GiosuÚ Carducci (JP 🇯🇵: , CN 🇹🇌: )
Ship ID No. 680 Star Rating ★★☆☆☆
Hull Destroyer Rarity Elite
Navy Sardegna Empire Build Time
Enhance Income
Scrap Income
Release Date
Voice actress
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
Limit Break
Tier 1
Tier 2
Tier 3
Slot Equipment Type Efficiency (LB 0/1/2/3) Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3) Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
4 Auxiliary - - -
5 Auxiliary - - -
Default Equipments
Fleet Tech
T Destroyer: Oriani-Class Tech Points and Bonus
Unlock +
Max LimitBreak
Lv.120 +
Icon Name Description Requirements
Odi Barbare When this ship fires her torpedoes: 40.0% (70.0%) chance to fire a Lv.1 (Lv.10) special barrage (DMG is based on the skill's level). When this barrage activates: for 6s, increases your fleet's RLD by 1.0% (5.0%) and DMG dealt by 5.0%; if it does NOT activate, increases the activation chance to 100.0% the next time this ship fires her torpedoes. Inflicts a special Burn ailment for 9s on enemies hit by this barrage (Burn DMG is based on this ship's TRP stat).
Il Canto di Marzo During battle, every 9 times this ship takes DMG: fires a Lv.1 (Lv.10) special barrage (DMG is based on the skill's level). When this barrage activates: for 9s, increases your Vanguard's EVA by 5.0% (10.0%) and SPD by 3 (DMG suffered during this effect's uptime does not count; counter resets after the effect ends). The first time this barrage activates each battle: restores 3.0% of your Vanguard's max HP.
All Out Assault I Activates All Out Assault I: Alfredo Oriani-class once every 15 times the Main Guns are fired.
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 奥利亚尌级驱逐舰—焊苏埃·卡尔杜霐 アルフレヌド・オリアヌニ玚駆逐艊-ゞョズ゚・カルドゥッチ Oriani-class destroyer – GiosuÚ Carducci.
Biography 我是撒䞁所属诗人级驱逐舰䞉号舰焊苏埃·卡尔杜霐。嗯这样的自我介绍比蟃笊合乊面语蚀的衚蟟圕入档案䌚跟合适䞀些  嗯䞍是䜜䞺档案甚的自我介绍么 所属はサディア。ポ゚ティ玚駆逐艊の䞉番艊。名前は「ゞョズ゚・カルドゥッチ」。うん、こういう衚蚘にすれば蚘録する時にわかりやすいかも  ん蚘録甚の自己玹介じゃないの GiosuÚ Carducci. Third Poeti-class destroyer. Affiliation: Sardegna. This introduction ought to be more convenient for a written report, no? ...Hm? This isn't meant to be written?
Acquisition 我是来自撒䞁的诗人焊苏埃·卡尔杜霐埈高兎讀识䜠指挥官。接䞋来我需芁立刻匀始工䜜么劂果还有时闎的话我想先去枯区的囟乊銆看看。 サディアの詩人、ゞョズ゚・カルドゥッチよ。䌚えお嬉しいわ。それで、すぐにでも執筆を始めたほうがいいもし時間に䜙裕があるなら、先に母枯の図曞通を芋孊させおほしいわ I'm GiosuÚ Carducci, a Sardegnian poet. Pleased to meet you. Should I get to work right now? If I have time before I start, I'd love an opportunity to visit the port library first.
Login 指挥官关于这仜文件有几倄甚词我讀䞺还需芁再修改䞀䞋比劂诎这里  抱歉我有些心急了䜠先坐䞋吧。 指揮官、こっちの曞類の文蚀は少し修正する必芁があるず思う。芁するにここ、あずは  こほんっ。急かしちゃっおごめんなさい。たずは座っお Commander, this document seems to be in need of revisions. For example, here and... Ahem. Sorry for rushing you. Please, sit down.
Details   嗯指挥官䜠什么时候来的抱歉我看埗有些倪入迷了  啊我圚看皇家粟选诗集哊䜠也芁看看么奜啊䞀起来看吧。   ん指揮官、い぀からそこにごめんなさい、ちょっず本に倢䞭になっおしたっお  あ、これはロむダルの詩集だけど、指揮官も読んでみるいいわ、䞀緒に読みたしょう ...Hm? Commander, how long have you been here? Sorry, I was a little too engrossed in my book. This is a Royal Navy poetry collection – want to join me? Lovely! Let's read it together.
Main 这仜文件  皍等这里的“委托”改䞺“委任”䌚曎奜䞀些  虜然也䞍是什么倧问题䜆还是改过来䌚比蟃奜。 この曞類  ちょっず埅っお。ここは「委蚗」ず曞くよりは「委任」ず曞いた方がいいず思うわ  些现なこずだけど、やはり盎しおおくべきよ This document... Hmm. There's a typo on the word "commission" here. It's a small problem, but we should fix it.
Main 2 指挥官圚奜奇这本笔记本么这里面收集、分析了倧家的语蚀习惯   嗯这䞀页是指挥官䞓属哊目前还圚收集记圕的阶段。 このノヌトが気になるのみんなの蚀葉遣いや話し方を収集しお分析した内容をたずめたものなんだけど  あ、このペヌゞは指揮官専甚よ。ただ蚘録を集めおいる最䞭なの Curious about my notebook? I've collected and analyzed everyone's linguistic habits in it... Oh, this page is yours. I'm still collecting yours.
Main 3 蟟芬奇的实验过皋总让我想起诗歌䞭描写的炌狱䞍过  炌狱可胜曎有垌望䞀些吧。 ダ・ノィンチの実隓を芋おるず詩の䞭で描かれる煉獄を思い浮かべおしたうわ  もっずも、煉獄のほうがただ垌望がありそうね Watching da Vinci's experiments reminds me of purgatory as written in poetry... Well, frankly, purgatory seems more promising than her works.
Touch å‘Œ~这样䞀来资料区的分类就完矎了  嗯指挥官圚叫我么有什么事么 ふぅ。これで資料゚リアの仕分けは完璧ね  ん呌んだどうかしたの Phew... Finally, the archive is perfectly organized. ...Hm? Did you call me, Commander?
Touch (Special)   䜜䞺瀟亀瀌仪而蚀这种行䞺完党可以列入《反面教材案䟋粟选》了呢。   ゚チケット的に間違いなく、「兞型的な悪い䟋」ずしお本に茉せられるわね That one's going into my Collection of Boorish Acts.
Touch (Headpat) 这是月桂花环是对诗人无䞊的赞矎。 これは月桂の冠。詩人にずっお最高の賛蟞よ This is a laurel wreath – the utmost honor to a poet.
Mission 虜然指挥官慵懒的姿态也埈适合写入诗䞭䜆现圚可䞍是做这种事情的时候哊快打起粟神来倄理任务吧指挥官。 怠けおいる姿を詩にするのも悪くないけど、今はそんなこずをしおいる堎合じゃないでしょはぁ しっかり片付けるようにね You're worthy of a poem even when you're acting slovenly, but is now really the time? Brace up and handle your work, Commander.
Mission Complete 任务完成了指挥官蟛苊了请早点䌑息  我的话再等䞀䌚儿现圚刚奜有些灵感我先记圕䞋来。 任務が完了したようね。指揮官、お疲れさた。早いうちに䌑んだら――私ちょうどむンスピレヌションが湧いたずころだから、メモに萜ずし蟌んでるずころよ It looks like your missions are done. Good job, Commander. Take a break while you can... Oh, me? I just happened to get a flash of inspiration, so I'm jotting it down before I forget.
Mail 指挥官有䜠的信件  等等䞍是这䞪这是我写给䜠的  等写完之后再给䜠看。 指揮官、あなた宛のメヌルがあるわ。  埅っお、それじゃない。それは私が曞いおる途䞭の  こほん。完成したら改めお芋おもらうわ There's mail addressed to you, Commander. Wait, not that one... That's a poem I was in the middle of writing. Ahem... You may see it once it's done.
Return to Port 萜锚、停泊䞍对还可以再改改  嗯指挥官䜠来了我正奜想写䞀銖以“回枯”䞺䞻题的诗这方面䜠应圓比我曎有心埗芁䞀起来看看么 投錚、停泊  ううん、もっずいい案があるはず  ん指揮官、ちょうどいいずころに。「垰枯」をテヌマにした詩をしたためようず思っおるわ。このあたりは指揮官のほうが詳しいだろうし、よければ知恵をお借りしおも Dropping anchor, mooring... No, we can do better... Hm? Commander, you're just in time. I'm trying to write a poem about returning to port. You must know more about this than me. May I borrow your knowledge for a bit?
Commission Complete 指挥官委托舰队回来了委托枅单我也检查过了物资确讀无误就是有几䞪甚词䞍倧粟准   指揮官、委蚗組が垰還したわ。委蚗䞀芧衚ず各皮物資の怜分に問題はなかったけど、曞類のいく぀かの衚珟があたり正確ではなくお   Commander, the commission fleet is back. I checked the material manifest, and nothing seems to be out of line, but some of the terminology seems inaccurate...
Enhancement 灵感源源䞍断   むンスピレヌションが  どんどん湧き出おくるわ   Inspiration is surging within like never before!
Flagship 倧家郜准倇奜了出发吧。 準備が敎ったみたいね。出発するわ Preparations are complete. Let us depart.
Victory 我将献䞊——那荣誉䞔荣耀至极的赞歌。 捧げよう――名誉ず栄光に満ちた讃歌を To you I offer a hymn of honor and glory.
Defeat 先撀退吧敎理奜思绪再出发也䞍迟。 䞀床撀退しお。考えをしっかり敎理しおからでも遅くないわ We must retreat. It's not too late to sort out our findings and try again.
Skill 感受雷鞣䞎风暎吧 鳎動ず嵐を受けおいきなさい The shudderings of Etna and whirlwinds of the Alps upon you!
Low HP 没事的我还胜坚持。 倧䞈倫、ただ頑匵れる  I'm fine. I can still fight!
Affinity (Upset) 劂果把䜠刚才诎的话改写成诗倧抂䌚是“圚句䞭跌跌撞撞”这样的诗句吧   さっき蚀ったこずを詩にするずしたら、「行間に぀たずいおいる」ずいった衚珟になりそうね   If I were to write your words just now into a poem, I would have to express it as akin to verbal vomit...
Affinity (Stranger)   䜠垮我扟到笔记了谢谢䜠指挥官。这里面摘圕着埈倚我喜欢的句子芁是真的匄䞢了  总之谢谢啊。   私のノヌトを芋぀けおくれたのありがずう  気に入ったフレヌズをたくさん曞き留めおあるから、もし芋぀からなかったら  ずにかく、本圓に助かったわ You found my notebook?! Thank you... It's full of many of my favorite phrases. If you hadn't found it, I'd... Well, thank you.
Affinity (Friendly) 指挥官欢迎来到我的藏乊区劂悚所见各䞪阵营的文孊䜜品已经分区敎理奜了  遇到读䞍懂的怎么办嗯  孊习䞎翻译也是十分有趣的䞀环哊。 ようこそ私の曞庫ぞ。芋おの通り、区画ごずに各陣営の文孊䜜品を所蔵しおいるわ。  読めない本があったらどうするかっおそれは  勉匷したり翻蚳に挑戊したりするのも楜しいわよ Welcome to my personal collection. As you can see, I've divided literary works into sections by faction... What do I do with books in languages I can't read? Well, learning the language and trying to translate it is a perfectly enjoyable challenge.
Affinity (Like) 这䞀页是甚来分析䜠的语蚀习惯的  䜠问䞺什么连“蟛苊了”这种句子郜䌚记圕进去唔、因䞺  因䞺就算只是简单的䞉䞪字其䞭也蕎含着十分粟劙又千变䞇化的含义的   このペヌゞは指揮官の普段の蚀葉遣いを分析するためのもので――「お疲れさた」みたいな蚀葉でも分析しおいるのかっおそうね  短いフレヌズでも、巧劙で無限の倉化が隠されおいるわ  っ I use this page to analyze your linguistic habits. Why do I analyze even simple small talk? Even the simplest of phrases can undergo all kinds of subtle modifications!
Affinity (Love) “没有䜠阳春于我䟝然是䞥冬我逗匄春华犹抚匄䜠的身圱”——指挥官这是我制䜜的新乊筟连同我喜欢的诗句䞀同送给䜠。 「君がいないせいで、季節はい぀も冬に思えた。君の面圱を花に芋お戯れた。」――指揮官、これは私の手䜜りの栞よ。  私の奜きな詩句を添えお、あなたに莈りたくお "From you have I been absent in the spring... Yet seem'd it winter still, and, you away, as with your shadow I with these did play." Commander, I made a bookmark for you. I wanted to present it along with one of my favorite poems.
Pledge 指挥官原来䜠的心意也䞎我盞同  谢谢䜠  我也䌚甚生呜䞭所有的呌吞、埮笑、泪氎去爱䜠——劂果可胜的话死后我将曎深地爱䜠。 やっぱりあなたも私ず同じ気持ちだったのね  ありがずう。䞀生涯の呌吞ず埮笑みず涙を以おあなたを愛するわ――もし蚱されるのであれば、沈んだ埌もずっず  You felt the same way all along? Thank you... I promise to love you with every breath, every smile, and every tear for all my life – and even after I've been sunk, if it may be...
In battle with Alfredo Oriani 阿尔北雷倚新闻皿甚词再讲究䞀些劂䜕 アルフレヌド、蚘事の文蚀をもう少し掚敲したら Alfredo, you should put your articles through another revision phase... or three.
In battle with Hai Tien 海倩小姐我也䞺䜠准倇了诗集䜜䞺回瀌。 海倩さん、詩集の返瀌を甚意したわ Hai Tien, I brought a collection of poems for you in return.
In battle with Brest 埈荣幞见到䜠垃雷斯特小姐䜠写的诗歌我埈喜欢 䌚えお嬉しいわ、ブレストさん。あなたのりタが倧奜きよ It's an honor, Brest. I adore your poetry!
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 远道而来的旅人请让我以舞䞺笔䞺䜠献䞊欢迎的诗篇  问我䞺䜕定栌圚这䞪劚䜜唔  因䞺“静默是衚瀺快乐最奜的方法”   遠方からの旅人よ、螊りを筆にあなたぞの歓迎の詩をしたためよう――動きが止たっおいるっおええず  「沈黙は喜びを衚珟する最良の方法」だっお蚀うから   Traveler from afar, allow me to pen a welcoming verse with this dance... Why'd I stop? Umm... S-silence is golden, as they say...
Acquisition 远道而来的旅人请让我以舞䞺笔䞺䜠献䞊欢迎的诗篇  问我䞺䜕定栌圚这䞪劚䜜唔  因䞺“静默是衚瀺快乐最奜的方法”   遠方からの旅人よ、螊りを筆にあなたぞの歓迎の詩をしたためよう――動きが止たっおいるっおええず  「沈黙は喜びを衚珟する最良の方法」だっお蚀うから   Traveler from afar, allow me to pen a welcoming verse with this dance... Why'd I stop? Umm... S-silence is golden, as they say...
Login 旅人奜奜享受这场晚宎吧于矎食䜳酿之䞭于我翩跹婉蜬的舞蹈  造型之䞭。 旅人よ、宎を存分に楜しもう。矎酒䜳肎の䞭、私の婀嚜めく螊りの  止たったひず時を眺めお Traveler, enjoy this banquet. Delicious food and wine, supplemented by bewitching dance... A moment frozen in time.
Details 翩然舞劚之姿矎是舞蹈的光芒  这样写奜像有些倪环赘了再皍埮修改䞀䞋吧。 「翩々たる螊り、その矎こそが舞の茝き」  これはちょっず倧げさね。もう少し盎さないず "The grace of one's advance, such is the true beauty of dance..." Sorry, that may have been too pretentious. I'll work on it.
Main 舞蹈其实䞎诗歌也有盞䌌之倄郜有着独特的节奏和韵埋  䞍过舞蹈的韵埋节奏对于我而蚀有些隟以把握呢   舞螊ず詩はリズムやテンポを持っおいるずころが共通しおいるわ。  たぁ、舞螏のは私にずっお少し掎みづらいけど   Dance and poetry are a lot alike. They both have a rhythm and tempo you need to adhere to... It's just a little harder when it comes to dancing.
Main 2 虜然我没办法跳完䞀敎只舞䞍过哪怕只有这䞀瞬闎䟝然埈矎䞍是么 䞀曲党郚は螊れないけど、この瞬間だけを切り取っおも「矎しい」ず蚀えるんじゃなくお I may not be able to do the whole dance, but if you only looked right now, wouldn't you call me beautiful?
Main 3 就像写诗䞀样适圓的留癜胜借匕人遐想  所以这支舞蹈后面的内容就由指挥官自行想象吧~ 詩を曞くのず同じよ。適床の䜙癜は人の想像をかき立おるこずができる  ずいうわけで、螊りの続きは指揮官の想像に任せるわ♪ It's just like writing poetry. Careful use of empty space can rouse the imagination... So I'll leave the rest of the dance to your imagination, Commander!
Touch   还想看看其他的舞蹈劚䜜抱歉  做䞍到。   他の動きも芋おみたいごめんなさい  ちょっず難しいわ  You'd like to see other dance moves? Sorry... I may not be able to do that.
Touch (Special) 䌚、䌚倱去平衡的—— バランスが厩れるわ っ I'm losing balance!
Touch (Headpat) 想芁我摘䞋面纱么 ノェヌルを取っおほしいの Shall I remove my veil?
Return to Port 指挥官是想䞀同跳舞么让我教䜠么  也䞍是䞍可以只是我只熟练掌握了这䞀䞪劚䜜  劂果䜠䞍介意的话。 䞀緒に螊りたいのしかも私に教えおほしいっお  別に構わないけど、ちゃんず䞊手く出来おいるのはただこの動きしかないから  それでも良ければ /// Would you like to dance with me? Oh, you'd like me to teach you... I'm happy to, but these are the only moves I know. I hope that's okay...
Affinity (Love) 圚这样的宫殿以舞蹈  䞥谚来诎是以舞蹈劚䜜迎接、陪䌎指挥官的这段时光真的埈特别  虜然有些䞍倧完矎的地方  䜆我仍想将这段回忆写入诗䞭纪念。等写奜了我再䞎䜠分享。 䜳き宮殿の䞭で舞螏を  いえ、動き䞀぀で指揮官をもおなす時間はずおも特別なものよ。少しばかり䞍栌奜なずころもあるけれど  この思い出を詩にしお残したいの。曞き終わったら芋せおあげるわ The time I've spent dancing with you here in this palace... no, every moment we're together has been special. My dance may leave some to be desired, but I'd like to commemorate this with a poem. When it's done, I'll share it with you.
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Login 指挥官这里是关于文档甚语的䌘化建议我准倇了䞉种调敎方案  对了这是刚泡奜的咖啡蟹喝蟹看吧~ 指揮官、文曞の正芏衚珟に぀いおの改善案を提出するわよ。3案あるけど  あ、そうそう。コヌヒヌを淹れたから、それでも飲みながら目を通しおみお Commander, I brought suggestions on optimizing the language in your documents. I have three ideas... Oh, right. I made coffee, so have a drink while you read.
Details 指挥官芁䞀起读这本诗集么来我这里坐䞋吧这本是爱情诗选应该䌚埈有趣的~ 指揮官、この詩集を䞀緒に読たないさあ、こっちに来お座っお。この恋愛詩遞集はずおも面癜みに富んでいるほうだず思うわ Commander, would you like to read a poetry collection together? Come sit. They're love poems, so I'm sure there's much fun to be had.
Main 这是芁让我垮䜠检查语法么䞍是  欞这是给我写的诗我看看  嗯写的埈奜我埈喜欢  䞍过这里的甚词还是可以再改改哊 これっお私に文法を確認しおほしいの違う  私ぞの詩どれどれ  うん。いいわね。奜きよ。ただここの文蚀はもう少し掚敲できるわ Do you need a grammar check? No? It's a poem... for me? Let's see... Oh, very nice. I like it! ...Though your diction COULD be improved a little.
Main 2 其实笔记本里的记圕也䞍止是䞺了研究分析䜠的语蚀习惯啊  也有䞀些出于私心记䞋来的句子   ノヌトに蚘録するのは、単にあなたの蚀葉遣いを分析するためだけじゃないわ  䞀応 私が芚えおおきたいあなたの蚀葉も   My notes here aren't just for analyzing your linguistic habits. I also just... want to remember your words, too...
Main 3 郜诎枅晚是䞀倩䞭最矎奜的时光之后有时闎的话我们䞀起去看日出吧  就我们䞀䞪人。 朝は䞀日の䞭で最も矎しい時間だず蚀われおいるわ。今床時間があったら、䞀緒に日の出を芋に行かない私ずあなた、二人だけで They say morning is the most beautiful time of day. Next time you're free, let's watch the sunrise together – just the two of us.
Touch (Special)   我、我也胜借理解这种欲望毕竟欲望也垞䜜䞺“矎”被乊写进诗歌呢  只䞍过  还是有些害矞呢///

   あ、あなたの欲望は理解できるわっ。だっおこういう欲望を「矎」ずしお描かれる詩も倚いから  恥ずかしいけど   Oh...! I-I understand your desire. It's described as beauty in many poems... I'm still a little embarrassed, but...
Touch (Headpat) 䜠的肯定也是䞀种无䞊的赞矎。 あなたの肯定もたた、最高の賛蟞のひず぀よ Your approval is the greatest compliment I could ever want.
Return to Port 䜠于歀萜垆驻足  嗯指挥官是䜠回来了  啊我圚改之前写的诗圚䜠身蟹之后想芁衚蟟的内容也变埗有些䞍䞀样了。 あなたはここで垆を降ろし、足を止め  ん指揮官、お垰り  ええ、以前曞いた詩を吟味しおいるわ。䞀緒になっおから、衚珟したいこずが少しず぀倉わっおきたから Here you drop your sail and lie by me... Hm? Commander, welcome back... Yes, I'm working on that poem I mentioned before. Now that we're together, the things I want to express have changed a little.
Affinity (Love) 花儿将祝犏我们的结合海掋亊唱起赞歌乘着爱情的风儿我们将飞翔、飞翔  这是我䞺䜠䜜的诗指挥官。 「花々は私たちの絆を祝犏し、海は私たちに讃歌を奏でる。愛の颚に乗っお、私たちは飛んで、飛んで、どこたでも  」――指揮官、あなたのために詠んだ詩よ "The forests feel thee, and with a cool shiver awake; up soars the falcon, flashing in eager joy." This is a poem I wrote for you, Commander.