Eskimo (JP 🇯🇵: エスキモー, CN 🇹🇼: 爱斯基摩人)
Ship ID No. 460 Star Rating ★★☆☆☆
Hull Destroyer Rarity Elite
Navy Royal Navy Build Time 00:29:00
Acquisition Event: Counterattack through the Fjord
Enhance Income
Firepower 5
Torpedo 22
Aviation 0
Reload 15
Scrap Income
Medal 4
Oil 3
Gold 4
Release Date
EN 2020/10/02
KR 2020/06/03
CN 2020/06/03
JP 2020/06/03
Voice actress Haruka Takahashi
Name shisantian
Eskimo Description
Tribal-class destroyer – Eskimo.
Parkaless Prankster Description
Oh woe, nobody wants to play with me because they're all too busy~ ...Oh, hello little Manjuu... Heheh, maybe I'll play a prank on you instead!
Firepower C
Torpedo B
Aviation E
Evasion A
Anti-air C
HP 267 Reload 78
Firepower 16 Torpedo 66
Evasion 78 Anti-air 29
Aviation 0 Cost 2
ASW 47 Luck 72
Hit 69 Speed 43.2
Armor Light
HP 1381 Reload 184
Firepower 76 Torpedo 311
Evasion 204 Anti-air 136
Aviation 0 Cost 9
ASW 174 Luck 72
Hit 179 Speed 43.2
Armor Light
HP 1657 Reload 212
Firepower 87 Torpedo 350
Evasion 211 Anti-air 156
Aviation 0 Cost 9
ASW 193 Luck 72
Hit 188 Speed 43.2
Armor Light
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost 9
ASW Luck 72
Hit Speed 43.2
Armor Light
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost 9
ASW Luck 72
Hit Speed 43.2
Armor Light
Limit Break
Tier 1 Gains Full Barrage I / Main Gun Efficiency +5%
Tier 2 Main Gun Mount +1 / Pre-Loaded Torpedo +1 / Torpedo Efficiency +10%
Tier 3 Upgrades Full Barrage I→II / All Weapon Efficiency +5%
Slot Equipment Type Efficiency (LB 0/1/2/3) Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3) Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
1 Destroyer Gun 90%/95%/95%/100% 1/1/2/2 0/0/0/0
2 Torpedo 120%/120%/130%/135% 1/1/1/1 0/0/1/1
3 Anti-Air Gun 95%/95%/95%/100% 1/1/1/1 0/0/0/0
4 Auxilary - - -
5 Auxilary - - -
Default Equipments
1 Twin 120mm Main Gun
2 Quadruple 533mm Torpedo
Fleet Tech
T5 Destroyer: Tribal-Class Tech Points and Bonus
Unlock 6 +1
Max LimitBreak 12
Lv.120 9 +1
Icon Name Description Requirements
Lemme At 'Em! Every 30s: 50.0% (100%) chance to fire a special barrage (DMG is based on the skill's level.) Once per battle, when this ship's HP falls below 30.0%: heals this ship for 10.0% HP and fires this barrage.
All Out Assault I Activates All Out Assault Ⅰ: Tribal-class once every 24 times the Main Guns are fired.
00:29:00 JP CN EN
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 部族级驱逐舰—爱斯基摩人 トライバル級駆逐艦・エスキモー Tribal-class destroyer – Eskimo.
Biography 部族级的爱斯基摩人号就是我啦~我大部分时间都在本土舰队服役,在第二次纳尔维克海战里击败了Z19,但是在那之后也被Z2反整了一波…不过,修复之后也有在地中海好好活跃哦! トライバル級駆逐艦エスキモーだ!かの大戦ではほとんど本国艦隊勤務で、ナルヴィクの戦いでZ19を倒したけど、そのあとはZ2に逆襲されたなぁ…あのあとは地中海でも活躍したよ! I'm Tribal-class Destroyer Eskimo! During the war, I mostly served in the Home Fleet. I defeated Z19 at the Battle of Narvik, but then Z2 struck back at me... After that, I did good work in the Mediterranean.
Acquisition 部族级驱逐舰,爱斯基摩人号,报到!这支舰队看起来好像很不错呢,那么,请多指教啦,指挥官! トライバル級駆逐艦エスキモー、到着ぅ!おっ、いいねこの艦隊は!よろしくね!指揮官! Eskimo, Tribal-class Destroyer, is here! Oi, this fleet's not half bad! Nice to meet you, Commander!
Login 指挥官,我等得无聊把你椅子拆了,这个怎么装回去啊? 指揮官を待ちくたびれたエスキモー、怒りの椅子分解作業!――げ、原状回復できなかったけどどうしようかな… Commander, you kept me waiting so long I got mad and took apart your chair! Wh-what if I can't put it back together...?
Details 指挥官,我正要去找你玩呢! 指揮官と遊ぶために、今会いに行こうとしてたところだ! I was just looking for you, Commander! Let's do something fun.
Main 指挥官,冬天港区要是下雪的话,我们来搭个冰屋吧!我很擅长的! 指揮官、雪が降ったらイグルーでも作ってみようよ!いやいやこればかりは得意中の得意なんだよ! Commander, let's build an igloo when it snows! I'm pretty good at those!
Main 2 耶——呀——哇——欸?我为什么在跑来跑去?因为没事做很无聊 おーあーいやっほぉぉ!!あ、指揮官、これはね~やることなさすぎて走り回ってるだけだよー Yippeeee! Yahoooo! Ah, Commander, errr~ Why am I horsing around like this? Just bored, I guess.
Main 3 嘻嘻嘻,目标,发呆中的指挥官,爱斯基摩人号头槌,发射! うおっしゃ、ボンヤリしてる指揮官にエスキモーのヘッドハンマー――うおりゃ! All right, target acquired: daydreaming Commander. Eskimo head smasher! GO!
Touch 指挥官,怎么啦?咦,有事要交给我做?耶,终于有事做啦! 指揮官、どうしたの?お、仕事か?うおっしゃ仕事だ! What's up, Commander? Time I get to work? All right, time I get to work!
Touch (Special) 唔?指挥官,我衣服乱了吗? うお?もしかして服が乱れてる? Oh? Something on my coat?
Mission 有新任务吗?耶,新任务~ 新しい任務か?うおっしゃ新しい任務だ―! A new mission? All right, a new mission!
Mission Complete 指挥官,任务报酬都在这里啦!快看看,快看看! 指揮官、任務報酬はこれで全部だよ?ささ、確認を早く、早くぅ! Commander, here's all the mission rewards. Take a look at them already!
Mail 指挥官,邮件我帮你拿来啦~嘿嘿,这些都是小意思~ 指揮官、メールを持ってきたよ~へへ、これぐらいちょちょいのちょい!だよ? Commander, I got the mail for you~ Heh heh. It was nothing. Don't mention it.
Return to Port 指挥官,你出征之前交给我的工作已经完成了哦! 指揮官、出撃前に任された仕事、全部完了してるよ I finished all the work you left here for me.
Commission Complete 去迎接委托组?交给我吧! 委託組の出迎え?任せて任せて! The commission team's back? I'll go get them!
Enhancement 我现在精神百倍哦! ヤッパ!テンションマックスだ! Yes! Now I'm feeling it!
Flagship 爱斯基摩人,出击! エスキモー、アタック! Lemme at 'em!
Victory 哇,我是MVP!指挥官,夸夸我! そう!MVPはこのエスキモーであーる!さあ、褒め称えてちょーだい! Yes! I'm the MVP! Now cheer for me!
Defeat 呜,指挥官,对不起…… あわわ、指揮官、ごめん…… Oh noes... Sorry, Commander...
Skill 尝尝这个! うおっしゃ!これでもくらえ! All right! Have a taste of this!
Low HP 还不到撤退的时候呢! まだ撤退する時じゃないよー! It's not time to retreat yet!
Affinity (Upset) 指挥官好严肃,好没劲…… 指揮官、いかつい顔、つまらなそー You're no fun at all, Commander...
Affinity (Stranger) 我的穿着?这个呀,因为我服役的时候也经常在比较冷的海域活动,就打扮成这样了,我觉得还挺好看的呢!指挥官觉得呢? この格好のこと?これはカンレキ的に寒い海域で頑張ってたから、こんな感じになったね~ふふん、中々イケてるだろ?指揮官はどう思う? My outfit? It's different because I served in some pretty frigid waters back in the day~ Heheh, it's pretty cool though, huh? What do you think?
Affinity (Friendly) 欸,我的宿舍怎么乱糟糟的?唔,因为我有时候太无聊了,就把很多家具拆开来看看,但是组装回去的时候就多了不少东西……这是为什么呢…… りょ、寮舎のこと?ここ、これは暇な時によく家具を分解したり組み直したりして…気づいたら元に戻せなかったりして…ななななんでだろうなー Y-you saw my room? Well, when I get too bored, I end up taking apart the furniture... and then I don't know how to put it back together. But why, though?
Affinity (Like) 唔?有点太闹腾了?唔…只是有时候会想让大家陪我玩所以想要引起大家的注意……欸,给其他人造成困扰了吗?哇哇哇,那我去道歉! ちょこっとうるさいこと?んーこれはねーちょっと指揮官かみんなに構ってほしいなーってサイン……わわ、もしかして困ってる人がいるの?謝ってくる! Too noisy? Hmm, well, I'm just trying to get your attention. Everyone's really... Oh no, could I be bothering someone? I'd better go apologize!
Affinity (Love) 最近乖了许多?欸嘿嘿,因为现在有指挥官了呀,我知道指挥官一定会陪我玩的,所以只要忍耐到指挥官有空的时候就好了,对吧,指挥官? おとなしくなった?えへへ、これはねー指揮官がいるからだよー。だって指揮官が構ってくれるから、他の子に構ってもらわなくても指揮官の手が空くまで我慢すればいいでしょ?ねー I've been good? Eheheh, that's all thanks to you, Commander. Since you've been giving me so much attention, I don't need to bother anyone else. I can just wait until you have time for me. Riiight?
Pledge 嗯,我答应指挥官,从今往后,我会好好忍耐,不给大家添麻烦,争取做个好孩子的!但是但是,指挥官也要多陪我玩哦! うん、指揮官と約束するよ!エスキモーはこれから頑張ってみんなに迷惑かけないで、いい子でいること!んで、指揮官はもっと構ってくれること!えへへ! All right, I promise, Commander. I'll work hard, and be good. I won't cause any more trouble! Just keep on giving me more attention! Eheheh!
In battle with Z2 哇哇!?Z2,管管你们家Z1啦! うわわ!?ちょっとティーレ、レーベくんを大人しくさせて! Hey! Z2, you'd better make Z1 behave!
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 唔,其他人都有自己的事,都没人陪我玩呢…咦,这里有只小家伙…呼呼,就用这个捉弄一下它,让小家伙陪我玩好了~ いやぁ、まさか他の子がみんな取り込み中なんてねーエスキモーに構ってもらえる子がいないのか~…おっ、この饅頭は……へへへ、ちょっとこの子を起こして遊んでもらおう! Oh woe, nobody wants to play with me because they're all too busy~ ...Oh, hello little Manjuu... Heheh, maybe I'll play a prank on you instead!
Acquisition 唔,其他人都有自己的事,都没人陪我玩呢…咦,这里有只小家伙…呼呼,就用这个捉弄一下它,让小家伙陪我玩好了~ いやぁ、まさか他の子がみんな取り込み中なんてねーエスキモーに構ってもらえる子がいないのか~…おっ、この饅頭は……へへへ、ちょっとこの子にイタズラして遊んでもらおう! Oh woe, nobody wants to play with me because they're all too busy~ ...Oh, hello little Manjuu... Heheh, maybe I'll play a prank on you instead!
Login 指挥官,嘘—— (小声)指揮官、シーッ Commander, shhhh!
Main 嘿嘿嘿,这下你就不得不陪爱斯基摩……啊指挥官!没什么! うひひ、これでこの子がエスキモーと遊ばざるをえない…あっ指揮官!?なんでもないよ! Ehehe... You have no choice but to play with me! ...Commander! Oh, it's nothing!
Main 2 贝亚恩和敦刻尔克小姐?冰激凌?谢谢!啊,还有小家伙的份…?原来早就露馅了吗! ベアルンさんにダンケルクさん?アイスをもらっていいの?サンキュー!あ、饅頭の分も?バレたかー! Miss Belfast and Dunkerque? You brought ice cream for me? Thanks a ton! Ah, got any for the Manjuu? Huh, what do you mean you're not falling for that?
Main 3 指挥官忙完了吗?还没忙完吗…好想和指挥官玩啊… 指揮官、お仕事終わった?終わってないか…指揮官遊んでほしいな… Commander, you done with work yet? You're not? Aw, I wanted to play...
Touch 呀,好痛!?不要敲我脑袋嘛…呜呜,都是指挥官不陪我我才会…好吧,对不起… あいた!もう急に叩かないでよ…指揮官が遊んでくれないから、暇してたよー……はいはい、饅頭をいじって悪かったよ… Oww! All right, please stop bonking me... I just got bored because you wouldn't play with me... Okay, okay, I won't bully the Manjuu anymore...
Return to Port 指挥官,你终于回来啦!一起去游泳吗! うおっしゃー指揮官が戻ってきた!よぉし、一緒に泳ぎに行かない? Woohoo, Commander's back! All right, let's go swim or something!
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Login 忍耐,忍耐……啊,指挥官,你终于来啦!我好想你! 指揮官が来るまで我慢我慢……おおお指揮官、ようやく来たよ!もう会いたかったよ~ Patience, patience... Ah, Commander, it's about time! I've missed you!
Main 指挥官,放假的时候一起去冰原探险吧~很有趣的!有我在,不会出事的! 指揮官、今度長期休暇のときは北方の氷原に冒険しに行かない?大丈夫大丈夫、エスキモーがいるから何も起きないって! Commander, wanna go adventuring in the Northern Parliament's tundras when we get some time off? Don't worry about it, you'll be fine with me at your side!
Main 2 指挥官,现在不用我帮忙吗?那我在旁边等着,不会吵到你的~ 指揮官、手伝える仕事とか無い?お、じゃあここで大人しく――仕事のジャマにならないように静かにしててあげる! Commander, is there anything I can help you with? All right, I'll just wait in this corner here and not bother you...
Main 3 目标,指挥官的怀里,爱斯基摩人式飞扑,起跳~ ターゲット、指揮官の胸元にエスキモーのダイナミックダイブぅ! Target acquired: Commander's lap! Commencing tactical dive bombing!
Touch 指挥官,我有乖乖等你叫我哦?要我去干什么嘛? 指揮官、実は呼ばれるまで待ってたんだよ!ささ、ご指示はなーに? Commander, I've actually been waiting for you to call me! So, what do you need done?
Affinity (Love) ……说点什么?哦~那我能说话啦?本来还是想静静的不打扰你的,不过既然指挥官都这么说了——那我就要黏着你啦!嘿嘿嘿嘿,这个可是你先说的哦! ……………………なんか喋ってって?お、喋っていいの?本当は指揮官のジャマにならないよう大人しくしたかったけどぉ、まあ指揮官がそう言うなら――イチャイチャするぅ!えへへへへへ、言い出したのはそっちだからなー! ....... Why am I not saying anything? Oh, did you want me to? I was trying to keep quiet so I wouldn't bother you, Commander. Buuut, if you insist... I'll flirt with you all I want~! Ehehe, remember, you were the one who asked~!