Magdeburg (JP 🇯🇵: , CN 🇹🇌: )
Ship ID No. 525 Star Rating ★★★☆☆☆
Hull Light Cruiser Rarity Super Rare
Navy Ironblood Build Time
Enhance Income
Scrap Income
Release Date
Voice actress
Magdeburg Description
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
Limit Break
Tier 1
Tier 2
Tier 3
Slot Equipment Type Efficiency (LB 0/1/2/3) Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3) Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
4 Auxiliary - - -
5 Auxiliary - - -
Default Equipments
Fleet Tech
T Light Cruiser: M-Class Tech Points and Bonus
Unlock +
Max LimitBreak
Lv.120 +
Icon Name Description Requirements
Get Hyped! When the fleet this ship is in sinks an enemy fleet: increases this ship's DMG dealt by 1.5% (6.0%) (can be stacked up to 4 times). When this ship sinks an enemy in combat: increases this ship's ACC and EVA by 1.0% (5.0%) (can be stacked up to 4 times).
Scorching Combo Increases this ship's AA by 5.0% (15.0%). 3s after the battle starts, and with a 70.0% chance every 20s: fires a Lv.1 (Lv.10) special barrage (DMG is based on the skill's level). If this barrage fails to activate: instead increases this ship's FP and TRP by 1.0% (10.0%) (can be stacked up to 2 times; when stacked twice: increases the barrage's proc chance to 100.0%). After the 2nd and 4th battles in a sortie: improves this barrage.
All-Out Assault I Activates All Out Assault I: Magdeburg once every 12 times the Main Guns are fired.
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description M级蜻巡掋舰—马栌執堡 M玚軜巡掋艊-マクデブルク M-class light cruiser – Magdeburg
Biography 我是铁血蜻巡掋舰马栌執堡号。虜然没什么经历胜借分享给䜠  䞍过我人䞍就圚这里嘛什么倧敌什么隟题通通抛过来就奜了 鉄血軜巡掋艊のマクデブルクだ。語れるほどカンレキはあたりないが たあ、今こうしおここにいるんだ、敵でもトラブルでも䜕でも任せおおきなっ I'm Magdeburg, Iron Blood light cruiser. Don't got much of a record to boast about, but meh, what matters is the fact I'm here right now. If you need a problem fixed or someone's ass kicked, hit me up!
Acquisition 铁血蜻巡掋舰马栌執堡驟到䞺了祝之后我们合䜜愉快来碰䞪拳吧 啊对了我的手套有点硬碰拳别倪甚力哊。 鉄血軜巡掋艊のマクデブルクだお近づきのしるしに拳でも合わせようかあっ このグロヌブ、ちょいず硬いから気を付けな Yo! Iron Blood light cruiser Magdeburg here! Gimme a fistbump to celebrate us becomin' homies! Wait, uhh... Got these metal gauntlets on, so go easy for your own sake.
Login 嗯粟神状态䞍错今倩我们的目标是把这些䞜西郜做完 うん、良い調子今日の目暙は曞類の案件を片づけるこずにしよう Aw yeah, I'm feelin' it today! Let's knock out all the paperwork in one go!
Details 䞎䌗䞍同的跑步姿势啊这是从挫画里看到的。䜠䞍觉埗其实埈酷吗 走り方、かヌ。あ、これね、挫画で芋かけたのをな なかなかむケおるでしょ Why do I run like that? Ah, well, I was inspired by a comic I read. Makes me look pretty badass, doesn't it?
Main 嘿突然就想像这样 哈来䞪后空翻试试呢~ 哈哈没吓到䜠吧 おっやっ いきなりだけどこうしお ふんバック宙やっおみたくなっちゃっおさ。あ、びっくりさせちゃった Hooh! Hah! And just for good measure... Whupah! Suddenly felt like doing a backflip, that's all. Hope I didn't startle ya there.
Main 2 芁是䜠工䜜的时候䞍小心发呆了我就蜻蜻匹䞀䞋䜠的额倎提醒䜠  攟心我甚力埈蜻的 仕事䞭にボヌっずしたら、かるヌくデコピンしお 倧䞈倫だっお、力加枛はしおるからな If I catch you slackin', your forehead's getting a whackin'. Relaaaax, I'll be gentle.
Main 3 䞊次的那䞪挫画后面的剧情发展到底是怎样的呢  哎每次看完郜芁等䞀呚才胜看到新的呢䞍借过瘟啊   こないだ読んだ挫画、続きが気になる 週刊誌ずはいえ、じれったいな  I just want the next chapter of this comic I'm reading to come out! But it's a weekly release, so all I can do is wait...
Touch 芁来碰拳吗来吧 拳を合わせたくなったいいぜ、ほい You wanna bump fists? Aight! Bam!
Touch (Special) 我姑䞔盞信䜠是无意的   わざずじゃないず、䞀応信じおやるが  I'll choose to believe that was just an accident...
Touch (Headpat) 嗯䜠圚干什么 んなにやっおんの Huh? The hell are you doin'?
Mission 喂有新任务哊䜠打算怎么安排 ほら、新しい任務が来たぜヌ。どうする Guess what – new missions just dropped. We doin' 'em, or?
Mission Complete 任务完成接䞋来该算算我的那仜酬劳了吧哈哈哈。 任務完了次はあたしの取り分を蚈算する番かなははは Mission complete! You gonna do the math for my share of the rewards next? Hahah.
Mail 嘿䜠的邮件芁养成垞看邮件的习惯啊。 メヌルだ垞にチェックする習慣を身に付けろよな New mail, yo! You really oughta make it a habit to check your mailbox.
Return to Port 出击回来了有没有遇到什么棘手的敌人 出撃お疲れ。手こずるような敵はいた Sweet, you're back. Run into any tough foes out there?
Commission Complete 走吧指挥官该去接委托回来的同䌎们了 さあ、指揮官垰っおきた委蚗組の仲間たちを出迎えおこようぜ Heads up, Commander! Commish team's back, so you know what that means!
Enhancement 出去打䞀䞋就知道有没有变区了 匷くなったかどうかはな、戊っおみればわかるさ Send me into battle and we'll find out if I really got stronger or not!
Flagship 进攻匀始我来打倎阵 かかれ䞀番槍はあたしだ Go get 'em! Follow my lead!
Victory 奜既然赢了那就来䞪前空翻庆祝䞀䞋吧 よっしゃ勝利を祝っお、前宙返りでも䞀発 Hell yeah! This calls for a victory somersault!
Defeat 那䞪  奜像搞砞了䞍奜意思啊~ ありゃた。やらかしちゃったか わりぃ  Welp, guess this one's fubared. My bad...
Skill 吃我䞀拳  䞍对吃我䞀炮 拳を喰らいな 違った、砲匟だ Open up for a knuckle sandwich! ...Err, I mean a cannon volley!
Low HP 小场面而已别怕 これぐらい朝飯前さ怯むなよ I take hits like this for breakfast! Try harder!
Affinity (Upset) 喂䜠惹我生气了。䞍早点改正错误的话后果埈䞥重的 あんた、ムカ぀くな その行い改めないず、どうなるか知らないぜっ You're pissin' me off to no end. Either sort yourself out, or leave me the hell alone!
Affinity (Stranger) 嘿指挥官䜠看起来埈忙哊芁䞍芁我来垮䜠陀了战斗以倖简单的公务我也可以代劳的哊 ん、指揮官、忙しそうだな手䌝いはいるか戊いだけじゃなく、簡単な曞類仕事ならあたしもできるぜ Swamped with work, I'm guessin'? Need a hand? Fighting's not all I'm good for – I can do simple paperwork too, y'know.
Affinity (Friendly) 䜠诎 这是䞺了报答䞊次垮䜠倄理公务特地泡的咖啡 嗯那我就欣然收䞋啊再让我加点牛奶—— このコヌヒヌは この前の曞類仕事のお瀌あはは、ありがずうもらうよミルクをちょいず足しお  To what do I owe this cuppa joe? ...The paperwork I did earlier? Ahahah, thanks! I'll have just a dash of milk.
Affinity (Like) 䜠我之闎郜这么熟了也就没有计蟃谁垮过谁什么的必芁了。䞎其纠结自己是䞍是欠别人人情䞍劂想垮忙的时候就垮想求助的时候就求助呢。这可蜻束倚了 あたしたちの仲だから、貞し借りっおのはなし気兌ねなく助けたり助けおもらったりしたほうがマシそっちのほうが楜でしょ Let's not think in terms of favors-for-favors and just help each other out when we need it, like homies do! Nice and simple that way, too!
Affinity (Love) 像䜠这样劂歀合埗来的人想再扟䞀䞪可真的是倪隟了。可以诎䜠就是我的最䜳拍档呢我们应该就是枯区里最区的二人组了吧 あんたほど気が合う人はいない。぀たりあたしずあんたず二人でベストコンビネヌション あっ、぀たり母枯での最匷カップルっおこずか Nobody matches my wavelength better than you. You and I, we're the OTP... Oh, guess that also makes us the port's number one power couple!
Pledge 居然是这䞪啊 还真是有些出乎意料呢 诎实话我对自己那方面的魅力也䞍是埈自信 啊我䞍是诎䞍行来着我圓然也是喜欢䜠的啊只是 嗯嗯啊啊啊䞀时半䌚诎䞍枅啊 正盎あたりこれのこず、考えおなかったんだ 自分にその魅力があるのかも怪しいしさ。あダメずかじゃないあんたのこずは奜きだし、ただ ん あああもううたく蚀えない Honestly, I didn't plan for this at all... I doubt I've even got the kind of charm you deserve. No, no, I'm not turnin' you down! I absolutely love you, it's just... Well... Ahh, to hell with it! I can't find the right words!
In battle with Z24, Z25, Admiral Graf Spee 铁爪手套倩䞋第䞀 ガントレットっお最高だよな Gauntlet gang, represent!
In battle with Akatsuki, Kuroshio 那䞪“忍术”什么的  是䞍是真的 あの「にんじゅ぀」っおのは 本物か You know ninjutsu? The real deal?
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 喂䜠这小家䌙䜠闯神了知道吗还芁我垮䜠收拟残局真是气死我了  正奜指挥官拜这小家䌙所赐䜠看看这里郜成什么样了   ちょっずお前よくもやらかしおくれるな尻拭いはこのあたしがやんないずいけないっおわかっおんのか あ、指揮官、ちょうどいいずころだ。ほら、こい぀のせいでこんな有様でさ  You little...! Look what a damn mess you made! And I'm the one who's gotta clean it up now! ...Oh. Perfect timing, Commander. Could use a hand with the floor here, after what this little turd did.
Acquisition 喂䜠这小家䌙䜠闯神了知道吗还芁我垮䜠收拟残局真是气死我了  正奜指挥官拜这小家䌙所赐䜠看看这里郜成什么样了   ちょっずお前よくもやらかしおくれるな尻拭いはこのあたしがやんないずいけないっおわかっおんのか あ、指揮官、ちょうどいいずころだ。ほら、こい぀のせいでこんな有様でさ  You little...! Look what a damn mess you made! And I'm the one who's gotta clean it up now! ...Oh. Perfect timing, Commander. Could use a hand with the floor here, after what this little turd did.
Login 欢迎光䞎指挥官劂䜠所见这里目前遇到了䞀些麻烊  䞍奜意思让䜠看到我倱态的样子了。 指揮官、いらっしゃいず蚀いたいけど、今ちょっずトラブっおお たったく情けない Wish I could say "I'll be right with you!" but I've got this mess to deal with... Ugh, this sucks ass.
Details 䞍管䜠再怎么可爱闯神了就是闯神了明癜吗明癜了的话䞋次就小心点 いいいくら可愛くおも、悪いこずをしたのに倉わりはないぞ。分かったなら今床はちゃんず気を付けるんだな You being a cute li'l cat doesn't change the fact you've been naughty. Learned your lesson yet? Good, then don't let that happen again.
Main 哎呀䜠这小猫笑起来还挺可爱的 䞍对这䞀定是䜠甚于博埗怜爱的卑鄙歊噚 お、倧人しい時は可愛げあるな っお隙されちゃダメだたさしく今は猫を被っおるだけだから Okay, cats can be kinda cute when they're behaving... But that's how they getcha! You let your guard down, and that's when they strike!
Main 2 乌尔里垌啊䜠也垮忙管管这些小家䌙吧  什么䜠诎它们完党䞍理䜠 りルリッヒ、ちょっず助けおくれ っお党く盞手にされないから無理だっお Ulrich, come gimme a hand here... Whaddya mean no way?! Just 'cause they refuse to play with you?!
Main 3 来店里垮忙我圓然是乐意的䜆没想到䌚把䜠卷入这样的麻烊䞭  哎圚我印象里猫䞍应该是埈乖巧可爱的那种么   店を手䌝っおやるたではよかったが こんなトラブルに巻き蟌たれるずは こい぀ら、もっず倧人しくお可愛いや぀だず思っおたぞ  I don't mind helping 'round the café, but I never signed up to clean messes like this... I figured cats would be, y'know, cute and docile...
Touch 䜠芁来垮忙吗那可就垮倧忙了 手䌝っおくれるのか助かった You're gonna help me out? Great, thanks!
Touch (Special) 想让我把䜠也这样提起来吗   あんたもこうやっお銖根っこを掎たれお欲しいか What, you trying to get me to grab you by the neck like this cat here?
Touch (Headpat) 现圚䞍是做这䞪的时闎啊 こんなこずしおる暇ないっお I'm trying to clean here, dammit!
Mission 我去和指挥官做新任务了䜠们这些小家䌙这次记埗安分点 新しい任務をこなしに指揮官ず出かける。お前ら、倧人しくしおろよヌ Commander and I are leavin' to take care of a new mission. You cats better behave while we're out!
Mission Complete å‘Œ~指挥官那蟹的任务完成了接䞋来就到这蟹的掻了。 ふぅ 指揮官ずの任務が完了した。次はこっちに専念しないず Whew... That's that mission done. Now to focus on this again...
Mail 䜠的邮件我事先垮䜠攟到桌䞊了记埗看啊。 メヌルは机に眮いずいたぞ。忘れずに読むようにな Left your mail on the desk. Don't forget to read it.
Return to Port 指挥官的战斗结束了我的战斗还圚继续呢  哈啊   指揮官の戊いは終わったが、あたしの戊いはただ終わりが芋えおない はぁ  Your battle's already over, while there's no end in sight to mine... *sigh*...
Commission Complete 委托的同䌎们回来了那埗赶玧去准倇点咖啡才行 委蚗組のみんなが戻っおきた あ急いでコヌヒヌを甚意しないず Commish team has returned? Ah, crap! I'd better put on some coffee, quick!
Flagship 还埗先赶走别的碍事的家䌙啊   邪魔するや぀はたず远い出さないず  First thing's first – these meddlesome assholes have got to go!
Victory 赢了喵 䞍䞍对刚刚的是  /// 勝ったにゃ ち、違う今のは /// Victory is meowrs! ...N-no! Slip of the tongue, that's all...
Defeat 啊搞砞了搞砞了   ありゃりゃ、やっちたった  Aw damn. I blew it...
Affinity (Love) 今倩真是蟛苊䜠了䞍仅陪着我收拟残局还把小家䌙们郜安顿奜了。  哎劂果我也像这些小猫䞀样匄出点劚静来的话䜠䌚䞍䌚  啊我什么也没诎 埌片付けだけじゃなく、こいらをおずなしくさせるこずたで、たったく苊劎をかけちたったな コホン。もし もしあたしもこい぀らず同じく倉なトラブルに巻き蟌んじたったら  な、なんでもない First these li'l cats make a mess of the place, then I'm forced to lecture 'em on it. Pain in my ass... Ahem. Listen... If I ever end up doing something similar to these guys... would you try to... N-nah, never mind I said anything!
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 隟埗这样出海别光顟着拍照倚享受享受䌑假劂䜕来来我这就把泳圈攟䞀蟹去坐我身蟹吹吹风吧 せっかくこうしお海に出たんだし、写真ばっかり撮っおないで、バカンスを満喫したらどうだほら、浮き茪をどかすから、あたしの隣に座っお䞀緒に颚に圓たろうぜ Here's an idea – how 'bout putting down the camera and actually enjoyin' the open sea? I'll move the swim ring so you can chill in the breeze with me!
Acquisition 隟埗这样出海别光顟着拍照倚享受享受䌑假劂䜕来来我这就把泳圈攟䞀蟹去坐我身蟹吹吹风吧 せっかくこうしお海に出たんだし、写真ばっかり撮っおないで、バカンスを満喫したらどうだほら、浮き茪をどかすから、あたしの隣に座っお䞀緒に颚に圓たろうぜ Here's an idea – how 'bout putting down the camera and actually enjoyin' the open sea? I'll move the swim ring so you can chill in the breeze with me!
Login 今倩的目标就是党力享受假日明癜么䞍胜想工䜜的事哊。 今日の目暙は目いっぱい楜しむこずいいか仕事のこずは考えちゃダメだからな Our goal today is just to have a real good time! Got it? Ya can't go thinkin' 'bout work all day long.
Details 海风拂面空䞭海鞟圚飞翔  挫画䞭经垞看到的场景果然是真的呢。奜的指挥官䞋次陀了出海我们也挑战䞋爬山吧 空を飛び亀うカモメに心地良い朮颚 挫画ずかでそんなシヌンをよく芋かけるけど、実際来おみるず確かにそんなもんだな よし、指揮官、今床は山登りもしようぜ Seagulls in the sky, salty breezes down below. I've seen 'em tons of times in comics before, and I guess the real deal's just what you'd expect... Hey, let's climb a mountain on our next vacay!
Main 景色真矎啊 平时粟神集䞭过倎了就容易応略这些矎奜呢䞋次也邀请俟斯麊她们看看吧。 いい景色だ 気を匵りすぎおいるず、こんなこずでも芋萜ずしがちでよくないよな今床ビスマルク蟺りも誘っおみよう Look at this dope view... Ya tend to overlook Mother Nature if ya don't stop and smell the roses! I'mma invite Bismarck and company here sometime.
Main 2 嗯䞺䜕总盯着我的手  啊是因䞺今倩没戎平时的手套所以是第䞀次看到我的手吗哈哈哈。 手をじろじろず芋るな んい぀ものグロヌブがない玠手を芋るのは初めおかあはは Why you checkin' out my hands? ...Hm? Guess it is your first time seein' 'em without gauntlets on! Ahahahah!
Main 3 日光济虜然埈舒服䜆是没奜奜涂防晒霜的话就麻烊了。劂䜕等䞋垮䜠涂涂 日光济は気持ちいいけど、日焌け止めちゃんず塗らないず倧惚事になるぞ。 じっずしお、背䞭塗っおあげるから Much as I love sunbathing, ya gotta wear sunscreen if ya don't want a nasty sunburn. Hold still for a sec and I'll put some on your back.
Touch 等䞋垮我涂防晒霜吗垮倧忙了 あたしにも日焌け止め塗っおくれるのかサンキュヌ You gonna rub sunscreen on me? Thanks, homie!
Touch (Special) 䜠胆子埈倧嘛  あんた、良い床胞しおるな  Wow, you sure got some nerve...
Mission 新任务来了。蜬换䞋心情加油吧 新しい任務がきたぞ。気持ちを切り替えお頑匵ろう New missions just arrived. Time to change gears and get 'em done!
Mission Complete 任务完成䜜䞺奜奜努力后的奖励报酬圚等着我们呢。 任務完了っずよく頑匵ったご耒矎ず報酬が埅っおるぞ Mission accomplished! The fruits of our labor are waitin', homie.
Return to Port 出击蟛苊了来杯冰透了的果汁枅爜䞋吧。 出撃お疲れキンキンに冷えたゞュヌスでリフレッシュしようぜ Good work, homie! C'mere and recharge those batteries with an ice-cold soda!
Commission Complete 委托的䌙䌎们回来了呢。指挥官别发呆去迎接她们吧。 仲間たちが委蚗から垰っおきたな。指揮官、がヌっずしおないで出迎えにいこうぜ Commish team's back in port. Enough cloudgazin', Commander, let's go see 'em!
Flagship 跟着我䞊吧 あたしの埌に続け On me!
Victory 耶来碰拳庆祝胜利吧 よっしゃ勝利のグヌタッチだな Aww yeah! Gimme a victory brofist!
Defeat 搞砞了 抱歉  やらかした わりぃ  I messed up bigtime... Sorry...
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Login 嗯现圚是最䜳状态我的同䌎今倩芁从什么匀始 うん、最高のコンディションだ今日は䜕からやるの、盞棒 Oh yeah, I'm in the zone! So, what are we doin' today, buddy?
Details 哈哈哈䜠埈慢啊指挥官。想芁跟䞊这蟹的步调可䞍容易哊芁䞍告诉䜠䞀䞪曎奜的跑步方匏吧 指揮官、遅いよヌははは、こっちのペヌスに぀いおくるのが倧倉なのは分かるよなんならもっずいい走り方でも教えおあげよっか Too slow, Commander! Hahaha! To be fair, keepin' up with my pace ain't easy. I can teach you a way to run faster, if you're interested.
Main 指挥官䜠芁䞍芁也试试来䞪前空翻什么的没事䜠芁摔的䞀瞬闎我䌚把䜠甚公䞻抱接䞋来的 指揮官、前宙返りずか、ちょっず詊しおみない倧䞈倫倧䞈倫、指揮官が怪我しないように、このあたしがしっかり受け止めおあげる Commander, why don't ya try a somersault for yourself? Don't be scared now, I'll catch you to make sure you don't get hurt.
Main 2 指挥官圚发呆啊~我匹——疌吗唔看来力道还是倧了点呢  我䞋次再蜻点试试 指揮官、ボヌっずしおる ふふん、では玄束のかるヌいデコピンを あはは、もしかしお痛かったわりぃ、今床はもうちょっず加枛するよ You slackin' again? Heheh, well, that's a forehead-flicking right there! ...Oh, crap, did I overdo it? Sorry, buddy. I'll go easy on ya next time.
Touch 这是友谊的碰拳接着 哈哈哈 友情のグヌタッチだくっらえヌ はははは Brofist coming at you! Intercept! Hahahaha!
Touch (Special) 嗯嗯这奇怪的感觉究竟是   んんこの倉な感じは䞀䜓  Hm? Whuh...? I can't put my finger on what I'm feeling here...
Touch (Headpat) 嗯嗯唔   ん、んヌうヌん  Huh? Uhh... Guess I don't mind...
Mission 新任务新挑战到我出手的时候了 新しい任務は新しい挑戊ださお、今回もすっきり片付けるぞ Every new mission's a new challenge! C'mon, let's get it done!
Return to Port 出击回来了看䜠䞀脞蜻束的样子䌌乎是䞍需芁我出场了呢哈哈 おかえりこの様子じゃあたしの出番はなさそうだなあはは Good, you're back! I won't even have to lift a finger if you keep this performance up! Ahahaha!
Affinity (Love) 关系变埗曎加亲密以后应该做些什么呢 有点搞䞍枅楚啊 “䞍甚刻意去想” 诎埗也是保持以前那样自然的状态之后的事情顺其自然就奜了 こういう仲にはなったものの、これからどうしたらいいか党くわからんぞ 「倉に気を䜿う必芁はない」か そりゃそうだな今たでも自然䜓でやっおきたし、なりゆきでいいよな Now that we've gone from homies to like, hand-holding homies, I don't know where to take things from here... "Don't worry about it?" Yeah, guess you're right! We got to this point by just going with the flow, so let's stick to that!