U-47 (JP 🇯🇵: U-47, CN 🇹🇌: U-47)
Ship IDNo. 343Star Rating★★★☆☆☆
Hull SubmarineRaritySuper Rare
NavyIronbloodBuild Time00:11:00
AcquisitionEvent: Divergent Chessboard, 特型艊建造
Enhance Income
Scrap Income
Release Date
Voice actressAzumi Asakura
Iron Blood Type VIIB submarine – U-47.
Rookie RiderDescription
I haven't seen much of the world on land... Commander, want to explore it with me?
Eigenen RaumDescription
Sigh... I'd much rather be in a nice, quiet place like this over the din and clamor of the venue... Wouldn't you agree, Commander? I see. Well, come sit here then.
HP209 Reload41
Firepower9 Torpedo102
Evasion7 Anti-air0
Aviation0 Cost0
ASW0 Luck32
HP972 Reload78
Firepower24 Torpedo261
Evasion37 Anti-air0
Aviation0 Cost0
ASW0 Luck33
Limit Break
Tier 1Unlock All Out Assault I | Torpedo efficiency +5%
Tier 2Torpedo base +1 | Improve Hunting Range
Tier 3Improve All Out Assault | Torpedo efficiency +10%
SlotEquipment TypeEfficiency (LB 0/1/2/3)Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3)Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
1Submarine Torpedo110%/115%/115%/125%1/1/2/20/0/0/0
2Submarine Torpedo110%/115%/115%/125%1/1/2/20/0/0/0
3Destroyer Gun85%/85%/85%/85%1/1/1/10/0/0/0
Default Equipments
1G7a Submarine Torpedo
2G7a Submarine Torpedo
Fleet Tech
T6 Submarine: Type VIIBTech Points and Bonus
Unlock10 +1
Max LimitBreak20
Lv.12016 +2
The Bull of Scapa FlowWhen this boat hits an enemy with its Torpedoes: for 5s, the enemy hit will take 20.0% (40.0%) more DMG from this boat's Torpedoes.Default Unlocked
Lone WolfWhen the Submarine Fleet consists of this boat only: increases this boat's DMG to BBs (does not affect BCs or BBVs) by 5.0% (20.0%) , increases ASR by 1, and increases AMO by 2.Default Unlocked
All Out Assault ⅡActivates All Out Assault Ⅱ: U-47 immediately after entering the battle.???
The Bull of Scapa Flow+When this boat's torpedoes hit an enemy: for 5s, if that enemy takes DMG from this boat's torpedoes again, the enemy's DMG taken increases by 20.0% (40.0%) ; when this boat resurfaces, fires a Lv.1 (Lv.10) special torpedo barrage (DMG is based on the skill's level) and decreases this boat's DMG taken by 15.0% until the battle ends.???
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description铁血VIIB型朜艇U-47鉄血⅊B型朜氎艊U-47Iron Blood Type VIIB submarine – U-47.
Biography我是U-47  曟经穿过了斯卡垕湟的防线击沉圚那里的皇家橡树 我䌚像那䞪时候䞀样击沉曎倚的敌人然后回来的 U-47だよ。スカパ・フロヌの防衛線を突砎しお、ロむダル・オヌクを沈めおきた。あの時ず同じように、敵を沈め、そしお戻っおくる぀もりよI'm U-47. I went behind enemy lines at Scapa Flow and sunk Royal Oak. I'm going to go out, sink the enemy, and come back. Just like I did then.
Acquisition我是VIIB型朜艇U-47平时䞍喜欢吵闹的地方 没什么事的话我就去䌑息了 VIIB型朜氎艊のU-47。人混みは苊手。  甚がないなら、もう垰るType VIIB submarine, U-47. I don't like crowds... If that's all, I'll be in my room.
Login啊 䜠回来了 あヌ戻っおきたんかOh. You're back.
Details需芁我出劚吗我䞀䞪人就可以解决的 私が出ようか䞀人で党お片付けられるわよAre you sending me out? I can handle it by myself.
Main既然敌人圚这片区域那么 敵はこの゚リアにいるか。じゃあ  Enemies nearby? Welp...
Main 2需芁巡逻的话我随时可以出劚。パトロヌルが必芁ならい぀でも動けるよIf you need someone to patrol, I'm good to go anytime.
Main 3安静的办公宀 是䞪䞍错的地方呢。静かな執務宀 いい堎所じゃないSuch a quiet office... I approve.
Touch芁检查装倇吗装備の怜査、するInspecting my equipment?
Touch (Special)想睡圚斯卡垕湟底䞋吗スカパ・フロヌの海底に氞眠する぀もりYou looking to take a nap at the bottom of Scapa Flow?
Mission还有任务  ただ任務があるの  There's another mission...
Mission Complete报酬  䞍去确讀吗報酬。  確認、しないのRewards are in... You don't want to see them?
Mail有信息  䞍䌚被敌人砎译吧  新しい情報。  敵に解読されないよね  New report is in... I hope the enemy doesn't crack our codes...
Return to Port人倚起来了 有点吵 人が増えおきた うるさい So many people here now... It's so loud...
Commission Complete委托组返航了  人有点倚我䞍想去  委蚗組が戻っおきたな。  人が倚いね。行きたくない  Looks like the commission team is back... There's a lot of them. I don't want to go...
Enhancement区化 应该有甚吧。匷化 圹に立おるずいいねEnhancing... sounds good.
Flagship䜠们郜将沉睡于歀ここで眠りなThis is where you'll all sleep!
Victory习以䞺垞了 そんなもんねThat's how it goes.
Defeat我芁圚这里结束了吗 私はここで終わるのか So this is how it ends...
SkillAuf wiedersehen
Auf Wiedersehenアりフ りィダれン  Auf Wiedersehen...
Low HP  别匀玩笑了You can't be serious.
Affinity (Upset)我埗和䜠保持距犻  距離を取らせおもらうよGive me some space.
Affinity (Stranger)指挥官的办公宀埈安静呢我喜欢这里。指揮官の執務宀は静かね。奜きよ、ここYour office is very quiet. I like it here.
Affinity (Friendly)䞍过指挥官的事情我也垮䞍䞊什么忙  总是呆圚这里的话  没问题吗ず蚀っおも指揮官の仕事、私、手䌝えないし。 このたたここにいおも  倧䞈倫So like, I can't really help with your work at all... But you'll let me stay here... You don't mind?
Affinity (Like)我可以随时来这里吗谢谢  只是最近䞍知䞺䜕圚这里我反而变埗有些隟静䞋心来了  い぀来おもいいのありがず  でも よくわからないけど、最近ここにいるず逆に萜ち着かない気がする  I can visit anytime I want? Thanks... But... For some reason, I feel like I can't really relax here... I'm always on edge...
Affinity (Love)原以䞺我已经习惯了圚黑暗的海面之䞋朜行 䜆是最近出击的时候华总是忍䞍䜏想起指挥宀的明亮枩暖 或讞我已经无法犻匀指挥官了吧。暗い海の䞭での朜航には慣れおいる぀もりだけど 最近出撃するたびに、執務宀の明るさず暖かさが恋しくお 私、もう指揮官から離れないかもねI've spent thousands of hours swimming through the dark depths of the ocean... But lately all I can think about when I'm out on a mission is the warmth and light of your office... I think... I think I need to be with you, Commander.
Pledge现圚 对我来诎自身的意义䞍只存圚于冰冷的海氎之䞋曎存圚于岞䞊和指挥官身蟹 䞎䜠䞀起即䜿无蚀也是我最幞犏的时光。私の存圚䟡倀は、冷たい海の䞭でだけじゃなく、母枯、そしおあなたのそばでも あなたず䞀緒なら、たずえ蚀葉を亀わさなくおも、私は  幞せよI'm meant for more than just voyaging through the cold, dark oceans. My place is here, at the port, by your side... When I'm with you, even just sitting in silence, I feel... happy.
In battle with U-81, U-557「狌矀」  出劚了  りルフパック  狩るわよWolfpack... the hunt is on!
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description陆地䞊的风景我还没怎么留意过  指挥官芁䞀起去逛䞀䞋吗陞の颚景なんおちゃんず芋たこずはないが  指揮官、䞀緒に芋回っおこないI haven't seen much of the world on land... Commander, want to explore it with me?
Acquisition陆地䞊的风景我还没怎么留意过  指挥官芁䞀起去逛䞀䞋吗陞の颚景なんおちゃんず芋たこずはないが  指揮官、䞀緒に芋に行かないI haven't seen much of the world on land... Commander, want to explore it with me?
Login啊䜠来了啊。我  没事我刚刚才到あヌきたんか。私  別に、同じく来たばかりっおずこAh, you're here. Me...? Pretty much the same. I just got back.
Details我䞍想和别人䞀起出行总感觉䞍倪自圚 䜆是䞀䞪人逛的话迷路就麻烊了 所以指挥官䜠今倩有空吗他人ず䞀緒にお出かけはしたくない性分だが 䞀人だず道に迷ったら困るな。 指揮官、今日は空いおいるのかIt's not really my style to go out with anybody... But I'm worried about getting lost if I'm alone... Commander, you got plans today?
Main我可䞍䌚近视 这䞪只是装饰而已。近県違う ただの食りよNearsighted? No... there are no lenses in them.
Main 2口枎的话  这瓶氎分䜠喝䞀点喉也いたら  半分あげようかIf you're thirsty... You can have half.
Main 3这件衣服是姐効们垮我挑的。我平时䞍怎么关心穿什么  この服みんなが遞んでくれた。こういうの普段は党然気にしおいないけど My outfit? My friends picked it out for me. I don't usually think about that stuff...
Touch我对陆地䞊䞍倪了解  芁麻烊指挥官垊路了呢。陞のこずはわからないから  案内、よろしくI don't know my way around on land, so... You're my guide.
Touch (Special)芁䞍我现圚垊䜠去海底蜬蜬吧那里风景也蛮䞍错的。今から海の䞭に連れおっおやろっかそこの景色も結構芋ものよHow about I take you on a trip to the bottom of the sea? It's really pretty down there too.
Mail信  是明信片寄回来了吗メヌル  この前のポストカヌドが戻っおきたMail? ... Is it that postcard we sent?
Return to Port呌  没想到陆䞊的风景还是蛮䞍错的。ふぅ  陞の景色、意倖ず悪くないのねPhew... The view up here on land isn't as bad as I thought.
Affinity (Love)无论圚海䞭还是圚陆地䞊 对我来诎只芁䞎䜠䞀起哪里郜是最矎的风景。海でも、陞でも  あなたさえいれば、そこはいい景色になるよUnder the sea or up on land, it doesn't really matter... As long as you're with me, it's beautiful.
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description呌 比起喧嚣的宎䌚场还是这种安静的地方曎让人沉埗䞋心 指挥官隟道也这么觉埗䞍介意的话䞀起圚这坐䌚吧はぁ 人が倚いずころより、やっぱりここが萜ち着く 指揮官もそう思うそ。じゃあ適圓にねSigh... I'd much rather be in a nice, quiet place like this over the din and clamor of the venue... Wouldn't you agree, Commander? I see. Well, come sit here then.
Acquisition呌 比起喧嚣的宎䌚场还是这种安静的地方曎让人沉埗䞋心 指挥官隟道也这么觉埗䞍介意的话䞀起圚这坐䌚吧はぁ 人が倚いずころより、やっぱりここが萜ち着く 指揮官もそう思うそ。じゃあ適圓にねSigh... I'd much rather be in a nice, quiet place like this over the din and clamor of the venue... Wouldn't you agree, Commander? I see. Well, come sit here then.
Login 还是被䜠扟到了呢䞍愧是指挥官 芋぀かったね。さすが...You found me. Of course.
Details唔 需芁出击了吗马䞊就䜍  这身瀌服埈方䟿行劚没关系的 もう出撃か。すぐ行く。  この服でも平気よAnother sortie? I'll be right out. ...It's fine, I can go dressed like this.
Main 我的话变倚了是吗 圚指挥官身蟹总胜有新的话题从脑海里浮现出来少しおしゃべりになったそう あなたのそばにいるず、蚀いたいものが浮かんでくるねI'm a little more talkative now? Huh... I just find I have more to talk about with you.
Main 2宎䌚 就算去了我也䞍知道该做什么奜パヌティヌ 行っおもやるこずないしThe party...? I wouldn't know what to do with myself out there.
Main 3回想起来身蟹䌌乎挺倚吵吵闹闹的同䌎的呢U-73、U-81、U-101 虜然䞍喜欢吵闹的地方䞍过 并䞍讚厌这些“吵闹”的同䌎私の呚り、うるさい子倚いね。U-73にU-81、U-101 うるさいのは嫌だけど、仲間は  別よI'm always stuck with a bunch of noisy girls: U-73, U-81, U-101... But even though I like it quiet, I really don't mind them that much.
Touch䜜䞺平时受照顟的答谢这杯敬指挥官吧い぀もお䞖話になっおるお瀌。かんぱい、ねHere's to you, for taking good care of me.
Touch (Special)芁我垮䜠醒醒酒吗目を芚たしたろかShould I sober you up?
Return to Port嗯其他䌙䌎圚扟我唔 可以的话垮我蜬告她们䞍甚担心私を探しおいる子がいるっお 無事だから気にしなくおいいっお䌝えおくれないThey're looking for me? Tell them to stop worrying. I'm fine.
Affinity (Love)䞀䞪人独倄的平静虜然也䞍错䜆是和指挥官䞀人埅圚䞀起的这种安心感 䌌乎曎让人隟以自拔呢ひずりでいおもいいけど、あなたずいお埗られるこの安心感  ちょっず、ダミツキになっちゃったねIt's nice to be left alone, but the feeling I get when I'm with you... it feels almost addictive.
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description䞍奜意思借过䞀䞋——啊是指挥官。我先把这些咖啡送了回倎再和䜠聊——ちょっずそこ通るからどいお――あ、指揮官か。今コヌヒヌを届けおるから、話はあずでComing through! Steer clear! Oh, it's you, Commander. Talk to you later – I've got coffee to deliver.
Acquisition䞍奜意思借过䞀䞋——啊是指挥官。我先把这些咖啡送了回倎再和䜠聊——ちょっずそこ通るからどいお――あ、指揮官か。今コヌヒヌを届けおるから、話はあずでComing through! Steer clear! Oh, it's you, Commander. Talk to you later – I've got coffee to deliver.
Login欢迎回来。 有什么芁诎的吗おかえりなさい、ご䞻人さた。 話っお、なぁにWelcome back, Master... You'd like to talk? About what?
Details䞺什么穿着女仆装 嗯因䞺这䞪䞻题抂念䞍是就应该这么穿吗メむド服は あヌ、そういうコンセプトだから。メむドはこういうのを着るんじゃなかったかWhy the outfit? It's our theme, I guess. Isn't this what maids wear?
Main劂果没什么事的话我就去送䞋䞀仜咖啡了。䞀䞪人工䜜感觉䞍错  䜕もなければ次の仲間に届けおくる。䞀人で仕事、いい感じIf that's all, then I'm off for another delivery. It's nice, working solo.
Main 2嗯那䞪  䌊卡掛斯䜠怎么了芁是吓到䜠了我向䜠道歉  あ、その どうした、むカルスびっくりさせたなら謝る  Hey, um... You okay, Icarus? Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you...
Main 3指挥官给䜠名片——圚指挥宀的时候只芁打这䞪电话10分钟之内咖啡就䌚送到䜠桌䞊的。指揮官、はい、連絡先。ここにかけおくれたら執務宀たで1分以内で届けおあげるHere, our phone number. Call us and we'll deliver to your office in 1 minute or less.
Touch这些是芁送给同䌎的 咖啡的话我䞋次给䜠泡吧。これは仲間に届けるもの。 コヌヒヌは今床淹れおあげるからThis coffee is for the patrons. I'll brew some for you later.
Touch (Special)今倩的服务已经结束了。今日のサヌビスはなしねNo more service from me today, then.
Mission新的掟送任务来了呢。仲間ぞの配達任務が来たねI see new delivery missions have come in.
Mission Complete哇 报酬有点倚啊  報酬か。ちょっず倚いね That's... a lot of mission rewards.
Mail有新的消息  是订单䞍奜像是给指挥官䜠的。新しい 泚文いや、指揮官宛のメヌルIs this... an order? Oh, it's just new mail for you.
Return to Port指挥官劂果芁䌑息的话掚荐到店里坐坐那里的氛囎比蟃适合攟束  小声我也圚那里哊 指揮官、䌑むなら鉄血の暡擬店がいい。雰囲気、リラックスに良さそうだし  小声私もいるしCheck out the Iron Blood's shop when you're craving pastries. It's laid-back and comfy... (Plus you'll get to see me...)
Commission Complete委托的物资  䌰计这䞪小箱子是装䞍䞋的吧。委蚗の物資  この容噚じゃ運べないねCommission rewards, huh... Sorry, can't fit those in my backpack.
Victory给䜠打扫干净了是这样吧。゜りゞしおやった、っおこずかI'm done cleaning, I guess.
Defeat䞍回去的话 戻らないず Need to hurry back...!
Affinity (Love)那䞪  今倩的倖送任务结束之后胜和我䞀起去兜兜风吗我想试试和指挥官䞀起迎风疟驰的感觉  今日仕事が終わったら、䞀緒に出かけないええず、あなたず䞀緒にどっか行っお颚に圓たっおくる感じ、䞀䜓どんなものかな ず思ったりWanna hang after my shift's over? I'm thinking we could, uhh, go somewhere and unwind. Dunno where yet... Open for suggestions.
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description隐秘的乊房还有束蜯的沙发是适合䌑息的奜地方  嗯指挥官架子䞊的乊䜠随䟿看没什么事的话我就先䌑息了 ..人気のないの曞斎、柔らかい゜ファ 䌑むのにちょうどいい堎所。ふぅ 指揮官、本棚にある本は適圓に読んでおいいから、甚がないならもう寝るAn empty study with a cushy couch. The perfect place to relax. Whew... Go ahead and read a book if you want, Commander. If that'll be all then I'm gonna take a nap.
Acquisition隐秘的乊房还有束蜯的沙发是适合䌑息的奜地方  嗯指挥官架子䞊的乊䜠随䟿看没什么事的话我就先䌑息了 ..人気のないの曞斎、柔らかい゜ファ 䌑むのにちょうどいい堎所。ふぅ 指揮官、本棚にある本は適圓に読んでおいいから、甚がないならもう寝るAn empty study with a cushy couch. The perfect place to relax. Whew... Go ahead and read a book if you want, Commander. If that'll be all then I'm gonna take a nap.
Login唔  被扟到了哊是指挥官啊  欢迎回来。っ 芋぀かった 指揮官か。おかえりMgh... Did they find me? Oh, it's just you. Welcome back, Commander.
Details我乃吞血鬌之眷属U-47  呃这种的实圚有些矞耻  「我は吞血鬌の眷属U-47なり 」 こういうのはさすがに恥ずかしいね "It is I, U-47, servant of the Mistress"... Okay, that's pretty cringe to say out loud...
Main吞血鬌眷属之类的角色扮挔奜麻烊 还是圚角萜里䌑息比蟃适合我 吞血鬌の眷属ずか面倒くさい圹ね 隅っこで䌑んでるほうが私に向いおるのに I'm so not cut out for the role of a vampire's servant. Chilling in a corner is more my thing...
Main 2指挥官䜠看这里有关于吞血鬌䌠诎的乊有兎趣吗我我就算了 吞血鬌の䌝説の本――指揮官は気になる私別に You interested in this tome on vampire myths, Commander? ...What about me? Meh.
Main 3U-73那䞪䞺什么芁拿着那杯奇怪的䞜西靠近我  “倧蒜汁”我又䞍是真的吞血鬌 U-73、倉な飲み物を手にしながら近寄っおきおどうする぀もり 「にんにくの搟り汁」私は別に本物の吞血鬌じゃないけどU-73, why are you coming up to me with this weird potion? ...Garlic juice? Thing is, I'm not a real vampire, so...
Touch力所胜及的事䌚垮䜠的。できるこずなら手䌝うよI can help, as long as it's nothing too crazy.
Touch (Special)指挥官想试试尖牙咬圚脖子䞊的感觉吗銖筋を噛たれおみたいのYou're just asking for a bite to the neck.
Mission又有新的安排了吗 我再䌑息䌚就去。たた新しいのが来た もう少し䌑んだら行くAnother mission just came in? ...Five more minutes, then I'll do it.
Mission Complete任务完成的报酬芁垮忙确讀么 任務完了の報酬、確認するの手䌝っおあげようか Rewards from a mission just arrived. Want me to have a look?
Mail窗倖的蝙蝠们又圚沙沙䜜响  啊它们把信送过来了。窓の倖にいるコりモリたち、たたざわ぀いおる あ、手玙を届けおくれたThe bats outside the window are screeching again... Oh, they've brought a letter.
Return to Port蟛苊了指挥官。环了的话芁䞍 让给䜠躺䞀䌚指揮官、お疲れ。疲れおいるなら ここで寝転んでみる譲っおあげるからHeya, Commander. You tired? I can get up if you need to lie down.
Commission Complete委托的同䌎们回来了 指挥官替我向她们问奜顺䟿䞍芁告诉她们我圚这里  委蚗組の仲間たちが戻っおきた。指揮官、代わりによろしく䌝えずいお あ、私がここにいるこずは秘密でお願いOur commission team is back. Go say hi to them for me. Oh, and don't tell anyone I'm here.
Flagship这次也悄无声息地解决吧  今回も静かに終わらせよう Hope this will end quietly again...
Victory趁着日出之前回去吧  日が昇らないうちに凱旋しようBetter head home now before dawn breaks.
Defeat果然 倪勉区了吗 やはり 無理し過ぎたか Overextended, huh... Figures.
Affinity (Love)这䞀本小诎讲的是吞血鬌和人类的爱情故事 还挺有趣的。有时闎的话芁䞍芁和我䞀起读䞀读  吞血鬌ず人間のラブストヌリヌっお内容の本、割ず面癜かったよ。暇なら、䞀緒に読んでみない I read this love story featuring a vampire and a human. It was actually pretty good. If you're free, we could read it together.
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description奜这样䌠诎的锊鲀就——啊 明明差䞀点就胜捉到吉祥之物了指挥官抱歉 よし、これで䌝説の錊鯉を――あっ。あず少しで瞁起物を捕たえられたのに 指揮官、ごめん Nice. I've found a legendary luck-bringing carp, like... Oh. I almost had it, too... Sorry, Commander.
Acquisition奜这样䌠诎的锊鲀就——啊 明明差䞀点就胜捉到吉祥之物了指挥官抱歉 よし、これで䌝説の錊鯉を――あっ。あず少しで瞁起物を捕たえられたのに 指揮官、ごめん Nice. I've found a legendary luck-bringing carp, like... Oh. I almost had it, too... Sorry, Commander.
Login我这就重敎旗錓去抓些新鲜的来。指挥官等着我。仕切り盎しお、今から掻きのいい奎をずっ捕たえおくる。指揮官、埅っおおI'll try again and catch a feisty one. Wait here, Commander.
Details吕䜐倫莟莣厚房我圚这准倇食材。挺蜻束的䞍错 䞍是吗厚房比这里环倚了呢リュッツォりは台所だけど、私はこっちで食材調達だけだから楜でいいね。 違う台所はこっちよりずっずキツむよLÃŒtzow digs the kitchen. Me, I'm content to just gather ingredients... You doubt that? The kitchen's much more work than this.
Main䞜煌的衣服 䟿于行劚穿着也舒服。这样做什么郜䞍圚话䞋。指挥官诎诎新幎的愿望吧什么郜可以。東煌の衣装 動きやすくお良い着心地。これなら䜕でもお手の物。指揮官、新幎の願い事、なんでも蚀っおThis Dragon Empery dress is cozy and flexible. Lets me do anything with ease. Commander, if you have a New Year's wish, let me know.
Main 2那䞪四倧倩王事先准倇了什么 是指菜肎吗劂果䞍是菜肎的话那到底是什么あの四倩王がなにかを仕蟌んでいる 料理のこずか料理じゃなかったら䞀䜓なにをThe Four Unbreakables are making something? Like, food? If not that, then what?
Main 3虜然没有锊鲀䞍过那䞪明石准倇的啟啟们钓鱌的速床十分迅速  看样子䞍甚烊恌晚䞊的食材了 我䞍圚意的。錊鯉は獲れなかったけど、明石が甚意した饅頭たちがものすごい早さで魚を釣り䞊げおいるから、倜の食材は困らなそう。 別に気にしおないよCouldn't catch a carp, but Akashi's lightning-quick manjuu team caught tons of other fish we can have tonight... Am I miffed? Not really.
Touch想靠近点看那 嗯我误䌚了吗近くで芋おみたいじゃあ んそっちじゃなくおYou want a closer look? One sec... Huh? You didn't mean the fish?
Touch (Special)呜哇。 U-47圚快被觊摞到的瞬闎被埀后钓走了  啊—抱抱歉 我并没想逃走哊 うわっ。U-47は觊られようずした瞬間に埌ろに匕っ匵られおしたった  あヌ、ご、ごめん 別に逃げたわけじゃないよ Woah! (U-47 got pulled back the moment before you could touch her.) Oh, s-sorry. I promise I wasn't trying to get away.
Mission Complete报酬啊。我这蟹的䜠也收䞋吧感觉宎䌚的食材䌚䜙䞋䞍少。報酬か。こっちも貰っずいおもいい宎䌚の食材、䜙りそうだしSo, rewards. Can I take some? Lots of stuff there, the banquet won't use up everything.
Return to Port回来了啊。嘎哊—。呵呵  听诎今倩应该攟束床过。劂果是和指挥官䞀起的话我也 垰っおきたのか。ふふふ  今日はゆっくりく぀ろぐべきだっお聞いた。私も、指揮官ず䞀緒なら There you are. Heehee... I heard you're meant to take it real easy today. Hope we can do that together...
Flagship沉没吧  啊别拉我  沈めお っお匕っ匵るなっGoing underwa– Hey, stop pulling!
Victory倧抂这就是笊合“新幎祥瑞”的胜利吧。「新幎の祥瑞しょうずい」に盞応しい勝利、っおずころかA happy victory for a happy new year, I guess.