~
Return to Port 欢迎回来指挥官我䞺䜠准倇了接风宎顺䟿也试试我䞺䜠研究的新菜匏吧 指揮官さん、おかえり ねぎらいの宎を準備したした぀いでに指揮官さんのために研究した新料理も味芋しおください♪ Welcome back, Commander! I've prepared a special homecoming feast for you! By the way, please try the new dishes I've been developing~♪
Affinity (Love)   欞最近䞍芁再准倇盒饭了䞺·什·么隟道是吃腻了芁换厚子了  咊只是䜓重䞊涚埗倪快啊  倪奜了原来只是虚惊䞀场     えしばらくお匁圓を甚意しなくおもいいっお ど、どうしおもしかしお指揮官さんは韍歊の料理に飜きお――ん䜓重が増えすぎただけですかよかったあああ びっくりしたぁ  ...Huh? You don't need me to make lunch for you for the time being? Wh-why?! Did you get tired of my cooking? ––Hmm? It's because you've been putting on too much weight? Phew... You had me scared for a moment there...