Ulrich von Hutten (JP 🇯🇵: , CN 🇹🇌: )
Ship IDNo. 529Star Rating★★★☆☆☆
Hull BattleshipRarityUltra Rare
NavyIronbloodBuild Time
Enhance Income
Scrap Income
Release Date
Voice actress
Ulrich von HuttenDescription
Friedrich der Große-Class Battleship - Ulrich von Hutten
HP1573 Reload65
Firepower86 Torpedo0
Evasion8 Anti-air47
Aviation0 Cost0
ASW0 Luck50
HP7074 Reload126
Firepower222 Torpedo0
Evasion26 Anti-air178
Aviation0 Cost0
ASW0 Luck52
Limit Break
Tier 1Main gun base +1 | Main gun efficiency +5%
Tier 2Secondary Gun base +2 | Main gun efficiency +10%
Tier 3Main gun base +1 | Main gun efficiency +15%
SlotEquipment TypeEfficiency (LB 0/1/2/3)Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3)Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
Default Equipments
Fleet Tech
T Battleship: Friedrich der Große-ClassTech Points and Bonus
Unlock +
Max LimitBreak
Lv.120 +
The Laurel of ProsodyWhen this ship fires her Main Guns: 50.0% (100%) chance to fire a Lv.1 (Lv.10) special barrage (DMG is based on the skill's level; inflicts a minus 20.0% (30.0%) SPD debuff for 3s to enemies hit). When an enemy gets within close proximity of this ship: fires a Lv.1 (Lv.10) special barrage (DMG is based on the skill's level; 15s cooldown between activations).???
In Ridicule of FoolsIncreases this ship's FP and RLD by 5.0% (15.0%) . When this ship equips a Main Gun which uses HE ammo: increases this ship's DMG dealt to Light and Medium Armor enemies by 5.0% (15.0%) . At the start of the battle, if this ship is NOT the Flagship: decreases this ship's Main Gun reload time by 50.0%, but decreases her Main Gun DMG dealt by 55.0% (45.0%) .???
Revolutionary's ProsaicIncreases this ship's Crit DMG dealt by 10.0% (20.0%) . While this ship is afloat, for the first 5 battles of a sortie fought by a fleet this ship is NOT in, the following buffs apply to that fleet: 1) Decreases DMG taken by your Iron Blood ships by 5.0%; 2) Increases Crit DMG dealt by your Iron Blood ships by 1.0% (10.0%) ; 3) When an enemy gets within close proximity of your ships: fires a Lv.1 (Lv.10) supporting barrage (DMG is based on the skill's level; can only activate up to 6 times per battle; has a 5s cooldown between activations).???
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship DescriptionH级战列舰—乌尔里垌·冯·胡滕H玚戊艊-りルリッヒ・フォン・フッテンH-class battleship – Ulrich von Hutten
Biography乌尔里垌·冯·胡滕  只芁指挥官䜠这么称呌我那么我就是“乌尔里垌·冯·胡滕”。所谓“名字”䞍就是这样䞀䞪简单的䞜西么。「りルリッヒ・フォン・フッテン」。 指揮官がそう呌ぶ限り、私はそういう存圚だず定矩される。名前ずはそういうものだMy name is Ulrich von Hutten. So long as you call me that, that is who I am. A name is nothing more than that.
Acquisition我是乌尔里垌·冯·胡滕铁血曟经的垌望䞎遗憟。至于对我的到来是感到欣喜还是无所谓随䜠怎么想郜行。圓然我也是劂歀。りルリッヒ・フォン・フッテン、鉄血の垌望ず無念の城。この着任を喜ぶか、䜕も感じないかはお前の自由だ。私もそうさせおもらうI am Ulrich von Hutten, the symbol of the Iron Blood's hopes and regrets. Whether my arrival is a cause for celebration or for despair is up to you to decide. I shall respond in kind.
Login来埗正奜。看到桌子䞊那叠厚厚的文件了吗那䟿是我们今倩芁倄理的枯燥而又无味的䞜西。来たか。机の䞊の曞類の山を芋たか今日二人で片付ける必芁のあるふざけた仕事の数々だYou're here. See that massive pile of paperwork on your desk? The two of us will be spending lots of quality time here until that's taken care of.
Details想芁心安理埗就䞍芁倪过圚乎别人的想法。我们既然胜生掻圚歀䞖就应圓有独立的自我䞍至于受到他人巊右。安心したければ他人のこずを気にするな。この䞖に生を受けおはいるが、私達のリュりコツ、魂は他人に翻匄されはしないIf you want peace of mind, just don't bother worrying about anyone else. We may be born into this world, but our keels and souls aren't at the mercy of others.
Main我的舰装虜然可以随心所欲的掻劚䜆是还是䌚有䞍方䟿的时候。この艀装のこずかああ、思い通りに動かせるんだが、䞍䟿なずきもあるなYou want to know more about my rigging? Sure, I can move it like I want to, but there are times when it's pretty troublesome.
Main 2枯区里的“䞍可思议”么  䞍劚就让它圚䜠心䞭保持神秘吧。这样才胜让䜠䞀盎对它充满兎趣。母枯の䞍思議 謎のたた攟っおおけ。そのほうが氞久にお前の奜奇心を刺激し続けるだろうThe Mysteries of the Port? Just leave it as it is. That's the only way it'll continue to keep your curiosity piqued, isn't it.
Main 3凡事倚䞺自己考虑点——并非自私而是时刻记䜏自己真正需芁的是什么。别到了生呜的尜倎郜䞍知道自己这䞀蟈子䞺䜕而过。自分のためによく考えるこずだ。自己䞭でなくずも、己が探し求めるもののために生きねば死んでも死にきれんのさThink for yourself... Though you can't live selfishly, you need to live for the sake of something you really desire. That way, even if you die, it won't be in vain.
Main 4我有䞀些䞪人的爱奜并胜从䞭寻扟到埈倚快乐——这䞎䜠平时见到的冷静的我并䞍冲突。趣味なら持っおいる。こう芋えおも楜しんでやっおんだ、お前の知っおる私ずは矛盟しないIt might be a surprise for you, but I do have hobbies I enjoy. And it's not like I become a different person when I do.
Touch有话就诎吧。我有求必应。思うこずがあれば吐き出せ。党郚受け止めおやるIf you've got something to say, spit it out. I'll hear you out.
Touch (Special)该称赞䜠遵从本心还是给䜠䞀点违规的教训奜呢耒めおやるべきか、し぀けおやるべきか I'm not sure whether I should praise you or teach you your place...
Touch (Headpat)有时候真是搞䞍懂䜠呢  ちっ。わけのわからんや぀Hmph. You don't make any damn sense.
Mission任务么。干还是䞍干随䜠这是䜠的自由。任務か。やるかやらないかはお前の奜きにしろ。それがお前の自由だMissions, huh? Whether we do them or not is up to you. That is your freedom.
Mission Complete报酬来了。该攟束的时候就䞍芁忍着即䜿䜠知道之后迎来的是空虚也无劚。報酬があるんだ。矜を䌞ばせるずきは我慢せず発散しろ、たずえ祭りのあずが虚しいずわかっおいおもだThe rewards have arrived. Kick back and enjoy the moment. You're going to miss out on it if you don't, and all that'll be left is emptiness.
Mail新的邮件是机密事项  这样。新しい手玙だ。機密事項か。  そうThere's some mail. Looks like it contains confidential information... I see.
Return to Port所有人郜平安回来了么。嗯干埗䞍错。党員無事か。ふん、悪くないEveryone made it back, huh? Not bad.
Commission Complete委托的队䌍回来了。做䞪决定——䜠去迎接还是我去委蚗組が戻っおきた。さっさず決めろ――出迎えはお前か、私かThe fleet's returned from their commissions. Hurry up and decide whether you or I go and greet them.
Enhancement䞺了创造出䞍再需芁歊力的和平而远求歊力。真是矛盟  䞍没什么力を䞍芁ずする平和を䜜り出すために力を欲する。二埋背反 いや、なんでもないIn order to create a peaceful world where power is not needed, what you need is power. How paradoxical... Oh, don't mind me.
Flagship非埗圚这些杂鱌身䞊浪莹匹药么真烊  算了。おめえらに食わせるには勿䜓ない匟だ。 ちっ...Tsk. This ammo is wasted on you lot!
Victory    去死吧杂鱌。䞀想到䞺䜠们浪莹的匹药已经足借什我恶心了。   くたばれザコども。おめえらのために費やした匟薬のこずを思うず反吐が出る...Piss off, weaklings. Just thinking about the amount of ammo I've wasted on you sorry lot makes me want to vomit.
Defeat我们蟓了撀退吧。䞍䌚有䞋次了。負けたから退いおやる。次はないI'll back off since we lost, but don't count on it happening again.
Skill滚匀别拊路。どけ、邪魔だGet lost, you're in the way.
Low HP䞍想被撂倒就给我保持䞓泚やられたくなきゃ集䞭しろIf you don't plan on dying here, then focus up!
Affinity (Upset)自己匄的烂摊子自己收拟去别指望我䌚垮䜠。自分の撒いた皮だ。埌片付けを人任せにするんじゃないYou sowed these seeds yourself. It's your mess to clean up, not mine.
Affinity (Stranger)信任是臎呜的毒药䞀旊沉醉其䞭结局䟿是䞃窍流血。背䞊“怀疑”这块笚重厚实的盟牌是最䜳的保技手段。信頌は毒、䞀床飲めば身を滅がす。自らを守るには人を疑うこずだTrust is like a poison—once it enters your body, it destroys you. The only way to protect yourself is to be wary of others.
Affinity (Friendly)䞺了䜠去做什么和信任是䞀回事。䜠既然胜同时指挥  咳被这么倚人所借慕䞍可胜䞍理解这䞪吧。自分のために䜕かやるこずず、信じるこずは別物だ。これだけ倚くのヒトを䞊手く埓えお そしお慕われおるお前に、分からないずは蚀わせないWorking for you is not the same as trusting you. The fact that you can command so many people... Or rather, be adored by so many, means you of all people should understand.
Affinity (Like)又是这幅䞀点也䞍知道怀疑别人的样子  䜠总是这样就像䞀副䟵蚀我心防的毒药 迟早有䞀倩䌚让䜠付出代价的。ヒトを疑うこずを知らない腑抜けなや぀め。぀くづくお前は私にずっおの毒だず気付かされおしたう。  ちっ。いずれ代償を払っおもらおうYou spineless fool who doesn't even know how to doubt others... I've come to realize that you've spread deeper and deeper through me, just like a poison. Tsk... I'll return the favor, mark my words.
Affinity (Love)该到䜠付出代价的时候了。奜了老实点趁着毒尚未蔓延党身时将其排陀掉吧。这是䜠应尜的义务也是䜠至今䞺止对我所信赖的䞀切所付出的莣任——䞍过或讞已经䞺时已晚也诎䞍定呵呵呵 代償を払っおもらう。そう、毒が党身に回らないうちに吞い出す。私にそうしおきたお前にその矩務も責任もある――もっずも、これは手遅れかもしれないけどなふふふ I told you I'd return the favor. Yep, I'll suck the poison out of you before it has a chance to spread throughout your body. This is my duty... my responsibility, for the person who did the same for me. But maybe I'm already too late? Hehehe...
Pledge圻底沉醉其䞭并接受这䞀切吧。就劂䜠对我斜加的诅咒䞀样现圚我也同样诅咒䜠——和我䞀起被这名䞺信赖 名䞺爱的毒药䟵蚀吧。どっぷりハマれ、受け入れろ。お前は私に呪いをかけたのず同じく、今私もお前に呪いをかけおやる。――信頌 愛ずいう毒にやられおくたばっちたえ。私もお前ず䞀緒よEmbrace it, drown in it... Just as you put the curse of trust on me, I'll place it on you. Trust... Let the poison called affection consume you. Become just like me. Don't you know? You and I are already one.
In battle with Friedrich der Große䌘雅的叀兞乐  倒也䞍错。奏でるものが違おうず ふんLooks like you and I are dancing to different tunes.
In battle with Formidable既然有兎趣倧小姐䞺䜕䞍亲自试试摇滚興味があるなら玠盎にやればいい。お嬢さたIf you're interested in something, just face it head-on, young lady.
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description怎么连我挀出来的䌑息时闎郜芁打扰吗 呵呵别因䞺我的䞀䞪玩笑就退猩了。我正巎䞍埗有䞪人胜来陪我解闷呢。はっ、䌑憩時間にも邪魔されなきゃならないのか ただの冗談にそう怯むな。退屈しのぎに付き合っおくれるや぀でもいないかず思っおたずころだ*sigh* Do you really have to bother me during my break? ...It's a joke, no need to take it so seriously. I was looking for someone to kill some time with anyway.
Acquisition怎么连我挀出来的䌑息时闎郜芁打扰吗 呵呵别因䞺我的䞀䞪玩笑就退猩了。我正巎䞍埗有䞪人胜来陪我解闷呢。はっ、䌑憩時間にも邪魔されなきゃならないのか ただの冗談にそう怯むな。退屈しのぎに付き合っおくれるや぀でもいないかず思っおたずころだ*sigh* Do you really have to bother me during my break? ...It's a joke, no need to take it so seriously. I was looking for someone to kill some time with anyway.
Login是什么风把䜠吹到这里来的诎来听听吧。今日はどういう颚の吹き回しだ蚀っおみたらどうだWhat's going on with you today? Spill it.
Main䞀䌚还是埗回去啊䞍过这孩子  呌...真隟办啊戻らなきゃならないんだが、この子は  ふぅ、面倒だI really need to head back, but the little'un just... *sigh* what a pain in the ass.
Main 2宀倖的空调机真是嘈杂啊  䞍过胜让人单独呆着的地方还是挺珍莵的——嗯这些莎纞是谁顺手莎圚这里的吗宀倖機がうるさくおしょうがない  いや、それでも䞀人になれる堎所は貎重だ。ん誰がこんなずころにステッカヌを貌ったんだ党く The fan outside is so frickin' loud, but I really need my alone time... Huh? Who put these damn stickers here...?
Main 3劂果有人圚店里调皮捣蛋那我就䌚  呵呵䜠知道我䌚怎么做。麻烊䜠事先提醒䞋那些喜欢恶䜜剧的孩子们了。䞭で倉なこずをするや぀がいたらどうするか、お前も知っおるだろう。 そうだ、いたずらっ子たちに予め蚀っおおこうYou already know what I'll do to people who start shit inside, don't you? ...Yep. I'll give them their one warning.
Main 4易北吗那家䌙䞍䌚做出什么奇怪的事䞍甚担心——担心的应该是别的地方才对。゚ルベが倉なこずをしでかす心配はない、ああ芋えお節床の分かるや぀だ。 最も、心配するずころはそこじゃないがI'm not really worried about Elbe causing trouble. Surprisingly, she knows when to stop. ...Well, at least she's not my main source of worry.
Touch“欢迎回来䞻人请问需芁点些什么”  奜了这䞋满足了吧「おかえりなさい、ご䞻人さた。䜕かご泚文は」 これで十分か"Welcome back, Master. May I take your order?" ...You happy with that?
Touch (Special)什么圚这种地方 䜠可真䌚给我添麻烊  ちっ。ここでか面倒なこずをしおくれる Tsk... Again with that shit just 'cuz we're here? What a pain in the ass...
Touch (Headpat)小孩子们应该喜欢被这样摞吧。チビどもが奜んでやっおもらうこずだなThe little'uns really like when you do this to them.
Mission䜠是身䞊垊着任务出来偷闲的么勇气可嘉啊。䞍过换成是我䌰计也䌚和䜠䞀样就是了。任務を匕き受けおからサボりに出たっおか やっおくれる。私も同じこずをしおやろうかSo, you accept a mission and then immediately begin procrastinating...? What a piece of work you are. Want me to do the same thing to you?
Return to Port咕嘟、咕嘟又喝完䞀眐了么  正奜䜠顺手垮我再拿䞀瓶过来吧。ごくごく  ふぅ。ちっ、空か すたん、もう䞀猶持っおきおもらえるか*Glug, glug* ...Ahh, that hits the spot. Tsk, it's already empty... Sorry, mind grabbing me another can?
Victory看来挔出效果䞍错。䞊手くいったようだな。Looks like things worked out just fine.
Defeat搞砞了啊  ちっ、やっおくれる Tsk, they got me...
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description跑埗䞍错䞋次胜䞍胜拿䞪第䞀名 哌嘎䞊怎么诎郜行。我知道那家䌙䞍䌚屈居第二——指挥官䜠也是吧なかなかいい走りだったが、次は1䜍を取れるだろうか ふん、蚀葉ではなんずでも蚀える。あい぀は2䜍で満足するようなや぀じゃないこずぐらい知っおいる――指揮官、お前だっおそうだろThat was a pretty good race – reckon you'll get first place next time, though? ...Hmh. Easier said than done. You know they won't settle for second place – and hopefully neither will you, Commander.
Acquisition跑埗䞍错䞋次胜䞍胜拿䞪第䞀名 哌嘎䞊怎么诎郜行。我知道那家䌙䞍䌚屈居第二——指挥官䜠也是吧なかなかいい走りだったが、次は1䜍を取れるだろうか ふん、蚀葉ではなんずでも蚀える。あい぀は2䜍で満足するようなや぀じゃないこずぐらい知っおいる――指揮官、お前だっおそうだろThat was a pretty good race – reckon you'll get first place next time, though? ...Hmh. Easier said than done. You know they won't settle for second place – and hopefully neither will you, Commander.
Login搞枅楚了么䜠是想被錓励还是被莣倇光站着什么郜䞍做䞍合我的性子。お前は応揎されたいのか、叱られたいのかはっきりしろ。突っ立っおいるだけなのは性に合わないMake it clear – do you want support, or a scolding? Standing around doing nothing isn't my style.
Details听奜了比赛时䞍芁过分关心他人。䞍芁想着超越别人銖先芁创造出胜坚持自己跑法的环境——即䜿蟓了比赛也䞍芁留䞋遗憟いいか走る時はいちいち他人を意識しすぎるな。远い越すこずを考えず、たずは自分の走りを貫ける環境を䜜れ。レヌスに悔いを残さないようになListen. Don't let other people distract you when you're on the track. Forget about overtaking others and just focus on driving the best you can drive. You'll finish with fewer regrets that way.
Main劂果有空就别圚这儿呆着去送点慰劳品来。有那么几䜍只芁䞀知道䜠圚场就胜马䞊涌出干劲的。手が空いおいるのなら、ここで突っ立っおないで差し入れでも届けおこい。お前がいるこずを知れば奮い立぀や぀だっおいるんだぞSeeing as you've got nothing better to do, go give the girls some refreshments. It'll cheer 'em up, knowing that you're here.
Main 2我们铁血擅长绎技机械。无论是机噚还是舰装我们郜惯于驯服它们。ギアの敎備なら我々鉄血の埗意ずする分野だ。マシンも艀装も、手懐けるこずには慣れおいるからなMaintaining hardware is one thing we Iron Blood excel at. We're expert tamers, both of machinery and riggings.
Main 3庆功䌚的现场圩排圚什么时候呢 亀班后去见见欧根和垌䜩尔吧。祝勝䌚でやるラむブのリハヌサルをい぀やるか 亀代したらオむゲンずヒッパヌに䌚いに行くかWonder when we're gonna rehearse for the victory party performance... I should go talk to Hipper and Eugen after my shift's over.
Touch䜠也芁参加吗我䌚给䜠些建议䞺䜠加油的。お前も参加するか助蚀ず応揎ぐらいはしおやるAre you gonna race, too? Then I'll at least give you some pointers and support.
Touch (Special)啧真拿䜠没办法。ちっ。仕方のないや぀だHmph. You're a hopeless case.
Mail来信了  䞍甚圚意这蟹䜠去确讀就奜。手玙だ。  こっちのこずは気にせず確認すればいいA letter... Just go check it and don't mind me.
Return to Port看来䜠那蟹也进展埗埈顺利。哌亏我还担心了䜠䞀䞋。そっちも順調のようだな。ふん、いらぬ心配をかけさせるYou look like you're in good shape. Hmph, so I worried for nothing.
Commission Complete委托组已经回来了。快去吧去支持那些孩子们可是䜠的工䜜。委蚗組が戻っおきた。さっさず行っおこい。あの子達を応揎するのはそっちの仕事だThe commission team is back. Now go talk to them. Cheering them on is your job.
Victory垌望这样胜激励同䌎们。これが仲間ぞのいい刺激になるずいいがHope this will be a good morale boost.
Defeat垌望没让来应揎的孩子们倱望  啧掩饰闚面也是件麻烊事。応揎しおいる子たちを倱望させるようなこずにならなければいいのだが  ちっ。取り繕うのも面倒だJust hope the girls rooting for us won't be disappointed by this... Tsk. I hate putting up appearances.
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Ship Description嗯䞺什么是这副衚情  圚䜠的预想䞭我应该已经回家了呌  反正又没什么特别的事倚等䜠䞀䞋也没关系吧。んどうしおそんな顔を  お前の予想では、私はもう垰っおたはずだったっおふぅ  どうせ他にするこずもないし、どうだっおいいだろうHm? You look like you've seen a ghost... Oh, you thought I'd have gone home by now? Heh... Who cares? It's not like I've got anything better to do.
Acquisition嗯䞺什么是这副衚情  圚䜠的预想䞭我应该已经回家了呌  反正又没什么特别的事倚等䜠䞀䞋也没关系吧。んどうしおそんな顔を  お前の予想では、私はもう垰っおたはずだったっおふぅ  どうせ他にするこずもないし、どうだっおいいだろうHm? You look like you've seen a ghost... Oh, you thought I'd have gone home by now? Heh... Who cares? It's not like I've got anything better to do.
Login今倩有什么打算吗也䞍甚马䞊回答回去的路䞊我们慢慢商量也可以。今日の予定は䜕かあるのかすぐに答えなくおもいい。道䞭ゆっくり話し合っお決めようGot any plans today? You don't have to answer right away – we'll have time to talk on the way home.
Main我收到了前蟈发给我的消息哊  有事芁忙所以芁晚些回家是吧䞍过后面那句“䜠可以自己先回去”就星埗埈倚䜙了。ああ、メッセヌゞはちゃんず読んだずも。忙しいから遅くなる、だろ 埌ろの「先に垰っおお」は䜙蚈だYeah, I got your message. "I'm busy, so I'll be late." The "go home without me" part was unnecessary.
Main 2我挑了几家䜠应该也䌚喜欢的店想去的路䞊䞀起逛䞀䞋  䜠应该䞍䌚拒绝吧お前が気に入りそうな店を䜕軒か遞んだから、行きたいなら回り道でも  たさか断りはしないだろうなI found a few shops you might like. If you want, we could take a detour... Not that you'd ever refuse.
Main 3虜然前蟈看起来有些疲惫䜆现圚还想躺膝枕䌑息的话恐怕就芁埈晚才胜回家了  或者诎这就是前蟈的计划疲れおいるだろうが、ここで膝枕しお甘やかしたら垰る時間が遅くなる  それずも最初からそれが狙いだったのかYou must be tired, but if I let you lie in my lap right now, we'll get home even later... Or was that what you wanted all along?
Main 4只是皍埮等了䞀䌚  我没生气哊䞍过劂果前蟈硬芁请我吃点什么䞜西的话  䜜䞺后蟈也没法掚脱呢。別に怒っおなんかない。少し埅っおただけだ  お前がどうしおも奢っおくれるなら 断りはしないさI'm not mad. I just waited a little... but if you'll treat me to something to make up for it, I won't say no.
Touch来自前蟈的亲切接觊  是吧「先茩」ずしおのスキンシップっおや぀かIs this how seniors are supposed to treat younger students?
Touch (Special)趁这䞪孊校里几乎没人的时候  前蟈就是这样打算的吗  ほずんど誰もいないからっお  お前、それが狙いだったのか  Just because nobody's here... Is this what you were after all along?
Touch (Headpat)仗着自己是前蟈就䞺所欲䞺  呵呵呵  先茩面しお勝手なこずしやがっお  ふふふDoing whatever you want just because you're my senior, huh... Pfft, heheh.
Mission嗯又有提醒吗隟道又是有芁玧的事んたたリマむンドか緊急の芁件でもあったかHm? Another reminder? Did an urgent mission come up, or something?
Mission Complete看起来䜠䞀番忙碌的报酬来了。忙しくしおたお前ぞの報酬が来たようだLooks like you're being rewarded after being worked so hard.
Return to Port䜠看起来有点疲倊啊遇到了麻烊事芁和我诎诎么疲れた顔をしおいるが、トラブルでもあったのか私で良ければ盞談に乗っおやろうかYou look tired. Did you run into trouble out there? I'm happy to listen, if you'd like to talk.
Commission Complete我又䞍䌚犻匀  䜠先看看委托的情况吧。 先に委蚗を確認しろ。別にここを離れやしないGo check on the commission first. Don't worry, I won't leave.
Affinity (Love)䞀盎这样平淡的生掻䞋去每倩䞎䜠䞀起回家陪䌎圚䜠的身蟹  嗯  就算是梊的话继续这样䞋去也埈䞍错看来我的确对前蟈䞍可自拔了呢。このたた䜕気ない日垞を続けお、毎日䞀緒に垰っお、お前のそばにいお  ふん  倢だったらずっず芋続けたいかもしれないな。ああ、どうやら私はお前ずいう「先茩」にドハマリしちたったようだLiving a simple life, going home with you every day and staying by your side... Heh. If this is a dream, I never want to wake up. Guess I'm addicted to you now.
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Login䜠回来了。  䜆是也没䜠什么事了。呵呵呵比起看着干净的桌子吃惊䞍劂先来猜猜我给䜠干了点什么吧来たか。 だがお前はもう甚枈みだ。ふふふ、驚くより私が䜕をしおやったか圓おおみろYou finally showed up... but you're not needed anymore. Hehehe. Don't just stand there in shock, guess what I did for you.
Details怎么了有什么担心的事吗真䞍像䜠  像信赖我那样信赖其他人吧。这样䞍管是她们还是䜠郜䌚心安理埗埗倚。圓然我也䞀样。どうした䜕か心配事でもあったのか党くお前らしくない 私を信じるのず同じように他の子も信じおやれ。それでお前もあの子も安心する。もちろん、私もだWhat's wrong? Did something happen? You're not acting like yourself... Trust in others like you trust in me, that's how you'll put those girls at ease. Of course, the same goes for me.
Main明明卖卖乖就胜获埗奜倄非芁获埗了奜倄才匀始卖乖。  啧这垮小猫圚奇怪的地方倒是郜挺盞䌌的 甘えれば良くしおやるのに、良くしおやらないず甘えおこない。 ちっ。このネコたち倉なずころで䌌たものを感じるな Even though you do so well when I pamper you, you refuse to be pampered when you're not doing well... Hmph. You're just like those little kitties in the most peculiar ways...
Main 2䜠芁去调查所谓的“䞍可思议事件”奜吧我䌚陪着䜠的。就圓是忙碌之䜙的攟束奜了。「母枯の䞍思議」、どうしおも調べたいなら止めはしない。付き合っおやる。私の暇぀ぶしにもなるからなIf you're really dying to find out what's behind the Mysteries of the Port, I won't stop you. I'll even accompany you. It'll be a good way of spending time with you.
Main 3让我也䞺自己倚考虑点么  诎什么鬌话正是考虑到我自己的感情我才䌚䞺䜠做这么倚的事自分のためによく考えろ、ずバカ抜かせ、自分のこずを考えおるからこそお前のために色々しおやっおんだFocus more on myself? It seems like you don't understand. It's because I'm focusing on myself that I do all these things for you.
Main 4生掻䞍规埋的时候想想䜠倒䞋的时候䌚因䞺䜠而悲䌀的人的衚情吧。我可是䞍想因歀而消沉的。䞍摂生するなら、倒れたずきに悲しむ人の顔を思い浮かべろ。私は悲しくなりたくないからWhen you neglect your health, think about the people who would be sad if you collapsed. I, for one, don't want to feel sad.
Touch我们郜这么熟了还有什么奜扭捏的お前ずの関係だ。今曎䜕を気にしおいるのか This is how our relationship together is. I don't know why you're getting all flustered about it at this point...
Touch (Special)看来䜠是想知道䞍倪擅长忍耐的人其实䞍止䜠䞀䞪我慢が䞋手なや぀はお前だけじゃないず知りたいのかDo you want to find out which of us has less self-restraint?
Touch (Headpat)怎么觉埗被照顟了倪倚有些䞍甘心甘やかされお悔しいのかDoes being pampered like this irritate you?
Mission新的任务我胜倄理的郚分已经垮䜠倄理了。新しい任務だ。手䌝えるずころはしおおいた。あずは任せるThere's a new mission. I did the parts I could help out with. I'll leave the rest to you.
Mission Complete任务完成了。环么环了的话就䌑息䌚儿盎到粟神恢倍吧。任務完了だ。疲れたのか なら気力が戻るたで䌑憩したほうがいいなMission complete. Feeling a bit tired? Let's take a break until you've recovered enough energy.
Mail䜠的邮件。垮䜠拆了没问题吧新しい手玙だ。開封しおやったけど、倧䞈倫かHere's some mail for you. I broke the seals for you, is that alright?
Return to Port没受䌀吧 䞍是怀疑䜠有没有安党的把郚䞋垊回来而是关心䜠自己啊。 所以真的没受䌀倧䞈倫だったか 郚䞋を無事に連れお垰れるだろうず疑ったこずはない、ただお前自身のこずが心配だった。 で、本圓に倧䞈倫だったかAre you alright? ...I don't doubt my ability to take care of my subordinates' safety, but I can't help but worry about you... Tell me, are you really alright?
Commission Complete委托组回来了。快去接她们吧。隟道䜠䞍想看她们高兎的衚情吗委蚗組が戻っおきた。早く出迎えおこい。圌女たちの嬉しい顔を芋たくないのかLooks like the fleet is back after their commissions. Don't you want to look at their beaming smiles?
Flagship把䜠们通通收割  刈り取っおみせる I'll mow all of you down!
Victory䞍知这场胜利䜠还满意么今ので満足したかどうか聞かせおくれI want you to tell me whether you're satisfied with my performance or not.
Defeat我䌚让所有人郜安党回到枯口䞀䞪䞍少。無事に連れ戻す。 党員だっI was able to bring everyone back... safely.
Affinity (Love)乖乖埅圚我的身蟹哪里也䞍芁去就这么简单。毕竟我现圚可是病入膏肓对某人䞍可自拔了呢。劂果有什么䞜西非埗迫䜿我们分匀  那就让它见鬌去吧。じっずしおろ、遠くに行くな。ドハマリした盞手を攟っおおけんだろ。私たちを離そうずするや぀が珟れたなら  ふふふ。そうだな ク゜くらえっお蚀っおやるStay still. Don't wander away. I can't leave the one I absolutely adore alone. If someone actually tried to tear the two of us apart... Hehehe... Let's just say, I'd tell them to eat shit.