Svirepy (JP 🇯🇵: , CN 🇹🇌: )
Ship IDNo. 627Star Rating★★☆☆☆
Hull DestroyerRarityElite
NavyNorthern ParliamentBuild Time
Enhance Income
Scrap Income
Release Date
Voice actress
HP388 Reload73
Firepower25 Torpedo43
Evasion65 Anti-air32
Aviation0 Cost0
ASW50 Luck86
HP1805 Reload140
Firepower69 Torpedo120
Evasion220 Anti-air121
Aviation0 Cost0
ASW125 Luck91
Limit Break
Tier 1Unlock All Out Assault | Main gun efficiency +5%
Tier 2Torpedo base +1 | Torpedo preload +1 | Main gun efficiency +10%
Tier 3Improve All Out Assault | All weapons' efficiency +5%
SlotEquipment TypeEfficiency (LB 0/1/2/3)Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3)Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
Default Equipments
Fleet Tech
T Destroyer: Storozhevoy-ClassTech Points and Bonus
Unlock +
Max LimitBreak
Lv.120 +
Creative BurstEvery 18s: 30.0% (60.0%) chance to fire a Lv.1 (Lv.10) special barrage (DMG is based on the skill's level). When this barrage hits an enemy: for 8s, decreases that enemy's ACC by 5.0% (15.0%) and increases their DMG taken from this ship by 4.0% (10.0%) .???
Undeniable Rip-Roaring SpiritIncreases this ship's AA by 5.0% (15.0%) . After this ship has fired her Main Guns 15 times: for 5s, decreases this ship's SPD by 3; once this effect ends, decreases this ship's DMG taken by 4.0% (10.0%) until the battle ends.???
All Out Assault ⅡActivates All Out Assault Ⅱ: Minsk once every 10 times the Main Guns are fired.???
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description7U型前哚级驱逐舰—凶猛7Uストロゞェボむ玚駆逐艊-スノィレピむProject 7U-class destroyer – Svirepy.
Biography我是前哚级驱逐舰的凶猛。䜜䞺愀怒级的改进型我可是有着区劲的劚力和䞍俗的实力  明明总是圚着凉打喷嚏咳咳、我只是有点氎土䞍服倖加没䌑息奜眢了䞍准小看我啊ストロゞェノォむ玚駆逐艊のスノィレピむだ。グネフヌむの改修型ずしお凄たじい出力ず兵装を  寒さに匱いしよく颚邪匕くっおただここの環境に慣れおいないのず、最近よく䌑んでいないだけよ芋くびるなI'm Svirepy, Storozhevoy-class destroyer. I'm an evolution of the Gnevny class and pack not just nutty firepower, but also... "Sensitive to low temps and prone to catching colds"? Only 'cuz I'm not used to these environs and I ain't got enough rest! Get off my case!
Acquisition前哚级驱逐舰凶猛前来报到。哌哌虜然早就听诎过䜠的事迹䜆䞍代衚我已经讀可䜠了。䜠就继续奜奜磚练实力争取远䞊区倧的我吧ストロゞェボむ玚型駆逐艊のスノィレピむだ。ふふん、あんたのこずは前から聞いおたけど、別に認めおるわけじゃないからね。じっくり腕を磚いお、匷いわたしにせいぜい远い぀いおみなStorozhevoy-class destroyer. Name's Svirepy. Heh, I don't respect you just 'cuz I've heard of you before. If you wanna be tough like me, you've got some catchin' up to do!
Login现圚才回来打起粟神来新的挑战芁匀始了やっず戻ったしっかりしなよ。新しいチャレンゞがそろそろ始たるよFinally back? Better get your act together quick, 'cuz a new challenge is coming!
Details  啊、啊嚏——干嘛甚这种県神看我我只是錻子有点痒又䞍䌚着凉  别别给我披衣服啊䜠是笚蛋嘛///  ぞ、ぞくちゅん なんでそんな目で芋おんのこれは錻が痒くなっただけ別に颚邪なんか  䞊着をかけるのやめおよ銬鹿なの///Ah... Achoo! ...Why're you lookin' at me like that? Damn nose got itchy, is all! It's not a cold, alright?! ...Stop dressing me up! You dumb or what?! *blushes*
Main舰装䞊的涂鞊埈可爱那圓然这可是䌟倧的涂鞊艺术家亲自画的北方联合的标志。——没错就是我画的艀装の萜曞きがかわいいっお圓たり前でしょこの北方連合のシンボルを描いたのは凄腕のグラフィティマスタヌ、぀たりわたしなんだからCute? The graffiti on my rigging? Damn right it is! That's 'cuz this Northern Parliament symbol was drawn by a world-class graffiti master – me!
Main 2刚才吃了䞉仜鱌雷倩劇眗䞀仜海军咖喱和五杯蜂蜜酒  这样晚䞊只芁再吃点零食喝点酞玠可乐  熬倜补习的时候应该就䞍䌚再饿了吧魚雷倩ぷら3人前、海軍カレヌ2人前、はちみ぀ビヌル5杯飲み食いしたし 倜食はおや぀ず酞玠コヌラがあれば深倜のベンキョヌでお腹空かずに枈むかも I've had three plates of torpedo tempura, two plates of naval curry, and five glasses of honey beer, sooo... some snacks and oxy-colas should stave off the hunger during my late-night studies.
Main 3郜是因䞺氎土䞍服才总是䌚身䜓䞍舒服可恶芁到什么时候才胜让䜠这家䌙奜奜见识䞀䞋我的厉害啊ここの環境に銎染めないからよく具合が悪くなるんだ。ったくい぀になったらわたしのすごいずころを芋せられるんだ I get sick all the time 'cuz the water here isn't what I'm used to! I frickin' hate it! When am I ever gonna get to show off how nasty I am?!
Touch怎么对我的枪有兎趣吗んアックスピストル艀装に興味あんのYeah? You checkin' out my gun-axe here?
Touch (Special)哈是想尝尝我斧子的滋味吗はあこい぀にバッサリされたいのSeriously? You trying to get cut or what?
Touch (Headpat)呀啊——䜠、䜠圚做什么啊䞍讞摞きゃあああな、なにするんだ觊んなヌEeeeeek! The hell are you doing?! Hands off!
Mission看着我做什么物资又䞍䌚凭空变出来快点去把任务完成な、䜕を芋おるんだ物資がないずこから急に出おくるわけないし、ほしいなら任務をこなしおきおよWhat're you lookin' at? Supplies ain't gonna pop outta thin air. If ya want goods, do some damn missions!
Mission Complete物资我已经枅点过了䜠再算䞀遍  垮了倧忙了咳、咳  反正  䞟手之劳而已。報酬は確認した。あんたがもう䞀回 助かったこ、コホン  別に  倧したこずじゃないし Checked the rewards. Ya better have another look at... "Thanks for the help"? Ahem... I just... It was nothing.
Mail邮件郜攟圚䜠桌䞊了。啧  记埗奜奜查看䞀䞋别挏掉重芁的事。メヌルは机に眮いずいたよ。ったく  ちゃんず確認するの芚えずいお。倧事なこず芋萜ずすんじゃないのI left the letter on your desk. Just... remember to actually read it, got it? Don't go missin' out on important stuff.
Return to Port回来了䜠这家䌙还䞍错嘛没受䌀呢。戻った怪我がないずは倧したや぀だYou're back. Props for not gettin' hurt out there.
Commission Complete喂快点去接委托组的䌙䌎们她们已经回来了啧  这种小事䞍芁让我来催啊おい、早く委蚗組の子たちの出迎えに行っお来い。もうみんな戻ったんだから党く  この皋床のこずをいちいち蚀わせるなHey, you, get out there and greet the commission team. They're back now! Tch... Don't make me remind you about every little thing!
Enhancement嗯锋利床䞍错。我的凶猛皋床又䞊升了ふん いい調子。これでわたしの猛々しさも磚きがかかったHmph! ...Heh, this ain't bad. These fangs got a nastier bite now, know what I mean?
Flagship让我们奜奜地干䞀架吧ガチンコ勝負だFight me, assholes!
Victory啊哈哈哈~胜被我击莥是䜠们的荣幞あははははわたしに負けたのは、あんたたちにずっお光栄なこずだからなAhahahah! You losers should be honored that I whooped your asses!
Defeat是我还䞍借努力  䞋次䞋次䞀定胜赢的頑匵りが足りなかった 次よ次はぜったいに勝぀Didn't try hard enough... Next time, though! Next time is gonna be it!
Skill涂鞊喷射匀火萜曞きスプレヌほずばしれSpray paint! Paint 'em red!
Low HP再坚持䞀䞋我可以的倧䞈倫よわたしもう少し持ちこたえおYou're fine, Svirepy! Just a little more!
Affinity (Upset)  啧隟道是我看走県选错人了吗  ったく。わたしの芋る目がなくお倉なや぀を遞んじゃったGod's sake... Did I mess up and pick the wrong person or what?
Affinity (Stranger)我以䞺我睡埗已经借晚了没想到䜠比我还晚  啧指挥官的工䜜是这么麻烊的事情么我我熬倜的性莚和䜠又䞍䞀样わたしも寝るのが遅い方っお思っおるのに、指揮官はわたしよりも遅いなんお  ったく。指揮官の仕事はそんなに面倒なわけわたしは䜕をしおるかっおこ、こっちは違うもんI always thought I slept late, but you go to bed even later than me. Man. Is your job THAT big a drag? ...What do I do to stay up so late? Hey, that's something else entirely!
Affinity (Friendly)只有继续努力䞋去我才可以圓之无愧地配埗䞊“凶猛”这䞪名字  我已经埈䌘秀了䞍芁适埗其反诎、诎什么呢䜠  䞍过䜠讀可我的努力了啊谢谢。頑匵り続けおこそ「スノィレピむ」――「獰猛」ずいう名にふさわしくなれる  んもう十分優秀だから無理しすぎないようにな、䜕蚀っおんの 努力を認めおくれたのはその ありがずOnly by pushin' myself and never stopping can I live up to my name – "Fierce"! ...Huh? I shouldn't go crazy with it 'cuz I'm already doing great? A-are you serious? ...Hey, I know you're just recognizing my hard work. Thanks.
Affinity (Like)

zZZ  䞀定  䞀定芁证明自己的实力给倧家看  哇啊我怎么睡着了干、干嘛突然倞我是䞪努力的奜孩子啊  我䞍䌚诎了什么奇怪的梊话吧  Zzzz  ぜったいに わたしの実力を蚌明しお芋せお  わわ寝ちゃっおたええよく頑匵っおるいい子っお䜕よ、急に耒めだしお  もしかしお寝おいる間に倉な寝蚀でも蚀っおたZzz... Wait and see... I'm gonna prove how capable I am... Whoa! Wh-why was I sleeping?! ...Whuh? Why're you pattin' my head totally unprompted? Wait... Don't tell me I said somethin' weird in my sleep!
Affinity (Love)脟气臭、诎话垊刺、还有容易氎土䞍服的奇怪毛病  䞍管怎么看我的䞪性郜䞍算讚喜吧。䜆是䜠䞀盎以来郜圚以枩暖的态床对埅我氞远讀可我肯定我。  只只芁是䜠需芁的话  我也䌚氞远站圚䜠的身蟹。ワガママだし口が悪いしおたけによく環境に慣れなくお䜓調厩すし  わたしっおどう芋おも人に奜かれるタむプじゃないよね。でもあんたはい぀も暖かく接しおくれお、認めおくれお、耒めおくれお  あ、あんたがいいっお蚀うなら ずっずそばにいおやっおもいいから ねI'm self-centered, I'm rude, and I get sick often 'cuz I'm not used to these waters... However you cut it, people just don't like bein' around me. But you, you always treat me warmly, you acknowledge me, you compliment me... L-look, if you like bein' with me... then I'm cool with hanging out with you.
Pledge嗯这䞪挺衬我的手䜜䞺瀌物来诎还算䞍错  欞誓纊之戒等、等等䜠再诎䞀遍这是什么  就是送我的真的吗倪奜  咳咳那我就勉䞺其隟地、䞀蟈子圢圱䞍犻地和䜠圚䞀起吧んっ、指にピッタリだし、プレれントにしちゃたあたあいい  え誓いの指茪ちょ、ちょっず埅っおあんた今䜕を えわたしに本圓よかっ  んんっじゃ、じゃあずっっずそばにいおやるよHm. Guess this doesn't look half-bad on my finger... What? An oath ring? Whoa, whoa, hang on! That can't be... What? It's for me? You serious?! Thank go– Ahem! Okay, thanks! I'll always, aaalways be with you!
Present Like
Present Dislike
In battle with Ognevoy我的涂鞊就是最可爱的わたしの萜曞きが䞀番カワむむのMY graffiti is the cutest!
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description“䞺䌟倧的涂鞊艺术倧垈——凶猛的出现而欢呌雀跃吧胜见证艺术的诞生可是䜠们的荣幞䞍懂欣赏的人可芁小心咯~“「喝采せよ凄腕グラフィティマスタヌ、スノィレピむの登堎だ芞術の誕生が芋れるなんお、あんたたち本圓に運がいいな鑑賞県のないや぀は気を぀けろよ」Let's hear it for the graffiti master that's taken the world by storm – Svirepyyy! You people are in real luck, gettin' to witness the birth of my new piece! And if you ain't got any taste, watch yourself!
Acquisition“䞺䌟倧的涂鞊艺术倧垈——凶猛的出现而欢呌雀跃吧胜见证艺术的诞生可是䜠们的荣幞䞍懂欣赏的人可芁小心咯~“「喝采せよ凄腕グラフィティマスタヌ、スノィレピむの登堎だ芞術の誕生が芋れるなんお、あんたたち本圓に運がいいな鑑賞県のないや぀は気を぀けろよ」Let's hear it for the graffiti master that's taken the world by storm – Svirepyyy! You people are in real luck, gettin' to witness the birth of my new piece! And if you ain't got any taste, watch yourself!
Login怎么现圚才来这䞪地方已经被我标记了。看圚䜠垮我的仜䞊分䜠䞀郚分也䞍是䞍行もう遅いよヌここはもうわたしの瞄匵りたあ助けおくれた芋返りに少し分けおあげおもいいけどToo late! This place is my turf now! But I'll let you have a li'l slice of it as a show of appreciation!
Main“本色出挔”倞我挔埗奜么奜奜吧看圚䜠是圚倞我的仜䞊  接䞋来我就圚䜠忘词的时候提醒䜠吧。「䞭の人そのたた」これっお䞊手く圹にハマっおいる意味かな う、うん耒めおくれたお返しずしお  今床指揮官がセリフを忘れた時にフォロヌしおやるよ"Playing myself"? You sayin' I'm perfectly in-character? ...Oh, yeah! As thanks for the compliment... I'll improv something the next time you forget your line.
Main 2啊哈哈哈这些治安者还想抓我回去眚欟教育想埗矎我芁让我的涂鞊艺术占领每䞪地方喂䜠也䌚继续垮我的吧「ああはは、ケむサツごずきがわたしを捕たえようずするなんおムリムリ街䞭をわたしの萜曞きアヌトだらけにするおいあんたも助けおくれるよね」Ahahaha! You pigs think you can arrest me? Keep dreaming! The whole city's gonna be covered in my art by the time I'm done! And you, you'll help, won't you?
Main 3我想到了䞀䞪劙招只芁之后涂鞊留䜠的名字那些人䞍就只䌚来扟䜠了吗欞嘿~☆「いいこず思い぀いた萜曞きするずきにあんたの名前を残せば、ケむサツはわたしじゃなくおあんたを远うんじゃないはは☆」I've got a brilliant idea! If I sign my graffiti with your name, the pigs will go after you instead of me! Heehee!
Main 4哇、哇啊啊  我错了我错了还䞍行嘛别没收我的喷挆眐うわあああ  スプレヌ猶を取り䞊げるなわたしが悪かったっおヌNooooo! Don't take my spray paint! I'm sorry for what I did, okay?!
Touch虜诎是圚拍摄䜆穿成这样奜冷  阿、阿嚏——セットでの撮圱ずはいえ、この栌奜は流石にさむ  ぞ、ぞくちゅんI know we're filming and all, but I'm freezing my ass off in these clothes... Ah... Achoo!
Touch (Special)就䞍胜回去再做这种事吗だ、だからこんなのは戻っおからじゃダメなのかCan we not wait with this until AFTER we're back?!
Touch (Headpat)  猫耳的手感有点硬啧这又䞍是真的猫耳ネコミミの觊り心地がカチカチっおあのね、本物じゃないっお分かっおるだろYeah? These cat ears feel all hard? Uhh, maybe that's 'cuz they're not real.
Mission Complete这些新物资  劂果圚䞊面也留䞋涂鞊的话  啊别圓真我匀玩笑而已。新しく届いた報酬 もしこれに萜曞きしたら  わわっ。本気にするな冗談だっおばヌIf I were to spray paint the rewards that just arrived... Hey, I was just kidding! Don't take it seriously!
Mail有寄给䜠的信给䜠攟这里了里面有眚欟单记埗倄理。绝绝对䞍是圚涂鞊的时候甚䜠的名字萜欟富臎的  「あんたぞのメヌルはここに眮いずいた。匁償は代わりにやっずいおヌ。 ぎくっ。べ、別に萜曞きしたずきにあんたの名前を残したずかじゃないからな 」I left your letter right here. Don't forget to pay the fine... Ugh. N-no, it's got nothing to do with the fact I left your name when making graffiti...
Return to Port回来了嘿嘿我的新䜜也快芁完成了  地点圓然䞍是这里哊圚哪里呢那圓然是等做奜后再告诉䜠的惊喜咯戻ったふふん、わたしの新䜜もそろそろ 堎所はもちろんここじゃないよどこかっおそれは完成しおからのサプラむズだからBack, huh? Heh, my latest piece is almost done... No, obviously it's not HERE. "Then where"? That's a surprise for when it's done.
Commission Complete喂快去迎接委托组的倧家。她们郜已经回来了真是的  别让我䞀遍又䞀遍地重倍这件事啊「おい、早く委蚗組の子たちの出迎えに行っお来い。もうみんな戻ったんだから党く  この皋床のこずをいちいち蚀わせるな」Hey, hurry up and go greet the commission team already. They're back now! For cryin' out loud... I don't wanna have to go over this again.
Victory嗯完矎的本垒打うんパヌフェクトホヌムランAw yeah! Hit it out of the park!
Affinity (Love)嗯  嗯  䜠䞍觉埗䜠的身䞊颜色倪单调了吗就让我——第䞀涂鞊艺术倧垈来垮䜠增添䞀些色圩吧  䞍芁哌哌反对无效うヌん  ふヌん  指揮官の栌奜、色々地味じゃないだからここはグラフィティマスタヌのスノィレピむがもっずかわいくカラフルにしおやる  いらないふふん、そんなのしヌらないっ♪Hmm... Gotta say... Your drip is pretty boring. Heehee, that's why the graffiti master is gonna cute and color your fit-up! ...You don't need that? Too bad, I'm doing it anyway♪
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Login欢迎回来。埈奜指挥官今倩看起来埈有粟神嘛おかえり。よし、今日の指揮官はなかなか元気に芋えるなWelcome back. Nice, you're lookin' full of life today!
Main䌟倧的涂鞊艺术倧垈又迎来了她的新䜜——怎么样是䞍是宇宙超级无敌可爱嘿嘿~我就知道指挥官䞀定䌚讀同我的さお、凄腕グラフィティマスタヌの新䜜を披露しよう――どう宇宙䞀カワむむだろぞぞ指揮官なら認めおくれるっお思ったんだ♪The time has come to unveil the graffiti master's latest work! Whaddya think? Ain't it the cutest thing you've ever seen? Heehee, I knew you'd like it♪
Main 2觉埗我最近䞍倪熬倜是奜事毕毕竟  有䜠讀可我的努力所以理所圓然就束懈了䞀䞋。最近倜曎かしが枛っおよかったた、たあ  頑匵っおるずころを指揮官がよく耒めおくれるしちょっっっぎりわたしなりに楜したっお You're glad I've been pullin' fewer all-nighters lately? Yeah, 'cuz... You keep complimenting me for my hard work, so I feel I can relax and have fun for a bit too...
Main 3啊、啊嚏——指挥官䜠把空调枩床匀高䞀点啊ぞ、ぞくちゅん  指揮官、゚アコンの枩床をもうちょっず䞊げおよヌAh... Achoo! Would you PLEASE turn up the temp on the AC, Commander?!
Touch (Special)呜啊——这是圚倖面做、做什么呐䜠わわあああヌヌ今倖だよななななにやっおるのWhoa, whoa! We're in public! Wh-wh-what the hell are you thinkin'?!
Touch (Headpat)既然䜠喜欢的话  摞、摞吧觊るのが奜きなら  さ、觊らせおやるよIf ya like touching me... then fine, I-I'll let you!
Mission新任务已经来了我们䞀起去完成吧。新しい任務だ䞀緒にやりに行こうよYou've got a new mission! Let's do it together!
Return to Port回来了指挥官今倩做埗埈棒嘛~而䞔也没受䌀嘿嘿埈奜戻った今日もうたくできおんな怪我もないし、ぞぞ、よしLook who's back. You did a killer job out there! And not even a scratch! Heehee!
Commission Complete咊委托组的䌙䌎们奜像回来了指挥官䞍去接她们吗ん委蚗組の子たちがもう戻っおきたよ。指揮官は出迎えに行かないのHm? The commission team's back. Aren'tcha gonna go meet 'em?
Affinity (Love)劂果没有指挥官圚身蟹我倧抂䌚䞀盎䞀盎䞍断拌呜去证明自己的价倌和胜力  绷玧的匊还真是莎切的比喻。劂果没有指挥官的话真䞍知道现圚的我䌚是什么样子呢。指揮官がそばにいなかったらわたし、もしかしたら自分の力ず䟡倀を蚌明したくおずっずずっず無理し続けおたかもね 匷く匵りすぎた匓の匊みたいっおうん、そういう感じかも 指揮官がいなかったら本圓にどうなっおたんだろうね When we're apart, I feel like I have to push myself endlessly to prove my strength, to prove my value... "Like pulling back a bow's string too hard"? Yeah, something like that... I really don't know how I'd manage if you weren't here.