Le Mars (JP 🇯🇵: ル・マルス, CN 🇹🇼: 勒马尔)
Ship IDNo. 351Star Rating★★☆☆☆
Hull DestroyerRarityRare
NavyVichya DominionBuild TimeN/A
AcquisitionEvent: Iris of Light and Dark
Enhance Income
Scrap Income
Release Date
ENJune 27, 2019
KRMarch 27, 2019
CNJuly 26, 2018
JPJuly 26, 2018
Voice actressAkiko Hasegawa
Le Mars Description
L'Adroit-class destroyer – Le Mars.
Été Brillant Description
It's summer~! Summer is here, Commander! Let's head down to the beach to play! I'll show you why I'm feared in water gun fights!
Écolière HeureuseDescription
Hey! Over here! Hehe. I didn't expect to run into you at school, Commander. What are you doing here?
Le Mars (Retrofit) Description
Retro~ fit~ com~ plete! The new and improved Le Mars is at your service~!
HP222 Reload71
Firepower13 Torpedo78
Evasion74 Anti-air26
Aviation0 Cost0
ASW46 Luck24
HP1032 Reload136
Firepower36 Torpedo204
Evasion251 Anti-air97
Aviation0 Cost0
ASW115 Luck25
Limit Break
Tier 1Unlock All Out Assault I | Torpedo efficiency +5%
Tier 2Torpedo base +1 | Torpedo preload +1 | Torpedo efficiency +10%
Tier 3Improve All Out Assault | All weapons' efficiency +5%
SlotEquipment TypeEfficiency (LB 0/1/2/3)Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3)Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
1Destroyer Gun110%/110%/110%/115%1/1/1/10/0/0/0
3Anti-Air Gun70%/70%/70%/75%1/1/1/10/0/0/0
Default Equipments
1Single 130mm Main Gun (Mle 1924)
2Triple 550mm Torpedo
Fleet Tech
T4 Destroyer: L'Adroit-ClassTech Points and Bonus
Unlock8 +1
Max LimitBreak18
Lv.12014 +1
Chevalier's SabreEvery 20s, if your Vanguard consists of only Iris Libre and/or Vichya Dominion ships: 50.0% chance to increase the DMG your fleet deals by 5.0% (25.0%) for 8s. Does not stack with the same skill.Default Unlocked
Emergency ManeuversEvery 20s: 15.0% (30.0%) chance for this ship to evade all enemy attacks for 6s.Retrofit
All Out Assault ⅡActivates All Out Assault Ⅱ: L'Adroit Class once every 10 times the Main Guns are fired.???
Chevalier's Sabre+Increases this ship's TRP by 10.0% (20.0%) and, every 15s: fires a Lv.1 (Lv.10) special barrage (DMG is based on the skill's level). If your Vanguard consists of only Iris Libre and/or Vichya Dominion ships, every 20s: 75.0% chance to increase your fleet's DMG dealt by 5.0% (25.0%) for 10s (does not stack with the same effect).???
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description维希教廷机敏级驱逐舰—勒马尔ラドロア級駆逐艦ル・マルスL'Adroit-class destroyer – Le Mars.
Biography我是机敏级的驱逐舰,同时也是维希教廷的见习骑士,勒马尔。一直在为维希教廷服务,最后为了不让铁血得逞而被白鹰在港口击沉…あの時はみんなの役には立てなかったけど、指揮官、今度の私の活躍、期待してくださいね!Back then, I wasn't able to fulfill my duties, but... Commander, this time, I'll show you what I'm capable of!
Acquisition嗯?你是……啊,对了,是指挥官!我是机敏级驱逐舰勒马尔,以后请多多指教啦!え?そちらは……ああ、そうでした!指揮官ですね!私はラドロア級駆逐艦のル・マルス!これからよろしくです!Eh? Who are you... Ah! Right, you're the Commander! I'm the L'Adroit-class destroyer, Le Mars! A pleasure meetin' you!
Login指挥官,你终于来啦,今天我的训练任务是什么?指揮官、ようやく来ました!で、今日の訓練任務は何ですか?Commander, you finally made it! What's on the training regimen today?
Details其实我挺羡慕福尔班的,虽然她当时也无法行动,至少比我要好…実はフォルバンのことをちょっぴり羨ましく思っています。あのときは向こうも同じく動けなかったけど、私よりは……To be honest, I'm a little jealous of Forbin. Back then, we both weren't able to move, but she made more of the situation than me...
Main指挥官,我来教你一些可以坐着舒活筋骨的动作吧~指揮官、ストレッチのやり方を教えましょうかCommander, I'll teach you some stretches for those long days!
Main 2当指挥官可真不容易啊,要看这个还要安排那个的,换了我肯定一下就晕了……指揮官は大変ですね…これもあれも見ないといけませんし…私ならすぐクラクラになりますよ……Being a commander sure is tough, isn't it? Having to micromanage this and that... My head would start spinning...
Main 3唔,学习好痛苦…书上的字明明每个都认识,组合起来就完全看不懂了呢ベンキョウって難しいですね…単語が全部わかっていても、いざ組み合わせたら意味がわからなくなっちゃって…Studying just isn't my strong suit... I obviously can read all these words, but they just don't make any sense to me when put together...
Touch正好肩膀酸了呢……谢谢指挥官啦!ちょうど肩が凝っていました……指揮官、ありがとうございます!My shoulders were starting to get stiff too... Thanks a ton, Commander!
Touch (Special)这,这里也要按摩吗?感觉……有点奇怪啊……こ、ここもマッサージするんですか?ちょっと……変な感じです……Th-this place also needs a massage? Um... it feels a little strange...
Mission还有任务呢。要跑腿的话,尽管和我说吧!未だ任務がありますね。お使いは私に任せてください!We're not done with the missions quite yet. Let me handle the errands!
Mission Complete任务完成!……嗯,还有奖励的吗?任務完了!……あれ、報酬もあるんですか?Mission complete! Huh...? I still have to tally the rewards?
Mail有信件!我已经拿过来啦,嘿嘿~お手紙でーす!もう持ってきちゃいました、えへへMail's here~! I already brought it all with me, ehehe~
Return to Port指挥官,不流点汗的话可是要变胖的!指揮官、適度に汗をかかないと太くなりますよCommander, you've gotta sweat to burn off fat!
Commission Complete大家回来了。我这就跑过去接她们,嘿~皆戻ってきました!今から迎えにいきまーす!ほい!Everyone's back! I'm gonna run down to greet them! Be right back!
Enhancement又变强了呢,谢谢指挥官~まーた強くなりました!指揮官、ありがとうございます!I grow stronger yet again! Thanks, Commander!
Flagship准备活动完成!要上了!準備運動完了!いきますよー!Warm-up exercises are all done! I'm setting out~!
Victory我是第一吗?太好了!嘿嘿~私が一位…ですか?やったぁ!えへへ~I'm in first place...? Très bien! Ehehe~!
Defeat糟了,快撤快撤!しまった!撤退するよ!Merdé! Time to retreat!
Skill我要上咯~!いっきまっすよー!Time to do this~!
Low HP唔,这点小伤,忍一忍就过去了!これぐらいの傷、我慢すればなんとかなるはず!It's just a flesh wound! I'll tough it out!
Affinity (Upset)啊,是指挥官!我、我还是自己去跑步锻炼吧!わっ、指揮官……じ、自主練に行ってきます!Woah, Commander... I, I think I'll be training solo today!
Affinity (Stranger)都说一名优秀的骑士,不仅要有保护他人的力量,也要通过学习让自己拥有强大的内心……可是我翻书就犯困,怎么办呀優秀な騎士は他人を守る力だけでなく、学習で得られる強き心も必要だと……はあ…私、本を開いたとたんに眠っちゃいますね…どうしよう……To be an outstanding knight, it's not enough to just have the strength to protect others. You must also become wise through learning! But... I always start dozing off when I'm studying... *yawn*
Affinity (Friendly)指挥官愿意教我学习吗?哇!谢谢指挥官!我一定会……欸欸欸,要学这么多东西吗!我、我忽然肚子疼了!ベンキョウをおしえてくださいますか?わあ!指揮官、ありがとうございます!私……って、えええ!?こんなにも読むんですか!?す、すみません!急にお腹が……Commander, you'll help me study? Yay! Thank you so much! I'll be sure to... Huuhh? Wait, I have to memorize all this?! S-sorry, I have a stomachache!
Affinity (Like)好像有点明白了,又好像还是不明白……不过指挥官愿意教我这个笨蛋好开心呀,谢谢指挥官~わかったような、わからなかったような……でもせっかく指揮官が無理してまで私に教えてくれたんだし……指揮官、ありがとうございます!I think I'm starting to get it, but maybe not... But, I'm so glad that you're patient enough to teach a dummy like me. Thank you, Commander!
Affinity (Love)虽然书上的知识还是不太明白,不过有一件事我现在明白了,那就是,只要是有关指挥官的事,我就能发挥出200%的力量!本に書いてあることはまだ良くわかりませんけど、一つだけわかったような気がします!それは――指揮官のことになると、私、力を2倍に発揮できるって!Even though I still don't quite understand this stuff, there is one thing that's certain - when it comes to learning things about you, Commander, I function twice as well!
Pledge唔……这种场合应该怎么办才好来着,我完全不知道耶…那、那个,总、总而言之,未来也请,那个,请多多指教!ええと……この場合は一体どうすればいいか全然わからないよぉ……あ、あの!とにかく!これからもよ、よろ、よろしくお願いします!Um... I haven't learned what I'm supposed to do at a place like this yet... Ah, um! In any case, p-please continue to take good care of me in the future!
Like Present
Dislike Present
Main Title
In battle with Forbin福尔班,我先上喽?フォルバン、私が先に行きますねForbin, shall I take the lead?
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description夏天~夏天来了哟指挥官!一起来海边玩水吧~水枪大战我可是很强的哟~サマ~!夏ですよ指揮官!海に行って水遊びをしましょう!水鉄砲は私、すごく強いよ!It's summer~! Summer is here, Commander! Let's head down to the beach to play! I'll show you why I'm feared in water gun fights!
Acquisition夏天~夏天来了哟指挥官!一起来海边玩水吧~水枪大战我可是很强的哟~サマ~!夏ですよ指揮官!海に行って水遊びをしましょう!水鉄砲は私、すごく強いよ!It's summer~! Summer is here, Commander! Let's head down to the beach to play! I'll show you why I'm feared in water gun fights!
Login指挥官,难得的夏天,可不能那么没精神哦~一起享受阳光和沙滩吧~指揮官、せっかくの夏なんですから、そんなに暗くなっちゃダメですよ!一緒に日差しと砂浜を楽しみましょ♪Commander, summer is finally here, so why such a long face~? Let's enjoy some fun in the sun on the beach~♪
Details这个不只是游泳圈,还是水炮的“弹药舱”呢,嘿嘿,你想尝尝威力吗,指挥官?これは、ただの浮き輪じゃなくて、水鉄砲の弾薬庫でもあるんですよ。えへへ、威力を見てみたいですかー?指揮官~This is no simple inner tube, Commander. It also doubles as "ammunition storage" for my water gun! How 'bout it? Wanna taste my waterpower~?
Main指挥官~要不要一起吃西瓜呀~?指揮官~スイカでも一緒に食べませんかー?Commander, wanna share a watermelon?
Main 2就算是夏天,也不能整天窝在空调房里哟~一起出去外面玩吧~夏だからと言って冷房部屋にこもってちゃダメですよ。外に出かけましょ♪Just because it's hot doesn't mean you should stay cooped up underneath the air conditioner all day. Let's play outside~!
Main 3指挥官也来把自己晒黑吧,这样我们就一样了呢,嘻嘻~指揮官も焼いてみませんか?そしたら私とおそろい♪えへへ~Commander, you should also get a tan! That way, we'll match~♪ Ehehe~!
Touch防晒霜?那种东西不需要啦~日焼け止めクリーム?いりませんよ~Sunscreen? I don't need that~!
Touch (Special)这、这里也不需要防晒啦,指挥官…指揮官?こ、ここはクリームを塗らなくてもいいんですよ………C-Commander... that place doesn't need any sunscreen...
Return to Port嘿嘿,指挥官忙完了吗?那就准备出发吧~——去哪?当然是海边啦~えへへ、指揮官、仕事の方はもう大丈夫ですか?じゃあ出発ですね!――どこって?海辺に決まってるじゃないですか~Ehehe, Commander, are you done with work for the day? Let's get going then! ...Huh? Where to? The beach, of course!
Victory要是因为我是轻装就大意的话,下场就是这样了呢~軽装備と侮ったから、こうなったんですよ~If you underestimate me just because I'm lightly equipped, I'll gladly teach you a lesson~!
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description喂——看这边看这边!嘿嘿,能在学园里遇到指挥官真巧呢~指挥官这是要去哪里呀?おーい!指揮官、こっちこっち!えへへ、まさか学園で会えるなんて~指揮官は今何をしていますか?Hey! Over here! Hehe. I didn't expect to run into you at school, Commander. What are you doing here?
Acquisition喂——看这边看这边!嘿嘿,能在学园里遇到指挥官真巧呢~指挥官这是要去哪里呀?おーい!指揮官、こっちこっち!えへへ、まさか学園で会えるなんて~指揮官は今何をしていますか?Hey! Over here! Hehe. I didn't expect to run into you at school, Commander. What are you doing here?
Login今天的校园生活也要加油!今日も学園生活、がんばりますよー!I'll be bringing the heat at school today!
Details说到校园生活,那一定就是迎着阳光在操场上奔跑了,对吧!学園生活と言えば、お日様に向かって運動場を走れー!ってことでしょう?School life is all about running track under the warm sun, am I right!?
Main指挥官,多安排一些体育课嘛!那……那当然是因为运动很重要啦!指揮官、体育の授業をもうちょっと増やしてもいいですよ?……う、運動も大事じゃありませんか!Commander, you should get us some more phys ed classes! I mean... exercise is really important!
Main 2休息的时候,听点音乐能让人心情更舒畅!指挥官,你要一起吗?休み時間は音楽を聞くと気持ちも楽になりますね!指揮官も一緒にどうですか?Listening to music is a real good way to calm your mind when you wanna relax! Let's listen together, Commander.
Main 3诶?福尔班又拿着学习资料来了吗?有,有没有地方能藏一下——え!フォルバンまた参考書を持って私を探してるのですか!?ど、どこか隠れる場所を探さないと――!Huh? Forbin's heading this way with a pile of notebooks? Um, is there a good hiding place around here—
Touch再大的风我也不怕!風が吹いても平気です!へへへThe wind doesn't scare me!
Touch (Special)我现在不需要按摩啦……マッサージなら大丈夫ですよーI don't need a massage right now...
Return to Port不,不行了……课本上的东西完全看不进去……む、ムリ……教科書の中身が頭に入らない……Uh oh... I can't get anything in this book to stick in my head...
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description指挥官,谢谢你来接我!平时很难有机会穿得这么正式呢,活动起来也感觉不太方便…啊,不过我会加油的——指揮官、迎えに来てくれてありがとうございます!こういうフォーマルな格好、なかなかする機会がないし、ちょっと動きづらいですけど、私、がんばりますよーCommander, thanks for coming to pick me up! I don't often get the chance to wear formal clothes, though it is a little hard to move around... Oh, but I can deal with it!
Acquisition指挥官,谢谢你来接我!平时很难有机会穿得这么正式呢,活动起来也感觉不太方便…啊,不过我会加油的——指揮官、迎えに来てくれてありがとうございます!こういうフォーマルな格好、なかなかする機会がないし、ちょっと動きづらいですけど、私、がんばりますよーCommander, thanks for coming to pick me up! I don't often get the chance to wear formal clothes, though it is a little hard to move around... Oh, but I can deal with it!
Login指挥官早上好!今天要从什么工作开始呢?指揮官おはようございます!今日はどんな仕事から手を付けますか?Good morning, Commander! What kind of work will we start with today?
Details在电影里好像会这样转圈圈对吧?指挥官,怎么样?希望我学得像……映画とかだと確かこうやってくるっと回るんですよね?指揮官、どうですか?それっぽくなってるといいですけど…They do these crazy flips and spins in the movies, right? ...So what'd you think, Commander? I sure wish mine could look that good...
Main不行了……一读关于礼仪的书就好困……欸,指挥官会陪我做礼仪举止的练习吗?太好了!ダメだ…マナーについての本を読むと眠気が…えっ、指揮官が練習の相手になってくれるんですか!助かります!I can't do this... Reading books about etiquette puts me right to sleep... Huh? You're willing to be my practice partner? That'd be a huge help!
Main 2说起来,指挥官你有看到福尔班吗?她明明不能喝还老是喜欢勉强…唔,有种不祥的预感…そういえば指揮官、フォルバンを見ませんでした?全然飲めないのに強がっちゃって…うぅ、なんだか悪い予感が…By the way, Commander, have you seen Forbin? ...Even though she's a total lightweight, she keeps trying to push herself... Ugh, I'm getting a bad feeling about this...
Main 3呼…总算是和大家都打过一圈招呼了。我紧张得都全身僵硬了,指挥官竟然能应对得这么自然…果然好厉害!ふぅ…やっとあいさつ回りが一区切りつきましたね。私、緊張でガチガチだったのに、指揮官は難なく全部こなしている…やっぱりすごいです!Phew... I finally managed to finish making my rounds... I was so nervous my body was stiff as a rock, but you looked like you were totally in your element... That's amazing, I tell you!
Touch香槟的拿法应该是这样的,对吗?えっと、シャンパンの持ち方、これで合ってますか?Um, this is how you're supposed to hold the champagne, right?
Touch (Special)这,这也是练习的一部分吗…?こ、これも練習の一部ですか…?Um, is this also a part of my training...?
Return to Port指挥官看上去有些累呢。要不稍微做做伸展运动吧!适当动动还能转换心情哦。指揮官はお疲れのようですね。軽くストレッチをやってみましょう!適度な運動は気分転換にもなりますからねYou seem pretty worn-out, Commander. Let's do some cool-down stretches! Maybe some mild exercise will make you feel better!
Victory也许是好好热过身的缘故吧~嘿嘿~ちゃんとウォーミングアップしたおかげかなー。えへへ~It's probably because I got a good warm-up in. Hehe~
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description改·造·完·成!得到全新力量的勒马尔,前来报道~嘿嘿,指挥官,我是不是看起来更可靠了呢~?改・造・完・了!新しい力を手に入れたル・マルス、参上しました~!えへへ、指揮官、私、前よりは頼りに見えるようになりました?Retro~ fit~ com~ plete! The new and improved Le Mars is at your service~!
Acquisition改·造·完·成!得到全新力量的勒马尔,前来报道~嘿嘿,指挥官,我是不是看起来更可靠了呢~?改・造・完・了!新しい力を手に入れたル・マルス、参上しました~!えへへ、指揮官、私、前よりは頼りになりました?Retro~ fit~ com~ plete! The new and improved Le Mars is at your service~!
Login鱼雷和炮弹都准备就绪啦~指挥官,我随时可以出击哟~魚雷も砲弾も準備万端!指揮官、いつでも出撃できますよ!My torpedoes and cannons are locked and loaded! Commander, I'm ready to sortie at any time!
Details指挥官,又想来欣赏我全炮门雷舱全开的英姿了吗?嘿嘿,真是没办法呢~指揮官はそんなに私の全砲門発射管全開の勇姿が見たいですか?えへへ、しょうがないですね~Commander, are you that desperate to see my gallant form as I unload all my cannons and torpedo tubes? Ehehe, what am I going to do with you~
Main嘿嘿,指挥官,这个姿势是不是很帅?我从动画里学来的哦へへ~指揮官、この決めポーズ、かっこいいと思いませんか?アニメで学んだのですよHehe! Commander, is this victory pose cool? I saw it in an anime!
Main 2委托也好,出击也好,都尽管来吧~现在的我不会让指挥官失望的~委託も出撃もどーんとこーい!今の私は指揮官に失望させたりなんてしませんから!Commission or sortie, I'm ready to do anything! With how strong I am now, I won't let you down, Commander!
Main 3有什么需要我做的吗?能帮指挥官再多分担点就好了呢~私にできることはありますか?もう少し指揮官の負担を分担できたらいいなと思う次第でして~Is there something that needs doing? I'll be happy to shoulder even a little bit of your burdens.
Touch嘿嘿,换我给指挥官按按肩膀怎么样?へへ、今度は私が指揮官の肩をもんであげましょうか?Hehe, how about I be the one to give you a shoulder massage this time?
Return to Port欢迎回来,指挥官!来准备下一次出击吧~?指揮官、帰還お疲れ様でした!次の出撃へ向けて準備しましょうか?Welcome back, Commander! Shall we plan our next sortie?
Victory那么,摆个胜利的pose……欸,大家等等我嘛!では、勝利の決めポーズ!……って、待ってくださあああい!Now, for a victory pose! ...Hey! Wait for meeee!