Rodney (JP 🇯🇵: ロドニー, CN 🇹🇼: 罗德尼)
Ship IDNo. 133Star Rating★★☆☆☆
Hull BattleshipRarityElite
NavyRoyal NavyBuild Time
AcquisitionHonor medal exchange, Explore Stage2-4, Heavy Ship Construction
Enhance Income
Scrap Income
Release Date
Voice actressYou Taichi
Nelson-class battleship – Rodney, Hull Number 29!
Future Seaside AdmiralDescription
Although it's a gift from the Commander, it's still embarrassing to wear this....Commander, do you think you could teach me how to swim?
HP1272 Reload55
Firepower79 Torpedo0
Evasion5 Anti-air41
Aviation0 Cost0
ASW0 Luck81
HP5656 Reload105
Firepower200 Torpedo0
Evasion30 Anti-air154
Aviation0 Cost0
ASW0 Luck85
Limit Break
Tier 1Main gun base +1 | Main gun efficiency +5%
Tier 2Secondary Gun base +2 | Main gun efficiency +10%
Tier 3Main gun base +1 | Main gun efficiency +15%
SlotEquipment TypeEfficiency (LB 0/1/2/3)Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3)Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
2Light Cruiser200%/200%/200%/200%1/1/3/30/0/0/0
3Anti-Air Gun100%/100%/100%/100%1/1/1/10/0/0/0
Default Equipments
1Triple 406mm Main Gun
2Twin 152mm Main Gun
Fleet Tech
T6 Battleship: Nelson-ClassTech Points and Bonus
Unlock16 +2
Max LimitBreak32
Lv.12024 +1
Big SevenWhen this ship fires a Salvo: 20.0% (40.0%) chance to fire a special barrage. Barrage DMG is based on the skill's level.
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description纳尔逊级战列舰—罗德尼,舷号29ネルソン級戦艦・ロドニー(HMS Rodney)Nelson-class battleship – Rodney, Hull Number 29!
Biography我是纳尔逊姐姐的妹妹,罗德尼,嗯……我们姐妹也算挺有名吧? 欸,和外表相反的战斗风格?讨厌啦,指挥官,这种空穴来风的事情当然是骗人的~ネルソンの妹、ロドニーです。はい!……私たち姉妹もそこそこ有名ですね。 えっと、戦い方が見た目とイメージが違う、ですか?まあまあ指揮官、そういう噂はもちろんウソですよ~I'm Nelson's little sister, Rodney! Um... us sisters are pretty famous right? Erm, you've heard that my fighting style is unbefitting of my appearance? Well well, Commander, such rumors are, of course, false~
Acquisition你好,我是罗德尼,从今往后还请多多关照はじめまして、ロドニーです。これからよろしくお願いしますHello, I'm Rodney. I shall be in your care from this day forward.
Login啊指挥官你回来了吗,正好我稍微整理了一下文件,请过目吧あ、指揮官お帰りなさい。ちょうど書類を整理しました。ご確認くださいAh, Commander, you're back! I was just tidying up the documents, please have a look.
Details需要我详细解释吗?詳細の説明は要りますでしょうか?Need me to explain the details?
Main有什么事情就交给我罗德尼吧! なにかあればロドニーにおまかせください! I'm here to help you with anything you need.
Main 2不介意的话,就由我陪你打发时间吧指揮官が大丈夫でしたら、ロドニーもご一緒させてください!If the Commander doesn't mind, please allow me to keep you company!
Main 3指挥官~再摸鱼的话,就算是罗德尼也要生气了哦?指揮官?またサボりますと、ロドニーも怒りますよ?Commander, if you keep slacking off, even I will get angry.
Touch怎么了吗?どうしましたか?What is it?
Touch (Special)不要在司令室做这种事啦執務室でやっちゃだめですよ?Please don't do this in the command room...
Mission指挥官,一起去完成新的任务吧?指揮官、一緒に新しいミッションを遂行しましょう?Commander, shall we complete our new mission?
Mission Complete有任务奖励呢,打开看看吧ミッションボーナスですよ。開けてみましょうHere are your mission rewards. Let's take a look!
Mail有新的信件,我帮你拿过来了新しいメールがあったので持ってきましたI've brought your new mail, Commander.
Return to Port我来泡杯茶吧~お茶を淹れますねLet me make a cup of tea~
Commission Complete嘻嘻,指挥官,完成委托的姐妹们已经回来了~ふふ、指揮官、委託を完了した子たちが帰ってきましたよHehe, Commander. The girls are back from commission!
Enhancement接下来也请期待罗德尼的表现吧~ロドニーに期待してくださいね~I hope you're looking forward to my performance from here on out!
Flagship嗯……罗德尼也期待诸位恪尽职守,吧?はい!……皆さんが義務を尽くすことに、ロドニーも期待しています!Mmm... I'm looking forward to everyone finishing their work too~!
Victory唔,好像不小心浪费了不少弹药呢……あぅ、いつのまに…弾薬を多く使いすぎました…Hmm, I think I accidentally wasted a lot of ammunition...
Defeat虽然还能战斗……不过还是先撤退吧また戦えますが……まずは撤退しますI can still fight... but we should probably retreat, for now...
Skill对待敌人就不用客气了呢敵に情けをかける必要がありませんねThere's no need to be polite when dealing with enemies.
Low HP我可以加强些火力吗?少し火力を強くしてもいいですか?Can I increase my firepower?
Affinity (Upset)就算是罗德尼也有点失望了呢……ロドニーでも少し失望しましたよ……?Even I'm a bit disappointed...
Affinity (Stranger)天气不错,要出去走走吗,指挥官?正好前阵子听来一些有趣的事情,聊聊天就当放松一下,怎么样?いい天気ですね、お出かけしましょうか、指揮官?ちょうどいいお話を聞いたんです。すこしリラックスしていかがですか?The weather is pretty nice. Want to take a walk, Commander? Let's relax and chat for a while. What do you think?
Affinity (Friendly)指挥官真是很温柔呢,一起散步时总是会照顾我放慢速度,这种细节,我很感动哦指揮官は優しいですね。散歩していた時ロドニーのペースに合わせてくれて。こういう細かいところも、感動しちゃいますCommander sure is gentle, always slowing down to match my pace when we're taking walks... I'm moved by details like this.
Affinity (Like)上下关系不处理好可是会有大麻烦的,以前就有过这样的事……当然像我和指挥官这么亲密是不用啦~上下関係はちゃんとしないと大変になる時もありますね。昔こんなことが……でもロドニーと指揮官の仲なら大丈夫ですNot respecting the chain of command can mean big trouble, it has happened before……Of course it's ok for us since we're so close~
Affinity (Love)指挥官,今天要一起吃饭吗?我来做你喜欢的菜哦——嗯?不是什么节日啦,只是忽然就这么想了……指挥官想的话,每天都可以哦~指揮官、今日は一緒にご飯でもどうですか?大好物の料理を作りますーーうん?特別な日ではありませんよ、急に思いついちゃって……指揮官がいいなら毎日でもいいですよ?Commander, want to have dinner together tonight? I'll make your favorite dish... Hmm? it's not a holiday or something like that... I just thought of it just now... If you want, Commander, we can do it every night~.
Pledge和指挥官度过的每一天对于我来说都是纪念日,这样梦一般的日子真希望能延续到永远指揮官と一緒に過ごす毎日が記念日です。こんな夢みたいな生活が、いつまでも続くといいですね…Everyday I spend with the Commander is a special day, I hope days like these will last forever.
In battle with Hood胡德姐姐,犹豫不定可不好呀フッド姉様、戸惑うのはいけないのですよHood, you must not waver.
In battle with Nelson姐姐,不要太小看对手哦姉様、相手をあまり侮らないでくださいね。You shouldn't underestimate your opponents, dear sister.
In battle with !UNKNOWN! (1)枫之军团吗,一起加油吧~Kaede's Legion? Let's do our best together!
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description虽说是指挥官的礼物,穿起来还是有点害羞呐……指挥官,能来教教我游泳吗?指揮官からのプレゼントですけど、着てみるとやはりちょっと恥ずかしいですね……指揮官、私に泳ぎを教えてくださいますか?Although it's a gift from the Commander, it's still embarrassing to wear this....Commander, do you think you could teach me how to swim?
Acquisition虽说是指挥官的礼物,穿起来还是有点害羞呐……指挥官,能来教教我游泳吗?指揮官からのプレゼントですけど、着てみるとやはりちょっと恥ずかしいですね……指揮官、ロドニーに泳ぎ方を教えてくださいますか?Even if it's the Commander's gift, wearing it is pretty embarrassing. Commander, want to teach me how to swim?
Login这么热的天,连文件都不想处理了……指挥官,一起去冲个凉吧~こうも暑くなると書類の整理も捗りませんね……指揮官、冷たいシャワーでもいかがですか?It's so hot... I can't imagine doing any work! Commander, how about we take a cold shower together??
Details嘻嘻,指挥官~不要害羞嘛。来,再往这边靠靠~怎么样,我的手是不是很凉?うふふ、指揮官、そんなに恥ずかしがらなくてもいいですよ。もっと近くによって…どうですか?ロドニーの手、ひんやりしていませんか?Don't be shy, Commander~ Come on, come on over here~ How do you feel? Are my hands too cold?
Main沙滩排球?好不容易才找到和指挥官亲密接触的机会,PASS~ビーチバレー?せっかく指揮官と二人きりですから、ロドニーは不参加でお願いします♪Beach volleyball? But I finally got a chance to be intimate with you...I'll PASS~
Main 2只要是指挥官的礼物,无论什么我都喜欢!指揮官からのプレゼントなら、何でも嬉しいです!I'll love whatever gifts you give me!
Main 3游泳游过头了……好累……指挥官,能背我回去吗?少し泳ぎすぎたかな……ちょっとだるいです……指揮官、ロドニーをおんぶしてくださいます?I'm wiped out. So much swimming! Commander... can you carry me home?
Touch指挥官,能帮我涂防晒油吗?指揮官、日焼け止めを塗ってもらえますか?Commander, could you put some sunscreen on my back?
Touch (Special)如何?货真价实的BIG SEVEN尺寸的手感いかがですか?ビッグセブン級のこの感触♪How's that? The feeling of a bona-fide Big Seven
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description接下来是要看镜头对吗,明石?好的……啊,指挥官,你来了呀!嗯嗯,拍摄进展很顺利哦。对了,你有什么 特别中意的拍摄姿势吗?明石、次はカメラ目線ですか?わかりました…あっ、指揮官、来てくださったんですね!撮影は順調に進んでますよ。ちなみに、指揮官は見たいポーズとかありますか?Miss Akashi, shall I look at the camera next? Understood. Oh, Commander, I did not expect you to grace us with your presence here as well! Yes, the photoshoot is proceeding smoothly. By the way, is there a favorite pose you'd like to see?
Acquisition接下来是要看镜头对吗,明石?好的……啊,指挥官,你来了呀!嗯嗯,拍摄进展很顺利哦。对了,你有什么 特别中意的拍摄姿势吗?明石、次はカメラ目線ですか?わかりました…あっ、指揮官、来てくださったんですね!撮影は順調に進んでますよ。ちなみに、指揮官は見たいポーズとかありますか?Miss Akashi, shall I look at the camera next? Understood. Oh, Commander, I did not expect you to grace us with your presence here as well! Yes, the photoshoot is proceeding smoothly. By the way, is there a favorite pose you'd like to see?
Login你来就已经足够让人开心了,没想到还带了慰劳品…我去泡个茶,我们一起享用吧?来てくださるだけでも嬉しいのに、差し入れまでいただいてしまって…お茶を淹れるのでご一緒にいかがですか?I was delighted just to have you stop by, but I can't believe you even brought me refreshments... How about I pour you a cup of tea as well?
Details拿个扇子会比较好?…像这样吗?(快门声)嗯嗯,不愧是指挥官!明石也说照片一下就更有味道了,可开心了呢,呵呵。小道具に扇子を持ったほうがいいかも、ですか?…こう、でしょうか?(パシャリ)ああ、さすがです!明石も一気に映えたって喜んでいますよ、うふふPerhaps I should hold up a fan like this? ...Like this? *click* Oh, great advice, Commander! Akashi said that changed the mood of the shoot completely, ehehe.
Main我还是第一次穿这种服饰,所以研究了下,比如怎么摆腿比较好看之类的…指挥官?呵呵,是“看入神”了吗?こういう服は初めてなので、足のラインが綺麗に出る方法とかいろいろ工夫しました…指揮官?ふふ、「見惚れ」ちゃいました?It's my first time wearing clothes like these, so I'm trying to figure out the perfect way to show off my legs... Commander? Hehe, have you been enchanted?
Main 2担心我会不会觉得冷…?要握着我的手确认下吗~?寒くないかって心配してくださったんですね…手でも握ってお確かめになります?You're worried that I might be feeling cold? Well... how about you check by holding my hand?
Main 3长时间拍照下来的话,还是会有点累呢,指挥官要是方便,之后陪我喝杯咖啡好吗?さすがに長時間の撮影はちょっとこたえますね…指揮官、よかったらこの後軽くコーヒーでもいかがです?Long photoshoots really are quite tiring... Commander, how about going for some coffee together after we wrap this up?
Touch谢谢你帮我披上外套~ファーをかけてくださって、ありがとうございます!Thank you so much for helping me put this fur on!
Touch (Special)拍摄还没有结束哦?呵呵♪撮影はまだ終わっていませんよ?ふふ♪We're still not done with the photoshoot~ Hehe~♪
Return to Port出击辛苦了~你闻到的这个香味是东煌的茶…没错,是小伙伴们推荐的好茶哦~お帰りなさい。この香りは東煌のお茶…ええ、仲間たちが勧めてくださったいいものですよWelcome back. What you're smelling right now is the fragrance of Dragon Empery tea... Yes, my friends here recommended it to me.
Flagship又到了恪尽职守的时候了!また、義務を果たす時が来たのですね!It is time for me to carry out my duties once more!
Victory回去后要确认下弹药库存了呢。帰ったら弾薬の在庫を確認しないと、ですねI'll have to check on our inventory of ammo when we get back.
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description没想到这梦幻般的场景会有真正实现的一天…指挥官是不是也一直期待着这样的罗德尼呢?呵呵~この夢のシチュエーション、まさか本当になるとはね~指揮官はこんな感じのロドニーを、楽しみにしていました?ふふI never imagined that this dreamlike situation would come to pass... Commander, have you also been looking forward to sharing this moment with me? Hehe~
Acquisition没想到这梦幻般的场景会有真正实现的一天…指挥官是不是也一直期待着这样的罗德尼呢?呵呵~この夢のシチュエーション、まさか本当になるとはね~指揮官はこんな感じのロドニーを、楽しみにしていました?ふふI never imagined that this dreamlike situation would come to pass... Commander, have you also been looking forward to sharing this moment with me? Hehe~
Login看到指挥官这么精神,罗德尼也就放心了。指揮官の元気な姿を見ると、ロドニーも安心します♪My heart is at rest when I see you happy, Commander~
Details今天的工作怎么办,明天的晚餐吃什么……呵呵~对我来说,为指挥官烦恼的事越多,幸福也就越多~お仕事、訓練、そして夕食の献立…指揮官のために悩むことが多ければ多いほど、幸せを感じますね~I have paperwork, practice, and dinner to see to today. The more burdens I can take off your mind, the happier it makes me~
Main与指挥官在一起的每一天都是纪念日、吗…哎呀,这么害羞的话我可不会再说了哦~不过,即使我不说,指挥官也能明白的吧?指揮官と一緒にいる日は毎日が記念日…ふふ、こういう恥ずかしい言葉はちょっと控えめにしますね~言わなくても、指揮官はロドニーの気持ち、分かってると思いますEvery day with you is a day worth celebrating... Hmm, phrases like these feel rather cheesy, so I'll keep them to a minimum. Knowing you, you already know how I feel, Commander.
Main 2现在摸鱼的话,私下独处的时间可就减少了哦?为了我们,指挥官再努力一下吧~今サボってしまいましたら、ロドニーとの時間が減ってしまいますよ?お互いのためにももう少し頑張ってくださいEach minute you slack off is one less minute of the day we'll have together. Please try to stay focused, for both our sakes.
Main 3指挥官…假期有什么打算吗?不如…我们一起规划下去哪里玩吧~?指揮官、ネイビーズホリデー…今度の非番の日に予定はありますか?なければ…どこかでデート、どうでしょうか?Commander, do you have any plans for the next naval holiday? If not... we could go on a date somewhere. What do you say?
Touch有句话说,接触越多,感情也就越深哦~触れ合いが増えれば増えるほど、お互いの仲が深まるとお聞きしました~I've read that physical intimacy deepens a relationship the more you do it~
Touch (Special)大胆的想法,就留到独处的时间再说吧~二人っきりの時間までお預けしてくださいねPlease, let's put this on hold until we're alone, all right?
Return to Port指挥官,出击辛苦了~老样子,我来准备茶吧?指揮官、出撃お疲れさまです。いつもどおり、ロドニーがお茶をお淹れしますねWell strategised, Commander. Wait just a minute while I go brew some tea.
Victory可不要小看了Big7的实力哦~ビッグセブンの力、侮れませんよThat's why you shouldn't underestimate a Big 7!
Affinity (Love)指挥官,今天也一起吃饭吧?指挥官的喜好口味,我已经全部了如指掌了呢~指揮官、今日も一緒にディナーでもいかがですか?指揮官の好きなもの、全部分かっていますよ~Care to have dinner with me tonight, Commander? I know all your favourite dishes~