Nubian (JP 🇯🇵: , CN 🇹🇼: )
Ship IDNo. 630Star Rating★★★☆☆☆
Hull DestroyerRaritySuper Rare
NavyRoyal NavyBuild Time
Enhance Income
Scrap Income
Release Date
Voice actress
HP351 Reload87
Firepower18 Torpedo80
Evasion78 Anti-air36
Aviation0 Cost0
ASW66 Luck82
HP1632 Reload167
Firepower49 Torpedo208
Evasion262 Anti-air137
Aviation0 Cost0
ASW162 Luck86
Limit Break
Tier 1Unlock All Out Assault | Main gun efficiency +5%
Tier 2Main gun base +1 | Torpedo preload +1 | Torpedo efficiency +10%
Tier 3Improve All Out Assault | All weapons' efficiency +5%
SlotEquipment TypeEfficiency (LB 0/1/2/3)Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3)Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
Default Equipments
Fleet Tech
T Destroyer: Tribal-ClassTech Points and Bonus
Unlock +
Max LimitBreak
Lv.120 +
It's Cleaning Time!Every 20 times this ship fires her Main Guns: fires a Lv.1 (Lv.10) special barrage (DMG is based on the skill's level). The first time this barrage fires: increases this ship's Main Gun Crit Rate by 5.0% (15.0%) ; the second time it fires: increases this ship's Main Gun Crit DMG by 5.0% (15.0%) ; both of these effects last until the battle ends. Every 2 times this barrage fires: performs a Lv.1 (Lv.10) special slashing attack (range is based on the skill's level).???
Every Last Speck!Increases this ship's FP and TRP by 4.5% (12.0%) . Every 15s: 40.0% (70%) chance to increase a random enemy's DMG taken from this ship by 5.0% (15.0%) (prioritizes humanoid enemies) and performs a sonar scan, revealing enemy SSs; both these effects last 8s. If these two effects do not activate: instead decreases this ship's DMG taken by 5.0% (15.0%) for 8s.???
All Out Assault IIActivates All Out Assault II: Nubian once every 16 times the Main Guns are fired.???
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description部族级驱逐舰—努比亚人トライバル級駆逐艦-ヌビアンTribal-class destroyer – Nubian.
Biography部族级驱逐舰努比亚人向您致敬~!嘿嘿,我不仅是一名优秀的女仆,还是皇家赫赫有名的功勋舰哦?所以,有什么想“清扫”的东西,都放心大胆地交给我吧!トライバル級のヌビアンから挨拶申し上げるわ!ふふん、ヌビアンは一人前のロイヤルメイドってだけじゃなく、有名な武勲艦なのよ。「ソウジ」したいやつがいるなら安心してあたしに任せなさいっ!Nubian of the Tribal class extends you a greeting! Heheh, I'm not just a fully-fledged Royal Maid, I'm also a decorated and famous warship. When you need somebody to clean the seas, come straight to me!
Acquisition家政精通的努比亚人到岗!指挥官,请问您需要一套清洁服务吗?……您、您怎么落泪了?……因为像我这样的传统派的女仆不多了?啊?啊……?家事が得意なヌビアンが来てやったわよ!指揮官はいっちょ大掃除でもご希望かしら?……えっ、なにその泣きそうな顔……?普通のメイドは珍しいって?は?はい……?I'm Nubian, and I'm good at housekeeping! Do you need my cleaning services, Commander? Uh, why do you look like you're about to cry? ...Normal maids like me are a rare gift? Uh, okay...
Login早上好,指挥官!您的办公室已经清洁完毕,祝您今天工作愉快!おはよう指揮官!執務室の掃除が終わったわ!今日もいい一日を!Good morning, Commander! I've finished sweeping your office! Have a productive day!
Details欢迎来到努比亚人的清洁工具棚~指挥官如果有什么心事,或者有什么想说的,也可以在这里尽情倾诉哦?优秀的女仆可是会严格保守秘密的!ヌビアンのリネンへようこそ~って、悩み事とか話したいこととかあったら何でも言って?一人前のロイヤルメイドは秘密厳守なんだから!Welcome to my little corner of the port! Whether something's bothering you or you just want to chat, my ears are always open. Your secrets are as safe as can be with this Royal Maid!
Main指挥官,有需要我帮忙的么?——就算不是家政相关也行哦?文书工作上应该也能帮到忙~指揮官、なにか手伝えることはある?――家事じゃなくてもいいわよ?書類仕事でも。あたし多分役に立てるからCommander, do you need any help? It doesn't have to be strictly housework-related. I can file paperwork, too. Probably.
Main 2说起来,现在的女仆工作和我知道的不太一样啊。唔,比如多了一些别的侍奉工作之类的。……流行?这样啊……イマドキのメイドってあたしの知ってるメイドと随分と違うわね。例えば妙な「ゴホウシ」……流行ってる?そう……Maids these days are a lot different to my idea of what a maid should be. Like how many of them are so strangely... "service"-oriented. Yeah...
Main 3锵锵!扫除时间~好了指挥官,不要赖在办公室里了,接下来可有一场与灰尘的恶战哦!ほらほら!掃除の時間よ!指揮官は執務室から出てって!これからこの部屋は塵との「戦場」になるわ!Ding-dong! It's cleaning time! That means you need to leave the office! A battle between me and dust is about to unfold!
Main 4话说,其他同伴们说女仆装都是这种风格,穿上以后总感觉……啊,不过这应该也是现在流行的风格吧……イマドキのメイドの制服はこんなものって言われたけど、ちょっと……あー。これも多分流行っているものだからか…I heard this is what the maid of the modern age wears, but isn't it kind of... Oh, wait. It must be another one of those trends...
Touch指挥官,有需要帮忙的吗?……我能不能学一下“那个”?哪个啊到底……指揮官、なにか手伝えることはない?……例の「アレ」をしてって?「アレ」ってなによ「アレ」って…What's on your mind, Commander? ...Do "the thing"? What do you mean? I don't know what this "thing" even is...
Touch (Special)咦、咦……?这到底是……?!は、はい……?一体何を……?!Um, okay...? What the heck are you doing?!
Touch (Headpat)哦哦……这就是天狼星她们说的“奖励”?お、おお……シリアスたちが言ってた「ご褒美」かしら?Oookay... Is this that "reward" people keep telling me about?
Mission哦哦,有新的“扫除”清单哦,快去处理一下吧!新しい「ソウジ」対象のリストね。早く処分してきて!You've got a new list of targets to clean up. Get out there and deal with them!
Mission Complete扫除完成~快来看看奖励吧!掃除完了!さあ、報酬のチェックを早く!Cleaning complete! Don't dally, go confirm your rewards!
Mail有新的邮件,指挥官!努比亚人给您拿来了!指揮官、新しいメールよ!あたしが持ってきてやったわ!Commander, you have a new letter! I brought it straight to you!
Return to Port欢迎回来,指挥官~怎么样,需要我给您揉揉肩膀么?指揮官、おかえりなさい。どう?マッサージがご希望かしら?Welcome back, Commander. What will it be? A massage, perhaps?
Commission Complete哦哦,执行委托的同伴们返回了,要快点去迎接才行呢~お、委託組の仲間たちが戻ってきたじゃない。早く出迎えに行かないとねOh, look at that, the commission team is back. You'd better go out and greet them.
Enhancement嘿嘿~扫除能力变强了!ふふん、ソウジの腕が上がった!Heheh! My cleaning skills have improved!
Flagship清扫工作开始咯!「ソウジ」の始まりってね!Let the cleaning begin!
Victory扫除完毕!真畅快呀~「ソウジ」も完了ね!スッキリ!That's the cleaning done! Feels fresh!
Defeat哇、哇哇……我身为女仆的尊严……くっ、ううう……あたしのロイヤルメイドとしてのプライドが……Ugh, dammit... My pride as a Royal Maid has been tarnished...
Skill扫除时间到!ソウジの時間だ!It's cleaning time!
Low HP哇哇哇,有脏东西——きゃあああ!汚れがあああ!Eeeeek! There's so much dirt!
Affinity (Upset)……哇哇,再这样下去的话,我就要对指挥官进行清扫工作了!从内到外,从身体到心灵都好好清洁一遍!……ちょっと、このままじゃ指揮官を掃除することになるよ!内から外、心から体まで――キレイにね!...Keep this up, and I'm gonna have to clean YOU, Commander! That means purifying you from inside out, starting with your heart!
Affinity (Stranger)嗯……总感觉现在能帮到指挥官的事情不多呢~果然,努比亚人必须向其他同伴学习才行。指挥官,您觉得呢?对于我的本职工作,您有什么建议么?はあ……なんだかあたし、指揮官の役に立てることがあまりない気がするわ…やっぱり仲間たちにもっと色々教えてもらえないとっ。指揮官はどう思う?ヌビアンの本職はどうすれば磨かれると思う?*sigh*... You know, I just feel like I've not been particularly helpful to you, Commander. I've got a lot to learn from my maidly friends. But what's your take, Commander? What should I do to improve at my job?
Affinity (Friendly)为了让我更好地理解现在流行的女仆文化,其他同伴们准备举办一场女仆交流会,唔,突然有点紧张起来了啊。……交流的时候不要乱学?欸、欸……?イマドキのメイドへの理解を深めるために、メイド懇親会を仲間たちが開催してくれるっていうのに……うっ、少し緊張してきた。……変なことを吹き込まれないように?へ?ええ……?My friends are going to host a maid gathering to help deepen my understanding of a modern maid's duties, and I'm feeling kind of anxious... "Steer clear of any weird indoctrination"? Uh, I see...
Affinity (Like)我参加完交流会了……这、这……!指挥官!难道现在的女仆都是这样个样子的?……我在说谁?当、当然是天狼星她们!难、道真的是我太落伍了……?!懇親会に出てきた……も、もう!指揮官!イマドキのメイドってみんなあんな感じなの?…誰のことって?シリアスたちのことだよ!もしかしてあたし、本当に時代遅れとでも言うの…!?So, I went to the maid gathering... Good god! Commander, are modern maids all like that? ...Like who? Like Sirius and her ilk! Don't tell me I'M the one who's out of touch here!
Affinity (Love)……哇……哇啊!指、指挥官,先、先说好!我可是传统派的哦!一定要先恋爱才能……哇,我都在说什么呀……///……ああ…は!し、指揮官!あ、予め言っておくけどあたし、とっても普通で伝統的なんだからねっ!まずは恋をしてからその……な、何言ってるんだあたしー!///Ahh... Wait! C-Commander! You need to know that I'm a very normal and traditional girl! I'll only have... you know... with someone I love, and... G-god, what am I even saying?! *blushes*
Pledge这是……交给我的么?原、原来如此,您认为现在是时候了么。嘿嘿,其实,我也早就想向指挥官……唔唔,总之!我在此与您约定,从今往后,我会一直陪伴在您身边的!これを……あたしに?な、なるほど、指揮官はもうそのタイミングだと思ってたのか…ふふ、ふふふふ…実はあたしもずっと前から指揮官を…こほん!と、とにかく!これからはずっとずっと、指揮官のそばにいるって約束するよ!You're giving this... to me? O-okay, so you feel like this was the time to do it... Heheh, heheheh... In truth, I've had feelings for you for the longest... Ahem! What I meant to say is – I vow to be with you, now and forever!
Present Like
Present Dislike
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description这次是魔药精通的药剂师努比亚人登场啦!指挥官,您有什么需要炼制的魔药么?……太久没遇到我这种用坩埚熬煮的传统型药剂师,一时间不知道怎么交流了?……啊?魔法薬精通の薬師、ヌビアンだ!指揮官はどんな魔法薬を調合したい?……え?釜で調合する普通のポーションなんて久しぶりすぎてどう注文すればいいかわかんない?……はい?I'm Nubian, the master concocter of magic potions! What kind of potion do you want, Commander? ...Huh? It's been so long since you visited a normal potion maker who brews using a cauldron so you don't know what to order? ...Come again?
Acquisition这次是魔药精通的药剂师努比亚人登场啦!指挥官,您有什么需要炼制的魔药么?……太久没遇到我这种用坩埚熬煮的传统型药剂师,一时间不知道怎么交流了?……啊?魔法薬精通の薬師、ヌビアンだ!指揮官はどんな魔法薬を調合したい?……え?釜で調合する普通のポーションなんて久しぶりすぎてどう注文すればいいかわかんない?……はい?I'm Nubian, the master concocter of magic potions! What kind of potion do you want, Commander? ...Huh? It's been so long since you visited a normal potion maker who brews using a cauldron so you don't know what to order? ...Come again?
Login欢迎来到我的炼药小屋,指挥官~只要有合适的素材,什么样的神奇魔药都可以制作哦!指揮官、ヌビアンの調合小屋へようこそ!適切な素材があれば、どんなすごい魔法薬でも作れるわよ!Welcome to my brewing hut, Commander! I can make any potion you can think of as long as you have the right ingredients!
Details欢迎来到努比亚人的炼药小屋!有什么需求都尽管提吧,优秀的药剂师可是能熬出很多特别的魔药的哦!ヌビアンの調合小屋へようこそ!リクエストがあればなんでも言ってごらん!一人前の薬師はいろんな魔法薬を作成できるのよ!Welcome to my brewing hut! If you want something, just let me know! I'm a fully-fledged potion maker and can concoct almost anything!
Main哼哼,指挥官,需要什么魔药么?——您尽管提就好啦,就算是让所有人爱上您的神奇药水我也能做出来哦~ふふん、指揮官はどんな魔法薬をご所望で?――なんでも言ってみなよ。誰かを惚れさせるポーションだって作れるわよーHeheh, what potion do you want? Come on, don't be shy. I can even make a love potion if that's what you want.
Main 2哼哼,我可是有好好调查过之后,才选择了药剂师这个职业哦?怎么样,我是不是很高瞻远瞩?ふふん、これでもちゃんと調べてから薬師って職業を選んだよ?どう?先見の明があるでしょ?Heheh, you'd be surprised to know I did my research before choosing to become a potion maker. Pretty good foresight on my part, right?
Main 3为什么不叫您“勇者”?啊……总感觉叫不顺口,还是指挥官这个称呼最好!なぜ「勇者」って呼ばないのかって?うん……なんだか言い慣れない気がするのよねー。やっぱり指揮官のほうが一番しっくり来る!Why won't I call you "Hero"? Well... I'm not used to saying it yet, I guess. "Commander" feels much more natural!
Main 4话说,药剂师的设定也和女仆有一定的相似之处,所以我才……欸?等等,现在看来好像更流行的职业是魔女才对……?!そういえば薬師もメイドも似てるところがあるからつい……え?待って、そう考えるとイマドキの流行りの職業って魔女なんじゃ…!?Come to think of it, maids and potion makers have some things in common... Huh? Wait, doesn't that make witch is the most popular profession among modern maids?
Touch哇……哇哇哇!溶剂溢出来啦!わ……わわわわ!釜から溢れてくるよ!Uh-oh... No, no, no! It's gonna overflow!
Touch (Special)咦、咦……?在这种时候也要?!え、ええ…?こんなときに!?Uh, what...? You're doing this NOW?!
Return to Port呼呼,果然您会成为我的回头客呢~让我看看,这一次您又带来了什么样的有趣素材?ふふん、やっぱり指揮官はリピーターになってくれたわね~。それで今回はどんな面白い素材を持ってきたのやらHeheh, I knew you'd become a regular here. So, what fascinating ingredients have you brought me this time?
Skill吃我混乱魔药——!混乱ポーションをくらいな――!Have a taste of this confusion potion!
Affinity (Love)呼呼呼~指挥官,这次有想炼制的药剂了么?不论是奇迹之水,还是幸福魔药,都可以为您熬煮哦。当然,单纯要我跟随您也可以呢,毕竟和您在一起的日子才是最棒的呢~ふっふっふー、指揮官は調合したいポーションがある?エリクサーでも幸せの魔法薬でもなんでも調合してあげるよー。もちろん、あたしをパーティーに入れてもいいからね?だって指揮官と一緒が一番だから!Heheheh, is there a potion you want to make, Commander? I can make an elixir, a potion of happiness, anything you want. And of course, I'd be happy to join your party. Being with you is the best thing of all!
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Login早上好,指挥官!努比亚人已经准备好侍奉您了,您想先从哪里开始呢~?おはよう指揮官!ヌビアンはもう「ご奉仕」の準備ができてるよ!どこから始めよっか~?Morning, Commander! I'm ready to "serve" you now! What should we start with?
Main指挥官,需要什么服务么?——嘿嘿,您尽可以提哦?我已经掌握了所有流行,现在女仆该学会的服务我可是都学会了哦!指揮官はどんなサービスがご所望で?――ふふふ、どんなのでもいいよ?流行り…イマドキのメイドがこなす全てを身に着けたから!How'd you like me to serve you, Commander? I'll do anything you want, heehee. I've mastered all the in things with maids these days!
Main 2哼哼,我可是向黛朵她们好好学习了流行的女仆文化呢!怎么样,您要不要现在就体验一下我的“特别侍奉”?ふふん、ダイドーたちからイマドキのメイドのイロハをしっかり学んできたよ!どう?今からヌビアンの「特別なご奉仕」でも試してみる?Heheh! Dido and a few others taught me all the basics of being a modern maid! What do you say – wanna try my special services package?
Main 3锵锵!扫除时间~哼哼,这件事我可没有忘记哦,戴上口罩,和我一起把办公室打扫的闪闪发亮吧!ほらほら!掃除の時間だ!…ふん、これだけは忘れてないよ!さあマスクをつけて、あたしと一緒に執務室をピカピカに磨いてよし!Ding-dong! It's cleaning time! Heh, if there's one thing I haven't forgotten, it's this! Now put on a mask and let's get your office looking sparkling clean!
Main 4指挥官,您觉得我把裙子再改短一点怎么样?……欸?保持现状就好?真的么……?指揮官、あたしのスカートをもう少し短くしたら…え?今のままでいい?本当に……?Commander, how'd you feel if I wore a slightly shorter skirt? ...Huh? You like the way it is now? Really?
Touch……欸?咳咳……您是要先吃饭,先洗澡,还是……突、突然打断我做什么啦?……え?こほん。まずはごはん?お風呂?それとも……って、なんで途中で止めるの!Huh? I mean... What'll it be first? Dinner? A bath? Or maybe... H-hey, why won't you let me finish?!
Touch (Special)嗯哼~这就为指挥官献上……んっ♡今から指揮官にしてあげる……Mmh♡ I'll let you have your way with me.
Touch (Headpat)嘿嘿……嘿嘿嘿……♪へへ…えへへへへ……♪Heheh... Hehehehe... ♪
Return to Port欢迎回来,指挥官~嘿嘿,您现在是想要采耳还是膝枕?还是说……一个简单的拥抱?嘿~☆おかえり指揮官!えへへ、耳かき、ひざ枕、どれがいい?それとも……シンプルにハグでもいいけど?えへへ☆Welcome back, Commander! Heehee, what'll it be? Ear-cleaning? A lap pillow? Or maybe... you just want a nice and simple hug? Heehee!
Affinity (Love)发现指挥官!嘿!怎么样,我的怀抱有让您精神起来么,如果还不够的话,还有……咦?保持原来的样子就很好?唔,指挥官的喜好真是让人捉摸不透呢……指揮官みーっつけた♡えい!どう?あたしのハグで元気になった?もし足りないなら……はい?普段のままでもいいって?全く、好みが分からないわね…Fooound you♡ Hooah! How's that? Did that hug cheer you up? If you need more, I can... What? It's fine to just act like myself? Wow. I really can't wrap my head around your tastes...