Voroshilov (JP 🇯🇵: , CN 🇹🇼: )
Ship ID No. 588 Star Rating ★★★☆☆☆
Hull Light Cruiser Rarity Super Rare
Navy Northern Parliament Build Time
Enhance Income
Scrap Income
Release Date
Voice actress
Voroshilov Description
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
Limit Break
Tier 1
Tier 2
Tier 3
Slot Equipment Type Efficiency (LB 0/1/2/3) Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3) Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
4 Auxiliary - - -
5 Auxiliary - - -
Default Equipments
Fleet Tech
T Light Cruiser: Kirov-Class Tech Points and Bonus
Unlock +
Max LimitBreak
Lv.120 +
Icon Name Description Requirements
Voroshilov's Icebind This ship gains a special Lv.1 (Lv.10) Secondary Gun during battle (DMG is based on the skill's level) which inflicts the Icebind debuff to enemies hit, decreasing their SPD by 2.0% for 4s (can be stacked up to 10 times; repeat activations while the debuff is active also refresh its duration). Every 18s: 50.0% (100%) chance to fire a Lv.1 (Lv.10) special barrage (DMG is based on the skill's level); when this barrage hits an enemy with the Icebind debuff, removes the debuff and instead increases that enemy's cannon DMG taken by 5.0% for 8s.
Revolutionary Composure When the battle starts: increases this ship's Evasion Rate by 3.5% (8.0%) but decreases her SPD by 3. When this ship's Anti-Air Guns fire: increases this ship's EVA by 5.0% (15.0%) and decreases her aircraft DMG taken by 5.0% (15.0%) for 8s (this effect can only activate once every 20s).
All Out Assault I Activates All Out Assault I: Voroshilov once every 12 times the Main Guns are fired.
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 基洛夫级轻巡洋舰—伏罗希洛夫 キーロフ級軽巡洋艦-ヴォロシーロフ Kirov-class light cruiser – Voroshilov.
Biography 我是北方联合所属,基洛夫级轻巡洋舰伏罗希洛夫。你应该认识基洛夫吧?我擅长计划,她擅长执行……觉得我们给人的印象相差很大?是的,每一位见过我们的同伴都会这么说呢。 北方連合所属、キーロフ級軽巡洋艦ヴォロシーロフよ。キーロフのことはもう知っている?私が計画を立てて、彼女が実行する……印象が全然違うって?そうね。仲間からも毎回言われているわ Kirov-class cruiser of the Northern Parliament, Voroshilov, at your service. Do you already know Kirov? I make the plans, and she carries them out... Oh? You say we give off completely different impressions? Fair; our comrades often say the same.
Acquisition 终于见到你了,指挥官同志。我是北方联合所属,轻巡洋舰伏罗希洛夫。嗯?我并没有等你很久……几个小时而已,应该不算很长? ようやく会えたね、同志指揮官。私は北方連合所属の軽巡洋艦のヴォロシーロフ。ん?長く待っていたつもりはないけど…まぁ数時間程度ね。そんなに長い? We finally meet, Comrade Commander. I am Voroshilov, light cruiser of the Northern Parliament. Hm? I don't think I was waiting that long... I mean, it was only a few hours. That's not so bad, is it?
Login 指挥官同志,欢迎回来。因为不知道你何时会回来工作,所以我就一直在这里等着……这应该是秘书舰的职责? 同志指揮官、お帰りなさい。いつ帰って来るか分からなかったから、ずっとここで待機していたけど……これも秘書艦の務めよね? Welcome back, Comrade Commander. I didn't know when you'd return, so I've been standing by here... Is that not part of the secretary's job?
Details 从这里到那里,再到那边……指挥官同志,我在规划从指挥室紧急脱离的路线,你要参考一下么?说不定以后能用得上。 こっちからあっち、更にその先は…あっ、同志指揮官、ちょうど執務室の緊急脱出ルートを検討していたわ。一度確認する?いつか役に立つかもよ From here to there, and then... Oh, Comrade Commander. I was just devising an emergency escape route from your office. Would you like to look over it? It may come in handy someday.
Main 如烈火一般炽热,如坚冰一般冷彻。有人曾这么评价过基洛夫和我……大概就是这样吧。 「烈火の如く灼熱にして、堅氷の如く冷徹」――私とキーロフを評する言葉があるようね。……ま、まあ…そんなところよ There is a saying about Kirov and me: "As hot as an inferno, yet as cold as ice." O-or... something like that.
Main 2 指挥官同志,现在的时间是?谢谢……呼,看来我还没有错过什么东西。 同志指揮官、今は何時?ありがとう。…ふぅ、どうやらまだ「アレ」を逃していないようね Comrade Commander, what time is it? ...Phew, thank you. So I haven't missed it.
Main 3 消磨时间的方法吗?我的话会把冰块放进屋子里,然后看它慢慢化掉……指挥官同志呢? 時間を潰す方法?私なら氷を置いて、ゆっくり融けていくのをずっと眺めて……同志指揮官は? Ways to kill time? I like to put ice down and watch it melt... How about you, Comrade Commander?
Touch 你是要外出么?需要我在这里一直等你么,指挥官同志? お出かけ?では同志指揮官、ヴォロシーロフがここで待っていてもいいかしら? You're going out? Do you wish I wait here, Comrade Commander?
Touch (Special) 请,请不要随便触碰我…… あ、あまり気安く触らないで…っ D-don't act like you get to touch me whenever you want...
Touch (Headpat) 为什么要这么做? どうしてそんなことを? Why would you do that?
Mission 雪会慢慢融化,但任务堆着不会自己完成……指挥官同志,请尽快处理一下吧。 積もった雪は融けていくけど、積もった任務はそうならないわ。……同志指揮官、今のうちにこなしたら? The piled-up snow may melt, but your missions won't do the same. Comrade Commander, perhaps we'd best get them done?
Mission Complete 指挥官同志,任务完成了。按照计划,下一步应该是—— 同志指揮官。任務が完了したわ。予定では、次のタスクは―― Comrade Commander, the mission is complete. According to our plans, the next task is...
Mail 指挥官同志,请及时阅读信件。对方不一定有我们这样的耐心。 同志指揮官、早くメールを確認して。相手はこちらのように根気よく待ってくれないかもよ? Comrade Commander, you should check your mail. The sender may not be so patient with us.
Return to Port 把送来的文件分好类后,再处理掉其中一些无关紧要的,这样指挥官同志回来时就能轻松一些……欸,你是什么时候回来的? 届いた書類を仕分けて、瑣末なものをこなしておけば、同志指揮官が戻ったときに――あっ、いつ戻ってきたの? Sort the delivered documents, deal with any and all minor issues, and I'll be all ready when Comrade Commander— Oh. When did you get back?
Commission Complete 欸?已经这个时间了?谢谢你提醒我,差点忘了委托队已经回来了…… えっ、もうこんな時間?……し、知らせてくれて感謝するわ。委託組が帰ってくるのを、忘れるところだった…… Huh? It's already that time? ...Th-thank you for letting me know. I almost forgot that the commission team was coming back...
Enhancement 过硬的实力,也是完成任务的保证。 絶対的な実力もまた、任務の完遂を保証してくれるわ Absolute power is an effective insurance policy for our subsequent missions.
Flagship 行动已经演练过无数次,绝对不会失败。 予行演習なら何度もやってきた。失敗はしない…! I've undergone countless practice drills. I won't fail!
Victory 有足够多的情报,与精心设计的战术,绝不会失手。 十分な情報に綿密な作戦がある限り、しくじることはないわ As long as your information is ample and your strategy is thorough, there's no chance of failure.
Defeat 指挥官同志,对不起……我愿意为我的失败承担任何责任。 申し訳ない、同志指揮官。自分の失態は自分で取り返すわ…っ I'm sorry, Comrade Commander. Allow me to rectify my mistakes by my hands...
Skill 消融吧——! 融けなさい…! Melt!
Low HP 请再忍耐一会,再等一会就好了…… あと少し、あと少しだけ耐えて……っ! Hang in there... Just a little more...!
Affinity (Upset) 指挥官同志,我觉得,我们还是有些合不来……抱歉。 同志指揮官とは馬が合わないようで……ごめんなさい You and I just aren't on the same wavelength, Comrade Commander. I'm sorry.
Affinity (Stranger) 如果没什么事的话,不用刻意来找我的,我们只要各自完成自己的职责就行。保持一定的距离……会比较好? 特に用事がないなら、わざわざ私を探す必要もないわ。お互い自分の仕事をこなしていればそれでいいの。距離はしっかり取ったほうが…いいでしょ? If you don't have any business with me, don't waste time looking for me. We should just do our own jobs and keep an appropriate distance. Wouldn't that be best?
Affinity (Friendly) 我平时会看一些兵法书,它们能在我制定计划时提供一些灵感。指挥官同志感兴趣的话,我可以借你几本?比如这本《用距离感吸引你在意的——》……啊不好意思拿错了。 計画を立てるときのインスピレーションとして、普段は軍学の本をよく読んでいるわ。同志指揮官も興味があれば何冊か貸してあげてもいいわよ?そうね、例えば『距離感の』……ご、ごめんなさいっ、間違えたわ… I often read books on tactics to gain inspiration for my plans. If you have any interest, Comrade Commander, I could lend you a few. For example, this volume: "Using Neglect Play to Make Your––" ...Ermm, sorry. Wrong one...
Affinity (Like) 指挥官同志,最近的任务进行得怎么样?……已经全部完成了?那委托……也都安排好了?我明白了,指挥官同志做得很不错呢。(小声)“不经意间拉近距离作战”失败了…… 同志指揮官、任務の進み具合はいかが?……すべて終わった?じゃあ軍事委託は?……それもすべて手配済み、と…?なるほど、順調なようね。(小声)「さりげなく距離を縮める」作戦は失敗したわね…… Comrade Commander, how is your mission progress? ...You've finished all of them? What of the commissions? You've arranged them, too? I see. You're doing quite well. (whispering) My plan to get us closer ends in failure again...
Affinity (Love) 指挥官同志?怎么了?我最近很好,就和平常一样,什么事都没有哦?不需要太关心我的。(小声)没关系的,无论多久我都可以等你的,这次的“对指挥官攻略作战”绝对不会失败…… 同志指揮官、どうしたの?私はいつもと変わりないから、別段心配してくれるようなことはないけど……(小声)大丈夫よ。あなたが振り向いてくれるまでいつまでも待つわ。『指揮官攻略作戦』、絶対に成功させるんだから…… Comrade Commander, what's the matter? I'm the same as ever, so I don't think there's any reason for you to be extra worried... (whispering) It's okay. I'll keep on waiting until you look my way. My "Conquer the Commander" master plan must succeed...
Pledge (小声)是“对指挥官攻略作战”成功了吗?还是……没,没什么。指挥官同志和我抱有同样的心情,我非常的开心哦。欸,你说你其实全部都知道?这样啊……我也该对自己坦率一点了呢/// (小声)『指揮官攻略作戦』が成功した?それとも……な、なんでもないわっ。同志指揮官が私と同じ気持ちみたいで嬉しいわ。えっ、さ、最初から全部知っていた?!そう……私も素直になるべきだったわね…/// (whispering) Was my "Conquer the Commander" strategy a success? ...O-oh, ignore that! I'm happy you and I seem to feel the same way. Huh? Y-you always knew?! I see... I should've been more straightforward to begin with...
In battle with Kirov 有你在,行动一定会更加顺利。 キーロフがいれば、きっとうまくいく…! With Kirov here, I know this will work out!
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 指挥官同志,您觉得这里的温泉如何?如果您喜欢的话,那就太好了。看来参考《雪天十大约会圣地》制定约会计划是十分明智的决定…… 同志指揮官、湯加減はいかが?気に入ってくれたら嬉しいわ。ふふ、『雪の日のデートスポットTOP10』を見て、秘湯デートの計画を立てたのは間違ってなかったみたいね Comrade Commander, is the bath to your liking? I'm glad. Heehee, it's a good thing I trusted that "Top 10 Dates for Snowy Days" article and chose this secluded hot spring.
Acquisition 指挥官同志,您觉得这里的温泉如何?如果您喜欢的话,那就太好了。看来参考《雪天十大约会圣地》制定约会计划是十分明智的决定…… 同志指揮官、湯加減はいかが?気に入ってくれたら嬉しいわ。ふふ、『雪の日のデートスポットTOP10』を見て、秘湯デートの計画を立てたのは間違ってなかったみたいね Comrade Commander, is the bath to your liking? I'm glad. Heehee, it's a good thing I trusted that "Top 10 Dates for Snowy Days" article and chose this secluded hot spring.
Login 虽然温泉很暖和,但是外面还飘着雪,有点冷。指挥官同志,快点进来吧? 外は雪が降っていて少し寒いけど、温泉に入れば温まるわ。だから同志指揮官、はやく入りましょう? It's cold enough to snow, but the hot spring will warm us up in no time. Let's not dally, Comrade Commander. The hot spring awaits.
Details 甘古特和塞瓦斯托波尔好像拿着伏特加去房间里了。她们该不会是想边泡温泉边又比酒量……唉。指挥官同志,一会去劝劝她们吧。 ガングートとセバストポリがヴォッカを持って中に入っていったわね。まさか温泉に浸かりながら飲み比べするつもりじゃ……同志指揮官、あとで止めに行くわよ Gangut and Sevastopol went inside with vodka. I hope they don't seriously plan to have a drinking contest in the hot spring... Comrade Commander, we'd best stop them before it's too late.
Main 偶尔的冷风,还有温热的泉水……这也是某种意义上的“冰”与“火”吧?呵呵~ たまに吹き抜ける冷たい風、ぬくぬくとしたお湯……もしかしたらこれも「氷」と「炎」で例えられるんじゃない?ふふふ The cold wind blowing through, the steamy water... They could be likened to fire and ice, couldn't they? Heehee.
Main 2 泡太久会泡晕吗?我好像没有什么感觉……可能是我一直很擅长等待的缘故吧。指挥官如果觉得不舒服,一定要告诉我。 長く入るとのぼせちゃうって?私は平気かもしれないわ……根気よくじっと待機するのに慣れているせい?同志指揮官の方こそ、気分が悪くなったら無理しないで教えて You say I'll get dizzy if I soak for too long? Maybe I'm an exception... After all, I'm used to waiting. But Comrade Commander, don't hesitate to say something if you're not feeling well.
Main 3 假如突然有紧急行动通知的话,该怎么处理——啊,话说约会的时候想这些是不是不太好…… こんな時に緊急出撃要請がきたらどうすべきか…あ、せっかくのデートなのにこんなこと考えちゃだめね… What would I do right now if there was an emergency? Oh, I shouldn't waste this date thinking about such things...
Touch 我听说约会的时候,牵着手会更有感觉……要试试吗? デートでは手を繋いだほうがいいと聞いて。同志指揮官、手を…繋いでみない? I hear you're supposed to hold hands on dates. Comrade Commander, should we...hold hands?
Touch (Special) 近一点会更好吗?我知道了…… もっと近くに寄ったほうがいいの?ええ、分かったわ…… Should I get a little closer? Well, okay...
Touch (Headpat) 是有雪花落在头发上了吗? ん?私の頭に雪でも乗った? Hm? Is there snow on my head or something?
Mission 新的任务……添加到之后要完成事务的计划里吧。 新しい任務ね……このあとのタスクに入れておく A new mission, hm? I'll add it to our to-do list for later.
Mail 有新的信件?唔,是谁在这个时候打扰指挥官同志…… 新しいメール?んっ、誰かしら…こんな時に同志指揮官の手をわずらわせるなんて…… New mail? Mm, who could possibly be planning to cause Comrade Commander trouble at a time like this?
Return to Port 重樱的同伴送了一些团子过来。正好指挥官同志你回来了,要吃吗? 重桜の子たちが「ダンゴ」を差し入れてくれたわ。同志指揮官、ちょうどいいところに帰ってきたし、一つどう? The Sakura Empire girls brought over some dango. You came just in time, Comrade Commander. How about we give them a try?
Flagship 没关系,已经事先演练过紧急出击的状况了。 大丈夫、緊急出撃の演習も一通りこなしてきたつもりよ…! Don't worry. I've gone through my fair share of emergency battle drills!
Affinity (Love) 听说泡温泉的时候,人也会变得坦率起来。趁这个机会,我想说——我其实一直都很在意指挥官同志的,我以为刻意保持距离就能吸引到你的关注……可能我就是书里说的“恋爱笨蛋”吧。 温泉に入ると素直になるって誰かが言ってたわ。ふふ、じゃあ今のうちに――同志指揮官のこと、ずっと気になってたわ。距離を取れば逆に振り向いてくれるって思ってたけど……「不器用」ってのは私みたいなのを言うのかもね…/// Somebody once told me that people are more honest when they're in a hot spring. Heehee, that means this is my chance... Comrade Commander, I've always had feelings for you. I thought that keeping a distance from you would make you more interested in me, but... I suppose when people say "awkward," they're referring to people like me...
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Login 指挥官同志,欢迎回来。你说不用一直等也行……没事的,因为我想见你。 お帰り、同志指揮官。ずっと待ってなくてもいいって?……いいの、ずっと会いたかったもの Welcome back, Comrade Commander. You think I shouldn't wait for you all the time? ...It's okay. I was looking forward to seeing you.
Main 指挥官同志,你现在还会觉得我“像坚冰一般冷彻”么?我的坚冰,正是为你而化的。 私のこと、「堅氷の如く冷徹」だとまだ思っている?ふふ、氷はとっくにあなたのせいで融けてなくなっているわ Do you still think I'm as cold as ice? Haha, well, that ice melted long ago thanks to you.
Main 2 “想做什么就大胆地去做”。我明白基洛夫的意思,但对在情感上我觉得还是再谨慎一点比较好。毕竟这是我从来没经历过的事…… 「やりたいなら大胆に」――キーロフの言ってることの意味ならわかるわ。だけど、私はその、感情とかもっと慎重になるべきかと。だって初めて…だから…… Kirov told me that if I want something, I should be bold. I understand that logically, but shouldn't I be more careful when it comes to emotions? I mean, this is my first time, so...
Main 3 一开始,我觉得“距离感”是维持两人关系的关键。不过像这样彼此贴在一起说话,也很让人幸福呢。 「距離感」は関係を保つのに必要だと思っていた。こうしてべったりとくっついて話すのも……ふふん、幸せね I'd always thought that absence is what makes the heart grow fonder. But staying so close to you and chatting... Heehee, it's pretty nice.
Touch 你的手有些冷呢……要我帮你暖和一下吗? 手が冷たいわね……暖めてあげようか? Your hands are cold... Would you like me to warm them up?
Touch (Special) 让我们彼此都坦率一些吧……/// お互い、もっと素直になって…/// We should both be more straightforward... *blushes*
Touch (Headpat) 我不是很明白…… よく…わからない…/// I don't... quite understand... *blushes*
Return to Port 啊,指挥官同志。光顾着处理事情,没注意到你已经回来了。本来计划了用特别一点的方式迎接你的凯旋,但我又把时间忘了,抱歉…… あ、同志指揮官。仕事に集中していて帰ってきたことに気づかなかったわ。本当はもっと特別な出迎えをしたかったけど、戻ってくる時間を忘れてて…ごめん…… Ah, Comrade Commander. I was so focused on work that I didn't notice your return. I would've liked to give you a more special welcome, but I lost track of time... Sorry.
Affinity (Love) “约会”就像行动计划一样,要做到万无一失才行。先从《港区约会地点大全》《一百个实用约会技巧》《在约会中偷走指挥官的心》这几本学习起好了——欸,你说交给你就好了?也、也是呢……/// 「デート」は作戦の前準備のように、しっかりと計画を立てなくちゃ。『母港デートスポット大全集』『デートテクニック100選』『デートで指揮官の心を奪う方法』――まずはこの辺ね……え?同志指揮官に任せてもいいの?あ、あなたがそう言うなら…… Dates must be planned as thoroughly as a battle. These three should do... "Port Dates and You," "Top 100 Dating Techniques," and "How to Steal the Commander's Heart on a Date." ...Oh? You say I should leave the planning to you? I-if you say so...