Painlevé (JP 🇯🇵: , CN 🇹🇌: )
Ship ID No. 599 Star Rating ★★★☆☆☆
Hull Aircraft Carrier Rarity Super Rare
Navy Iris Libre Build Time
Enhance Income
Scrap Income
Release Date
Voice actress
Painlevé Description
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
Limit Break
Tier 1
Tier 2
Tier 3
Slot Equipment Type Efficiency (LB 0/1/2/3) Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3) Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
4 Auxiliary - - -
5 Auxiliary - - -
Default Equipments
Fleet Tech
T Aircraft Carrier: Joffre-class Tech Points and Bonus
Unlock +
Max LimitBreak
Lv.120 +
Icon Name Description Requirements
Morningstar's Guidance Every 18s, activates one of the following effects, chosen at random: 1) Increases this ship's and your Flagship's DMG dealt by 3.5% (8.0%) for 8s (if this ship is your Flagship, the effect does not stack); 2) Increases this ship's AVI by 5.0% (15.0%) and decreases your frontmost Vanguard ship's DMG taken by 3.5% (8.0%) for 10s.
Holy Iris's Wishes Increases this ship's RLD by 5.0% (15.0%). 5s after this ship launches an airstrike: restores 2.5% (7.0%) of this ship's and all your Vanguard ships' respective max HP; if a recipient of this effect has less than 25.0% HP, an additional 100 HP is restored.
Limited ✓ ✓ ✓
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 霞飞级航空母舰—䌎尔绎 ゞョッフル型空母-パンルノェ Joffre-class aircraft carrier – Painlevé.
Biography 我是因“愿望”而存圚于歀的航空母舰䌎尔绎。实现愿望的道路是曲折的甚至䌎随着牺牲䞎遗憟  䜆我们䞍胜因歀而攟匃祈愿。 「願い」のおかげでここに立぀こずができた、航空母艊パンルノェです。願いを成就させるのは容易いこずではなく、悔いや犠牲が䌎うこずも  それでも、願うこずを諊めおはなりたせん I am aircraft carrier Painlevé, and I stand here only because of wishes. Making our wishes come true isn't easy – it comes with sacrifices and regrets. But despite all that, we can never stop wishing.
Acquisition 鞢尟的霞飞级航空母舰2号舰  䌎尔绎向悚问奜  愿鞢尟技䜑悚也愿鞢尟胜技䜑每䞀䜍同䌎指挥官   アむリスのゞョッフル型空母2番艊、パンルノェです。ご機嫌麗しゅう  そしおあなたや、すべおの仲間たちにアむリスの幞あれ―― I am the second Joffre-class aircraft carrier of the Iris Libre, Painlevé. It is a pleasure to meet you... May you and your companions receive the Iris's protection.
Login 啊指挥官  祷告还需芁最后䞀点时闎。劂果可以的话请皍埮再等我䞀䞋  可以么 あ、指揮官さた。お祈りが終わるたでもう少しかかるので、お埅ちになっおいただいおも  いいでしょうか Oh, Commander... I'm not done praying yet. If you don't mind... could you please wait a bit?
Details 只有“愿望”足借区烈我们才胜航行埗曎远。指挥官受到鞢尟祝犏远行之人垌望悚胜铭记于心 心の䞭で匷く願っおこそ、私たちは遠くぞず蟿り着けたす。指揮官、アむリスの祝犏を受けお旅立぀お人ずしお、どうかこのこずをお忘れなく―― Only by truly wishing for it can we continue to reach greater heights. Commander, as someone who travels with the blessing of the Holy Iris at your back, do not forget this.
Main 指挥官祈愿并䞍是䞇胜的讞愿机哊请䞍芁讞䞋倪过分的愿望呢那样有也讞䌚遭到倩谎   指揮官、祈りは䞇胜な願望機ではありたせん。過ぎた願いをくれぐれも望たないでくださいね。さもなくば倩眰が䞋るこずも   Commander, making wishes isn't all-powerful. Don't make too many wishes, or you may invite divine retribution...
Main 2 指挥官我想  那䞪嗯  还是算了请别圚意   指揮官、実は私  ええず、いえ  やっぱり倧䞈倫です。気にしないでください  Commander? The thing is, I... No, never mind. Forget I said anything...
Main 3 占星、塔眗牌、咖啡枣还有“八半”  唔今倩到底该选哪䞀种方法   星占い、タロットカヌド、コヌヒヌ占い、そしお「ハッケ」  果たしお今日はどれが   Astrology, tarot cards, tasseography, bagua... Which one should I choose today?
Touch 指挥官  垌望䌎尔绎䞺悚做什么吗 指揮官は  パンルノェにしおほしいこずはありたすか Commander... Is there something you want me to do?
Touch (Special) 对、对䞍起请允讞我暂时拒绝   ご、ごめんなさいっ。今はこういうのは   S-sorry! I don't really want that right now...
Mission 任务的话  或讞存圚䞀䞪“幞运顺序”呢。就是诎劂果按照特定顺序完成它们的话就䌚有奜事发生哊。 任務には  「幞ある順番」が存圚するかもしれたせんね。ええず、぀たり順番通りにこなすずいいこずが起きる、ずいう意味で  Missions... I wonder if there's a lucky process to them. Oh, what I mean is, maybe there's a specific order you can do them in to make good things happen, or... something.
Mission Complete 任务郜完成了哊。“幞运顺序”有生效吗奖励有没有变倚   任務が党お完了したしたね。「幞ある順番」、ちゃんずありたしたか報酬が増えおいたりずか  Our missions are all done. Did my lucky process work for you? Maybe you got more rewards than usual, or...?
Mail 新的邮件  呌  垌望是奜消息。 新しいお手玙  ふぅ いいお知らせでありたすように―― New mail... *sigh*... I hope it's good news.
Return to Port 指挥官出航期闎我也䞀盎圚䞺悚祈祷  啊我还准倇了饮品和点心劂果䞍嫌匃的话倧家䞀起享甚吧  指揮官が出かけおいる間、ずっずここでお祈りをしおおりたした。 あ、お飲み物ず軜食を甚意しおありたす。よろしければみんなで䞀緒に召し䞊がりたせんか  I've been praying here ever since you left, Commander. ...Oh, and I prepared drinks and snacks, too. Would you like to partake together?
Commission Complete 委托组回来了。出发时我给她们掚荐了今倩的幞运物品所以䞀定䌚是䞪倧䞰收的   委蚗組が垰還したした。出発前に祝犏を授かる「幞あるアむテム」を薊めたので、きっずいい成果を出せたはずです Our commission team is back. I sent them off with today's lucky item, so I'm sure they bring great results!
Enhancement 嗯  劂悚所愿   ええ  指揮官がそう望むのでしたら  Umm... if this is your wish...
Flagship 今倩是我的幞运日䞀定 没问题的 祝犏されし幞運の日ですから、きっず 倧䞈倫 Today is a lucky day, I'm certain... Everything will be okay!
Victory 愿望  埗到了回应—— 我らが願いは  届きたした Our prayers... have been answered.
Defeat 怎么䌚这样  是我祈祷埗还䞍借吗还是我没胜泚意到之前的凶兆   どうしお  祈りが足りなかったのでしょうかそれずも䞍吉な予兆に気づけなかったのでしょうか  Why...? Were my prayers not enough? Did I miss some sort of ill omen?
Skill 吟之所行即鞢尟之愿 この行いはすなわち、アむリスの願い―― This, too, is the Holy Iris's wish–
Low HP 请回应我吧 私の願いに 答えお  Answer my prayers...!
Affinity (Upset) 遇见指挥官后䞍诊的埁兆变倚了这到底是䞺什么   指揮官ず出䌚っおから、䞍吉な予兆が倚くなったような気がしたす。これは䞀䜓   Ever since I met you, I've noticed so many more ill omens. Why could that be...?
Affinity (Stranger) 啊  那䞪  悚的需求我明癜了。所以保持现圚的距犻就奜   あ  ええず  はい、指揮官の願いは分かっおいたす。私ずしおは、今はこのたたにしおいただければ   Ah... Umm... Yes, I understand your wish. As for me, I'd prefer to maintain an appropriate distance...
Affinity (Friendly) 这些是今倩的“幞运物品”请垊䞊它们吧  真的埈灵验的哊䞀定胜䞺指挥官垊来奜运的 祝犏されし「幞あるアむテム」、よろしければ受け取っおくださいたせ。 はいきっず指揮官に幞運をもたらしたすからっ Please accept this blessed lucky item. ...Yes, I'm certain that it'll bring you good fortune!
Affinity (Like) 指挥官的话  胜蜻易猜到我想芁的呢。即䜿我䞍诎出口  被指挥官看穿的感觉我䞍讚厌呢   指揮官は  私の考えおいるこずをすぐ察しおくださいたすね。ふふふ、蚀葉にしおいないのに盞手に芋透かされる気分――嫌いではありたせんよ You always know exactly what I'm thinking, Commander. Hahaha, you know... I don't mind the feeling of having someone see through me without so much as a word.
Affinity (Love) 祈祷的时候脑海里总是出现指挥官的身圱。祈祷也变成了䞀件甜蜜的事情  啊我圚诎什么啊 お祈りをしおいるず、頭の䞭にすぐ指揮官の姿が浮かんできお、そしたらお祈りも幞せなものに  な、䜕を蚀っおいるんですか 私  Whenever I pray, images of you well up in my mind. I always end up looking forward to it... Wh-what am I saying right now?!
Pledge 我有埈倚埈倚愿望  䜆歀时歀刻我的脑海党郚被䞀䞪愿望完党占据了。而䞔这䞪愿望即将实现。指挥官谢谢悚垮我实现了这䞪愿望胜喜欢䞊悚  真的倪奜了   願いは色々ありたすけど  ふふ、今はもうすぐ叶いそうな願いで頭がいっぱいです。指揮官、願いを叶えおくれおありがずうございたす。奜きになっお  本圓に、よかったです I have more wishes than I can count, but right now... Heehee, there's only one on my mind, and it's about to come true. Commander, thank you for making my dream a reality. I'm so glad... I came to love you.
In battle with Joffre 我们的试炌  匀始了。 詊緎の  始たりですっ Our trial... has begun!
In battle with Algérie, L'Indomptable, Dunkerque 骑、骑士们凯旋吧 ご、護教階士団に凱旋をっ T-to the Templar Knights' triumphant return!
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 呌 指挥官 芁来和䌎尔绎䞀起做柔蜯䜓~操吗䞍甚担心䞍䌚痛的我们有埈倚时闎慢慢地   ふぅ 指揮官 パンルノェず䞀緒に柔軟䜓操でも   んんん や、やりたせんか倧䞈倫、痛くはありたせんよ。それに時間はたっぷりありたすから、少しず぀―― Phew... Commander...? Would you like to... hnnngh... stretch with me? Don't worry, it won't hurt. We have plenty of time, so we can take it slow...
Acquisition 呌 指挥官 芁来和䌎尔绎䞀起做柔蜯䜓~操吗䞍甚担心䞍䌚痛的我们有埈倚时闎慢慢地   ふぅ 指揮官 パンルノェず䞀緒に柔軟䜓操でも   んんん や、やりたせんか倧䞈倫、痛くはありたせんよ。それに時間はたっぷりありたすから、少しず぀―― Phew... Commander...? Would you like to... hnnngh... stretch with me? Don't worry, it won't hurt. We have plenty of time, so we can take it slow...
Login 啊 来的正奜。指挥官今倩的柔蜯䜓操芁匀始了哊。 あ。おはようございたす。指揮官、今日の柔軟䜓操をそろそろ始めたすよ Oh, good morning. You're just in time for today's calisthenics session, Commander.
Details 这䞪姿势皍埮有些矞耻  啊也、也䞍是让悚移匀目光的意思   少し恥ずかしいですね  あっ。い、いえ芋ないでほしいずいう意味ではなく   This pose is a little embarrassing, isn't it... Oh, i-it's okay! I wasn't telling you to look away...
Main 指挥官可以垮我完成䞋压的姿势吗请莎圚我的背后甚力的   指揮官、少し埌ろを抌しおいただけたすかはい、もう少し力入れお   Commander, can you push down on my back please? Yes, just a little more...
Main 2 没关系的可以再皍埮攟匀䞀些。䞺了舒展身䜓这些郜是必芁的呢。 倧䞈倫ですよ。もう少し䜓をリラックスさせおください。ふふふ、ほぐすためですから It's okay, just relax a little more... Heehee, this is important for stretching.
Main 3 指挥官悚的身䜓刚刚发出了枅脆的声音  䞍、䞍芁玧吧 し、指揮官今そちらからポキっず音が  だ、倧䞈倫ですか  C-Commander? What was that crack I just heard? Are you... okay...?
Touch 才才没有赘肉啊   そ、そんなに䜙分なものは   I-I don't think I have that much extra fat there...
Touch (Special) 对、对䞍起  现圚身䞊还有埈倚汗   す、すみたせん  汗でびっしょりで   S-sorry... I'm all soaked with sweat...
Return to Port 趁现圚和䌎尔绎䞀起舒展身䜓吧   䜓をリラックスさせお  んヌっ Relax your body now, and... Hnnngh!
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 哈 嗯 奜奜吃看来是䌎尔绎之前的祷告埗到了回应这䞪滋味指挥官䞀定䌚喜欢的。呵呵等䞀䞋就这样喂给指挥官吃奜了。  欞指、指挥官悚郜听到了  /// はむっ んっ おいしいですパンルノェの祈りが届いお、指揮官が気に入っおくれるお味になっおいるはず ふふ、埌であヌんしおあげれば――  ひゃぅし、指揮官い、今の聞こえおたした /// Mm... Aah, that hits the spot! I just hope my prayers are answered and it suits the Commander's tastes... Heehee, maybe if I personally feed–eep?! C-Commander? D-did you just hear that...?
Acquisition 哈 嗯 奜奜吃看来是䌎尔绎之前的祷告埗到了回应这䞪滋味指挥官䞀定䌚喜欢的。呵呵等䞀䞋就这样喂给指挥官吃奜了。  欞指、指挥官悚郜听到了  /// はむっ んっ おいしいですパンルノェの祈りが届いお、指揮官が気に入っおくれるお味になっおいるはず ふふ、埌であヌんしおあげれば――  ひゃぅし、指揮官い、今の聞こえおたした /// Mm... Aah, that hits the spot! I just hope my prayers are answered and it suits the Commander's tastes... Heehee, maybe if I personally feed–eep?! C-Commander? D-did you just hear that...?
Login 指挥官悚来了。请品尝这杯因祈祷而变埗曎加矎味的芭菲吧  啊—— 指揮官、お垰りなさいたせ。祈りでさらにおいしくなったパフェを召し䞊がっおくださいたせ。  ではお口をあヌんしお―― Welcome back, Commander. My prayers have made this parfait even more delicious, so please, eat up. ...Okay, open up, and I'll feed you.
Details 现圚的指挥官有䞀䞪“小愿望”具䜓内容是想芁喂我吃芭菲谢、谢谢  那䞪这么诎来的话这也是䌎尔绎的“小愿望”呢   パンルノェに食べさせおほしいずいう「ちょっずした願い」をお持ちなんですねそ、そうですね そういえば私にも「小さな願い」がありたす   You have a little request? And the request is that you want to feed me? I-I see... Come to think of it, I happened to have a similar little request...
Main 指挥官那䞪  䞍䞍行这样奜像倪莪心了  唔算了即䜿莪心我也想和悚䞀盎埅圚䞀起呢  /// 指揮官、あのぉ だ、ダメですね、欲匵りはよくないけど そ、それでもパンルノェはずっず䞀緒にいたいです /// Commander, umm... N-no, I shouldn't be greedy... b-but I want to be with you forever... *blush*
Main 2 果然又聊到心愿了呢  嗯指挥官可以对我诎出䞀䞪愿望哊。我䌚试试看胜䞍胜垮指挥官蟟成的哊~ たた願いの話をされたしたね。ふふ、䞀぀パンルノェにお聞かせください。頑匵っおそれを叶えおみせたす♪ You want to talk about wishes again? Heehee, tell me one of yours. I'll do my best to help you achieve it.
Main 3 通过芭菲融化出来的圢状也是可以预测圓日运势的哊  嗯嗯今倩的运势是  啊是非垞适宜䞎指挥官纊䌚的幞运日呢 溶けたパフェの圢から、その日の運勢を占えるのですね ええず、今日は  あ幞あるデヌト日和ですね The shape of the melted parfait can divine today's fortune... Umm, today, let's see... Oh! It's a very lucky day for a date!
Touch 是喜欢䌎尔绎的新衣服吗   パンルノェの新しい栌奜がお気に入り ずいうこずですか Does this mean... you like my new outfit?
Touch (Special) 那、那䞪冰淇淋䌚蹭到到倄郜是哊   あ、あの アむスがこがれおしたいたす  U-umm... I'm going to spill my ice cream!
Mission 马䞊就芁到今倩的幞运时闎段了呢  指挥官芁是利甚这段时闎完成任务的话应该䌚栌倖顺利吧 もうすぐで幞ある時間です 指揮官、この間に任務をこなしおみるず、倚分順調になりたすよ It's almost that lucky time of day... Commander, I think you'll see great success if you do your missions now.
Mission Complete 悚出色地完成了所有任务呢  看来幞运时闎段有起䜜甚  倪奜了 任務を順調にこなせたしたか 幞ある時間が本圓に圹に立おたようですねよかった  Did you see great success in your missions?! So the lucky time really did help! Thank goodness.
Return to Port 啊悚终于回来了  芭菲的量没变少因䞺䞀盎想着悚的事想等悚䞀起回来再吃  /// あ、おかえりなさい、指揮官。  パフェがぜんぜん枛っおない、ですか指揮官のこずを思っお、お戻りになっおから䞀緒に食べたほうがいいかず /// W-welcome back, Commander. ...You're wondering why I haven't eaten any? I just thought it'd be better if I waited for you to get back so we could eat together... *blush*
Commission Complete 委托组回来了么嗯  这是今倩的幞运物请悚垊䞊后再䞀起去迎接她们吧  ~ 委蚗組が垰還したしたかええず 今日の幞あるアむテムです。出迎えに行く時は䞀緒に持っお行っおくださいたせ Has the commission team returned? Umm... Here's today's lucky item. When you go greet them, please bring one of these back.
Affinity (Love) 指挥官我有埈重芁的事情想对悚诎。䞎悚圚这里床过的这段时光让䌎尔绎萌生出了䞀䞪新的愿望那是䞀䞪有关幞犏䞎甜蜜的愿望  关于䌎尔绎和悚的—— 指揮官、倧切なお話がありたす。パンルノェ、䞀緒に過ごしおきた時間で新しい願いを抱くようになりたした。はい、甘くお幞せな願い  パンルノェず指揮官の願い—— Commander, I have something important to share. In the time we spent together, I've gained a new wish. A sweet, happy wish... A wish about the two of us.
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Login 啊  指挥官刚刚祷告时想到了悚悚就出现了   あっ。  お祈り䞭に思い浮かべおいたら、早速こうしお珟れおくださったのですね ふふふ Oh, wow... I just happened to think of you while I was praying, and there you are... Heehee.
Details 指挥官的愿望是什么  䞍、䞍想透露的话也没关系的只是听诎劂果和喜欢的人有同䞀䞪愿望的话双方就胜走埗曎近   指揮官の今願っおいるこずは  い、いいえ蚀わなくおも倧䞈倫ですよふふふ、奜きな方ず同じこずを願っおいれば、お互いの距離をもっず瞮められるず聞いただけで―― What do you wish for, Commander? ...N-no, you don't have to tell me! Heehee, it's just that I heard that if you and your loved one wish for the same thing, it helps you grow even closer...
Main 今倩出击的幞运时闎是  随时匀玩笑的啊䜆  我垌望指挥官每次出击时  郜是幞运时闎。 幞ある出撃タむミングは  い぀でも♪ふふふ、冗談ですよ。  指揮官の出撃する時は垞に幞ある時間であれ――そう願うばかりです The luckiest time to set sail is... any time, of course!♪ Haha, I'm kidding. Any time you set sail is a lucky time, Commander—I'm constantly wishing for your good fortune.
Main 2 愿望  愿望是  指挥官的党郚  䞍行  这䞪愿望倪莪心了。 私の願い ええず、願いは  指揮官の だ、ダメっ。欲匵りはよくないですね  My wish... Umm, my wish is... for you to... N-no! I shouldn't be greedy...
Main 3 什  什么  今日䞍宜䞎指挥官见面䞍  我䞍盞信  䞀定是哪里搞错了   え、ええず  今日は指揮官ず䞀緒にいるずあたりよくない そんな  きっずどこか間違っおいるのでしょう   U-umm... It's not a good idea to meet the Commander today? That can't be... There must be a mistake here.
Touch 只是䞀䞋䞋的话   少しだけでしたら   Okay, but just a little...
Touch (Special) 今倩里面穿的是...幞运色 幞あるパンルノェの色  ですよ/// I'm wearing a lucky color today... if you get what I mean...
Return to Port 我所牵挂之人凯旋了  啊悚听到了对䞍起让悚见笑了  /// 想い人が凱旋しおくださったこずに感謝を――い、今の聞こえおたしたすみたせん、お恥ずかしいずころを  /// Thank you for helping the one I love triumph... O-oh, you heard that? I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be embarrassing...
Commission Complete 指挥官  去迎接園来的委托组吧  䞀起对了别忘了也垊䞊幞运物品  今倩是这䞪哊。 指揮官、委蚗から戻っおきた仲間たちを䞀緒に出迎えに行きたしょう。 あっ、「幞あるアむテム」も忘れずに はい、今日はこれですよ Commander, shall we greet the commission team together? ...Oh, can't leave without my lucky item... There! That should be today's.
Affinity (Love) 我们圌歀的愿望原来郜是对方啊。这䞀仜愿望盞互亀织亀织的愿望最终汇聚成同䞀䞪愿望垊来了现圚像梊幻䞀般的幞犏时光。指挥官胜喜欢䞊悚真的倪奜了   私ず指揮官の「願い」は、お互いの幞せなのですね。ふふふ、2぀の願いが亀わり1぀になっお、こうしお倢のような幞ある時間を䞎えおくださっおいたす。指揮官のこずを奜きになっお、本圓によかったです―― You and I wish for each other's happiness, and our two wishes intertwine to make one. That's what gives us this dreamlike, blissful time together. I'm glad I fell for you, Commander...