Fumizuki (JP 🇯🇵: 文月, CN 🇹🇼: 文月)
Ship ID No. 277 Star Rating ★★☆☆☆
Hull Destroyer Rarity Rare
Navy Sakura Empire Build Time
Acquisition Event: Ink-Stained Steel Sakura
Enhance Income
Firepower 4
Torpedo 28
Aviation 0
Reload 14
Scrap Income
Medal 1
Oil 3
Gold 4
Release Date
Voice actress Chiyo Ousaki
Fumizuki Description
Mutsuki-class Destroyer number seven – Fumizuki.
Sleepy Fairy Description
Huh...? Where am I...? What time is it...?
Firepower D
Torpedo A
Aviation E
Evasion A
Anti-air D
HP 1263 Reload 175
Firepower 52 Torpedo 396
Evasion 187 Anti-air 112
Aviation 0 Cost 8
ASW 165 Luck 27
Hit 169 Speed 44.7
Armor Light
HP 1516 Reload 201
Firepower 60 Torpedo 438
Evasion 193 Anti-air 128
Aviation 0 Cost 8
ASW 184 Luck 27
Hit 178 Speed 44.7
Armor Light
HP 244 Reload 74
Firepower 11 Torpedo 84
Evasion 72 Anti-air 24
Aviation 0 Cost 2
ASW 45 Luck 27
Hit 65 Speed 44.7
Armor Light
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost 8
ASW Luck 27
Hit Speed 44.7
Armor Light
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost 8
ASW Luck 27
Hit Speed 44.7
Armor Light
Limit Break
Tier 1 Unlock All Out Assault Ⅰ/Torpedo efficiency +5%
Tier 2 Torpedo base +1/Torpedo preload +1/Torpedo efficiency +10%
Tier 3 Improve All Out Assault/All weapons' efficiency +5%
Slot Equipment Type Efficiency (LB 0/1/2/3) Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3) Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
1 Destroyer Gun 70%/70%/70%/75% 1/1/1/1 0/0/0/0
2 Torpedo 125%/130%/140%/145% 1/1/2/2 0/0/1/1
3 Anti-Air Gun 70%/70%/70%/75% 1/1/1/1 0/0/0/0
4 Auxiliary - - -
5 Auxiliary - - -
Default Equipments
1 Single 120mm Main Gun
2 Triple 610mm Torpedo
Fleet Tech
T3 Destroyer: Mutsuki-Class Tech Points and Bonus
Unlock 3 +1
Max LimitBreak 7
Lv.120 5 +1
Icon Name Description Requirements
Quick Reload Every 20s: 30.0% (60.0%) chance to increase this ship's RLD by 20.0% (40.0%) for 10s.
All Out Assault I Activates All Out Assault Ⅰ: Mutsuki Class once every 15 times the Main Guns are fired.
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 睦月级驱逐舰七番舰—文月 睦月型駆逐艦七番艦・文月 Mutsuki-class Destroyer number seven – Fumizuki.
Biography 我是睦月级的文月,和姐妹们一样擅长护卫和运输,是睦月级的驱逐舰……欸?说过了吗? 睦月型の文月、みんなとおなじ、「ゆそうにんむ」と、「ごえいにんむ」がとくいだよ。ええと、文月が睦月型の……およ?もういってたっけ…… I'm Fumizuki, of the Mutsuki class. Like my sisters, I specialize in long-range transport and escort missions. Um, I'm Fumizuki, of the... Huh? Oh wait, I already said that...
Acquisition 指挥官?对了……我在找指挥官来着……嗯?原来你就是吗? しきかん?そうよね、しきかんをさがすべきだよね……およ?あなたがしきかんなの…? Commander? Oh, right... I'm looking for the commander here... Huh? You're the one?
Login 嗯?原来指挥官一直在的吗? およ?しきかん、いたの? Huh? Commander, when'd you get here?
Details 该,该不会我又弄错什么了吧? ま、またまちがえちゃった…? D-Did I mess up again...?
Main 睦月她每天都在吃糖,会不会蛀牙啊…… 睦月ちゃん、まいにちアメさんたべてるけど、むしばにならないのかな…… Mutsuki is always munching on candy every day, won't she get cavities...?
Main 2 卯月又丢东西了,我想帮她找找……嗯?昨天已经找到了吗? 卯月ちゃん、またものをなくしちゃったから、さがすのをてつだって……およ?きのうみつかったの? Uzuki lost something again, so I'd like to help her find it... Huh? It's already been found?
Main 3 要,要帮忙的话,我会加油的…… て、てつだうことがあったら、わたしもがんばるよ…… If... If you need my help with anything, I'll give it my best shot...
Touch 嗯?是要帮我梳头吗? およ?「てぐし」してくれるの? Huh? Are you going to help me brush my hair?
Touch (Special) 嗯?这,这是朋友的象征吗? およ?これがお、おともだちのあかしなの?? Huh? Is this... a symbol of friendship?
Mission 指挥官,那个奖励……嗯?要做完任务才能拿的吗? しきかん、あの、ほうしゅうは……およ?「にんむかんりょう」でもらえるの? Commander, um... about those rewards... Huh? I have to finish the mission first?
Mission Complete 指挥官,还有任务……嗯?已经完成了? しきかん、にんむはまだ……およ?もうかんりょうしたの? Commander, about the mission... Huh? You're already done?
Mail 指挥官,有你的情书……嗯?原来那是水无月的玩笑,不是真的? しきかん、「らぶれたー」……およ?水無月ちゃんのじょーだんなの?ほんとうじゃないの? Commander, there's a love letter for you... Huh? It's not real? Just one of Minazuki's pranks?
Return to Port 嗯?大家不是刚刚才走的吗? およ?みんないったばかりなのに…? Huh? Didn't you guys leave just a minute ago...?
Commission Complete 指挥官,委托还没有……嗯?奖励已经领了吗? しきかん、いたくはまだ……およ?ほうしゅうがもうきてるの? Commander, how are the commissions going... Huh? You've already collected the rewards?
Enhancement 感觉没什么变化…… とくにかわってないっぽい…… I feel about the same-ish...
Flagship 嗯?是要开始攻击了吗? およ?こうげきかいしー、なの? Huh? We're about to start our attack?
Victory 嗯?已经结束了吗? およ?もうおわりなの? Huh? Already over?
Defeat 嗯?要准备撤退了吗? およ?もうてったいするの? Huh? Already retreating?
Skill 嗯?到我了吗? およ?文月のでばん? Huh? It's my turn?
Low HP 嗯?我有危险了吗? およ?ピンチ…? Huh? Am I in a pickle?
Affinity (Upset) 大家都说不要靠近指挥官…… しきかんにちかづいちゃダメって、みんなが…… Everyone warned me... not to get close to the commander...
Affinity (Stranger) 指挥官,我把睦月从办公室偷拿的糖还回来了……嗯?是指挥官给她的吗? しきかん、睦月ちゃんがしつむしつからとっていったアメさんをとりもどしたよ?……およ?睦月ちゃんにあげたものだったの? Commander, I'm returning the candy that Mutsuki swiped from your office... Huh? You gave it to her?
Affinity (Friendly) 指挥官,请和我交往吧……嗯?不是交朋友的意思吗? しきかん、文月とつきあってー…およ?おともだちになろっていみじゃないの? Commander, please consort with me... Huh? That doesn't mean let's be friends?
Affinity (Like) 最近姐妹们看到我和指挥官在一起,都会偷偷说些什么……嗯?是说我帮忙辛苦了吗?我觉得蛮轻松的…… さいきんはしきかんといっしょにいると、みんなにこそこそなにかいわれてるの…およ?おつかれさまっていわれてるの?文月、べつにつかれてないよ……? Recently, my sisters have started whispering things when they see us together... Huh? They're saying I must have a rough time working so hard? But, I'm pretty relaxed...
Affinity (Love) 指挥官,请和我交往吧……嗯?不是喜欢的意思吗? しきかん、文月とつきあってー…およ?あなたのことがダイスキっていみじゃないの? Commander, please consort with me... Huh? That doesn't mean "I like you" either?
Pledge 嗯?为什么大家都在?我和指挥官的关系最好……大家不是早已经都知道了吗? およ?なんでみんながここにいるの?文月としきかんがなかよしなの……みんなしってるのになんで?? Huh? Why is everyone here? Didn't you all already know that Commander and I get along the best... so why?
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 嗯……?我在哪……?现在是……什么时间来着……? およ……?ここどこ……?いまはなんじなの……? Huh...? Where am I...? What time is it...?
Acquisition 嗯……?我在哪……?现在是……什么时间来着……? およ……?ここどこ……?いまはなんじなの……? Huh...? Where am I...? What time is it...?
Login 下午好……指挥官……嗯?不是下午吗? しきかん……こんにちは……およ?ちがうの…? Commander, good afternoon... Huh? It's not...?
Main 水无月……好吵…… 水無月……うるさいよ…… Minazuki... keep it down...
Main 2 再让我睡一会……不行吗……呼…… もうちょっと……ねさせて……Zzzz…… Lemme sleep... a bit longer... Zzzzz...
Main 3 带着枕头的话,就能随时睡觉了……嗯?不行吗? まくらをもっていればいつでもねれ……およ?ダメなの? If I bring a pillow with me, I'll be able to sleep on the go... Huh? I can't?
Touch 指挥官的腿……好舒服…… しきかんのふともも……きもちいい…… Commander's leg... so comfy...
Touch (Special) 唔唔……这样……睡不着…… うぅ……ねれないよ…… Ughh... can't fall asleep...
Return to Port 呼……呼……指挥官?什么时候回来的…… Zzzzz……Zzzz……およ?しきかん?いつもどったの…? Zzzzz... Zzzz... Huh? Commander? When'd you get back?