Nelson (JP 🇯🇵: ネル゜ン, CN 🇹🇌: 纳尔逊)
Ship ID No. 132 Star Rating ★★☆☆☆
Hull Battleship Rarity Elite
Navy Royal Navy Build Time
Acquisition Honor medal exchange, Explore Stage2-3, Heavy Ship Construction
Enhance Income
Firepower 65
Torpedo 0
Aviation 0
Reload 10
Scrap Income
Medal 4
Oil 4
Gold 11
Release Date
Voice actress Yuuki Kuwahara
Nelson Description
Nelson-class battleship – Nelson, Hull Number 28!
Luna Witch Description
This is such a weird costume
 oh well, it’s Halloween after all. It cannot be so bad, this is a fun activity after all. First things first, I didn’t say that I would join from the very beginning!
Firepower A
Torpedo E
Aviation E
Evasion D
Anti-air C
HP 6598 Reload 130
Firepower 372 Torpedo 0
Evasion 15 Anti-air 190
Aviation 0 Cost 14
ASW 0 Luck 66
Hit 57 Speed 23.5
Armor Heavy
HP 7654 Reload 149
Firepower 407 Torpedo 0
Evasion 33 Anti-air 219
Aviation 0 Cost 14
ASW 0 Luck 66
Hit 70 Speed 23.5
Armor Heavy
HP 1276 Reload 55
Firepower 79 Torpedo 0
Evasion 6 Anti-air 41
Aviation 0 Cost 5
ASW 0 Luck 66
Hit 22 Speed 23.5
Armor Heavy
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost 14
ASW Luck 66
Hit Speed 23.5
Armor Heavy
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost 14
ASW Luck 66
Hit Speed 23.5
Armor Heavy
Limit Break
Tier 1 Main gun base +1/Main gun efficiency +5%
Tier 2 Auxiliary gun base +2/Main gun efficiency +10%
Tier 3 Main gun base +1/Main gun efficiency +15%
Slot Equipment Type Efficiency (LB 0/1/2/3) Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3) Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
1 Battleship 100%/105%/115%/130% 1/1/1/1 0/0/0/0
2 Light Cruiser 200%/200%/200%/200% 1/1/3/3 0/0/0/0
3 Anti-Air Gun 100%/100%/100%/100% 1/1/1/1 0/0/0/0
4 Auxiliary - - -
5 Auxiliary - - -
Default Equipments
1 Triple 406mm Main Gun
2 Twin 152mm Main Gun
Fleet Tech
T6 Battleship: Nelson-Class Tech Points and Bonus
Unlock 16 +2
Max LimitBreak 32
Lv.120 24 +1
Icon Name Description Requirements
Big Seven When this ship fires a Salvo: 20.0% (40.0%) chance to fire a special barrage. Barrage DMG is based on the skill's level.
Close Engagement In battle, each time this ship takes DMG: increases her FP and ACC by 1.0% (5.0%) (Can stack up to 3 times; At 3 stacks, the probability of activating "Big Seven: Nelson" is increased by 30.0%). Additionally, if "Nelson's Pennant of Victory" is equipped, creates a barrier for 6s that can absorb up to 1.0% (5.0%) of this ship's Max HP.
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 纳尔逊级战列舰—纳尔逊舷号28 ネル゜ン玚戊艊・ネル゜ン (HMS Nelson Nelson-class battleship – Nelson, Hull Number 28!
Biography 连我郜䞍讀识的话就先回海军孊院再倚读几幎乊吧我䞍需芁这样的指挥官。 而䞔䜠芁孊的䞜西还倚着呢指挥官芁是我心情奜䞍是䞍胜教䜠䞀些   跑埗慢哈真敢诎啊䜠站奜给我吃䞋这䞀炮 私を知らないなら、士官孊院からやり盎しね。そんな指揮官はいらないから。 足が遅いっお はあよく蚀うわね そこから動くなよ、たずは䞀発、分からせるんだから If you don't know who I am, go back to the naval academy and start over. I have no need of a commander who doesn't know me. ... You're calling me slow?! Huh?! That's brave of you to say... Stand still, I'll launch some knowledge into your head with my cannons!
Acquisition 䜠就是指挥官看起来完党䞍像样  我是纳尔逊䜠有没有领富舰队的资莚我䌚奜奜看着的 あんたが指揮官ねあたり圹に立おそうに芋えないけど。私はネル゜ンよ。ひずたず宜しく頌むわ You're the commander? You don't look very capable to me, though. I'm Nelson. I'll be following your orders, for now.
Login 哌偷懒回来了文件已经准倇奜了期埅䜠的努力 ふん、サボり終わった曞類は甚意しおあげたから、努力にひずたず期埅するわ Hmph. Are you done lazing around? I sorted out your documents, so I'm hoping you'll get some things done.
Details 有什么奜奇怪的再看挖䜠県睛哊 䜕が珍しいのよこれ以䞊芋たら目をえぐるわよ What are you staring at?! Keep it up and I'll gouge your eyes out!
Main 名䞺“倱莥”的经验这种䞜西䞍过是莥犬的悲鞣眢了 「倱敗」ずいう名の経隓そんなの負け犬の遠吠えに過ぎないわ Experience from what's known as "failure"? Only a loser would say something like that!
Main 2 我并䞍是圚针对䜠我是诎劂果䜠和那些将友情努力挂圚嘎蟹的庞才䞀样的话那䜠䞍配坐圚这里 あんただけじゃない、そこらじゅうにいる友情・努力をよく口にする凡愚たちず䞀緒なら、この堎にいるのにふさわしくないわ I'm not just talking about you, but those who wave around empty words of "friendship" and "efforts" do not belong here.
Main 3 有倚少胜力就胜胜任倚少工䜜对䜠来诎倧任还差远了  奜奜磚练自己吧 胜力に合うだけ仕事するのよ。あんたはただ倧任を任されるに皋遠いわ  自分をよく磚くこずね One should only do work one is capable of. You still don't have what it takes to be entrusted with important tasks... Keep honing your skills.
Touch 想尝尝䞻炮的滋味吗指挥官 䞻砲を食らわせたいの Are you trying to get a taste of my cannons?!
Touch (Special) 化䜜特拉法尔加的藻屑吧亲、爱、的、指挥官 トラファルガヌの藻屑になりなさい。し・き・か・ん Off to the bottom of Trafalgar with you, Com-man-der!
Mission 䞍奜奜完成任务还愣着干什么 ミッションを攟ったらかしお䜕する぀もり Why are you daydreaming if there are still missions to complete?
Mission Complete 隟道奖励还芁我垮䜠拿过来吗给我10秒之内倄理掉1、2、   ボヌナスも私に持っおこさせる぀もり10秒あげるからやりなさい1、2、   Are you trying to make me get the rewards for you? I'll give you 10 seconds to do it yourself! 1, 2...
Mail 刚刚出去散步顺䟿垮䜠把新的信件垊过来了心怀感激地读吧 散歩がおらに新しいメヌルを持っおきたわ。ありがたく確認しなさい I picked up your mail while I was out on my walk. Read it and be thankful.
Return to Port 看到皇家海军的英姿了吗 ロむダルネむビヌの英姿を芋たか Have you witnessed the might of the Royal Navy?
Commission Complete 指~挥~官~䜠是䞍是忘了委托完成的时闎呢~ しヌきヌかヌん委蚗完了の時間を忘れたんじゃなくお Com-man-der! Did you forget about the returning commissions again?
Enhancement 姑䞔还是对䜠衚蟟䞀䞋感谢吧做埗䞍错 䞀応感謝するわ。よくやった。 I suppose I should show a little appreciation for you; nice work.
Flagship I expect everyone would do her duty. 各員がその矩務を尜くすこずを期埅するわ I expect everyone to do their duty.
Victory 哌这种皋床的对手䞍倌䞀哂 ふん、この皋床の敵、話にならないわ Hmph. Enemies like these aren't even worth the time.
Defeat 竟然让我蒙矞  给我记䜏 私に恥をかかせるなんお 芚えおおきなさい To humiliate me like this... I'll get you back!
Skill 劂果以䞺我䌚蜻敌那就倧错特错了 私が敵を䟮るず思ったら倧間違いよ You're making a big mistake if you think I'm going to underestimate our enemies!
Low HP 哌雕虫小技 ふん、これしき Hmph, this is nothing!
Affinity (Upset) 我已经䞍知道诎䜠什么奜了  哈   あんた もう䜕っお蚀えばいいか はあ  I... don't even know what to tell you anymore... *Sigh*...
Affinity (Stranger) 䜠这样也算指挥官吗真是笑死人了听奜了所谓指挥官銖先  䞀䞪小时后明癜了吗䜠就奜奜努力吧 これでも指揮官の぀もり笑わせるわね。いい指揮官っおいうのは  䞀時間埌わかったじゃあちゃんず頑匵りなさいな They let the likes of you be a commander? What a joke. Listen up! To be a commander, you must first... (One hour later)... Got it? Then work harder.
Affinity (Friendly) 这点成绩就想让我  这郜是䜠做的    笑什么笑这䞀次就砎䟋承讀䜠干埗䞍错奜了哌 これぐらいで私が  あんた䞀人でやったの  笑うな今回だけ特別に認めおあげるわよ。フン Just with results like these you want me to... You did all this yourself? Don't laugh! I suppose I can make an exception and admit that you did well this time. Hmph!
Affinity (Like) ——看什么看对于讀真完成自己分内工䜜的人我也是䌚奜奜承讀的再诎了匀始只是觉埗䜠看起来靠䞍䜏而已又没有诎䜠就䞍讀真了扭倎 ――なによ、自分の責任のある仕事をちゃんずこなす人間ぐらいは認めおあげるわよそれず、あんたが頌りないず思っおただけで、別に䞍真面目ずか思っおなかったし  What are you looking at? I do approve of people who take of their work seriously. Besides, in the beginning I just thought you were unreliable, I never said you weren't serious!
Affinity (Love) 亀埀嗯  芁、芁答应䜠也䞍是䞍可以呢只芁䜠胜保持现圚的样子奜奜努力的话 付き合うふん  た、たあ付き合っおあげおもいいけどこのたたちゃんず努力すれば、ね Go out on a date? Well... It's not as if I won't, as long as you keep on working hard then...
Pledge 站盎身躯挺起胞膛䜠可是我纳尔逊选择共床䞀生的人这是倌埗䜠骄傲的事  圓然胜被䜠选䞺对象也是我纳尔逊的光荣  䞍傲了  我诎䜠就这么想被我收拟吗 しゃきっずしなさいな。このネル゜ンず䞀緒に生涯過ごすんだからちゃんず胞を匵っおいいわよ  たあ、あんたに遞ばれたのもこのネル゜ンの誇りだけど  ツンツンしなくなったぁ  あ、あんたね そんなにぶっ飛ばされたいの Stand straight and puff your chest. You are the one I have chosen to spend the rest of my life with. This is something you should be proud of! ... Of course, to be chosen by you, is my honor... I'm not arrogant anymore? ... W-why, you... Do you want me to beat you up that badly?!
In battle with Renown 声望可别坏了我的名声 レナりン、私の名声を汚すんじゃないわ Renown, try not to ruin my reputation!
In battle with Queen Elizabeth 陛䞋请退䞋亀给我就奜 陛䞋は䞋がっおください。ここは私が。 Your Majesty, please let me take care of this for you.
In battle with UNKNOWN(1) 哌枫军火力党匀 Kaede's Legion, unleash your full firepower!
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 这种奇怪的服装  算了隟埗的节日圓做䜙兎节目也没什么䞍奜。先诎奜我䞀匀始可没打算参加的 この衣装  はあ、いいわ。せっかくの祝日、䜙興がないずしらけるじゃない。蚀っおおくけど、別に参加したくお来たわけじゃないわよ This costume... *Sigh*, whatever. It's Halloween, so some kind of entertainment is to be expected. But listen here: I'm not dressing up because I WANT to participate, okay?!
Acquisition 这种奇怪的服装  算了隟埗的节日圓做䜙兎节目也没什么䞍奜。先诎奜我䞀匀始可没打算参加的 この衣装  はあ、いいわ。せっかくの祝日、䜙興がないずしらけるじゃない。蚀っおおくけど、別に参加したくお来たわけじゃないわよ This costume... *Sigh*, whatever. It's Halloween, so some kind of entertainment is to be expected. But listen here: I'm not dressing up because I WANT to participate, okay?!
Login 䞇圣倜就允讞䜠偷懒吧。今倩过后可䞍胜有任䜕懈怠 ハロりィンぐらいは倧目に芋おあげるわ。今日が終わったら、サボるんじゃないわよ I'll overlook your slacking at least for Halloween. But when this day is over, you don't get to slack off any more!
Details 我本来完党没有穿的意思的只是奜奇才  我穿着埈挂亮  谢、谢谢——䜠这家䌙少埗意忘圢了 別に着る぀もりなんおなかったわ。ちょっずした奜奇心で  き、きれい  か、感謝するわ――調子に乗るんじゃないわよ I wasn't really planning on dressing up at all. I was just a little curious, so... I-it looks good on me? ... T-thanks... Hey, don't get carried away!
Main 眗執尌别拍了这种矞耻的回忆   ロドニヌ、撮るのをやめなさいこんな恥ずかしい栌奜なんお   Stop taking pictures, Rodney! I don't want people to see me like this...!
Main 2 偶尔这样子和倧家䞀起攟束也䞍是䞍行  怎么了有问题吗 たたには皆ず矜を䌞ばすのもいいじゃない  なに問題でもある I guess it's okay to have fun with everyone like this sometimes... What? Did I say something funny?
Main 3 我诎䜠圚发什么呆呢就算是节日也有䜠该做的事情吧 䜕をずがけおいるの祝日でもやるこずはあるでしょう What are you standing around for? It's a holiday; don't you have better things to do?
Touch 䜠芁是现圚敢做出什么蜻浮的䞟劚的话我可就䞍客气了 今、倉なこずを䞀぀でもしたら  手加枛はしないわ If you try anything weird at all... then you'll be in a world of pain!
Touch (Special) 䜠想变埗跟这䞪南瓜䞀样吗 この南瓜のようになりたいの Do you wanna end up like this pumpkin?!
Return to Port 干、干嘛盯着我看啊有什么奜看的 な、䜕をじろじろ芋おるのどこがおかしいのよ W-what are you gawking at?! What's so weird about my costume?!
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description  䜠玩埗还匀心吗毕竟是我邀请的䜠芁是玩埗䞍匀心的话我可是䌚睡䞍奜的让我看看后面诶啊   あんた、今楜しめおる私が誘ったのに、あんたが楜しめなかったら寝芚めが悪くなるから勘匁しおよね埌ろを芋おっおえあっ  Hey, are you even enjoying yourself? At least pretend to have fun when I went out of my way to invite you, or else I'm going to lose sleep over this! ...Look behind me? What are you– Oh...!
Acquisition  䜠玩埗还匀心吗毕竟是我邀请的䜠芁是玩埗䞍匀心的话我可是䌚睡䞍奜的让我看看后面诶啊   あんた、今楜しめおる私が誘ったのに、あんたが楜しめなかったら寝芚めが悪くなるから勘匁しおよね埌ろを芋おっおえあっ  Hey, are you even enjoying yourself? At least pretend to have fun when I went out of my way to invite you, or else I'm going to lose sleep over this! ...Look behind me? What are you– Oh...!
Login 今倩就尜情享受吧䜠、䜠也䞍是那种䞍懂怎么享受假日嚱乐的䞍成熟指挥官嘛   今日は思いっきり楜しんできなさいひ、非番の日の䌑息を知らない未熟な指揮官ではないでしょうに  Make this day count, you hear? Y-you should know how to celebrate a holiday. You're not THAT stupid...
Details 眗執尌的话和科眗拉倚她们䞀起去射击了。劂果圚意的话去看看呗 䜠䜠以䞺我䌚被人矀冲散然后走䞢吗而䞔䜠看啊手手正牵着呢   ロドニヌならコロラドたちず䞀緒に射的に行っおるわ。気になるなら芋に行けば こ、この私が人混みではぐれるずでも思っおるのそれにほらお、手぀ないでるし   Rodney's with Colorado's group – they went to the shooting gallery. We can check that out, if you want... M-me, get lost among the crowd? Like that would ever happen! Especially when, you know, we're holding hands...
Main 那䞪舞蹈 呵呵倧家郜跳埗埈匀心呢。奜像是叫“阿波舞”吧。 あの螊り ふふふ、皆楜しそうに螊っおいるわね。確か「アワオドリ」っお蚀ったかしら Look, those girls are dancing. Heehee, they seem to be having fun. That's the "Awa Dance," if I remember right.
Main 2 重暱的蓝染工艺 以及埈合适我的这套济衣是非垞棒的匠人工艺呢。 重桜の藍染め それに私にピッタリのこの济衣、玠晎らしい職人芞だず認めるわ I will compliment the Sakura Empire on its impressive craftsmanship. Just look at their blue dyes and this tailor-made yukata.
Main 3 烟花真挂亮 䜠也圚看着吗比起䞀人看还是䞀䞪人看曎  别别误䌚啊 綺麗な花火 あんたもちゃんず芋おる䞀人で芋るより二人で芋たほうが か、勘違いしないでよね These fireworks are gorgeous... You are looking at them, right? I don't want to stand here and watch them all alone... N-no, I don't mean that the way you think!
Touch 呌 虜诎平时的衣服也是这样䞍过这腰垊还是倪玧了吧。明明是济衣胞华有点  ふぅ い぀もの服もそうだけど垯をき぀くしすぎたかな 济衣なのにちょっず胞が  (Mgh... This sash feels far too tight, even compared to my regular uniform... Never thought a yukata would compress my breasts...)
Touch (Headpat)      っ ...Huh?!
Mission 有任务呢。分䞀点亀给郚䞋劂䜕 ミッションね。少しは郚䞋に任せたらどう That's quite a few missions. Shouldn't you entrust some of these to other people?
Mission Complete 奖励就委任给啟啟了。芁是现圚䜠䞍圚的话 也没、没什么倧䞍了的 ボヌナスは饅頭に任せたわ。今はあんたにいなくなられたら こ、困っおいないわよ I tasked the manjuus with collecting those rewards because I don't want you to leave... N-no, I didn't mean it like that!
Return to Port 看到皇家海军的英姿了吗  刚刚才的䜠就圓䜜没看到 ロむダルネむビヌの英姿を芋たか  っい、今のは芋なかったこずにしお You just witnessed the might of the Royal Navy! ...Ack! Y-you did NOT just see me trip! Got it?
Commission Complete 委托结束的时闎我我知道的才䞍甚䜠诎 委蚗完了の時間し、知っおるわあんたに蚀われるたでもないのっ A commission should be completed by now? Y-yeah, I know! I don't need you to remind me!
Affinity (Love) 想和我亀埀还需芁曎努力呢。先是  诎了这䞍是纊䌚只是让䜠圚重暱庙䌚䞊给我做䞪向富而已芁让我诎几遍啊 私ず付き合うにはもっず頑匵る必芁があるわね。たずは  デヌトではなくお、あんたに重桜の祭りに案内しおもらっおいるだけよ䜕床蚀わせる぀もり  You'll have to shape up if you want to go out with me. Firstly, you... Look, I've told you a dozen times by now! This is not a date, you're just giving me a guided tour around the festival grounds!
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 我我诎䜠芁睡到什么时候啊改造已经结束了。哌倚亏了䜠䜠跟我的差距又变倧了...接䞋来䜠可芁曎加努力才行听到了吗 ほ、ほら、い぀たで寝おるの改造はもう完了したわよ。ふん、あんたのおかげでたた私ずの差が広がったようだけど これからもせいぜい粟進するこずいいわね H-hey, are you sleeping all day, or what? My retrofit is all done. Hmph, you might've widened the gap between us, but... I'm gonna keep on pushing my limits! Got it?
Acquisition 我我诎䜠芁睡到什么时候啊改造已经结束了。哌倚亏了䜠䜠跟我的差距又变倧了...接䞋来䜠可芁曎加努力才行听到了吗 ほ、ほら、い぀たで寝おるの改造はもう完了したわよ。ふん、あんたのおかげでたた私ずの差が広がったようだけど これからもせいぜい粟進するこずいいわね H-hey, are you sleeping all day, or what? My retrofit is all done. Hmph, you might've widened the gap between us, but... I'm gonna keep on pushing my limits! Got it?
Login 今倩芁做的事情有埈倚䜠别以䞺䞍靠我垮忙就胜完成给我振䜜起来 今日はやるべきこずがいっっっぱいあるから、私のサポヌトなしでこなせるずは考えないこずねっシャキッずしなさい There's TONS of stuff to do today, so don't think you'll be able to do it all without my support! Get it together, Commander!
Details 没想到指挥官竟然有这样的癖奜 单纯只是我䞍了解而已吗也䞍想去问眗執尌 嗯干脆再掚倒指挥官䞀次 吓 たさか指揮官にこんな趣味があるなんお 単に私が知らなかっただけなのかしらでもロドニヌに聞くのも嫌だし そうね。いっその事もう䞀回指揮官を抌し倒したら ひゃぅ I can't believe the Commander is into this stuff... Did everyone else already know? I don't wanna ask Rodney outright... I know. If I just make a bold move on the Commander, then... Hyah?!
Main 掻甚倱莥的经验䟿胜让我们走向胜利䜠也芁奜奜记䜏这䞀点...小声䞍芁倪勉区自己。 倱敗の経隓を掻かしお勝利に導くわ。あんたもちゃんず芚えおいなさい。  小声無理するんじゃないわ We use our experiences of failure to forge a path to success. You should remember that, too. (whispering) Don't push yourself too hard, though.
Main 2 这是...西北吉尌亚的吉他声她原来还䌚这䞪 我、我才没矡慕䜠可别误䌚 これは りェストバヌゞニアのギタヌの音あの子、こういうこずもできるのね べ、別に矚たしがったりしおないわ勘違いしないでよね Do I hear... West Virginia playing her guitar? It's crazy how many talents she has... N-not that I'm jealous! Don't get it twisted!
Main 3 纊纊纊䌚䜠䜠突然诎什么啊䜜䞺统领他人之人䜠应该先磚练自己...对了我也和䜠䞀起磚练 ででででデヌトな、䜕をいきなり蚀い出すのあんたは人の䞊に立぀者ずしお自分を磚くこずが先よ そうだわわ、私も䞀緒に磚いおやるわ A d-d-d-date?! Wh-where is this coming from?! As a leader, you should prioritize improving yourself! ...I know! I'll join you in doing just that!
Touch 䜠打算做什么 䜕をする気 What are you trying to pull?
Touch (Special) 真真的想被我螩是吧 ほ、本気で螏たれたいの D-do you really want to get stepped on?!
Mission 有做这种事的闲工倫䞍劂先去完成任务 こんなこずをする暇があったらミッションでもこなしなさいっ If you have time for this, then go do your missions, or something!
Mission Complete 我把报酬拿来了。仅歀䞀回 ボヌナスを持っおきおあげたわ。今回だけよ I brought your bonus. Don't expect me to do it again!
Return to Port 就算是环了䜠这突然就倒䞋了实圚是  隟隟道是想被我螩吗䜠这变态/// あんた、疲れたからっおいきなり倒れ蟌むなんお  も、もしかしお螏たれたいのこのヘンタむ/// You can't just collapse out of nowhere because you're tired... Or m-maybe you want to be stepped on?! You pervert! *blushes*
Commission Complete 䌙䌎们顺利履行了职莣埈靠埗䜏呢。 責務を芋事果たしおくれた仲間たち、頌りになるわ We can always rely on allies who see a job done right.
Flagship 䞺了荣耀并肩战斗吧 栄光のために共に戊いなさいっ For glory, we fight as one!
Victory 无论是对䜠还是对我而蚀这些敌人郜倪匱了。哌哌 あんたにも私にも匱すぎる敵だったわ。ふふん They were too weak for you and me. Hah!
Defeat 明明让䜠改造过了......呜 改造しおもらったずいうのに  くっ Even with this retrofit... Ngh!
Affinity (Love) 虜虜然我确实圚和䜠亀埀䞍过那是指工䜜关系䞊的哊劂果䜠胜奜奜努力䞋去的话将来工䜜关系以倖也 可别蟜莟我的期埅 た、たしかにあんたず付き合っおいるけど、それは仕事の話じゃなくおあんたが頑匵り続けたらい぀かは仕事以倖でも 私の期埅を裏切らないこずね W-we may be going out, but isn't that just in a work sense? Keep doing your best, and maybe we can make it real... Don't betray my expectations, okay?