Mikuma (JP 🇯🇵: 三隈, CN 🇹🇼: 三隈)
Ship IDNo. 189Star Rating★★☆☆☆
Hull Light CruiserRarityElite
NavySakura EmpireBuild TimeN/A
AcquisitionPoint Reward in Visitors Dyed in Red Rerun
Enhance Income
Scrap Income
Release Date
ENMarch 21, 2019
CNMarch 29, 2018
JPMarch 27, 2018
Voice actressAnna Yamaki
Mikuma Description
Mogami-class heavy cruiser number two – Mikuma.
HP686 Reload69
Firepower37 Torpedo35
Evasion14 Anti-air35
Aviation0 Cost0
ASW11 Luck13
HP2951 Reload133
Firepower103 Torpedo96
Evasion81 Anti-air132
Aviation0 Cost0
ASW28 Luck13
Limit Break
Tier 1Unlock All Out Assault I | Torpedo efficiency +5%
Tier 2Torpedo base +1 | Torpedo preload +1 | Main gun efficiency +10%
Tier 3Improve All Out Assault | Torpedo efficiency +15%
SlotEquipment TypeEfficiency (LB 0/1/2/3)Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3)Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
1Light Cruiser100%/100%/110%/110%1/1/1/10/0/0/0
3Anti-Air Gun100%/100%/100%/100%1/1/1/10/0/0/0
Default Equipments
1Triple 610mm Torpedo
Fleet Tech
T7 Light Cruiser: Mogami-ClassTech Points and Bonus
Unlock12 +1
Max LimitBreak24
Lv.12018 +1
Carrier EscortWhile this ship is afloat: decreases the DMG all Carriers in your fleet take by 5.0% (15.0%) . Does not stack with the same skill.Default Unlocked
AP ProtectionDecreases the DMG this ship takes from AP by 10.0% (20.0%) .Default Unlocked
All Out Assault ⅡActivates All Out Assault Ⅱ: Mogami Class once every 8 times the Main Guns are fired.???
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description最上级轻巡洋舰二番舰—三隈最上型軽巡洋艦二番艦・三隈Mogami-class heavy cruiser number two – Mikuma.
Biography我是最上级的二号舰三隈,虽然姐姐总是说着是她在中途岛把我害了,不过我完全没有那种想法,倒不如说我希望有一天姐姐能够从阴影里走出来……啊一不小心话题就……总之我会努力为舰队做出贡献的,请尽管下令最上型の二番艦の三隈です。ミッドウェイでは姉さんと衝突してしまいましたけど、私は別に姉さんを恨んでいません。むしろ姉さんが……あ、すみません、急に話題を変えちゃって……艦隊のために精一杯がんばりますので、なんでもご命令くださいI am Mikuma, the second ship of the Mogami-class. I collided with my sister in Midway, but I don't resent her for it. On the contrary: she... Ah, forgive me for changing the topic so suddenly... I shall do everything I can for the fleet, so please give me your orders.
Acquisition我叫三隈,最上姐的妹妹,如果您有见到姐姐的话,还请多照顾她一下,姐姐的性格……有点别扭最上の妹、三隈と言います。もし…もしよかったら、姉さんの面倒を見ていただけないでしょうか。ちょっと変わった性格でして……My name is Mikuma. I'm Mogami's little sister. If... if you don't mind, could you please look after her? She has a bit of an unusual personality, you see...
Login欢迎回来,今天也努力工作吧,指挥官おかえりなさいませ。指揮官、今日もお仕事がんばりましょうねWelcome back. Let's try to get a lot of work done today.
Details角吗?我是觉得如果这样能让人记住我,也是一件不坏的事呢角…ですか?これで人に覚えていただけるなら、別に悪いものではないと思いますよ?My... horn? If it makes people remember me, then I believe it's not all that bad.
Main姐姐现在……恐怕又在一个人钻牛角尖了,指挥官,我能离开一下吗?姉さん……多分また一人で思い悩んでいますね。指揮官、少し席を外してもいいでしょうか?My sister is... probably sitting somewhere, alone, lamenting the past again. Commander, would you please excuse me for a moment?
Main 2秘书就是指挥官的臂膀,所以请不用客气,尽管把工作分派给我吧秘書艦たる者、指揮官の右腕になるべし――何でも私にお任せくださいA secretary should be the Commander's right hand. Please don't hesitate to give me orders.
Main 3说起来,虽然并不值得一提,我似乎是大战中重樱第一个倒下的重巡级呢あの大戦で最初に沈んだ重巡でした……いいえ、些細なことですI was the first heavy cruiser to sink in the war... Oh, never mind, it was nothing important.
Touch我在,请尽管吩咐ここにいます。ご命令をくださいI'm standing by. Please give me your orders.
Touch (Special)……指挥官,请小心主炮走火……指揮官、主砲の暴発に気をつけてください... Commander, please be wary of accidental discharges from my cannons.
Mission指挥官,任务整理好了,请确认指揮官、任務の資料片付けておきました。ご確認くださいI have organized the mission rewards, Commander. Could you confirm them, please?
Mission Complete指挥官,任务奖励确认完毕了指揮官、任務報酬の確認、完了しましたI have completed my inspection of the mission rewards, Commander.
Mail指挥官,今天的信件都在这里了指揮官、今日来た手紙はこちらですHere is the letter that arrived today, Commander.
Return to Port您辛苦了,指挥官指揮官、お疲れ様ですOutstanding performance, Commander.
Commission Complete指挥官,委托完成了,如果您比较忙的话就让我去接她们吧指揮官、委託が完了しました。お忙しいようなら代わりに私に行かせてくださいA commission has finished, Commander. If you're occupied at the moment, please send me in your stead.
Enhancement您的青睐定当得到回报お引き立ていただきありがとうございます。必ずお報いいたしますYour kindness is highly appreciated. I swear to repay it one day.
Flagship诸位,不要掉队了!みんな、ついてきて!Everyone, on me!
Victory请放心,我不会因此骄傲的これぐらいで浮かれたりしませんっThis is nothing to get thrilled about!
Defeat这个教训……我记住了くっ…教訓にします…!*Gah*...! This will serve as a lesson...!
Skill准备就绪,连装炮,发射!装填完了!連装砲、発射します!Loading complete! Main guns, fire!
Low HP大家不要紧张,还有机会!みんな、慌てないで!チャンスはあります!Don't panic! We still have a chance!
Affinity (Upset)看来要提醒姐姐,这不是个值得信赖的指挥官了……信頼できない指揮官だって、姉さんに注意しなきゃ……I've gotta warn my sister about how untrustworthy you are...
Affinity (Stranger)啊抱歉,指挥官,我正在完成您分派的任务,有什么事吗?……交流?好的,我也认为互相了解是十分重要的すみません指揮官、いま先程ご指示いただいた件が忙しくて……はい、なんでしょうか?コミュニケーションですか?はい、コミュニケーションは大事ですねPardon me, Commander, I'm occupied with the task you gave me... Okay, how may I help? Communication? Yes, of course, communication is important.
Affinity (Friendly)我们最上型四个都隶属于第七战队,不过熊野和铃谷她们两个要晚一点出生,所以我和姐姐比较亲近一点吧……而且姐姐也……比较需要照顾最上型は全員第七戦隊所属ですけど、熊野と鈴谷は私より遅れて進水した分、私が姉さんの世話をしていました。そのこともあって、二人は私ほど姉さんと親しいわけではありませんよAll Mogami-class cruisers were part of Cruiser Division 7, but because Kumano and Suzuya were launched later than me, it was I who had to look after Mogami. And for that reason, they aren't as close to her as I am.
Affinity (Like)我虽然能照顾姐姐,但是以姐姐那个爱别扭的这个,要开导她还要靠指挥官你呢…姉さんのフォローなら私もできますけど、姉さんのあの拗ねやすい性格では…導くのはやっぱり指揮官にしか出来ないと思います…I'm always willing to support my sister, but owing to her somber personality... I don't think anyone but you can truly guide her, Commander...
Affinity (Love)嫉妒……吗?嗯……这倒是没有想过的事呢,不过一边是最喜欢的姐姐,一边是最喜……喜欢的指挥官,应该……没关系吧?ヤキモチ……ですか?考えたことありませんね……大好きな姉さんと、大好きな指揮官……多分大丈夫……かな?Jealousy... you say? It's never been on my mind... As long as I have my dear sister and my dear Commander... everything will probably be okay... I think?
Pledge指挥官,让您久等了。欸,要用“你”吗?让…你久等了…唔,总觉得,有点怪怪的,不过慢慢会习惯吧,总之,直到海枯石烂为止,请多指教指揮官、お待たせしました。え?「あなた」ですか?ええと…あ、アナタ…ちょっと変ですけど、これは少しつづ慣れたほうがいいですね。はい、三隈のこと、末永くよろしくお願いしますねSorry for taking so long, Commander. Huh? I should call you "darling"? Umm... D-darling... This feels a little awkward, but it's something I should slowly get used to. Now, I hope we will be together for many long years.
In battle with Mogami姐姐,不要离我太远姉さん、あまり離れすぎないようにMogami, try not to stray too far from me.
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description愿指挥官和同伴们能够健康活跃,幸运相随……为大家祈愿而跳的这支舞,您觉得如何呢?在正式活动时能有完美的表现就好了。指揮官と仲間たちの健勝と活躍、幸運を……ふぅ、いかがですか?みんなのために祈りを捧げるこの舞踏、上手く披露したいものですCommander, may you and all our friends enjoy peace and good health... Alright, what did you think? That was a ceremonial dance I'd like to offer to everyone at the main event.
Acquisition愿指挥官和同伴们能够健康活跃,幸运相随……为大家祈愿而跳的这支舞,您觉得如何呢?在正式活动时能有完美的表现就好了。指揮官と仲間たちの健勝と活躍、幸運を……ふぅ、いかがですか?みんなのために祈りを捧げるこの舞踏、上手く披露したいものですCommander, may you and all our friends enjoy peace and good health... Alright, what did you think? That was a ceremonial dance I'd like to offer to everyone at the main event.
Login欢迎回来,指挥官。最上姐的话刚才回去了哦。是发生什么事了吗…?おかえりなさいませ、指揮官。最上姉さんならさっき帰りましたよ。何かあったのでしょうか…?Welcome back, Commander. Mogami should have already started heading back. Did something happen...?
Details指挥官的视线吗……虽然会在意,不过并不像铃谷所说的那样……!一回想起来突然就更在意了……///指揮官の視線ですか…気になりますけど、鈴谷の言うようなことは……っ!思い出したら急に意識し始めちゃいますよ…///The Commander was staring right at me... Of course I'd be self-conscious, but it's not like what Suzuya said...! Just thinking about it is making me even more self-conscious... *blushes*
Main姐姐的烦恼……指挥官,一起听她倾诉吧!姉さんの悩み…指揮官、一緒に聞いてあげましょう!My sister seems to be troubled... Commander, let's hear her out together!
Main 2其实挺想看姐姐跳舞的,不过这种活动还是我出场比较好。本当は姉さんが舞う姿を見たいですけど、こういう行事はやっぱり私が出たほうがいいですねI want to see my sister dance, but I'm better suited for an event like this.
Main 3熊野也想跳跳看吗?倒也可……不行!要是动作太夸张把衣服弄破了怎么办?熊野もやってみたいのですか?別にいい…よくありません!派手に動きすぎて衣装が破けたらどうするんですか?Kumano also wants to try dancing? That could be arranged... Wait, no! What if she tears her costume because her movements are too flashy?
Touch三隈在此,请下命令。三隈はここにいます。ご指示くださいMikuma stands at attention. Please give your orders.
Touch (Special)那个,请小心主炮爆炸……!その、主砲の爆発にお気をつけください…!Umm, please mind my main battery... It might explode!
Touch (Headpat)角……很可爱吗?角が…可愛いですか?My horn... is cute?
Mission任务资料收拾完毕了。差不多是时候去看看姐姐的情况了……任務資料を片付けておきました。そろそろ姉さんの様子が気になりますね…I've finished collecting the mission rewards. I think it's about to go check on my sister...
Mission Complete任务结束了,姐姐也很高兴呢。任務が完了しました。姉さんも喜んでいますよ。ふふMission complete. I'm sure my sister is also pleased by this. Heehee.
Return to Port饮料放在那边的休息区了。指挥官,请先在那边放松休息吧あちらの休憩スペースに飲み物を置いてありますので、指揮官、まずはそちらでお寛ぎくださいI left some drinks in the lounge area for you. Commander, please take this time to rest up.
Commission Complete委托结束了。要带着铃谷她们一起去迎接吗?委託が完了しました。鈴谷たちを連れて出迎えに行きませんか?The commission team has returned. Want to take Suzuya and Kumano with you when you head over?
Victory其实想让姐姐赢得第一的……本当は姉さんに一位を取ってほしかったな…I actually would've liked my sister to take these honors...
Affinity (Love)指挥官,多关心下姐姐吧。虽然我看到指挥官和姐姐在一起并不会闹别扭,不过姐姐和我不太一样。我和姐姐同时……当,当然可以哦?指揮官、もう少し姉さんのことを構ってあげてください。私は指揮官が姉さんといるのを見ても拗ねませんけど、姉さんは私とは違いますから。私と姉さんを同時に…そ、それはもちろんいいですよ?Commander, I'd like you to take better care of my sister instead. Though I don't mind seeing the two of you together, the same can't be said for her. The two of us at the same time...? Um, o-of course that would be possible...