Fei Yuen (JP 🇯🇵: , CN 🇹🇼: )
Ship IDNo. 625Star Rating★★☆☆☆
Hull DestroyerRarityElite
NavyDragon EmpireBuild Time
Enhance Income
Scrap Income
Release Date
Voice actress
HP284 Reload73
Firepower18 Torpedo38
Evasion60 Anti-air26
Aviation0 Cost0
ASW30 Luck20
HP1319 Reload140
Firepower49 Torpedo105
Evasion204 Anti-air97
Aviation0 Cost0
ASW76 Luck21
Limit Break
Tier 1Unlock All Out Assault I | Torpedo efficiency +5%
Tier 2Torpedo preload +1 | All weapons' efficiency +5%
Tier 3Improve All Out Assault | All weapons' efficiency +5%
SlotEquipment TypeEfficiency (LB 0/1/2/3)Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3)Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
Default Equipments
Fleet Tech
T Destroyer: Fei Yuen-classTech Points and Bonus
Unlock +
Max LimitBreak
Lv.120 +
Lady Yuen's Grand "Adventure"10s after the battle starts and every 15s after that: goes on an Adventure for 5s. Depending on the result of the Adventure, applies 1 buff to a random ship in your fleet for 8s and a debuff to 1 random enemy for 8s. Once per battle, if the Adventure fails, or if this ship's HP falls below 50.0% as a result of DMG taken: increases this ship's SPD by 5 and Evasion Rate by 1.0% (5.0%) and decreases her DMG taken by 1.0% (10.0%) until the battle ends.???
Inkscape of Dancing CloudsWhen the battle starts: increases this ship's TRP by 10.0% (20.0%) and, if there is another Dragon Empery ship in your fleet, increases this ship's DMG dealt by 1.0% (10.0%) . Every 20s: fires a Lv.1 (Lv.10) special barrage (DMG is based on the skill's level; if there is any non-DD Dragon Empery ship in your fleet, this barrage is improved).???
All Out Assault IIActivates All Out Assault II: Fei Yuen once every 10 times the Main Guns are fired.???
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description长风级驱逐舰—飞云長風型駆逐艦--飛雲Chang Feng-class destroyer – Fei Yuen.
Biography我可是长风级驱逐舰——飞云大人!别看我这样子,我可是很擅长“冒险”的哦!如果指挥官也对冒险有兴趣的话,就来请教飞云大人吧!飞云大人一定不会把你说出去哒!わたしは長風型駆逐艦――飛雲よ。こう見えて「冒険」が得意なの!もし興味があるならわたしに聞きに来るといいわ!ふふん、絶対誰にもバラさないから!I am Lady Fei Yuen, Chang Feng-class destroyer. Despite my appearance, I'm quite an adept "adventurer"! If you're interested, Commander, I would not mind passing down my knowledge! Of course, I wouldn't snitch on you either, heehee~
Acquisition东煌长风级驱逐舰——飞云来啦!你就是我的指挥官?哼哼~以后要叫我飞云大人哦,我会罩着你,带你一起去冒险哒!東煌の長風型駆逐艦――飛雲よ!あなたがわたしの指揮官?ふふん、これからは飛雲さまって呼んで頂戴♪そしたらあなたを守って、冒険にも連れてってあげる!Fei Yuen of the Dragon Empery's Chang Feng-class destroyers is at your service! And, you're supposed to be my Commander? Heheh~ Then, please refer to me as Lady Yuen from now on~♪ Do so, and I shall protect you and take you on grand adventures!
Login啦啦啦♪~你回来啦~要开始今天的工作了吗?飞云大人已经准备好了!ららら~♪戻ってきた?今日のお仕事を始めるの?飛雲さまはもう準備できてるよ!La la la~♪ Have you returned? Then, shall we begin with today's work? Naturally, Lady Yuen is already good to go!
Details咕咕咕ZZZ……啊!飞、飞云大人没有睡着!没有!うにゃうにゃすやすやZzzzzzz……あ!べ、別に飛雲さまは寝てない!寝てなんていないわ!Mmrp... Hrnnh... Zzzzz... Gah! L-Lady Yuen would not just randomly fall asleep! Hey, I said I wasn't sleeping!
Main指挥官~你快看!这是海天老师教我画的!欸?妖怪画得真不错?……可我画的……明明是你QAQ……指揮官~ほら!海天老師に教えてもらった絵だよ!ん?妖怪を描くのが上手いって…ふ、飛雲が描いたのは指揮官なのにぃ……Commander~ Come take a look! Master Hai Tien taught me how to draw this! Hmm? I'm good at drawing monsters? B-but... I was trying to draw a picture of you... *sniffle*...
Main 2指挥官~一起去冒险吧!什么是冒险?嗯……比如溜进厨房把糖换成盐之类的?不准说这是恶作剧啦!指揮官、一緒に冒険しに行こう!何が冒険かって?ええと…台所の砂糖を塩に入れ替えるとか?い、いたずらじゃないもん!Commander~ Let's go on an adventure together! What is an adventure, you ask? Hmm... for example, a quest to replace all the sugar in the kitchen with salt? No, it's not just a prank!
Main 3飞云大人帮你把整理好的文件放到柜子上吧……啊!好痛!啊啊文件全散开了……对不起,飞云只是想帮忙……今飛雲さまが整理した書類を棚上にぃ……ひゃぅ!?いたたた…全部散らかっちゃった……ごめんなさい、飛雲は手伝いたかっただけなの…Lady Yuen shall assist you in placing all these sorted documents onto the shelves... Hwaah?! Owww... Everything's a total mess now... I'm sorry, Commander, I was just trying to help...
Touch唔?怎么啦怎么啦?指挥官终于要和飞云大人一起去冒险了吗?ん?どうしたの?ついに指揮官も飛雲さまと一緒に冒険する決心がついったってこと?Hmm? What's the matter, Commander? Oh, did you finally decide to accompany Lady Yuen on an adventure?
Touch (Special)……指挥官……你坏掉了吗?……指揮官が……壊れた?Commander... Did you break?
Touch (Headpat)飞、飞云大人的头可不能随便摸……唔……好舒服……飞云大人允许你多摸一会!飛雲さまの頭を勝手になでちゃ……いい気持ち……で、ではもうすこしナデナデするのを許そう!T-to think that you'd pet Lady Yuen's head without her express permission... But, that feels nice... S-so, I shall allow you to continue that for a bit longer!
Mission呜啊~任务列表变得好长好长!指挥官,飞云大人可以帮你处理哦!う、うわあああ…任務リストがこんなに長くなってるの!?指揮官、飛雲さまも手伝ってあげるよ!W-woaahh... What a crazy long list of missions... Commander, Lady Yuen shall assist you!
Mission Complete指挥官!港口堆了好多好多物资!快去领取报酬给飞云大人买礼物吧!指揮官!港に物資がいっっっっぱい積み上げられているわよ!早く報酬を受け取って、そして飛雲さまへのプレゼントを買ってー!Commander! A whole bunch of supplies are piling up in front of the port! Hurry up and pick up the rewards so you can buy a present for Lady Yuen!
Mail这些都是给指挥官的信件~不要忘了看哦!ぜーーんぶっ、指揮官へのお手紙だわ!読むのを忘れないでね!All of these are letters addressed to you, Commander! Don't forget to read them!
Return to Port哦?你回来啦~有给飞云大人带礼物吗?ん?帰ったわね。飛雲さまへのお土産は?Hmm? Oh, you've returned. Did you remember to bring a souvenir for Lady Yuen?
Commission Complete委托组的同伴们回来啦~嘿嘿~不知道会给飞云大人带什么礼物呢~委託組の仲間たちが戻ってきた!えへへ~、飛雲さまにどんなお土産を持ち帰ってくれたかな~Our friends in the commission fleet have returned! Ehehe~ I wonder what sort of souvenirs they've brought back for Lady Yuen~
Enhancement哦哦哦!力量——涌上来啦!おおお!力が――みなぎってきたわ!Woooooah! I can feel power coursing through me!
Flagship让我们开始伟大的冒险吧!ド派手な冒険をするわよ!Let us embark on an epic adventure!
Victory哼哼~小瞧了飞云大人可是要吃大亏哒!ふふーん。飛雲さまを侮るといったーい目に遭うわよHmmhmm~ And this is what happens to those who look down upon Lady Yuen~
Defeat不、不就是输了嘛……飞云大人才没有哭呢QAQま、負けただけじゃない…飛雲さまは泣いてなんかないもん!It, it's just one little loss... Lady Yuen would certainly not cry over something as minor as that!
Skill看飞云大人的厉害!飛雲さまの力を見よ!Behold Lady Yuen's magnificence!
Low HP飞云大人的冒险……是不会停下的!飛雲さまの冒険は…止まらないよ!Lady Yuen's great adventure... isn't going to end here!
Affinity (Upset)指挥官,再这样下去的话……飞云大人就真的不想和你一起冒险了……指揮官、このままじゃあ…飛雲さまは指揮官を冒険に連れて行かなくなっちゃうわよ…Commander, at this rate... Lady Yuen isn't going to want to take you on adventures anymore...
Affinity (Stranger)啊,指挥官~我约了抚顺去冒险哦……欸?恶作剧不要过头了?什、什么恶作剧呀,飞云才不知道你在说什么呢……あ、指揮官。撫順と一緒に冒険しようと…ん?いたずらはほどほどに?い、いたずらって何よ!何を言っているのかわからないわ…Oh, Commander. I was about to go out on an adventure with Fu Shun. Hmm? Don't go overboard with the pranks? Pranks? What could you possibly be talking about? I have no idea...
Affinity (Friendly)指挥官~陪飞云大人一起玩!要工作所以不行?为什么?玩嘛玩嘛!飞云大人可是为了你放弃了今天的冒险哦……所以快放下工作陪飞云大人一起玩嘛!指揮官~、飛雲さまと遊んで!お仕事があるからだめ?なんで?遊んで、遊んでよ!飛雲さまは指揮官のために今日の冒険に行くのをやめたのに?…だから仕事なんて放っといて飛雲さまとあ・そ・ぶ・の!Commander~ Come play with me! You can't because you have work? Why's that? C'mon, come play, come plaaaay! Lady Yuen abandoned today's adventure to play with you, you know? So, set all that work aside and come play with me!
Affinity (Like)指挥官!飞云已经帮你把书架整理好了!……欸?那些书是拿出来准备看的参考资料?对、对不起!飞云不是故意的……我、我只是想帮忙QAQ指揮官!飛雲が本棚を片付けてやったわ!……え?取り出して置いてた本は参考にするつもりだった?ご、ごめんなさい!わざとじゃないの……し、指揮官を助けたかっただけだよぉ…Commander! Lady Yuen has finished tidying the bookshelf! ...Hm? You pulled those books out because you were planning to reference them? S-sorry! I didn't do it on purpose... I, I was just trying to be helpful... *sniffle*
Affinity (Love)指挥官~要和飞云一起去冒险吗?……欸?还要工作?那好吧……那、那我就在旁边乖乖等你。看在飞云这么乖的份上会给奖励?嘿嘿~指挥官最好啦!しきかーん!飛雲と一緒に冒険に行かない?…ん?仕事が残ってる?じゃあ――大人しくここで待っててあげるわ!…大人しくしてたらご褒美をくれるって?えへへ~、指揮官さいこー♪Commander! Would you like to go on an adventure with Lady Yuen? ...Hm? You still have work left to do? I shall patiently wait for you to finish then! ...You'll treat me to a reward for being on my best behavior, won't you? Ehehe~ You're the best, Commander~♪
Pledge这是送给飞云大人的吗?嘿嘿~好开心……唔,不过虽然不太理解,但是只要戴上戒指的话,指挥官就会一直陪我玩了对吧?戴好啦~指挥官要一直陪着飞云哦!これを飛雲に?えへへ~、うれしい!よくわからないけど、これを指につけたら指揮官はずっと一緒に遊んでくれるのよね?もうつけたわ!指揮官、これでずっと飛雲と一緒にいてよねっ!You're giving this to me? Ehehe... That makes me so happy! There's a lot I still don't understand about this, but basically, you'll play with me forever and ever as long as I put this around my finger, right? See, it's on already! So, stay with me forever, Commander!
Present Like
Present Dislike
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description新、新年快乐指挥官……那个……能、能先把飞云放下来吗?……呜呜呜~我保证不会去厨房冒险了QAQあ、あけましておめでとう……うう…え、ええと、とりあえず飛雲を下ろしてもらっていい?二度と台所で冒険なんてしないから(泣H-Happy New Year, Commander... Umm, uhh... C-could you please help me down first? ....Waah, I promise I won't have any more "adventures" in the kitchen...
Acquisition新、新年快乐指挥官……那个……能、能先把飞云放下来吗?……呜呜呜~我保证不会去厨房冒险了QAQあ、あけましておめでとう……うう…え、ええと、とりあえず飛雲を下ろしてもらっていい?二度と台所で冒険なんてしないから(泣H-Happy New Year, Commander... Umm, uhh... C-could you please help me down first? ....Waah, I promise I won't have any more "adventures" in the kitchen...
Login呜呜呜……指挥官你终于回来了……快把飞云放下来吧!うぅ……指揮官、ようやくもどってきた…早く飛雲を下ろしてよ…Waaah... You're back, Commander? Can you hurry and get me down from here...?
Main为什么被挂在晒干架上?唔……其、其实……飞云刚在厨房冒险被抓到了,对不起QAQ……下次?下次不敢了(小声)物干しに吊るされてるのはどうしてって?ん……じ、実は……台所で冒険してたら捕まっちゃって…ごめんなさひ…次は?もうしないんだからぁ…Why am I hanging off a drying rack? Umm... Well, actually... I was just having an adventure in the kitchen and got caught... S-sorry... After that? And, umm, I won't do it again...
Main 2烟花烟花!这样挂着不就看不到烟花了嘛!至少把我朝着烟花挂呀!花火花火!このままじゃ花火が見れなくなっちゃう!せめて花火が見れるように物干しの向きを変えといてよ!Fireworks! Fireworks! If you leave me like this, I'm going to miss the fireworks show! At least turn the rack towards where they're going to be setting them off!
Main 3衣服很别致……质量很好?嘿嘿~是大家送的新年礼物哦~好像有提到像什么“混什么绫”?指挥官知道是什么吗?可愛くて高級そうな…衣装?えへへ、みんなからの新春プレゼントよ。なんだか「混なんとか綾」とかいう話も…?指揮官はなにか知ってる?My outfit is... cute and classy? Ehehe, it's a Lunar New Year gift that the others got for me. Also, I heard something about "Damascus silk"... Commander, do you know anything about that?
Main 4等下!那块牌子是什么意思嘛!飞云才、才没有偷吃呢……饅頭が立ててる看板はどういう意味よ!飛雲はべ、別に盗み食いなんてしてないのに……っ!What is that sign the manjuu is holding up supposed to mean?! I totally wasn't trying to sneak snacks from the kitchen...!
Touch哈哈哈……不要戳肚子啦!很痒啦!あははははは……もうお腹突っつくのやめてよ!くすぐったいわ!Ahahahaha! Stop poking my tummy already! It tickles!
Touch (Special)虽然但是……先把飞云放下来嘛!之后做什么都行啦!どうにもこうにも……まずは飛雲を下ろして!下ろしてくれたら何してもいいからーっ!Okay, but... please get me down from here first! We can do whatever you want after that!
Touch (Headpat)……嘿嘿~摸摸头……啊不对!你先把飞云放下来啦!……えへへ、あたまなでなで……って違う!飛雲をまずおろしてよー!Ehehe~ Pat my head more~ Wait, no! Help me down from here first!
Mission Complete飞云好像看到港口堆了好多东西!是我们的新年礼物吗?港に色々ものが積み上げられているみたい!飛雲たちへの新年のプレゼント?Lady Yuen sees no shortage of goods piled up in front of the port. Is that our New Year's gift?
Mail指挥官~飞云有看到你的新邮件哦~しきかーん、新しい手紙が届いたのを見たわ~Commander~ Lady Yuen sees that there's new mail addressed to you~
Return to Port啊,你回来啦指挥官~要来两块苹果干吗?あ、おかえり指揮官!りんごでもどうかしら?W-welcome back, Commander! Would you like an apple?
Commission Complete唔?指挥官,飞云好像看到委托组回来了,就在那边~ん?指揮官、委託組の子たちが帰ってきたみたいよ。うん、あっちHmm? Commander, it seems that the commission team has returned already. Look, they're over there~
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Login指挥官~你终于回来啦~飞云等你好久了!しきかーん、よーやく帰ってきたわね!飛雲はずっと待ってたんだよ?Commander, you're finally back! I've been waiting a really long time for you, you know?
Main指挥官……刚刚飞云不小心打碎了一只花瓶和一个台灯。飞云只是想帮忙打扫卫生,不是故意的……指揮官……飛雲、花瓶とデスクライトを落としちゃった…掃除の手伝いをしたかっただけなの…わざとじゃないの…Commander... I accidentally knocked over a flower vase and a desk lamp... I just wanted to help tidy things up a bit... I wasn't trying to do it on purpose...
Main 2只要坐在指挥官身边就是帮忙?……那像这样抱着你呢?帮上大忙了?耶~好欸!手伝いならそばにいるだけで十分?…じゃあこうやって抱きついても?すごく助かる?えへへ~、やったあ♪Just sitting next to you is already helpful? Then, um... what if I hold onto your arm like this? That's really helpful? Ehehe~ Yaay~♪
Main 3为什么最近不去冒险了?唔,冒险虽然很有趣,但是待在指挥官身边会更开心哦~最近、冒険の回数が減ったって?冒険が楽しいのはそうなんだけど、指揮官のそばにいるともっと楽しいよ?Why haven't I been going on any adventures lately? Well, adventures are fun and all, but spending time with you is even more fun~
Touch飞云的脸软软的?嘿嘿~指挥官的脸也软软的哦~飛雲のほっぺがふにゃふにゃ?えへへ、指揮官のほっぺもふにゃふにゃだわ♪Lady Yuen's cheeks are soft and squishy? Ehehe, yours are too, Commander~♪
Touch (Special)唔,这样指挥官会开心?……那飞云也开心~んっ、指揮官はこれで楽しくなるの?……じゃ、じゃあ飛雲も楽しいわ!Hmm, this kind of stuff makes you happy? ...Then, umm, it makes me happy too!
Touch (Headpat)再、再多摸摸……唔嘿嘿~も、もっとさわさわして……えへへへ♪Y-you can touch me even more, you know... Ehehehe~♪
Return to Port欢迎回来~万一受伤了的话飞云就给你呼呼哦~没受伤?太好啦~おかえりー!怪我したら飛雲がふーふーしてあげるわ!…怪我してないって?それもそれでよかったわ♪Welcome back~! If you got hurt anywhere, allow me to nurse you back to health– ...Hm? You're perfectly fine? Well, that's good to hear~♪
Affinity (Love)zZZ……哈啊——只要在指挥官身边就会好容易睡着呢……啊!我知道了,一定是因为指挥官的味道太让人放松了……zZZZzzz……ふああ……指揮官のそばにいるとものすごく眠くなる……あ!わかったわ!きっと指揮官の匂いには飛雲をそうさせる効果が……ZzzzzzzZzzz... *yaaaawn*... For whatever reason, I always get sleepy when I'm around you... Oh! I know why! It must be because your scent makes me super relaxed... Zzzzzz...