Atlanta (JP 🇯🇵: アトランタ, CN 🇹🇼: 亚特兰大)
Ship ID No. 34 Star Rating ★★☆☆☆
Hull Light Cruiser Rarity Rare
Navy Eagle Union Build Time 01:10:00
Acquisition Honor medal exchange, Explore Stage5-2, Light ship Construction
Enhance Income
Firepower 10
Torpedo 10
Aviation 0
Reload 12
Scrap Income
Medal 1
Oil 3
Gold 6
Release Date
Voice actress Kazusa Aranami
Name 梦咲枫
Atlanta Description
Atlanta-class light cruiser – Atlanta, Hull Number CL-51!
Firepower D
Torpedo D
Aviation E
Evasion B
Anti-air S
HP 3126 Reload 156
Firepower 112 Torpedo 137
Evasion 73 Anti-air 380
Aviation 0 Cost 9
ASW 168 Luck 12
Hit 150 Speed 32.5
Armor Light
HP 3517 Reload 179
Firepower 129 Torpedo 157
Evasion 95 Anti-air 422
Aviation 0 Cost 9
ASW 187 Luck 12
Hit 168 Speed 32.5
Armor Light
HP 605 Reload 66
Firepower 24 Torpedo 29
Evasion 28 Anti-air 81
Aviation 0 Cost 2
ASW 46 Luck 12
Hit 58 Speed 32.5
Armor Light
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost 9
ASW Luck 12
Hit Speed 32.5
Armor Light
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost 9
ASW Luck 12
Hit Speed 32.5
Armor Light
Limit Break
Tier 1 Unlock All Out Assault Ⅰ/AA gun efficiency +5%
Tier 2 Torpedo base +1/Torpedo preload +1/AA gun efficiency +10%
Tier 3 Improve All Out Assault/All weapons' efficiency +5%
Slot Equipment Type Efficiency (LB 0/1/2/3) Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3) Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
1 Destroyer Gun 100%/100%/100%/105% 1/1/1/1 0/0/0/0
2 Torpedo 130%/130%/130%/135% 1/1/2/2 0/0/1/1
3 Anti-Air Gun 140%/145%/155%/160% 1/1/1/1 0/0/0/0
4 Auxiliary - - -
5 Auxiliary - - -
Default Equipments
1 Twin 127mm MK12 Dual Gun
3 Quadruple 28mm Chicago Piano
Fleet Tech
T5 Light Cruiser: Atlanta-Class Tech Points and Bonus
Unlock 6 +1
Max LimitBreak 12
Lv.120 9 +1
Icon Name Description Requirements
Anti-Air Command: Cruisers Increases the AA of all Cruisers in your fleet by 5.0% (15.0%). Does not stack with the same skill.
Anti-Air Mode When this ship fires its Anti-Air Guns: 25.0% chance to increase this ship's AA by 20.0% (40.0%) but decrease its FP by 40.0% (20.0%) for 3s.
All Out Assault I Activates All Out Assault Ⅰ: Atlanta Class once every 12 times the Main Guns are fired.
01:10:00 JP CN EN
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 亚特兰大级轻巡洋舰—亚特兰大,舷号CL-51 アトランタ級軽巡洋艦・アトランタ(CL-51) Atlanta-class light cruiser – Atlanta, Hull Number CL-51!
Biography 轻型防空巡洋舰亚特兰大……做过大西洋舰队第10、第11巡演舰队的旗舰。太平洋上的军事行动基本都参加过呢,总统都夸过我! 防空巡洋艦アトランタよ。……大西洋艦隊第10、第11巡洋艦隊の旗艦を務めただけでなく、太平洋上の軍事行動もほとんど参加したの。大統領にも褒められたことがあるのよ! I'm the anti-aircraft cruiser Atlanta... I was the flagship of the 10th and 11th Atlantic cruising fleet and I've taken part in nearly every military operation in the Pacific. Even the President has given me praise!
Acquisition 轻型防空巡洋舰亚特兰大,指挥官,让您久等了。之后的事就放心的交给姐姐我吧! 防空巡洋艦アトランタよ。おまたせ、指揮官。これからは安心してお姉さんに任せなさい! I'm the anti-aircraft cruiser Atlanta. Kept you waiting, huh, Commander? But from now on you can rest easy and let me handle everything!
Login 指挥官,有什么问题都尽管告诉姐姐我吧 指揮官、問題あればいつでも言ってください! Commander, if you ever run into a problem, please tell me!
Details 啊,指挥官在盯着呢……要做出姐姐的样子才行! あ、指揮官が見てる…姉としてちゃんとしないと! Ah, Commander's looking... I have to behave like a big sister!
Main 不做旗舰的日子真是清闲啊…… 旗艦務めじゃないと本当に暇だよね…… Not being a flagship sure is more peaceful...
Main 2 旧金山这家伙……真是太靠不住了!打一下就算了,你有见过误伤十几下的么? サンフランシスコのやつほんとにひどかったの!一発ならまだしも、十発以上じゃ誤射でも何でもないわよ! San Francisco was terrible to me! Just once is tolerable for accidental friendly fire, but she shot me well over ten times!
Main 3 我有特别的打飞机技巧,指挥官你要听么? コウクウキを撃ち落とすのが得意よ。指揮官にも教えてあげようか? Shooting down aircraft is my specialty. Want me to teach you how to do it, Commander?
Touch 唔,不要这么摸呀……我做姐姐的形象都没了 あぅ、これ以上触らないで……姉としての尊厳が~ Mgh, don't touch me like that... My big sister image would be ruined!
Touch (Special) 呀——!干、干什么呀突然!? きゃっ!急になにするのよ!? *Eek* W-what are you doing?!
Mission 指挥官,这些没完成的任务要交给我吗? 指揮官は、未完了の任務はアトランタに任せたってこと? So, does this mean you're leaving all your unfinished missions to me, Commander?
Mission Complete 任务奖励送来了呢,我那份就让给妹妹们好了 ミッションボーナスが届いたよ。私の分は妹たちに譲るわ Our mission rewards have arrived. I'll give my share of the rewards to my little sisters.
Mail 有新邮件寄达了!不知道有没有妹妹们的信…… 新しいメール!妹たち宛のがないかな…… You've got new mail! I wonder if any of the messages are from my sisters...
Return to Port 不愧是我的指挥官,这点程度小意思吧 さすがは私の指揮官、これぐらいは平気だよね? That's the Commander I know. No problem for you at all, right?
Commission Complete 指挥官,委托的时间已经到了,去迎接姐妹们吧 指揮官、委託完了の時間よ。皆を迎えに行こう? Commander, the commission's done. Are we gonna go welcome the girls back?
Enhancement 接下来也都交给姐姐我吧! これからもお姉さんに任せて! Let me handle things from now on!
Flagship 多炮塔神教是什么意思?让姐姐教、给、你、吧! 大量砲塔ドクトリンの真価、お姉さんが教えてあ・げ・る! I'll show you what the tons-of-guns doctrine is really worth!
Victory 目标肃清完毕,请求下一个任务! 目標掃討完了、次の任務を要請する! All targets eliminated. Requesting new mission!
Defeat 呃,糟糕,我的作为姐姐的形象…… うっ、しまった、姉としての尊厳が… Argh, this is bad... My big sister image is ruined...
Skill 决胜负吧! 勝負よ! It's on now!
Affinity (Upset) 我不是你这种家伙的亲姐姐真是太好了…… 時々本当のお姉さんじゃなくてよかったと思う… Sometimes I'm happy that I'm not actually your big sister...
Affinity (Stranger) 所谓姐姐可不是看身材决定的,要有气质才行,所以说,尽管依赖姐姐我吧 姉というのはスタイルを見せるのではなく、性格こそよくないと務まらないの。だから、このお姉さんに思いっきり頼って頂戴♪ Being a big sister isn't just about looking like one, you need to have the personality of one as well. That's why you can depend on me all you want~!
Affinity (Friendly) 大就是好,多就是美,你不觉得吗?……喂!你在看哪里?不够大还真是抱歉啊! 大きいのがいいなぁ~あなたもそう思わない?…あ!どこを見てんのよ!大きくなくて悪かったわね! The bigger the better, don't you think? ...Hey! What are you staring at?! Gee, sorry for not being big enough, I guess!
Affinity (Like) 指挥官会喜欢占主动的姐姐型的吗?比如……我这样的…… 指揮官は積極的なお姉さんが好き?例えば……私みたいな…… Are you fond of assertive big sister type characters? That is to say... someone like me...
Affinity (Love) ——诶?希望在各方面都能得到姐姐的引导?当当当当然没没没问题了!谁叫我是姐、姐姐呢! ーーえ?お姉さんに導いてほしいって?ももももちろん大丈夫よ!だ、だって私はお姉さんなんだからね! ... Huh? You want me to take the initiative? O-o-o-o-of course, I don't mind! I-I mean, I'm your big sister after all, so it's my job to guide you!
Pledge 谢谢,接下来的日子里我也……欸?想要我这个姐姐的引导所以要由我送给你?好像……也有道理……那……我们再来一遍? ありがとう…これからも……え?私に導いてほしいから、私から渡したほうがいいって?い、一理あるけど……じゃ…もう一回…する? Thank you... From now on I'll... What? You'd prefer it if I took the initiative and gave it to you instead? Y-you have a point... Okay then, should we do it again from the start?