Friedrich der Große (JP 🇯🇵: フリードリヒ・デア・グローセ, CN 🇹🇼: )
Ship ID No. P011 Star Rating ★★★☆☆☆
Hull Battleship Rarity Decisive
Navy Ironblood Build Time N/A
Acquisition Research and Development
Enhance Income
Firepower 0
Torpedo 0
Aviation 0
Reload 0
Scrap Income
Medal 30
Oil 4
Gold 11
Release Date
EN December 19, 2019
KR April 18, 2019
CN April 18, 2019
JP April 18, 2019
Voice actress Hitomi Nabatame
Friedrich der Große Description
Battleship – Friedrich der Große.
Dark Raiments of Gagaku Description
I see, so this is a "kimono" from the Sakura Empire. Exquisitely crafted, comfortable to the touch, and elegantly designed... How to wear it? ...My child, what are you talking about?
Zeremonie of the Cradle Description
Ahh, the dreamlike beauty of this variation... let us write down this movement so that it may continue forever, my sweet child.
Firepower S
Torpedo E
Aviation E
Evasion C
Anti-air C
HP 8449 Reload 137
Firepower 407 Torpedo 0
Evasion 21 Anti-air 210
Aviation 0 Cost 19
ASW 0 Luck 0
Hit 57 Speed 30
Armor Heavy
HP 9886 Reload 157
Firepower 449 Torpedo 0
Evasion 27 Anti-air 241
Aviation 0 Cost 19
ASW 0 Luck 0
Hit 65 Speed 30
Armor Heavy
HP 1634 Reload 58
Firepower 87 Torpedo 0
Evasion 8 Anti-air 45
Aviation 0 Cost
ASW 0 Luck 0
Hit 22 Speed 30
Armor Heavy
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost 19
ASW Luck 0
Hit Speed 30
Armor Heavy
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost 19
ASW Luck 0
Hit Speed 30
Armor Heavy
Limit Break
Level 5 HP+400 | Anti-Air+11 | Main Gun Efficiency+5%
Level 10 Main Gun+1 | Main Gun Efficiency+5% | Limit Break ★★★★☆☆
Level 15 HP+797 | Anti-Air+22 | Anti-Air Efficiency+10%
Level 20 Secondary Gun+2 | Main Gun Efficiency+10% | Limit Break ★★★★★☆
Level 25 HP+1195 | Anti-Air+33 | Main Gun Efficiency+5%
Level 30 Main Gun+1 | Main gun Efficiency+15% | Limit Break ★★★★★★
Slot Equipment Type Efficiency (LB 0/1/2/3) Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3) Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
1 Battleship Gun 120%/130%/140%/160% 1/2/2/3 0/0/0/0
2 Light Cruiser Gun 220%/220%/220%/220% 1/1/3/3 0/0/0/0
3 Anti-Air Gun 90%/90%/100%/100% 1/1/1/1 0/0/0/0
4 Auxiliary - - -
5 Auxiliary - - -
Default Equipments
Fleet Tech
T9 Battleship: Friedrich der Große-Class Tech Points and Bonus
Unlock 56 +1
Max LimitBreak 114
Lv.120 86 +2
Icon Name Description Requirements
Symphony of Destruction When this ship takes DMG or when an enemy comes within close range of this ship: fires a Lv.1 (Lv.10) special barrage that ignores the enemy's Armor Type (barrage DMG is based on the skill's level.) Has a 15s cooldown between activations.
Sonata of Chaos When this ship fires an odd-numbered Salvo: increases its RLD by 30.0% (50.0%) and DMG dealt by 10.0% (20.0%) until its next reloaded Salvo. When this ship fires an even-numbered Salvo: increases its Crit Rate by 10.0% (20.0%) and Crit DMG by 30.0% (50.0%) until its next reloaded Salvo.
Rhapsody of Darkness Applies a buff to this ship based on its HP remaining. When between 100% and 70%: increases FP by 10.0% (20.0%); when between 70% and 30%: increases FP by 4.0% (10.0%) and decreases DMG taken by 4.0% (10.0%); when less than 30%: decreases DMG taken by 10.0% (20.0%).
Siren Killer Ⅰ Increases this ship's DMG to Sirens by 5.0%.
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 战列舰—腓特烈大帝 戦艦・フリードリヒ・デア・グローセ Battleship – Friedrich der Große.
Biography 铁血海军腓特烈大帝号战列舰,H计划的产物之一。我的孩子,如果失眠的话,就让我为你唱首摇篮曲吧 鉄血海軍、戦艦フリードリヒ・デア・グローセ、H級戦艦の計画型。さあ、ボウヤ…寝付けないなら、子守唄を奏でてあげるわ I am Friedrich der Große, prototype H-class battleship of the Iron Blood Navy. Come, my child... If you are unable to sleep, allow me to play you a lullaby.
Acquisition 欢迎你的到来,我的孩子,你希望我赠予你什么?黄金、荣耀,还是青春? ようこそ私の元へ。ボウヤ、なにがお望み?富?栄誉?それとも永遠なる青春? You've returned to my side once more, my child. Tell me, what is it that you wish for? Wealth? Glory? Or perhaps eternal youth?
Login 快拉开今日的帷幕吧,奏者们早已急不可耐了! 奏者たちはもうお待ちかねだわ!さあ、今宵の戦幕を上げてごらん! The performers can wait no longer! Hurry, let us raise the curtains of battle!
Details 我的孩子,若想取得彻底的胜利,必须保持绝对的理性 ボウヤ、絶対なる勝利を得るには、絶対なる理性が必要よ My child, if you desire absolute victory, you must maintain absolute rationality.
Main 战斗时压抑的感情,就在演奏中释放出来吧 戦闘中に抑えつけた激情など、この調べを聞いて解き放つがいいわ All those emotions that you’ve bottled up through all those conflicts... Listen to my concert, and let it all out.
Main 2 战场上的我理性得几近残酷?我姑且把它当做一种夸奖吧 戦場の私は残酷に見える?フフフ…褒め言葉として受け取ってあげるわ My appearance upon the battlefield gives off an air of cruelty? Hehe... I’ll take that as a compliment.
Main 3 即便不小心惹怒了我,只要好好道歉,我还是会原谅你的 私を怒らせても、ちゃんと謝れば許してあげるわ Even should you anger me, I’ll forgive you as long as you properly apologize.
Touch 害怕的时候,就躲到我身后吧 恐怖で身を震わせるときは私の後ろに居るべきね If you are ever afraid, come hide behind my back.
Touch (Special) 仿佛变回了小孩子呢……真可爱 まるで子供みたい……可愛いわ Just like a baby... how sweet.
Mission 无论想要什么,我都可以帮你拿到 ボウヤが欲しいものなら、何でも手に入れてあげるわ My child, no matter what it is that you desire, I can help you obtain it.
Mission Complete 那么,想要什么奖励呢? では、どんな報酬がお望み? Now then, what kind of reward would you like?
Mail 那么,我来唱给你听吧 メールの内容、奏でてあげましょうか? Shall I sing the contents of this message for you?
Return to Port 欢迎回来,无论遇到什么事,都可以向我报告 おかえり。どんな報告でも聞いてあげるわよ? Welcome back. Whether it’s good news or bad news, I’d be glad to hear you out.
Commission Complete 要好好欢迎认真完成了委托的孩子们哟 委託をこなしてきた子たちはしっかり出迎えてあげないとダメよ We must properly praise the girls who have returned from their commissions.
Enhancement 感觉能奏出更精妙的乐曲了呢 より美しい調べが奏でられるわ I feel as if I can bring out even more beautiful music.
Flagship 聆听我的演奏,献上痛恶、深惧与绝望吧! 調べを奏でよ!憎悪、恐怖、絶望を――! Let us play a requiem! Resound, o hatred, fear, and despair—!
Victory 真遗憾,安可演奏还没有开始呢 残念だわ。アンコールもまだ始まっていないというのに… What a pity. The encore had only just begun...
Defeat 那么,请静待下次演奏吧 次の演奏をご期待…… Please await our next performance...
Skill 第九交响曲,合唱! Sinfonie Nr. 9…合唱せよ! The 9th Symphony... in unison!
Low HP 再稍微,忍耐一下喔 もう少し我慢してあげるわ I shall persevere yet.
Affinity (Upset) 有在认真反省了吗? ちゃんと反省、しているのかしら I wonder if you’re properly repenting yet...?
Affinity (Stranger) 我是本不应出现的存在,不过,既然我已存在于此,那么其中必然蕴藏着某种合理性… この身体はこの世あらざるべき 存在。しかしこうして立っていられる以上、なにかしらの理由…合理性が働いているのが必然というものよ I never should have come to exist in this world... But since I am here, there must be a higher principle behind it...
Affinity (Friendly) 在战场上,勇气并没有意义,谁更接近拉普拉斯的恶魔,谁就更接近胜利 勇気など戦場では役に立たないわ。ラプラスの悪魔により近づく者だけに勝利の女神が微笑むのよ Things such as courage have no value on the battlefield. Only those who approach Laplace’s demon shall approach victory.
Affinity (Like) 比起战斗,我更喜欢像现在这样,来、张开嘴,啊~~ 戦闘よりこういうのが好きだわ。ボウヤ、はい、あーんして、あーーーん I do prefer this to fighting. Here, my child. Open your mouth~ ahhn~
Affinity (Love) 尽情地向我撒娇吧,更多地、更多地…… もっと私に甘えてちょうだい。もっと、もっと……もっとよ…… Please dote upon me more. Yes, more... more...!
Pledge 以后,悲伤也好、喜悦也好、痛苦也好、欢愉也好,无论发生什么,都来依靠我吧,我会一直、一直理解你、包容你、支持你的喔…… 悲しいことも楽しいことも、痛さも気持ちよさも、これからは全部分け与えて…ボウヤのこと、ずっと、ずっと、ずっと、包んであげるわよ…… From now on, I shall share everything with you - your sorrow, your joy, your pain, and your pleasure. My child, I will always, always welcome you into my embrace...
In battle with Z46 偶尔也来向我撒撒娇嘛 たまには私にも甘えてちょうだい You should let me pamper you once in a while.
In battle with Tirpitz 我的指挥无法让你的才能淋漓尽致地展现出来吗…… 私の指揮では貴方の力が十分発揮できないかしら Perhaps you're unable to display your full power with me in charge?
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 这就是重樱称作“和服”的装扮吧。质地非常舒服,色调也很高雅——穿法?孩子,你说的是什么呢? この衣装、重桜の「着物」というものね。上質な素材で落ち着く着心地、それでいて色合いも上品――着付け?ボウヤ、それは……どういうことかしら? I see, so this is a "kimono" from the Sakura Empire. Exquisitely crafted, comfortable to the touch, and elegantly designed... How to wear it? ...My child, what are you talking about?
Acquisition 这就是重樱称作“和服”的装扮吧。质地非常舒服,色调也很高雅——穿法?孩子,你说的是什么呢? この衣装、重桜の「着物」というものね。上質な素材で落ち着く着心地、それでいて色合いも上品――着付け?ボウヤ、それは……どういうことかしら? I see, so this is a "kimono" from the Sakura Empire. Exquisitely crafted, comfortable to the touch, and elegantly designed... How to wear it? ...My child, what are you talking about?
Login 一直站在那儿很冷吧?过来吧,孩子 じっとそこで立っていては寒くならない?おいで、ボウヤ Aren't you cold standing over there? Come to me, my child.
Details 人类的欲望是无限的。没错…就像这巨大的舰装一般…追求更巨大的形态、更强大的力量…更多的炮塔…以及更伟大的荣光—— 人間の欲望は無限よ。そう、まるで私の艤装のように…より巨大な形を、力を、砲塔を、栄光を求めて―― Mankind's ambitions know no limits. Indeed, just like these riggings of mine... they strive to expand, to become more powerful... to command more cannons, and to seize greater glory...
Main 重樱的雅乐,所谓“幽玄”…究竟代表着怎么样一种感情…我非常感兴趣呢 重桜の雅楽、幽玄というのはどんな感情を表すものか――興味があるわ Sakura Empire's classical "gagaku" is said to elicit profound and mysterious emotions... I'm quite curious about it.
Main 2 感情的压抑与释放,可以是毒也可以是药。合理地控制自己的状态,对于提高效率很有帮助哦 感情の抑制と解放は毒にも薬にもなるもの。自分の調子を上手く制御できてこそ効率が上がるわよ The release of repressed emotions can be both medicine and poison. The effect depends on how well you can control your state of being.
Main 3 孩子,能帮我穿上这件衣服吗? ボウヤ、この着物の着付けを手伝ってもらえるかしら? My child, could you help me with putting on this outfit?
Touch 与人拥抱的触感,是肌肤的温热——你明白的吧,孩子 この抱擁の感触は人肌の温もり――ボウヤにはそれがわかるのかしら The sensation of this embrace is the warmth of human contact... Do you understand, my child?
Touch (Special) 你喜欢这里吗,孩子?呵呵呵 ボウヤはここが恋しい?ふふふふ Do you like it here, my child? Hehehe~
Touch (Headpat) 这应该是由我对你做的才对吧?孩子 これは私から貴方にすることじゃなくて?ボウヤ Shouldn't I be the one doing this to you instead, my child?
Return to Port 欢迎回来。我准备了饮料,一边暖暖身子一边报告吧 おかえり。飲み物を用意したわ。体を温めてから報告を聞いてちょうだい Welcome back. I've prepared a beverage for you. Come warm yourself as I read the report to you.
Flagship 与虚无的交响一起消失殆尽吧——! 虚無の交響とともに、跡形もなく消え去るがいい――! Turn into nothingness, along with the symphony of the void!
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 你来了,我的孩子,今天你想向我索求什么?是这杯中摇曳之物?还是这红色的果实?亦或是想让我满足你内心最深处的渴望? いらっしゃい、ボウヤ。今日は何をお望み?この杯中で揺れてるもの?赤い果実?それとも心の奥底に眠る欲望を叶えてほしい? Welcome, my child. What do you desire tonight? That which ripples in my cup? This sweet, red fruit? Or to sate the desires sleeping deep, deep in your heart?
Acquisition 你来了,我的孩子,今天你想向我索求什么?是这杯中摇曳之物?还是这红色的果实?亦或是想让我满足你内心最深处的渴望? いらっしゃい、ボウヤ。今日は何をお望み?この杯中で揺れてるもの?赤い果実?それとも心の奥底に眠る欲望を叶えてほしい? Welcome, my child. What do you desire tonight? That which ripples in my cup? This sweet, red fruit? Or to sate the desires sleeping deep, deep in your heart?
Login 呵呵……看起来在夏夜结束之前,你都会每天来找我的,对吗?我的孩子。 ふふ……真夏の夜が終わりを告げるまで、毎日会いに来てくれるかしら?愛しいボウヤ Heehee... Will you come and visit me every night until the end of summer, my dear child?
Main 你也想品尝樱桃?很好,我的孩子,我喜欢你的这份率直,那么作为奖励……我会亲自送入你的口中。 チェリーを食べたいの?…ふふ、素直でいい子ね。ではご褒美に……食べさせてあげる。こうやって―― Do you want cherries? ...Heehee, I'm so glad you're honest, my child. As a reward... I'll feed you, just like this.
Main 2 不要惧怕冒犯或是惹怒我,直接说出你的索求,我会满足与你。 機嫌を損ねたり、怒らせたりすることを怖がらないで、ボウヤの求めしものを教えるといいわ。それを叶えるのが私の役目よ Don't be afraid of spoiling my mood or angering me. Just tell me what you desire – it's my duty to satisfy that.
Main 3 也许偶尔也当让理性多作休息……毕竟是如此美丽的夏夜,此刻我只想让你在我怀中撒娇,我的孩子…… たまには理性に休暇を与えるのもいいわ……美しき真夏の夜にボウヤを胸の中で甘えさせてあげること――それだけが私の望み Sometimes, it's good to give our rational mind a break. My only desire... is to pamper you in my arms on this beautiful summer night, my child.
Touch 渴望肌肤的温热?可以哦,我的孩子。 私の肌の温もりをお望み?いいわ。愛しいボウヤ Do you wish to feel my warmth? But of course, my dear child.
Touch (Special) 呵呵……满足孩子的求知欲,也是我的责任呢…… ふふ……ボウヤの「知的欲求」を満たすのも私の務めね…… Heehee... It's my job to sate your intellectual thirst...
Touch (Headpat) 你似乎很喜欢这简单的发型变化呢,我的孩子…… この髪型を気に入ってくれたようね。ボウヤ You really like this hairstyle, don't you, my child?
Return to Port 你看起来满脸疲惫呢,来,乖乖躺在我身边,稍微休息一会吧。 疲れているようね。さあいらっしゃい。隣に横になってその体を休めるといいわ You look tired. Come, come. Lie down with me and rest.
Affinity (Love) 嗯?还想吃樱桃吗?……那不妨率直地说出你的想法,坦诚地展示出你的欲望,我会全部满足你哦。 ん?もう一個ほしいの?……素直に言葉にして、思いっきりボウヤの欲望を表すといいわ。私が全部叶えてあげる―― Hmm? You want another? ...Say it outright, and put your desires in the open. I'll give you everything you want, and more.
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 啊啊…真是如梦境一般的展开呢…让我们把这美妙的乐章永远、永远续写下去吧,我的孩子? ああ、この夢のような美しい変奏――私たちの楽章、調べが永遠に続くことを望むわ。愛しいボウヤ Ahh, the dreamlike beauty of this variation... let us write down this movement so that it may continue forever, my sweet child.
Acquisition 啊啊…真是如梦境一般的展开呢…让我们把这美妙的乐章永远、永远续写下去吧,我的孩子? ああ、この夢のような美しい変奏――私たちの楽章、調べが永遠に続くことを望むわ。愛しいボウヤ Ahh, the dreamlike beauty of this variation... let us write down this movement so that it may continue forever, my sweet child.
Login 今天想听我为你演奏什么呢,我的孩子? 今日は何を聞きたいの?ボウヤ? What would you like to listen to today, my child?
Details 希望从你那得到什么?呵…对我来说,世界上最美妙的宝物,就是现在的你哦,我的孩子? ボウヤに何を求めているのかって?ふふふ…私にとってこの世界で最も尊いもの――つまりボウヤ、あなた自身が望みよ What I hope to get from you? Hehe... For me, the most important thing in the world... what I hope for the most - is you, my child.
Main 我的孩子,遇到什么难题了吗?告诉我,我来把一切解决。 なにか難しいことでもあったのかしら?教えてちょうだい。すべて解決してあげるわ Is there something giving you difficulty? Please tell me about it. I shall take care of everything for you.
Main 2 把冷酷的理性都留给战场上的对手,在我的面前,你无需压抑自己,只要尽情地撒娇就好了,我的孩子…… 理性という手綱を引き締めるのは戦場だけでいいわ。私の前では己を抑え込む必要などない――そう、思うがままに甘えて、ボウヤ Save your cold rationality for your enemies on the battlefield. Before me, however, you need not hold back. Just indulge yourself to your heart's desire, my child.
Main 3 累了么?那么,就在我这里躺一会吧…嗯~好孩子好孩子~尽管睡吧,无论你想睡到什么时候…我都会一直在这里的 疲れたなら、ここで横になりなさい……いい子、いい子…安寧の夢に身を委ねて、ボウヤ、私がずっとここで見ていてあげるわ If you are tired, lie down right here... I will bring you pleasant dreams... Good, sweet child... I'll always be watching over you.
Touch 呵呵,渴望与挚爱接触的温暖了吗?来吧,你可以再靠近一些,我的孩子 愛しい存在と触れ合うのがお望み?もう少し近寄ってきてもいいわ、我が愛しのボウヤ Do you wish to touch your beloved more intimately? Come closer, my dear child.
Touch (Special) 呵呵,真是调皮的孩子呢,没关系,我会包容你的一切的 ワガママなボウヤね…大丈夫、全て受け入れてあげるわ What a selfish child... But no matter, I shall accept you unconditionally.
Return to Port 不急着报告,先让我看看你…嗯,很好,没有什么异常~那么,有什么要和我说的吗? レポートはあとでいいわ。ボウヤ、顔を見せて…ふふ、何事も無かったようね…ボウヤは私に言うこと、あるかしら You can leave the report for later. Let me see your face, my child... Hehe, there's nothing amiss... Is there anything you'd like to talk to me about, my child?
Affinity (Love) 我会接纳你的全部,并且为你铲除挡在面前的一切…所以,尽情地向我撒娇吧,更多地、更多地… ボウヤのすべてを受け入れて、ボウヤの前に立ちはだかるすべてを滅ぼしてみせるわ。さあ、もっと私に甘えてちょうだい。もっと、もっと……もっとよ…… My child, I will accept you unconditionally, and lay low anything that attempts to stand in your way. Come, allow me to pamper you more. Yes, more... more... give me more...