Karl Galster (JP 🇯🇵: Z20, CN 🇹🇼: Z20)
Ship ID No. 265 Star Rating ★☆☆☆
Hull Destroyer Rarity Common
Navy Ironblood Build Time
Acquisition Event: Divergent Chessboard
Enhance Income
Firepower 4
Torpedo 27
Aviation 0
Reload 14
Scrap Income
Medal 0
Oil 3
Gold 4
Release Date
Voice actress Rina Hidaka
Karl Galster (Z20) Description
Type 1936-class destroyer, Z20 Karl Galster.
Firepower D
Torpedo A
Aviation E
Evasion B
Anti-air D
HP 1675 Reload 171
Firepower 57 Torpedo 391
Evasion 143 Anti-air 126
Aviation 0 Cost 7
ASW 170 Luck 71
Hit 174 Speed 43.2
Armor Light
HP 1993 Reload 196
Firepower 65 Torpedo 433
Evasion 148 Anti-air 145
Aviation 0 Cost 7
ASW 189 Luck 71
Hit 182 Speed 43.2
Armor Light
HP 324 Reload 72
Firepower 12 Torpedo 83
Evasion 55 Anti-air 27
Aviation 0 Cost 1
ASW 46 Luck 71
Hit 67 Speed 43.2
Armor Light
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost 7
ASW Luck 71
Hit Speed 43.2
Armor Light
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost 7
ASW Luck 71
Hit Speed 43.2
Armor Light
Limit Break
Tier 1 Unlock All Out Assault Ⅰ/Torpedo efficiency +5%
Tier 2 Torpedo base +1/Torpedo preload +1/Torpedo efficiency +10%
Tier 3 Improve All Out Assault/All weapons' efficiency +5%
Slot Equipment Type Efficiency (LB 0/1/2/3) Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3) Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
1 Destroyer Gun 110%/110%/110%/115% 1/1/1/1 0/0/0/0
2 Torpedo 120%/125%/135%/140% 1/1/2/2 0/0/1/1
3 Anti-Air Gun 70%/70%/70%/75% 1/1/1/1 0/0/0/0
4 Auxiliary - - -
5 Auxiliary - - -
Default Equipments
1 Single 127mm Main Gun
2 Quadruple 533mm Torpedo
Fleet Tech
T5 Destroyer: Type 1936 Tech Points and Bonus
Unlock 6 +1
Max LimitBreak 12
Lv.120 8 +1
Icon Name Description Requirements
Piercing Shells Increases this ship's DMG with AP by 15.0% (25.0%).
All Out Assault I Activates All Out Assault Ⅰ: 1936 Type once every 15 times the Main Guns are fired.
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 1936型驱逐舰—Z20 卡尔·加尔斯特 1936型駆逐艦・Z20カール・ガルスター Type 1936 destroyer – Z20 Karl Galster.
Biography 铁血海军Z级驱逐舰1936年型。Z17型唯一幸存的驱逐舰。被转交给北方联合后改名为“Protschny”。和姐妹们分离,一个人苟活于世也能叫幸运吗? ぼくは鉄血海軍Zクラス駆逐艦1936型のカール・ガルスター。同型艦で唯一戦争を生き延びた艦として、北の国に渡って、名前をProtschny(プロチヌイ)に改められたのさ。姉妹たちと違って一人だけ長生きしたのは辛かったよね… I am Z20 Karl Galster, Iron Blood Z-class 1936-Type destroyer, the sole survivor of the Z17 type destroyers. After being handed over to the Northern Parliament, I was renamed "прочный." Being separated from my sisters and living alone sure was rough...
Acquisition Z20,卡尔·加尔斯特报到!指挥官,庆祝我加入舰队的欢迎会呢? カール・ガルスター参上!指揮官、ぼくの配属を祝うパーティはどこぉ? Z20, Karl Galster, reporting in! Where's my welcoming party?
Login 指挥官,要来和我一起跑步吗? 指揮官、ぼくと一緒にひとっ走りしない? Commander, up for a jog?
Details 烦恼和痛苦都biu~地飞走了!怎么样,指挥官,开心了吗? 痛いの悩むの、びゅーっと飛んでけー!どう?指揮官、元気になった? I'll make all your concerns go "poof!" How's that, Commander? Feel better?
Main 指挥官,我来教你正确的跑步呼吸法吧,无论进攻还是逃跑都能用得上哦 指揮官、走る時の呼吸の仕方を教えてあげようか?進む時も逃げる時も使えるよ? Commander, let me teach you the right way to breathe while running. It's good for both attacking and retreating!
Main 2 无论前方是高山还是深谷,只要心情愉快就都是美景! 気分さえ良ければ、どんな場所でもいい場所さ! As long as I'm in a good mood, I can enjoy any scenery!
Main 3 Protschny?不要对我提起那个名字 Protschny(プロチヌイ)?あはは…その名前はなしよ!なし! Protschny? Don't call me by that name!
Touch 嗯?指挥官要和我一起去跑两圈吗~? うん?指揮官、ぼくと一緒にひとっ走りしちゃう? Hmm? You want to go on a run with me?
Touch (Special) 嘻嘻,我的身材不错吧~ ふふふ、ぼく、スタイルいいでしょー Hehe, how do you like my curves?
Mission 出发执行任务之前,先做一下庆功会的准备吧~ 任務に行く前に、達成記念パーティの準備もしちゃおう― Let's prepare for the celebrations before we start~
Mission Complete 长跑大会!长跑大会!这次我一定要拿到第一 任務が終わったらランニング大会!今度こそ一位取っちゃうぞー! Marathon, marathon! I'll definitely take first place this time.
Mail 有你的信——诶?这种东西我来开不大好吧~? あなたのメーーえーこういうのぼくが開けたら良くないっしょー A letter for you, eh? I don't think I should be the one to open your mail.
Return to Port 辛苦啦辛苦啦,去哪里放松放松吧~ おっつかれっちゃん!どっか行ってリラックスしよう~! Good job! Let's go find some place to relax.
Commission Complete 哎呀,有小伙伴回来了,出去迎接一下吧~ ふふん~誰かが帰ってきたっぽいよ?迎えに行こうっと~ Ah, our friends have returned! Let's go welcome them back!
Enhancement 哇哈哈,心情更加愉快了! あはは!気分すっきりー! Ahaha, I'm feeling even better!
Flagship 我是旗舰?好嘞,大家跟着我一起上吧! ぼくが旗艦?いいよ、みんなついてきて! I'm the flagship? Fine by me! Everyone, follow me!
Victory 哈哈,这不是很简单嘛! はっはん~ちょろ~い! Hahaa! Piece of cake!
Defeat 哎呀,偶尔状态不好而已嘛~偶尔~ あっちゃ~たまたま調子が悪かったの!たまたま~ Oof... even I mess up sometimes... just sometimes~
Skill 战斗的时候也该露出笑容! 戦闘中でも、笑顔じゃないと! Gotta smile during battle as well!
Affinity (Upset) 看到你跑步积累的疲劳全涌上来了!指挥官,再见,我去休息了 指揮官を見るとどっと疲れが出てくるよ…休憩するからちょっと行くね! The moment I saw you, all the fatigue from running kicked in at once. I'm out, time to rest!
Affinity (Stranger) 一直跑步的话,痛苦也好忧愁也好统统都会消失不见。指挥官,苦闷的时候就来找我吧 走りこんじゃうと、悩みも苦しみも全部なくなるよ?だから指揮官、悩んだ時は僕のところに来てもいいよ As long as you keep running, you'll leave behind all your hardship and anxiety. Commander, come find me any time you're feeling down.
Affinity (Friendly) 怎么啦?有什么烦心事?一起跑个马拉松的话心情肯定会变轻松的 どうした?悩み事?マラソンでもやったらきっとスッキリするよー? What's wrong? Something bugging you? I promise you'll feel better if we go run a marathon together!
Affinity (Like) 心意不诉诸言语,别人可是不会懂的。呐,至少这点你应该懂吧~ 想いは言葉にしないと人に伝わらない時もあるよ?ねえ、指揮官ならそれぐらいわかるよね♪ If you never tell others how you feel about them, they'll never understand. You get that, right?
Affinity (Love) 你这个呆子……好啦好啦不要满脸通红地憋词啦,我喜欢你,所以,你喜欢我吗? 指揮官のぼくねんじん……はいはい、そう溜め込まなくてもいいから、ぼくは指揮官のことが好きだよ?で、指揮官はどうかな? You idiot... All right, stop blushing and stammering. I like you. So, do you feel the same way about me?
Pledge 听说在东方,有着“交杯酒”这种习俗哦。哈哈哈,指挥官,不要害羞嘛! そういえば、東に「とこさかずき」って伝統があるけどさー。あはは、そう恥ずかしがらなくていいってばー! Say, I heard there's a tradition in the East where couples will drink with their arms intertwined. Haha, come on, Commander! Don't be shy!