Tennessee (JP 🇯🇵: テネシー, CN 🇹🇼: 田纳西)
Ship ID No. 58 Star Rating ★★☆☆☆
Hull Battleship Rarity Rare
Navy Eagle Union Build Time
Acquisition Honor medal exchange, Explore Stage2-1, Heavy Ship Construction
Enhance Income
Firepower 62
Torpedo 0
Aviation 0
Reload 10
Scrap Income
Medal 1
Oil 4
Gold 11
Release Date
Voice actress Rina Satou
Tennessee Description
Tennessee-class battleship – Tennessee, Hull Number BB-43!
Firepower A
Torpedo E
Aviation E
Evasion D
Anti-air D
HP 6339 Reload 121
Firepower 350 Torpedo 0
Evasion 11 Anti-air 183
Aviation 0 Cost 13
ASW 0 Luck 51
Hit 56 Speed 21
Armor Heavy
HP 7385 Reload 139
Firepower 391 Torpedo 0
Evasion 28 Anti-air 211
Aviation 0 Cost 13
ASW 0 Luck 51
Hit 69 Speed 21
Armor Heavy
HP 1226 Reload 51
Firepower 74 Torpedo 0
Evasion 4 Anti-air 39
Aviation 0 Cost 4
ASW 0 Luck 51
Hit 22 Speed 21
Armor Heavy
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost 13
ASW Luck 51
Hit Speed 21
Armor Heavy
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost 13
ASW Luck 51
Hit Speed 21
Armor Heavy
Limit Break
Tier 1 Main gun base +1/Main gun efficiency +5%
Tier 2 Auxiliary gun base +2/Main gun efficiency +10%
Tier 3 Main gun base +1/Main gun efficiency +15%
Slot Equipment Type Efficiency (LB 0/1/2/3) Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3) Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
1 Battleship 100%/105%/115%/130% 1/1/1/1 0/0/0/0
2 Destroyer Gun 200%/200%/200%/200% 1/1/3/3 0/0/0/0
3 Anti-Air Gun 100%/100%/100%/100% 1/1/1/1 0/0/0/0
4 Auxiliary - - -
5 Auxiliary - - -
Default Equipments
1 Triple 356mm Main Gun
Fleet Tech
T5 Battleship: Tennessee-Class Tech Points and Bonus
Unlock 12 +2
Max LimitBreak 25
Lv.120 19 +1
Icon Name Description Requirements
Coercion Every 30s: decreases the DMG all enemies deal by 5.0% (15.0%) for 8s.
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 田纳西级战列舰—田纳西,舷号BB-43 デネシー級戦艦・デネシー(BB-43) Tennessee-class battleship – Tennessee, Hull Number BB-43!
Biography 我是新型战列舰田纳西号。战斗方面,我的水下防御和舰体防御装甲都有过升级,改良的火控系统更加强了我的实战能力。指挥官,请下达命令吧! 私は新型戦艦のテネシーだ。戦闘においては、アップデートされた水線下防御(すいせんかぼうぎょ)と艦体装甲、改良された射撃管制装置で実戦能力を強化した。指揮官、ご命令を! I am the new type of battleship, Tennessee. In terms of combat, my waterline protection and hull armor have been upgraded, and my fire control systems have improved my fighting capabilities further. Commander, your orders?
Acquisition 你就是指挥官?嗯……看起来很有潜质,这样我也有干劲了。啊,忘了自我介绍……我叫田纳西,记住了吧? お前が指揮官?うん……素質はありそうだ。これでこそ私もやりがいがある。あ!そういえば、自己紹介がまだだったな。私はテネシーだ。覚えたか? You're the Commander? Hmm... Looks like you have potential. I'm motivated enough to help with your dreams. Ah, that reminds me, I am Tennessee. Got it memorized?
Login 指挥官,快准备下,我们要赶紧出发了! 指揮官、支度だ。もうすぐ出発だぞ! Commander, it's time to roll!
Details 来,随便看,看够了记得做正事 好きなだけ見ていいぞ。ただし、本業を忘れるなよ You can look all you want. Just don't forget about your job.
Main 指挥官!再不出击我就带上妹妹先去攻略新海域了啊! 指揮官!出撃しないと、私は妹を連れて新しい海域を攻略しにいくぞ Commander! If you don't sortie, I'll bring the girls and head to new waters myself!
Main 2 你还真是悠哉的让人难以理解…… どうしてそんなに暇そうにしていられるか、全く理解しがたい… I totally cannot comprehend why you're so easygoing...
Main 3 让身材更加挺翘的秘诀?……别和我开这种玩笑 スタイルを良くする秘訣だと?……冗談はよしてくれ The secret to getting a better figure?... Cease with such jokes.
Touch 唔……可爱什么的应该不适合我吧 むっ……カワイイのは似合わんぞ Mm... 'Cute' doesn't quite fit me.
Touch (Special) 我可不是被“攻略”对象! っ…私は「攻略対象」じゃないぞ! I'm not a 'Clear' target like in a game!
Mission 任务这点小事,快去解决吧 ミッションぐらい早くこなしてくるがいい Hurry and take care of the missions, will you?
Mission Complete 奖励送来了,指挥官 ボーナスが届いたぞ、指揮官 Your rewards are here, Commander.
Mail 指挥官,有新邮件 指揮官、新しいメールだぞ Commander, you've got new mail
Return to Port 下次出击是什么时候? 次の出撃はいつだ? When is the next sortie?
Commission Complete 委托组回来了?让我来示范一下正确远征的方式! 委託チームが帰還したか?どれ、私が正しい遠征のやり方を実演してやろう(砲塔を持ち出す) The commission team is back? Allow me to show how they should really be handled.
Enhancement 锦上添花……不过感觉不坏 プラスアルファ程度だが……悪くない Like a full score and then some... Not bad.
Flagship 向着地狱的尽头进军吧!将我等的雄姿烙到敌人的心底吧! 地獄の果まで突き進め!我々の姿を相手の目に焼き付かせるのだ! March through the gates of hell! May our image be burned into the eyes of our enemies!
Victory 这样的战斗还不算无聊! こんな戦闘も退屈ではないな This kind of battle is quite good
Defeat 呵,太棒了,这才是我寻找的对手……! はっ、そうだ!これこそ私が求める敵だ……! Yes. Yes! This is the kind of challenge I'm looking for!
Skill 见识一下真正的火力吧! 真の火力を見るがいい! Witness true firepower!
Affinity (Upset) 你还真是扶不起啊…… お前ってやつは…… You really are helpless...
Affinity (Stranger) 我的座右铭是弱肉强食 座右の銘は、弱肉強食だ My motto is, 'survival of the fittest'
Affinity (Friendly) 指挥官,你太弱了,来跟我一起锻炼一下,我会把你打造成合格的指挥官的 指揮官、お前はまだ弱すぎるのだ。私と一緒にトレーニングしよう。ちゃんと一人前の指揮官に鍛えなおしてやる! Commander, you are still too weak. Come and train with me, and I will turn you into a proper Commander!
Affinity (Like) 现在的你可以独当一面了。嗯?放心吧,我会永远跟着你的,不然锻炼不就没有价值了吗 今のお前は一人前だ。うん?まあ安心しろ。私がずっとお前に付いていてやる。トレーニングする価値が無くなってほしくないからな You're looking good these days. Hmm? Ah, not to worry. I've always stuck around with you. I don't want all the training to be in vain, after all.
Affinity (Love) 跟你相处久了反倒有点习惯起你的节奏了,不过我还是不习惯整天呆在房间里,要是憋久了你可要给我好~好负责,你不会想拒绝吧? 付き合いが長いからか、お前のペースにも慣れてきた。だがな、こう…一日中部屋にこもるのはやはり慣れない―――私に何かあったらしっかり責任をとってもらうぞ。まさか断ることはあるまいな? I'm used to your pace now after all this time. I've yet to get used to staying in a room all day... If anything happens to me because of this, it's all on you. Don't tell me you're gonna dodge the issue.
Pledge 收下这个就意味着我成为你的东西了吗?呵呵,好啊,不过只有一点你要答应我,绝对不要害怕让我受伤而不让我上战场 これを受け取ったら、お前にすべてを預けるってことになるか?いいだろう。ただ一つだけ約束してくれ。傷つけるからといって私を戦場に出さない、ということだけはナシだ If I take this, it means I'm yours forever? Fine, but on one condition; I want none of that 'You'll get hurt if you're in the battlefield' crap. I need some action every now and then!