Kisaragi (JP 🇯🇵: 如月, CN 🇹🇼: 如月)
Ship ID No. 272 Star Rating ★☆☆☆
Hull Destroyer Rarity Common
Navy Sakura Empire Build Time 00:21:00
Acquisition Light ship Construction
Enhance Income
Firepower 4
Torpedo 27
Aviation 0
Reload 14
Scrap Income
Medal 0
Oil 3
Gold 4
Release Date
Voice actress Rumi Okubo
Name 月见
Kisaragi Description
Mutsuki-class destroyer number two – Kisaragi.
New Year's Wish Description
Co... commander, Kisaragi's new outfit... How does it look? It's a new year... Kisaragi wants to keep improving...
Kisaragi (Retrofit) Description
Kisaragi... retrofitting complete... I want to be able to help everyone out more...
Firepower D
Torpedo A
Aviation E
Evasion A
Anti-air D
HP 240 Reload 72
Firepower 11 Torpedo 82
Evasion 72 Anti-air 26
Aviation 0 Cost 1
ASW 44 Luck 15
Hit 65 Speed 44.7
Armor Light
HP 1239 Reload 171
Firepower 51 Torpedo 385
Evasion 187 Anti-air 120
Aviation 0 Cost 7
ASW 160 Luck 15
Hit 169 Speed 44.7
Armor Light
HP 1487 Reload 196
Firepower 59 Torpedo 427
Evasion 193 Anti-air 138
Aviation 0 Cost 7
ASW 179 Luck 15
Hit 178 Speed 44.7
Armor Light
HP 1404 Reload 191
Firepower 51 Torpedo 420
Evasion 187 Anti-air 155
Aviation 0 Cost 7
ASW 160 Luck 15
Hit 169 Speed 47.7
Armor Light
HP 1652 Reload 216
Firepower 59 Torpedo 462
Evasion 193 Anti-air 173
Aviation 0 Cost 7
ASW 179 Luck 15
Hit 178 Speed 47.7
Armor Light
Limit Break
Tier 1 Unlock All Out Assault Ⅰ/Torpedo efficiency +5%
Tier 2 Torpedo base +1/Torpedo preload +1/Torpedo efficiency +10%
Tier 3 Improve All Out Assault/All weapons' efficiency +5%
Slot Equipment Type Efficiency (LB 0/1/2/3) Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3) Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
1 Destroyer Gun 70%/70%/70%/75% 1/1/1/1 0/0/0/0
2 Torpedo 125%/130%/140%/145% 1/1/2/2 0/0/1/1
3 Anti-Air Gun 70%/70%/70%/75% 1/1/1/1 0/0/0/0
4 Auxilary - - -
5 Auxilary - - -
Default Equipments
1 Single 120mm Main Gun
2 Triple 610mm Torpedo
Fleet Tech
T3 Destroyer: Mutsuki-Class Tech Points and Bonus
Unlock 2 +1
Max LimitBreak 4
Lv.120 3 +1
Icon Name Description Requirements
Quick Reload Every 20s: 30.0% (60.0%) chance to increase this ship's RLD by 20.0% (40.0%) for 10s.
Double Torpedo When this ship fires its Torpedoes: 15.0% (30.0%) chance to launch a second wave of Torpedoes.
All Out Assault I Activates All Out Assault Ⅰ: Mutsuki Class once every 15 times the Main Guns are fired.
00:21:00 JP CN EN
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 睦月级驱逐舰二番舰—如月 睦月型駆逐艦二番艦・如月 Mutsuki-class destroyer number two – Kisaragi.
Biography 我是睦月级的如月,一直和睦月在一起……讨厌飞机和威克岛,想和大家在一起…… 睦月型の如月、です。睦月といつもいっしょ……ひこうきと「うぇーくとう」がきらい。みんなといっしょにいたい…… I'm Kisaragi of the Mutsuki-class. I'm always with Mutsuki... I hate planes and Wake Island... I just want to be together with everyone...
Acquisition 指……挥(hei)……官?您好,我是如月……那、那个,呜……如月不好吃的,请不要吃我…… し…き…かん?こんにちは、わたしは如月、です…え、えっと、あぅ……如月はおいしくないから、たべないでください…… Com... man... der? Hi, I'm Kisaragi... Uh, umm, uh... I don't taste good, so please don't eat me...
Login 呀!!吓我一跳,还以为是大灰狼来了…… きゃぅ!!びっくり…おおかみさんかとおもいました…… Eek! You scared me... I thought a wolf was coming...
Details 真羡慕睦月那么开朗…… 睦月、うらやましい…… I'm jealous of Mutsuki...
Main 和别人单独相处……好可怕…… ほかのひととふたりきり……こわい…… Being alone with strangers... is so scary...
Main 2 好想和第30驱逐队的大家一起玩…… 「だいさんじゅうくちくたい」のみんなとあそびたい…… I wanna play with the other girls in the Thirtieth Destroyer Division...
Main 3 指挥官,如月呆在这里不会给你添麻烦吧…… しきかん、如月がここにいると、めいわくじゃ、ないですよね…… Commander, I hope I haven't caused you any trouble by staying here...
Touch 呀……!指挥官……不要突然碰我…… きゃっ!しきかん……きゅうにさわらないで…… Eek! Commander... please don't touch me without warning...
Touch (Special) 呀……!有点……奇怪 きゃっ…!ちょっと…ヘン…… Eek...! That feels... a little weird...
Mission 指挥官……有,有任务…… しきかん……に、にんむが、あります… Commander... W-we have new missions...
Mission Complete 指挥官,奖励……我搬不动…… しきかん、ごほうび……わたし、もてないよぉ…… Commander, the rewards... I can't carry them...
Mail 指挥官,有信……真好啊…… しきかん、おてがみ、です…いいなぁ…… Commander, you've got mail... Sounds nice...
Return to Port 辛、辛苦了! ご、ごくろうさまです! W-well done, Commander!
Commission Complete 有姐姐们回来了……她们笑的真开心 おねえちゃんたち、もどってきました……みんな、うれしそう… The older girls have returned... They look so happy...
Enhancement 我能帮上大家忙吗? みんなをたすけますね…? Can I save everyone now...?
Flagship 飞机……讨厌…… ひこうき…いやっ…! Planes... get away from me...!
Victory 那、那个,对不起! あ、あの、ごめんなさい! U-um, I'm sorry!
Defeat 呜呜,如月不好吃的…… あぅ…如月はおいしくないよぉ… *Sob*... I don't taste good...
Skill 睦月,帮帮我…… 睦月、たすけて…… Mutsuki, help me...
Affinity (Upset) 呜呜呜,如月要被吃掉了…… ふぇぇ…如月、たべられちゃうよぉ…… *Crying*... Commander is going to eat me...
Affinity (Stranger) 指挥官……不是来吃掉如月的吗? しきかん……如月のことを、たべないですよね… Commander... you won't eat me, right...?
Affinity (Friendly) 我……是睦月级里最早掉队的……一直很怕生,也很想念大家…… わたし……睦月型でいちばんはやくしずんで……人が怖くて…でもみんなにはあいたい… I... sank the fastest of all Mutsuki-class destroyers... I'm scared of strangers... but I also want to make new friends...
Affinity (Like) 舰队的姐姐们都很温柔,指……挥官也对如月很好,如月喜欢这里…… かんたいのおねえちゃんたち、みんなやさしいいな…しきかんも、如月にやさしいから、如月、ここ、すき…… All the older girls in this fleet are so nice... You're nice to me too, Commander, so I like this place...
Affinity (Love) 如月能一直呆在这里吗?不管是大灰狼,飞机,还是其他可怕的东西来指挥官都会保护我吗? 如月、ここにずっといてもいいですか?おおかみとひこうきがきても、しきかんは如月をまもってくれますか? Can I stay here forever? If a big bad wolf or planes come here, will you protect me from them, Commander?
Pledge 如月……会加油的,虽然我一点也不厉害……但是,我最喜欢这里的大家了…… 如月……ぜんぜんつよくないですけど、がんばります。……みんな、ダイスキですから… I'm Kisaragi... I'll try my best, even if I'm not strong at all... Because... I love everyone...
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 那个,那个,指挥官,如月的新衣服,好、好看吗?新的一年,如月,也想努力一下…… あ、あのぉ…しきかん、如月のあたらしいふく、き、きれい?ことしも、如月、がんばるよぉ……? Uh... umm... Commander, is Kisaragi's new outfit... p-pretty? This year, um... Kisaragi wants to work real hard too!
Acquisition 那个,那个,指挥官,如月的新衣服,好、好看吗?新的一年,如月,也想努力一下…… あ、あのぉ…しきかん、如月のあたらしいふく、き、きれい?ことしも、如月、がんばるよぉ……? Uh... umm... Commander, is Kisaragi's new outfit... p-pretty? This year, um... Kisaragi wants to work real hard too!
Login 呀!!指、指挥官!那个,欢凝肥来! ひゃう!!し、しきかん!あの!おかえりなしゃい! Woah!! C-commander! Um, welcome yack!
Main 我也……想和大家一起玩…… 如月も……みんなとあそびたい…… I also... want to play with everyone else...
Main 2 新的一年……要努力,交到,交到十个朋友! ことしは……ともだちをじゅうにんつくって…がんばる! It's a new year... I've gotta try hard to make... um, make ten new friends!
Main 3 夕立,我也可以去打雪仗吗? ゆ、ゆうだち…如月もゆきがっせん…さんかしていい?? Y-Yuudachi, can I also... join the snow fight?
Touch 指挥官,要一起、一起吃点心吗? しきかん…い、いっしょにおかしたべよ? Commander... let's have some snacks together?
Flagship 如月……会加油的! 如月……がんばるよ! I'm... gonna do my best!
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 如月…改造完了…这次…想帮上大家更多的忙! 如月…かいぞうしゅうりょうしました……もっとみんなのおやくにたちたいです…… Kisaragi... retrofitting complete... I want to be able to help everyone out more...
Acquisition 如月…改造完了…这次…想帮上大家更多的忙! 如月…かいぞうしゅうりょうしました……もっとみんなのおやくにたちたいです…… Kisaragi... retrofitting complete... I want to be able to help everyone out more...
Login 欸,指,指挥官?欢,欢迎回来…… えっ、し、しきかん?お、おかえりなさい…… Um, C-Commander... W-welcome back...
Details 如月……一直被大家照顾着。如月很开心,但是,如月不能总给大家添麻烦…… 如月、みんなからだいじにしてもらってます……う、嬉しいけど、いつまでもめいわくをかけちゃ…ダメ、かも…… Everyone is really nice to me... Th-that makes me happy, but I can't depend on them forever... I think...
Main 睦月给了我一些糖……指挥官,那个,要,要吃吗? 睦月からアメさんをもらったけど……しきかん、あ、あのぉ、たべませんか…? Mutsuki gave me this candy... Commander, w-would you like to have some...?
Main 2 指挥官,我有没有变得……勇敢一点了? しきかん、如月は……すこしユウカンに、なれましたか……? Commander, have I... gotten just a little braver...?
Main 3 指挥官,有没有什么……我能帮上忙的吗? しきかん、如月、おてつだいすることは…ありませんか…? Commander, is there anything I can do to... help you...?
Touch 呀……!有,有什么事情吗,指挥官……? きゃっ!?しきかん……ど、どうしました……? Eep! Commander...! Wh-what is it...?
Touch (Special) 咿——!指,指挥官,不要这样…… ひぃ!?し、しきかん、ダメです……! Eek?! C-Commander, that's naughty...!
Return to Port 指挥官…如月,帮你捶捶背! しきかん、如月、せなかたたきますっ! I can give you a back massage, Commander!