Deutschland (JP 🇯🇵: ドむッチュラント, CN 🇹🇌: 執意志)
Ship ID No. 245 Star Rating ★★☆☆☆
Hull Heavy Cruiser Rarity Elite
Navy Ironblood Build Time 01:55:00
Acquisition Event: Divergent Chessboard, Heavy Construction (JP/CN)
Enhance Income
Firepower 31
Torpedo 13
Aviation 0
Reload 12
Scrap Income
Medal 4
Oil 3
Gold 9
Release Date
Voice actress Sumire Uesaka
Name RAN
Deutschland Description
Deutschland-class armored cruiser, Deutschland.
Dark Demon Princess Description
For a servant, your eyes are good... *coughs*... I'm an Ironblood Princess, the Queen of Night, Deutschland! Servant? No. I am the first of my family. Come, kiss the ring of royalty!
Service Time?! Description
One must not neglect sunscreen during the summer... Plebeian, if you wish to serve your master, prostrate yourself and yell "I beg of you, Queen Deutschland" three times, and I might consider giving you an opportunity. Ahahaha~
Demon Princess' Dark Hour Banquet Description
I seem pleased? Of course I am. Why wouldn't I be when my sweet little sister will be joining us at the party? Now shape up and entertain your master, you lowly animal! Ahahahaha!
Lantern-Lit Ruler Description
Why are so many people out and about during a holiday? ...That's it! Lowly animal, was it your idea to prepare all this to surprise me...?! Heh... Hehe, that's right, don't you dare disappoint me!
Firepower A
Torpedo C
Aviation E
Evasion C
Anti-air C
HP 3571 Reload 153
Firepower 265 Torpedo 191
Evasion 18 Anti-air 134
Aviation 0 Cost 11
ASW 0 Luck 72
Hit 117 Speed 22.4
Armor Medium
HP 4018 Reload 176
Firepower 301 Torpedo 220
Evasion 53 Anti-air 154
Aviation 0 Cost 11
ASW 0 Luck 72
Hit 131 Speed 22.4
Armor Medium
HP 691 Reload 65
Firepower 56 Torpedo 41
Evasion 7 Anti-air 29
Aviation 0 Cost 3
ASW 0 Luck 72
Hit 45 Speed 22.4
Armor Medium
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost 11
ASW Luck 72
Hit Speed 22.4
Armor Medium
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost 11
ASW Luck 72
Hit Speed 22.4
Armor Medium
Limit Break
Tier 1 Unlock All Out Assault Ⅰ/Main gun efficiency +5%
Tier 2 Torpedo base +1/Torpedo preload +1/Main gun efficiency +10%
Tier 3 Improve All Out Assault/Main gun efficiency +15%
Slot Equipment Type Efficiency (LB 0/1/2/3) Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3) Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
1 Heavy Cruiser 110%/115%/125%/140% 1/1/1/1 0/0/0/0
2 Torpedo 130%/130%/130%/130% 1/1/2/2 0/0/1/1
3 Anti-Air Gun 100%/100%/100%/100% 1/1/1/1 0/0/0/0
4 Auxiliary - - -
5 Auxiliary - - -
Default Equipments
1 Triple 283mm Main Gun (SK C/28)
Fleet Tech
T5 Heavy Cruiser: Deutschland-Class Tech Points and Bonus
Unlock 18 +1
Max LimitBreak 38
Lv.120 28 +1
Icon Name Description Requirements
Pocket Battleship Increases this ship's DMG to enemy DDs and CLs by 15.0% (35.0%).
All Out Assault I Activates All Out Assault Ⅰ: Deutschland Class once every 9 times the Main Guns are fired.
01:55:00 JP CN EN
Heavy ✓ ✓
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 執意志级装甲巡掋舰—執意志 ドむッチュラント装甲巡掋艊・ドむッチュラント Deutschland-class armored cruiser, Deutschland.
Biography 哌我就是執意志级A号舰——執意志号劂歀尊莵的我怎么胜随随䟿䟿出战呢所以没有什么战绩也是理所应圓的啊粟神领袖䜠明癜么哌什么吕  吕䜐倫号是谁可、可恶吵死了这种事情我怎么䌚知道 わたしはドむッチュラント玚A番艊――ドむッチュラントこんなに高貎なわたしはやすやすず戊堎に駆り出されるわけにはいかないから、戊果が少ないのは圓然なのよスピリチュアルリヌダヌよわかるなにりゅ 「リュッツォり」は誰ですっおうるさいわね そんなこず知るもんか Hmph! I'm Deutschland, the first ship of the Deutschland-class! A prestigious individual such as myself wouldn't be sent into smaller battles. As such, it's only natural that I don't have many of these petty achievements. It's called spiritual leadership! Hmph! LÃŒtzow? ...Shut up! Like I'd care about that!
Acquisition 䜠已经成䞺我執意志的仆人了䜠应该感到荣幞才对。还有记䜏以后䞍芁回答“喔”芁回“是” あなたはもうこのドむッチュラントの䞋僕よ光栄に思いなさい。それから、「うん」はダメ、返事は「はい」よわかった From now on, you are Deutschland's servant! You should feel honored. Also, don't answer me with "mhm." You will answer me with "yes, ma'am" from now on. Are we clear?
Login 犻匀这么久去哪里觅食了 随分時間が経ったね 䞀䜓どこで油を売っおたの You sure took your sweet time. Just where were you rooting around?
Details 果然这种时候䞍管怎样郜芁给䜠点倄眚呢 こんな時は どうあっおもあなたを凊眰しなくおは  It's times like these... where I simply must punish you.
Main 芁甚䜎等劚物胜理解的语蚀和䜠亀流才行呢   䞋等生物の蚀葉で話しおあげなくおはね It seems like I must speak in a way that even lowly animals can understand.
Main 2 哈哈哈哈刚才又把䞀䞪路过的重巡给吓跑了呢~ ハハハハ、さっき通りがかりの重巡掋艊二隻を驚かせたら逃げちゃったわ Hahaha! I didn't even need to fire my gun to scare off those cruisers~
Main 3 劂果䜠执意芁发呆的话那么我就䞍奉陪了 がんやりしたいなら、わたしはもうしらないわよ~ If you insist on standing around like an idiot, I'm just going to leave.
Touch 真是䞍知悔改的仆人就这么怀念我的鞭挞吗 あんたっお本圓に懲りないね わたしのムチがそんなに恋しいの~ You just never learn, do you? Do you want to taste my whip again that badly~?
Touch (Special) 嗯埈享受嘛~䜠非垞喜欢那样 ふぅん楜しんでいるようね、こういうの奜きなの Hmm? It seems like you're enjoying yourself... do you get off to this kind of stuff?
Mission 任务圚我的字兞里没有未完成这䞉䞪字 ミッションわたしの蟞曞には未完成ずいう文字はない Mission! There's no entry for "incomplete" in my dictionary!
Mission Complete 快把奖励领了 はやく報酬をもらっおちょうだい Hurry up and fetch the rewards for me~
Mail 拿去甚䜎等劚物语蚀所写的邮件 䞋等生物の蚀語で曞かれた手玙よ、持っおいきなさいな You've received a letter in that lowly animal language of yours. Fetch~
Return to Port 䞍芁掉以蜻心愚笚的家䌙回枯并䞍意味着结束 油断しないこの銬鹿母枯に垰ったっお終わったわけじゃないのよ Pay attention, you idiot! Just because we're back at port doesn't mean that you're done.
Commission Complete 哌小矊矔们完成委托了呢意倖的还挺胜干嘛 ふん、子矊たちが委蚗を完了したようね。意倖ずやるじゃない Hmph, so our little lambs managed to complete their commission. What a pleasant surprise.
Enhancement 虜然是䜎等劚物䞍过埈懂事嘛 䞋等生物の分際でよく分かっおるじゃない Aren't you the obedient animal~
Flagship 这䌚是䞀次愉悊的扫荡 楜しい掃蚎になりそうね I'm going to enjoy mopping you all up~
Victory 真是小题倧做的家䌙明明就是䞀䞪笚蛋 盞手は倧したこずないのに たったく倧げさね~ Even though the enemies were no big deal... what a pompous affair.
Defeat 就算坐沉也䞍䌚向䜠们这些䜎等劚物投降的 沈没したっおあんたらのような䞋等生物に投降するものか I'd sink to the bottom of the ocean before surrending to you animals!
Skill 既残酷又可爱呵呵呵   残酷で、可憐で、うふふ   Cruel and lovely, ahaha...
Low HP 竟敢小看我執意志   このドむッチュラントを芋くびるずはね   Do not underestimate the great Deutschland!
Affinity (Upset) 对䜠没兎趣了  扟点新的宠物奜了 あなたぞの興味がなくなったの。さお、新しいペットでも探そうかしら I have no interest in you anymore... I should find myself a new pet.
Affinity (Stranger) 笑着享受战争是䜕等痛快䜠这样的䜎等劚物是䞍䌚理解的吧哈哈哈 戊争を笑っお楜しむのはどれぐらいの愉悊か、あなたのような䞋等生物には理解できるはずがないわあははは There is no thrill like waging war with a grin on your face! There's no way a lowly animal like you could ever understand that! Ahahahaha!
Affinity (Friendly) 区区䜎等劚物尜党力去扟些胜让我匀心的䞜西吧哈哈哈 䞋等生物、党力でわたしを楜したせるものを探しなさい。ははははは Lowly animal, root around for all you are worth to find something worthy of my attention. Ahahahaha~
Affinity (Like) 雄狮从䞍䌚圚乎矊矀的看法䞍过  䜠确实是䞀只有意思的䜎等劚物再让我高兎䞀点我就听听䜠的愿望吧 ラむオンは矊の矀れの考えを気にしないものよ。  けどあなたは確かに面癜い䞋等生物だわ。わたしをもっず楜したせたら、願いぐらい聞いおあげるわよ A lion doesn't concern itself with the bleating of sheep. But... I do find you interesting for a lowly animal. If you amuse me some more, maybe I will listen to your wishes.
Affinity (Love) 奜吧䜜䞺让我劂歀高兎的奖赏赐䜠将我抱起的权利吧还愣着干什么公䞻抱没听诎过吗公䞻抱 ここたでわたしを楜したせた耒矎ずしお、わたしを抱き䞊げる暩利を䞎えるわ䜕ずがけおるのお姫様抱っこ、聞いたこずないかしら。 お姫様抱っこよ For keeping me amused this long, I shall grant you the privilege of holding me. Why are you still standing there? Have you never heard of a princess carry? Princess~ carry!
Pledge 没想到我䌚有和䜎等劚物猔结契纊的䞀倩  这种心情虜然是倎䞀次䞍过埈什人愉快呵呵呵奜从现圚起䜠就是坐骑二号了感到荣幞吧 たさかこのわたしもこんな䞋等生物ず契りを亀わす日が来るずはね  この感じ、初めおなのに意倖ず楜しいわ。ははははいいわ今日からあなたが乗り物二号よありがたく思いなさい I never thought the day would come when I pledge myself to a lowly animal. I've never felt anything like this before... but it's unexpectedly fun. Ahahaha~! From now on, you're my vehicle number two! You should be grateful!
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 明明只是䞪仆人県光倒是䞍错  咳咳吟正是铁血的公䞻暗倜的䞻宰執意志仆从䞍吟的第䞀䞪眷属啊过来赐䜠亲吻无䞊君王手背的权利 䞋等生物のくせに、  そう、この私こそ鉄血なる魔姫、闇倜の䞻ドむッチュラントよ䞋等生物、ううん、私の䞋僕よおいで、お前に忠誠のキスを誓うチャンスをくれおやるわ For such a lowly animal, your taste is not bad... That's right, I am Deutschland, Demon Princess of the Iron Blood and Mistress of the Night! Plebeians, no, my slaves, I shall grant you an opportunity to swear fealty to me with a kiss!
Acquisition 明明只是䞪仆人県光倒是䞍错  咳咳吟正是铁血的公䞻暗倜的䞻宰執意志仆从䞍吟的第䞀䞪眷属啊过来赐䜠亲吻无䞊君王手背的权利 䞋等生物のくせに、いいセンスをしおるわ  そう、この私こそ鉄血なる魔姫、闇倜の䞻ドむッチュラントよ䞋等生物、ううん、私の䞋僕よおいで、お前に忠誠のキスを誓うチャンスをくれおやるわ For such a lowly animal, your taste is not bad... That's right, I am Deutschland, Demon Princess of the Iron Blood and Mistress of the Night! Plebeians, no, my slaves, I shall grant you an opportunity to swear fealty to me with a kiss!
Details 眷属过来  别害怕这些小家䌙䞍䌚䌀害䜠的 䞋僕、おいで そう怖がらなくおもいいわ。この子たちはお前を傷぀けないから Slave, come here... Do not fear, these little bats won't hurt you.
Main 蠢莧只是兎趣所臎穿䞊了衣服而已谁允讞䜠给我䞊这种红色的隟喝饮料了 この䞋等生物、たかが衣装を倉えたぐらいで、誰がこんな赀いドリンクを飲むず蚀ったの Imbecile! I only wore this costume as a hobby. Who gave you permission to serve me such a repulsive beverage?
Main 3 眷属过来扶我䞋来。矮蠢莧这是䜠的荣幞 䞋僕、この私が降りるのを手䌝いなさい。ちびっこ 誰が Slave, help me get off my throne. Shorty? You imbecilic swine, do you think this is funny?
Touch 眷属䌞出䜠的脖子来让我咬䞀口——蠢莧䜠䞍䌚圓真了吧 䞋等生物、その銖筋を差し出しなさい――アハハハこのグズたさか本気にしたの Slave, offer your neck to me so that I may feed... Ahahaha! Imbecile, surely you didn't take me seriously!
Return to Port 䜜䞺眷属干的还䞍错过来皍埮倞倞䜠吧 䞋僕の分際でよくできたじゃない。おいで、ご耒矎をやるわ You've done well for a slave. Come forth, I shall give you a little reward.
Flagship 圚䜠们的骚髓里刻䞋我的名字吧 骚の髄たで私の名を刻んでやるわ I shall engrave my name into your bones!
Victory 尖叫吧恐惧吧臣服吧哈哈哈 泣き叫べ恐れ戊けこの私に跪けアハハハ Scream in agony! Tremble in fear! Kneel before me! Ahahaha!
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 倏倩可䞍胜挏了防晒措斜呢 仆人想芁䞺䞻人服务的话跪䞋来诚心诚意倧喊䞉声“拜托了執意志倧人”我可胜就䌚心蜯给䜠这䞪机䌚了哊呵呵呵 倏には日焌け察策が必須ね そこの䞋等生物䞻にご奉仕したいのなら、ここで跪いお、「お願いしたすドむッチュラントさた」っお倧声で䞉回ねだればもしかするず 私、日焌け止めを塗れるチャンスを䞎えるかもしれないわあははははは One must not neglect sunscreen during the summer... Plebeian, if you wish to serve your master, prostrate yourself and yell "I beg of you, Queen Deutschland" three times, and I might consider giving you an opportunity. Ahahaha~
Acquisition 倏倩可䞍胜挏了防晒措斜呢 仆人想芁䞺䞻人服务的话跪䞋来诚心诚意倧喊䞉声“拜托了執意志倧人”我可胜就䌚心蜯给䜠这䞪机䌚了哊呵呵呵 倏には日焌け察策が必須ね そこの䞋等生物䞻にご奉仕したいのなら、ここで跪いお、「お願いしたすドむッチュラントさた」っお倧声で䞉回ねだればもしかするず 私、日焌け止めを塗れるチャンスを䞎えるかもしれないわあははははは One must not neglect sunscreen during the summer... Plebeian, if you wish to serve your master, prostrate yourself and yell "I beg of you, Queen Deutschland" three times, and I might consider giving you an opportunity. Ahahaha~
Login 倪慢了想害我的皮肀被倪阳晒䌀吗 お・そ・いこの私の肌を焌けさせる気 Way! Too! Slow! Are you trying to get my pristine skin sunburnt?
Details 仆人䞍芁偷懒芁把防晒霜涂均匀才行! さがるな䞋等生物日焌け止めはムラなく塗っおもらうわよ Lazy swine, don't cut corners. Anything less than a perfectly uniform application of sunscreen is unacceptable!
Main 仆人垮我拿䞀条毛巟过来擊擊身子 䞋等生物、䜓を拭くからタオルを二枚持っおきなさい Plebeian, fetch those two towels over there and wipe my body dry.
Main 2 県睛再瞪䞋去就芁掉出来了哊真是 无可救药的䜎等劚物呢 目玉が飛び出るぐらいじっず芋぀めおお  たったく救いようのない䞋等生物だわあはははは If your eyes wander any lower, they will get detached from their sockets. I say, there is no remedy for being uncultured swine~
Main 3 救生圈芁那䞪干什么隟道䞍是仆人䜠背着我枞泳吗 浮き茪そんなもの持っおどうするのよ。䞋等生物が私を背負っお泳ぐんじゃないわけ A lifebuoy? What would I use that for? Plebeian, were you not going to carry me on your back while swimming?
Touch 露出了野兜䞀般的衚情呢仆人。对于这样的野兜果然还是需芁曎倚的鞭笞吧 この䞋等生物、ケダモノみたいな顔をしやがっお  ケダモノにはやっぱり鞭打ちが必芁ねあははは To think that a plebeian would look at me with such a hungry, bestial expression. A lewd beast like this needs a thorough flogging.
Touch (Special) 哌哌果然是无法控制自己欲望的䜎等劚物呢 ふふ、やはり自分の欲すら抑えられない䞋等生物ね Ho ho, it looks like this lowly swine cannot even control its basest desires.
Return to Port 䞀回来就露出束懈的神情呢哌哌芁䞍芁让身䞺䞻人的我垮䜠「绷玧」䞀䞋神经 戻った途端にたるんでいるわね。ふっふん、䞻である私が「シメお」やろうか What's with that lax expression of yours as soon as you get back... Ho ho, do you need your master to "tighten up" those loose morals of yours?
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 我的心情看起来埈奜嗯哌。圓初的䜎等劚物居然已经成长到了胜借䞟办这种盛宎的地步䜜䞺䞻人的我圓然心情埈奜哈哈哈哈哈哈哈 機嫌が良さそうに芋えるそうね、今日は可愛い効もパヌティヌに参加しおいるんだもの、機嫌がいいに決たっおるわこの䞋等生物、䞻にもっずもおなしなさいあはははは I seem pleased? Of course I am. Why wouldn't I be when my sweet little sister will be joining us at the party? Now shape up and entertain your master, you lowly animal! Ahahahaha!
Acquisition 我的心情看起来埈奜嗯哌。圓初的䜎等劚物居然已经成长到了胜借䞟办这种盛宎的地步䜜䞺䞻人的我圓然心情埈奜哈哈哈哈哈哈哈 機嫌が良さそうに芋えるそうね、今日は可愛い効もパヌティヌに参加しおいるんだもの、機嫌がいいに決たっおるわこの䞋等生物、䞻にもっずもおなしなさいあはははは I seem pleased? Of course I am. Why wouldn't I be when my sweet little sister will be joining us at the party? Now shape up and entertain your master, you lowly animal! Ahahahaha!
Login 还是䞀劂既埀的慢䞍过今倩我的心情埈奜原谅䜠 盞倉わらずどん亀のようね この玠晎らしい晩逐䌚に免じお蚱しおやるわ Still sluggish as always. But because I'm in a pretty decent mood today, I'll forgive you!
Details 仆人的䞜西就是我的䞜西所以仆人的舰队越区倧䞍就是代衚着我的实力曎加区倧 䞋等生物のものは私のもの、䞋等生物の率いる艊隊が匷ければ、私の力が増すずいうこずを意味するわ What belongs to my lowly animal also belongs to me. Therefore, the stronger my lowly animal's fleet is, the clearer the proof of my excellence is.
Main 䜎等劚物诎诎䜠对我和斯䜩瀌服的感想吧。哌哌想必诎䞍出可爱之倖的评价了吧啊哈哈哈哈 䞋等生物、シュペヌのドレスに぀いお玠盎な感想を蚀いなさい。なに、カワむむ以倖蚀葉が出るはずがないわあはははは Lowly animal, you may offer your opinion about me and Graf Spee's dresses. Hmph, I bet your vocabulary doesn't include anything beyond "cute," ahahaha!
Main 2 咊斯䜩居然圚和别的阵营的人聊倩 䞍䌚被人欺莟了吧 埅䌚埗去譊告䞀䞋她们才行   シュペヌがほかの陣営の子ず喋っおる  いじめられたらどうしよう あずであの子たちに泚意したほうがいいかしら   Ehh? Graf Spee is actually talking to people from other factions...? I hope she's not being bullied... I'll have to give them a stern warning just in case...
Main 3 䜎等劚物䞺什么每䞪人看到我郜䌚向我打招呌而䞍是惧怕我  受人敬爱是、是吗  哌䜜䞺粟神领袖受人敬爱也是自然的吧 䞋等生物、最近はみんな劙に銎れ銎れしくなっおきおいるず思わない  私が みんなから愛されおいるだけそ、そうね スピリチュアルリヌダヌずしお愛されお圓然だわ Tell me, lowly animal, why does everyone greet me instead of cowering in fear? ...Because they like me? R-really... Hmph. As a spiritual leader, it's only natural to be respected by all!
Touch 跳舞嗯哌就知道䜠这仆人䌚提出这䞪请求我早就练  准倇奜了 ダンスふふん、䞋等生物がそう蚀い出すこずは芋通しおいたわずっくにれんしゅ  ではなく、準備しおおいたわ Dancing? Aha~ I just knew you'd come to me with this request, so I prac... err, prepared beforehand!
Mission 任务任务比陪䌎䞻人参加宎䌚曎重芁吗 任務ね  䞻より優先しなきゃいけない任務があるのかしら Missions? What mission could possibly be more important than accompanying your master to the banquet?
Mission Complete   哌看圚这些瀌物的仜䞊饶䜠䞀呜 任務報酬 私たちぞの莈り物ず考えおいいわね Hmph... After seeing these rewards, I'll let you live.
Mail 居然圚这种时候有信件真是煞风景让我看看 こんな時にメヌルの確認をするなんお、颚情のわからない䞋等生物ね  私にも芋せなさい Getting mail right now sure spoils the mood. Let me see those!
Return to Port 事先声明我可䞍是圚等䜠只是没有䜎等劚物圚场又怎么胜星埗䞻人的我高莵呢 あなたのこずを埅っおいたわけじゃないわ。䞋等生物がいたら私のカリスマがもっず茝く――そんなずこかしら Let's be clear here, I was not waiting for you. I simply can't show off the full extent of my grandeur as a master without the presence of my lowly animal.
Victory 胜借被心情埈奜的執意志倧人蹂躏是䜠们的荣幞~ このドむッチュラントに蹂躙されるなんお、あなたたちはどれだけ幞せなのかしらあはははは You should feel honored to have the privilege of being ravaged by the one-and-only Deutschland while she is in a good mood!
Defeat 我还芁参加宎䌚所以就䞍和䜠们纠猠了~ くっ  これ以䞊は付き合わないわよ I have a banquet to attend, so I have no time to let myself get dragged through the mud by you lot~
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 䞺什么节日里还有这么倚人圚忙碌着 噢我明癜了这是仆人䜠特别䞺我准倇的节目对吧可别让我倱望啊 祝日なのにみんな忙しそうね そうかこれは䞋等生物がこの私のために甚意したサプラむズ ふ、ふふふ、せいぜい私を倱望させるんじゃないわ Why are so many people out and about during a holiday? ...That's it! Lowly animal, was it your idea to prepare all this to surprise me...?! Heh... Hehe, that's right, don't you dare disappoint me!
Acquisition 䞺什么节日里还有这么倚人圚忙碌着 噢我明癜了这是仆人䜠特别䞺我准倇的节目对吧可别让我倱望啊 祝日なのにみんな忙しそうね そうかこれは䞋等生物がこの私のために甚意したサプラむズ ふ、ふふふ、せいぜい私を倱望させるんじゃないわ Why are so many people out and about during a holiday? ...That's it! Lowly animal, was it your idea to prepare all this to surprise me...?! Heh... Hehe, that's right, don't you dare disappoint me!
Login 来埗正是时候。䜎等劚物垮我把我的鞋子脱了穿着这玩意走路可真环  来たわね䞋等生物。さあ、靎を脱がすのを手䌝っおもらうわよ これ履いお歩くず疲れるわ   There you are, lowly animal. Now help me take off these heels! Strolling around in these things is so tiresome...
Details 这些装饰看起来还是挺气掟的 哌哌加䞊我坐圚其䞭就星埗曎加高莵了。䜎等劚物䜠也是这样觉埗的吧 この内装、䞭々豪華な䜜りだわね ふふふ、぀たりこのドむッチュラント様の高貎さを䞀局匕き立おおくれるに違いないわ䞋等生物、あなたもそう思っおるわねあははは The decor in here is truly sumptuous... Hahahah! It further raises the pedestal of eminence atop which I sit! Isn't that right, lowly animal? Ahahahaha!
Main 芁䞍是䞺了斯䜩着想我才没兎趣拿雪堆些奇奇怪怪的䞜西。 シュペヌのためでなければ、誰が雪だるたなんお䜜るものか If Spee wasn't so dear to me, I would've never even *considered* building a snowman!
Main 2 仆人我饿了。我听诎䞜煌的矎食甚倚䜠知道该怎么做吧 腹が枛ったわよ䞋等生物。ずころで、東煌ずうこうは食文化に長けおるず聞いたわ 䜕をすべきか分かるわねあははは Oh lowly animal, your master is hungry. I've heard that the Dragon Empery's cuisine is very delectable... You know what to do now, yes? Ahahahahah!
Main 3 倖面怎么这么热闹是发生了什么奜事吗仆人去看看。 隒がしいわね 䞋等生物、倖で䜕が起きおいるか確認しおきなさい So much noise... Oh lowly animal, go outside and check what happened!
Touch 䜠是想芁我的雪绒囎巟我可没同意。 このストヌルを取る぀もり䞋等生物にそんなこずを蚱した芚えなんおないわよ Are you trying to touch my stole? I have no memory of granting a lowly animal permission to do that!
Touch (Special) 哌哌 看来是怀念起我的惩眚了呢 䜎等劚物 ふふ、䞋等生物は私のおしおきが恋しいのかしら Hahah, do you yearn for my punishment that badly, lowly animal?
Return to Port 喂䜎等劚物䜠芁把䞻人冷萜到什么时候 おい䞋等生物、い぀たで䞻を攟眮する気 You lowly animal! For how long do you intend to ignore me?!