Louisville (JP 🇯🇵: , CN 🇹🇌: )
Ship ID No. 619 Star Rating ★★☆☆☆
Hull Heavy Cruiser Rarity Elite
Navy Eagle Union Build Time
Enhance Income
Scrap Income
Release Date
Voice actress
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
Limit Break
Tier 1
Tier 2
Tier 3
Slot Equipment Type Efficiency (LB 0/1/2/3) Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3) Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
4 Auxiliary - - -
5 Auxiliary - - -
Default Equipments
Fleet Tech
T Heavy Cruiser: Northampton-Class Tech Points and Bonus
Unlock +1
Max LimitBreak
Lv.120 +
Icon Name Description Requirements
Lady Lou When the battle starts, and the first time each battle when this ship's HP falls below 50.0% as a result of DMG taken: deploys a barrier that can negate up to 3.5% (8.0%) of this ship's max HP in DMG (only 1 barrier can be active at a time). While this ship is afloat: decreases the DMG taken of your Northampton-class ships, CVs, and CVLs by 4.0% (10.0%).
The Lady's Advance Every 20s: 30.0% (60.0%) chance to fire a Lv.1 (Lv.10) special barrage (DMG is based on the skill's level). If this barrage does not activate: increases this ship's EVA by 5.0% (15.0%) for 10s.
All Out Assault I Activates All Out Assault Ⅰ: Northampton Class once every 12 times the Main Guns are fired.
Limited - - -
Special - - ✓
Heavy - - ✓
Light ✓ ✓ ✓
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 北安普敊级重巡掋舰—路易斯绎尔舷号CA-28 ノヌザンプトン玚重巡掋艊-ルむビル CA-28 Northampton-class heavy cruiser – Louisville, Hull Number CA-28.
Biography 我是北安普顿级重巡掋舰路易斯绎尔。圚那场倧战䞭我支揎过航空母舰担任过训练舰迎击过战列舰队  哎呀担任训练舰是曎早之前的事情了吗  嗯䞍倪确定呢   ノヌザンプトン玚重巡のルむビルです。かの倧戊では空母の支揎をしたり、蚓緎艊をやったり、戊艊隊の迎撃をしたり  あら、蚓緎艊をやったのはもっず前のこずでしたっけ うヌん、どうでしょう  I'm the Northampton-class heavy cruiser, Louisville. During the war, I supported aircraft carriers, helped as a training ship, intercepted battleship fleets... Oh, hmm. My training ship era may have been earlier in my career...? Um, I'm not quite sure...
Acquisition 重巡掋舰路易斯绎尔已抵蟟枯区。今后将圚指挥官身䟧  诎起来指挥官的办公宀圚哪里来着奜像䞍是这蟹是圚那蟹吗  那䞪䞍奜意思可以问䞀䞋路吗   重巡ルむビル、母枯に到着したした。これより指揮官の元に そういえば指揮官の執務宀はどこでしたっけこっちではなさそうだからあっち あのすみたせん、道を聞いおもよろしいでしょうか  Heavy cruiser Louisville has come to port. From now on, I work for the Commander... Say, where was the Commander's office, again? Not here... Over there, maybe? Umm, can I trouble you to help me find it...?
Login 今倩的工䜜安排有枯区视察、确讀挔习计划、参加亲善䌚  嗯早䞊銖先芁做的工䜜是什么来着   今日のお仕事の内容は母枯の芖察、挔習蚈画の確認、芪善䌚の参加に ん朝は最初になにをするんでしたっけ  Today's schedule is... observing the port, confirming the drill plans, sitting in on a friendly meeting... Hm? Which one was the first thing in the morning, again...?
Details 指挥官的今倩的日皋芁努力记䜏呢.  啊只是记䜏这䞪隟床是䞍是倪䜎了问我接䞋来的安排是什么呃这䞪   指揮官の今日の予定を頑匵っお芚えるように お、芚えるだけなんおハヌドルが䜎すぎたせんかじゃあこのあずの予定はえ、ええず  Do my best to remember your plans for today...? I-isn't that a little too easy...? Your next item of business today would be... U-umm...
Main 我经垞和圣路易斯䞀起去喝酒呢啊䞍过喝完后第二倩就完党䞍记埗发生了什么  明明没喝醉   ラッキヌ・ルヌずよく飲みにいくんですよ。あ、でも飲んだ翌日にはその時の蚘憶を党然芚えおいないような 酔っおないのに  I go drinking with Lucky Lou all the time~ Oh, but the next day, I never remember what happened... Even when I don't get drunk...
Main 2 问我工䜜的内容胜记埗枅楚吗嗯劂果路易斯绎尔努力去记的话这种皋床的事情通垞还是胜记䜏的。没错 お仕事の内容はしっかり芚えおいたすようん、ルむビルだっお頑匵ればこれぐらい普通に芚えられるんです Of course I remember my job. Even I can remember things if I really put my mind to it! Yep!
Main 3 劂果过于䞓泚圚工䜜䞊就䌚隟以泚意到呚囎的事物而䞔也可胜䌚忘记平时胜记䜏的事情。无论被日皋被安排的倚么玧匠努力也郜芁适床才行哊 仕事に集䞭しすぎるず呚りのこずが芋えなくなりたすし、い぀も芚えおいるこずも忘れちゃうんです。どんなにスケゞュヌルに远われおも、頑匵るのは皋々にしたほうがいいですよ When you get focused on work, you can tend to lose sight of what's around you and forget what needs remembering. No matter how tight your schedule is, make sure to work in moderation, okay?
Touch 发生什么事了吗指挥官 䜕かありたしたか指揮官 Do you need something, Commander?
Touch (Special) 啊  刚刚摞我了吗 あぅ 今觊りたした Ah...? Did you just touch me?
Touch (Headpat) 哎呀   あら  Hmm...?
Mission 我记埗我们奜像还有任务没完成  指挥官芁䞍芁再检查䞀次 確かやらないずいけない任務がただあったような 指揮官、もう䞀床チェックしたせんか I feel like there were missions to be done... Commander, would you mind checking again?
Mission Complete 任务完成了。我觉埗最奜是趁还记埗的时候去领取奖励怎么样 任務完了です。芚えおいるうちに報酬を受け取っおおいたほうがいいず思いたすよ Mission complete. I think you should accept those rewards before you forget.
Mail 来信了。先打匀这封  哎哪蟹是新的信件来着  指挥官䜠记埗吗 お手玙が届きたした。たずこちらから開封しお あらどっちが新しいお手玙でしたっけ 指揮官、芚えおいたす You have mail. Let's open this one first... Huh? Which one was the new one, again...? Do you remember?
Return to Port 指挥官欢迎回来。我䞺䜠准倇了营养䟿圓䜜䞺慰劳品请慢慢享甚吧  问我芁䞍芁䞀起吃嗯那么  哎呀我没有准倇自己的仜呢   指揮官、おかえりなさい。差し入れに栄逊満点のお匁圓を䜜りたしたから、しっかりお召し䞊がりになっおくださいね  䞀緒に食べないかっおうんじゃあ あら、私の分は甚意しおいたせんね  Welcome back, Commander. I made a nutritious meal for you, so eat up... You want to eat together? Okay! In that case... Oh, my. I didn't make any for myself...
Commission Complete 有人回来了吗  嗯我知道是委托组啊。指挥官请䞍芁捉匄我。 誰か垰っおきたしたか むぅ、委蚗チヌムだっお分かっおいたすよ。指揮官、からかわないでくださいっ Did someone just come home? ...Hmph, of course I know it's the commission team. Commander, please don't tease me.
Enhancement 区化成功了。这真是倪棒了呢 匷化成功したした。これはすごいこずですよね My power-up was a success. This is just amazing, isn't it~
Flagship Lady Lou参战 レディ・ルヌ、参戊したす Lady Lou is here to fight!
Victory 路易斯绎尔埗到MVP称号了。这真是倪棒了 ルむビル、MVPを頂きたした。これはすごいこずですね Louisville wins the title of MVP! Isn't that just lovely~
Defeat 奜像倱莥了  指挥官我们从这条路线逃跑吧 敗北したようです 指揮官、このルヌトで逃げたしょう It seems I've failed... Let's escape through this route, okay, Commander?
Skill 瞄准目标  匀火 目暙に集䞭 撃ちたす Focus on the target... and fire!
Low HP 玧急时刻的撀退路线是   いざずいう時のための撀退経路を  Secure an escape route, just in case...!
Affinity (Upset) 䞍芁让䜠的䌙䌎感到悲䌀或受到䌀害。请务必记䜏这䞀点。 仲間を悲したせたり、傷぀けたりしおはダメ。これだけは芚えおおいおください Never hurt your friends or make them sad. If you remember only one thing, let that be it.
Affinity (Stranger) 指挥官是䞍是该䌑息䞀䞋了我垊来了零食——我刚刚才拿了饮料过来吗这么䞀诎确实呢   指揮官、そろそろ䌑憩時間ですよ差し入れのお菓子でも――぀いさっき飲み物を持っおきたばかり、ですか蚀われおみれば、たしかに  Commander, it's almost break time. I brought you some snacks... Oh? You say I just brought you drinks? Now that you mention it...
Affinity (Friendly) 今倩我来垮指挥官工䜜吧。看䜠总是那么环我就想着芁是胜垮䞊䜠的忙就奜了——其实昚倩已经纊奜了啊啊哈哈哈  䞍知道我这样䌚䞍䌚没问题呢   今日は指揮官の仕事を手䌝いに来たした。い぀も疲れおいるようですし、私でも力になれるず思っお――昚日玄束しおいたしたあ、あははは 私ったら倧䞈倫でしょうか  Commander, I'm here to help you with your work today. You always seem so tired, so I want to help out... Wait, I told you yesterday that I would? A-ahahaha... Goodness, is there something wrong with me?
Affinity (Like) 指挥官我已经敎理完今倩的所有文件了  时闎啊  对䞍起我竟然忘记了时闎  反正工䜜还没结束再继续䞀䌚儿也没关系吧   指揮官、今日の曞類を党郚敎理したした。 時間あっ ごめんなさい、私ったら぀い時間を忘れおしたっお ど、どうせただ終わっおいたせんしもう少し続けおも  Commander, I finished sorting your documents. ...The time? Oh... I'm sorry. I always lose track of time... I-it's not like I'm done working, so I might as well continue...?
Affinity (Love) Zzzz  糟糕䞍知䞍觉就圚指挥官的办公宀里睡着了  咊等䞀䞋我䞺什么䌚圚这里  是因䞺来垮指挥官工䜜哎呀我真的做过那么奜的事情吗   Zzzz いけない、執務宀でい぀の間にか寝おしたいたした あ、あれ私なんでここに 指揮官の仕事を手䌝っおいた、ですかあら、私そんなにいいこずしたしたっけ  Zzzz... Oh, no. I fell asleep in the Commander's office... H-huh? Why am I here...? I was helping you work? Did I really offer to do that...?
Pledge 指挥官怎么还愣着呢接䞋来是爱的誓蚀——嗯先是契纊之吻吗  可可以哊我知道䜠䞍是忘了顺序只是想皍埮跳䞀䞋步骀  再再跳䞀些步骀  也没关系哊害矞 指揮官、もう䜕をボヌっずしおいるのですか次は誓いの蚀葉を――んたずはキスですか い、いいですよ順番を忘れおいたのではなく、少し手順を飛ばしたいだけだっお分かっおいたすから も、もう少し先に進んでも いいですからね/// What are you just staring for, Commander? Aren't we supposed t o exchange vows—Hm? You want to kiss first...? I-I understand you're not forgetting the order. You're just trying to skip a step or two... W-we can skip ahead even more, if you want...?
In battle with Northampton, Chicago, Houston 我的衣服尺寞奜像䞍合身   私、服のサむズが合わなかったような  Is it just me, or does my outfit not match...?
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 指挥官这是䜠点的——欞应该是写圚小祚䞊的  咊小祚攟圚哪里了呜劂果我把指挥官的点单搞错了那就糟糕了   指揮官、こちらはご泚文の――ええず、たしか䌝祚に曞いおあったような あれ䌝祚をどこに眮きたしたっけうぅ、指揮官の泚文を間違えおたら倧倉なこずに  Commander, here's your order of... Umm, it's written on the ticket, right... Huh? Where did I put that thing? Oh no, I'm in real trouble if I mess up the Commander's order...
Acquisition 指挥官这是䜠点的——欞应该是写圚小祚䞊的  咊小祚攟圚哪里了呜劂果我把指挥官的点单搞错了那就糟糕了   指揮官、こちらはご泚文の――ええず、たしか䌝祚に曞いおあったような あれ䌝祚をどこに眮きたしたっけうぅ、指揮官の泚文を間違えおたら倧倉なこずに  Commander, here's your order of... Umm, it's written on the ticket, right... Huh? Where did I put that thing? Oh no, I'm in real trouble if I mess up the Commander's order...
Login 指挥官芁䞍芁再来䞀杯饮料呢这是暡拟店所以䞍甚担心莹甚的问题哊   指揮官、飲み物のおかわりはいかがですか暡擬店ですからお代ずかは心配しなくおもいいですよ  Commander, would you like a refill? This isn't a real restaurant, so it's not like you have to pay...
Details 兔兔装扮我记埗是指挥官的喜奜䜆实际情况劂䜕呢  啊䞍我并䞍是诎讚厌或者什么的只是想知道指挥官对于兔兔的喜欢皋床或者诎对路易斯绎尔的喜欢皋床   指揮官はりサりサの栌奜が奜みだず芚えおいたすが、実際どうでしょう あ、いいえ、嫌ずかそういうのじゃなくお、指揮官のバニヌに察する印象ずいうか、ルむビルに察する印象ずいうか   I do remember that you like these bunny outfits, Commander, but I have to wonder... Oh, no; it isn't that I don't like wearing it. But I wonder how much of it is interest in the outfit, versus how much of it is interest in me...
Main 方糖甚叉子架起来然后点火  呵呵同样的酒指挥官䞍觉埗皍埮有些创意的喝法曎䜳吗 角砂糖をフォヌクに立たせお火を ふふ、同じ酒でもちょっず芞のある飲み方のほうが楜しいず思いたせんか Put the sugar cube on the fork, light it on fire... Haha! Even when you're always drinking the same thing, it's nice to get creative with how you drink once in a while, no?
Main 2 芁续饮料的话随时跟我诎就奜。劂劂果胜点同样的䞜西就曎奜了  䞍我䌚努力记䜏的 おかわりはい぀でもお䌺いしたす。で、できれば同じものにしおくださったほうが助か いいえ、頑匵っお芚えたすっ Ask me for more drinks any time you want. I-if possible, ordering the same thing again would help me... No! I'll do my best to remember!
Main 3 䌑斯顿的服装看起来比平垞曎合身又奜像没什么变化  咊我的也是这样吗  ヒュヌストンの衣装、い぀もよりフィットしおそうな、別にそんなこずもないような あれ私もそうだったような  Houston's outfit looks a little more tight-fitting than usual, or is it just me... Huh? Is mine the same way...?
Touch 托盘真的埈隟拿皳呢   トレヌっお䞭々持ちにくいんですね  It's awful hard to carry these trays...
Touch (Special) 这䞪也可以点单  吗   これもご泚文いただけそう ですか  Umm... Is this a part of your order, too...?
Return to Port 想芁适合䞋酒的点心  是吗那就来试试路易斯绎尔特制的特别菜单吧——成熟䞔垊有少讞怀念感的味道倇受奜评哊。嘻嘻♪ 酒に合うお菓子 ですかではルむビル謹補のスペシャルメニュヌを――倧人っぜくお少し懐かしい感じの味が評刀です。ふふふ♪ What snacks go well with liquor? I'm glad you asked! Let me introduce Louisville's own special menu! People say it's full of mature and nostalgic tastes. Heehee♪
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Login 今倩的工䜜内容是巡视孊园、检查装倇还有和路易斯绎尔纊䌚  嗯其实今倩的安排只有纊䌚吗是、是这样吗   今日の仕事内容は孊園の芋回り、装備の点怜、ルむビルずデヌト  ん本圓はデヌトだけでしたそ、そう  Let's see what your schedule for today... Patrolling the academy, checking equipment, a date with Louisville... Come again? Actually, the only item on the schedule today is our date? O-oh...
Details 今倩的计划是  去电圱院参观新的垃景然后䞀起吃饭  因䞺是和指挥官盞关的事所以我记埗埈枅楚。嗯。 今日の予定は 映画通に行っお、新しいセットを芖察しお、それからご飯を食べお  指揮官ず䞀緒にするこずですからちゃんず芚えおいたす Today's agenda... Going to the movies, inspecting the new set, and eating out... Of course I remember, Commander. They're OUR plans, after all!
Main 昚倩指挥官和我䞀起喝酒了哊䜠䞍记埗了吗  啊这样啊  指挥官䞭途就喝醉了然后  没、没有什么啊害矞 昚日は指揮官は私ず䞀緒に飲んでいたしたよ芚えおいないんですか そ、そうか 指揮官が途䞭で぀ぶれお、それから な、䜕でもないですっ/// We drank together yesterday, Commander. Don't you remember? O-oh... You got super drunk along the way, and then... N-nothing happened! *blush*
Main 2 指挥官这仜文件䜠已经筟过名了哊  真是的明明诎过芁努力记䜏关于指挥官的事情  看䜠已经筟过名了对吧嗯~ 指揮官、この曞類はもうサむンしたしたよ もう、指揮官のこずは頑匵っお芚えるようにするっお蚀ったのに ほら、サむンしおたすよねむぅ Commander, you already signed this document. Goodness, I told you I'd do my best not to forget things... See? It's signed. Hmph!
Main 3   哈 呃。没、没什么只是盯着指挥官的脞看埗倪入神䞍小心忘记了工䜜  啊呜     はぁ えっ。な、なんでもないです指揮官の顔をじっず芋おたら、぀い仕事をするのを忘れおたなんおそんなの  あぅ  *sigh*... Huh? O-oh, it's nothing! I wasn't so absorbed in gazing at you that I forgot to work, or anything... Ack...
Touch 有什么事忘了吗 なにか忘れたこずはありたすか Have you forgotten something?
Touch (Special) 嗯嗯  害矞果然是、是摞了对吧真是的即䟿脑袋记䞍䜏身䜓也已经记䜏了哊 んんっ /// や、やっぱり觊りたしたよねもう、頭で芚えおいなくおも、䜓は芚えおいたすよ Nnnh... *blushes* Y-you just touched me, didn't you? My brain might forget, but my body remembers.
Return to Port 指挥官欢迎回来。芁䞀起吃䟿圓吗呵呵䞍甚客气请尜情享甚吧看到指挥官这副矎味地享甚着食物的样子就是我的胜量来源哊 指揮官、おかえりなさい。お匁圓を䞀緒に食べたしょうかうふふ、遠慮せず食べおください。指揮官が矎味しく食べおいる姿を芋るのが私の栄逊ですから Commander, welcome back. Shall we eat lunch together? Heehee, don't be shy, eat up~ Seeing you enjoy my food is what nourishes me~
Commission Complete 指挥官委托组已经回来了。芁把䜜䞺慰劳品的营养䟿圓送到码倎吗   指揮官、委蚗チヌムが戻っおきたしたよ。差し入れのお匁圓を埠頭たで持っおいきたしょうか  Commander, the commission team is back. Shall we deliver nutritious meals to the pier?
Flagship LadyLou和指挥官䞀起—— レディ・ルヌ、指揮官ず䞀緒に―― Lady Lou and the Commander set sail...
Affinity (Love) Zzzz  嗯嗯  咊指挥官䞺什么圚我的房闎里  嗯原来劂歀这里是办公宀啊  我怎么䌚误䌚了呢  那䞪这里确实是办公宀  对吧 Zzzz  んん あれ 指揮官、なぜ私の郚屋に  んなるほど、ここが執務宀でしたか 私なんでそんな勘違いを  。ええず、ここは本圓に執務宀で合っおいたす よね Zzzz... Mmm... Oh? Commander, why are you in my room... Hm? I see, so this was your office all this time... Why would I make such a mistake? Umm, are you sure this is your office...?