Shoukaku (JP 🇯🇵: 翔鶎, CN 🇹🇌: 翔鹀)
Ship IDNo. 228Star Rating★★★☆☆☆
Hull Aircraft CarrierRaritySuper Rare
NavySakura EmpireBuild Time04:30:00
AcquisitionLimited Build in Visitors Dyed in Red
Enhance Income
Scrap Income
Release Date
ENSeptember 30, 2018
CNSeptember 28, 2017
JPOctober 27, 2017
Voice actressRisa Taneda
First ship of the Shoukaku-class aircraft carriers, Shoukaku.
The Crane that Dances With the WindDescription
I prepared this outfit just for the occasion, so... Commander, you're not going to disappoint me, are you? Hehe~♪
Sororal WingsDescription
Hehe, this kind of work is a simple matter for me. Commander, please look forward to my performance~
HP1152 Reload44
Firepower0 Torpedo0
Evasion14 Anti-air66
Aviation79 Cost0
ASW0 Luck49
HP4942 Reload84
Firepower0 Torpedo0
Evasion56 Anti-air244
Aviation207 Cost0
ASW0 Luck51
Limit Break
Tier 1All Torpedo Bombers +1 | Torpedo Bomber efficiency +5%
Tier 2Hangar capacity +1 | All Torpedo Bombers +1 | Torpedo Bomber efficiency +10%
Tier 3All aircraft +1 | Torpedo Bomber efficiency +15%
SlotEquipment TypeEfficiency (LB 0/1/2/3)Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3)Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
2Dive Bomber110%/110%/110%/110%1/1/1/20/0/0/0
3Torpedo Bomber120%/125%/135%/150%1/2/3/40/0/0/0
Default Equipments
1Nakajima B5N
Fleet Tech
T8 Aircraft Carrier: Shoukaku-ClassTech Points and Bonus
Unlock16 +1
Max LimitBreak32
Lv.12024 +2
Fifth Carrier DivisionWhen sortied with Zuikaku: increases this ship's AVI by 12.0% (30.0%) but increases the DMG it takes by 5.0%.Default Unlocked
Crane's ProtectionAs this ship launches an Airstrike: increases your entire fleet's DMG by 4.0% (10.0%) and decreases the DMG it takes by 4.0% (10.0%) for 12s. Default Unlocked
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description翔鹀级航空母舰䞀番舰—翔鹀翔鶎型航空母艊・翔鶎First ship of the Shoukaku-class aircraft carriers, Shoukaku.
Biography第五航空战队旗舰翔鹀~因䞺笚蛋前·蟈们蜻率地死掉䞍埗已扛起了重暱航空郚队的倧旗虜然战绩比前·蟈们高了䞀点点䜆总是被诎比前·蟈们匱倧抂是因䞺谢幕埗䞍借快䞍借华䞜吧噗嗀——那么再重新自我介绍䞀䞋我是重暱航空战队的被害担圓——倧型舰队空母翔鹀~请倚关照~先茩たちが先にいなくなったせいで、航空郚隊の芁を担圓したした。効ず先茩たち以䞊頑匵ったのに、なぜか匱い印象が぀いちゃっお  改めたしお、重桜艊隊の「被害担圓」・翔鶎です。よろしくお願いしたすね。うふふ♪I am Shoukaku, the flagship of the Fifth Carrier Division. Because my super smart senpai went and got themselves all killed, I had to carry the flag of the Sakura Empire’s carrier divisions. Though I was more accomplished than them, for whatever reason, I was always considered weaker. Maybe it was due to my "lack of grace and speed" during my final moments... With that said, allow me to reintroduce myself. I am Shoukaku, the punching bag of the Sakura Empire. Please take care of me from now on~
Acquisition第五航空战队旗舰翔鹀今后䌚以䞀航战的前·蟈们䞺目标奜奜努力的噗嗀~别露出那种衚情啊~匀玩笑的~第五航空戊隊旗艊、翔鶎です。  䞀航戊の先茩たちに぀いお 「先茩たちを目暙に頑匵りたす」っおどううふふ♪今のはわ・ざ・ずですよAs the flagship of the Fifth Carrier Division, I, Shoukaku, shall do my best to become as good as those esteemed senpai in the First Carrier Division, or something... *giggles* That was on purpose~
Login理智是女人的矎執  拜歀所赐我总䞎那些前·蟈们栌栌䞍入呢真困扰~知性は女の魅力ず蚀いたすけど  おかげさたで「先茩方」ずはよくギスギスになっちゃいたすヌヌうふふ、困っちゃいたす♪Intelligence is said to be a woman’s virtue, but that often puts me at odds with those senpai of mine. How troublesome~
Details我的笛声是亡者的安魂乐  指挥官䜠想听䞀曲吗この笛の調は亡者を鎮める鎮魂曲  指揮官、䞀曲いかがでしょうかうふふ♪The melody of my flute is a requiem for the dead. Shall I play it for you?
Main䞀盎和䞀航战的前·蟈们盞倄指挥官䞀定埈蟛苊吧~䞀航戊の先茩たちに振り回されお、指揮官も倧倉ですね To always be dealing with those senpai from the First Carrier Division... Commander, you must have a really strong liver.
Main 2虜诎奜像是加害者䞎被害者的关系䞍过圚各䞪方面今后郜请加倚指教了哟列克星敊~ 前は加害者ず被害者だったけど これからもよろしくお願いしたすね。レキシントンさんThough our relationship was once one of victim and perpetrator, I look forward to working with you, Lexington.
Main 3瑞鹀再给癜鹰的同·僚们添麻烊的话今倩晚䞊䜠就只胜吃倩劇眗咯瑞鶎、ナニオンの「僚艊」にたた迷惑かけたら、今倜の倩ぷらは 増やしおおきたすねうふふ♪Zuikaku, if you keep causing trouble for our Eagle Union colleagues, you’ll only get tempura for dinner tonight~
Touch指挥官想听䞀听我的笛声吗指揮官、この笛の調べ、お聞きになりたせんかCommander, would you like to hear me play my flute?
Touch (Special)指挥官请沉浞圚翔鹀的枩柔䞭吧指揮官、この翔鶎にもっず溺れおもいいんですよCommander, come and indulge yourself in Shoukaku's tenderness.
Mission我来看看任务  䞍是去珊瑚海呢真遗憟~任務を確認したすね。  珊瑚海じゃないんだ、残念Let me take a look the mission... It’s not the Coral Sea? That’s too bad~
Mission Complete九段析减邀击计划  嘁䞍实行啊挞枛邀撃ぜんげんようげき  実行しないのですかちぇWe’re not going to carry out our plans of attrition warfare? Tch~
Mail邮件䞊写叞什郚决定实行AL/MI计划  了  匀玩笑的~本郚から艊隊決戊䜜戊を決行っお、メヌルが  うふふ♪今のは冗談ですよヌWe’ve got mail from HQ, they told us to carry out the Decisive Battle Doctrine. Heh, just kidding~!
Return to Port像我们五航战䞀样平皳地回到枯口了呢皆無事に枯に戻っおきたしたね。そう、私たち五航戊のように、ね♪The girls have returned safely to port, just like the Fifth Carrier Division always does.
Commission Complete䞺了䞞五计划这些也是必须的マル5蚈画のために、委蚗の遂行も必芁ですねThis is all required to carry out the Circle Five Plan.
Enhancement胜曎奜地保技瑞鹀了これで瑞鶎をもっず䞊手く守れたすねNow, I can protect Zuikaku better!
Flagship理想型舰队航母——翔鹀出击完成されし正芏空母ヌヌ翔鶎、参るThe perfected aircraft carrier, Shoukaku, setting sail!
Victory五航战的荣耀~噗~「五航戊の栄光ここにあり」 ふふふ♪The Glory of the 5th Carrier Divison is here! *giggles*
Defeat真遗憟~我可䞍䌚像飞韙前·蟈那样䞍知进退飛韍先茩なら沈むたで戊うかもしれないけど 私は違うわ。うふふ、残念ねHiryuu-senpai may be willing to fight until the bitter end, but... that’s not my style. What a shame~
Skill这是姐姐的权利お姉ちゃん特暩です♪This is the privilege of being the elder sister!
Low HP反  反向泚氎反察偎に泚氎急いでPump water to the other side! Hurry!
Affinity (Upset)我䌌乎看到指挥官被赀城前·蟈砍杀的未来了呢指揮官が  赀城先茩に刺される未来が芋えたす。うふふ♪I think I just saw a future in which you were cut down by Akagi, Commander.
Affinity (Stranger)我和効効瑞鹀圚最艰隟的时刻并肩䜜战了䞀幎芁是笚蛋前蟈们胜再争点气的话  効ずあの䞀番厳しい二幎間を乗り越えたけど、あの「センパむ」たちにもっず頑匵っお欲しかったですね  My sister Zuikaku and I held on for two years during the darkest of times. If only our senpai could have worked a little bit harder.
Affinity (Friendly)对䞀二航战的䞍满圓然有啊——自诎自话地抛匃了効効的姐姐䞍可胜䞍遭効効怚恚吧先茩ぞの䞍満ええ、ありたすずもヌヌあの状況を䜜り出しおおいお、功の子にだっおものを蚀う資栌があるでしょDo I hold a grudge against the First and Second Carrier Divisions? Of course~ For them to leave us behind like that, wouldn’t anyone complain in that situation?
Affinity (Like)前蟈们实圚是倪狡猟了明明我马䞊就芁超越她们了——华䞀䞋子跑到了我氞远也觊及䞍到的地方真是倪狡猟了聞いおください指揮官先茩たちはズルいんですもうすぐで远い越せそうなのにヌヌたたすぐずっず䞊に行っおもう 本圓にズルいんですThose senpai are so sly! Just when I was about to overtake them, they went somewhere I could never reach! How unfair!
Affinity (Love)指挥官我可以借䞋䜠的肩膀吗  有时我也䌚想什么郜䞍想地发䌚呆呢  到时候我可以䟝靠䜠吗指揮官、肩を貞しおいただけたすか うん 私にもボヌっずしたくなる時がありたす  これからも、こうしお寄り添っおもいいでしょうか Commander, could you lend me your shoulder? Sometimes, even I want to simply clear my mind and rest. When I get like that, can I depend on you to be by my side?
Pledge我的笛音宛若流氎是以纵情吹之必立于高山。䞍过——比起高山现圚是䜠的身䟧曎适合我的笛声呢この笛の奏でる調べは、鎮魂曲にあらずヌヌ五航戊・翔鶎、これからはずっず、あなたの偎に  The melody of my flute is like a flowing river, requiring an inspiration that usually can only be found atop a mountain. Just being by your side, however, inspires me even more.
In battle with Zuikaku瑞鹀党力攻击我来掩技䜠瑞鶎、党力出撃よ私が揎護するわZuikaku, give it your all! I'll cover you!
In battle with Akagi看到我的实力了吗赀城姐私の実力を芋たしたか赀城先茩Do you see my true power, Akagi?
In battle with Kaga这次  绝对䌚让䜠承讀我的实力今床こそ 絶察に認めさせるんだからThis time... I'll prove to you how powerful I really am!
In battle with Lexington犻我倪远防空圈䌚保技䞍到䜠的~うふふ♪これ以䞊離れるず揎護しおあげられたせんよI won't be able to protect you if you stray too far!
In battle with Saratoga修理厂女皇是芁䞊哪巡枞啊ドックの匕きこもりちゃんはどこに出かけるお぀もりうふふ♪Where is the Queen of the Docks heading to?
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description䞺了这次的舞䌚我可是做了特别的准倇  劂䜕指挥官没有让䜠倱望吧呵呵~歀床のパヌティヌのために特別に甚意した衣装ですが  指揮官、がっかりさせおはいたせんよねうふふ♪I prepared this outfit just for the occasion, so... Commander, you're not going to disappoint me, are you? Hehe~♪
Acquisition䞺了这次的舞䌚我可是做了特别的准倇  劂䜕指挥官没有让䜠倱望吧呵呵~歀床のパヌティヌのために特別に甚意した衣装ですが  指揮官、がっかりさせおはいたせんよねうふふ♪I prepared this outfit just for the occasion, so... Commander, you're not going to disappoint me, are you? Hehe~♪
Login䜠䌚劂䜕邀请我呢指挥官皍埮有些期埅呢~指揮官は私をどう誘っおくれるのでしょう。ちょっず楜しみです。うふふ♪I wonder how you plan on asking me out to the banquet, Commander~ I'm looking forward to it, just a little. Hehe~♪
Details花䌚凋零叶䌚枯萎舞䌚也䌚萜䞋垷幕  䞍过现圚还是忘掉这些享受快乐吧~朚枯れ果お、花散り、宎もいずれお開きずなる  今はいずれくる終わりのこずを忘れ、思いっきり楜しみたしょうAll flowers must wither, all leaves must fall, and all dances must end... But right now, forget about all that and lose yourself in the moment.
Main瑞鹀䜠倪玧匠了。听姐姐的先攟束攟束  瑞鶎ったら緊匵しすぎよお姉ちゃんの蚀う通り、たずはリラックス、リラックスず  Zuikaku, you're being too nervous. Just do what your sister tells you to. First, relax, just relax...
Main 2圚舞䌚正匏匀始前再来䞀次练习劂䜕パヌティヌが始たる前に、もう䞀回緎習しおみおはどうでしょうBefore the banquet begins, shall we practice one more time?
Main 3今晚的䞻角䌚是谁呢是我吗还是诎  我们呵呵~今宵の䞻圹は誰でしょう。私それずも 私たちうふふ♪Who will be the star of tonight's show? Will it be me... or us? Hehe~♪
Touch䞍甚担心指挥官跟着我的步䌐慢慢来就行了~指揮官、心配しないで、私のステップに少しず぀぀いおきおくれればいいですよDon't worry, Commander, all you have to do is follow my steps slowly~
Touch (Special)䜠圚做什么呢指挥官舞蹈时芁奜奜泚视我的県睛才行哊指挥官~指揮官、なにをしおいるんですかダンスの時は私の目をちゃんず芋おくださいねJust what are you doing, Commander? Please keep your eyes on mine when we're dancing~
Mail来自舞䌚倖的小插曲䌚是什么呢~パヌティヌの倖から寄せられた間奏曲 䞀䜓なんでしょうI hear a little tune that's not coming from the banquet... What could it be~?
Return to Port既然是隟埗的舞䌚今倩就暂时和前·蟈们和解吧~せっかくのパヌティヌですから、今日だけは先茩たちず䌑戊です♪Because it's a special occasion, I'll call a one-day truce with those seniors of mine~♪
Defeat花随风消逝  花は颚に散りゆく  The flowers scatter in the wind...
Affinity (Love)若我是随风而舞的翩翩舞鹀谢幕时让我安心栖息的枯湟䞀定就是指挥官䜠的身旁吧 私が颚ず舞う鶎だずすれば、䞀番安心しお矜を䌑める堎所はきっず  あなたの偎に違いありたせんわIf I became a crane that danced with the wind, my safe harbor for when my wings become weary... would surely be by your side, Commander.
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description呵呵这点简单的工䜜我还是胜借胜任的。敬请期埅我的衚现吧指挥官~ふふ、この仕事なら私でも楜勝です。指揮官、翔鶎の掻躍、期埅しおいおくださいHehe, this kind of work is a simple matter for me. Commander, please look forward to my performance~
Acquisition呵呵这点简单的工䜜我还是胜借胜任的。敬请期埅我的衚现吧指挥官~ふふ、この仕事なら私でも楜勝です。指揮官、翔鶎の掻躍、期埅しおいおくださいHehe, this kind of work is a simple matter for me. Commander, please look forward to my performance~
Login今倩的风还挺舒服的呢~今日の颚、気持ちいいですDoesn't the breeze today feel quite pleasant~?
Details瑞鹀 感觉那孩子䌚䞍倪适应这样的场面呢指挥官拜托䜠垮我倚照顟䞀䞋她哊瑞鶎 あの子、こういうのには慣れおいなさそうですね 指揮官ごめんなさい、あの子の面倒を代わりに芋おいただけないでしょうかZuikaku... She seems to be having difficulty adjusting to this kind of work. Commander, would you be able to look after her?
Main像这样受到瞩目的感觉䞀旊习惯了奜像也䞍坏呢呵呵~こういう任務も慣れれば悪くありたせんね。ふふふThis kind of work isn't so bad once you get used to it. Hehe~
Main 2这蟹的工䜜结束以后胜垊我去兜䞪风吗指挥官~把瑞鹀那孩子也垊䞊~指揮官、仕事から䞊がったらドラむブに連れお行っおいただけたせんか瑞鶎も䞀緒。お願いですCommander, after I finish my work over here, would you take me out for a ride? Oh, and Zuikaku too, right~?
Main 3嗯 前蟈没来啊 可惜了~真想让前蟈看看指挥官现圚的神情呢~ あら、赀城先茩たちは来おいないのでしょうか 指揮官の今の顔、ぜひずも先茩に芋せたかったのにOh my, Akagi and Kaga couldn't make it today? What a pity~ I wish they could see the face you're making right now, Commander~
Touch倎发有点乱了啊谢谢䜠的提醒指挥官。髪の毛がちょっず乱れおいたした指揮官ありがずうMy hair's a bit messed up? Oh, thanks for the reminder, Commander.
Touch (Special)就算芁沉浞圚翔鹀的枩柔䞭也请等到工䜜结束之后哊指挥官~翔鶎に溺れたいなら、お仕事のあずでお願いしたす。ねYou're welcome to sink into my warmth, but you'll have to wait until after work~
Return to Port呌 趁着空档皍埮䌑息䞋吧~ふぅ ロヌテで少し䌑憩したしょうかPhew... Why don't we take advantage of the break to rest a bit?
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description䞎指挥官建立劂歀亲密的关系的过皋䞭产生了讞倚矎劙的回忆呢~接䞋来我芁朝着新的目标奜奜努力了这次䞍是匀玩笑而是讀真的哊~指挥官以后也请䜠倚关照了。翔鶎ず指揮官の芪密な関係でここたで幞せな思い出をたくさん䜜っおきたした。これからは新しい目暙に向けお再出発ずいたしたしょうか。ふふ、今のは冗談ではなく本気ですよふ぀぀か者ですが、よろしくお願いしたす♡Through building this relationship with you, I've made so many happy memories. Now I think it's time to work toward a new goal! Heehee, I was serious about that, you know. Commander, I look forward to many long years together with you♡
Acquisition䞎指挥官建立劂歀亲密的关系的过皋䞭产生了讞倚矎劙的回忆呢~接䞋来我芁朝着新的目标奜奜努力了这次䞍是匀玩笑而是讀真的哊~指挥官以后也请䜠倚关照了。翔鶎ず指揮官の芪密な関係でここたで幞せな思い出をたくさん䜜っおきたした。これからは新しい目暙に向けお再出発ずいたしたしょうか。ふふ、今のは冗談ではなく本気ですよふ぀぀か者ですが、よろしくお願いしたす♡Through building this relationship with you, I've made so many happy memories. Now I think it's time to work toward a new goal! Heehee, I was serious about that, you know. Commander, I look forward to many long years together with you♡
Login欢迎回来指挥官。呵呵  虜然我们没有分别倪久䞍过䜠看起来奜像埈想我~圓然我也埈想䜠哊。おかえりなさい、指揮官。ふふ  少し別行動をしおいただけなのに、私のこずがすごヌく恋しくなったようですねもちろん私も同じですよ♪Welcome home, Commander. Heehee... We were only apart for a while, but you missed me so badly, didn't you? I missed you too, of course.
Details指挥官指挥官  我正圚和䜠聊今倩的安排䜠䞍䌚是看着我看到出神了吧  呵呵䜠喜欢的话那就再倚看看也可以~指揮官しきかヌんもう、今日の予定の話をしおいるのに、もしかしお私に芋惚れちゃったんですかふふ、気に入っおくださったなら、もっずじっくり芋おいただいおも構いたせんよCommander? Commandeeer? Geez, I was trying to tell you about our schedule for today. Were you too focused on staring at me? Hehe, if you want, you can come in for a closer look.
Main我今倩试着做了新的点心等䞀䞋就去试试看吧~老实诎我还蛮自信这次的味道呢毕竟我可是讀真进行过修行了哊~新しいお菓子を䜜っおみたしたけど、あずで少し食べおみたす今回はかなり自信がありたすよ――だっお私、真面目に修行しおきたしたから♪I tried making new pastries today. Want to try them out soon? I'm rather confident in them! After all, I've been training hard♪
Main 2果然䞀盎沐济圚指挥官的目光之䞋就䌚感觉到幞犏呢呵呵  ずっず指揮官に芋぀められおいるず、やっぱり幞せを感じたすね。ふふ When you look at me, I feel real joy. Heehee...
Main 3指挥官让我䞺䜠吹奏䞀曲吧。以现圚这䞪党新的身仜䞺䜠送䞊䞀支恋曲劂䜕~指揮官、䞀曲奏でさせおください。それも新しい関係になった翔鶎が捧げる恋の音色――いかがですかCommander, let me play you a song. After our recent union, maybe a love song would be fitting?
Main 4指挥官等我们这里的事结束之后芁䞍芁䞀起去看看赀城前蟈听诎她喜欢吃团子顺䟿从这里垊䞀䞲给她奜了~指揮官、ここでの甚が終わったら赀城先茩の様子でも芋に行きたすお団子が奜きず聞いたので差し入れでもしようかず思いたしお♪Once we're finished here, how about we go see how Akagi is doing? I heard she likes dango, so I'll bring her some!
Touch也想垮我按摩吗指挥官真是枩柔呢。今床は指揮官が翔鶎の䜓をこねこねもみもみしたいのですかお優しいですDo you want to be the one massaging today? How sweet.
Touch (Special)我䌚党力以赎回应指挥官的期埅哊  ♡指揮官が楜しみにしおいたこず、党力で叶えさせおいただきたすよ ♡I'm happy to do everything you've been waiting for, Commander...♡
Touch (Headpat)呵呵  真是的  ふふふ♪もぉ  Hehe♪ Come on, now...
Mission虜然还想䞎指挥官继续享受这种宁静  䜆芁记埗完成任务哊指揮官ずの穏やかな時間をもっず楜しみたいのは私もですが  任務をこなすのを忘れないでくださいねI would love to enjoy more peace and tranquility with you, Commander, but please don't forget your missions.
Mission Complete任务完成了指挥官真是䞀劂既埀的可靠呢。任務が完了したした。指揮官は盞倉わらず頌りになりたすねMission complete. You're as reliable as ever, Commander.
Return to Port欢迎回来有哪里感觉䞍舒服吗需芁我揉䞀揉吗嗯  还䞍倪习惯我这么“热情”おかえりなさぁい♪具合はいかがですか翔鶎がもみもみこねこね、したほうがいいですか あらせっかく「積極的」になろうずしおいるのに、ただ慣れないのですかWelcome baaack♪ How are you feeling? Should I give you a massage? ...Oh? I just wanted to be a little assertive, but I guess that's still too jarring?
Victory指挥官的胜利...对翔鹀来诎也是匕以䞺荣的衚现呢♪指揮官の誇らしい勝利 翔鶎にずっおも誇らしい掻躍でしたよ♪Another great victory for you... And I was proud of my performance, too♪
Defeat䌚被前蟈们笑话呢  指挥官对䞍起胜皍埮垮我诎几句奜话吗先茩方に笑われちゃいたすね 指揮官ごめんなさい、少しフォロヌを入れおもらえたすかMy seniors are going to laugh at me now... I'm sorry, Commander. Can you put in a good word or two for me?
Affinity (Love)䞀匀始只是想借䜠的肩膀䟝靠劂今华变成了这副已经无法犻匀䜠的暡样。䞍过䞀想到以后就胜日日和䜠劂歀盞䌎我就感到十分圆满呢~あヌあ、最初は肩を貞しおほしかっただけなのに、もう指揮官から離れられない翔鶎になっちゃいたした♪でもこれからは毎日こうやっお䞀緒にいられるず思うず、報われお倧団円っお気持ちですねAt first, I just wanted a shoulder to lean on, but I just can't tear myself away from you anymore. The thought that we'll get to be together forever makes it all worth it, though~