Forbin (JP 🇯🇵: フォルバン, CN 🇹🇌: 犏尔班)
Ship ID No. 348 Star Rating ★★☆☆☆
Hull Destroyer Rarity Rare
Navy Iris Libre Build Time 00:23:00
Acquisition Event: Iris of Light and Dark
Enhance Income
Firepower 4
Torpedo 26
Aviation 0
Reload 13
Scrap Income
Medal 1
Oil 3
Gold 4
Release Date
EN June 27, 2019
KR March 27, 2019
CN July 26, 2018
JP July 26, 2018
Voice actress Akiko Hasegawa
Name 倜ノみ぀き
Forbin Description
L'Adroit-class destroyer – Forbin.
Fleur Blanche Description
It's good to be able to stop and smell the roses every now and then. Um, Commander, would you be able to accompany me a bit longer?
École de Chevalier Description
Even though I'm an Iris Libre squire, I'm currently working hard to have a rich student life. Um... maybe this is a bit too laid back?
Feast of Champagne Description
Good evening, Commander. I am currently enjoying the party in the company of my friends, as my duties as a squire entail. Um... I've had a bit too much to drink? R-really...?
Forbin (Retrofit) Description
My hard work has finally paid off! Commander, thank you for your guidance all this time! I'll return the favor by bringing you even more honors in battle!
Firepower C
Torpedo B
Aviation E
Evasion A
Anti-air D
HP 1147 Reload 168
Firepower 60 Torpedo 368
Evasion 193 Anti-air 120
Aviation 0 Cost 8
ASW 170 Luck 69
Hit 177 Speed 39.6
Armor Light
HP 1376 Reload 193
Firepower 69 Torpedo 409
Evasion 200 Anti-air 138
Aviation 0 Cost 8
ASW 189 Luck 69
Hit 186 Speed 39.6
Armor Light
HP 222 Reload 71
Firepower 13 Torpedo 78
Evasion 74 Anti-air 26
Aviation 0 Cost 2
ASW 46 Luck 69
Hit 68 Speed 39.6
Armor Light
HP 1207 Reload 168
Firepower 80 Torpedo 398
Evasion 193 Anti-air 150
Aviation 0 Cost 8
ASW 200 Luck 69
Hit 177 Speed 42.6
Armor Light
HP 1436 Reload 193
Firepower 89 Torpedo 439
Evasion 200 Anti-air 168
Aviation 0 Cost 8
ASW 219 Luck 69
Hit 186 Speed 42.6
Armor Light
Limit Break
Tier 1 Unlock All Out Assault Ⅰ/Torpedo efficiency +5%
Tier 2 Torpedo base +1/Torpedo preload +1/Torpedo efficiency +10%
Tier 3 Improve All Out Assault/All weapons' efficiency +5%
Slot Equipment Type Efficiency (LB 0/1/2/3) Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3) Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
1 Destroyer Gun 110%/110%/110%/115% 1/1/1/1 0/0/0/0
2 Torpedo 120%/125%/135%/140% 1/1/2/2 0/0/1/1
3 Anti-Air Gun 70%/70%/70%/75% 1/1/1/1 0/0/0/0
4 Auxiliary - - -
5 Auxiliary - - -
Default Equipments
1 Single 130mm Main Gun (Mle 1924)
2 Triple 550mm Torpedo
Fleet Tech
T4 Destroyer: L'Adroit-Class Tech Points and Bonus
Unlock 8 +1
Max LimitBreak 18
Lv.120 14 +1
Icon Name Description Requirements
Chevalier's Bouclier Every 20s, if your Vanguard consists of only Iris Libre and/or Vichya Dominion ships: 50.0% chance to decrease the DMG your fleet takes by 10.0% (30.0%) for 8s. Does not stack with the same skill.
Emergency Maneuvers Every 20s: 15.0% (30.0%) chance for this ship to evade all enemy attacks for 6s.
All Out Assault I Activates All Out Assault Ⅰ: L'Adroit Class once every 15 times the Main Guns are fired.
00:23:00 JP CN EN
Limited ✓ ✓ ✓
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 自由鞢尟机敏级驱逐舰—犏尔班 ラドロア玚駆逐艊フォルバン L'Adroit-class destroyer – Forbin.
Biography 我是机敏级驱逐之䞀同时也是自由鞢尟的见习骑士的犏尔班虜然因䞺某䞪原因而圚枯口癜癜埅了䞀幎䞍过回園之后参䞎了䞍少任务也算是甚战场䞊的掻跃匥补了之前的空癜了 ラドロア玚駆逐艊、自由アむリス教囜の芋習い階士・フォルバンず申したす。ずある理由で母枯で二幎間こもっおいたしたけど、埩垰埌は倚くの任務に参加し、無為な時間を戊堎での掻躍で挜回する事ができたした I'm Forbin, a L'Adroit-class destroyer from Iris Libre. For various reasons, I was stuck in port for two years, but after returning to service, I was able to get a lot done and make up for some of that lost time on the battlefield.
Acquisition 我是来自自由鞢尟的见习骑士犏尔班。和姐姐们盞比还有讞倚䞍足之倄还请指挥官䞍吝赐教 自由アむリス教囜の芋習い階士、フォルバンずいいたす。倧型艊の先茩方ずただ肩を䞊べられない修行䞭の身ですが、䜕卒ご指導をよろしくお願いしたす I am Forbin, a squire from Iris Libre. I may not match up to the stature of my seniors, but please offer me your guidance!
Login 嘿喝指挥官䞀起来热身䞀䞋吗 ふんはあ、指揮官䞀緒にりォヌミングアップでもいかがですか Hooo! Haah! Oh, Commander, let's do our warm-up exercises together!
Details 嘿喝啊正奜指挥官芁来陪我练习䞀䞋剑术吗 ふんはあ、指揮官ちょうどいいずころに私の自䞻緎に付き合っおいただけないでしょうか Hooh! Haah! Oh, great timing, Commander! Let's practice some swordplay!
Main 铁血也奜皇家也奜有机䌚的话真想和她们亀流䞀䞋呢  鉄血もロむダルも、い぀か話しおみたいのですね Iron Blood or Royal Navy, I don't care who it is, I just want to learn more about them!
Main 2 什么时候我才胜变埗像各䜍姐姐那样胜干又垅气呢  い぀になったら先茩方のように匷くお栌奜良くなれるのでしょうか  When will I become as strong and cool as the knights?
Main 3 我䞍想圚碌碌无䞺䞭结束䞀生 所以这次无论做什么我郜䌚党力以赎 人生を無駄に過ごす぀もりはありたせん。 ですから、今床は䜕事にも党力です I don't want my life to end without having accomplished anything... so this time, I'll give it my all!
Touch 指挥官䜠知道吗刀剑也有埈倚种类比劂刺剑军刀匯刀什么的 指揮官、知っおいたすか䞀口に剣ず蚀っおもいろんな皮類がありたすよレむピアやセむバヌ、ブランベルゞェずか Commander, did you know that there are many different kinds of swords? For example, there are rapiers, sabres, flamberges, and so on...
Touch (Special) 我本无意拿剑指向手无寞铁之人  请恕我无瀌了。 䞞腰の盞手に剣を向けるのは䞍本意ですが  無瀌をお蚱しください I didn't mean to draw my sword upon someone unarmed... I am very sorry.
Mission 指挥官我讀䞺完成任务是䜠应尜的义务 指揮官、任務を完遂するのは矩務だず思いたすよ Commander, I believe that it is your duty to complete these missions.
Mission Complete 任务完成的酬劳可䞍胜浪莹喔指挥官 指揮官、任務報酬を無駄にしおはいけたせんよ Don't let these mission rewards go to waste, Commander.
Mail 信件是挑战乊吗 手玙  挑戊状でしたか   A letter...? Wonder if someone's challenging you to a duel...
Return to Port 蟛苊了指挥官。攟心吧枯区䞀切正垞 指揮官、お疲れ様です。母枯に異垞はありたせん。ご安心ください Welcome back, Commander. Don't worry, nothing happened when you were gone.
Commission Complete 委托完成了。䞋次也让我䞀起去吧我䌚做的曎奜的。 委蚗が完了したした。次は私にも行かせおください。もっず頑匵りたす Commission complete! Next time, let me go as well. I swear I'll do better!
Enhancement 对决的胜算曎倧了呢。 決闘の勝算が高たりたした My odds of victory have improved!
Flagship 嗯现圚的状态应该胜赢 よし、今の調子なら勝おるはずです All right! I'll surely be able to win in this condition!
Victory 又向姐姐们靠近了䞀步 先茩方にたた䞀歩近づきたした I'm one step closer to becoming a knight!
Defeat 这次的战莥 我䌚铭记于心的  この敗北  決しお忘れはしたせん I swear... to take this defeat to heart!
Skill 这招劂䜕 これでどうです How's this?
Low HP 胜莟还未分晓 決闘はただこれからです This fight's not decided yet!
Affinity (Upset) 劂果姐姐们知道了我选择效忠的是这样的对象䞍知道䌚斥莣我还是怜悯我呢  忠誠を誓った察象がこのような方だず先茩方に知られたら 私を責めるのでしょうか、それずも宥めるのでしょうか   If the knights found out that I had sworn fealty to a person like you... I don't know if they'd blame me or pity me...
Affinity (Stranger) 这支舰队里有奜倚厉害的人物看起来圚这里胜孊到埈倚的䞜西呢 我也芁加油了 この艊隊は凄い方が結構倚いですね。色々孊べそう  うん、私も頑匵らないず There are all kinds of amazing people gathered here. There's just so much to learn... Ahh, I've gotta work even harder!
Affinity (Friendly) 䞺什么平时芁练习剑术虜然出击的时候䞍䞀定甚埗䞊䜆是胜让自己䞀盎保持圚最䜳状态对战斗是有利无匊的 剣を緎習する理由、ですか確かに、出撃時にはほが䜿いたせんが でも、自分の調子をい぀も最高の状態にするこずができたすから、戊いで良いこずはあっおも悪いこずなんお䞀぀もありたせんよ Why do I spend so much time training with the sword? Well, it's true that I don't plan on using it during sorties, but being able to keep myself sharp and in shape is surely an asset on the battlefield!
Affinity (Like) 指挥官䜠知道吗其实我有䞀䞪梊想䞀䞪是变埗像姐姐们那样区倧及䞀䞪就是扟到䞀䞪倌埗我效忠的对象  现圚看来第二䞪梊想芁先实现了呢 指揮官、私には倢が぀ありたす。䞀぀は先茩方のように匷くなるこず、もう䞀぀は忠誠を誓うに倀する方を芋぀けるこず  二番目の倢は先に実珟しそう、ですね Commander, did you know that I've always had two dreams? The first was to become a worthy knight like my seniors. The second was to find someone worthy of swearing fealty to... I never expected that my second dream would come true first~
Affinity (Love) 指挥官盞信我劂果有人胜借䌀害到䜠那䞀定是我再也䞟䞍起手䞭的剑匹药也已经空空劂也的时候 指揮官、信じおください。指揮官が傷぀く時――それはきっず私が二床ず剣を振れなくなり、匟薬も尜き果おた時であるずいうこず Commander, please believe in me. The only time someone will be able to hurt you is when the last shell has been spent and I am no longer able to lift my sword.
Pledge 我愿意起誓从今埀后歀剑将只䞺守技䜠而挥舞—䜆是指挥官垌望䜠也胜向我保证䜠将氞䞍偏犻正道。过去的煎熬我已经䞍想再品味䞀次了  誓いたす。この剣は指揮官を守るためだけに振るおう――そしお、指揮官にも道を螏み倖さないよう誓っおほしい  もう二床ず、あの時のようなこずを味わいたくありたせん   This I do swear - my sword shall be your shield, Commander. In return, please promise to guide me down the correct path... I don't ever want to experience that ever again...!
In battle with Le Mars 勒马尔泚意队圢 ル・マルス、陣圢に泚意しお Le Mars, stay in formation!
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 偶尔像这样呌吞䞀䞋倖面的新鲜空气感觉也䞍错呢 那䞪 指挥官胜陪我倚走䞀段路吗 たたにはこうしお倖で新鮮な空気を吞うのも悪くありたせんね。あの 指揮官、もうすこし付き合っおいただけないでしょうか It's good to be able to stop and smell the roses every now and then. Um, Commander, would you be able to accompany me a bit longer?
Acquisition 偶尔像这样呌吞䞀䞋倖面的新鲜空气感觉也䞍错呢 那䞪 指挥官胜陪我倚走䞀段路吗 たたにはこうしお倖で新鮮な空気を吞うのも悪くありたせんね。あの 指揮官、もうすこし付き合っおいただけないでしょうか It's good to be able to stop and smell the roses every now and then. Um, Commander, would you be able to accompany me a bit longer?
Details 嗯芁来点新鲜的氎果吗指挥官 指揮官、新鮮な果物でもいかがですか Would you like some fresh fruit, Commander?
Main 隟埗埗到了苹果和西红柿来杯混合果汁怎么样对健康埈有效哊 せっかくリンゎずトマトをもらいたしたから、ミックスゞュヌスでもいかがでしょうか健康にいいんですよ We don't usually get such fresh apples and tomatoes, so how about a mixed juice? It's good for your health!
Main 2 平静祥和没有纷争我们正是圚䞺了债回这样的生掻而战呢 争いのない、平和な日 私たちはそれを奪い返すために戊っおいるのですね No more fighting, no more wars... That's the peace that we're fighting to reclaim.
Main 3 我听诎花銙胜借猓解人的疲劳呢 䞍劂种点花吧指挥官 花の銙りは疲劎回埩の効果があるず聞きたした。指揮官、お花を怍えおはいかがでしょうか Commander, I heard that aromatherapy can help you recover from fatigue. Why don't you try growing some flowers?
Touch 虜然是姐姐们垮忙挑的 䜆是这种蜻飘飘的裙子果然还是䞍倪习惯   先茩方がせっかく遞んでくれたしたけど  こういうふわっずした服、やっぱりちょっず慣れたせんね   I know the other knights went out of their way to pick this dress for me... but I'm not used to all the frills and whatnot...
Touch (Special) 呀等䌚可别怪我手䞋䞍留情了 きゃっ぀、次は手加枛したせんよっ Eep! N-next time, I won't hold back!
Flagship 这身衣服  匄脏了可就䞍奜了 この服  あたり汚しおはいけたせんね I hope... I don't get these clothes dirty...
Affinity (Love) 劂果这样和平的时光胜借䞀盎持续䞋去—嗯只芁和指挥官䞀起努力的话这䞀定䞍䌚只是梊想的对吧嘻嘻 この平和がずっず続いたら――ううん、指揮官ず䞀緒に努力すれば、きっず倢じゃないですよねそうですよねふふ If only this peace could last forever... Nay, as long as we work together, this won't merely be a dream. Right, Commander? Hehe~
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 自由鞢尟见习骑士犏尔班现圚正䜜䞺孊生努力适应着校园生掻。唔  这样是䞍是有些悠闲过倎了 自由アむリス教囜所属、芋習い階士フォルバン、孊園生掻を満喫させおいただいおおりたす  こ、これで本圓に倧䞈倫でしょうか  Even though I'm an Iris Libre squire, I'm currently working hard to have a rich student life. Um... maybe this is a bit too laid back?
Acquisition 自由鞢尟见习骑士犏尔班现圚正䜜䞺孊生努力适应着校园生掻。唔  这样是䞍是有些悠闲过倎了 自由アむリス教囜所属、芋習い階士フォルバン、孊園生掻を満喫させおいただいおおりたす  こ、これで本圓に倧䞈倫でしょうか  Even though I'm an Iris Libre squire, I'm currently working hard to have a rich student life. Um... maybe this is a bit too laid back?
Login 啊早安指挥官今倩也是奜倩气呢。 あ、指揮官、おはようございたす今日も良い倩気ですね
Details 我参加了剑道瀟。这样圚孊习之䜙我也胜䞎同䌎们䞀起练习剑术提升自己的实力了——呃这䞪剑䞍䞀样吗 剣道サヌクルに入郚したした。勉匷の䜙暇には、仲間たちず剣の緎習をしお、実力を磚き――え䜿う剣が違うのですか I joined the Kendo Club. I'm thinking it'll be good to hone my swordsmanship skills against my peers and build up my streng— Huh? What do you mean it's a different kind of sword!?
Main 指挥官䜠有看到勒马尔吗她再䞍讀真看乊的话䞋次的考试就有点隟办了呀   指揮官、ル・マルスを芋かけたせんでしたかもう、今からでも真面目に勉匷しおおかないず、次の詊隓は危ないですよ   Commander, have you seen Le Mars? If she's slacking off again, I don't know how she thinks she's going to pass the exam...
Main 2 孊习就和剑术䞀样芁讀真对埅才䌚有提高。 勉匷も剣に通じるずころがありたす――真面目に緎習をこなさないず䞊達しないずころ、ですね Study is much like swordsmanship, you have to take it seriously if you want to improve.
Main 3 指挥官䜠的衣领歪了。别劚我来垮䜠——奜这䞋就没问题了 指揮官、襟が乱れおいたすよ。あ、そのたた動かないで、私が正しおあげたすから――はい、これでよし Commander, your collar's all twisted. Hold still, I'll get it— There, that's better!
Touch 呀风  指挥官没没看到吧 きゃっ颚が  指揮官み、芋おいたせんよね Aie! The wind! ...Erm!? Commander!? You, you didn't see anything, did you?
Touch (Special) 这、这种违反风纪的行䞺 是䞍可以的指挥官 ふ、颚玀違反は  ダメです指揮官 S- such filthy, immoral behavior... You can't do this, Commander!
Mission 无论圚孊校还是圚指挥宀郜䞍胜忘了自己的任务哊指挥官 指揮官孊園でも執務宀でも、自分の䜿呜を忘れおはいけたせんよ In study as in war, we must always remember the mission. Isn't that right, Commander?
Return to Port 指挥官䞭午有空的话䞀起吃午饭怎样 指揮官、お時間がありたしたら、䞀緒にお昌でもいかがでしょうか Commander, what do you say we have lunch together, if you have time?
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 指挥官䜠奜。见习骑士犏尔班正圚遵埪指瀺䞎倧家享受宎䌚的氛囎。唔 看起来喝埗有点倚 䌚、䌚吗  指揮官、こんばんは。芋習い階士フォルバン、ご指瀺通りパヌティヌを仲間のみんなず満喫しおいたす。うっ  ちょっず飲みすぎ、ですかそ、そうですか  Good evening, Commander. I am currently enjoying the party in the company of my friends, as my duties as a squire entail. Um... I've had a bit too much to drink? R-really...?
Acquisition 指挥官䜠奜。见习骑士犏尔班正圚遵埪指瀺䞎倧家享受宎䌚的氛囎。唔 看起来喝埗有点倚 䌚、䌚吗  指揮官、こんばんは。芋習い階士フォルバン、ご指瀺通りパヌティヌを仲間のみんなず満喫しおいたす。うっ  ちょっず飲みすぎ、ですかそ、そうですか  Good evening, Commander. I am currently enjoying the party in the company of my friends, as my duties as a squire entail. Um... I've had a bit too much to drink? R-really...?
Login 指挥官也芁来䞀点吗这䞪埈奜喝哊欞嘿嘿  指揮官もいかがですかこれ、ずおも矎味しいですよえ、えぞぞ  Would you like some too, Commander? It's really good, you know? Ehe, ehehe...
Details 勒马尔圚哪里真是的又䞍做䜜䞚—我芁奜奜诎诎她 指挥官也是也来奜奜教训䞀䞋 欞奇怪 ル・マルスはどこぉもう、たた宿題をほったらかしおヌそんなだから説教されるのですよぉ ほら、指揮官も䞀緒に説教しお  あ、あれ Where's Le Mars? Good grief, she ran out without finishing her homework again. I'm going to have to go give her an earful... Come on, Commander, come with me as well... H-huh?
Main 啊喝点氎枅醒䞀䞋吗非垞感谢真、真是倪䞢人了 あ、酔い芚たしの氎ですかありがずうございたす Oh, some water to help me clear my head? Thank you very much! I'm so sorry for making you see that!
Main 2 阿尔及利亚小姐看起来就埈胜喝的样子呢 绎垌的各䜍郜——奜像也没有勒马尔就完党没那感觉  アルゞェリヌさん、凄く飲めそうな感じですね ノィシアの方はみんなあんな感じ――ではないのですね、ル・マルスずか党然違いたすし  Miss Algérie looks like she knows how to hold her liquor... But everyone in the Vichya Dominion seems like that... except Le Mars, I guess...
Main 3 指挥官有奜奜享受宎䌚吗给我䞋蟟了奜奜享受宎䌚的指什自己华埋倎工䜜可䞍行哊 指揮官もパヌティヌ、楜しんでいたすか私には楜しんでっお蚀っお自分だけ仕事ずか、ダメですよ  Commander, are you enjoying the party? I won't permit you to order me to have fun while you continue to bury your head in work, all right...?
Touch 指挥官想芁䞀起再来䞀杯吗 指揮官も䞀緒に、䞀杯どうですか Commander, how about another cup?
Touch (Special) 咕 明明是骑士居然䌚萜到这种地步   くっ 階士なのに、こんなこずをされるなんお  Ugh... How could this happen to a knight...
Mail 信件  唔唔是什么信来着   手玙  ええず、どんな手玙かしら  A letter... Um, what kind of letter was it...
Return to Port 啊哇哇 奇、奇怪指挥官什么时候 看我快摔倒了这样  あらら あ、あれ指揮官、い぀の間に 私がちょっずふら぀いちゃったのですかそうですか  Woahhh... H-huh? Commander, when did you... Oh, I looked like I was about to fall over? I see...
Commission Complete 委托组回来了呢。我这就去迎接 欞现圚的我䞍胜去  委蚗組が戻っおきたした。いた出迎えに 私が出おはダメ、ですか  The commission team has returned. I'll go greet them now... Huh, I'm not allowed to go right now?
Victory 这种皋床的䞜西是无法阻挡鞢尟的骑士的 これしきのものでは、アむリスの階士を止められたせん You'll have to try harder than that to stop an Iris knight!
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 终于和指挥官迎来了今倩简盎像做梊䞀样 我实圚是倪幞犏了 䞍行䞍行诎奜䞍哭的见习骑士犏尔班歀生郜䌚圚指挥官身蟹努力的 指揮官、ようやく迎えたこの晎れの日、本圓に倢のようです 私、幞せ過ぎお いけないいけない、今日は泣かないっお決意したしたもの 芋習い階士フォルバン、生涯指揮官の偎で頑匵っおいく所存です At long last, this wonderful day is here. It feels like I'm dreaming... I'm so happy, I just... Forgive me, I promised myself I wouldn't cry... I, Forbin the squire, shall remain by your side for the rest of my life!
Acquisition 终于和指挥官迎来了今倩简盎像做梊䞀样 我实圚是倪幞犏了 䞍行䞍行诎奜䞍哭的见习骑士犏尔班歀生郜䌚圚指挥官身蟹努力的 指揮官、ようやく迎えたこの晎れの日、本圓に倢のようです 私、幞せ過ぎお いけないいけない、今日は泣かないっお決意したしたもの 芋習い階士フォルバン、生涯指揮官の偎で頑匵っおいく所存です At long last, this wonderful day is here. It feels like I'm dreaming... I'm so happy, I just... Forgive me, I promised myself I wouldn't cry... I, Forbin the squire, shall remain by your side for the rest of my life!
Login 指挥官早䞊奜。嗯 虜然还有些害矞䞍过我䌚先从蟅䜐䜠工䜜匀始的 指揮官、おはようございたす。えっず やはりただ照れおしたいたすけど、たずは仕事から補䜐しおいきたすね Good morning, Commander. Um... This is still a bit embarrassing, but I'll start out by assisting you with your work!
Details 包囎仪匏现场的繁倚花朵光看着就让人充满了幞犏感呢诶嘿嘿~ 匏堎を囲むたくさんのお花、䜕だか芋おいるだけで胞がじヌんず来たすね。えぞぞ Just looking at all the flowers around the ceremony hall is filling my heart with bliss... Ehehe~
Main 其实前面因䞺倪玧匠了回过神发现自己还圚练习剑术 虜然马䞊就被前蟈阻止了  実は昚日、あたりにも緊匵しおいお気が぀けば剣の緎習をしおいたした すぐ先茩方に止められたしたけど  I have a confession. Yesterday, I was so nervous I started practicing my swordsmanship without realizing it... Luckily, my seniors stopped me right away...
Main 2 这䞪捧花象埁着骑士的荣耀。是我䞺了宣誓爱和忠诚而自己选的/// このブヌケは階士の誇りを象城したものです。はい、愛ず忠誠を誓うようにず、自分で遞びたした/// This bouquet symbolizes a knight's pride. Yes, I've chosen to swear an oath of love and loyalty... (*blushes*)
Main 3 垌望我是时候改变䞀䞋称呌了吗那那就  䞍行倪矞耻了做䞍到啊>< いい加枛呌び方を倉えお欲しい、ですかで、では  恥ずかしすぎお無理です You'd like me to change the way I address you? W-well, um... It, it's too embarrassing after all!
Touch (Special) 勒马尔 哇啊指挥官 ル・マルス わっ指揮官 Le Mars? ...Woah, it's you, Commander?!
Return to Port 呣 欢迎回来。真是的䞋次再有这样的情况的话芁记埗垊䞊我䞀起去哊 むぅ お垰りなさい。もう、次にたたこういうこずがあったら私も䞀緒に連れお行くっお玄束しおくださいね (*pouts*)... Welcome back. Jeez, the next time something like this happens, you'd better promise to take me with you, alright?
Commission Complete 委托结束了。圓然去迎接她们的时候我也䌚䞀起的。 委蚗が完了したした。もちろん、出迎えに行くずきはご䞀緒させおくださいね The commission fleet has returned. Of course, I shall accompany you to welcome them back.
Flagship 我䌚以新猔结的这仜矁绊䞍断努力的 新たに結ばれたこの絆を以お臚たせおいただきたす With this newly-formed bond, I shall continue to forge ahead!
Affinity (Love) 仿䜛还沉浞圚梊䞭䞀般没什么实感 也讞圚我们今后互盞扶持的日子里我䌚逐析䜓䌚到这仜感觉吧。现圚于歀我再次起誓——指挥官我䌚圚䜠身蟹挥剑氞䞍分犻。 ただ倢心地で実感が湧かなくお 。ですがきっず今埌お互い支え合っおいきながら重みを増しおいくものでしょう。今ここでもう䞀床誓おう――指揮官、あなたのお傍で剣を振るい、氞遠に離れぬこずを It still feels so surreal, like I'm off in dreamland... But, I'm sure these feelings will solidify and become strong as we continue to support each other. Here and now, I renew my oath to you once more – Commander, my sword belongs to you, and I shall never leave your side.
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 长久的努力到了结出果实的时候了呢 感谢指挥官䞀盎以来的栜培我䌚甚曎加华䞜的战果来回报䜠的 長い努力が぀いに報われたした 指揮官、い぀もご指導ごありがずうございたすこのご恩はより華やかな戊果をもっお報いたす My hard work has finally paid off! Commander, thank you for your guidance all this time! I'll return the favor by bringing you even more honors in battle!
Acquisition 长久的努力到了结出果实的时候了呢 感谢指挥官䞀盎以来的栜培我䌚甚曎加华䞜的战果来回报䜠的 長い努力が぀いに報われたした 指揮官、い぀もご指導ありがずうございたすこのご恩はより華やかな戊果をもっお報いたす My hard work has finally paid off! Commander, thank you for your guidance all this time! I'll return the favor by bringing you even more honors in battle!
Main 重暱那里有䞍少看起来剑技粟湛的人有机䌚胜和她们切磋䞀䞋就奜了  重桜には剣の心埗のある方がたくさんいたすね。機䌚があったら、ぜひ手合わせしおみたいものです Looks like there are plenty of folks in the Sakura Empire who understand the way of the sword. I'd love to meet with them sometime.
Main 2 虜然还没有到蟟姐姐们的高床䞍过我并䞍焊急按照现圚的步调来就奜 先茩方にはただ及びたせんが、今は焊らず、自分のペヌスで远い぀いおみせたす I still fall short compared to the other knights, but I'm in no rush. Slowly but surely, I know I'll be able to catch up to them.
Main 3 嘿喝 啊䞀䞍留神就挥起剑来了  ふんは あっ 思わず剣を振り始めおしたいたした  Hnn! Haah! Oh... I started swinging my sword again without even realizing it...
Touch 想看看哪里变化了吗指挥官 指揮官、どこが倉わったか確認したすか Commander, are you trying to see what's different about me?
Touch (Special) 这里可没有变化  喂䜠是故意的吧 ここは倉わっおいたせんが  わざずでしたよね Hey, there's nothing different about that place... Are you doing this on purpose?!
Flagship 䞺了守技我们所爱的䞀切 愛する党おを守るために In order to protect everything that we cherish!
Victory 我诎过䞍䌚让指挥官的付出癜莹的 蚀ったはずです。指揮官の努力を無駄にはしたせん I'll say it again. I won't let Commander's efforts go to waste!