Souryuu (JP 🇯🇵: 蒼龍, CN 🇹🇼: 苍龙)
Ship ID No. 226 Star Rating ★★☆☆☆
Hull Aircraft Carrier Rarity Elite
Navy Sakura Empire Build Time N/A
Acquisition Explore Stage3-1
Enhance Income
Firepower 0
Torpedo 0
Aviation 61
Reload 8
Scrap Income
Medal 4
Oil 3
Gold 9
Release Date
Voice actress Karin Mitarai
Name 小叶
Souryuu Description
Aircraft carrier, Souryuu.
The Crane Amidst the Pines Description
I tried wearing something a bit different from usual, but I'm not sure it suits me... Commander, what do you think?
The Counselor Girl Description
Counselor girl Souryuu! Remedy the school atmosphere and correct your learning attitude, and...well, in short, I protect the discipline of the school.
Souryuu (Retrofit) Description
If I can become stronger through this... Commander, what are you staring at? Don't you still have work to do?
Firepower E
Torpedo E
Aviation A
Evasion C
Anti-air B
HP 875 Reload 45
Firepower 0 Torpedo 0
Evasion 14 Anti-air 59
Aviation 74 Cost 4
ASW 0 Luck 36
Hit 29 Speed 34
Armor Medium
HP 4522 Reload 105
Firepower 0 Torpedo 0
Evasion 36 Anti-air 276
Aviation 349 Cost 12
ASW 0 Luck 36
Hit 76 Speed 34
Armor Medium
HP 5246 Reload 121
Firepower 0 Torpedo 0
Evasion 56 Anti-air 313
Aviation 390 Cost 12
ASW 0 Luck 36
Hit 85 Speed 34
Armor Medium
HP 4732 Reload 125
Firepower 0 Torpedo 0
Evasion 46 Anti-air 326
Aviation 384 Cost 12
ASW 0 Luck 36
Hit 76 Speed 34
Armor Medium
HP 5456 Reload 141
Firepower 0 Torpedo 0
Evasion 66 Anti-air 363
Aviation 425 Cost 12
ASW 0 Luck 36
Hit 85 Speed 34
Armor Medium
Limit Break
Tier 1 All Dive Bombers +1/Dive Bomber efficiency +5%
Tier 2 Hangar capacity +1/All fighters +1/Dive Bomber efficiency +10%
Tier 3 All aircraft +1/Dive Bomber efficiency +15%
Slot Equipment Type Efficiency (LB 0/1/2/3) Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3) Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
1 Fighter 110%/110%/110%/110% 1/1/2/3 0/0/0/0
2 Dive Bomber 120%/125%/135%/150% 1/2/2/3 0/0/0/0
3 Torpedo Bomber 110%/110%/110%/110% 1/1/1/2 0/0/0/0
4 Auxilary - - -
5 Auxilary - - -
Default Equipments
1 A6M2 Zero
2 Aichi D3A Type 99
3 Nakajima B5N
Fleet Tech
T5 Aircraft Carrier: Souryuu-Class Tech Points and Bonus
Unlock 11 +1
Max LimitBreak 22
Lv.120 16 +2
Icon Name Description Requirements
Fleet Carrier When this ship launches an Airstrike: increases the DMG of your Vanguard by 5.0% (15.0%) for 8s. Does not stack with the same skill.
Second Carrier Division When sortied with Hiryuu: increases this ship's AVI by 15.0% (35.0%).
Flowers of Fate 15s after the battle starts and every 20s after that: launches a randomly selected special airstrike () (DMG is based on the skill level and the card combination.)
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 苍龙号航空母舰 蒼龍型航空母艦・蒼龍 Aircraft carrier, Souryuu.
Biography 我是重樱海军第一艘正规舰队航母,为日后航母的设计提供了参考……对不起,请不要提起中途岛 重桜海軍最初の純正規空母、以降の空母設計に原型の役割を果たしました。……すみません、ミッドウェイの話だけはしないで頂きたいのですが… I am the first regular aircraft carrier of the Sakura Empire. As such, I served as the prototype for later carrier designs. Please... just don’t mention Midway.
Acquisition 我是苍龙,从今往后,指挥官在做奇怪的事情之前,请务必跟我提交书面申请 私は蒼龍。指揮官、これからは何か変なことをする前に、必ず文書で申請してくださいね。 My name is Souryuu. Commander, from now on, please request my permission in writing before doing anything weird.
Login 指挥官,公文已经准备好了,请开始批阅吧 指揮官、書類が準備できましたよ、チェックしてください。 Commander, your documents are ready. Please take a look when you have a moment.
Details 如果这些数据对您有所帮助的话…… こんなデータでお役に立てるなら… If this data can be of some use to you...
Main 指挥官,发什么呆呢,请好好工作 指揮官、何をぼんやりしているんですか?しっかり仕事をしてください! Commander, why are you daydreaming? Please, get to work!
Main 2 请认真点执行任务!绝对不要对奇怪的东西产生兴趣 まじめに任務を遂行してください!変なことに興味を持っちゃだめですよ。 Take your missions seriously! Don't get distracted so easily.
Main 3 航空战队听命,全方位锁定指挥官,保证工作进行 航空隊、全方位から指揮官を包囲し、事務作業継続の保証に務めなさい! All air units, lock onto the Commander and get ready to unleash your bombs!
Touch ……指挥官,请不要在别人工作时随便打扰 …指揮官、仕事の邪魔をしないでください Commander... please refrain from disturbing people who are working.
Touch (Special) 你!……你是想让我把你的手砍下来吗? ちょっと!…手を切り落としますよ? You...! Do you want me to cut off your hands?
Mission 任务也请按部就班的好好完成吧 ミッションも、計画通りに進めてくださいね Please complete the missions as soon as possible.
Mission Complete 这是任务完成的奖励清单,请您核对一下吧 ミッションの報酬一覧になります。ご確認ください Here is the mission reward list. Please double-check that you have received everything.
Mail 指挥官,有新的信件 指揮官、新しいメールがあります Commander, new mail is here.
Return to Port 虽然想说还有许多文件,不过就请先好好休息吧 処理すべき書類がまだいっぱいありますが、今はしばしお休みください You have a mountain of paperwork to sort through, but you should get some rest first...
Commission Complete 委托组准时返港,检查成果 委託隊、定刻通り母港に帰還されたし。成果の確認をお願いします The commission team has returned to port on time. Inspecting results.
Enhancement 我会以行动来回报您的 戦果で報わせていただきます I shall repay you with my actions.
Flagship 虽然我希望避免无意义的战斗—— 無意味な戦闘は避けたいのですけれど… I had hoped to avoid meaningless battles...
Victory 精英空母可不是开玩笑的 最精鋭空母はだてじゃありません。 Do not make light of an elite aircraft carrier.
Defeat 焦躁是不可取的,回去需要好好反思一下了 焦りは禁物ですね。戻って反省しなければ。 Impatience is unbecoming. We must reflect on our mistakes upon returning.
Skill 猪、鹿、蝶! イノ、シカ、チョウ! Pig! Deer! Butterfly!
Low HP 指挥官,冷静一点 指揮官、落ち着いてください! Commander, please calm down.
Affinity (Upset) 请好好完成工作 仕事はちゃんとしてください Please do your work.
Affinity (Stranger) 有什么事,指挥官?花札?你要是有兴趣我当然不介意……那么,这是松,这是梅…… 指揮官、なんです?花札?ご興味があればもちろん構いませんが……では、こっちはマツ、こっちはウメ… What is it, Commander? You want to learn how to play Hanafuda? I don't mind teaching you if you're actually interested... This is Matsu, which means pine... This is Ume, which means plum...
Affinity (Friendly) 我的过去?那可没有什么好听的,不过指挥官要是感兴趣,那就一边聊一边来一局吧 私の過去?大したことじゃないですが、指揮官が興味をお持ちでしたら、花札でもやりながらお話しましょう My past? There isn't much worth mentioning, but if you're interested, I can tell you while we play...
Affinity (Like) 不知不觉和指挥官玩了好久的花札呢,也说了很久的话……现在回想起来,当时您说喜欢花札完全就只是想接近我的借口吧…… いつのまにか指揮官と花札をするようになりましたね。お話も……振り返れば、あの時花札に興味を持っているって話、私に近づくための言い訳ですよね…… I’ve lost track of time playing Hanafuda with Commander... Now that I think about it, weren’t you just using it as an excuse to approach me back then?
Affinity (Love) 从花札开始,那就用花札来延续吧,呵呵,指挥官要是能从我手里赢下一局的话,我什么都答应你哦 花札から始まるものは花札で締めくくりましょう。うふふ、次の勝負で私に勝ったらなんでも答えてあげますよ? We started with Hanafuda, and shall continue with Hanafuda. If you win the next round, I shall do anything you ask.
Pledge 指挥官,您又偷偷用经费买了什么吧!…给我的礼物?别以为——欸?这是……!咳,咳咳……只有这次我就放过您吧 指揮官、また経費で何か変なものを買ってません!?…私へのプレゼント?そんな言い訳ーーえ?これは……!コホン!コホンコホン!……ゆ、許すのは今回だけですよ! Commander, where did you sneak off to with the base’s funds this time? ... A gift for me? Don’t think you can - Eh? A-ahem... just this time, I will let you off the hook.
In battle with Hiryuu 飞龙,热身完毕了吗 飛龍、ウォーミングアップは完了した? Hiryuu, are you done warming up yet?
In battle with Yorktown 真是让人生不起气的人 まったく怒る気にもならないわね… I can’t stay mad at you.
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 稍微尝试了一下和往常不一样的打扮,不知道合不合适……您觉得怎么样呢? いつもとは違う格好にしましたが、似合うかどうか……指揮官はどう思います? I tried wearing something a bit different from usual, but I'm not sure it suits me... Commander, what do you think?
Acquisition 稍微尝试了一下和往常不一样的打扮,不知道合不合适……您觉得怎么样呢? いつもとは違う格好にしましたが、似合うかどうか……指揮官はどう思います? I tried wearing something a bit different from usual, but I'm not sure it suits me... Commander, what do you think?
Login 虽然是正月,还请您尽量不要把工作堆积起来 お正月休みとはいえ、指揮官の仕事はまだたくさんありますよ Even though it's the New Year, there is still no shortage of work left to do.
Main 教孩子们写贺年卡也是一件有意思的事呢,看着她们充满童趣的想法感觉被治愈了 小さい子たちに年賀状の書き方を教えるのは意外と楽しいですね。見ていて心が癒やされます Teaching the children how to write New Years' cards is unexpectedly fun. Just reading their innocent thoughts is enough to heal me.
Main 2 我也不是恶鬼,正月期间,只要能完成工作,稍微放松一些也没关系哦 私だって鬼じゃありませんわ。お仕事さえちゃんとこなせば少しゆっくりしていても別に構いませんもの Commander, I'm not some demonic taskmaster... As long as the work gets done, I don't really mind if you set some time aside to relax.
Main 3 指挥官,要一起去参拜吗? 指揮官、初詣はご一緒にどうです? Commander, would you like to go visit the shrine with me?
Touch 指挥官,有关正月的一些安排,您看这样可以吗? 指揮官、お正月の件ですが、これでよろしいでしょうか Commander, there are some plans for the New Year here. Would you please take a look?
Touch (Special) 指挥官,这件衣服的设计可不是为了满足你下流的想法的…… 指揮官、この着物は指揮官の下心を満たすために着ているわけではありませんよ Commander, this outfit was not tailored for the purpose of satisfying your depravity.
Victory 所以说就算是正月,也不能太放松呢…… お正月なのに思い切って羽目を外せないですわね…… That's why I've been saying... even though it's the New Year, you can't afford to take it too easy.
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 风纪委员苍龙是也!矫正学校的风气,端正学习的态度,然后还有……唔嗯,总之,学校的风纪就由我来维护! 風紀委員の蒼龍です。学園の風紀と勉学に励む姿勢を正し、それと……コホン!とにかく、学園の風紀はこの蒼龍にお任せください! I am Souryuu of the Morals Committee. Our goal is to maintain public decency, increase student motivation, and... *Ahem*! Anyway, please allow me to oversee the school's moral codes!
Acquisition 风纪委员苍龙是也!矫正学校的风气,端正学习的态度,然后还有……唔嗯,总之,学校的风纪就由我来维护! 風紀委員の蒼龍です。学園の風紀と勉学に励む姿勢を正し、それと……コホン!とにかく、学園の風紀はこの蒼龍にお任せください! I am Souryuu of the Morals Committee. Our goal is to maintain public decency, increase student motivation, and... *Ahem*! Anyway, please allow me to oversee the school's moral codes!
Login 最近,飞龙似乎有点进入叛逆期了,不再喜欢我为她选的衣服,也不再和我一起上下学了……身为姐姐,有点失落呢 最近飛龍はちょっと反抗期ですね…私が選んだ服も着てくれないし、学園にも一緒に行ってくれないもの……姉として少ししょんぼりしますね I think Hiryuu is in her rebellious age... She won't wear the clothes I picked out for her, and she won't walk to school with me... As her sister, it's making me feel a little bummed out.
Details 我虽然是风纪委员,但可不想成为那种拘泥刻板令人讨厌的人 風紀委員役ですが、堅いキャラにはなりたくありませんね I may be in the Morals Committee, but that doesn't mean I want to become a fusspot.
Main 不要开玩笑了!?我家文明认真有礼貌的妹妹怎么可能成为不良少女! 冗談はやめてください。規則正しく礼儀正しくしっかりきっちり最高に育ったうちの妹はそんな不良になるわけないでしょう! Please don't joke like that. My disciplined, respectful, dependable, good-mannered, and very well-raised little sister would never end up as a dirty delinquent!
Main 2 对待刚刚进入叛逆期的飞龙,是不是应该多留给她一些个人空间比较好呢…… 反抗期の飛龍…はぁ…もう少し一人にしておいたほうがいいでしょうか… Hiryuu's in her rebellious age... *Sigh*... Perhaps it's best to leave her alone for a while...
Main 3 学校各处都布满了我的舰载机,所以,指挥官,请千万不要做出违反风纪的举动哟 この学園のいたるところには私の艦載機の監視があります。くれぐれも風紀を乱すような行動をしないように I have my planes monitoring every nook and cranny of the school. I recommend you don't do anything that would oppose school conduct.
Touch 明明我减少了和飞龙搭话的频率,但她却好像一天比一天不高兴……难、难道她想从我们的宿舍搬出去吗!? 飛龍と話す頻度を減らしましたのに、機嫌が一向に良くなりませんわ……ま、まさかこの寮から家出するつもり!? I've been talking to Hiryuu less, yet her mood hasn't improved at all... S-she's not going to run away from home, is she?!
Touch (Special) 舰载机预备!不、不用预备了,直接轰炸! 艦載機準備!じゃなくて、爆撃しちゃって! All planes, prepare for takeoff! No, wait, prepare to strike!
Commission Complete 飞龙和以前一样每次委托队回来都会前去迎接呢……果然她只是到了想要自由飞翔的年龄了呢…… 委託チームが戻った時にいつも出迎えているのに……あの子もやっぱり自由に飛びたい年頃ですね…… She welcomed back the commission team, just like always... She is at the point of her life where she wants to spread her wings and be free...
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 如果这样就能变得更强的话……指挥官,您在看什么呢?应该还有要做的事情吧? これで強くなったというのなら……指揮官、何をジロジロ見ているのですか?まだやるべき仕事があるでしょう? If I can become stronger through this... Commander, what are you staring at? Don't you still have work to do?
Acquisition 如果这样就能变得更强的话……指挥官,您在看什么呢?应该还有要做的事情吧? これで強くなったというのなら……指揮官、何をジロジロ見ているのですか?まだやるべき仕事があるでしょう? If I can become stronger through this... Commander, what are you staring at? Don't you still have work to do?
Login 回来了?这里是整理好的要处理的事务,好好完成吧。 おかえりなさいませ。対応する必要がある書類の準備ができました。お願いしますね Welcome back, Commander. Here are the documents that I have prepared for you. Please make sure to finish them.
Details 不管面对什么情况,自己的判断都是最重要的哦,指挥官。 どんな状況でも、自分の判断を信じるのは一番大切ですよ。指揮官 No matter what situations may arise, you must always trust your judgment, Commander.
Main 事务都处理完了吗?没有的话还请加把劲。 事務作業は全部終わりました?終わっていないのならもう少し頑張ってください Have you finished your work? If not, please redouble your efforts.
Main 2 刚刚你是在发呆吗?我可是看得一清二楚。 ボーッとしていましたわね。ふふ、はっきりと見ましたよ You were spacing out again, weren't you? Heh, you can't hide anything from me.
Main 3 飞龙最近变得没那么活跃了,这是怎么了?稍微有些担心啊…… 飛龍は最近あまり元気がないですね。一体どうしたのでしょう?心配です…… Hiryuu hasn't been her usual self recently. I wonder what's amiss? It's making me worried...
Touch 累了吗?那就休息一会,剩下的这些琐事由我来帮您完成吧。 お疲れですか?では少し休憩を取りましょう。細かい仕事は私が代わりにやっておきます Are you tired? In that case, please take a break. I shall handle the remaining work.
Touch (Special) ……惩罚就等到工作完成之后再决定吧,还请做好觉悟。 ……この件の処遇は仕事が終わってからにしておきます。お覚悟を ... Judgment shall be exacted upon you when work is over. Prepare yourself.
Return to Port 看起来指挥官已经不需要时刻督促了呢……不过!可不要松懈了趁机偷懒哦? 私が四六時中側にいて監督する必要はないようですね……ですが!気を緩めたりサボったりするのは禁止ですよ? It seems like you no longer require around-the-clock supervision, Commander... However! Do not assume this is a free pass to slack off!