Nicoloso da Recco (JP 🇯🇵: , CN 🇹🇼: )
Ship ID No. 506 Star Rating ★★☆☆☆
Hull Destroyer Rarity Elite
Navy Sardegna Empire Build Time
Enhance Income
Scrap Income
Release Date
EN 2021/04/21
CN 2021/04/21
JP 2021/04/21
Voice actress
Nicoloso da Recco Description
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
Limit Break
Tier 1
Tier 2
Tier 3
Slot Equipment Type Efficiency (LB 0/1/2/3) Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3) Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
4 Auxiliary - - -
5 Auxiliary - - -
Default Equipments
Fleet Tech
T Destroyer: Navigatori-class Tech Points and Bonus
Unlock +
Max LimitBreak
Lv.120 +
Icon Name Description Requirements
The Exploration Sensation For the first 3 battles of a sortie: increases this ship's AA and EVA by 5.0% (15.0%) and Speed by 5. When the fleet this ship is in defeats an enemy fleet: increases this ship's FP, TRP, and RLD by 0.5% (5.0%) (can be stacked up to 3 times).
Navigator's Intrepidity Increases DMG taken by enemy CLs by 3.5% (8.0%) while this ship is afloat, but also increases this ship's DMG taken by 1.0%.
All Out Assault I Activates All Out Assault I: Navigatori Class once every 15 times the Main Guns are fired.
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 航海家级驱逐舰—尼科洛索·达雷科 ナヴィガトーリ級駆逐艦・ニコロソ・ダ・レッコ Navigatori-class destroyer – Nicoloso da Recco.
Biography 可不要小看达雷科哦!我可是和许多同伴们一起并肩作战过的!而且还幸运地留到了最后哦!真不愧是我…——啊,被Q舰队袭击的那次只是意外啦! 航海士であるわたしはすごいよ!このわたしはかつては様々な仲間たちと奮戦し、かの大戦を無事戦い抜いた――きゅ、Q艦隊のときはただの気まぐれだよ! I'm a navigator, and let me tell you, I'm phenomenal! I fought hard alongside lots of my friends, and even made it through the war in one piece. My run-in with Force Q though, that was just blind luck!
Acquisition 噢噢!成功到达港口啦!小小航海家,尼科洛索·达·雷科向指挥官致以敬意!跟我一起,顺着航线走遍世界吧!Andiamo! 母港への入港をかくにーん!リトル航海士ニコロソ・ダ・レッコ、指揮官に敬礼!一緒に未知なる海へ…Andiamo(アンディアーモ)! The port's newest arrival, that's-a me! Fun-sized navigator Nicoloso da Recco salutes you, Commander! Andiamo, towards uncharted waters!
Login 噢!指挥官你回来了!快点开始我们今天的出航计划吧! お!指揮官、戻ってきたね!今日も航海計画を見てみよう!早く! Ahoy! Good to see you again, Commander! Let's have a look at today's cruising plans!
Details 欸,这条航线补给跟不上所以不行吗?…那这条呢?考虑到洋流也不行…真是的,指挥官你太挑剔啦! この航路は補給を考えてないからダメ?じゃあこっちは?こっちも海流のことを考えてないからダメ?…もう指揮官って細かすぎー! This course is a no-go because there's no resupply point along it? Okay, then how about this one? ...Also a no-go; ocean currents are too strong? Stop being such a darn naysayer, Commander!
Main 指挥官,还有没有多余的地图借我用用呀?我不会乱来的,只是在上面画画航线而已! 指揮官、余った海図とかない?あー別に変なことはしないよ?航路をどうしようかなーってちょっと線を引いてみたいだけ! Commander, got any maps lying around? I'm not gonna mess with them, I just wanna draw some lines, plot a few courses, that sorta stuff!
Main 2 指挥官,我想看看你珍藏的勋章,可以吗?…真的只是好奇啦! 指揮官の勲章コレクションを見せてもらっていい?…ちょっと気になってるだけだって! Hey, could I have a look at your medal collection? I'm just curious which and how many you have!
Main 3 明明大海那么宽广,为什么大家只喜欢走其中的几条航路呢? 海はこーんなに広いのに、どうしてみんないつも決まった航路を行きたがるんだろう… Why does everyone just take the same exact route over and over? There's so, so much ocean to see out there!
Touch 只要做完这些工作就能准备出航了?我做我做! この仕事を終わらせたら航路の下見をさせてくれるの?よーし、やるぞー! Will you check out the course I plotted after I finish this work? Sweet! I'll have it done in no time!
Touch (Special) 达雷科虽然小,但还是有料的! 身体が小っちゃくても育ってるところもあるよ!えっへん! I may be short, but I'm stacked! Bada bing!
Touch (Headpat) 不要揪我的发带啦! リボンは引っ張らないで~! Ow! Don't pull on my hairband!
Mission 指挥官,快把这些任务做完啦!不然可就没法做出航的准备了! 指揮官、任務を早く完成するように!…でないと出航の準備ができないよ! Get those missions done, on the double! I'll be stuck idling in port forever otherwise!
Mission Complete 任务完成了!指挥官,说好的出航!说·好·的·! 任務完了!指揮官、出航の準備は?おーい、出航の準備をさせてくれるって言ったじゃありませんかー Mission complete! Can we go on a voyage now? What do you mean?! I thought we had a deal!
Mail 有邮件来啦!莫非是新航线开辟的通知? 新しいメール!もしや、新航路開通の報せなのでは? New mail's come in! Maybe it's got info on the latest course developments?
Return to Port 下一次出航的地点选在哪里比较好呢~ 次の航海の目的地はどこがいいだろう… Let's see, where should I plot a course to next...
Commission Complete 委托完成了!下次试试走别的航线怎么样? 委託が完了した!次は別の航路でも行ってみてはどうかな? A commission's been completed! What do you say we try a different course for the next one?
Enhancement 向着更遥远的地方前进~ 遥か、遠い彼方へ……! To the horizon and beyond!
Flagship 达雷科船长,出发! ダ・レッコ船長の出航よー! Captain da Recco, setting sail!
Victory 碍事的家伙都赶跑了!接下来就可以安心探险啦! 邪魔する敵はいなくなったし、安心して探検できるね! That's that annoying bunch dealt with! Now we can explore in peace!
Defeat 呜呜,我们是不是来错地方了… あ、あれ?間違った場所にやってきた…? Err, what? Did I take us on the wrong course?
Skill 风向测定完毕,开炮! 風向きよーし、撃てー! Wind direction accounted for! Fireeee!
Low HP 糟了糟了!好像遇到麻烦了! しまった! Oops!
Affinity (Upset) 我要把你抛下,自己去航行了! 指揮官を置いて出航するよ! I'm going on a voyage! Without you! Buh-bye!
Affinity (Stranger) 指挥官!今天天气晴朗,适合出航哦!让我先规划一下航线… 指揮官!今日はいい出航日和ね!まずはこの航路で、こう…… Ahoy, Commander! Today's a perfect day to go on a voyage! First, we just have to plot a course!
Affinity (Friendly) 指挥官!地图上这个空空的地方,说不定还有我们没发现的新地方哦!下次就去这里探险吧! うおお!指揮官、海図に未探索のエリアあり!もしかしたら誰も行ったことのない未知の海が――次の航海はここにしよう! By Neptune's name! Look, Commander, there's an uncharted area on our map! Who knows what secrets it holds! We should go there on our next voyage!
Affinity (Like) “如果平时多帮指挥官的忙的话就考虑一下”…?好!我答应你! 普段から指揮官の手伝いをすれば一緒に出航を考えてくれるって?………うおおお!わかった!やるよ! "If you help me out enough, I'll consider taking that route"? Whoa, you mean it?! Sign me up as your assistant!
Affinity (Love) 指挥官!接下来就要那个——“约会”了对吧!那么,路线的规划就交给经验丰富的我吧!首先是…欸,还是让指挥官来?唔…那,这次就交给你好了! 指揮官、これはつまり「デート」ということだよね!よし、航路…じゃなくて、ルートは経験豊富な航海士であるわたしに任せて、それとも……やっぱり指揮官が決めたいの?んーじゃあ任せた! We've got a date coming up, you and I! Since I am the veteran navigator here, I'll do the course plotting... I mean, itinerary planning! ...You wanna do that yourself? Hmm... All right, I'll leave it to you!
Pledge 誓约之后,我们是不是就会变得“心有灵犀”了呀?以后我无论出航去哪,就算没有指南针,也找到回指挥官身边的路!如果这么方便就好了呢,嘿嘿~ 二人の心をつなげるってことは、コンパスとか艤装とか使わなくても、航海中にいつでも指揮官の居場所がわかるってこと?…ってそんな便利なことあればいいよね!えへへ♪ What's it mean to "link our hearts"? Will I know where you are when I'm out at sea, without even using a compass? Ahaha! If only it were so easy, am I right?
In battle with Aurora, Sirius 哇!吓,吓了我一跳… わ!びっくりした… Eep! You again...
In battle with Drake 向着未知的冒险Andiamo! 未知への探検へAndiamo(アンディアーモ)! Andiamo, to uncharted waters!
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 这就是重樱的打西瓜啊!资料上说西瓜应该要放到…好!指挥官,帮我把西瓜放那里——嗯?安东尼奥托,不用担心!相信我作为航海家敏锐的感觉!我来啦! これが重桜のスイカ割りってやつね!ほら、指揮官、スイカはそこに置いてー心配いらないよアントニオット!この航海士のセンスを信じて!よーし!いくわよー! I know this one! It's that Sakura Empire watermelon-smashing game! Just put the melon over there, Commander! ...Relax, it'll be fine! Have some faith in my navigator's intuition! Ready? Then let's go!
Acquisition 这就是重樱的打西瓜啊!资料上说西瓜应该要放到…好!指挥官,帮我把西瓜放那里——嗯?安东尼奥托,不用担心!相信我作为航海家敏锐的感觉!我来啦! これが重桜のスイカ割りってやつね!ほら、指揮官、スイカはそこに置いてー心配いらないよアントニオット!この航海士のセンスを信じて!よーし!いくわよー! I know this one! It's that Sakura Empire watermelon-smashing game! Just put the melon over there, Commander! ...Relax, it'll be fine! Have some faith in my navigator's intuition! Ready? Then let's go!
Login 今天是个出航的好天气呢…不过,达雷科船长正在海滨度假中!指挥官也一起来吧! いい出航日和だけど今日は海辺で遊ぶ日!というわけで指揮官も一緒に遊ぼう! The weather's perfect for a voyage, but Captain da Recco's seaside funtime takes precedence! Come on over and we'll play a game, Commander!
Details 待会要吃西瓜哦!指挥官也一起来! あとでスイカを分けて食べるよ!指揮官も来てね! Be sure to stop by later, Commander! We'll split a melon and each have a slice!
Main 啊,打西瓜之前要先蒙上眼睛来着?都说了放心啦,安东尼奥托,我一定会准确打到西瓜的,你乖乖躺好就好~ んーこれをやる時は目隠しをするんだっけ?ダイジョーブ!スイカはきっちり叩き割るからね!そのままじっとしててー Oh, I've gotta put on a blindfold too? No problem! I'll still nail that watermelon! Just make sure it stays in place!
Main 2 东煌好像有叫做“胸口碎大石”的祈福仪式呢!欸…?不是祈福仪式吗? 確か東煌では石を載せて叩き割るような儀式もあるんだよね! I remember hearing the Dragon Empery's got something similar to this, just with a rock instead of a melon!
Main 3 补充水分也是很重要的哦!可不要以为在海边就不会缺水了! 水分補給は大事!海だから水に困らないと思ったら大間違いよ! Remember to stay hydrated! Just because you're near the ocean doesn't mean you won't get thirsty!
Touch 指挥官也想打看看吗? 指揮官もやってみる? Wanna pick up a bat and try for yourself?
Touch (Special) 呜哇哇哇哇,指挥官小心球棒! わわ!指揮官、バットが――! Oh shoot! Watch out – airborne bat!
Return to Port 欢迎回来!指挥官也想被埋到沙子里吗? おかえり!指揮官も砂浜で埋めてもらってみる? Ahoy! Wanna join my sister here under the sand?
Victory 哦哦!出击前打过西瓜真是太好了!…咦,不是祈福的仪式吗? うおお!スイカ割りしててよかった!あれ?戦勝祈願のものじゃなかったの? Woohoo! Good thing I smashed that melon! ...Huh? What do you mean it's not a ceremony to boost your luck?
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Login 早呀指挥官!今天是个适合出航的好日子噢!我们赶紧出发吧! 指揮官おっはよー!今日はいい出航日和だよ!早く出航しよーよー!しゅっこー! Ahoy-ahoy, Commander! Did you know? It's a perfect day for a voyage! Let's go on one right now!
Details 这条航线容易遇上风暴…这条航线肯定会遇难?怎么这样!我都考虑那么久了… この航路は嵐に巻き込まれちゃう…この航路は遭難間違いなし?そんなー!わたし、頑張って考えたのに…>< This course will get us caught in a storm? And this one will get us shipwrecked? Dangit, why?! I thought I had it all planned out...
Main 指挥官,我买了新的地图哦!…可、可没有乱花钱哦? 指揮官、新しい海図を買ってきた!…け、経費は使ってないよ?これはいつも自分で書いたりしている分だから! I bought a new map! ...No, I paid for it myself, out of my own pocket. Making maps is what I do for a hobby!
Main 2 指挥官珍藏的勋章!…哦哦,真想让撒丁的其他伙伴也看看呀! 指揮官の勲章コレクション!…おおこれはサディアのみんなにも見せたいね!
Return to Port 下次出航去哪里比较好呢…指挥官觉得呢~! 次の航海の目的地はどこがいいだろう…ねー指揮官! Hmm, where should I plot a course to next... Any suggestions, Commander?
Commission Complete 委托完成了!开拓新航路果然没那么容易呢… 委託が完了した!新航路の開拓はやっぱり難しいね… A commission's been completed! It ain't easy, plotting new courses all the time.
Affinity (Love) “约会”的路线是…好!就这样!果然还是去稍微远一点的海域比较好呢!指挥官,给大家带土特产的任务就交给你了哦! 「デート」の航路は…よし、これに決めた!やっぱりちょっと離れた海のほうがいいよね!指揮官、みんなへのお土産は任せたよ! I've worked out a course for our date! It goes to a nice, kinda remote little corner of the sea! Now it's your job to find some souvenirs for everyone!