Janus (JP 🇯🇵: , CN 🇹🇌: )
Ship IDNo. 569Star Rating★★★☆☆☆
Hull DestroyerRaritySuper Rare
NavyRoyal NavyBuild Time
Enhance Income
Scrap Income
Release Date
Voice actress
HP333 Reload86
Firepower22 Torpedo90
Evasion78 Anti-air35
Aviation0 Cost0
ASW64 Luck53
HP1547 Reload166
Firepower61 Torpedo230
Evasion262 Anti-air132
Aviation0 Cost0
ASW156 Luck56
Limit Break
Tier 1Unlock All Out Assault | Main gun efficiency +5%
Tier 2Torpedo base +1 | Torpedo preload +1 | Main gun efficiency +10%
Tier 3Improve All Out Assault | All weapons' efficiency +5%
SlotEquipment TypeEfficiency (LB 0/1/2/3)Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3)Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
Default Equipments
Fleet Tech
T Destroyer: J-ClassTech Points and Bonus
Unlock +
Max LimitBreak
Lv.120 +
Pl-Please Take CareIncreases this ship's FP, TRP, and ASW by 1.0% (10.0%) . When the battle starts, if there are 3 or more Royal Navy ships in your fleet: deploys a barrier (lasts 20s; can negate DMG equal to up to 1.0% (5.0%) of the recipient's max HP) around your Royal Navy DD(s); if the barrier is destroyed or expires, decreases the barrier recipient's DMG taken by 1.0% (10.0%) for 20s. When sortied with another J-class DD: increases your J-class DDs' FP, TRP, and ACC by 1.0% (10.0%) .???
Charming JanusEvery 15s after the battle starts: 45.0% (75.0%) chance to fire a Lv.1 (Lv.10) special barrage (DMG is based on the skill's level); enemies hit by this barrage take 12.0% increased DMG from your DDs and CLs for 5s (does not stack). If this barrage does not activate, instead performs a sonar scan that renders enemy SSs detected for 8s.???
All Out Assault IIActivates All Out Assault II: Janus once every 10 times the Main Guns are fired.???
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship DescriptionJ级驱逐舰—雅努斯Jクラス駆逐艊――ゞェヌナスJ-class destroyer – Janus.
Biography我我是皇家所属的普普通通的J级的驱逐舰雅努斯  我我圚枯区里䌚埈努力的䞀定胜垮䞊指挥官还有倧家的  呜还还是埈玧匠  ロ、ロむダル所属の普通のJクラス駆逐艊のゞェヌナスです  ここで粟䞀杯がんばっお指揮官ずみんなの圹に立っおみせたす  あぅ、ただ緊匵しお H-hello, I'm Janus, a J-class destroyer from the Royal Navy... I'll work hard so that I can be of use to you and everyone else here! ...Ahh, I'm still so nervous...
Acquisition小声䞍芁怕雅努斯只是简单的打招呌䜠胜做到的  那䞪指挥官悚悚奜我是J级的雅努斯  突然前来打扰劂果冒犯了非垞对䞍起呜  小声倧䞈倫だよゞェヌナス、ただの挚拶だからきっずできるよ  あの指揮官、は、はじめたしおJクラスのゞェヌナスず蚀いたす  突然蚪れお倱瀌なこずがありたしたら申し蚳ございたせんあぅ (Y-you can do it, Janus! It's just a simple greeting!) ...Ah, um! Commander, p-pleased to meet you! I am Janus of the J class! Please forgive me if my sudden visitation was discourteous to you in any way...
Login  欞指挥官什么时候回来的  䞍对那䞪  欢欢迎回来  指揮官い、い぀の間に  違いたすその おおおおかえりなさいたせ...Commander?! Wh-when did you... I mean, my apologies! Um... W-w-w-w-welcome back!
Details今倩也发生了埈倚事情呢郜记䞋来吧  欞指挥官这这䞪是日记  对䞍起这䞪䞍胜给悚看今日も色々あったね うん、日蚘に曞いお  し、指揮官これはただの日蚘垳で すみたせん芋せられたせんっSo much stuff happened today... Mm, I should record it down in my diary... C-Commander?! Th-this is just an ordinary diary... Sorry! I can't let you read it!
Main  指挥宀奜安静啊。这䞪时候莞然打扰指挥官䌚䞍䌚䞍倪奜    執務宀は静かで 指揮官に声をかけたら迷惑になるんじゃ (...I don't hear anything from the office... I'll end up disturbing the Commander if I walk in right now, won't I...)
Main 2垌望今倩的倧海也胜风平浪静  这样的话远航的同䌎们就可以平安園来了  今日も凪いだ海でありたすように そしお出航した仲間たちが無事戻っおこれたすように I hope the seas will remain calm today... and that my friends who have set sail will return home safely...
Main 3指挥官劂劂果莟绎斯对䜠诎了过分的话请䞍芁怪眪她  我我䌚替她道歉的も、もしゞャヌノィスちゃんが指揮官に倱瀌なこずを蚀っおも、どうか責めないであげおくださいか、代わりにわたしが謝りたすからUm, if Jervis happens to say something rude to you, please don't hold it against her! If, if anything, I'll apologize in her place!
Touch呀  对对䞍起只是有点被吓到了所以  ひゃう  す、すみたせんちょっずびっくりしちゃっお぀い っHyeep?! ...S-sorry! That just startled me a bit...
Touch (Special)呜呜  是是我做错了什么必须芁受到惩眚吗  ううぅ め、迷惑をかけおしたったおしおきなのでしょうか  *whimpers*... I-is this my punishment for being a burden...?
Touch (Headpat)奜舒服  欞对对䞍起刚刚走神了  いい気持ち  ほぇす、すみたせん今別のこずを考えおいたした  That feels so nice... Pweh?! S-so sorry! I was completely distracted by something else just now...
Mission指挥官任任务  对、对䞍起我䞍是故意圚这䞪时候提的指揮官、に、任務が  す、すみたせんわざずこのタむミングで知らせる぀もりはなかったんですCommander, um, about the mission... S-sorry! I wasn't trying to specifically bring that up right now!
Mission Complete䞍愧是指挥官这么快就完成了任务  欞我也有功劳吗嗯嗯胜垮䞊悚就奜さすが指揮官、もう任務を完了させたんですね  わ、わたしのおかげ は、はいお圹に立おおなによりですWow, you're already done with your work? How impressive... I-it was only possible because of me...? Th-thank you! I'm glad I was able to be of help!
Mail指挥官有䜠的信件  倪奜了顺利䌠蟟到了指揮官、お手玙です  ちゃんず䌝えられおよかったですCommander, your mail is here! ...Phew, I'm glad I was able to deliver it to you promptly!
Return to Port指、指挥官䜜战蟛苊了有、有没有什么胜䞺悚做的 し、指揮官䜜戊お疲れ様でしたわ、わたしに䜕かできるこずがありたしたら  C-Commander! Great job on your sortie! Is there, um, anything I can do to help?
Commission Complete委托队回来了  请请让我䞀起去迎接  呜芁䞍还是算了  委蚗組が戻っおきたした  で、出迎えはわたしも連れおいただけたら  い、いただけなくおも  The commission team has returned... P-please allow me to come with you! ...Well, actually, it's fine if you don't...
Enhancement光是区化还䞍借芁曎加努力才行  匷化だけじゃなく、わたしももっず頑匵らないず Just getting stronger isn't good enough. I also have to keep working harder...
Flagship没事的雅努斯䜠可以做到的䜠可以打莥他们的倧䞈倫だよゞェヌナス、きっずできるよ敵を倒せるよDon't worry, Janus, you can do this! You can totally handle those enemies!
Victory指挥官我我做到了指揮官ゞェヌナス、やりたしたDid you see that, Commander? I, I did it!
Defeat呜  蟓了胞口奜隟受  うっ   負けちゃいたした 胞の䞭が぀らいです  Ugh... I lost... What's this tight feeling in my chest...?
Skill请请退后吧ど、どいおくださいP-please stand aside!
Low HP我䞍想拖倧家后腿  我芁振䜜起来才行みんなの足を匕っ匵りたくない  しっかりしなきゃI mustn't drag the others down... I have to be strong!
Affinity (Upset)“我果然还是什么郜做䞍到  什么郜垮䞍䞊  ”「やっぱりゞェヌナスは䜕もできないし  䜕の圹にも立おないんだ 」"I knew it... I can't do anything after all... or be of use to anyone..."
Affinity (Stranger)“虜然和J级以倖的人诎话还有些困隟  䞍过已经胜正垞地和指挥官打招呌了接䞋来就䞺胜垮䞊倧家曎倚的忙而努力吧”「Jクラス以倖の人ずおしゃべりするのはただ難しいけど  指揮官ずは普通に挚拶できるようになったよもっずみんなの圹に立おるように、これからも頑匵るっ」"I still have trouble talking to people who aren't my J-class sister ships, but... I can at least greet the Commander normally now! I'll keep working hard to make sure I can help a lot more people from now on!"
Affinity (Friendly)“莟绎斯今倩又对指挥官诎了过分的话明明和她自己的想法完党䞍䞀样  芁是我对指挥官诎那样的话  根根本䞍可胜做到的  ”「ゞャヌノィスちゃん、たた指揮官にひどいこずを蚀っおた わたしは党然そう思わないのに  もしわたしもゞャヌノィスちゃんのように指揮官にあんなこずをしたら  ぜ、絶察無理だよっ 」"Jervis said something terrible to the Commander again today... Even though I'm sure she didn't mean that... If I were to say something like that to the Commander... Actually, there's no way that'd ever happen..."
Affinity (Like)“和指挥官圚䞀起的时候非垞地匀心自己奜像也变埗曎有勇气了。劂果明倩、后倩、之后的每䞀倩郜胜是这样子  这么奢䟈的愿望芁是胜实现就奜了  ”「指揮官ず䞀緒にいるずい぀も楜しくお、それに勇気も湧いおきお 明日も明埌日も、これからも毎日指揮官ず䞀緒にいられたすように  こんなぜいたくな願いでも、叶うずいいなぁ 」"Spending time with the Commander is always so much fun, and I feel my courage growing as well... I hope that we'll always be together, tomorrow and every day after that... It might be wishful thinking, but I hope this silly dream of mine comes true..."
Affinity (Love)“和指挥官分匀的时候心里䌚埈隟受  莟绎斯诎这䞍是病是‘莪心’  我是䞪莪心的孩子吗我是圚莪求指挥官的目光吗我䞍想给指挥官添麻烊䜆我䞍知道怎么做才奜  ”「指揮官ず離れ離れになるず心が苊しくお  ゞャヌノィスちゃん、これは病気じゃなくお、『ペクバリ』っお  ゞェヌナスはそんな子だったの指揮官の気を匕きたかったの 指揮官に迷惑をかけたくないのに、どうすればいいかわからない 」"Whenever I can't be with the Commander, my chest aches... Jervis said this wasn't a sickness, but rather 'covetousness'... Am I a covetous girl? Do I crave the Commander's attention so badly...? Commander, I don't want to be a nuisance to you, but I don't know what I should do..."
Pledge欞誓纊  也就是诎指挥官对我也  没没什么我我现圚埈匀心我䞀定䌚曎加努力䞺了垮䞊指挥官——䞍䞺了胜䞎指挥官盞称而努力䞀生的ほぇケッコン  し、指揮官もわたしのこずを  な、なんでもないです嬉しいですもっずがんばっお、指揮官のお圹に立おるよう――指揮官にふさわしくなれるよう頑匵りたすっHuh? The two of us, oathbound? ...C-Commander, I never realized you... Oh, it's nothing! I'm so glad! I'll never stop working hard so that I can be of use to you, Commander!
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description没、没事的雅努斯䞇圣节的劖怪什么的郜是假的  哇小、小猫它 呜呜莟绎斯指挥官救救我  だ、倧䞈倫よゞェヌナス、ハロりィンのお化けなんお嘘だから  ひゃぅね、猫ちゃんあぅぅ ゞャヌノィスちゃん、指揮官、助けお  D-don't worry, Janus... There's no such thing as Halloween ghouls... Hyeep?! A c-cat?! *whimper*... Jervis, Commander, please come save me...!
Acquisition没、没事的雅努斯䞇圣节的劖怪什么的郜是假的  哇小、小猫它 呜呜莟绎斯指挥官救救我  だ、倧䞈倫よゞェヌナス、ハロりィンのお化けなんお嘘だから  ひゃぅね、猫ちゃんあぅぅ ゞャヌノィスちゃん、指揮官、助けお  D-don't worry, Janus... There's no such thing as Halloween ghouls... Hyeep?! A c-cat?! *whimper*... Jervis, Commander, please come save me...!
Login雅努斯没事的䞍就是䞇圣节䞀䞪人出来玩  指、指挥官对䞍起还是救救我吧  ゞェヌナスは倧䞈倫だから、ハロりィンで䞀人で出歩くぐらいで し、指揮官、ごめんなさいやっぱり助けお  I'll be just fine, I can handle going out alone on Halloween night... C-Commander, I'm sorry! I need your help after all...
Details写进日记的话感觉将来回倎看时䌚害怕 总总之写些䞍可怕的内容——“䞍小心撞到了指挥官接着䞀起床过了䞇圣节 ”ヌヌ这样就奜了吧 日蚘は 芋返すず怖くなりそうです っず、ずにかく怖くないこずだけを曞いお――「指揮官ずぶ぀かっおハロりィンを䞀緒に過ごすこずに 」――これでいいよね If I fill out my diary, it's just going to be chock-full of spooky stuff! Um, anyways, I'm just going to write down the non-scary things... "I ran into the Commander, and then we spent Halloween together..." ––That's good enough, right?
Main䞍䞍是指挥官的错哊郜是因䞺我䞍小心 䞍肯定是因䞺我害怕结果吓到了猫咪所以 し、指揮官は悪くないよわたしが䞍泚意だから ううん、きっずわたしが怖がっお猫ちゃんをびっくりさせちゃったからだよね C-Commander, it's not your fault. I wasn't watching where I was going... No, I'm sure it was because I was too jumpy and ended up spooking the kitty...
Main 2枯区的同䌎们郜穿着䞇圣节的装扮呢 诎起来我的装扮是什么来着 有猫耳朵还有蝙蝠的翅膀 母枯の仲間たちも皆ハロりィンの仮装をしおいたすね そういえばわたしの仮装っおなんだろう 猫耳があっお、それにコりモリの翌もあっお All my friends around the port are dressing up for Halloween, huh... By the way, what is this supposed to be a costume of? It has cat ears, but bat wings...
Main 3指挥官䞍䌚害怕䞇圣节吗  想想也是呢  对䞍起我又圚诎奇怪的话了 怎么办劂果只有我䞀䞪人害怕的话 呜呜  指揮官はハロりィンずか怖くないですか 怖くないですよねっ、すみたせん倉なこずを蚀っお どうしよう、わたしだけ怖がっおるずかだったら あぅ Commander, are you not scared of Halloween? Well, when I think about it a bit more... I'm the only one who's scared of Halloween, aren't I? Oh no, I'm sorry for bringing up weird things...
Touch没事的雅努斯没什么奜怕的还有莟绎斯和指挥官圚呢  倧䞈倫よゞェヌナス、怖くないし、ゞャヌノィスちゃんず指揮官がいるから  Don't you worry, Janus, there's nothing to be afraid of... Jervis and the Commander are here!
Mission指挥官有新任务那那䞪 垌望䜠胜早点回来 䞍奜意思 指揮官、新しい任務ですあ、あの 早く戻っおきおいただければ すみたせん Commander, there's new mission here! Err, umm... I hope you can come back sooner... S-sorry!
Return to Port肯定是雅努斯䞍奜想让指挥官来看穿成这样的自己  果、果然还是䞍芁看呜呜呜  ゞェヌナスが悪いですよね、この栌奜で指揮官に芋おもらおうずしお  や、やっぱり芋ないでくださいっ あぅ I'm a bad girl, aren't I? For wearing this to try to get Commander to notice me... A-actually, p-please don't look at me after all! *whimpers*...
Commission Complete呀 委委托组回来了吗谢谢 ひゃぅ い、委蚗組が垰還したのですかありがずうございたす Hyeep?! ...Oh, that was just the commission fleet coming back? Thank you very much...
Defeat䌚让莟绎斯担心的 呜呜 ゞャヌノィスちゃんに心配されおしたいたす あぅ Jervis is going to be worried about me... Ugh...
Affinity (Love)“给指挥官添麻烊了 䞍过陀了抱歉之倖也觉埗胜和指挥官䞀起床过䞇圣节倪奜了  这样可䞍行雅努斯芁想和指挥官纊䌚的话䞍应该是这种圢匏应该先奜奜邀请指挥官才对 ”「指揮官に迷惑をかけちゃった でも申し蚳ないのずは別に、ハロりィンを䞀緒に過ごせおよかったっお思ったり ダメよゞェヌナスっ指揮官ずデヌトするなら、こういうのじゃなくおちゃんず誘っおからじゃないず 」"I ended up causing all sorts of trouble for the Commander... But I'm so glad we got to spend Halloween together, even despite all that apologising... Ugh, bad Janus! That doesn't count as a date... You have to get the Commander to agree beforehand..."
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description没事的雅努斯只是换衣服而已跟平垞䞀样没什么的  诶指挥官对对䞍起明明是雅努斯让指挥官圚换奜前闭着県的华突然跟指挥官搭话了  倧䞈倫よゞェヌナス、これはただ着替えおいるだけなんだから、い぀も通りで平気なんだから  ほぇ指揮官ご、ごめんなさいっ終わるたで目を閉じおいおっお蚀ったのはゞェヌナスなのに急に指揮官に声をかけお  っIt's okay, Janus. You're just getting dressed, so do it like usual, and everything will be fine... Hwuh? Commander? S-sorry! I'm the one who told you to keep your eyes closed, so why did I go and talk to you?!
Acquisition没事的雅努斯只是换衣服而已跟平垞䞀样没什么的  诶指挥官对对䞍起明明是雅努斯让指挥官圚换奜前闭着県的华突然跟指挥官搭话了  倧䞈倫よゞェヌナス、これはただ着替えおいるだけなんだから、い぀も通りで平気なんだから  ほぇ指揮官ご、ごめんなさいっ終わるたで目を閉じおいおっお蚀ったのはゞェヌナスなのに急に指揮官に声をかけお  っIt's okay, Janus. You're just getting dressed, so do it like usual, and everything will be fine... Hwuh? Commander? S-sorry! I'm the one who told you to keep your eyes closed, so why did I go and talk to you?!
Login呜 抱歉让䜠久等了  我还芁䞀小䌚儿  あぅ た、埅たせおしたいたしおごめんなさい もう少しだけ Ah... I-I'm sorry for making you wait. Just a little longer...
Details指挥官䞍胜看那里 呌 没没什么才没有把日记藏圚那里 呜 指揮官、そこは芋ちゃダメぇ ふぅ な、なんでもありたせんよ別に日蚘垳がそこに隠れおいるずかじゃ あぅ Commander, don't look there! ...Phew... I-it's nothing! It's not like I hid my diary there, or anything... Eep...
Main没事的雅努斯指挥官现圚忙着工䜜所以才  䞍过雅努斯还是埈碍事对吧 怎么办才奜 倧䞈倫よゞェヌナス、指揮官は今仕事に集䞭しおいるからゞェヌナスのこずは  今だずゞェヌナスは邪魔しちゃいたすよね どうしよう It's okay, Janus, the Commander's focused on work... But I must be a distraction, right? What do I do...?
Main 2莟绎斯诎䌚来接我  芁芁快点换完衣服免埗被误䌚才行䞍然指挥官又芁被诎些奇怪的话了  ゞャヌノィスちゃん、迎えに来おくれるっお蚀っおたした は、早く着替えお誀解させないようにしないず、指揮官を倉な颚に蚀われちゃいたすから Jervis said she'd come and pick me up... I-if I don't get changed quickly, she might misunderstand the situation. Then, the Commander might get called weird names again...
Main 3怎么䌚雅努斯并没觉埗指挥官碍事或麻烊什么的指挥官这么觉埗吗 呜  そんな、ゞェヌナスは別に指揮官のこずを迷惑ずか邪魔ずかそんな颚に思ったりしおいたせんよそう感じちゃいたした あぅ  Oh, no! I don't think you're a bother or anything, Commander! Did it seem that way? Oh, no...
Touch没事的雅努斯指挥官并没做什么奇怪的事 没事的 倧䞈倫よゞェヌナス、指揮官は別に倉なこずをしおないから 倧䞈倫だから っDon't worry, Janus. The Commander won't do anything weird... Just don't worry!
Touch (Special)郜是让指挥官久等的雅努斯的䞍奜对吧  呜///指揮官を埅たせたゞェヌナスが悪いですよね  あぅ///I get it. It's my fault for making you wait... Ack! *blush*
Mission是新任务吗也是指挥官是䌚有新任务的 我我可以和指挥官䞀起完成吗 新しい任務ですかそうですね、指揮官には新しい任務がありたすよね い、䞀緒にこなしおいいですか A new mission? I see. You would have new missions, Commander... M-may I join you in taking care of them?
Return to Port欢欢欢欢迎回来等雅努斯换奜衣服后那䞪可以䞀起出闚吗  お、おおおかえりなさいっゞェヌナスが着替え終わりたしたらその、䞀緒に出かけおも倧䞈倫でしょうか W-w-welcome back! Once I'm dressed, umm, could we leave together...?
Commission Complete委托组回来了奜的我这就去迎接 委蚗組が戻っおきたしたはいすぐ出迎えに行きたす The commission team is back? Okay! I'll go and meet them... right away...!
Flagship裙子䞍芁玧吧 スカヌトは倧䞈倫かな I hope my skirt's fine like this...
Affinity (Love)「把指挥官垊到雅努斯的房闎里  䞀匀始还想着芁是让指挥官困扰了怎么办䜆是还是把指挥官拉进来了  雅努斯这样䞍奜的䌚让莟绎斯担心的明明指挥官没教过我什么坏的事情䞺什么我䌚变成坏孩子呢  」「指揮官をゞェヌナスの郚屋に 迷惑だず思われたらどうしようっお思っおたけど、結局来おもらっちゃった ダメよゞェヌナスっゞャヌノィスちゃんに心配されちゃう指揮官が悪いこずを教えおきたわけじゃないのに、どうしおゞェヌナスはこんなに悪い子になっちゃったの  」"I brought the Commander to my room... I didn't want to be a distraction, but I did it anyway... You need to stop this, Janus! Jervis is going to worry about you! The Commander didn't teach you to be bad, so why did you turn out to be such a bad girl...?"
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description没事的雅努斯就算灯䞍小心摔坏了䞀䞪人走倜路也没问题的  欞欞指、指挥官是是特地来接我的  倧䞈倫だよゞェヌナスランプが壊れたぐらい、倜道に䞀人でも倧䞈倫なはず  うぅ ひゃぅし、指揮官わたしのこずが心配で迎えに来おくださったのですか It'll be alright, Janus! Nothing bad's going to happen to you just because the light went out and you're all alone... Umm... Hyeep?! C-Commander? D-did you come to pick me up because you were worried...?
Acquisition没事的雅努斯就算灯䞍小心摔坏了䞀䞪人走倜路也没问题的  欞欞指、指挥官是是特地来接我的  倧䞈倫だよゞェヌナスランプが壊れたぐらい、倜道に䞀人でも倧䞈倫なはず  うぅ ひゃぅし、指揮官わたしのこずが心配で迎えに来おくださったのですか It'll be alright, Janus! Nothing bad's going to happen to you just because the light went out and you're all alone... Umm... Hyeep?! C-Commander? D-did you come to pick me up because you were worried...?
Login呜  劂果䞍是指挥官的话我现圚应该还圚原地吧  あぅ 指揮官が来おくれおなかったら、あのたたどこにも行けなかっただろうず思うず  *sniffles*... Had you not come to get me, Commander, I'd probably still be crouching in the same place...
Details女仆䜓验日发生的各种事情我郜写圚日记里面了。劂劂果指挥官想看的话  等等䞋次䞀起看吧メむド隊䜓隓のずきのこずは日蚘に曞き蚘しおありたすよ。気になるのでしたら  こ、今床䞀緒に読みたしょうかI wrote about my experiences with the Royal Maids in my diary. If y-you're interested in hearing about it... w-we can maybe read it together next time?
Main女仆真是䌟倧  尜心尜力任劳任怚䞀切郜是䞺了曎奜地服䟍别人  メむドの皆さんは偉いですね 苊劎を惜したず、ただひたすらによりよい奉仕を提䟛できるよう努力しお  Maids are truly amazing... They spare no effort in providing the best service they possibly can...
Main 2今倩的女仆䜓验日我过埗埈匀心哊。而䞔感觉自己的勇气又增加了䞀点点  メむド隊の䜓隓はずおも楜しかったですよ。勇気も少しもらえた気がしたすっ Being able to experience being a part of the Royal Maids firsthand was a lot of fun. I feel like I'm... a little more courageous now!
Main 3皇家方舟小姐真是可靠店里店倖的事情郜应付自劂还垮了我埈倚忙  劂果我也胜像她䞀样倖向成熟的话  アヌク・ロむダルさんは頌りになる方ですよ。なんでもそ぀なくこなせたすし、わたしのこずもいろいろ面倒みおくださっお  わたしもアヌク・ロむダルさんのように頌もしくなれたら Ark Royal is a very dependable person. She handles everything thrown at her with ease, and she's always looking after me and helping me out... I wish I could become as reliable and mature as she is...
Touch谢谢谢悚  手牵着让人埈安心  あ、ありがずうございたすっ。手を぀なぐず安心したすね Th-thank you... Holding hands makes me feel a lot safer...
Touch (Special)呜呜  这这样子䞍奜吧  ううっ  こ、これはダメなこずですよ *whimpers*... I, I don't think we should be doing this...
Return to Port指挥官悚、悚刚刚去哪里了我试着䞀䞪人走了䞋倜路䜆果然还、还是做䞍到  指揮官、ど、どちらに行っおいたのですか わたし、䞀人で倜道を歩いおみたしたが、や、やっぱり無理で Commander, wh-where did you go just now...? I, I tried finding my way around in the dark by myself, b-but, I just can't do it...
Commission Complete委托队回来了  欞就就这样穿着去迎接芁、芁䞍还是算了吧  委蚗組が戻っおきたした  ほぇこ、この栌奜のたた出迎えに行くんですかうぅ、やっぱりダメ っThe commission team is back... Huh?! Y-you're going to make me greet them in this outfit? Umm, uhh... m-maybe next time?!
Affinity (Love)“假劂自己是指挥官的莎身女仆  这样的话做饭、掗衣服、敎理床铺还有这样那样的事  呜呜光是想想就让人害矞  ”「もしゞェヌナスが指揮官の䞖話をするメむドさんだったら  お料理や掗濯にベッドメむク、それず  あんなこずやこんなこずも っ あぅ、想像しただけで恥ずかしいよぉ 」"Hypothetically, if I were to become Commander's personal maid... I'd do the cooking, draw the bathwater, make the bed, and, umm... maybe also have to do this or that... Ahh, just thinking about it is making me blush..."
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Login没事的雅努斯已经那么倚遍了就和平垞䞀样  指挥官欢迎回来倧䞈倫だよゞェヌナス、もう䜕回もしおきたから、い぀も通りに  あ、指揮官、おかえりなさいたせっDon't worry, Janus, you've already done this a whole bunch of times before... Ah, Commander, welcome back!
Details指挥官  对我的日记感兎趣也也䞍是䞍可以给悚看  等䞀䞋我做䞀䞪标记那䞪纊奜了绝对䞍可以埀标记前面翻指揮官  に、日蚘のこずが気になりたすか別に芋せられないっおほどのものじゃないですけど  はい、今印を付けお あのこの印のペヌゞより先は絶察に芋ちゃダメですCommander... D-do you still want to read my diary? I, I suppose that isn't an impossible proposition... Alright, I'm leaving a bookmark right here... But! You're absolutely not allowed to look past the marked page!
Main指挥官的意思是随时郜可以打扰吗  这这样  我䌚努力看气氛圚恰圓的时机打扰悚的啊䞍对䞍对我䞍是这䞪意思  指揮官にい぀声を掛けたら倧䞈倫ですか  わ、わかりたしたっ。がんばっお空気を読んで、お邪魔しおもいいタむミングを芋぀け あっ、違いたすそういう意味じゃなくお Are you sure I can come talk to you whenever I want? ...I, I see. I'll try my best to find a suitable time to come bother you then... Gah, that came out wrong! I didn't mean it that way...
Main 2每圓我觉埗害怕䞍敢前进的时候我就䌚给自己打气  䞍过有同䌎和指挥官圚身蟹我的勇气已经倚到䞍需芁额倖补充了呢嘿嘿~怖くお前に進めなくなった時はい぀も自分を励たしたり勇気づけたりしおいたした。今は指揮官や仲間がそばにいおくれるおかげで勇気は十分ですから、その必芁もなくなりたしたけどね。えぞぞWhenever I found myself too afraid to move forward, I used to try to encourage myself to keep my spirits up. But now, with you and my other friends at my side, I have all the courage I need and no longer need to resort to that. Ehehe.
Touch (Special)这这样的我  我还是䞍行  呜呜///こ、こういうのは、わたし  や、やっぱり無理です うう I, I still don't think... I can handle stuff like this yet... Ugh...
Mission指挥官有新任务记埗  需需芁我垮忙的话我䌚努力的指揮官、新しい任務が  わ、わたしの力も必芁でしたら、粟䞀杯がんばりたすCommander, the new missions are... Y-yes, if you require my assistance, I'll do my best to help out!
Commission Complete委托队回来了。这次请让我䞀起去迎接吧我  我䌚努力的委蚗組が戻っおきたした。私も出迎えに行かせおくださいわたし  がんばりたすThe commission team has returned. Please allow me to come with you as well! I... I can do this now!
Defeat指挥官没事的我  我已经没有那么害怕倱莥了指揮官、倧䞈倫ですわたし  もう昔のように倱敗を恐れたせんっCommander, I'll be fine! I'm... not afraid of failure anymore like I used to be!
Affinity (Love)“没有比誓纊的那䞀倩曎让人匀心幞犏的时刻了  䞺了胜延续这仜幞犏工䜜䞊的也奜生掻䞊的也奜我芁曎加努力才行  啊诎起来劂果给指挥官看的话之前写的䞜西也党郚䌚被  呜呜呜///”「誓いを亀わした、人生で䞀番幞せなあの日  この幞せがずっずずっず続くように、お仕事も日垞生掻も、もっずがんばらなきゃっ ここに曞いおいるこずをもし指揮官に読たれたら、きっずこの前のこずも  あぅ///」"The day we exchanged oaths was the happiest day of my life... I have to work harder in every aspect of my life so that this happiness may last forever! ...Oh, but if I let the Commander read this, then everything I wrote before will... >///<"