Perseus (JP 🇯🇵: パーシュース, CN 🇹🇼: 英仙座)
Ship IDNo. 462Star Rating★★★☆☆☆
Hull Light Aircraft CarrierRaritySuper Rare
NavyRoyal NavyBuild Time02:30:00
AcquisitionEvent : Noctis Borealis
Enhance Income
Scrap Income
Release Date
Voice actressNaomi Oozora
Colossus-class light aircraft carrier – Perseus (HMS Perseus.)
Unfamiliar DutiesDescription
I'm Perseus, I will be your nurse today. Use this button to call for me if you need anything... Yes? Did you need something?
HP916 Reload62
Firepower0 Torpedo0
Evasion18 Anti-air49
Aviation61 Cost0
ASW35 Luck82
HP4120 Reload119
Firepower0 Torpedo0
Evasion71 Anti-air186
Aviation165 Cost0
ASW89 Luck86
Limit Break
Tier 1All Fighters +1 | Fighter efficiency +5%
Tier 2All Torpedo Bombers +1 | Fighter efficiency +10%
Tier 3All aircraft +1 | Torpedo Bomber efficiency +15%
SlotEquipment TypeEfficiency (LB 0/1/2/3)Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3)Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
2Torpedo Bomber85%/85%/85%/100%1/1/2/30/0/0/0
3Anti-Air Gun110%/110%/110%/110%1/1/1/10/0/0/0
Default Equipments
3Quadruple 40mm Pom Pom Gun
Fleet Tech
T6 Light Aircraft Carrier: Colossus-ClassTech Points and Bonus
Unlock12 +1
Max LimitBreak25
Lv.12018 +2
Mercury's TalariaThis ship starts the battle with 1 (2) Airstrike(s) preloaded, but the loading time of its Airstrikes is increased by 90.0%. Additionally, when this ship launches an Airstrike: heals all ships in your Vanguard for 1.5% (7.0%) and your Main Fleet for 1.0% (3.5%) of their respective max HP.Default Unlocked
Athena's CatapultEvery 12s after the start of the battle: launches a randomly chosen Lv.1 (Lv.10) special airstrike consisting of either Sea Hornets, TBF Avengers, or Fireflies.Default Unlocked
Waters of StyxIncreases this ship's max Airstrike capacity to 3 and restores 1.0% HP to all ships in the same fleet as this ship once every 40 (20) s. 20s after the fleet this ship is NOT in starts a battle: heals that fleet's Vanguard for 1.0% (3.0%) HP.Default Unlocked
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description巨像级航空母舰—英仙座コロッサス級航空母艦・パーシュース(HMS Perseus)Colossus-class light aircraft carrier – Perseus (HMS Perseus.)
Biography我是巨像级航空母舰·英仙座。我是在大战之后才加入的,也没有太多足以夸耀的功绩,但我会用自己的方式努力的……这样就可以了吗?……呼コロッサス級空母のパーシュースよ。かの大戦では惜しくも就役が間に合わなかったわ。だからカンレキはもとより、戦歴なんてほぼないの。自分なりに頑張るからね。……こんなところでいい?……ふぅI'm Perseus, the Colossus-class light aircraft carrier. Sadly, I didn't enter service until the war had ended. Don't have much in the way of a reputation or experience as a result. Still, I'll try to do a good job. All right, is that good enough? *sigh*...
Acquisition皇家海军,英仙座,你也可以叫我帕尔修斯。……还有什么要说的吗?…那就,从今往后请多关照。ロイヤルネイビーのパーシュース、ああ別にペルセウスでもよかったっけ。……冗談よ。それで?他に何か?…んじゃ、よろしくI'm Perseus, from the Royal Navy. You can pronounce it "Per-see-us" if you want though... Well, whatever. Are we done here? Great. Nice meeting you.
Login早起的鸟儿有虫吃,指挥官…大概是会饿死的鸟儿吧。「早起きの鳥は虫を捕らえる」っていうけど、指揮官は…そうね、餓死するってオチじゃない?There's some saying that goes, "the early bird catches the worm." ...If that's true, I guess you'd starve, Commander.
Details房间里有许多全身镜?那是…因为我喜欢镜子…这么回答能满足你了吗?私の部屋にある姿見…?さあね、姿見が好きなんだとでも答えたら満足するの?The big mirror in my room? What about it? If I told you, "I just like mirrors," would that satisfy your curiosity?
Main有什么需要帮忙的,可以告诉我。不过在那之前,还请先自己试着努力完成,指挥官。手伝えることがあったら言って。…その前に、まずはひとりでできないか努力してIf you need my help with something, just say it. You do need to try and accomplish it on your own first, though.
Main 2工作就和即将到保质期的食物一样,放着不管会出问题的,指挥官。お仕事だって食べ物みたいに期限があるわ。腐らなくても放置したら迷惑、ねWork is like food, in a way; leave it sitting for too long and it goes bad. Just so you know.
Main 3夕张和明石她们,好像经常在做一些有意思的试验呢。嗯,我有点感兴趣…夕張や明石たち科学部って、面白い実験でもしていそうね。…興味があるの。ちょっとだけI heard Yuubari and Akashi get up to fun experiments in the lab. I kind of wanna see one. Kind of.
Touch在和我闲聊前,先关注下自己手头的事情如何?雑談だの面談だの言い訳するよりお仕事のほうが先じゃなくて?Maybe try finishing your work before you "chat me up" or "interview me" or however you wanna sugarcoat it?
Touch (Special)指挥官,是不是想念海军部拘留处的餐食了呢?へー指揮官、海軍部の営倉の食卓が恋しいんだYou must really want a seat at the naval jailhouse dinner table, huh?
Touch (Headpat)…嗯。……うん...Yeah?
Mission指挥官原来是不愿意执行任务的懒惰虫吗?任務もやりたくなさそうなグータラな猫かな?あなたWhat kind of lazy cat are you, just lounging around all day instead of doing missions?
Mission Complete指挥官,再不收,任务奖励就要过期了。任務報酬を受け取らないと保証切れになるよー、なんてThose mission rewards will expire if you don't claim them. Maybe.
Mail指挥官,有你的邮件…没什么,只是举手之劳。シキカンヘノメール。いやいや、私の手を借りたいときは言ってくれたら考えておくよYou've got mail. Nope, didn't bring it with me. Next time, ask, and I'll consider it.
Return to Port这样的战斗就感到疲惫…指挥官,就像可爱的小鸡一样呢。これぐらいの戦闘でバテるなんて指揮官…打ち上げられたアザラシみたいOne quick battle, and you're knackered already, Commander? You have the stamina of a beached whale.
Commission Complete指挥官…不,我没有生气,我只是想提醒你委托完成了。指揮官…別に怒ってないよ。委託完了って知らせたかっただけLook, Commander... No, I'm not angry, I was just going to tell you a commission is done.
Enhancement非常感谢。…想要回礼吗?感謝するわ。…お礼が聞きたいんでしょ?Thanks a bunch... Well, yeah, didn't you want a thank-you?
Flagship请大家保持慎重,敌人…也不是省油的灯。慎重にね。一捻りできる相手じゃないよCareful, now. The battlefield is no place to worry about fuel economy.
Victory对面…看起来还需要努力呢。向こうは…まぁ、まだまだだねLooks like the enemy will have to, uh, try harder next time.
Defeat…对不起,失败了…ごめん、負けちゃった…Damn, we lost... Sorry.
Skill…交给我吧。任せてI've got this.
Low HP…不能掉以轻心呢。…油断できないね...I can't afford to mess around, huh.
Affinity (Upset)指挥官,就像腌熟了的鲱鱼罐头一样呢…熟成されたシュールストレミングみたいね。あなたYou really are like a can of rancid surströmming.
Affinity (Stranger)指挥官,我听得到,所以请不要在我身边发出很大的声音,有点吵。指揮官、聞こえているから耳元で叫ばないように。ちょっとうるさい…I can hear just fine, Commander, so don't go yelling in my ear, thanks...
Affinity (Friendly)大家…都能好好说出想说的话呢……没什么,你好,指挥官。普通言いたいこと言えてるよね。みんな。……あ、指揮官、こんにちは。なんでもないよIf you ask me, people should be able to say whatever they want... Oh, hello there, Commander. Just talking to myself.
Affinity (Like)我真是笨蛋…明明想和指挥官搞好关系的,却每次都说出那些话…指挥官一定讨厌我了吧…バカだね…仲良くしたきゃ変にバカにしないほうがいいのに、これじゃあ嫌われちゃうじゃない……私……I'm a total moron... Why am I so rude to the Commander when I just want to be friends... I'm so, so stupid...
Affinity (Love)对指挥官的看法?…就像是夜航中突然袭来的暴雨一般……啊,不,不是,我不是想说这个,我想说的是…其实我对指挥官是……あなたをどう思うかって?さあ、航行中に突然襲ってくる嵐みたいな…………違う、そうじゃなくて、私、その…本当に言いたいことは……How would I describe you? I dunno, I guess like a storm in the middle of a peaceful voyage... No, no, I didn't mean it like that... Sorry, what I meant to say is, um...
Pledge其实,我并不讨厌指挥官的…指挥官总是愿意和我说话,愿意摸摸我的头…我其实…最喜欢指挥官了。嗯…別に指揮官のことは嫌いじゃないよ。だっていつもお話付き合ってくれるし、頭をなでてくれる……つ、つまり…好きだよ。うん…Obviously I don't hate you, Commander. How could I, when I adore talking to you and being patted on the head? L-look, I'm trying to say... I love you. I mean it...
Like Present
Dislike Present
Main Title
In battle with Yuubari这次又有什么有趣的新装备了吗?新しい実験なの?Time for a new experiment?
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description我是今天的值班护士,英仙座。有任何情况请按铃呼唤我。…还有什么问题吗?当直のパーシュースよ。ご用があったらそこの呼び鈴鳴らして。…何か用?I'm Perseus, I will be your nurse today. Use this button to call for me if you need anything... Yes? Did you need something?
Acquisition我是今天的值班护士,英仙座。有任何情况请按铃呼唤我。…还有什么问题吗?当直のパーシュースよ。ご用があったらそこの呼び鈴鳴らして。…何か用?I'm Perseus, I will be your nurse today. Use this button to call for me if you need anything... Yes? Did you need something?
Login…眼神?对不起,我不太清楚这种时候应该用什么表情面对指挥官……分からないわよ、こういう演習のときにどんな顔をすればいいかなんてHonestly, I have no idea what sort of face to put on when pretending to be a nurse.
Details无论是打针、包扎,还是护理,我都有在练习哦。指挥官,下次能当我的练习对象吗?練習中だけど、お注射も止血も看病もなんでもどうぞ。…指揮官は練習相手、なってくれる?I'm still learning, but I know how to give injections and stop a haemorrhage in theory. Can I practice my knowledge on you, Commander?
Main帮助有困难的人是护士的职责,不过,任何帮助都是有极限的,能自己完成的事,还是请尽量自己完成吧,指挥官。困った人を助けるのはいいけど限界があるよ。…要は自分でできることは自分でやってってこと。指揮官It's noble to help those in need, but don't go overboard with it. What I'm trying to say is: unless you NEED my help, just make do on your own, Commander.
Main 2护士有时候要给难以行动的病人翻身呢…指挥官,能拜托你暂时像死鱼一样躺着不要动吗?重傷者の体をひっくり返す演習ね――はいそこ、そのまま仰向けになっててNow to practice turning a gravely injured person over... You, I'm gonna need you to lie on your back.
Main 3港区刚到了一批新的医疗设备,指挥官,能麻烦你当实验、…不,当一回测试者吗?新しい医療機材。指揮官、モルモット……じゃなくて、実験に協力してもらえない?Nice new med tech. Commander, I want you to be my guinea pig– Excuse me, I mean, experiment assistant.
Touch指挥官的眼神,就像猴子一样精神呢。看来很健康,嗯。指揮官の今の目、生き生きとしてて健康そうだねYou have a healthy look in your eyes, Commander.
Touch (Special)比起医院的病床,拘留处的铁床似乎更适合指挥官呢。病床より営倉のパイプベッドのほうが良さそうねYou belong in the bed of a jail cell, not of a hospital.
Return to Port指挥官…果然有点虚弱呢。需要来点补充营养的药剂吗?指揮官、ちょっと貧弱すぎない?栄養剤でも出そっか?Your health is seriously concerning, Commander. Want me to get you some vitamins?
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description……呼,这就是东煌的春节么……真是各种意义上的好懂呢。……不,我不是说春节,而是说指挥官你的爱好……嗯。……ふぅ。東煌の春節か…いろんな意味でわかりやすいわね。春節のことでも、指揮官の好みでも。…ふふWhew. Lunar New Year... Easy to grasp in various ways. Both the holiday and your tastes, I mean. Heehee.
Acquisition……呼,这就是东煌的春节么……真是各种意义上的好懂呢。……不,我不是说春节,而是说指挥官你的爱好……嗯。……ふぅ。東煌の春節か…いろんな意味でわかりやすいわね。春節のことでも、指揮官の好みでも。…ふふWhew. Lunar New Year... Easy to grasp in various ways. Both the holiday and your tastes, I mean. Heehee.
Login……嗯?指挥官,是不想做早起的鸟儿了么?……我?我不一样哦。我今天扮演的是在早春打盹的虫子,嗯。ん?指揮官、早起きの鳥はもうやめたの?…私?今日の私は寝坊する春の虫よHm? Did you give up on being the early bird? ...Me? I'm the spring worm that sleeps in.
Details……春节的互相拜访与问候?是有这回事呢。嗯,那就——指挥官,春节快乐,新的一年,也要努力做早起的鸟儿哦?……春節の挨拶?そういえば確かあったわね。ふぅ、じゃあ――指揮官、あけましておめでとう。今年も頑張って早起きの鳥でいようね?...Lunar New Year's greetings? Right, those are a thing. Whew. Okay... Happy New Year, Commander. Keep on being the early bird, all right?
Main嗯,真是个美好的节日,只需要躺着享受,自然有人投喂……嗯?不是这样的么?ふぅ…春節っていい行事ね。このまま横になっても誰かさんが食べさせてくれるから……うん?違う?Whew... Lunar New Year's a nice holiday. You can just lie down and someone will feed you... Hm? They won't?
Main 2忒修斯,好像很享受春节热闹的样子。其实我也一样……在享受节日这件事上。哈啊……(哈欠)シーシュースは春節のお祭り騒ぎが気に入ったようね。まあ私も…楽しんでいるところは同じだけど…ふぁああ…Looks like Theseus is into the hustle and bustle of the season. Though, I guess I'm the same when it comes down to it... *yaaawn*...
Main 3贺岁大炮……?真是独特的构想呢……糟糕,有点感兴趣了…新歳を祝う大砲……?中々独特な発想ね……しまった、ちょっと興味湧いちゃった…A cannon to inaugurate the new year with? That's a neat idea... Crap, now I'm interested...
Touch……想一起躺会?没问题。春节,就是来睡懒觉的节日呢…………指揮官も一緒に横になりたい?いいわよ。春節って寝て過ごすお正月だって言うし…...Do you wanna lie down with me? Knock yourself out. Like they say, Lunar New Year is a holiday for resting.
Touch (Special)……包子还是年糕?指挥官,你这人啊…………バオズ?それとも…?し、指揮官…////...Baozi... or rice cakes? C-Commander... *blushes*
Touch (Headpat)……唔,指挥官,负起责任给我梳头哦。……あっ。指揮官、髪を整える責任、ちゃんと取ってよね...Oh. Now it's your responsibility to comb my hair.
Mail有你的春节问候邮件,指挥官。あなた宛の春節挨拶よ。指揮官There's a Lunar New Year card with your name on it, Commander.
Return to Port终于回来了。指挥官,你还真是精力旺盛欸……ようやく戻ってきた。…ふっ、指揮官ったら本当、バイタリティに溢れてるのねBack at long last. Whew... You have more stamina than any person has any right to.
Commission Complete委托,完成了……不过,对懒惰的指……鸟儿来说不那么重要呢,嗯。委託が完了したわ。まあ、寝ぼけているし…小鳥には別に重要じゃないわね。うんA commission's been completed. Oh well, nothing too important to our sleepy bird here.
Enhancement新年的红包,收到了…然后,这份是指挥官的。新年のお年玉、確かに受け取ったわ。…で、こっちは指揮官の分Yup, I got my red envelope. Here, this one's for you.
Skill……送上驱邪的鞭炮!……爆竹を鳴らさなきゃ!...Time to set off some firecrackers!
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Login早起的鸟儿有虫吃,指挥官…要加油成为不被饿死的鸟儿哦。「早起きの鳥は虫を捕らえる」っていうけど、指揮官は…餓死しないように頑張ってーThere's that saying that goes, "the early bird catches the worm"... Uh, just try not to starve to death, Commander.
Details房间里的镜子,其实是为了方便随时练习对话用的…啊,不许笑我…あの姿見、人と話す練習をするためで……笑わないでよ、もう……Okay, fine. I use my mirror for conversation practice... Stop giggling, it's not funny.
Main有什么需要帮忙的可以告诉我,不过在那之前还是希望指挥官能自己努力一下…开玩笑的手伝えることがあったら言って。…その前に、まずはひとりで頑張ってみなさい、なんてねIf you need my help with something, just say it. But first, try to accomplish it on your own. Or don't, that's fine.
Main 2工作就和即将到保质期的食物一样,放着不管会出问题的,有需要的话我来帮你吧,指挥官?お仕事だって食べ物みたいに賞味期限があるわ。早く食べるの、手伝おうか?Work is like food, they both have an expiry date. So, need any help finishing your food, so to speak?
Main 4无畏,那个就是英仙座,看到了吗?イントレピッド、パーシェ―ス、じゃなくてペルセウス座、見えるの?Intrepid, can you see Perseus? No, I mean, the constellation.
Touch要和我聊聊天吗?雑談でもしようか?So, are you up for a chat?
Touch (Special)……………………...
Commission Complete指挥官…嗯,委托组完成委托回来了哦。指揮官、委託組戻ってきたよThe commission team is back, Commander.
Enhancement非常感谢。…想要回礼吗?Thanks a bunch... Well, yeah, didn't you want a thank-you?
Affinity (Love)最近感觉…不止对指挥官,和其他舰船伙伴们都能更好地说上话了呢…都是因为有指挥官在我的身边,给我勇气与鼓励…我最喜欢指挥官了。普通に喋れているよね、最近…あっ、指揮官と母港の仲間たちとだよ。指揮官が励ましてくれてるおかげで……大好きだよ。うんI've become able to just, you know, talk. Like a normal person. With you and other people, I mean. I owe you thanks for helping me come this far. I love you, Commander. I really do.