Z43 (JP 🇯🇵: Z43, CN 🇹🇼: Z43)
Ship ID No. 651 Star Rating ★★☆☆☆
Hull Destroyer Rarity Elite
Navy Ironblood Build Time
Enhance Income
Scrap Income
Release Date
Voice actress
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
Limit Break
Tier 1
Tier 2
Tier 3
Slot Equipment Type Efficiency (LB 0/1/2/3) Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3) Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
4 Auxiliary - - -
5 Auxiliary - - -
Default Equipments
Fleet Tech
T Destroyer: Type 1936B Tech Points and Bonus
Unlock +
Max LimitBreak
Lv.120 +
Icon Name Description Requirements
Eternal Demon-Eye Every 20s after the battle starts: 70.0% chance to increase this ship's FP, TRP, and ACC by 15.0% (30.0%) for 10s. If this buff does not activate: decreases all enemies' FP, TRP, and SPD by 1.0% (10.0%) for 10s.
Rebel for Justice! When the battle starts, decreases this ship's DMG taken from DD cannons and torpedoes by 1.0% (10.0%). Once per battle, when this ship's HP falls below 60.0% as a result of DMG taken: decreases this ship's DMG taken by 1.0% (10.0%) until the battle ends and increases this ship's AA, ASW, and EVA by 15.0% (30.0%).
All Out Assault I Activates All Out Assault Ⅰ: 1936B Type once every 15 times the Main Guns are fired.
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 1936B型驱逐舰—Z43 1936B型駆逐艦-Z43 Type 1936B destroyer – Z43.
Biography 宿命之人呦,吾是铁血的Z43,亦是恶魔之中最为强大的存在。吾出现在此,就是为了保护汝不受暗黑镇魂曲(Dark Requiem)的侵袭!呵呵呵……汝就为这命运的邂逅而感到荣幸吧! 宿命の人よ、来たれ!私は鉄血のZ43(フィード)、デビルにおいて最強の存在、暗黒鎮魂歌から君を守るためにここに舞い降りた…くくく、この運命の出会いを光栄に思うがいい! You may approach, Augur of Destiny! I am the Iron Blood's Z43, most powerful devil in all the world, descended to protect you from Dark Requiem... Heheheh, be proud of this fated encounter!
Acquisition 呵呵呵……吾的宿命之人呦,从此以后,就由正义的化身、身怀漆黑羽翼却信仰光明之人、魔眼的恶魔——叛恶者Z43来保护汝吧! むふふ……宿命の人よ、来たれ。正義に形作られ、闇キ翼を授かってもなお光を追い求めんとする、魔眼のデビル――悪を裏切りし者(レブル)のZ43が抱きしめてあげよう! Heheh... You may approach, Augur of Destiny. Z43, the demon-eyed devil, rebel against evil, she who chases the light even when cursed with wings of dark, welcomes you!
Login 哇呜!宿命之人!你怎么现在才来!快跟我走,该和我一起去摧毁邪恶组织——暗黑镇魂曲(Dark Requiem)的阴谋了! とぉぉ!宿命の人よ、来たれ!…って遅いじゃない!…は、早く私とともに闇の組織――暗黒鎮魂歌(ダークレクイエム)の陰謀を暴いていこう! Ooh! Augur of Destiny, come! ...Hey, you're late! H-hurry and help me uncover the evil conspiracies of Dark Requiem, the organization of darkness!
Details 暗黑镇魂曲(Dark Requiem),简称DaRe……都是些阴险狡诈,喜欢迷惑人心之徒……嗯?就是指那些每天在海上和我们交战的家伙啦。 暗黒鎮魂歌。狡猾にして人を惑わすのを得意とする存在が群れをなして――ん?毎日海で戦っている敵のことだが? Dark Requiem – DR, for short. Treacherous scoundrels who delight in deceiving the masses... Hm? I mean the enemies we fight with at sea daily, of course.
Main “叛恶者”这个称号的由来?当时我决意与罪恶之徒分道扬镳,并狠狠重创了它们,所以就有了这个称号啦!好奇罪恶之徒都是谁?这,这个……只是细节吧!……我还没想好这里的设定…… 悪を裏切りし者という呼び名の由来か?悪と袂を分かち、深手を追わせてやったらいつしかこう呼ばれるようになったのだ…うん?悪の正体が気になる?そ、そんなー!細かすぎるぞ!まだここの設定を考えてないのに… Interested in why they call me the rebel against evil? Well, I parted ways with the bad guys and dealt a major wound to them... Hm? Who are the bad guys? Sh-shut up! No more questions! I haven't put that much thought into my backstory...
Main 2 使魔都在哪里?平时杜尔西都会变成包包形状寄宿在我的腰间,而德尔则是会变成眼罩,封印我的魔眼之力。嘿嘿,很可爱吧?都是我亲自设计……咳咳,亲自降服的! 使い魔の居場所?くくく、ドゥルシはポーチに化けてこの通り身につけているし、デラマンはアイパッチとして我が魔眼を封じている――えへへ、かわいいでしょ?全部私がデザイン…こほん!手懐けたのだ! Where are my familiars? Heheh, Dulce has shapeshifted into this bag I'm wearing, and Delaman is the eyepatch that seals my demon eye as we speak. Heheh, cute, right? I designed it all... Ahem, TAMED them myself!
Main 3 宿命之人啊,你有没有战斗或者出场时的专属背景音乐呀?嗯,如果我来选的话,应该是爵士乐吧……毕竟这样才有那种特别的正义组织的余裕感吧! 宿命の人よ、教えるがいい!君が戦いに挑む時の…専用BGMとかってある?ええと、私が選ぶならジャズかな……うん!ジャズなら正義の組織の余裕を上手く表現できる! Augur of Destiny, tell me something! When you fight enemies, do you have a... personal boss battle theme? I'd pick something jazzy for you... Yeah! Jazz is great for symbolizing the confidence of the Fellowship of Justice!
Touch 唔!结界被突破了?! くっ!私の結界が…破られた?! Kh! You've broken my barrier?
Touch (Special) 指、指挥官!您这样会让封印的魔力暴走,整个世界都会毁灭哦! ししし指揮官!このままじゃ魔力を暴走させて世界を滅ぼしてしまうよ!? C-C-Commander! At this rate, my magic will run wild and destroy the very fabric of the world!
Touch (Headpat) 哇!不要摸我的头!感知黑暗的能力会下降的! ふわああ!頭はやめろー!闇の感知能力が下がるー! Gaaah! Stop touching my head! You're ruining my power to detect darkness!
Mission 宿命之人,不努力完成任务可是没办法帮助我贯彻正义的哦! 宿命の人よ、気をつけよ!任務を頑張ってこなさないと、私の正義を貫くことも不可能だということを! Have caution, Augur of Destiny! If you do not complete your missions, then I will be unable to see my justice done!
Mission Complete 任务完成……奖励……唔唔……清点起来有点复杂啊,就交给宿命之人好了! 任務完了……報酬……むむむ……確認するのに時間がかかりそう…宿命の人よ、君に任せた! Mission complete. The rewards... Mmm, it'll take too long to check all of these... I leave this job to you, Augur of Destiny!
Mail 我的魔眼……已经看到了信件的内容哦……啊!我开玩笑的啦!怎么可能会偷看你的信件嘛! 私の魔眼は既に手紙の内容を捉えている……はわわ冗談だって!君の手紙を盗み見するわけないから! My demon eye has already seen the contents of your mail... Ack, I'm kidding! I wouldn't peep at your mail!
Return to Port 哼哼哼~!我的使魔德尔和杜尔西告诉我,你要回来了,所以我提前准备好了点心!快尝尝吧! くくく…使い魔のデラマンとドゥルシが君の帰還を知らせてくれたおかげで、差し入れのスイーツを用意しておくことができたのだ!さあ、早く食すがいい! Heheheh... My servants, Delaman and Dulce, informed me of your arrival, giving me time to make sweets! Come, eat your fill!
Commission Complete 应该是同伴们完成委托回来了,看来这次没被DaRe阻挠呢! 仲間たちが委託から帰還したようだ。くくく、暗黒鎮魂歌に邪魔されずに済んだみたい Our allies are back from their commission. Heheheh, DR could not foil their mission this time!
Enhancement 呵呵呵……能感受到魔力又增强了。 くくく…私の魔力がまた、強く! Heheheh... My magic grows ever stronger!
Flagship 与Dark Requiem的战斗,就交给我吧! 暗黒鎮魂歌との戦いは、私が! The battle with Dark Requiem is mine to fight!
Victory 和吾共享胜利的荣光吧!啊哈哈哈哈~ 勝利の栄光は私、そして君に!あーはっはっはっはー! The glory of victory is mine – and by extension, yours!
Defeat 可恶……是左眼的封印在躁动的缘故么…… くっ…左目の封印が疼いたせいか…… Kh... Has this happened because of the stirring of my left eye's seal?
Skill 让你们看看我真正的力量! 真の力を見せてやろう! Let them witness our true power!
Low HP 结界要被粉碎了?! 結界が粉砕される…!? Kh! My barrier has been broken?!
Affinity (Upset) 唔……难道黑暗的力量已经侵蚀到这里了么…… むぅ……闇の侵食がここまできたか…… Hmm... So the dark encroaches even into you...
Affinity (Stranger) 宿命之人呦,你现在已经是正义组织正在积极考察,有望发展为干部的对象了!嗯?考察人是谁?当然就是我啦! 宿命の人よ、心せよ!君はもはや正義の組織が積極的に観察した結果、幹部に登用されるべき存在だ!うん?誰が観察しているって?もちろんこの私だ! Augur of Destiny, be aware that the Fellowship of Justice has investigated you and is considering for a leadership position! Hm? Who investigated you? Me, of course!
Affinity (Friendly) 策略?谋略?在吾永恒之魔眼的凝视下,一切都显得那么渺小可笑。汝等都只是蝼蚁罢了……欸欸,等、等一下,指挥官这些不是说给你听的啦! 謀略?作戦?この永遠の魔眼の前ではどれも矮小にして滑稽なり!所詮は虫けらごとき……えっ、ちょっ、待って!指揮官に言ってるわけじゃないからー! Plotting, strategies... All of it is so small and frivolous before my eternal demon eye! Like mere ants... Huh? W-wait! I'm not saying YOU'RE like that, Commander!
Affinity (Like) 宿命之人呦,你看这个!这是我为你设计的形象——左手拿着可以召唤恶魔的魔导书,右手正在构筑足以颠覆世界的魔法阵!身后是一半黑色一半白色的羽翼翼……超、超帅对吧! 宿命の人よ、見るがいい!君のためにデザインしたアバターを!左手にはデビルを召喚できる魔導書、右手には世界をも覆す魔法陣、背中には黒と白、2つの翼!…す、すっごーーくかっこいいよね! Behold, Augur of Destiny, the avatar I designed for you! In your left hand, a devil-summoning magical book! With your right, you wield a magic circle that can subvert the laws of this very world! On your back, twin wings of white and black! ...I-it's cool as hell, right?!
Affinity (Love) 宿命之人呦,来,将汝的手放在我吾的掌心上吧!吾将对汝进行心意联结(Heart Link)!哦……哦哦……!这个奔涌而来的感觉是……!哼,哼哼哼……没错!汝果然无法抵抗叛恶者Z43的魅力对吧! 宿命の人よ、来たれ!君の手を私の手のひらにかざすがいい!これより君と心を繋げ――お、おおお…!この感じ…くくく!やはり君は、悪を裏切りし者たる私の魅力に抗えない! Come, Augur of Destiny, and place your hand on mine! I will now link our hearts... Oooh! This feeling... Heheheh! I knew it! You cannot resist the charms of this rebel against evil!
Pledge 咳,虽说是想引起你的注意……但没想到指挥官刚好喜欢这种吗?……咳咳!那么,汝愿与吾缔结永恒之约么?在此执行与汝签永世不可背弃之契约!什,什么……居然这么爽快地答应了……! コホン、君の気を引こうとしたとはいえ……え、指揮官はこんな感じのがいいの?…コホン!改めて、君は私と永遠の契りを交わすというのか?そう、永遠に続く、決して裏切れない契りを――な、なななな…!?そ、そんなにあっさりはいって答えちゃうの!? Ahem. Yes, I was trying to get your attention... Huh? You like this, Commander? ...Ack, ahem! Do you wish to renew our covenant? A covenant for all eternity, one that can never be broken–wh-what?! You agreed that easily?!
In battle with Z36 欸?你也是恶魔的设定吗? え?ゼクちゃんもデビル…の設定? Huh? Z36, are you supposed to be a devil, too...?
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Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 怎么一直缠不上……呜——呀!疼疼疼……欸?指、指挥官?啊不对,宿命之人!快帮帮我嘛!我用来控制魔力的绷带它自己暴走啦! どうして上手く包帯を巻け……んんんー!あいたたたた!……え?しき――しゅ、宿命の人よ、手を貸せ!魔力制御の包帯が暴走している…! Why can't I wrap this damn bandage... Hnnngh! Ow, ow, ouch! ...Huh? Comma–A-Augur of Destiny, help me! My magic-suppressing bandages have taken on a mind of their own...!
Acquisition 怎么一直缠不上……呜——呀!疼疼疼……欸?指、指挥官?啊不对,宿命之人!快帮帮我嘛!我用来控制魔力的绷带它自己暴走啦! どうして上手く包帯を巻け……んんんー!あいたたたた!……え?しき――しゅ、宿命の人よ、手を貸せ!魔力制御の包帯が暴走している…! Why can't I wrap this damn bandage... Hnnngh! Ow, ow, ouch! ...Huh? Comma–A-Augur of Destiny, help me! My magic-suppressing bandages have taken on a mind of their own...!
Login 宿命之人呦~既然汝已经发现了吾的秘密基地,那这里以后也就对汝开放了! 宿命の人よ、心して聞け!この秘密基地を君に知られたからには……いつでも遊びにきていいぞ! Heed my words, Augur of Destiny! Now that you've discovered my secret base... you may come and hang out any time you want!
Main 只是像平时那样绑上绷带来汇集魔力……今天怎么会一直弄不好嘛!难道是最近总是熬夜补数学作业,导致对魔力的控制能力下降了? 普段通りなら包帯を巻いて魔力を……なぜか今日は上手く行かないんだ!最近宿題を夜ふかしでやってるせいで…魔力の制御が落ちてしまった? I'm just trying to put this bandage on to seal my magic as usual... Why can't I get it on today?! Have the late nights working on homework ruined my control over magic?
Main 2 滑梯上贴的是什么?哼哼~是吾设立在此处的魔法术式!以及吾的正义计划!予迷茫者指引,予……欸、欸欸,指挥官别走啊……! 滑り台に貼られてる紙?くくく、ここに設置された魔導の術式、正義の計画、そして迷いし者を導き……え、えええ!指揮官、最後まで聞いてよぉー! The papers on the slide up there? Heheh, those would be my magical sigils, my plan for justice, and a guide to lead lost lambs... h-heeey! Commander, don't leave!
Main 3 可恶……坐在这里缠了半天还是缠不上……!宿命之人!吾现在就需要汝帮吾处理好这些!……没错!这是吾对汝的考验! むむむ……ここまで頑張ってもまだ上手く巻けないなんて…!宿命の人よ、我が命令に従え!今すぐこの包帯をうまく巻くのだ!…そ、そう!君への試練だ! Mmmgh... No matter how I try, I can't do it! Augur of Destiny, hear my command! Wrap my bandages right for me! ...I-I know! This is a TRIAL!
Touch 还、还没绑好吗……指挥官? ま、まだ巻けてないの…?指揮官? Y-you still don't have it wrapped, Commander?
Touch (Special) 等、等一下!不是绑这里! ちょ、ちょっとタンマ!ここじゃないってばー! T-time out a sec! Don't tie it theeere!
Mail 咦?明明秘密基地的位置没有暴露却能收到邮件……这难道是宿命之人身上绑定的某种魔法么! あれ?秘密基地の場所はバレてないはずなのにメールが届いて…宿命の人よ、君の体にはそういう類の魔法が込められているのか? Huh? How has mail come when my base is secret? Augur of Destiny, do you wield some sort of mail-collecting magic?
Return to Port 欢迎回到只属于我们二人的秘密基地!那个……今天的数学作业好难,指挥官能帮帮我吗? 我ら二人の秘密基地によくぞ戻ってきた!ええと……きょ、今日の数学の宿題がちょっと難しくて…た、助けてもらえないか? Welcome back to our own secret base! Umm... M-my math homework is really hard... Can you help me out?
Commission Complete 吾的魔眼看到了……没错!是委托组的同伴们回来了! 私の魔眼が捉えた……そうだ!委託組の仲間たちが帰還した! My demon eye beholds... Ah, yes! The return of our commission-bound comrades!
Affinity (Love) 像这样两个人一起躲在秘密基地里,就好像我以前幻想中的内容真的变成现实了一样……如果没有发生绷带缠不上这种让幻想变得不完美的意外就更好了,呜呜呜…… 秘密基地で指揮官と二人っきり……この前妄想してたことが現実に……ああもう!包帯がうまく巻けないトラブルがなきゃもっといいのにぃ…ううう… Alone in our secret base... My fantasies have become reality... Aargh, damn it! If not for this stubborn bandage, it'd be perfect... Ugh...
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Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Login 指、不对,宿命之人呦!你怎么现在才出现!真是让人心神不宁,没法好好睡懒觉呢! しき――って違った。宿命の人よ、なにゆえ現れるのがこうも遅いのだ!私の心を乱し、寝坊すらできなくしたではないか! Comma–no, Augur of Destiny! Why are you always so late? It makes me so nervous that I can't even sleep in!
Main 宿命之人呦,德尔好像很喜欢你呢,要不要试试戴上这个——同样有着德尔寄宿的眼罩?这可是我亲自为你做的!感觉会很帅气哦! 宿命の人よ、デラマンに気に入られているようだ!どれ、同じ使い魔を宿しているこのアイパッチでも付けてみるか?私の手製だからかっこいいだろう! Augur of Destiny, Delaman has taken a liking to you! Wanna put on an eyepatch with Delaman's essence in it? I made it myself, so it's extra cool!
Main 2 宿命之人居然从始至终都不认为我很奇怪呢……嗯……反而很喜欢是吗?也许正是因为有你,我才能存在于这里吧。 宿命の人は私を変だと思わないのだな……え。むしろ気に入ってるって?ふ、ふん!君がいるおかげで、私はこの世界に長く存在できるかもしれない…! You really don't find me strange... Huh? You actually like that? H-hmph! Because of your presence, I might just be able to reside in this world for a long time!
Main 3 啊啊啊……终于,终于!在指挥官的耐心辅导之下,我终于能独立完成清点报酬的工作啦!下次就让我来试试吧! あ、あああ……ついに…ついに!君が根気よく教えてくれたおかげで、ようやく報酬のチェックをこなせるようになった!くくく、今度は任せてくれ! A-aaah, finally... Finally! Thanks to your patient teaching, I can finally check the rewards all by myself! Heheheh, leave it to me next time!
Touch 嘿嘿,我感觉到了魔力的波动哦! くくく、魔力の波動を感じる! Heheheh, I feel the pulsing of magic!
Touch (Special) 又、又要做那种会让魔力溢出来的事吗……? ま、魔力を溢れさせちゃうことを…また…? A-are you trying to make my magic overflow again...?
Touch (Headpat) 嘿嘿嘿……还、还挺舒服的嘛! えへへへ……い、いい感じじゃない! Heheheh... F-feels good, huh?!
Mission Complete 哼哼,这就是贯彻正义获得的奖赏啊!就让吾来清点一下吧!呜呜……怎么又点不明白了,指、指挥官,快来帮帮我! くくく、正義を貫いたことで得られた褒賞か…どれ、私が確かめてやろう!うぅ…またよくわからなくなった…し、指揮官、助けて…! Heheh. Is this my reward for seeing my justice through? Then let's see what we've got! Uh... Oh, I don't get any of this... C-Commander, help!
Return to Port 宿命之人呦!快坐下休息休息吧!我们可是把沙发收拾得十分舒适哦!“我们”还有谁……?当然是德尔和杜尔西啦! 宿命の人よ、早く座って休むといい!君が心地よく体を預けられるよう、ソファを私たちが片付けておいたのだ!…私たちって?くくく、使い魔のデラマンとドゥルシに決まっている! Augur of Destiny, sit down and rest! We got the couch nice and ready for you to relax! ...Who is "we"? Heheheh, my servants Delaman and Dulce, of course!
Victory 哼哼,这就是吾与宿命之人携手的力量! ふっふっふー。そう!この力こそ、宿命の人と手を取って得た力―― Heh heh heh... This is the power I gained from joining hands with the Augur of Destiny!
Affinity (Love) 我总在夸夸其谈,炫耀着自己有多厉害……也许这只是对自己无力改变现实的逃避吧?但现在我绝对不会放开你的手,也不会让那些悲伤和懊悔的事发生。 時に妄言を吐き、自分の力のすごさを強がって見せるけど……もしかしたらそれも、現実(リアル)を変えられない無力さから逃げているだけかもしれない。でも今は…君の手を絶対に離さないよ!もちろん、悲しいことも悔しいことも、起こさせないんだから…! I know I say a lot of nonsense, and I often brag about my strength... Maybe I'm just trying to escape the fact that I'm powerless to change reality. But now... I won't ever let you go! And I won't let anything bad ever happen to you!