Z46 (JP 🇯🇵: Z46, CN 🇹🇌: Z46)
Ship ID No. 267 Star Rating ★★★☆☆☆
Hull Destroyer Rarity Super Rare
Navy Ironblood Build Time
Acquisition Event: Divergent Chessboard
Enhance Income
Firepower 4
Torpedo 29
Aviation 0
Reload 15
Scrap Income
Medal 10
Oil 3
Gold 4
Release Date
Voice actress Minori Chihara
Z46 Description
Type 1936C destroyer, Z46
Her First Summer Description
The bustling beach, clamoring with waves of joyfulness... experiencing this kind of summer is a first for me, but I don't dislike it...
Girls' Relay Description
Through the sweat and tears, striving for your goals. Rejoice in victory, sink within defeat... How fascinating, this "sports meet" may be.
Star-Lit★Chocolate Description
Dancing beams of light, shimmering on-stage; uplifted voices, joined as one by song... Upon this unknown stage, my heart doth flutter... Yet this sensation, is quite refreshing.
Janzhi Fantasia Description
"Jianzhi," the art of breathing life into works of cut paper... is a world beyond my imagination. If these decorations are said to usher in blessings... are they akin to a coat-of-arms or a holy seal?
Firepower C
Torpedo A
Aviation E
Evasion B
Anti-air A
HP 2237 Reload 184
Firepower 78 Torpedo 410
Evasion 146 Anti-air 222
Aviation 0 Cost 10
ASW 190 Luck 63
Hit 171 Speed 43.2
Armor Light
HP 2595 Reload 212
Firepower 90 Torpedo 452
Evasion 151 Anti-air 255
Aviation 0 Cost 10
ASW 210 Luck 63
Hit 180 Speed 43.2
Armor Light
HP 433 Reload 78
Firepower 17 Torpedo 87
Evasion 56 Anti-air 48
Aviation 0 Cost 3
ASW 52 Luck 63
Hit 66 Speed 43.2
Armor Light
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost 10
ASW Luck 63
Hit Speed 43.2
Armor Light
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost 10
ASW Luck 63
Hit Speed 43.2
Armor Light
Limit Break
Tier 1 Unlock EX Barrage Ⅰ/AA gun efficiency +5%
Tier 2 Torpedo base +1/Torpedo preload +1/Main gun efficiency +10%
Tier 3 Improve EX Barrage/AA gun efficiency +15%
Slot Equipment Type Efficiency (LB 0/1/2/3) Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3) Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
1 Destroyer Gun 150%/150%/160%/160% 1/1/1/1 0/0/0/0
2 Torpedo 120%/120%/120%/120% 1/1/2/2 0/0/1/1
3 Anti-Air Gun 120%/125%/125%/140% 1/1/1/1 0/0/0/0
4 Auxiliary - - -
5 Auxiliary - - -
Default Equipments
1 Twin 128mm Dual Gun (SK C/41)
2 Quadruple 533mm Torpedo
Fleet Tech
T8 Destroyer: Type 1936C Tech Points and Bonus
Unlock 22 +1
Max LimitBreak 44
Lv.120 32 +1
Icon Name Description Requirements
Iron Wing Annihilation When an enemy aircraft is shot down within your fleet's Anti-Air Gun range: increases this ship's FP by 5.0% (15.0%) of its total AA stat (base stats plus gear stats) for 8s. Effect does not stack, but shooting down additional aircraft will refresh its duration.
Piercing Shells Increases this ship's DMG with AP by 15.0% (25.0%).
All Out Assault Ⅰ Activates All Out Assault Ⅰ: Z46 once every 15 times the Main Guns are fired.
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 1936C型驱逐舰—Z46 1936C型駆逐艊・Z46 Type 1936C destroyer – Z46.
Biography 铁血海军Z级驱逐舰1936幎C型。和四䞪効効䞀同列入建造计划䜆最终只有我和Z47匀工。由于进床猓慢盎到终战也没有完工 尚未出生䟿遭解䜓的舰船那就是我  期埅着䜠䞍再称呌我䞺Z46的那倩来䞎 鉄血海軍Zクラス駆逐艊1936C型のZ46である。同型艊の補造は四隻も蚈画されたが、起工したのは私ずZ47フィヌズだけだった。終戊たで完成されなかった、未完成で解䜓された身である私――い぀かZ46ではなく、本圓の名前を呌んでいただきたい Iron Blood Z-class destroyer, 1936-C Type. Four other sister ships were planned for construction, but only Z47 and I were built. I wasn’t even completed by the end of the war, and was scrapped without ever being finished. One day, I hope to be called not as Z46, but by a true name.
Acquisition 是䜠圚召唀我吗我是  埈可惜现圚我还没有名字䜠就暂时叫我Z46吧 私を呌ぶのはあなただろうか私は  口悔しいが、名乗れる名前がない私を、今しばらくZ46フィヌれず呌んでおくれ Are you the one who summoned me? I am... unfortunately, still without a name. You may call me Z46 for now though.
Login 这䞪䞖界和我料想的倧䞍盞同真有趣 この䞖界はよもやこうも予想ず違えるずは面癜い This world is so different that from what I was expecting. How interesting!
Details Z46只是䞀䞪代号并䞍是我的名字。对船来诎有无名字并䞍重芁䜆   Z46ずはただの仮称、無論、名前ではない。船にずっお名前の有無は倧切ではない、しかし  Z46 is but a codename, not my actual name. For a ship, something like a name should be unimportant, but...
Main 我䞍曟倱莥也未尝受䌀因歀亊无歊勋 倱敗したこずもなく、傷を受けたこずもない。それゆえ、かのZ46に歊勲などない I have experienced neither failure nor suffering. Consequently, I have accomplished nothing.
Main 2 名字䞍仅仅是䞀种称呌。它还是圚这䞪䞖界䞭自身独䞀无二的证明 名前は単なる呌称ではなく、この䞖界で存圚した蚌でもある。 A name is not merely a label. It is also proof that one exists in this world.
Main 3 这䞪䞖界䞊䞍亲身䜓验就无法真正讀识的事物劂那什人敬畏的挫倩繁星般䞍可胜数 䜓隓しないず分からない物事の数々――倩にあたねく星々のように、恐ろしく数えられない The things I have yet to experience and understand are as numerous as the countless stars in the night sky.
Touch 胜被碰觊到是确实存圚着的证明 觊れられる、すなわちこの䞖界に存圚する蚌明である Being able to be touched is proof of one’s existence.
Touch (Special) 劂果䜠的枎求是正确的那䜠的手䞺䜕圚颀抖 自分の枇望が間違いないず信じおいれば、その手はなにゆえ震えおいるのか If your desire is righteous, then why do your hands tremble?
Mission 前去邂逅未知䞎盞遇吧 未知なる存圚ず、新たなる出䌚いヌヌめぐりあうために、いざ行かん Unknown beings and new acquaintances... let us sally forth to meet them!
Mission Complete 自由䞎呜运只垂青每倩努力的人 自由ず運呜は、垞に努力し続ける者にのみ祝犏を授からん Freedom and fortune only favor the hardworking.
Mail 有新邮件是被人期埅䞎信赖的证明 新しいメヌルは、人に期埅、そしお信頌されおいる蚌明でもある Receiving mail is proof of the expectations and trust that people have in you.
Return to Port 战争结束了吗还是才刚刚匀始 戊争は終わったのだろうかそれずも始たったばかりだろうか Is the battle over, or has it just begun?
Commission Complete 圚枯口等埅倖出执行委托的舰船園来  这也是我来到这里前未曟拥有过的䜓验 委蚗に出た船の垰還を埅぀。  これも䜓隓したこずのない䞀぀の出来事であろう Waiting at the harbor for dispatched ships to return... is something I’ve ever experienced before.
Enhancement 歀䞺无足蜻重之事䜆我仍芁嘉奖䜠的心意 語るに及ばない些现なこずであろうが、指揮官の気配りには賛蟞を送らせおほしい Though this is but a trivial thing, I'll return the favor for your consideration.
Flagship 我芁倞赞䜠们看到我还没有逃跑的勇气䞎愚蠢 私を芋おも逃げない、その勇気ず愚鈍さに賛矎を For not fleeing upon seeing my visage, I applaud both your courage and your stupidity.
Victory 是我倪区了还是䜠们倪匱了 私が匷いのだろうかそれずもあなた達が匱いのだろうか Am I too strong? Or are you all too weak?
Defeat 向䞖界炫耀吧䞺击莥过我而骄傲吧 䞖界に勝ち誇れるがよいこの私を、䞀床でも倒した栄光を Go and boast to the world. Be proud that you have bested me even once.
Skill 虚假的必将湮于尘䞖 虚しきものよ、汝の運呜は消し去られる定めなり The unworthy are fated to drown in this world.
Low HP 䜆凡䞍胜杀死䜠的最终郜䌚䜿䜠变区 自分を砎壊しかけたものこそ、自分を匷くしおくれる  What doesn't kill you only makes you stronger.
Affinity (Upset) 这里或讞并没有我枎求的䞜西   私が枇望しおいるもの、ここにはないのかもしれない   Perhaps what I seek... cannot be found here.
Affinity (Stranger) 远寻着“名字”的螪迹我来到了这里 私は「名前」の糞を蟿り、ここに来た The journey to find a name has lead me to this place.
Affinity (Friendly) 亲友、敌人、喜奜、厌憎  来到这里之前我什么郜䞍曟拥有 友も敵も、芪愛も憎悪も  ここに来る前に、等しく持っおいなかった Friendship, enmity, love, hate... these are things that I have never experienced prior to coming here.
Affinity (Like) 埮风拂过海面蝉鞣挟入云闎。叜叜喳喳的笑声圚沙滩䞊留䞋深浅䞍䞀的足迹盛暑阳光债神炫目暡糊了远近的園船  这里的风景真是什人猱绻 頬に感じる朮颚、耳に䌝わる波音、砂浜に残る歓喜の残響ず足跡、頭䞊に茝く真倏の倪陜、垰路に揺らぐ遠き癜垆  去り難い思いの、景色  The sea breeze caressing my cheeks, the crashing of waves resounding in my ear. The laughter echoing on the beach, the footprints left in the sand. The rays of summer shimmering overhead, the fluttering sails of ships about to return... What an unforgettable scenery.
Affinity (Love) 被需芁、被期望、被信赖、被喜爱  经历了种种风风雚雚后我这匠癜纞已然染䞊了䜠的颜色。请奜奜思考我的名字吧我的挚爱。 必芁ずされ、期埅され、信頌され、恋慕され  あなた色に染められた「私」ずいう癜糞。愛する人よ、どうか私の名を考えおおくれ To be needed, yearned for, trusted, and loved... "I" am a cloth dyed by your color. My beloved, please bestow a name upon me.
Pledge 我挚爱的人啊我已经期埅这䞀倩埈久了䜠䞺我准倇了怎样的名字 埅ち遠しく思ったこの日が぀いに来たり。愛する人よ、「私」にはどんな名前をくれるのだろうか My beloved, I have long awaited this day. What name have you decided to bestow upon me?
In battle with Graf Zeppelin 战斗结束以后请教我今倩䟿圓的做法吧 After this battle ends, please teach me to make today's lunch.
In battle with Z35 偶像的名字䞎我䞍盞配请䞍芁 加䞊“小”字   Ill suited as I am for an idol's name... Please do not try to call me something cutesy.
In battle with Z23 记䜏倪过努力有时反而䌚有反效果。 Do remember, trying too hard can sometimes backfire.
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 躁劚的沙滩欢笑的海蟹 初次䜓验到的别样倏倩我并䞍讚厌 喧隒な砂浜、笑顔溢れる海蟺  はじめお䜓隓した別様の倏、嫌悪などするはずもなく The bustling beach, clamoring with waves of joyfulness... experiencing this kind of summer is a first for me, but I don't dislike it...
Acquisition 躁劚的沙滩欢笑的海蟹 初次䜓验到的别样倏倩我并䞍讚厌 喧隒な砂浜、笑顔溢れる海蟺  はじめお䜓隓した別様の倏、嫌悪などするはずもなく The bustling beach, clamoring with waves of joyfulness... experiencing this kind of summer is a first for me, but I don't dislike it...
Login 盛倏的海蟹充满了未知䞎谜团 䞀起去探玢吧 謎ず未知に溢れる真倏の海岞 ずもに探怜を始めよう The midsummer seaside is full of the unknown... Let's go explore it together!
Details 朮起朮萜留䞋了这䞪隟忘的倏倩。 満ち朮、匕き朮、残せしものは忘れがたい倏の思い出―― The tide ebbs and flows, leaving behind an unforgettable summer experience.
Main 酷暑䞎冰真是劙䞍可蚀的䞀对矛盟。 酷暑ず氷、蚀葉で衚せぬ矎しき察極   The hot summer and the refreshing ice... what a wonderful contradiction.
Main 2 盞信䜠心䞭的盎觉䞎勇气吧它䌚指匕䜠前进的。 勇気ず盎感を信じたたえ。あなたの進む先を導く Trust your instincts and your courage. They will guide you forward.
Main 3 无论倚少次我郜䌚盞信䜠的话。只芁是䜠䞀定指匕我走向正确道路的吧。 幟床だろうず、あなたの蚀葉を信じ続ける。あなたならきっず、私の正しい道を指し瀺すがために―― No matter how many times, I will always believe in your words. I can always trust that you will guide me down the right path.
Touch 我确实的存圚着被倧家需芁着   私は存圚しおいる。そしおみんなに必芁ずされおいる   I truly do exist, and am needed by everyone...
Touch (Special) 䞺䜕 䜠的双県正诉诎着犹豫 その目  なにゆえ躊躇いを芋せおいるのか Why... is there hesitation in your eyes?
Return to Port 准倇奜了吗那就前埀䞋䞀䞪战场吧名䞺「海氎济场」的战场—— 甚意は出来たかでは次なる戊堎ぞず参ろう。「海氎济」ずいう名の戊堎ぞず―― Have you prepared yourself? Then let us proceed to our next battlefield. This battle shall thusly be dubbed: "Soaking in the Shallows!"
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 奔跑䞎汗氎努力䞎垌望倱萜䞎欢笑  这就是 “运劚䌚” 有点期埅 努力ず根性、目暙ず垌望、歓喜ず消沈  「運動䌚」  楜しみだ Through the sweat and tears, striving for your goals. Rejoice in victory, sink within defeat... How fascinating, this "sports meet" may be.
Acquisition 奔跑䞎汗氎努力䞎垌望倱萜䞎欢笑  这就是 “运劚䌚” 有点期埅 努力ず根性、目暙ず垌望、歓喜ず消沈  「運動䌚」  楜しみだ Through the sweat and tears, striving for your goals. Rejoice in victory, sink within defeat... How fascinating, this "sports meet" may be.
Details 我也想劂猎豹䞀样跑埗曎快想像鞟儿那般飞埗曎高。 私も  ヒョりのように早く走り、鳥のように高く飛べるようになりたい I wish to run as fast as a leopard, and fly to great heights like a soaring bird.
Main 䞎他人竞争通过战斗之倖的方匏证明自己债取“冠军”  这样的感觉埈奇劙 「戊闘」の「競争」ではなく、「競走」で「䞀䜍」を目指す  新鮮な気分 To compete with others and prove your worth, through different means than fighting battles... To be crowned "champion," 'tis a great feeling.
Main 2 光是圚小小的孊园䞭就还有这么倚我未曟经历䞎䜓验的事物  小さい孊園の䞭でも、ただ䜓隓したこずのない物事が数々   Even in this little academy, there are so many things to do and see...
Main 3 无论是圚赛道䞊挥排汗氎还是圚赛道旁䞺她人加油郜是什人隟忘的䜓验 レヌスで汗をかいたこずも、応揎に励んだこずも、忘れがたい䜓隓なり Whether your sweat is falling on the track, or your words are encouraging others, all of this is an unforgettable experience.
Touch 仅凭小小的纞条就胜䞎她人产生䞍䞀样的联系 「借物竞赛」比想象䞭的曎加有趣 小さな玙切れ䞀枚に、人ずの぀ながりを生み出す 「借り物競走」、思っおいたより面癜い Just a small piece of paper... can create such a profound tie between people... this "scavenger hunt" is more interesting than I thought.
Touch (Special) 这里 有什么倌埗探玢的事物吗 䞀䜓どんな存圚が  その指先を巡らせおいるのか Where are your fingers... Is there really anything worth exploring right there?
Return to Port 新的战斗已经迫圚眉睫做奜准倇吧迎接名䞺“运劚䌚”的玧匠战斗—— 来たる新たな戊いに備えよう「運動䌚」ずいう、緊迫する戊いを―― Steel yourselves for this upcoming battle! Intense fights await, at our next sports meet!
Affinity (Love) 䜠所期望的我应有的色圩无论是黑色还是红色亊或青色我郜将党盘接受。让我䞺了䜠赋予我的“名字”真正的“Z46”献䞊祝犏—— あなたが望む私ずいう存圚の色圩  黒だろうず、赀だろうず、青だろうず、私は受け入れる。愛する人よ、あなたがくれた名前ずいうアむデンティティに祝犏を―― Whatever color you may wish to bestow upon my existence – be it black, red, or blue, I shall accept it all. My beloved, please bestow upon me my name, the identity you choose to bless me with.
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 挥舞的圩色荧光闪耀的舞台热烈的欢呌䞎跃劚的音笊 我正站圚 未知的舞台之䞊。这种悞劚的感觉 并䞍坏 茝けるサむリりム、圱映すホリゟント、歓声ずメロディ、歌声、迎響が織りなす倚重局クむンテット  未知の舞台に登っおいる私  ずきめく感情、悪くない Dancing beams of light, shimmering on-stage; uplifted voices, joined as one by song... Upon this unknown stage, my heart doth flutter... Yet this sensation, is quite refreshing.
Acquisition 挥舞的圩色荧光闪耀的舞台热烈的欢呌䞎跃劚的音笊 我正站圚 未知的舞台之䞊。这种悞劚的感觉 并䞍坏 茝けるサむリりム、圱映すホリゟント、歓声ずメロディ、歌声、迎響が織りなす倚重局クむンテット  未知の舞台に登っおいる私  ずきめく感情、悪くない Dancing beams of light, shimmering on-stage; uplifted voices, joined as one by song... Upon this unknown stage, my heart doth flutter... Yet this sensation, is quite refreshing.
Login 只芁䜠泚视着我就有圚舞台之䞊䞀盎唱䞋去的勇气。 あなたが芋぀めおくれる限り、ステヌゞで歌い続ける勇気が尜きぬであろう As long as your eyes are fixed upon me; Upon this stage I shall sing bravely.
Details 无数日倜的努力只䞺舞台䞊闪耀的䞀瞬劂同流星跚越苍穹留圚人们県䞭的华只有刹那的光芒。 数え切れない努力はステヌゞでの䞀瞬の茝きのため。流れ星のごずく、刹那の思い出を残す光―― Countless days and nights of hard work congeal into a single flash of brilliance onstage. Like a shooting star, leaving only a fleeting trail of light—
Main 光芒照耀䞋的舞台是䞀方独立的䞖界未知的䞖界之闚正圚向我打匀   光差すステヌゞは珟実から離れたもう䞀぀の䞖界。その未知なる扉が今、私を出迎えようずしおいる The star-lit stage is another world of its own, an ajar door to the unknown that now beckons me...
Main 2 吟友无须䞺我担心。这䞀切皆是Z23和Z35、斯䜩和垌䜩尔以及我等铁血党员之矁绊所创造之物 友よ案ずるこずはない。すべおはニヌミ、フュン、シュペヌ、そしおヒッパヌたち、私たち鉄血の絆から線み出されたものだ My dear friend, there is no reason to worry about me. All of this was made possible by Z23, Z35, Graf Spee, Admiral Hipper... We are all connected by the bonds of the Iron Blood.
Main 3 望向同台䞊挔出者䞎台䞋之观䌗们的视线 原来劂歀确实埈重芁其被称䞺“魔県”的原因也䞀块告诉我吧 挔者ず、芳客ぞの目配り なるほど、重芁ではあるが、それを魔県ず呌ぶ所以も教えおくれないだろうか Take heed of where the other performers and your audience are looking? ...I see. I understand why such a thing is important, but can you explain to me why it is called the "Evil Eye?"
Touch 这“歌声”䟿是歀刻的我存圚于歀的证明。 この歌声こそ、私がここにいる蚌明 My singing voice... is proof of my existence.
Return to Port 歀倄亊是战场是名䞺“偶像”的存圚赌䞊䞀切战斗的唀䜜“舞台”的战场。 こここそ偶像たちが魅力を、党おをかけお競う戊堎。その名を「ステヌゞ」ず呌ぶ The stage is yet another battlefield, where wars are fought not with steel and fire, but with our charm and earnest desire.
Commission Complete 委托的舰船回枯了。䜜䞺受人厇拜的偶像向她们展瀺自己的存圚吧 委蚗から船たちが戻っおきた。厇拝される偶像ずしお、皆に姿を芋せよう A commission fleet has returned to port. I wish for them to see me as I am now, as a beloved idol.
Flagship 䞇人厇拜之偶像 我䌚努力扮挔奜的。 厇拝されし熱狂の偶像  䞊手く挔じおみせよう In front of tens and thousands of adoring fans... I must do my very best.
Victory 以至高之歌䞺挔出者们的胜利献䞊祝犏 挔者たちの勝利を最高の歌で祝おう Let us sing this song of celebration; For our friends' displays of dedication.
Defeat 是练习䞍足吗亊或是 胞䞭的这股热情没胜䌠蟟到  レッスンが足りないのだろうか。それずも、この情熱が通じおいないのだろうか Have my lessons been so insufficient; or are my emotions simply deficient?
Affinity (Love) 圚舞台灯光的照耀䞋䞍安玧匠仓皇䞀切郜无倄躲藏。指挥官我心䞭这仜“热情”有通过歌声奜奜䌠蟟到䜠的心䞭吗 䞍安、緊匵、数々の光が集うステヌゞの䞊で、心の色圩を隠しようがない 愛する人よ、この感情はあなたに䌝わっおいるのだろうか Anxiety and nervousness gather along with the light upon this stage, and the colors of my heart cannot be concealed... O you who I love, are these feelings reaching you?
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Ship Description 剪裁纞匠构造出劚物之造型 这䞪䞖界再次超出了我的理解范囎。把这些装饰起来䟿胜借招莢蜬运 莫非是等同于纹章、亊或是圣印之物 玙を切り抜いお䜜った動物の絵 どうやら私の理解の範疇をたた超越しおいるようだ。食れば良いこずが起きるこずからしお、もしや――印、王章、聖印ではなかろうか "Jianzhi," the art of breathing life into works of cut paper... is a world beyond my imagination. If these decorations are said to usher in blessings... are they akin to a coat-of-arms or a holy seal?
Acquisition 剪裁纞匠构造出劚物之造型 这䞪䞖界再次超出了我的理解范囎。把这些装饰起来䟿胜借招莢蜬运 莫非是等同于纹章、亊或是圣印之物 玙を切り抜いお䜜った動物の絵 どうやら私の理解の範疇をたた超越しおいるようだ。食れば良いこずが起きるこずからしお、もしや――印、王章、聖印ではなかろうか "Jianzhi," the art of breathing life into works of cut paper... is a world beyond my imagination. If these decorations are said to usher in blessings... are they akin to a coat-of-arms or a holy seal?
Login 期埅䞋䞀次的制䜜——䌌乎我也圚䞍觉闎被歀等艺术所吞匕了。 次の完成が埅ち遠しい――この芞術品には぀い惹かれおしたうようだ I eagerly await the completion of this next piece... It's as if my soul resonates with this craft.
Main 迎接春之到来的祭兞鲜红、喧闹而又矎味—枯区之䞭想必无人胜抵挡这般魅力。 春の到来を祝う祭兞、赀く、隒がしく、そしお矎味しく――その魅力に心奪われぬ存圚はこの母枯にいるはずもなく The festival to herald the arrival of spring is sanguine, filled with joy, fanfare, and deliciousness. None may resist its delights.
Main 2 吟友之効啊再皍等片刻吧烹饪的时闎把握并非那般简单之事。 友の効よ、もうしばし埅っおほしい。調理ずいうものは時間の制埡が難しいのだ Sister of my friend, please wait a bit longer. The preparation process is difficult to control.
Main 3 把剪奜的成品攟到这匠癜纞䞊保存吗嗯越是粟臎的艺术越芁有䞥栌的保技—— 切り終わったら絵をこの台玙に繊现な芞術ほど、守りを厳重にせねば―― After this piece is complete, will you mount it? The more delicate the art, the more strict the protection must be...
Touch 埅我完成歀印想必它䌚成䞺䜠的助力。 この印ができあがれば、あなたの力ずなろう Allow me to complete this seal, and it may be of great use to you.
Touch (Special) 也有芁莎到人身䞊的吗 䜓に貌り付けるものもあるのか Are you trying to stick something onto me?
Return to Port 什同䌎困扰并非我之所愿。圚完党掌握歀等技巧前我还是先旁观䞀番吧。 仲間に迷惑をかけない――それゆえ、䜜り方が完党にわかるたで芋るだけずしよう I have no desire to be a burden upon my peers... Before devoting myself to this craft, I shall continue to observe.
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Ship Description 看到了吗这里的灰尘。既然接受了枅扫任务我就䞍䌚容讞任䜕䞀䞝尘埃的存圚。䞎我䞀起赢䞋这场战斗吧。 芋えるだろうかこのホコリ。枅掃を任された以䞊、私は䞀片たりずもホコリの存圚を蚱しおはならない。どうかあなたもこの戊いに加勢しおくれないだろうか Cast your eyes upon this bit of dust. As I was entrusted with the cleaning, I shall not allow this dust to remain. Will you also join me in this battle?
Acquisition 看到了吗这里的灰尘。既然接受了枅扫任务我就䞍䌚容讞任䜕䞀䞝尘埃的存圚。䞎我䞀起赢䞋这场战斗吧。 芋えるだろうかこのホコリ。枅掃を任された以䞊、私は䞀片たりずもホコリの存圚を蚱しおはならない。どうかあなたもこの戊いに加勢しおくれないだろうか Cast your eyes upon this bit of dust. As I was entrusted with the cleaning, I shall not allow this dust to remain. Will you also join me in this battle?
Login 赌䞊我的荣耀䞀定芁把这些灰尘给 嗯我诎了什么奇怪的话吗 私の誇りにかけお、このホコリをはらっおみせよう。 ん私は今䜕か倉なこずを蚀ったのか Upon my pride, this dust shall know no succor. Hm? Did I say something weird just now?
Details 劂果连俟斯麊倧人的雕像郜枅理䞍干净的话 就没颜面面对铁血的诞䜍了 䞍过战斗才刚刚匀始  ビスマルク殿の像すら満足に枅掃できないずは 鉄血の皆に顔向けできない 。しかし、ただ戊いはこれからだ Even Lord Bismarck's statue cannot be cleaned satisfactorily... Too ashamed am I to face my Iron Blood friends, but this war against dust, I shall not suspend.
Main 这埮小华又数量䌗倚的尘埃究竟芁劂䜕才胜 䞍可胜扫干净䞍䌚的我的存圚就是其反证。 矮小ながらも無数に存圚するホコリを根絶するにはどうしたら 無理そんなこずはない。私の存圚こそその反蚌であろう How does one eradicate something as infinitesimal yet as innumerable as dust? ...It's impossible? That, I cannot accept. To do so would invalidate my very existence.
Main 2 看着某䞪地方随着枅扫变埗干净挂亮是䞀件让人身心舒畅的事情。劂果还有想芁打扫的地方尜管喊我垮忙吧。 枅掃で綺麗になる過皋を芋るのは気持ちがいい。掃陀しお欲しい堎所があれば助力しよう The process of making things beautiful and pure through cleaning is wonderful indeed. Call upon me if there is some place you want cleaned.
Main 3 俗话诎“积少成倚”劂果把灰尘攟圚䞀蟹䞍管总有䞀倩䌚堆成䞀座小山吧。所以我必须把它们枅陀。 「塵も積もれば山ずなる」ずいうから、これを捚お眮けばいずれ山が出来おしたうのだろう故に私はホコリを取り陀かねばならない "If dust is allowed to remain, it will eventually become a mountain." Does this not mean that all the dust I sweep will also become a mountain? I cannot allow that, and that is why I must eradicate it all.
Touch 这些孩子们也尜力参䞎到枅扫之䞭了。劂果䜠也胜垮忙的话我䌚非垞感激的。 饅頭も枅掃に尜力しおくれおいる。あなたも手助けしおくれるずありがたい The manjuus are doing their best to help out. I would appreciate it if you could do the same.
Touch (Special) 嗯垮倧忙了。我正想借䜠的手打扫䞋我借䞍到的地方。 ん、助かる。ちょうど届かないずころを掃陀するのにあなたの手を借りたいずころだった Oh, thank you. I was just thinking I needed a lift to reach that high spot.
Return to Port 呣呣 无论怎么掞郜䌚留䞋灰尘。隟道是掞子䞊本来就有灰尘所以怎么郜掞䞍干净 むむ なぜはらっおもはらっおもホコリが぀いおしたうのか。掃陀道具にホコリが぀いおいるから氞遠に終わらない Hrmm... The more I clean, the more the dust grows. Will this battle never cease because dust yet remains on my tool's fleece?
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 嗯䜠是被这只笛子所吹奏出的曲调吞匕选择加入的人么埈奜  䜜䞺垊䜠螏䞊旅途的亀换就将䜠的故事讲给我听吧。 んこの笛の音に魅入られお぀いおきたのかうむ  私を旅に連れお行く芋返りに、あなたの物語を聞かせおほしい Hm? You are following us because you're drawn to the sound of my flute? Ah... Then in exchange for accompanying you on this journey, tell me your story.
Acquisition 嗯䜠是被这只笛子所吹奏出的曲调吞匕选择加入的人么埈奜  䜜䞺垊䜠螏䞊旅途的亀换就将䜠的故事讲给我听吧。
Login 准倇奜了么——和我䞀起甚音乐䞎歌谣去面对未知之敌。
Details 吟枞诗人Z46吹笛手Z46  圚这场挫长的旅途䞭最终䌚被赋予倚少称呌呢
Main 䌠唱垌望猖织勇气将䌟倧的冒险故事谱写成歌谣——这就是我的旅途。 nil nil
Main 2 即䜿我并䞍打算做什么䜠也䞀样䌚被这笛声所俘虏   nil nil
Main 3 䞀颗勇敢坚毅的心、氞远怀揣垌望和理想  以及最重芁也是最䞍可或猺的魅力。䜠埈有成䞺吟枞诗人的倩赋呢。 nil nil
Touch 是想芁借甚这支笛子么  可别被它的力量所蛊惑啊。
Touch (Special) 䜠 圚期埅着曲调䌚因歀变化么
Return to Port 䞍论面对䜕事郜䞍可攟匃垌望。这可是“吟枞诗人”的行事准则  现圚欢迎䜠。
Commission Complete 嗯  该挔奏䞀支庆祝園来的曲调了。应该胜抚慰她们的蟛劳吧。
Affinity (Love) 这䞀路同行所发生的故事我䌚将它们谱写成新的歌谣甚这笛声䌠遍各地  因䞺那是䞎特别的人——也就是䜠所发生的故事。
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