U-73 (JP 🇯🇵: U-73, CN 🇹🇼: U-73)
Ship ID No. 387 Star Rating ★★☆☆☆
Hull Submarine Rarity Elite
Navy Ironblood Build Time 00:11:00
Acquisition Event: Scherzo of Iron and Blood
Enhance Income
Firepower 1
Torpedo 40
Aviation 0
Reload 6
Scrap Income
Medal 4
Oil 4
Gold 1
Release Date
Voice actress Rimo Hasegawa
U-73 Description
Iron Blood Type VIIB submarine – U-73.
Science Rules! Description
It's time for science class with U-73! Now, Commander, let's try out an exhilarating and positively fascinating experiment!
Firepower D
Torpedo S
Aviation E
Evasion D
Anti-air E
HP 1042 Reload 73
Firepower 39 Torpedo 475
Evasion 18 Anti-air 0
Aviation 0 Cost 7
ASW 0 Luck 35
Hit 149 Speed 14.4
Armor Light
HP 1250 Reload 84
Firepower 45 Torpedo 523
Evasion 37 Anti-air 0
Aviation 0 Cost 7
ASW 0 Luck 35
Hit 167 Speed 14.4
Armor Light
HP 202 Reload 31
Firepower 8 Torpedo 101
Evasion 7 Anti-air 0
Aviation 0 Cost 2
ASW 0 Luck 35
Hit 57 Speed 14.4
Armor Light
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost 7
ASW Luck 35
Hit Speed 14.4
Armor Light
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost 7
ASW Luck 35
Hit Speed 14.4
Armor Light
Limit Break
Tier 1 Unlock EX Barrage Ⅰ/Torpedo efficiency +5%
Tier 2 Torpedo base +1/Improve Hunting range
Tier 3 Improve EX Barrage/Torpedo efficiency +10%
Slot Equipment Type Efficiency (LB 0/1/2/3) Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3) Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
1 Submarine Torpedo 110%/115%/115%/125% 1/1/2/2 0/0/0/0
2 Submarine Torpedo 105%/110%/110%/120% 1/1/2/2 0/0/0/0
3 Destroyer Gun 85%/85%/85%/85% 1/1/1/1 0/0/0/0
4 Auxilary - - -
5 Auxilary - - -
Default Equipments
1 G7a Submarine Torpedo
2 G7a Submarine Torpedo
Fleet Tech
T6 Submarine: Type VIIB Tech Points and Bonus
Unlock 6 +2
Max LimitBreak 14
Lv.120 10 +1
Icon Name Description Requirements
Carrier Hunter Increases this ship's DMG to CVs by 5.0% (15.0%).
Wolf Pack Tactics For each Iron Blood SS in your fleet: increases this boat's TRP, RLD, and Accuracy by 1.5% (6.0%).
All Out Assault I Activates All Out Assault Ⅰ: VIIB-Type Submarine immediately after entering the battle.
00:11:00 JP CN EN
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 铁血VIIB型潜艇U-73 鉄血ⅦB型潜水艦U-73 Iron Blood Type VIIB submarine – U-73.
Biography 铁血潜艇U-73号,我可是执行过很多次巡逻任务,战绩出色的“群狼”之一呐~ 鉄血潜水艦U-73、数々の出撃任務をこなしてきた、鉄血の狼たちのリーダーよ! I'm U-73, the Iron Blood submarine that completed lots of missions and served as the leader of several wolfpacks!
Acquisition 铁血所属,U-73向您报告!有什么需要我做的事情,就尽管提吧,包在姐姐身上~ 鉄血所属、U-73が着任した!さあ命令困り事なんでも言ってごらん、お姉ちゃんにお任せあれ! U-73 of the Iron Blood, reporting for duty! If there's anything that needs doing, just leave it to me!
Login Yahoo~指挥官,又见面啦。我已经整装待发,随时可以出击~就等你一声令下了 やっほー指揮官、また会ったね!こっちは準備万端、いつでも出撃可能!――あなたの命令一つで、ね♪ Howdy-do, Commander! Welcome back! I'm all good to go and ready to sortie! Just give me the order.
Details 指挥官,不要太烦恼啦~凡事总有解决的办法 まあまあ指揮官、あまり悩むなって~何事もきっと上手くいくから Now, now, Commander, don't stress over everything~ I'm sure it'll all go fine.
Main 在水下待久了,有时候也会想要享受下在水面疾驰的感觉呢…啊!指挥官,让我带你去海上飙一圈吧~? ずっと潜航してると、たまには水面でぶっ飛ばしたくなるわね…あ!指揮官、海でひとっ走りしてこよっか? When you're underwater all day, sometimes you just wanna resurface and smash through the waves! ... Hey, Commander, wanna go for a quick dive in the ocean?
Main 2 比起港区里待着,还是在各种海域悄悄接近敌人更让人感到兴奋啊…… 母港でじっとしているより、海域で潜航して敵に近づくほうがスリルがあっていいよね…… I'd rather be diving in the ocean and feeling the thrill of being near the enemy than stuck at port staring into space all day...
Main 3 倾听烦恼,为大家解忧其实还挺有意思的。开个“烦恼咨询室”之类的说不定也不错…指挥官有什么烦恼么? みんなの悩みを聞いたりそれを解決したりするのは面白いよね。お悩み相談室…?とか開いてみようかしら。指揮官って悩みとかあるの? Isn't it fun to hear what's on somebody's mind and help them with it? ... Maybe I ought to open a psychiatric booth. Anyway, Reichspfennig for your thoughts, Commander?
Touch 嗯?还有什么事需要求助吗?尽管说吧。 うん?私が助けになれることはある?なんでも言ってごらん? What is it? Got something I could help with? C'mon, tell me something.
Touch (Special) 哼~指挥官看来是想吃几颗鱼雷了啊? ふーん、さては指揮官、魚雷を何発もくらいたいのかな? Uh-huh. So, Commander, how many gut-punch torpedoes do you want for dessert?
Mission 任务来了,指挥官,一起来完成吧! 任務が来たのね。指揮官、一緒にこなそう! So, we've got a mission. Let's do it together, Commander!
Mission Complete 有我在支援,任务当然很快就完成啦~ 私のサポートがあれば、任務などチョチョイのチョイなんだかんね! With my support, we could finish these missions with our eyes closed!
Mail 邮件来了~要不要我来帮你处理掉? メール来たよ~あ、私が代わりに確認したほうがいい? Mail's just arrived~ Oh, do you want me to read it on your behalf?
Return to Port 欢迎回来~哈哈,好好休息下,有什么另外要忙的都交给我吧~ おかえり!ふふん、任せられるものは私に任せて、ちゃんと休めよ~ Good to see you! Let me handle things for you while you get some rest~
Commission Complete 委托完成了,大家干得真不错! 委託完了!みんな、よくやったよ! Commission complete! Great job, everyone!
Enhancement 这下能更好地实施精准打击了!嘻嘻~ これでもっと正確に打撃を与えられるようになったね~。ふふ~ん♪ Now my shots will be even more on point! Heh heh~
Flagship 现在的我,是群狼之首! 狼を率いるもの、それが私! The leader of wolfpacks, that's me!
Victory 哼哼!见识到我的厉害了吧~ ふっふん!私の力、見ててくれたかな? Heheh! Did you see how strong I am?
Defeat 啊哈哈……哈哈,居然会失败…… いやあ……あはは…まさか負けちゃうなんてぇー Oh nooo...! Ahaha... How the heck could we lose...
Skill “狼群战术”启动! Wolfsrudeltaktik(ウォルフスルタクティク)、発動ッ! Wolfsrudeltaktik, commence!
Low HP 唔啊——好像需要回避一下了…… わああ!これは回避行動を取るべきね…… Mein Leben! Better perform emergency maneuvers...
Affinity (Upset) 嗯…其他的伙伴还在等我,指挥官,我先告辞了—— ん…みんなが待ってるから、指揮官ごめんね、先に行ってくる―― Uh... My friends are waiting for me, so sorry, gotta scamper.
Affinity (Stranger) 指挥官终于闲下来了,要不要一起逛逛? お、指揮官ようやく一息つけた?少し一緒に散歩しない? Oh? Finally managed to catch a break, Commander? Then let's go for a quick stroll, shall we?
Affinity (Friendly) 悄悄潜伏,等待机会,然后奇袭命中,哈哈,抓住你啦,指挥官! ひっそり近づいて、じっくりチャンスを待ち、いざ奇襲を!――ははは、指揮官、捕まえた♪ The wild U-73 approaches quietly, waiting for her chance, and then POUNCES! ... Hahaha, I caught you, Commander!
Affinity (Like) 现在开始感受到姐姐的魅力了吧?指挥官,一直待在我身边吧! お姉ちゃんの魅力、そろそろ気づいてくれた?指揮官、ずっと私のそばにいてね! I suppose you've fallen for me at last? Then stay by my side forever, Commander!
Affinity (Love) 指挥官,虽然坐骑的速度不敢保证……不过就算你跑得再快,也会被我俘获的~主要是内心呢~哼哼! 指揮官、確かに私は潜航するとスピードを保証できないけど……指揮官のことは絶対に捕まえるわよ!特にココロ、ね!ふふん! True, I can't guarantee I'll be speedy when I dive... but no matter what, you'll be mine, Commander! Especially your heart! Hahah!
Pledge 嘻嘻,没想到这一天那么快就到了。从今往后,你就是我的人了。说好咯,一切包在我身上~我会好好照顾你一辈子! ふふっ、こんなに早く来るとは思わなかったけど、これから指揮官はもう私の一部ってことね!いいよ、お姉ちゃんに全部任せてちょうだい!一生面倒見てあげるから♪ Ahah, I didn't think this would happen so fast, but now you're a part of me! Relax, just let me handle everything for you! I'll take care of you for the rest of your life~
In battle with U-81, U-556, U-47, U-557 接下来,该是我们U艇飒爽登场的时候了。 次は私達Uボートの出番よ! U-boats, it's our time to shine!
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 好~U-73的理科实验时间要开始咯~指挥官,一起来进行快乐又有趣的科学实验吧! U-73の理科実験タイム、始まるよ~!指揮官、一緒に楽しく面白く、科学実験をやってみよう! It's time for science class with U-73! Now, Commander, let's try out an exhilarating and positively fascinating experiment!
Acquisition 好~U-73的理科实验时间要开始咯~指挥官,一起来进行快乐又有趣的科学实验吧! U-73の理科実験タイム、始まるよ~!指揮官、一緒に楽しく面白く、科学実験をやってみよう! It's time for science class with U-73! Now, Commander, let's try out an exhilarating and positively fascinating experiment!
Login 把这个加进这里,然后再——哇!指挥官不要突然出现啦,差点就手抖出大事了! これをこれぐらい入れて、こう――わ!指揮官急に出てこないでってば~大変なことになるところだったよ? Now we add some of this, then– Whuah! Don't surprise me like that, Commander! You nearly just caused an accident!
Main 这里需要加热一下……呜哇啊啊啊,火、火太大了啊啊啊!!! ここはちょっと加熱して……あわわわ!も、燃えちゃってるよ!! Now we raise the heat slightly, then... Oh, God! I-it's on fire!
Main 2 实验的精度可是很重要的,差0.01毫升都可能得出完全不一样的结果呢 実験は精度が肝心ね。百分の一ミリリットルでも違えば結果が変わっちゃうんだから Experiments necessitate preciseness. Being even one 100th of a milliliter off affects the result!
Main 3 白衣正是实验室的浪漫!——诶?这个不叫白衣?啊哈,啊哈哈…… 理科室のロマンはこの白衣!――え?これ白衣じゃないって?あは、あははははは…… The glamor of this lab coat drew me to the science room! ... Huh? This ISN'T a lab coat? Aha, ahahahaha...
Touch 啊,不要在这时候碰我啦指挥官,剂量要不准了都…… えー指揮官?スキンシップはちょーっと後でね?今は試薬の調整で大変だから…… Hey, Commander? No intimacy right now, okay? I'm fine-tuning this compound, you see...
Touch (Special) ……加了特殊燃料的鱼雷,指挥官想要试试吗? 特殊燃料が充填された魚雷、試してみたいの? You wanna be the target of my experimental fuel-powered torpedoes?
Flagship 就拿你们来做实验吧! お前たちで実験したろうかー! Time for an experiment on you numskulls!
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 让姐姐来教你,怎么做出让祛除春寒的热茶变得更美味的药剂吧!嘻嘻,说笑的而已~指挥官试喝下这个看看? 早春の寒さを凌げるお茶、それに入れればもっと美味しくなるケミカルポーション、その作り方をお姉ちゃんが教えて差し上げましょう!なんてね、指揮官、ちょっと試しに飲んでみない? In today's chemistry lesson, we'll learn how to make a warming cup of tea and an optional concoction to enhance its flavor! Will you do the honor of taste-testing it, Commander?
Acquisition 让姐姐来教你,怎么做出让祛除春寒的热茶变得更美味的药剂吧!嘻嘻,说笑的而已~指挥官试喝下这个看看? 早春の寒さを凌げるお茶、それに入れればもっと美味しくなるケミカルポーション、その作り方をお姉ちゃんが教えて差し上げましょう!なんてね、指揮官、ちょっと試しに飲んでみない? In today's chemistry lesson, we'll learn how to make a warming cup of tea and an optional concoction to enhance its flavor! Will you do the honor of taste-testing it, Commander?
Login 想学习调制方法?OK!首先把这个先这样…哎呀?手在抖哦,难道是紧张了?有我在没事的啦! 作り方を知りたいって?オッケー!まずはこれをこうセットして…おや?手が震えてるね。あはは、緊張してるの?私が付いてるから大丈夫よ~! You wanna learn the formula? Sure thing! First you mix the contents of these beakers, then... Wait, are your hands shaking? Hahaha! Come on, it'll be fine – I'm right here!
Details 我的打扮?试着往东煌的风格靠了靠~怎么样?合适不?嘿嘿~ この格好?ちょっと東煌風にアレンジしてみたんだ♪どう?似合ってる?えへへ Decided I'd try on this Dragon Empery dress, in light of the season! Does it look good on me? Hehehe~
Main 看好啦?最后要像这样加热一下…就和实验一样,精确性是很重要的~ いい?最後はこうやってちょこっと加熱して…そう、実験と同じ、精確さが大事なの And for the last step, we raise the heat a few degrees. See, brewing tea is like doing science – it takes precision.
Main 2 化学饮料,换个说法,能不能当做是更科学的茶?…嗯~不过这样好像就少了茶的感觉了…有点难办欸… ケミカルポーション、言い換えれば科学的なお茶にしたりできる?…んーでもなーんかそれだとお茶って感じがしなくなるよね…難しい… Might it be possible to make tea from a chemical concoction? Hmm... It wouldn't really feel like tea if you made it that way... So that's tricky...
Main 3 诶?我看上去比平时成熟好看?哼哼!说明我的目的达到了♪ え?普段より大人っぽく見えて素敵?ふふん!狙い通りってことよ♪ You think I seem more ladylike than usual? Heh! That's exactly what I set out to do!
Touch 嗯?想要再来一杯茶吗?交给我吧—— なになに、お茶のおかわりが欲しいの?任せてー You'd like a refill? Coming right up!
Touch (Special) 看来你想体验下特别的“药剂”呢。 どうやらあなた、スペシャル「ポーション」をご所望のようだね Seems you desire a "special" kind of concoction, huh.
Flagship 药剂的材料,就决定从你们这里取了! ポーションの材料は、これで決まりね! Looks like I've found the ingredients for my concoction!