Laffey (JP 🇯🇵: ラフィー, CN 🇹🇼: 拉菲)
Ship ID No. 19 Star Rating ★★☆☆☆
Hull Destroyer Rarity Elite
Navy Eagle Union Build Time 00:27:00
Acquisition Explore Stage2-1, Light ship Construction
Enhance Income
Firepower 6
Torpedo 19
Aviation 0
Reload 15
Scrap Income
Medal 4
Oil 3
Gold 4
Release Date
Voice actress Maria Naganawa
Name 梦咲枫
Laffey Description
Benson-class destroyer - Laffey, Hull Number DD-459!
33-Nyan Description
Zzz... feels like... I have to charge again... Bili...
Snow Rabbit and Candy Apple Description
Mmph... The waistline is too high... and a little too tight... The sleeves are too breezy cause they're so big... It's not like I wanted to change clothes, but... what do you think, Commander?
White Rabbit Welcomes the Spring Description
Have a happy and auspicious New Year? Uh.... can I go now...? I'm feeling a bit sleepy, so can I go back to sleep?
Bunny Clerk? Description
I'm done changing... how is it? Today, I’m supposed to call you “valued guest?” Um... I don’t really get it...
Picnic Adventure? Description
Commander, ahhn... Umm, Commander, Laffey does not need to be fed... Rather, Laffey should be the one feeding you...
Laffey: Bunny Idol @Unmotivated Description
"Laffey came from Planet Bunny..." Umm, I forgot that line Benson told me to say... In any case, everyone, please give me lots of support... Actually, just a little support is fine... Uhh, I have to do it again with more motivation?
White Rabbit's Oath Description
Laffey seems to have changed a bit... Commander, do you like how Laffey is now?
Laffey (Retrofit) Description
Laffey, improved and reporting in! I feel energized and ready to redouble my efforts! Hey, Commander, I still don't want you to touch my ears...
Sleep to Clean Another Day Description
Yaaawn... Laffey's cleaning her room, Commander... If you don't wanna help then just find a place to sit... Anyway, back to cleaning... Zzz...
Firepower B
Torpedo C
Aviation E
Evasion B
Anti-air B
HP 1650 Reload 191
Firepower 88 Torpedo 266
Evasion 157 Anti-air 153
Aviation 0 Cost 9
ASW 180 Luck 18
Hit 195 Speed 45
Armor Light
HP 1980 Reload 220
Firepower 101 Torpedo 302
Evasion 163 Anti-air 176
Aviation 0 Cost 9
ASW 199 Luck 18
Hit 205 Speed 45
Armor Light
HP 319 Reload 81
Firepower 19 Torpedo 56
Evasion 60 Anti-air 33
Aviation 0 Cost 2
ASW 49 Luck 18
Hit 75 Speed 45
Armor Light
HP 1815 Reload 191
Firepower 148 Torpedo 306
Evasion 197 Anti-air 153
Aviation 0 Cost 9
ASW 180 Luck 18
Hit 195 Speed 45
Armor Light
HP 2145 Reload 220
Firepower 161 Torpedo 342
Evasion 203 Anti-air 176
Aviation 0 Cost 9
ASW 199 Luck 18
Hit 205 Speed 45
Armor Light
Limit Break
Tier 1 Unlock EX Barrage Ⅰ/Main gun efficiency +5%
Tier 2 Torpedo base +1/Torpedo preload +1/Main gun efficiency +10%
Tier 3 Improve EX Barrage/All weapons' efficiency +5%
Slot Equipment Type Efficiency (LB 0/1/2/3) Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3) Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
1 Destroyer Gun 120%/125%/135%/140% 1/1/1/1 0/0/0/0
2 Torpedo 120%/120%/120%/125% 1/1/2/2 0/0/1/1
3 Anti-Air Gun 120%/120%/120%/125% 1/1/1/1 0/0/0/0
4 Auxilary - - -
5 Auxilary - - -
Default Equipments
1 Single 127mm Main Gun
Fleet Tech
T7 Destroyer: Benson-Class Tech Points and Bonus
Unlock 8 +1
Max LimitBreak 16
Lv.120 12 +1
Icon Name Description Requirements
Wargod of Solomon When this ship fires its Main Guns: 5.0% chance to increase this ship's FP, RLD, and EVA by 20.0% (40.0%) for 8s.
Annihilation Mode Every 20s: 40.0% (70%) chance for this ship to enter Annihilation Mode, firing a powerful barrage and increasing this ship's RLD by 200.0% for 10s.
All Out Assault Ⅰ Activates All Out Assault Ⅰ: Laffey once every 15 times the Main Guns are fired.
00:27:00 JP CN EN
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 本森级驱逐舰—拉菲,舷号DD-459 ベンソン級駆逐艦・ラフィ(DD-459) Benson-class destroyer - Laffey, Hull Number DD-459!
Biography 我是备受期待的本森级驱逐舰拉菲,在三次所罗门海战有着极为活跃的表现,战舰?那是什么? ベンソン級駆逐艦の「よく期待されてた」ラフィー。 第三次ソロモン海戦で結構活躍した。戦艦?なぁに? I'm the much anticipated Benson-class destroyer, Laffey, who performed excellently during the Third Battle of the Solomon Sea. Battleship? What's that?
Acquisition 本森级驱逐舰拉菲听候您的吩咐……指挥官,这个耳朵不是真的,请不要再盯着看了…… ベンソン級駆逐艦ラフィー、命令を待っている……指揮官、この耳は本物じゃないから、そんなにじっと見ないで…… Benson-class destroyer, Laffey, awaiting your orders... Commander, these ears aren't real... you don't need to stare at them...
Login 指挥官休息的还好吗,拉菲现在很有精神,大概 指揮官、元気?ラフィーは元気だよ。多分 Did you have a good rest, Commander? I'm full of energy. Probably.
Details 如果我的躯体不再是这个躯体,你还会看我吗?…… わたしがこの体じゃなくなっても、まだ見てくれる…? Will you still come see me even if I grow out of this body?
Main 指挥官,我们要不要种点花呢? 指揮官、お花、飾ってみない? Commander, don't you think we should plant some flowers?
Main 2 指挥官不理拉菲,哈啊……都要睡着噜…… 指揮官はラフィーにかまってくれない…はああ……眠い…… Since you're ignoring me, I might as well... *yawns*... get some sleep.
Main 3 嗯?这是拉菲心情好的表现喔 うん?うん。ラフィーの、ご機嫌アピール… Yes? This is what I look like when I'm happy.
Main 4 拉菲并没有在让指挥官理她,嗯,并没有 ラフィーは指揮官にかまってほしいって思ってない。うん、思ってない…(ツンツン I'm not trying to make you pay attention to me. Nope, not at all...
Main 5 拉菲并没有在引诱指挥官跟她玩,嗯,大概 ラフィーは指揮官に一緒に遊んでほしいと誘ってない。うん、多分…(ツンツン I'm not trying to get you to play with me. Nope, probably not...
Main 6 指挥官指挥官,拉菲,可,怕,吗? 指揮官指揮官、ラフィー、コワイ? Commander... am I... scary?
Touch 指挥官,累了吗? 指揮官、疲れた? Are you tired, Commander?
Touch (Special) 指挥官……莫非是变态?! 指揮官……もしかして、ヘンタイさん…? Are you... a pervert, Commander...?
Touch (Headpat) 呣……指挥官,不要摇我…… むぅ……指揮官、揺らさないで…… Mmh... Stop shaking me, Commander...
Mission 看来……我们还有任务要做 まだ任務がありそう… Looks like we've still got a few missions to do...
Mission Complete 恩,我们收到了一批奖励 うん、ボーナス受け取った。 Mhm, we got some rewards.
Mail 指挥官,您的信…… 指揮官に、メール… Commander, your mail...
Return to Port 指挥官,睡一会儿吗? 任務から帰還、原隊に復帰する I've returned from the mission. Regrouping with original unit.
Commission Complete 我在想指挥官会不会自己记起来委托已经完成了这件事 じーー、委託が完了したこと、指揮官は覚えているのかなって、思ってるの I was actually wondering whether you'd remember it or not, but a commission has been completed, Commander.
Enhancement 嗯……我去睡个回笼觉 うん…二度寝しよう…… Mm... Back to sleep for me...
Flagship 自我限制解除…… 自己リミッター解除…… Deactivating self-imposed limiter...
Victory 唔……还算勉勉强强吧 うん……そこそこ……? Mm... That was okay.
Defeat 唔……输了……对面不是新手吧……? ふぅ……負けちゃった……初心者じゃ…ないよね? Mmm... We lost... They weren't so easy were they?
Skill 状态良好……去吧 状態良好……行こ Condition: green... Let's go.
Low HP 这点程度和我当时可差远了 この程度、あの時と比べて全然… This isn't good enough... I used to be much better...
Affinity (Upset) Zzzzzzzzz…… Zzzzzzzzz…… Zzzzzzz...
Affinity (Stranger) 呼啊...指挥官,要睡一会儿吗? ふあ……指揮官、一緒にねんねする? *Yawns* Commander, want to take a nap with me?
Affinity (Friendly) 一开始,感觉指挥官有点无聊……不过仔细想想,我除了战斗也很没干劲,说不定我和指挥官很合得来喔…… 最初、指揮官はちょっと退屈だと思った……でもよくよく考えると、ラフィーは戦闘以外あまりやる気ないし、もしかしたら指揮官と気が合うかもよ…… I thought you were a bit boring at first, Commander... But now that I've been thinking about it, I'm not really motivated about anything other than fighting, so we might be a decent match...
Affinity (Like) 虽然过去习惯一个人了……和指挥官一起的话,总觉得这样更好……呣……呼……Zzzzzz…… ひとりは慣れたけど……指揮官となら、なんかもっといいかな……むぅ……ぐぅ……Zzzzzz…… I'm used to being alone... But I think I like it better when you're with me, Commander... Mmm... Zzzzzz...
Affinity (Love) 现在想想,要是那个时候指挥官在,或许我能干掉比叡也说不定……唔……虽然现在她要是敢对指挥官出手我也不会对她客气就是了…… 今考えると、あの時指揮官がいたら、比叡を沈められたかもしれない……ううん……でもあの娘が指揮官に手を出したら、ラフィーが許さないもん…… I've been thinking... If you'd been there back then, I might have been able to take down Hiei... But if she comes after you now, then this time I won't let her go...
Pledge 原本还一直想着,为了指挥官的话,就算再次化身鬼神也无所谓…不过…被指挥官这么关心着…看来是没有机会了呢…指挥官…失望吗? 指揮官のためなら、もう一度鬼になってもいいと思ったのに……こんなに指揮官に大切にされたら、ラフィーにそういう機会はもうないかも…指揮官、がっかりした?(ツンツン I thought I wouldn't mind becoming a demon again if it was for you, Commander… But since you've taken such good care of me, I guess my chance for that is gone… Have I disappointed you, Commander?
In battle with Furutaka 逞英雄可没意思 強がっても意味ない… There's no point pretending to be tough...
In battle with UNKNOWN(1) 枫之军团……出击 Kaede's Legion, attack!
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 呒…感觉…又要充电了…哔哩……
Acquisition 呒…感觉…又要充电了…哔哩……
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 姆…束腰有点高……还有点紧……袖子漏风,凉飕飕…虽然不是特意换上的…指挥官,你觉得好看吗? むぅ…ウェストが高い…ちょっとキツそう……袖がヒラヒラ、ちょっとスースーする……ラフィー、わざと着替えたじゃないけど…指揮官、どう? Mmph... The waistline is too high... and a little too tight... The sleeves are too breezy cause they're so big... It's not like I wanted to change clothes, but... what do you think, Commander?
Acquisition 姆…束腰有点高……还有点紧……袖子漏风,凉飕飕…虽然不是特意换上的…指挥官,你觉得好看吗? むぅ…ウエストが高い…ちょっとキツそう……袖がヒラヒラ、ちょっとスースーする……ラフィー、わざと着替えたんじゃないけど…指揮官、どう? Mmph... The waistline is too high... and a little too tight... The sleeves are too breezy cause they're so big... It's not like I wanted to change clothes, but... what do you think, Commander?
Login 这么穿真的很好看吗?那就……多穿一会儿好了 可愛く見えるの?じゃ……もうちょっとこのままで I look cute in it? Then I guess... I'll keep it on a little longer.
Details 狗狗,狗狗不要拉着我跑……指挥官,遛狗好累…… !!! あまり引っ張らないで……指揮官、犬とのお散歩、疲れた…… Don't drag me around... I'm tired after my walk with the dog, Commander...
Main 指挥官,要吃苹果糖吗,从绫波那里拿来的,分你一个 指揮官、りんご飴食べる?綾波がくれた。ドウゾ Want a candied apple, Commander? I got it from Ayanami. Here.
Main 2 明年……要是也和今年一样能好好睡觉就好了 来年も…今年も…よく眠れるといいね I hope... I'll have lots of good naps... this whole year.
Main 3 指挥官,标枪她们在叫我,我可以去和她们玩吗? 指揮官、ジャベリンたちが呼んでるから…遊びに行くね Commander, my friends are calling for me... so I'm gonna go play with them.
Touch 冬天……好困…… 冬は……眠い…… Winter... makes me so sleepy...
Touch (Special) 指挥官,变态…… 指揮官、ヘンタイさん…… Commander, you pervert...
Flagship 这件衣服动起来有点不方便…… 動きにくい…… It's hard to move around...
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description …新年快乐,吉祥如意?这么说就可以了…?唔,感觉有点困了,拉菲可以回去再睡会了吗? 「お正月おめでとー今年もいいことありますよーに」…でいい……?うぅ、ちょっと眠い……ラフィー、もう帰っておねむしていい…? "Have a happy New Year. Let's pray for everyone's good luck"... Is that enough...? *Yawn*, I'm tired... Can I go home now and take a nap...?
Acquisition …新年快乐,吉祥如意?这么说就可以了…?唔,感觉有点困了,拉菲可以回去再睡会了吗? 「お正月おめでとー今年もいいことありますよーに」…でいい……?うぅ、ちょっと眠い……ラフィー、もう帰っておねむしていい…? "Have a happy New Year. Let's pray for everyone's good luck"... Is that enough...? *Yawn*, I'm tired... Can I go home now and take a nap...?
Login 指挥官还不回来,拉菲要靠着树睡着了……Zzz…… 指揮官、まだ戻ってきてない。ラフィー、もう寝ちゃいそう……Zzzzz The Commander's still not back. I might just fall asleep here... Zzzzz...
Details 新年…春节…有什么不同吗?拉菲不是很明白…不过,能好吃好睡的节日…就是好节日,嗯 お正月…春節…違う?ラフィーよくわからないけど…ううん、いいもの食べられてよく眠れる日なら…いい日。うん New Year... and Lunar New Year... are different? I don't really get it... Although, any day with good food and lots of sleep... is a good day. Mhm.
Main 春节限定版兔耳和兔兔拖鞋…指挥官喜欢吗?拉菲…很喜欢… 春節限定ウサミミにウサリッパ…指揮官は好き?ラフィーは好きだよ I'm wearing limited-edition Lunar New Year bunny ears and bunny slippers... do you like them? I like them.
Main 2 Z23,好像对春节的传说很有兴趣的样子…… ニーミ、春節の伝説に興味があるらしい…… I think Zed is interested in old Lunar New Year folklore...
Main 3 像这样在树上坐着,拉菲感觉自己也要开花了… この木の上に座ってると、ラフィーも、お花が咲きそう…… Sitting on top of this tree makes me feel like I'm going to blossom, too...
Touch 拉菲没有想借指挥官的肩膀靠一会,嗯,并没有…… ラフィーは指揮官の肩を借りる気になってない、うん、なってない…… I totally don't feel like leaning against your shoulder, Commander. Nope, not at all...
Touch (Special) 指挥官,又在想奇怪的事了吗… 指揮官、またヘンなこと考えてる…? Commander, are you having weird thoughts again...?
Return to Port 那个红红的,一串一串,烧起来之后砰砰砰砰的……唔,有点吵…… あの赤くて、何個か繋がって、火をつけるとパパパパンっと音を出すもの……うぅ、ちょっとうるさい…… You know the crackles and pops firecrackers make after you light the fuse... *Ughh*... Those are so noisy...
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 拉菲换好衣服了,怎么样?……今天要管指挥官叫“客人”?唔…拉菲不是很懂… 指揮官、ラフィー、制服に着替えた。どう?……呼び方は「お客さん」でいい?……ラフィー、よく分からない…… I'm done changing... how is it? Today, I’m supposed to call you "valued guest?" Um... I don’t really get it...
Acquisition 拉菲换好衣服了,怎么样?……今天要管指挥官叫“客人”?唔…拉菲不是很懂… 指揮官、ラフィー、制服に着替えた。どう?……呼び方は「お客さん」でいい?……ラフィー、よく分からない…… I'm done changing... how is it? Today, I’m supposed to call you "valued guest?" Um... I don’t really get it...
Login 欢迎光临,指——客人。好险,差点就错了…… いらっしゃいませ、し――お客さん。うん……ラフィー、間違えるところだった Welcome, Comma– valued guest. That was close. Almost messed it up....
Details 摆出这样的动作就可以了吗?…还有台词?那就……“萌萌~啾”…?感觉…很有标枪的风格呢 はい、ポーズ……セリフも?じゃあ……「ラフィーの、モエモエキュン」……?なんかジャベリンっぽい…… So like, I go like this? And then I say the line? Uh... "such biiig thankieees~, siiir~" was that it? Feels like Javelin's shtick.
Main 因为睡觉被Z23说教了…Z23好严格… 寝てたらニーミにお説教された……ニーミ、厳しい…… I fell asleep and Z23 yelled at me... Z23 sucks...
Main 2 这个工作感觉好累…不过和大家一起,拉菲并不讨厌这样的经验… オシゴト、疲れた…でもみんなと一緒だから、ラフィー、嫌いじゃない… This job is really hard... but spending time with everyone isn't so bad...
Main 3 绫波,好像很努力的样子,拉菲不能输。但是拉菲有些困了,怎么办…… 綾波、すごく頑張ってるけど、ラフィーも負けない。でも、やっぱり眠い……Zzzzz…… I'm working so hard, there's no way I can fail... but I am kinda sleepy. What should I do...?
Touch 笑容…像这样?不大明白… 笑顔……こう?よく分からない…… Smile? this? I don't get it...
Touch (Special) 指挥官,是变态客人? 指揮官、ヘンタイお客さん……? Commander, are you a perverted customer?
Return to Port Zzz……唔?客人来了吗。嗯… Zzzzzz……うぅ、お客さんが来た?…… *Snore....* huh? There's a customer? Ok...
Affinity (Love) 虽然工作比想象中的还要麻烦,不过…能看到指挥官和平常不一样的表情,拉菲…觉得很开心 オシゴト、思ってたより面倒だけど…指揮官の違う顔が見れて、ラフィーは…うん、嬉しい Turns out working sucks way more than I ever imagined, but... seeing the Commander's face in a whole new light like this... makes me happy.
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 指挥官,啊——…拉菲,并没有想要指挥官喂。…嗯,拉菲是要喂指挥官才对… 指揮官、あーん…ラフィー、指揮官に食べさせてもらうとは思ってない…うん。ラフィーは指揮官を食べさせる… Commander, ahhn... Umm, Commander, Laffey does not need to be fed... Rather, Laffey should be the one feeding you...
Acquisition 指挥官,啊——…拉菲,并没有想要指挥官喂。…嗯,拉菲是要喂指挥官才对… 指揮官、あーん…ラフィー、指揮官に食べさせてもらうとは思ってない…うん。ラフィーは指揮官に食べさせる… Commander, ahhn... Umm, Commander, Laffey does not need to be fed... Rather, Laffey should be the one feeding you...
Login 指挥官,想要吃点什么吗?拉菲的都可以给你哦 指揮官、おやつは何がいい?ラフィーのなら何でもいいよ Commander, what's your favorite snack? Laffey is fine with anything...
Details 和指挥官还有大家一起野餐,很开心……拉菲,看到大家都很和睦,很高兴…… 指揮官と皆とピクニック、とても楽しい…ラフィー、皆で仲良く、とても嬉しい…… Commander, being able to have a picnic with you and the others makes Laffey very happy... Seeing everyone getting along well also makes Laffey very happy...
Main 和大家一起做的便当…做多了……指挥官,帮忙一起吃 みんなと作った弁当…作りすぎた……指揮官、食べるの手伝って We packed too many lunchboxes... Commander, help us finish them.
Main 2 北方联合的兔兔给我的喝的。说是要发出声音才好喝……嗝 北方連合のウサギちゃんからもらった飲み物。飲んで声を出すと美味しいと聞いた。…っぷ The bunny from the Northern Parliament gave this drink to me. She said it's best enjoyed loudly. *hic*
Main 3 太阳暖暖的…吃完就困了…指挥官,一起睡一会吗 太陽ポカポカ…食べ終わったらおねむ……指揮官と、一緒にねんねする The sun's nice and warm... and it's making me sleepy... Commander, let's take a nap together...
Main 4 夕立一直在盯着肉吃…绫波,注意下… 夕立、肉ばかり食べてる…綾波、気をつけて Yuudachi has been going around eating all the meat... Ayanami, watch out...
Main 5 指挥官,我戳…吃饱犯困了吗…? 指揮官、ツンツン…食べ過ぎて眠い…? Commander, poke poke... Food coma...?
Touch 指挥官,不可以用手直接抓吃的… 指揮官、手掴み禁止… Commander, no grabbing food with your hands...
Touch (Headpat) 指挥官,喜欢拉菲的兔兔耳朵? 指揮官、ラフィーのウサミミ、好き? Commander, do you like Laffey's bunny ears?
Victory 咕嘟咕嘟…胜利的酸素可乐,呼…… ごくごく…勝利の酸素コーラ、ふぅ…… *glug* *glug*... Victory deserves an Oxy-Cola, phew...
Defeat ……可能吃多了 ……食べ過ぎたかも ...Laffey might have overeaten.
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description “拉菲,是来自兔兔星的偶像…本森姐姐教的那些,忘记了……唔,总而言之,请大家多多支持…或者稍微支持一下就好了”——欸,打招呼还要再精神点吗? 「ウサウサ星からやってきたアイドル、ラフィー……アイサツ、ベンソン姉に教えられたけど、忘れた……とにかく、てきとーに応援して」――もっと元気に…? "Laffey came from Planet Bunny..." Umm, I forgot that line Benson told me to say... In any case, everyone, please give me lots of support... Actually, just a little support is fine... Uhh, I have to do it again with more motivation?
Acquisition “拉菲,是来自兔兔星的偶像…本森姐姐教的那些,忘记了……唔,总而言之,请大家多多支持…或者稍微支持一下就好了”——欸,打招呼还要再精神点吗? 「ウサウサ星からやってきたアイドル、ラフィー……アイサツ、ベンソン姉に教えられたけど、忘れた……とにかく、てきとーに応援して」――もっと元気に…? "Laffey came from Planet Bunny..." Umm, I forgot that line Benson told me to say... In any case, everyone, please give me lots of support... Actually, just a little support is fine... Uhh, I have to do it again with more motivation?
Login 今天也要…呼啊,好好参加偶像活动… 今日も…ふは……アイドルカツドウ、やる…… *Yawn*... Another day of idol activities...
Details 标枪来找拉菲做偶像的时候,本森姐姐也在旁边,看到她的眼神,拉菲就知道,事情麻烦了… ジャベリン、ラフィーとアイドルの話をしたとき、ベンソン姉もいた…ベンソン姉の目、うん、ラフィー、「アイドルやらされる」と思った Benson was also there when Javelin asked me to become an idol... When I saw the glint in her eye, I knew things weren't going to end well...
Main 各种课程,还有演出,好麻烦……可以给大家表演站着睡觉吗? レッスンにオファー、面倒……立っていながら寝ることだけ、ヒロウしていい? All these lessons and rehearsals... What a pain... Can I just put on a show where I sleep while standing up?
Main 2 虽然本森姐姐说着拉菲成为偶像可是背负整个兔兔星的期望什么的,听起来就很麻烦…但是,帮拉菲做的衣服很可爱…就顺着姐姐的意思努力一下好了 ベンソン姉、アイドルはウサウサ星の希望だとか言ってた…面倒だけど、ベンソン姉が作ってくれた衣装、カワイイから…ちょっとだけ、やる気出す Even though Benson said that Laffey would do the entire Planet Bunny proud by becoming an idol, it honestly sounds like a pain in the bun. However, the outfit she made for me is really cute... so maybe I can put in some effort for her sake.
Main 3 今天的唱歌课程结束了……意外地,有些好玩 ボイスレッスン、ちょっと楽しかった… I'm done with today's lessons... they were unexpectedly fun.
Main 4 …好像收到了粉丝信…?唔,有点开心 ファンレター…?ラフィー、ちょっと嬉しい ...I think I got some fanmail? Mm, it makes me a little happy..
Touch 指挥官,拉菲,觉得自己可能比较擅长唱歌,因为可以站着不动… 指揮官、ラフィー、歌のほうが得意…うん、動かなくてもできるから… Commander, Laffey seems to be getting better at singing, because I can stand still now...
Return to Port 今天,等一下好像有什么事情要做的样子……唔,记不起来了……指挥官,一起午睡吗? 今日、何かしないといけないこと……覚えていない……指揮官、一緒にお昼寝、する? I feel like I'm supposed to be doing something right now... but I can't remember what. Commander, want to take a nap with me?
Defeat 呼…果然还是提不起劲… ふぅ…やっぱりやる気が出ない… Nnh... Can't get motivated after all all...
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 呣……指挥官,拉菲正在大扫除…不帮忙的话,就自己随便找个地方坐坐…拉菲,要继续…Zzz… むにゃむにゃ……指揮官、ラフィーは今部屋のお掃除中…手伝わないなら、そこで適当に座って…ラフィー、掃除の続きを…Zzzz… Yaaawn... Laffey's cleaning her room, Commander... If you don't wanna help then just find a place to sit... Anyway, back to cleaning... Zzz...
Acquisition 呣……指挥官,拉菲正在大扫除…不帮忙的话,就自己随便找个地方坐坐…拉菲,要继续…Zzz… むにゃむにゃ……指揮官、ラフィーは今部屋のお掃除中…手伝わないなら、そこで適当に座って…ラフィー、掃除の続きを…Zzzz… Yaaawn... Laffey's cleaning her room, Commander... If you don't wanna help then just find a place to sit... Anyway, back to cleaning... Zzz...
Login Zzzzz…指挥官,怎么在这里…? Zzzzz…指揮官、どうしてここに……? Zzzzz... Commander, why are you here...?
Details 不行了…拉菲,需要休息…Zzzzz もう限界…ラフィー、ちょっと休憩…Zzzzz Laffey... has reached her limit. A short break is needed... Zzzzz...
Main 指挥官,蹭蹭,快干活…拉菲也不睡了… 指揮官、ツンツン、早くお仕事をやって…ラフィーも寝ないから… Commander, poke poke. Let's hurry up and finish work... Laffey won't sleep either...
Main 2 拉菲很喜欢这个枕头,躺着很舒服,嗯,所以放这里… この気持ちいい枕はラフィーのお気に入り。うん、だからここに置く… Laffey likes how comfy this pillow is. Mm, bring it over here...
Main 3 午睡部?…拉菲和尼古拉斯她们经常一起午睡…没想到那就是午睡部… 昼寝部?…ラフィーはニコラスたちとよく一緒にお昼寝…昼寝部だったと思ってない…… Nap Club? ...Laffey often takes naps with Nicholas, but... I don't think we're a club...
Touch (Special) …要帮拉菲大扫除吗? ヘンタイさんは…代わりに掃除してくれる? You lech... How about you do the cleaning?
Return to Port 拉菲,累了…躺了…… ラフィー、疲れた…横になる…… Laffey is tired... and will now lie down...
Victory 多亏了有大家的支援…Zzzz みんなの援護あってこそ……Zzzzz It's only because of everyone's hard work... Zzzzz...
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 拉菲,变成了有点不一样的拉菲……指挥官,喜欢这样的拉菲吗? ラフィー、いつもと違う格好にした……指揮官、今のラフィー、好き? Laffey seems to have changed a bit... Commander, do you like how Laffey is now?.
Acquisition 拉菲,变成了有点不一样的拉菲……指挥官,喜欢这样的拉菲吗? ラフィー、いつもと違う格好にした……指揮官、今のラフィー、好き? Laffey seems to have changed a bit... Commander, do you like how Laffey is now?
Login 拉菲没有一直在等指挥官回来……嗯,大概。 ラフィー、指揮官が戻ってくるのを待ってない。……多分 Laffey has not been waiting for Commander to come back this entire time... Nnh, probably.
Details 指挥官…无论拉菲变成怎么样都喜欢拉菲…?虽然不太明白,那应该就是指挥官会一直陪着拉菲的意思吧 指揮官、「どんなラフィーでも好き」、よくわからない…ずっとラフィーと一緒、でいいよね Commander... you love me for who I am inside, not my body? Laffey doesn't understand the complicated stuff, but that means you'll always stay with me?
Main 唔,拉菲好像有点困了。指挥官腿躺着很舒服,所以拉菲要睡在上面…… うぅ…ラフィー、眠いかも…指揮官の膝枕、気持ちよさそう…ラフィー、ここでおねんねする… Mm... Laffey is getting sleepy. Commander's lap feels nice, so I'll sleep here...
Main 2 拉菲得了离开指挥官就没有精神的病。拉菲没有说谎,是真的。 「ラフィー、指揮官がいないと元気がないビョウキになった」…ラフィーは嘘を言ってない。うん、言ってない Laffey gets a disease that makes her fall asleep when she's not with Commander. I'm not lying, it's true...
Main 3 就算指挥官盯着别人看,拉菲也不会生气的。嗯,真的,一,点,都,不,生,气,的。 指揮官が他の子をじっと見てても、ラフィーは怒らない。うん。お・こ・ら・な・い Even if Commander is staring at another girl, Laffey won't get upset at all. Mm, I really won't. Get. Upset. At. All.
Main 4 就算指挥官再怎么照顾拉菲,拉菲也不会过度依赖指挥官的。嗯,不会变成习惯被饲养的废柴的 指揮官がラフィーの面倒を見ても、ラフィーは指揮官に頼らない。うん、ラフィー、指揮官に飼い慣らされない Commander, if you pamper Laffey so much, she will turn into a Yayanami.
Main 5 无论遇到什么困难,拉菲都一定会回到指挥官身边的。因为,拉菲这样和指挥官约好了的 どんなことがあっても、ラフィー、指揮官のもとに戻る。約束…したから No matter how tough things get, Laffey will always return to Commander's side... Because we made a vow...
Touch 指挥官,也得了离开拉菲就会没有精神的病吗? 「指揮官、ラフィーがいないと元気がないビョウキになった」? Commander, did you also contract the disease that makes you fall asleep if you leave Laffey's side?
Touch (Special) 拉菲,快要适应指挥官这些奇怪的想法了 ラフィー、指揮官が考えてるヘンなこと、慣れてしまいそう…… Laffey... has almost gotten used to Commander's lechery...
Touch (Headpat) 指挥官,喜欢拉菲的兔兔耳朵? 指揮官、ラフィーのウサミミ、好き? Commander, do you like Laffey's bunny ears?
Mission Complete 任务完成。拉菲的奖励…就要指挥官的抱抱吧 任務完了。指揮官がご褒美に抱っこしてくれると思ってない Mission complete. For the reward, Laffey wants... a hug from Commander.
Mail 指挥官,拉菲想看看信里写了什么,可以吗? 指揮官、お手紙の中身見たい。いい? Commander, Laffey wants to see what's in those letters. You don't mind, right?
Return to Port 为了指挥官,拉菲会更加的努力。所以拉菲也要睡更多的觉……呼呼…… 指揮官のためなら、ラフィーやる気だす。だから今はおねむ………Zzzz Commander, Laffey will become stronger for your sake. That is why more sleep is required... zzz...
Commission Complete (拉袖子)指挥官,一起去迎接委托队吧。 指揮官、委託チーム、出迎えに行く Commander... let's go welcome back the commission team together.
Flagship 打倒敌人,然后回去…… 敵を倒して、戻る Defeat the enemy, and then go back to sleep...
Defeat 让指挥官担心了,对不起…… 指揮官に心配させちゃった。ラフィー、悪かった…… Sorry... for making you worry...
Low HP 指挥官在等我,我不会倒下的。 ラフィーは倒れない。指揮官が待ってるから As long as Commander is waiting for me, I will not fall.
Affinity (Love) 只要在指挥官的身边,拉菲就觉得很开心。所以,指挥官,能一直和拉菲在一起吗? 指揮官のそばにいると、ラフィーは嬉しい、幸せ。指揮官、ラフィーとずっと一緒にいて Laffey feels very happy when she is at your side, Commander. So, can you always stay with Laffey?
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 拉菲,改造完毕。感觉干劲涌上来了,以后会加倍努力的,大概…唔,指挥官,严肃一点,不要一上来就摸我的耳朵…… ラフィー、改造完了。やる気出てきた。もっと頑張る、多分…うぅ、指揮官、しっかり…いきなり耳触らないで…… Laffey, retrofit complete. I feel a rush of motivation and I will work harder in the future, probably... Hey, Commander, be serious now, stop touching my ears...
Acquisition 拉菲,改造完毕。感觉干劲涌上来了,以后会加倍努力的,大概…唔,指挥官,严肃一点,不要一上来就摸我的耳朵…… ラフィー、改造完了。やる気出てきた。もっと頑張る、多分…うぅ、指揮官、しっかり…いきなり耳触らないで…… Laffey, retrofit complete. I feel a rush of motivation and I will work harder in the future, probably... Hey, Commander, be serious now, stop touching my ears...
Login 拉菲,现在,超有精神—— ラフィーは今、すっごく元気だよ Laffey is... super excited now——
Details 标枪,绫波,Z23……都是好朋友,想和她们,还有大家一直在一起 ジャベリン、綾波、ニーミ……みんなトモダチ…みんなとずっと一緒にいたい…… Javelin, Ayanami, Z23… they are good friends. I miss them all dearly and I want to be with them.
Main 拉菲并没有在摆姿势引诱指挥官夸她,嗯,并没有 ラフィーは褒めて褒めてポーズ、していない……うん、していない I’m not making a pose to win praise from my Commander, emm, of course not.
Main 2 唔,不过保持这个状态,好累……指挥官,大腿借我,我要睡会儿Zzzzzz うん、このポーズのままは疲れる……指揮官、太もも貸して、寝る。Zzzzz…… But keeping this pose is... so tiresome... Commander, your lap, I want to take a nap on it Zzzzzz
Main 3 被大家说虽然外表变帅了,本质却一点也没有变,这是在夸拉菲吗? 見た目がかっこよくなったけど、なにも変わっていないって…ラフィー、褒められた? Everyone has been saying that I look more handsome now, but my essence remains unchanged, is that a compliment?
Touch 唔……嗯……糟了,站着睡着了 うぅ……ふぅ……しまった、立ったまま寝てた…… Emm... umm... uh-oh, I fell asleep while standing.
Victory 目标歼灭完成……呼啊……指挥官,有点困了 目標殲滅完了……ふは……指揮官、ラフィー、ちょっとおねむ…… All targets annihilated... Zzz... Commander, I feel sleepy now.
Defeat 拉菲…还能战斗 ラフィー…戦闘継続可能…… I... can still fight.
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 欢迎光临,要来份鸡肉卷吗?那个面饼用来当被子的话睡觉一定很舒服……嗯,大概。 いらっしゃいませ、てりやきツイスターはどう?トルティーヤ、布団にしたらきっと気持ちよく寝れる…うん、多分
Acquisition 欢迎光临,要来份鸡肉卷吗?那个面饼用来当被子的话睡觉一定很舒服……嗯,大概。 いらっしゃいませ、てりやきツイスターはどう?トルティーヤ、布団にしたらきっと気持ちよく寝られる…うん、多分 Welcome. Would you like to try a Teriyaki Twister? I could go for a nap right now inside a nice, warm tortilla... Probably.
Login Zzzzz......啊,指挥官,点餐的话,一定要点拉菲推荐给你的鸡肉卷哦。 Zzzzz……あ、指揮官。注文なら、ラフィーおすすめのてりやきツイスターを頼んで Zzzzzz... Oh, Commander. If you're going to order, I'd recommend the Teriyaki Twister.
Details 面皮……把拉菲裹着……好舒服……指挥官……不要吃掉拉菲…… トルティーヤに…ぐるぐるされて…ふわふわ…指揮官…ラフィーを食べないで… The tortilla... is engulfing me... So warm and comfy... Commander, don't eat Laffey...
Main 要点单吗?没问题,拉菲能记住。绫波也要记住客人的点单。 注文する?うん。ラフィー、注文はちゃんと覚えられるから平気。綾波、ちゃんと覚えて Are you ready to order? Okay. Laffey can remember your order just fine. Ayanami, make sure you remember the customers' orders too.
Main 2 好香的味道……但是拉菲是店员,不能吃客人的东西。 いい匂い…ラフィーは店員さんだから、お客さんの注文したもの、食べたいとは思っていない… What a great smell... But, Laffey is the store clerk, and can't eat the customer's food...
Main 3 好想睡觉.....不行,不打起精神来的话会被Z23批评的...... ねむ…あ、ニーミが説教してくるから起きてないと… So sleepy... But have to get up, before Zed chews me out...
Touch 兔耳帽子很可爱?嗯,拉菲也喜欢。 うさみみ帽子、かわいい?うん、ラフィーもお気に入り The bunny-ear cap is cute? Mhm. Laffey agrees.
Touch (Special) 在店里做奇怪的事情……指挥官,变态。 お店で変なことする指揮官、ヘンタイさん? Only a perv... would do these things at a store.
Mission 指挥官……有新任务?拉菲的任务就是卖出好多好吃的鸡肉卷。 指揮官も任務…?ラフィーの任務は、ツイスターをいっぱい売ること… Commander, you're working too...? Laffey's job is to sell lots and lots of Teriyaki Twisters.
Mission Complete 指挥官,任务完成了的话,就来陪拉菲一起休息吧。 指揮官、任務が終わったら、ラフィーと一緒に休んで Commander, once you're done with work, let's go take a nap together.
Mail 是外送订单……等拉菲回港区了,也想叫外卖。 出前の注文が来た…ラフィーも母港に戻ったら、出前頼みたい It's a delivery order... Laffey wants to order delivery too after heading back to the port.
Return to Port 马上就是换班时间了,要和拉菲一起休息吗? もうすぐでラフィーのシフトも終わる…一緒に休む? Laffey's shift will be over soon... Want to go take a nap together?
Commission Complete 有好多好多装着原料的箱子送过来了…… 食材の箱、いっぱい来た… Look at all the groceries coming in...
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description Zzzzz…晚安…拉菲,Level up……嗯?指挥官?敌人已经消失了吗……? Zzzzz…すやすや…ラフィー。れべるあーっぷ……ん?指揮官?敵はもういなくなった…? Zzzzz... Good night... Laffey, is leveling up... Huh? Commander? Where'd all the monsters go...?
Acquisition Zzzzz…晚安…拉菲,Level up……嗯?指挥官?敌人已经消失了吗……? Zzzzz…すやすや…ラフィー。れべるあーっぷ……ん?指揮官?敵はもういなくなった…? Zzzzz... Good night... Laffey, is leveling up... Huh? Commander? Where'd all the monsters go...?
Login Zzzzz……指挥官出现了…… Zzzzz……指揮官があらわれた… Zzzzz... A wild Commander appeared...
Details 回城镇后,拉菲要去酒馆大口喝酒,然后和绫波她们一起去商店买东西……指挥官也一起吗? 街に戻ったら、ラフィー、酒場でごくごく飲む。そのあとは綾波たちと一緒にショップでお買い物…指揮官も、どう? After we get back to town, Laffey is going to hit up the tavern. And then go shopping with the others... How about you, Commander?
Main MP没了……拉菲,才没想用酸素可乐补充呢…… マジックポイントが切れた…ラフィー、酸素コーラで回復しようと思っていない…… I'm out of mana... No, I wasn't trying to use Oxy-Cola to restore MP...
Main 2 在宝箱里睡着了,结果做了奇怪的梦……不过睡得很舒服,所以不要紧,嗯…… 宝箱で寝てたら、変な夢を見た……でも気持ちよく寝れたから、大丈夫、うん… I had a weird dream when I fell asleep in a treasure chest... But it was super comfy, so everything's fine...
Main 3 标枪,铠甲交给拉菲……拉菲很有力气所以搬得动。 ジャベリン、鎧はラフィーに任せて…ラフィーは力持ちだから運べるよ Javelin, I'll hold on to the armor... Laffey's STR stat is high enough.
Touch 对指挥官,来个Explosion……Zzzzz 指揮官に、エクスプロージョン…Zzzzz Casting Explosion... on the Commander... Zzzzz...
Touch (Special) 要打倒,变态…Zzzz… ヘンタイさん、倒さないと…Zzzz… Must defeat... the pervert... Zzzzz...
Mission Complete 报酬,不小心烧掉了……不是报酬?那就没问题。 報酬、うっかり燃やしちゃった……報酬じゃなかった?じゃあ、大丈夫 I think I accidentally blew up the rewards... Oh, those weren't the rewards? Phew, thank goodness.
Return to Port 指挥官,欢迎回来。戳戳,差不多该去下一个迷宫了吧? 指揮官、おかえり。つんつん、そろそろ次のダンジョンに行こ? Welcome back, Commander. Poke, poke. Shouldn't we head to the next dungeon?
Commission Complete 委托完成……有给Z23换装备的资金吗? 委託完了…ニーミの装備を買い替える資金はある? Commission complete... Do we have funds to cover Zed's gear?
Flagship 战斗开始……Zzz バトルスタート…Zzz Battle, start... Zzz...
Victory 拉菲,MVP……耶—— ラフィー、MVP……いぇーい Laffey is MVP... Yaaay...
Defeat ……?要逃吗……? …?にげる…? Huh...? Are we running...?
Affinity (Love) 拉菲,才没有想跟指挥官组队……嗯,因为不想指挥官遭遇危险,所以不是伙伴,是护卫对象…… ラフィー、指揮官と一緒のパーティーに入ろうと思ってない…うん。指揮官にはピンチになってほしくないから、仲間ではなく、護衛対象… Commander, Laffey does not want to party up with you... No, it's because I don't want you to be in trouble. Instead of a party member, you can be an escort target...
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 指挥官?拉菲并没有特地在这里等指挥官来找她……嗯,并没有。不过,既然来了,那就陪一陪拉菲…? あ、指揮官?ラフィーはわざわざここで指揮官を待ってない…うん、別に待ってない。でも指揮官が来たから、ラフィーに付き合って…? Oh, Commander? I wasn't waiting for you here... Nope, totally wasn't. But now that you're here, how about we hang out...?
Acquisition 指挥官?拉菲并没有特地在这里等指挥官来找她……嗯,并没有。不过,既然来了,那就陪一陪拉菲…? あ、指揮官?ラフィーはわざわざここで指揮官を待ってない…うん、別に待ってない。でも指揮官が来たから、ラフィーに付き合って…? Oh, Commander? I wasn't waiting for you here... Nope, totally wasn't. But now that you're here, how about we hang out...?
Login 指挥官看起来好有精神。拉菲,也要打起精神……Zzzzz 指揮官、元気そう。ラフィーもしっかりしないと…Zzzzz Commander, you look energetic. I should try harder myself... Zzzzz.
Details 好困…拉菲才没有想把指挥官当做大号抱枕……嗯,完全没有…… 眠い…ラフィーは指揮官を大きな抱き枕だと思ってない……うん、全然思ってない…… So sleepy... I don't think you're a big hug pillow at all, though. Nope... Not at all...
Main 沙发好舒服…拉菲要躺一整个下午……指挥官要一起吗…?真的很舒服的… ソファーが心地いい…ラフィー、夜までずっとここにいたい……指揮官も一緒にどう?すごく心地いい… This couch is so comfy... I wanna stay here all day. Join me, Commander. It's reeeally comfy...
Main 2 兔子都好活泼,本森姐也是…岛风也是… ウサギたちが元気…ベンソン姉も…島風も… The bunnies are happy... So are Benson and Shimakaze...
Main 3 听说宴会上,有很多很多的“那个”可以喝…啊,要对Z23保密,不然会被批评…… パーティーではいっぱい「飲める」って聞いた…あ、ニーミに言われるから、指揮官、内緒にしておいて…… I hear you can "drink" a lot at parties... Oh, don't tell Z23 I said that, Commander. She'll get mad.
Touch 唔姆姆姆……拉菲还不想起来…… ムニャムニャ……ラフィー、まだ起きたくない… Mmh... But I don't wanna get up yet...
Touch (Special) 指挥官…变态…不可以…… 指揮官…ヘンタイさん…ダメ…… Pervy Commander... No touching...
Return to Port 指挥官到处跑,是在忙…?不忙的时候…可以多留一会吗…? あちこち回って指揮官、忙しい…?落ち着いたら…ラフィーともっと一緒にいてくれる…? You must be busy, running around as much as you are... Once things calm down, could you spend time with me?
Affinity (Love) 到了晚会时,指挥官就要把时间分给所有人…拉菲才没有想现在偷偷独占指挥官一会…嗯,绝对没有…… パーティーになったら、指揮官はみんなに時間を割かないといけない…ラフィー、こっそり指揮官を独り占めしたいなんて思ってない…うん、絶対に思ってない… When the party starts, you'll have to spend time with others... It's not like I secretly want you all to myself. Not one bit...