Joffre (JP 🇯🇵: , CN 🇹🇌: )
Ship ID No. 555 Star Rating ★★★☆☆☆
Hull Aircraft Carrier Rarity Super Rare
Navy Vichya Dominion Build Time
Enhance Income
Scrap Income
Release Date
Voice actress
Joffre Description
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
Limit Break
Tier 1
Tier 2
Tier 3
Slot Equipment Type Efficiency (LB 0/1/2/3) Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3) Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
1 %/%/%/% 1/1/1/1 0/0/0/0
2 %/%/%/% 1/1/2/2 0/0/1/1
3 %/%/%/% 1/1/1/1 0/0/0/0
4 Auxilary - - -
5 Auxilary - - -
Default Equipments
Fleet Tech
T Aircraft Carrier: Tech Points and Bonus
Unlock +
Max LimitBreak
Lv.120 +
Icon Name Description Requirements
Sacraments of Illusion Increases this ship's DMG dealt by 5.0% (15.0%). When this ship launches an Airstrike: if this ship is above your Flagship on the battle screen, launches a Lv.1 (Lv.10) special airstrike with fighter planes; if this ship is below your Flagship, launches a Lv.1 (Lv.10) special airstrike with torpedo bombers (special airstrike DMG is based on the skill's level).
Black Plumes of Judgment Increases this ship's AVI by 5.0% (15.0%). When this ship attacks an enemy with 25.0% or less max HP left: increases this ship's Crit Rate by 5.0% (20.0%) and Crit DMG by 5.0% (25.0%) against that enemy. When this ship launches an Airstrike, if there is an enemy with 25.0% or less max HP left on the screen: fires a Lv.1 (Lv.10) special barrage (DMG is based on the skill's level).
Light ✓ ✓ ✓
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 霞飞级航空母舰—霞飞 ゞョッフル玚空母—ゞョッフル Joffre-class aircraft carrier – Joffre.
Biography 我是航空母舰霞飞圚倧战䞭䞺了对抗铁血的航母而生䜆由于种种曲折经历了数次匀工和䞭止最终䟝然没胜䞋氎——这肯定也是䞊倩给予我的试炌吧。 空母ゞョッフルです。かの倧戊では鉄血の空母に察抗するため建造が始められたしたが、䜕床も䞭断される運呜を蟿り、玆䜙曲折あっお進氎は叶いたせんでした――これも課された詊緎に違いなかったのでしょう I am the aircraft carrier, Joffre. I was constructed to face off against Iron Blood carriers during the great war, but due to various misfortunes, I was fated to a life of continually being laid down and halted again, never getting to see the light of day. I have no doubt that was yet another of my many trials.
Acquisition 我是鞢尟的航母霞飞。悚就是这䞪枯区的指挥官对吧。呌呌呌 愿悚也胜埗到鞢尟的庇䜑。 アむリスの蚗宣により叙任されたした、空母ゞョッフルです。貎方がこの母枯の指揮官ですね。ふふふ、貎方にもアむリスのご加護があらんこずを By the power vested in me by the Holy Iris, I am aircraft carrier Joffre. I see that you are the Commander of this port. Hehehe, may you also receive the Iris's blessings.
Login 做完晚闎祷告了吗  啊抱歉向悚芁求这点确实有些苛刻了。 朝の祈りは枈みたしたか あっ、すみたせん、貎方にそれを求めるのは無粋ですね Done with your morning prayers already? ...My apologies. Asking that of you is rather inappropriate on my part.
Details 我存圚的意义䟿是制裁“眪人”。至于䜠的话  嗯现圚䞋结论还䞺时过早。 眪なる存圚に裁きを䞋すこず――それが私の存圚意矩です。貎方は裁かれざる存圚かどうか、結論を出すのにはただ時期尚早でしょう Bringing down punishment upon sinners—that is the sole reason for my existence. As for whether you will need to be judged or not, it is still too early to tell.
Main 䜜䞺制裁眪恶之人某种意义䞊我憎恚着所有人。因䞺人生而有眪。 眪を裁く者ずしおは、ある意味私も党おを憎んでいたすね。人間は生たれながらに眪がありたすから Because I am one who judges sinners, in a sense, I hate everyone. All humans are born sinners, after all.
Main 2 手停䞋来了哊悚尚有应尜的职莣未完成吧 手が止たっおいたすよ貎方の務めがここで終わるはずはないず思いたすが  Why did you stop working? If I'm not mistaken, you still have missions to take care of...?
Main 3 我并䞍䌚裁决悚行劚的善恶因䞺是我的职莣是裁决悚的存圚本身。 貎方の行動の善し悪しを裁くのではありたせん。貎方ずいう存圚そのものを裁くのが私の務めですから I am not here to judge whether your actions are good or evil. Rather, I am here to judge your existence itself.
Touch 怎么了 どうかしたした Is something the matter?
Touch (Special)   接受制裁吧。  裁かれおくださいたせ ...Accept my judgment.
Mission 任务来了。我䌚根据悚完成任务的进床䞋蟟裁决。 任務です。貎方の進捗次第で私も裁きを䞋したしょう Your missions have arrived. Whether or not I pass judgment upon you depends on your progress.
Mission Complete 任务奖励䞋发了。接受吧䞍芁莪心。 任務の報酬です。欲匵りせず受け入れおくださいたせ The rewards for your missions are here. Take them without succumbing to greed.
Mail 看来是新邮件。确讀䞋吧。 どうやら新しいメヌルのようですね。確認したしょう It seems there's some new mail for you. Let's go check on it.
Return to Port 就由我代替鞢尟裁定悚的战果吧  蟛苊了是场挂亮的胜利。 貎方の戊いの結果をアむリスに代わっお裁いおさしあげたしょう。 お疲れさたです。良き勝利です I shall judge the results of your battles on behalf of the Holy Iris. ...Well done. That was a magnificent victory.
Commission Complete 委托组回来了。䞀切皆从鞢尟所愿。 委蚗組が戻りたした。アむリスの埡心のたたに The commission fleet has returned. Such is the Holy Iris's will.
Enhancement 谚遵鞢尟所望。 アむリスのお望みのたたに As the Holy Iris wills.
Flagship 我将䌚代替圣座降䞋制裁。 聖座に代わっお制裁を䞋したす In the name of the Vichya, I shall bring down punishment upon thee.
Victory 忏悔之时已至䌑想苟延残喘。䜠们的残骞将成䞺我等胜利的基石。 懺悔の時間です。延呜はありたせん。残骞をさらしお勝利の瀎になっおもらいたす It is time for you to repent. Your life shall continue no longer. Soon, your remains shall become the foundations for our victory.
Defeat   䞍过是名䞺莥北的试炌眢了。  敗北ずいう名の詊緎にすぎたせんから This is merely a trial under the guise of defeat...
Skill 汝有眪 汝、眪ありき  I deem thee... Guilty!
Low HP 只芁我等矜翌未断   翌が折れない限り  So long as my wings don't break...!
Affinity (Upset) 请䞍芁逌我对悚展匀“及䞀蟹”的工䜜。倧家䌚䌀心的。 貎方盞手に「あちら」の仕事をさせないでください。皆が悲しみたす Please don't force me to carry out my "duties" upon you. That would only make everyone sad.
Affinity (Stranger) 圚枯区无需制裁只芁“战斗”是吧。攟心吧我䞍䌚做什么让悚担心的事。 この母枯では裁くのではなく、「戊う」こずさえこなせればいいのですね。ご安心ください。貎方が心配するようなこずはいたしたせんので My duty here is to "battle," not to judge, right? Do not worry. I shan't do anything that causes you worry.
Affinity (Friendly) 䞍仅是“战斗”还垌望我和其他䌙䌎奜奜盞倄吗明癜了。既然统率枯区的悚这么诎我照办就是。 「戊い」だけでなく、ほかの仲間たちずも仲良く、ですかかしこたりたした。母枯を率いる貎方がそう仰るなら、そういたしたしょう My duty here isn't solely to battle, but also to get along with the others at the port? Understood. If those are your orders as the leader of this port, then I shall see them done.
Affinity (Like) 䞍䜆芁奜奜盞倄还芁䞀起享受乐趣吗对我而蚀所谓“乐趣”自然也包括“及䞀蟹”的工䜜 匀玩笑的。䜠现圚的反应十分有趣呢呵呵 仲良くだけでなく、もっず楜しいこずを ですか私にずっお楜しいこずならもちろん「あちら」の仕事 冗談です。今の貎方の反応はずおも楜しかったです。ふふふ Don't just try to get along with the others, but also try to have fun...? But for me, having fun means doing my "other" job... Heh, just kidding. I had fun watching your reaction just now. Ehehe.
Affinity (Love) 我䞍喜欢匯匯绕绕䞋次䌑假的时候䞀起去纊䌚劂䜕劂果䞍答应我的邀请——呌呌䜠就芁奜奜想䞋怎么让我匀心了哊指挥官。 難しいこずを蚀う぀もりはありたせん。今床の非番日にデヌトでもいかがですか私の誘いに乗らなければそのずきは――ふふふ、楜したせおくださいね。指揮官 I don't like to mince words, so I will tell you this. On your next day off, how about going on a date with me? If you turn me down, I guess I'll have to—Hehehe, I see. I'll be looking forward to it then, Commander.
Pledge 以鞢尟之名䞎䜠立䞋氞远的誓纊  这䞋我就倱去制裁䜠的资栌了呢。䞍过这也没什么。我䌚充分甚奜这仜刚获埗的爱䜠的资栌的。 アむリスの名の䞋に、貎方ず氞遠の契りを亀わしたす。 これで私は貎方を裁く資栌を倱いたしたが、たあいいでしょう。手に入れた貎方を愛する資栌を、たっぷり掻甚させおいただきたすよ。ふふふ I swear upon the name of the Holy Iris that our vows shall hold us together evermore. ...And with that, I am no longer fit to pass judgment upon you, but that's just fine with me. I'll just have to make good use of my newly-acquired qualification to love you instead. Hehehe.
In battle with Béarn 将“秘仪”展瀺给䜠看吧 秘蹟をお芋せしたしょう Let us show them the power of our sacraments.
In battle with Graf Zeppelin, Peter Strasser 看看我有没有䜜䞺对手的资栌吧。 私が盞応しいか芋定めおくださいたせ Please ascertain if I have the right to be your rival.
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 打算把我从这里救出来吗那么䜠做奜接吻的准倇了吗指挥官虜然我醒着嗯  这算是䞀种仪匏吧 ここから私を救い出すお぀もりででしたら指揮官、口づけの準備はもうできおいたすでしょうか。私が起きおいおも、その 儀瀌的なものなので Were you planning on freeing me from this spell? Then I suppose you're prepared to lock lips with me. Even though I'm already awake, um... that's just part of the ritual.
Acquisition 打算把我从这里救出来吗那么䜠做奜接吻的准倇了吗指挥官虜然我醒着嗯  这算是䞀种仪匏吧 ここから私を救い出すお぀もりででしたら指揮官、口づけの準備はもうできおいたすでしょうか。私が起きおいおも、その 儀瀌的なものなので Were you planning on freeing me from this spell? Then I suppose you're prepared to lock lips with me. Even though I'm already awake, um... that's just part of the ritual.
Login 欢迎回来。今倩䜠扮挔的是哪䜍呢小矮人还是王子 おかえりなさいたせ。今日の貎方は䜕の圹でしょうかこびずそれずも 王子さた Welcome back. What role will you be playing today? A dwarf? Or are you... my prince in shining armor?
Details 就算我被人远杀我也䌚尜党力反击的。那样生存率曎高呢。 もし私が远われるこずになっおも、党力で盞手を返り蚎ちするよう努力するでしょう。そのほうが生存確率が高くなりたすから If I end up being hunted down, I'll fight back with all I've got. That's the best way of ensuring my survival.
Main 就算吃了毒苹果我也䞍䌚倒䞋的。和悚䞍䞀样我身䜓玠莚比蟃奜哊。 毒りんごを食べたずころで倒れたりはしたせんよ。貎方ず違っおちょっずだけ頑䞈ですから I won't drop dead from eating a poisoned apple or two. Unlike you, I'm built pretty tough.
Main 2 “䞃䞪小矮人”  我想想或讞让枯区里的那些孩子们扮挔䌚比蟃合适 「䞃人のこびず」 そうですね。たんじゅうたちにお願いするのはどうでしょう "Seven dwarves"...Hmm. Why don't we ask the Manjuus to play that part?
Main 3 诎起来没想到阿尔及利亚胜挔奜那䞪角色。嗯我也没觉埗自己挔奜了公䞻这䞪角色呢。 にしおも、アルゞェリヌさんにあんな圹が務たるずは思いたせんでした。ええ、もちろんこちらもプリンセスずいう圹にうたくハマっおいるずは思いたせんが You know, I never expected Algérie to play a part like that. Though, I didn't expect to be playing the role of a princess either.
Touch 是䜜䞺王子殿䞋吗可以哊。 王子様気取りですかいいですよ You want to be my prince? That's fine with me.
Touch (Special) 看来悚是饥饿的倧灰狌呢。呵呵呵~ どうやら貎方は飢えたオオカミですね。ふふふ You're acting just like a famished wolf right now, hehehe.
Mission 任务来了。悚意䞋劂䜕 任務が通達されたした。いかがしたすか We've received a new mission. How should we proceed?
Return to Port 这面手镜告诉我指挥官回来了  呵呵匀玩笑的 指揮官が戻っおくるこずを、この手鏡が教えおくださいたした。 ふふ、冗談です My little mirror told me that you'd be arriving shortly. ...Hehe, that's a joke of course.
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 感觉神枅气爜倚了虜非神圣的仪匏䞍过劂果这枩泉胜治愈悚鞢尟也䌚十分高兎的。觉埗还䞍借吗那么 䞀起再泡䞀遍 すっきりしたした神聖なる儀匏ではなく、この湯で貎方を癒せたずいうのなら、アむリスもお喜びになりたしょう。ただ足りないなら 䞀緒に入り盎したす Do you feel refreshed? Even without a holy ritual, the Iris would be happy to know that I've managed to soothe you with this bath. Was it not enough? Then... Shall we go back in?
Acquisition 感觉神枅气爜倚了虜非神圣的仪匏䞍过劂果这枩泉胜治愈悚鞢尟也䌚十分高兎的。觉埗还䞍借吗那么 䞀起再泡䞀遍 すっきりしたした神聖なる儀匏ではなく、この湯で貎方を癒せたずいうのなら、アむリスもお喜びになりたしょう。ただ足りないなら 䞀緒に入り盎したす Do you feel refreshed? Even without a holy ritual, the Iris would be happy to know that I've managed to soothe you with this bath. Was it not enough? Then... Shall we go back in?
Login 欢迎回来先沐济䞀䞋再回去工䜜吧。 おかえりなさいたせ。䞀床䜓を枅めおから執務に戻るず良いでしょう Welcome back. Why don't you cleanse yourself before going to your office?
Details 悚问匀心吗嗯埈匀心哊。被治愈埈匀心圚这之后想象歌灭敌人的场景也埈匀心。悚呢匀心吗 楜しいええ、楜しいですよ。癒やされるのも、そのあず敵を蚎ち滅がすのを想像するこずも。貎方はどう楜しい Am I having fun? Yes, I'm quite enjoying this relaxation and the thought of crushing our enemies. What about you? Are you enjoying yourself?
Main 无需担心我的翅膀。由秘仪所现的神圣象埁圓由信仰之心而非流氎掗净。 翌のこずは心配いりたせん。秘蹟による神聖の象城は、氎流ではなく信ずる心によっお浄められたしょう Don't fret over my wings. The sacred symbols made manifest by the Sacraments are cleansed not with water, but with one's faithful heart.
Main 2 只芁身倄歀地悚䟿可坚守䞍犯「偷窥」之眪。这并非监视而是垌望悚胜保持自制。 ここにいる限り、貎方は「ノゟキ」の倧眪を犯さずにいられたす。本圓は監芖ではなく、貎方の自制によっお成しおいただきたかったのですが  As long as I am here, you won't commit the great sin of peeping. Though I wish it was thanks to your own restraint instead of my surveillance...
Main 3 悚诎比起酷暑的深山圚极寒之地的枩泉曎什人心怀感激。是啊趁人之虚的享乐可是䌚可怕奜几倍呢。 炎暑の山奥より、極寒の地にある枩泉はありがたみが増す、ず。ええ、匱みに぀け蟌んだ享楜は䜕倍にも恐ろしくなりたしょう I hear that a hot spring amidst the extreme cold elicits more gratitude than one amidst heat. Perhaps pleasure that takes advantage of one's weaknesses is the most terrifying of all.
Touch 呌  向匕富我们来到劂歀矎奜的枩泉盞聚的鞢尟花臎以谢意 ふぅ  いい湯に導いおくださったアむリスに感謝を Phew... Praise unto the Iris for leading me to this wonderful bath.
Touch (Special) 呵呵仅有舒服的枩泉还无法满足悚么 ふふふ。いい湯だけでは満足できないのですか Heehee. Is a steamy bath not enough to satisfy you?
Mail 加利玢尌埃奜像把新邮件送来了 我只把邮件拿来吧 ガリ゜ニ゚ヌルが新しいメヌルを届けに来おくれたようです。 メヌルだけ取っおきたしょうか La GalissonniÚre was kind enough to deliver your new mail. Would you like me to hold on to it for now?
Return to Port 虜非本意我也脱䞋衣物吧。和教廷的规矩䞀样入济的瀌仪也必须遵守才行。 䞍本意ですが、私も玠肌を晒したしょう。聖座の芏埋ず同じように、入济するマナヌも守らなければなりたせんので Loath though I am, I shall bare my skin, too. Just as with the Holy See's edicts, the rules of the bathhouse must also be upheld.
Commission Complete 委托组回来了。将泡枩泉的特产䜜䞺慰劳品垊回去吧。 委蚗組が戻りたした。枩泉地のお土産を劎いずしお持っおいきたしょう The commission team has returned. Shall we take hot springs souvenirs to them as thanks?
Victory 身子暖起来了䞍错。 枩たったようですね。良かったです Things seem to have warmed up a bit. Good.
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 指挥官悚做奜比赛的准倇了吗愿这台赛蜊  以及指挥官悚自己圚接䞋来的比赛䞭是最䜳状态—— 指揮官、詊合の準備はできおいたすか願わくば、そのマシンだけでなく指揮官、貎方自身のコンディションも最高であらんこずを―― Commander, have you prepared yourself adequately for this race? I hope your machine is able to perform to its full potential... and of course, the same goes for you too.
Acquisition 指挥官悚做奜比赛的准倇了吗愿这台赛蜊  以及指挥官悚自己圚接䞋来的比赛䞭是最䜳状态—— 指揮官、詊合の準備はできおいたすか願わくば、そのマシンだけでなく指揮官、貎方自身のコンディションも最高であらんこずを―― Commander, have you prepared yourself adequately for this race? I hope your machine is able to perform to its full potential... and of course, the same goes for you too.
Login 欢迎回来指挥官。圚䞋场比赛匀始之前先确讀䞀䞋赛蜊的状态劂䜕我也䌚协助悚的。 おかえりなさい、指揮官。次の詊合が始たる前に、䞀床マシンの調子を確かめおはいかがですか私も協力したすので Welcome back, Commander. Would you like to check on your vehicle before the next race? I'm happy to assist.
Details 胆敢违反规则就䌚像这样从前窗接受霞飞的制裁——呵呵呵刚才吓到悚了吗 ルヌル違反でもしようものなら、こうしおフロント越しでゞョッフルの裁きが䞋されるず知りなさい――ふふ、びっくりしたしたか Know that if you violate the rules, you'll receive my judgment from the windshield just like this... Heehee. Did that startle you?
Main 看来悚刷新了自己的记圕呢。恭喜悚。胜取埗这样的奜成绩䞀定是因䞺鞢尟的庇䜑吧。 自己蚘録曎新したみたいですね。おめでずうございたす。この奜成瞟も、ひずえにアむリスのご加護あっおのこずでしょう Looks like you set a new record. Congratulations. I'm certain it was the blessing of the Iris that guided you.
Main 2 呌吹气  给悚的前窗吹雟气就到歀䞺止了。嗯愿悚胜像这样  获埗“喜欢”的祝犏 ふヌ フロントガラスを曇らせるのはこれぐらいにしおおきたしょう。そうですね。こう 貎方に「奜き」の祝犏があらんこずを *blow*... Okay, that's enough fogging up your windshield. Yes... May this give you the blessing of love.
Main 3 炒热同䌎们比赛的气氛其志可嘉。䜆请务必牢记安党第䞀——霞飞也芁泚意安党呵呵谢谢悚。 仲間たちの詊合を盛り䞊げようずするのは殊勝な心がけです。くれぐれも安党第䞀で――ゞョッフルも、ですかふふふ、ありがずうございたす I find it commendable how you liven up the competitive mood, but please remember to be safe... I should, too? Heehee, thanks for your concern.
Touch 隟道悚忘记了有玻璃这回事 もしや、ガラス越しだずお忘れに Forgetting that there's glass between us, I see?
Touch (Special)   唔。应该䞍甚对霞飞进行枅掁吧     っ。ゞョッフルの枅めは䞍芁だず思いたすが  ..Hmm. I don't think you need to clean me, really...
Mission 任务  嗯可以掚迟再做也没关系。因䞺霞飞已经做出了这样的“裁决”哊。 任務が ええ、埌回しにしおも構いたせん。ゞョッフルがそう「裁き」を䞋したしたから Your missions... Yes, they can be put off for now. That's the judgment I've given, after all.
Return to Port 建议悚先进䞀次绎修站对赛蜊进行䞀䞋敎倇。毕竟  䞍管是人还是物持续过床䜿甚的话可是䌚招臎䞍幞的哊 䞀床ピットに入っお、マシンの敎備を行うこずを掚奚したす。ヒトもモノも、無理を続ければいずれ䞍幞を招くでしょう I suggest making a pitstop for quick maintenance. Continuous overuse can lead to misfortune – for people, and for machines.
Commission Complete 委托组奜像回来了。我去让她们皍等片刻。 委蚗組が戻ったようです。しばらく埅぀ように䌝えおきたすね I hear the commission team is back. I'll tell them to give you a few minutes.
Flagship 从所有的䞍义䞭净化这片海掋—— すべおの䞍矩から、この海を枅めん―― May these seas be cleansed of injustice.
Victory 愿这场胜利胜成䞺指挥官䞋䞀场胜利的基石—— この勝利が、指揮官の次の勝利の瀎にならんこずを―― May this victory serve as the foundation for your next, Commander.
Affinity (Upset) “䜠劚碍到驟驶了战斗倩䜿”——悚是想这么诎吗呵呵。 「運転の邪魔だ、戊闘倩䜿」――ずでも蚀いたいのですかふふふ You look as if you want to say, "I can't drive with you in the way, fighting angel." Heehee.
Affinity (Love) 是霞飞的“应揎”什悚圚比赛䞭无法集䞭粟神了吗  请悚攟心我䜜䞺圣座的战斗倩䜿䌚莟起莣任将悚从无法集䞭粟神的“眪孜”䞭解攟出来。现圚指挥官请跟我来—— ゞョッフルの「応揎」で、詊合䞭集䞭できなくなったのですか ご安心を。聖座の戊闘倩䜿ずしお、私が責任持っお集䞭を劚げる「眪」から解攟しおさしあげたしょう。さあ、指揮官、こちらぞ―― Does my "support" make it harder for you to focus on the race? Don't worry. As a fighting angel, I will take responsibility and free you of the sin that ruins your concentration. Come to me, Commander...
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Login 指挥官䞀起祈祷吧。䞺了配合䜠我特意晚起了2小时。 指揮官、䞀緒に祈りたしょう。貎方に合わせるよう起床時間を2時間遅らせおおりたすから Commander, let us pray together. I got up two hours late just to match you.
Details 对莝亚恩所诎的“爱之秘仪”有兎趣是吗我圓然也可以展瀺给䜠看——甚䟿于䜠理解的话来诎就是“纊䌚”吧。 「愛の秘蹟」がどういうものかご興味はありたすでしょうかもちろんお芋せしたすずも――貎方が理解できる蚀葉で衚すなら、「デヌト」ずでも蚀いたしょうか Are you curious about the Sacrament of Love? Of course, I don't mind sharing with you—In order to make it easier for you to understand, why don't we go on a date?
Main 独立 虜然䞍觉埗那孩子胜理解鞢尟的意志䞍过䜜䞺战力还是借栌的。 むンディペンデンス あの子たちがアむリスの意思を理解できるずは思いたせんが、戊力ずしおは圹立぀でしょう The Independence-class... I don't think those girls understand the Holy Iris's will, but they sure fight well.
Main 2 虜然我已经没有资栌对悚进行“制裁”了䞍过还是胜继续监督䜠的行劚的。呵呵这本就是秘乊舰的职莣所圚啊。 私はもう貎方を裁く資栌はありたせんが、貎方の行動を匕き続き監督するこずはできたしょう。ふふふ、それが秘曞艊の務めですから While I may no longer hold the qualification to pass judgment upon you, I am still qualified to continue observing your actions. That's the duty of a secretary ship, after all. Hehehe.
Touch 怎么了扟我有事吗 どうかしたした私に䜕か甚です What is it? Did you need something from me?
Touch (Special)   呵呵呵  ふふふ Hehehe...
Mission 来任务了。根据䜠任务的进床我䌚对䜠䞋蟟裁决  匀玩笑的慢慢来就奜。 任務です。貎方の進捗次第で私も裁きを䞋したしょう。 冗談ですよ。ゆっくりこなしおいきたしょう Whether or not I pass judgment upon you depends on your progress... Just kidding, of course. Let's work at a reasonable pace.
Return to Port 攟心吧。无需我的裁定䜠的战斗本就粟圩无比。 安心なさい。私に裁かれるたでもなく、貎方の戊いは善き戊いに決たっおいたす There is no need to fret. I am very well aware that all your battles are magnificent. What need is there for me to pass judgment?
Flagship 接受倩眚吧。 倩眰神誅、受けおください Accept this divine punishment.