Juneau (JP 🇯🇵: ジュノー, CN 🇹🇼: 朱诺)
Ship IDNo. 35Star Rating★★☆☆☆
Hull Light CruiserRarityRare
NavyEagle UnionBuild Time01:10:00
AcquisitionHonor medal exchange, Explore Stage5-2, Light ship Construction
Enhance Income
Scrap Income
Release Date
Voice actressJuri Kimura
Atlanta-class light cruiser – Juneau, Hull Number CL-52!
HP605 Reload66
Firepower24 Torpedo29
Evasion28 Anti-air81
Aviation0 Cost0
ASW46 Luck18
HP2578 Reload127
Firepower66 Torpedo80
Evasion108 Anti-air294
Aviation0 Cost0
ASW115 Luck19
Limit Break
Tier 1Unlock All Out Assault Ⅰ | AA gun efficiency +5%
Tier 2Torpedo base +1 | Torpedo preload +1 | AA gun efficiency +10%
Tier 3Improve All Out Assault | All weapons' efficiency +5%
SlotEquipment TypeEfficiency (LB 0/1/2/3)Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3)Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
1Destroyer Gun100%/100%/100%/105%1/1/1/10/0/0/0
3Anti-Air Gun140%/145%/155%/160%1/1/1/10/0/0/0
Default Equipments
1Twin 127mm MK12 Dual Gun
3Quadruple 28mm Chicago Piano
Fleet Tech
T5 Light Cruiser: Atlanta-ClassTech Points and Bonus
Unlock6 +1
Max LimitBreak12
Lv.1209 +1
MartyrWhen this ship sinks: heals all ships in your fleet for 15.0% (25.0%) of their max HP.Default Unlocked
Anti-Air ModeWhen this ship fires its Anti-Air Guns: 25.0% chance to increase this ship's AA by 20.0% (40.0%) but decrease its FP by 40.0% (20.0%) for 3s.Default Unlocked
All Out Assault ⅡActivates All Out Assault Ⅱ: Atlanta Class once every 8 times the Main Guns are fired.???
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description亚特兰大级轻巡洋舰—朱诺,舷号CL-52アトランタ級軽巡洋艦・ジュノー(CL-52)Atlanta-class light cruiser – Juneau, Hull Number CL-52!
Biography我、我是亚特兰大级的朱诺。好像是因为防空很强所以加入了航空母舰特遣舰队,但是我其实很怕被打中的……真遗憾没能回到埃斯皮里图桑托岛……ア、アトランタ級のジュノーです…対空能力が高いからって機動艦隊に配属されましたけど、実は撃たれるのが怖くて……エスピリトサントには帰れなかったのは残念でした…I-I'm Juneau, an Atlanta-class anti-aircraft cruiser... Because I have high anti-air capabilities, I was assigned to a Task Force, but I'm actually scared of getting shot... Unfortunately I couldn't make it back home from Espiritu Santo...
Acquisition巡、巡洋舰……朱诺……的说……我比较怕疼……呜!指挥官看起来好可怕!じゅ、巡洋艦……ジュノーです……痛いのは怖い……うぅ!指揮官さんも怖いです…!I-I'm Juneau... I'm a cruiser... I'm scared of pain... *Sob* And I'm scared of you, Commander...!
Login指、指挥官……朱诺有一、一直在这里等着你哦……し、指揮官さん…ジュノーはず、ずっと待っていますからね……C-Commander... I'll always be w-waiting for you here...
Details脚上的旧伤吗?嗯……虽然还是有点别扭,但是朱诺不会拖大家的后腿的足の…古傷ですか?うん……まだちょっとぎこちないけど、みんなの足は引っ張りません…!The... old injury to my foot? Well... my foot's still a bit stiff, but I won't ever let myself drag everyone else down...!
Main呀!吓,吓死我了,原来是指挥官呀……きゃ!…指揮官さん?び、びっくりしました…*Eek* Commander?! Y-you scared me...
Main 2勇敢……比想象的要难好多呢もっと勇敢になりたい…でもとっても難しいですよぉ・・・I want to be brave... But it's really hard...
Main 3指挥官,朱诺给你带来麻烦了吗…指揮官さん、ジュノーが迷惑をかけましたか…?Commander, have I annoyed you in any way...?
Touch请……请温柔一点……朱诺很容易受伤的……や…優しくしてください…ジュノーは痛いのを感じやすいから……Pl... please be gentle... I'm very susceptible to pain...
Touch (Special)呜……んっ……あぅ……Mmh... *Whimper*...
Mission欸?任务?——呜……希望不是反潜……え?任務ですか?ーーほぇ……対潜任務じゃなければいいけど…What? A mission? I don't mind as long as we aren't fighting submarines...
Mission Complete奖励什么的……能看到大家在一起就是最大的快乐了ボーナスなんて……みんなと一緒にいられるだけで十分です…I don't need any rewards... just being here with everyone is enough for me...
Mail指挥官……打扰一下……你的信……指揮官さん……す、すみません……メールです……Commander... excuse me... here's your mail...
Return to Port真希望战争能早点结束……虽然不知道那时候会在哪早く戦争が終わらないかなぁ……そうしたらみんなとどこに行こう…I'm really hoping this war will end soon... Once it's over, let's all go someplace together...
Commission Complete那个……指挥官……有委托完成了喔……あのぉ…指揮官さん…完了した委託がありますよ…?Umm... Commander... there's a commission that's been completed...
Enhancement朱诺……会加油的……!ジュノー……頑張ります……!I'll... try to work harder...!
Flagship大家……注意保护好自己……小心那些讨厌的潜艇……みんな…、守りに気を配って…嫌な潜水艦に注意して…Everyone... look after yourselves... and watch out for those mean submarines...
Victory呼……真是好险,差点就被击中了……呜,第一名什么的——能活着回来就谢天谢地了……ふぅ…‥危うく被弾するところだった…うう…一位とかーー帰ってこれるだけでもせいいっぱいなのに……Phew... I almost got hit... *Sob*... I don't care about being the MVP... I'm just trying my best so I can come home in one piece...
Defeat好痛!……左脚、左脚不能动了……谁来,救救我……痛い!……左足が動かない……誰か、助けて……That hurts! ... I can't feel my left foot... Someone come save me....!
Skill朱诺,也想努,努力的说!ジュノーも!が、頑張るのです!Me too! I-I'll give it my best shot!
Affinity (Upset)不要靠近我!——对不起……觉得指挥官有点可怕……来ないで!ーーごめんなさい……指揮官さんがちょっと怖くて……Don't come near me! ...Sorry, I think you're a little scary, Commander...
Affinity (Stranger)我……经常会做噩梦,梦到有五个看不清脸但是彼此很像的人叫我和他们一起走……我很害怕……ジュノーは……よく悪い夢を見ますけど、なぜか顔がぼやけた似ている人が5人いて、ジュノーに一緒に行こうって……怖いです……I... often have nightmares about five brothers whose faces are all blurred, and they tell me to come with them... It's really scary...
Affinity (Friendly)指挥官,今天能一起睡吗……和指挥官一起睡很安心……指揮官さん、今日も一緒に寝てもいいですか……指揮官さんと一緒に寝るととても安心します……Commander, can I go to bed with you again tonight? ... I feel very safe when I sleep next to you...
Affinity (Like)就算不怕噩梦了……也,也还能和指挥官一起睡吗?悪夢がもう怖くなくても……し、指揮官さんと一緒に寝てもいいですか…?I'm not afraid of having nightmares anymore... b-but can I still sleep together with you, Commander...?
Affinity (Love)最近梦到那五个人时……看清了他们的脸,他们还笑着祝福我……但我反而觉得好难过,好想哭,我真的可以和指挥官一起得到幸福吗,这不是梦吧…最近あの5人の人達の夢を見た時……顔がはっきり見えていて、笑顔で祝福してくれていました……でもすごく悲しくて泣きそうで(咽び泣く)…ジュノーは指揮官さんと一緒に幸せになれますか?夢じゃないですか……?Now when I dream about those five brothers... I can see their faces clearly, and they bless me with their smiles... But somehow it was so sad it almost made me cry... *Tearful sobbing*... Can I really live happily together with you, Commander? It's not just a dream, right...?
Pledge……嗯,我相信指挥官……我会告诉他们我找到了幸福,而且会连带他们的份一起努力活着的……我现在……非常幸福……はい、指揮官さんのこと信じています……あの人たちには今は幸せ、あなたたちの分も生きていきますって話してきました……今は……本当に幸せです…...Mhm, I have faith in you, Commander... I told the people in my dreams that I've found happiness and would do my best to live on for their sake as well... I'm truly... truly happy right now...
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description白鸟先生羽毛蓬松,抱着又暖暖的,好舒服~欸嘿嘿…还戴上了配合朱诺新衣服的蝴蝶结…欸?指挥官要帮我们拍照吗?如、如果不麻烦的话,就拜托你了…!白鳥さん、ふわふわ暖かくてとても気持ちいいです。えへへ、ジュノーのドレスに合わせて、お揃いのリボンまでつけてもらって…え?指揮官さん、写真を撮ってくれるのですか?め、迷惑じゃなければお願いします…!This swan is so soft and pettable... Heehee, it even let me put a ribbon on it. Now we have matching looks... Huh? You could take a picture of us? I-if it's not too much work then please, by all means!
Acquisition白鸟先生羽毛蓬松,抱着又暖暖的,好舒服~欸嘿嘿…还戴上了配合朱诺新衣服的蝴蝶结…欸?指挥官要帮我们拍照吗?如、如果不麻烦的话,就拜托你了…!白鳥さん、ふわふわ暖かくてとても気持ちいいです。えへへ、ジュノーのドレスに合わせて、お揃いのリボンまでつけてもらって…え?指揮官さん、写真を撮ってくれるのですか?め、迷惑じゃなければお願いします…!This swan is so soft and pettable... Heehee, it even let me put a ribbon on it. Now we have matching looks... Huh? You could take a picture of us? I-if it's not too much work then please, by all means!
Login听说花园里面的景色也很漂亮…如,如果指挥官能和朱诺合影的话,朱诺会很开心的…!奥の景色も素晴らしいと聞きます。指揮官さん、も、もしよかったらジュノーと一緒に写真を撮ってもらえると嬉しい、ですI've heard the scenery out back is stunning too. Commander, I-I'd love to snap some pictures of it with you, if you don't mind.
Details啊,湖水在太阳的照耀下熠熠生辉…好好看啊…!指挥官,我们去那边看看吧,呀!呜呜…对不起,裙子穿不惯差点摔倒了。谢谢指挥官扶住了我…!あっ、そこの湖がお日様に照らされてキラキラしてますね…!指揮官さん、そちらへ行ってみ、きゃっ!うぅ…ごめんなさい、ドレスは着慣れないので危うく転んじゃうところでした。助けてくれてありがとうございます…!Oh, the sun's reflection in that lake looks amazing! Commander, can we go have a closer– Eek! ...Ugh, sorry for that. I almost tripped there because I'm not used to walking in a dress. Thank you for catching me...!
Main看到指挥官亲近动物,显露出比平时更加温柔的一面时,总觉得当初朱诺会害怕很不可思议呢…诶嘿嘿…動物とふれあい、指揮官さんの優しい一面が見れて、なんだか初めの頃ジュノーが怖がっていたのが嘘みたいですね…えへへHaving seen your gentle side and petted these swans, it feels like my scaredy-cat self is no longer, you know? Heehee.
Main 2谢谢指挥官的夸奖!多亏了圣胡安呢,无论是挑选衣服,还是陪我聊天缓解约会前的紧张…要好好感谢她才行呢…ドレスが似合ってると褒めてくれてありがとうございます!服選びを含め、デートの前準備で緊張してたところをサンフアンがいろいろサポートしてくれたおかげですThank you for telling me I look good in this! San Juan really deserves credit for helping me get through my anxiety preparing for this date, including picking out this dress.
Main 3期盼已久的约会,还和指挥官合影了…朱诺真是太幸福了…呜呜念願のデートができただけじゃなく、指揮官さんとのツーショット写真まで撮ってもらえて…ジュノーは幸せ者ですね…うぅNot only do I get the date of my dreams, but I also get to be in a picture just with you... I'm an extremely lucky person, aren't I? Aw gosh...
Touch蕾丝裙摆,很漂亮对吧…朱诺也很喜欢><レースの裾、綺麗ですよね…ジュノーも気に入っています><Aren't these frills pretty? I really like them too...
Touch (Special)呀,呜…///ひゃっ、ひゃうぅ…///Oh... Oh gosh...
Mission不好意思指挥官,好像来新任务了…朱诺也会一起努力的!すみません指揮官さん、新しい任務のようです…ジュノーも一緒に頑張ります!Excuse me, Commander, I think you have new missions. I'll try to do my part in them!
Mission Complete获得了好多任务的报酬…!这样就可以买好多给圣地亚哥她们的礼物了任務のボーナス、いっぱいもらえました…!これでサンディエゴたちに沢山お土産買えますねThat's quite a lot of mission rewards! This should be enough to buy gifts for San Diego and my friends.
Return to Port指挥官,要是走累的话,在长椅上休息一会吧?朱诺会加油想想接下来去哪里的!指揮官さん、歩き疲れたら、ベンチで一休みしましょう?次にどこを回ればいいか、ジュノー頑張って考えてみますね!You could rest on the bench if your feet are sore, Commander. I'll figure out where we should go next in the meanwhile!
Commission Complete不行不行,不是看景色看入迷的时候…指挥官,委托完成了哦…!いけないいけない。景色に見惚れている場合じゃなかった…指揮官さん、委託が完了しました…!Oops, I got completely distracted by the scenery... Commander, a commission just got completed!
Flagship为了让安稳的日常持续下去,朱诺…会加油的…!この穏やかな日常がいつまでも続きますように、ジュノー…頑張ります…!I'll do everything I can to make these peaceful days last forever...!
Victory诶嘿诶嘿,白鸟先生也为我们高兴呢えへへ、白鳥さんも喜んでくれてますよHeehee. The swan is happy for us.
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description改造项目好多…不、不过朱诺总算坚持到改造完成了!虽然还是怕疼…但为了指挥官,朱诺还是可以鼓起勇气的!改修項目が沢山ありましたけど、か、改修終了まで頑張れました!まだ痛いのは怖いですけど、ジュノー、指揮官さんのために勇気振り絞ってみせます…!After all that painstaking work, I've f-finally managed to complete my retrofit! Even though I'm still afraid of getting hurt, I'll try to be brave for you, Commander!
Acquisition改造项目好多…不、不过朱诺总算坚持到改造完成了!虽然还是怕疼…但为了指挥官,朱诺还是可以鼓起勇气的!改修項目が沢山ありましたけど、か、改修終了まで頑張れました!まだ痛いのは怖いですけど、ジュノー、指揮官さんのために勇気振り絞ってみせます…!After all that painstaking work, I've f-finally managed to complete my retrofit! Even though I'm still afraid of getting hurt, I'll try to be brave for you, Commander!
Login早安,指挥官…要是有能帮忙的地方,朱诺会很开心的…おはようございます、指揮官さん…ジュノーにも手伝えること、あると嬉しいです…Good morning, Commander... I'd be happy to do anything I can to help.
Details强化了的装备…虽然还有不习惯的地方,但是朱诺不会拖后腿的…!強化された装備…まだ慣れないところもありますけど、足手まといにはなりません…!I'll need some getting used to my improved gear... but I swear I won't be a liability!
Main为了让战争早日结束,朱诺能做的事是…啊,指挥官,原来在啊?戦争が早く終わるように、ジュノーにできることは…あっ。指揮官さん、い、いたのですか?What can I do to make this war end sooner... Oh, Commander? Wh-what are you doing here?
Main 2看着指挥官和大家战斗会觉得坐立不安…朱诺…也想有朝一日像大家那样大显身手…!指揮官さんやみんなの戦う姿を見るとそわそわしてきます…ジュノーもい、いつかは…ああいう風に活躍したいです…!Seeing how the rest of the fleet fights gives me goosebumps... I hope I can be like them one day...!
Main 3圣地亚哥明明是妹妹,但是比身为姐姐的我厉害多了…不行不行。朱诺也要加油才行…!サンディエゴは妹なのに、姉の私より全然すごい…ダメダメっ。ジュノーも頑張らなくちゃ…!San Diego is leagues better than me, despite being my little sister... No, I can't think that way! I have to keep working at it!
Touch这是给好好努力了的朱诺的奖励吗?谢谢><よく頑張ったジュノーへのご褒美ですか?ありがとうございます><Is this a reward for the work I've done? Aww, thank you!
Touch (Special)呜…请,请对朱诺温柔些…あぅ…ジュノーにや、優しくしてください…Eep! P-please be gentle with me...
Return to Port指挥官今天也辛苦了…可以的话,下次请带上朱诺…朱诺想和大家一起加油…指揮官さん、今日もお疲れ様です…よかったら今度、ジュノーも連れてってください…みんなと一緒に頑張ってみたい、です…Great work out there, Commander... Won't you please take me with you next time? I want to fight side-by-side with everyone else...
Commission Complete那个……指挥官…委托好像完成了…す、すみません、指揮官さん…委託が完了したようです…E-excuse me, Commander... A commission was just completed...
Enhancement多亏了指挥官…!指揮官さんのおかげです…!I owe it all to you, Commander!
Flagship就算出现了讨厌的潜水艇,朱诺也…!嫌な潜水艦が現れても、きっと…っ!I'll probably be fine, even if submarines show up...
Victory多亏了指挥官才能拿到第一!不管怎么说,顺利结束战斗才是最让人安心的…指揮官さんあっての一位ですっ!一位で嬉しいですけど、何より無事に終わってほっとしました…This is entirely thanks to you, Commander! I'm happy to be the MVP, but I'm just more relieved that the battle's over...