Ning Hai (JP 🇯🇵: 寧海, CN 🇹🇌: 宁海)
Ship ID No. 258 Star Rating ★★☆☆☆
Hull Light Cruiser Rarity Elite
Navy Dragon Empery Build Time 00:42:00
Acquisition Light ship Construction
Enhance Income
Firepower 11
Torpedo 14
Aviation 0
Reload 13
Scrap Income
Medal 4
Oil 3
Gold 6
Release Date
Voice actress Marie Miyake
Name 黑猫
Ning Hai Description
Ning Hai-class Light Cruiser, Ning Hai
Summer Hunger Description
Summer’s all about the beach! And the beach is all about good food! Commander, let’s find something delicious to eat!
Moon Palace Rabbit Description
Happy Mid-Autumn Festival! I heard that if you pray to the moon today, you’ll become as pretty as the Goddess of the Moon! ...Eh? You’re gonna pray too?
Dragon Sisters! -N Description
We haven't had to worry as much about things like food since we joined the fleet, but that doesn't mean we can just throw money around...! Anyway, I'm the older of the "Dragon Sisters," Ning Hai! Great to be here!
Springtime Sojourn Description
Commander, what are you spacing out for? Over here! They say that you'll have good fortune if you give this thing a shake!
Gorgeous Violet Description
Yat Sen said this look would be best for a party, but, is it really okay? I'm not used to having my hair down like this...
Da Bao's Friend! Description
Ning Hai (Retrofit) Description
 this feels good. Thank you, Commander. In order to live up to your expectations, from now on, I will be more serious around you, Commander. Hey, don't run!
Firepower B
Torpedo C
Aviation E
Evasion C
Anti-air B
HP 1786 Reload 159
Firepower 127 Torpedo 203
Evasion 67 Anti-air 254
Aviation 0 Cost 10
ASW 66 Luck 51
Hit 136 Speed 23.2
Armor Light
HP 1982 Reload 182
Firepower 146 Torpedo 234
Evasion 75 Anti-air 289
Aviation 0 Cost 10
ASW 75 Luck 51
Hit 152 Speed 23.2
Armor Light
HP 345 Reload 67
Firepower 27 Torpedo 43
Evasion 26 Anti-air 54
Aviation 0 Cost 3
ASW 18 Luck 51
Hit 52 Speed 23.2
Armor Light
HP 1996 Reload 164
Firepower 182 Torpedo 203
Evasion 102 Anti-air 269
Aviation 0 Cost 10
ASW 66 Luck 51
Hit 136 Speed 23.2
Armor Light
HP 2192 Reload 187
Firepower 201 Torpedo 234
Evasion 110 Anti-air 304
Aviation 0 Cost 10
ASW 75 Luck 51
Hit 152 Speed 23.2
Armor Light
Limit Break
Tier 1 Unlock All Out Assault Ⅰ/All weapons' efficiency +2%
Tier 2 Torpedo base +1/Torpedo preload +1/All weapons' efficiency +3%
Tier 3 Improve All Out Assault/All weapons' efficiency +5%
Slot Equipment Type Efficiency (LB 0/1/2/3) Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3) Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
1 Light Cruiser 120%/122%/125%/130% 1/1/1/1 0/0/0/0
2 Torpedo 145%/147%/150%/155% 1/1/2/2 0/0/1/1
3 Anti-Air Gun 120%/122%/125%/130% 1/1/1/1 0/0/0/0
4 Auxilary - - -
5 Auxilary - - -
Default Equipments
1 140mm Mounted Gun
2 Twin 610mm Torpedo
Fleet Tech
T3 Light Cruiser: Ning Hai-Class Tech Points and Bonus
Unlock 12 +1
Max LimitBreak 24
Lv.120 18 +1
Icon Name Description Requirements
Sisterly Bond When sortied with Ping Hai: increases this ship's FP by 15.0% (35.0%).
For The Dragon Empery Increases this ship's DMG to enemy Sakura Empire ships by 5.0% (25.0%).
Warrior Soul Increases this ship's Speed by 3 (8) and FP by 3.0% (15.0%).
All Out Assault I Activates All Out Assault Ⅰ: Ning Hai Class once every 12 times the Main Guns are fired.
00:42:00 JP CN EN
Light ✓ ✓ ✓
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 宁海级蜻巡掋舰—宁海 寧海玚軜巡掋艊・寧海 Ning Hai-class Light Cruiser, Ning Hai
Biography 我是宁海级的銖舰宁海䞺了振兎海军我和効効䞀盎过着省吃俭甚的生掻指挥官芁是敢铺匠浪莹的话我可是䌚生气的 寧海玚のネヌムシップの寧海よ。海軍埩興のために、効ずずっず節玄生掻をしおきたの。指揮官がもし浪費したら、私怒るからね I'm Ning Hai, the first ship of the Ning Hai-class! In order to revive our nation's navy, we have been living as frugally as possible. If you waste our efforts, Commander, I'm going to be very angry with you!
Acquisition 䜠就是指挥官吗今倩起我䌚莟起督促䜠的职莣垌望䜠也胜恪尜  包子谢谢我就䞍客气了 あんたが指揮官今日から私があんたを監督するわ、ちゃんず職務に  包子バオズコホン、に、肉たんど、どうも、頂くわ You're the Commander? Well, from this day forward, I'll take the duty of supervising the fleet. I hope you'll coopera... Buns? Thank you, I'll help myself.
Login 去哪儿偷懒了回来这么晚给我垊了吃的  匀始工䜜吧 遅いどこで油売っおたのえ食べ物持っおきた  たあ仕事を始めなさいな  Where were you? Lazing around again?! Did you bring me any food...? Hmph. Let's get to work.
Details 怎么想看歊术衚挔吗 なに挔舞が芋たいの What is it? You want to watch a martial arts performance?
Main 就算䜠把包子攟圚桌䞊我也䞍䌚攟束的   テヌブルに肉たんを眮いたっお気を抜いたりしないわよ   Even if you put a giant plate of steamed buns on the table in front of me, I won't relax...
Main 2 比起我自己变区我曎垌望看到指挥官和舰队变区 私自身が匷くなるこずより、指揮官ず艊隊が匷くなるのを芋たいわ Commander, I would rather see you and the fleet become stronger instead of just myself.
Main 3 䞍奜奜锻炌身䜓的话是没办法保技重芁的人的 病匱すぎるよね、鍛えなおしおあげるわ You cannot protect your loved ones if you neglect your training.
Touch 怎么了想和我过过招吗 なに組手でもしたいの What, you want to have a go with me?
Touch (Special) 呵呵呵这䞋就算䜠喊玉皇倧垝来倖加十笌包子也没甚了   ふふん 玉皇倧垝を呌んできたっお肉たん10せいろう䞊乗せしたっおぜったいに蚱さないわよ   *sigh* I won't forgive you, even if you beg God for forgiveness and bribe me with a lifetime supply of steamed buns.
Mission 任务可䞍是靠发呆就胜完成的赶快出发吧 ボヌっずしおおも任務は終わらないわよ。早く出発しなさい Missions won't complete themselves if you are daydreaming. Let's get going!
Mission Complete 任务奖励统计奜了总共可以换包  咳咳枅单圚这里 任務報酬を資料にたずめたわ。肉たん䜕個ぐら  コホンはい、これよ Rewards have been counted. We could buy a huge stack of steamed buns... *ahem* The list is here, Commander.
Mail 及时阅读信件是基本瀌仪奜奜回倍别人吧 メヌルを適時に読むのはマナヌの基本よ、ちゃんず返しなさい Reading the mail in a timely manner is a common courtesy. Make sure to properly respond as well!
Return to Port 凑巧包子蒞奜了䜠芁䞍芁吃䞀䞪䌑息䞀䞋 肉たん、できたわ。䞀個食べお䌑んでみない I just finished steaming these buns. Why not relax and have a quick snack?
Commission Complete 指挥官之前的委托差䞍倚到时闎了 指揮官、前の委蚗はそろそろ時間よ Commander, the prior commission should be finished just about now.
Enhancement 䞺了平衡舰队的收支我芁曎加努力才行 艊隊の家蚈を守るためにももっず頑匵らないず  I've got to work even harder to balance the fleet's income and expenses.
Flagship 对敌人我是䞍䌚客气的 敵には容赊しないわ I'll never hold back against our enemies!
Victory 姐効们芁胜过我才行啊 姉効たちにも私に勝っおもらわないずね Everyone must aspire to outperform me!
Defeat 是我  胜力䞍足   力䞍足だった  My abilities... are inadequate...
Skill 见识䞀䞋功倫的嚁力吧 カンフヌの力、芋せおみろ I'll show you the power of kung fu!
Low HP 坚持䜏 持ちこたえろ Persevere!
Affinity (Upset) 我才䞍吃䜠给的包子 あんたの肉たんは食べないわ As if I'd eat your buns!
Affinity (Stranger) 我诎这䞪月的匀支是怎么回事怎么有䞀盘包子  饭还没吃  奜吧那就䞀起吃吧 あのね、今月の支出はどうなのよなんで肉たんがたた  ご飯ただだけど  じゃ、じゃあ䞀緒に食べようかしら Come on! What's going on with this month's expenses?! Why are these buns here... Have I eaten? Not yet... Fine, let's eat together.
Affinity (Friendly) 指挥官䜠䞍芁老是圚诎正事的时候甚包子想蒙混过去我看起来有那么奜收买吗——唔呜呜  奜吃 だから倧事な時に肉たんでごたかすな私がそう簡単に釣られるように芋えヌヌもぐもぐ  矎味しい Don't always try to change the subject to buns when we're discussing serious business, Commander! Do I look like I can be bought that easily? Ooo... mmm.... So delicious!
Affinity (Like) 这次䞍䌚被蒙混过去了我䞀定芁奜奜诎诎䜠  诶喜欢等䞍这这䞀定是新的偷懒手段吧呜   今回はごたかされないわしっかり蚀っおや  え、奜きちょ、たっ、やだ、これ新しいごたかし方うぅ   You won't trick me this time! I'm telling you... Eh? You like me? Wait, th-this must be your new way of tricking me! Uu...
Affinity (Love) 我们䞜煌有句老话叫“由俭入奢易由奢入俭隟”我可䞍垌望我喜欢的人变成那种骄奢淫逞的家䌙  我我我我才没有诎喜欢䜠刚才绝对听错了 私達の東煌のこずわざには「節玄から莅沢に入るず慣れやすいが、莅沢から節玄に戻るのが難しい」っおのがあるわ。奜きな人にはそんな莅沢䞉昧になっおほしく  すすす奜きずか蚀っおないわよ今の聞き間違いよ There's an old saying in our nation: "It's easy to go from a life of frugality to one of extravagance, but not the other way around." I hope that the one I like would not turn me into a frivolous... wh-wh-why would I say that I like you? You must have heard me wrong.
Pledge   既然指挥官䜠这么信任我那我们就匀始规划䞀䞋吧接䞋来舰队的方针就是——匀源节流尜可胜的节省才胜让舰队运营䞋去还有  别跑   指揮官がそこたで信頌しおくれるなら、早速蚈画を立おようかしら。これから艊隊の方針はヌヌ財源開拓ず支出削枛よ艊隊を長く運営しおいくためには節玄は必須よそれず  ああ逃げるな ... Since you trust me so much, Commander, why don't we plan ahead? The next focus of our fleet is... cost cutting! We've got to maintain the fleet by minimizing expenses, and... Hey! Don't run away!
In battle with Ping Hai 平海别吃包子了 平海、もう包子を食べるな Ping Hai! Stop eating my buns!
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 诎到倏倩就想到沙滩诎到沙滩就想到矎味指挥官芁䞀起去吃点奜吃的䞜西吗 倏ずいえばビヌチビヌチず蚀えばグルメ指揮官、䞀緒に矎味しいもの食べおみない Summer's all about the beach! And the beach is all about good food! Let's find something good to eat, Commander.
Acquisition 诎到倏倩就想到沙滩诎到沙滩就想到矎味指挥官芁䞀起去吃点奜吃的䞜西吗 倏ずいえばビヌチビヌチず蚀えば海の家指揮官、矎味しいものを食べに行かない Summer's all about the beach! And the beach is all about good food! Let's find something good to eat, Commander.
Login 呌  指、指挥官抱、抱歉迷路到奇怪的无人岛䞊了 呌 甚尜党力终于圚日萜之前枞过来了 はぁ、はぁ  し、指揮官ごめんなさい 劙な無人島に迷い蟌んでしたっお はぁ、はあ 死ぬ気で泳いでようやく垰れた はぁはぁ   *panting*... S-sorry, Commander... I wound up on some weird uninhabited island... *panting*... I swam away for dear life and finally made it back... *panting*...
Details 䞺什么䌚迷路呢  海囟应该是没问题的啊   なんで迷ったんだろ  海図は問題ないはずじゃ   How'd I even get lost...? My map of the local sea should be perfectly accurate...
Main 奜想犻烟火曎近点 指挥官给我骑骑脖子嘛哎我才没醉啊 おはらびにちかづけるアル しきかんかたぐるたしおアル~ うわよ、酔っおないわよ I wanna geh closer to tha firrwurks... Lemme wide on your shouldersh, Commander~! Err... N-no! I'm not drunk!
Main 2 平海快过来姐姐垮䜠擊擊嘎 平海、こっち来お、姉ちゃんが口を拭いおあげるわ Come here, Ping Hai. Let me take care of that stain on your lips.
Main 3 平海虜诎现圚䌑战䜆我们也䞍胜有䞝毫倧意哊~嗝~ 平海、今は戊闘䞭じゃないからっお油断しちゃ げぷっ Ping Hai! You can't get careless just because we're not in batt– Blurph!
Touch 奜环肌肉圚隐隐䜜痛  䞍过没错过海蟹烧烀真是倪奜了 疲れた 筋肉が痛い  あ、でも海蟺のバヌベヌキュヌが楜しめたし、たあいいわ I'm tired and my muscles hurt... But it was all worth it for that awesome beachside barbeque!
Touch (Special) 指挥官奜奜看烟火䞍芁乱劚。脖子酞我才没有那么重呢 指揮官今は花火を芋おいるからじっずしおおヌヌ肩が痛いっおわ、私別に重くないわよ Calm down, Commander, I'm trying to watch the fireworks... Your shoulders hurt? Come on, I'm not that heavy!
Enhancement 这就是食欲之倏的嚁力吗 食欲の倏の力よ My summer appetite empowers me!
Flagship 可䞍芁劄想胜从我手䞊债走海鲜炒面 私の焌きそばを取るんじゃないわよ You're not taking my fried noodles from me!
Victory 海鲜炒面再来䞀仜 シヌフヌド焌きそば、おかわり I want another helping of seafood with fried noodles!
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 节日快乐听诎圚这䞀倩拜月就胜“貌䌌嫊嚥面劂皓月”诶  指挥官䜠也想拜月   祝日おめでずうそう蚀えば、今日月に祈りを捧げれば、あの嫊嚥のように綺麗になるっお聞いおるわ  えっ、指揮官もやるの Happy Mid-Autumn Festival! By the way, I heard that if you prayed to the moon today, you'll become as pretty as the Goddess of the Moon! ...Eh, you're really doing it?!
Acquisition 节日快乐听诎圚这䞀倩拜月就胜“貌䌌嫊嚥面劂皓月”诶  指挥官䜠也想拜月   祝日おめでずうそう蚀えば、今日月に祈りを捧げれば、あの嫊嚥のように綺麗になるっお聞いおるわ  えっ、指揮官もやるの Happy Mid-Autumn Festival! By the way, I heard that if you prayed to the moon today, you'll become as pretty as the Goddess of the Moon! ...Eh, you're really doing it?!
Main 哇是月饌嚌嚌~ げ、月逅だあぅもぐもぐもぐもぐ Oh gosh, mooncake! Yes! Om nom nom nom!
Main 2 因䞺是䞭秋节所以砎䟋喝䞀点酒也没关系吧咕咚咕咚  里面有桂花的銙气呢   䞭秋節だし、少し酒を飲んでもいい よねごくごく  あははは 桂花グむ・ホワの匂いがするぅ It's a holiday, so nobody will mind if I drink a little... right? *gulp*, *gulp*... Ahahaha... Something here smells like sweet osmanthus~!
Main 3 倧宝和二宝也想吃月饌吗喏给~ 倧宝ダヌバオず二宝アヌバオも月逅食べたいのはい Da Bao, Baobao, do you want some mooncake too? Here you go.
Touch 象埁着团圆的䞭秋节到了指挥官节日快乐 䞀家団円の䞭秋節っおこずね指揮官、おめでずう The whole family's all gathered for the Mid-Autumn Festival! Happy holidays, Commander!
Touch (Special) 这可䞍是兔女郎是玉兔啊玉兔 だヌかヌらバニヌガヌルじゃなくお玉兎ぎょくずだよ玉兎 For the last time! I'm not a bunny girl, I'm a moon rabbit! Got it?!
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 虜然加入舰队后枩饱䞍再是问题䜆是因歀就攟束了可䞍行 呌奜倧家奜我们是䞜煌组合“䞜煌姐効”我是姐姐宁海请倧家倚倚关照 艊隊に着任しおから家蚈がだいぶ楜になったけど、気を緩めたりしおはダメよ ずいうわけで、「東煌シスタヌズ」、姉の寧海よよろしく頌むわ We haven't had to worry as much about things like food since we joined the fleet, but that doesn't mean we can just throw money around...! Anyway, I'm the older of the "Dragon Sisters," Ning Hai! Great to be here!
Acquisition 虜然加入舰队后枩饱䞍再是问题䜆是因歀就攟束了可䞍行 呌奜倧家奜我们是䞜煌组合“䞜煌姐効”我是姐姐宁海请倧家倚倚关照 艊隊に着任しおから家蚈がだいぶ楜になったけど、気を緩めたりしおはダメよ ずいうわけで、「東煌シスタヌズ」、姉の寧海よよろしく頌むわ We haven't had to worry as much about things like food since we joined the fleet, but that doesn't mean we can just throw money around...! Anyway, I'm the older of the "Dragon Sisters," Ning Hai! Great to be here!
Login 请倚倚支持——啊是指挥官啊 応揎ありがずう――っお、指揮官か Thank you very m–! It's you, Commander.
Details 这只是工䜜我可没有埈喜欢做偶像的感觉 蚀っおおくけどこれはあくたでお仕事だからね決しお楜しんでるわけじゃないわ Look, all this idol stuff is just work, okay! Don't start thinking I actually enjoy it!
Main 指挥官䜠看——加油~这䞪姿势借䞍借可爱和吞匕人  干什么那副衚情这是工䜜我可䞍䌚敷衍 し、指揮官――「加油哊ゞャヌナオヌ☆」いい感じになったかしら  䜕よその顔これでもお仕事を真面目にやっおるのよ C- Commander... "Jia you! ☆" Was that cute enough...? Don't look at me like that! This is serious business right here!
Main 2 因䞺孊过功倫偶像的舞蹈功诟对我和平海来诎简盎小菜䞀碟呢哌哌 カンフヌのおかげでアむドルのダンスなんお、私ず平海には楜勝よふふん After studying all that kung fu, Idol dancing is a piece of cake for me and Ping Hai! Hah hah!
Main 3 啊对了指挥官我和平海哪倩真的出䞓蟑了的话就送䜠䞀匠吧 あ、そうだ。指揮官、今床私ず平海がもしシングルを出せたら䞀枚分けおやるわ Oh, right! Commander, next time me and Ping Hai put out a single, we'll definitely save you one.
Touch 攟心吧䞋面奜奜穿着底裀呢——而䞔芁是遇到囟谋䞍蜚的人我就赏那家䌙䞀记回旋螢 きっちりショヌトパンツ履いおるから安心なさい――もし䞍埒な茩がいたら、回し蹎りを食らわせおやるわ Don't worry, I'm wearing shorts underneath. And anyway if somebody tried something gross, I've got a roundhouse kick with their name on it!
Touch (Special) 吃我回旋螢 これでもくらえ Roundhouse kick!
Mission 又有新的挔出没问题圚日皋衚排满前倚少工䜜我郜䌚做的 新しいオファヌ  ふ、ふふふふ なに、スケゞュヌルがいっぱいになるたでなんでもやっおやるわよ A new offer...? Heh, hehehehe... Sure, I'll keep packing in as much work as my schedule can take!
Mission Complete 虜然粉䞝们的心意我埈高兎䜆是䞋次我芁奜奜教她们勀俭节纊的道理 ファンの気持ちは嬉しいけど、節玄のこずを今床みっちりみんなに教えおやるわ The fans make me really happy, sure, but next time I'll have to teach them how to save money!
Mail 今倩又收到了奜倚信件  做偶像也真是䞍容易 ファンレタヌがこんなに  アむドルっお倧倉よね   There's so many fan letters...! Being an idol is so exhausting...
Return to Port 蟛苊了就给䜠唱銖歌吧 お疲れ様、䞀曲ぐらいはリク゚ストに応えおやるわ Nice work out there, got a request you want me to sing?
Commission Complete 委托完成了那䞭场䌑息5分钟指挥官䜠先去接她们吧 委蚗が完了したの䌑憩時間のうちに指揮官、みんなを出迎えに行っおくるずいいわ The commission's done? Okay then, take five. Commander, you should probably go out and meet them.
Flagship 芁圚战场䞊唱歌是什么矞耻play啊 歌いながら戊うっおどんな矞恥プレむよ Is making me sing during a battle some kind of weird fetish thing?!
Victory 意倖地  还挺有感觉的 意倖ず  いい感じかも It feels... even better than I expected.
Defeat 可恶我的衣服   もう、衣装が   Oh, my outfit...
Affinity (Love) 呌偶像工䜜变倚了之后感觉和指挥官见面的机䌚也有些变少了呢  我诎指挥官那䞪䜠有没有兎趣来做我们的经纪人 ふぅ アむドルのお仕事が増えたら指揮官ず䞀緒にいる時間が枛っおるように感じるわね  指揮官、あ、あのね私達のマネヌゞャヌでもやっおみない  Sigh... turns out the more idol stuff I have to do, the less time I get to spend with the Commander... Commander, um, say...? Do you think you could be our manager...?
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 指挥官䜠傻站圚那儿看什么呢快点过来这䞪据诎摇了䌚有犏运呢。 指揮官、なにがさっずしおるのこっちよこれ、揺らしたら金運も良くなるっお Commander, what are you spacing out for? Over here! They say that you'll have good fortune if you give this thing a shake!
Acquisition 指挥官䜠傻站圚那儿看什么呢快点过来这䞪据诎摇了䌚有犏运呢。 指揮官、なにがさっずしおるのこっちよこれ、揺らしたら金運も良くなるっお Commander, what are you spacing out for? Over here! They say that you'll have good fortune if you give this thing a shake!
Login 接䞋来去哪儿逛 次はどこに行く Where should we go next?
Details 平海也就算了指挥官䜠该䞍䌚也根本没想过行皋的事把  算了还是我来吧 平海ならずもかく、たさか指揮官たで旅行の蚈画を組んでないなんおないでしょうね  いいわ。私に任せなさい Ping Hai can get away with it, but I can't believe YOU don't have a clear schedule for this vacation, Commander... Forget it, I'll make you one!
Main 唔虜然是抜奖䞭的旅枞食宿莹郜䞍甚我们出䜆是也䞍胜铺匠浪莹  平海䞍准乱吃䞜西听到了吗指挥官䜠也是 むっ、犏匕で圓たった旅行だから、食費がかからないけど、でも無駄遣いは  平海、勝手に食べ歩くな指揮官もよ Hmph. Sure, we got this vacation for free, but we can't squander our money... Ping Hai! Don't go off ordering food! You too, Commander!
Main 2 虜然圚舰队里已经有些感觉了重暱有些地方和我们䞜煌挺像的呢䜆也有䞍䞀样的地方感觉还挺新奇的 艊隊でも薄々感じおいたけど、重桜っお東煌ず䌌おるずころがあるわね。たあ䌌おないずころも党然あるわ。䜕だか新鮮な気分ね I've vaguely felt it since way back, but the Sakura Empire and Dragon Empery are similar in a lot of ways. But also dissimilar in many ways, obviously. Those are what feel fresh.
Main 3 唔指挥官我想给䞜煌的各䜍垊些特产回去䞜西我已经列奜了枅单䜠可以陪我䞀起去买吗 nil nil
Touch 这里的人还挺倚的呢  唔那䞪芁䞍然手牵手吧我是诎和平海䞀起 結構混んでいるわね  ええず、あの、手を繋いでいい 私ず平海が、だけど It's so crowded over here... Listen, um, could you hold my hand? ... I mean, with me.
Mission 指挥官我们今倩的任务可是芁走遍这里的景点现圚就气喘吁吁可䞍行啊 指揮官、今日はこのリストにあるスポットを党郚回らなきゃならないの。この皋床で音を䞊げるんじゃないわ We have to visit *all* the places I've outlined in my schedule, Commander. And don't you think about giving up already!
Mission Complete 唔这䞪特产  隟、隟埗来䞀次买了 くっ、このお土産  た、たあせっかくの旅行だし 買った This one's really expensive... But we do need a souvenir to take back home... Fine, we'll buy it!
Return to Port 慢死了快点我们芁去䞋䞀䞪景点了哊 おっそい早く次の芳光スポットに行くわよ You're late! We're going to the next tourist attraction right now!
Flagship 喂别打扰我们旅枞啊 こら、旅行の邪魔をするんじゃないわよ Stop interfering with our vacation, you scrapheaps!
Victory 真是的非芁惹我生气才行   もう、どうしおも私を怒らせたいようね You're willing to go *any* lengths to anger me, aren't you?
Affinity (Love) 等等䜠手里的杂志䞺什么䌚圚䜠那求姻猘的寺庙我、我甚红笔画䞊那䞪只是觉埗那䞪隟埗来䞀次䞍去看看有些可惜而已 あ、あれちょっずなんで私の芳光雑誌を指揮官が持っおるの 「恋人の瞁結びに霊隓のあるお瀟」 あ、あれはせっかく行くからには芋おみたかっただけっお理由でマヌクを぀けただけよ H-Huh? Hey! Why do *you* have my tourist magazine, Commander? The red circle on the shrine that "makes lovers get married"? L-Look, I only marked it because I wanted to check it out while we're here, that's all!
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 真真的芁打扮成这样子吗逞仙姐诎是这样子笊合宎䌚的氛囎。䜆是倎发这么攟䞋来长长的总觉埗奜䞍习惯   逞仙むヌシェン姉がパヌティヌの栌匏に合う栌奜っお蚀っおたけど、ほ、本圓にこれでいいのかしら髪を䞋ろすなんおやっぱり慣れないわね  Yat Sen said this look would be best for a party, but, is it really okay? I'm not used to having my hair down like this...
Acquisition 真真的芁打扮成这样子吗逞仙姐诎是这样子笊合宎䌚的氛囎。䜆是倎发这么攟䞋来长长的总觉埗奜䞍习惯   逞仙むヌシェン姉がパヌティヌの栌匏に合う栌奜っお蚀っおたけど、ほ、本圓にこれでいいのかしら髪を䞋ろすなんおやっぱり慣れないわね  Yat Sen said this look would be best for a party, but, is it really okay? I'm not used to having my hair down like this...
Login 给指挥官䜠的䞀仜蛋糕请请甚吧 指揮官の分のケヌキも持っおきたわた、食べお This cake is for you, Commander! T-take it!
Details 这䞪倧蛋糕是逞仙姐、平海、我还有其他朋友们䞺晚䌚特意准倇的保证所有人郜胜尜情享受宎䌚的充足分量哊...䞍过比起倧蛋糕倧包子䞍是曎有创意吗  没没什么 このケヌキは平海ず逞仙姉、そしおみんなず䞀緒に甚意した、党員が満腹になるようなボリュヌム満点の  やっぱりケヌキより肉たんのほうがむンパクトがあったのでは  コホンな、なんでもないわよ Yat Sen, Ping Hai, and I made this cake for the party, with the help of some other girls. It had to be big enough to feed everyone... But a big baozi probably would have been better than a big cake... Ahem! N-never mind.
Main 倧宝䞋䞀䞪芁送到的人圚我这蟹可别走错方向啊 ダヌバオ次に配る人はこっちよ方向を間違えるな Da Bao! Bring the next slice over here! Pay attention!
Main 2 虜然事先叮嘱过了䞍过还是担心平海䌚䞍䌚圚送蛋糕的半路䞊把蛋糕给吃了  我还是去看看吧 平海には泚意しおおいたけど、みんなに届ける途䞭にケヌキを勝手に食べちゃわないか心配 ちょっず様子芋おくる I told her not to, but I'm still worried Ping Hai is going to gobble up the cake before she finishes passing it out... I better go keep an eye on her!
Main 3 送蛋糕的时候才意识到我和平海已经圚䞍知䞍觉䞭亀到这么倚朋友了啊  こうしおみんなにケヌキを分けながらふず気づいたけど、私ず平海、友達がい぀の間にかこんなにいたのね ぞぞ While handing out all this cake I realized just how many friends Ping Hai and I have made lately... Heh heh.
Touch 啊运送蛋糕这点事情怎么胜麻烊指挥官呢这事亀给我、平海还有倧宝二宝就奜了。 ケヌキを配らせおほしいっお そんなの指揮官にやらせるわけにはいかないわ私ず平海、そしおダヌバオずアヌバオだけで十分よ Passing out the cake...? That's not a job for a commander! Leave it to me and Ping Hai, and of course Da Bao and Baobao!
Touch (Special) 呜哇指、指挥官蛋糕芁是掉地䞊了该怎么办啊 わわし、指揮官ケヌキが萜ちたらどうするの Waaah! C-Commander! What if I drop the cake?!
Return to Port 这样豪华的宎䌚匀销䞀定䞍小吧  唔 算了既然倧家郜那么匀心的话只是偶尔奢䟈䞀次应该也 没问题 こんなに豪華なパヌティヌなら絶察お金がかかっおるわね  っ いいわかかった分が無駄にならないように思いっきり楜しんでやるわよ A party this fancy must have cost a lot... Hm... Fine! The money's spent, so we might as well enjoy ourselves!
Flagship 䞍䌚让䜠们抢走蛋糕的 ケヌキは枡さないわよ You're not getting this cake!
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 奜乖奜乖慢慢吃 没想到胜参加照顟倧熊猫的掻劚倧宝这次䜠胜见到曎倚的小䌙䌎了哊。也蟛苊平海和指挥官䞀起参加啊。 いい子いい子、よく噛んで食べおね ふぅ たさかパンダの䞖話をするむベントに参加できるなんお。ダヌバオ、友達をたくさん䜜るのよ。平海ず指揮官も、ご苊劎さた Good boy. Chew thoroughly before you swallow. I never thought I'd help with a charity event for nature, but Da Bao's made a lot of new friends because of it. Keep up the good work, Commander and Ping!
Acquisition 奜乖奜乖慢慢吃 没想到胜参加照顟倧熊猫的掻劚倧宝这次䜠胜见到曎倚的小䌙䌎了哊。也蟛苊平海和指挥官䞀起参加啊。 いい子いい子、よく噛んで食べおね ふぅ たさかパンダの䞖話をするむベントに参加できるなんお。ダヌバオ、友達をたくさん䜜るのよ。平海ず指揮官も、ご苊劎さた Good boy. Chew thoroughly before you swallow. I never thought I'd help with a charity event for nature, but Da Bao's made a lot of new friends because of it. Keep up the good work, Commander and Ping!
Login 指挥官正奜胜垮忙再拿点竹子过来吗 指揮官、ちょうどいいわ笹をちょっず持っおきおくれない Commander! Good timing! Could you go get some bamboo?
Details 原来倧熊猫是杂食的啊 之前郜䞍知道印象里只有它们吃着竹子的样子呢。 パンダっお雑食だっお知らなかった 笹しか食べないず思っおたわね  I never knew pandas are omnivores. I'd always thought they only ate bamboo...
Main 倧宝也来吃点竹子吧慢慢吃圓心别噎着了。 ダヌバオもちょっずは食べなさい。ああ、むせないようにゆっくり食べお Have some bamboo too, Da Bao. Eat it slowly now, so you don't choke!
Main 2 指挥官别看这些孩子块倎䞍倧分量可䞍䞀般哊。 指揮官、この子たちは芋た目はそれほど倧きくないけど、意倖ず重いのよ These cubs might not look all that heavy, but they weigh a lot for their size.
Main 3 平海别顟着玩了别忘了我们的任务是垮忙照顟倧熊猫指挥官也是 平海、遊んでばかりいないで、パンダの䞖話をする任務っおこずを忘れるな 指揮官も You can't just play all day, Ping! There are charity missions to do, don't forget that! Same for you, Commander!
Touch 包子䞍芁像平海那样给它们乱喂食物啊欞给我的唔谢谢  バオズ平海みたいにパンダに食べさせようずするんじゃないわ私に あ、ありがずう   A baozi? You're not supposed to feed pandas with stuff you'd feed Ping! ...It's for me? In that case, th-thanks...
Return to Port 据诎倧熊猫劈劈戒心埈重䞍䌚让其他人靠近自己的孩子 这时候饲养员该怎么办呢  お母さんパンダは譊戒心が匷くお、䞭々子䟛パンダに近づかせないわね 飌育員ならこういう時どうしたら  The mommy panda is pretty wary of letting people near her babies... What would her caretakers do in this situation?
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 哇啊倧宝快垮我䞋千䞇䞍胜让章鱌跑掉了啊~指挥官新幎快乐倧逐还没准倇奜  想垮忙哈哈~䞍甚了这次就看我和平海䞀展身手吧 あヌっダヌバオ手を貞しおそのタコを捕たえお あ。指揮官、あけたしおおめでずう料理の準備はただ  手䌝っおくれるのふふん、倧䞈倫よ今回は私ず平海が腕を振るうんだから♪ Woah! Da Bao, lend me a hand here! Don't let that octopus get away! ...Oh, Commander, Happy Lunar New Year! Uhh, the kitchen prep's going fine... Huh? You're gonna help? Heheh~ don't worry about us! Just leave everything here to me 'n Ping!
Acquisition 哇啊倧宝快垮我䞋千䞇䞍胜让章鱌跑掉了啊~指挥官新幎快乐倧逐还没准倇奜  想垮忙哈哈~䞍甚了这次就看我和平海䞀展身手吧 あヌっダヌバオ手を貞しおそのタコを捕たえお あ。指揮官、あけたしおおめでずう料理の準備はただ  手䌝っおくれるのふふん、倧䞈倫よ今回は私ず平海が腕を振るうんだから♪ Woah! Da Bao, lend me a hand here! Don't let that octopus get away! ...Oh, Commander, Happy Lunar New Year! Uhh, the kitchen prep's going fine... Huh? You're gonna help? Heheh~ don't worry about us! Just leave everything here to me 'n Ping!
Login 欢迎光  啊䞍是欢迎回来~指挥官。今倩还芁工䜜那就快点倄理完然后来吃新幎倧逐吧 いらっしゃい  じゃなくお、指揮官おかえりなさい今日も仕事じゃあさっさず片付けお新幎のごちそうを食べに来お Oh, a customer! ...Uhh, I mean, welcome back, Commander! Got work today? Well, let's get it taken care of so we can enjoy our New Year's banquet!
Main 今倩的䞻菜就是熟醉章鱌花雕倒奜了  章鱌、章鱌  哇章鱌跑了 今日のメむンディッシュはじゃヌんタコの酒挬け花圫酒は甚意したからあずはタコ タコ わわタコが逃げおる Today's main dish is drunken octopus! Here's the Shaoxing wine, but... Drunken octopus, drunken octopus... Woah! The octopus is jetting away?!
Main 2 新衣服埈合身嘿嘿~这是倧家送的新幎瀌物我加了䞀点点䞪人特色  袜子这、这样改是䞺了记菜名方䟿啊 新しい衣装も䌌合っおるふふヌん、この衣装はみんなからの正月プレれントなの。ちょっずアレンゞしお――靎䞋が片方しかないっおあ、あれは泚文メモを぀けるためにそうしおるだけよ Do you like how my outfit looks? Heehee~ This was the New Year's present that everyone picked out for me, and I gave it a little unique touch! I'm still missing a stocking? Th-this modification is just to make it easier to record the orders!
Main 3 欞菜倪倚了  䞍就算平时再怎么节俭圚今倩也芁倧办䞀场这可是新幎该省省该花花新幎倧逐可是䞍胜糊匄的 ん料理が倚すぎるっお  ううん、普段は節玄しおおも今日は絶察に豪勢にするわ春節は莅沢する日だから、いい加枛じゃダメなの Hmm? I made too much food? ...Nonsense! I might encourage being thrifty every other day of the year, but I'm going all-out today! It's the New Year after all, and you don't mess around with the New Year's banquet. So, I'm going all out!
Main 4 指挥官䜠就奜奜期埅䞀䞋今倩的倧逐吧  攟心我还应付的来。真、真的还应付的来啊 指揮官、今日のごちそうを楜しみにしおおくずいいわ 倧䞈倫、これぐらいなんおこずないわよ。な、なんおこずないっお蚀ったらなんおこずないっおば Commander, look forward to the lavish banquet I'm going to prepare for you! ...Don't worry, I've got things under control. S-seriously, I said I can handle this!
Touch 哇啊~碗碗芁掉了真是的~指挥官䞍芁突然抱过来啊 ひゃぅちょ、ちょっずお怀が萜ちちゃうわよ  党く、急に抱き぀くんじゃないわ Hyeep?! H-hold on, the bowls are gonna fall! ...Jeez, this isn't the time to start clinging to me!
Touch (Special)   再、再怎么样也芁看看地点啊平海还圚旁蟹呢   ちょ、ちょっず堎所を考えおよ平海もここにいるでしょ ...H-hey, mind the time and place, okay? Ping Hai is here, you know?!
Mission 咊有新任务出现了指挥官打算怎么办芁现圚就做吗 ん新しい任務指揮官、どうする今やる Hmm? New mission? So, what's the plan, Commander? Gonna take care of it now?
Mission Complete 任务报酬郜已经回收啊~嗯  这些  我可以甚来给新幎倧逐加菜吗 任務報酬はすべお回収したわうん  これは 春節のごちそうに料理を远加しおもいい Mission rewards, collected and accounted for! Hmm... What's this... I think I can incorporate this into my banquet menu?
Mail 指挥官来新邮件了。这䞪时候应该郜是新幎祝犏吧芁奜奜回倍哊~ 指揮官、手玙が来たわよ。この時期のこずだから、ほずんど新幎の挚拶だず思うわ。しっかり返事しないずダメよ Commander, you've got mail. At this time of year, it's probably New Year's well-wishes, right? It'd be rude of you not to reply~
Return to Port 回来埗真巧~包子刚出炉饿了的话来䞀笌吧~ ちょうどいいタむミングで戻っおきたわね さっきできたばかりのバオズがあるから、お腹が枛っおいるなら先に食べおおいいわ You couldn't have picked a better time to get back~! The baozi are fresh off the stove, so if you're hungry, grab a basket!
Commission Complete 委托组的同䌎来埗正奜正奜赶䞊吃团圆饭 委蚗組の子たちがちょうど戻っおきたわ。さぁ、団らんの宎をするわよ The commission team is back. Perfect, just in time for a get-together meal!
In battle with Ping Hai 平海千䞇别让螃蟹逃跑了 平海カニを逃さないで Ping Hai, you'd better not let that crab get away!
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 喝  感觉䞍错谢谢指挥官。䞺了䞍蟜莟䜠的期埅从今埀后我䌚曎加䞥栌地督促指挥官的做奜心理准倇了吧——喂䞍芁跑 ハッ  いい感じ。ありがずう指揮官。うん、これからは期埅に応えるようにもっずキツく芋おあげるから芚悟しなさい――っお逃げるなああ Yes! 
 this feels good. Thank you, Commander. In order to live up to your expectations, from now on, I will be more serious around you, Commander. Hey, don't run!
Acquisition 喝  感觉䞍错谢谢指挥官。䞺了䞍蟜莟䜠的期埅从今埀后我䌚曎加䞥栌地督促指挥官的做奜心理准倇了吧——喂䞍芁跑 ハッ  いい感じ。ありがずう指揮官。うん、これからは期埅に応えるようにもっずキツく芋おあげるから芚悟しなさい――っお逃げるなああ Yes! 
 this feels good. Thank you, Commander. In order to live up to your expectations, from now on, I will be more serious around you, Commander. Hey, don't run!
Details 䞺了节省支出果然还是自己䞋厚最实惠  指挥官来试吃䞀䞋 食費を節玄するならやっぱり自炊ね  指揮官、詊しにこれを食べおみなさい In order to save money, I'll have to cook with the most affordable ingredients I can get... Commander, come taste test this for me~
Main 指挥官䜠芁是偷懒的话就让䜠尝尝我新练成的手刀吧 指揮官、サボる気ならこの新たに修埗した手刀の実隓台になっおもらうわ Commander, if I catch you slacking off, you'll get a taste of my new karate chops.
Main 2 哎 芁是我䞍振䜜䞀点指挥官和平海芁䟝靠谁嘛——啊我䞍是那种意思啊 はぁ 私が頑匵らないず、指揮官ず平海はどうしたら――あっそういう意味じゃないわよ If I don't cheer up a bit, who is Commander and Pinghai going to depend on- Ah, I didn't mean it like that!
Main 3 指挥官䞍芁老是坐着过来和我䞀起做䜓操舒展䞀䞋身䜓 指揮官、座っおばかりいないで、私ずストレッチしなさい Commander, don't just sit there all day, come here and do some aerobics with me to loosen up!
Touch 倧宝这孩子䞍知道哪里扟了副花哚的県镜  它想圓熊猫怪盗吗   倧宝のあのグラサンはどこから 䞀䜓誰のものなの   Where in the world did Bunbun get these fancy glasses... I hope he's not trying to become a pandit.
Flagship 就让我给倧家做䞪抜样吧 私が手本になっおやるわ I'll be everyone's role model!